The Truth

His Faith

In the morning Luhan was awoken by the aroma of sweet sweet bacon and sausage.


He sat up groggily in bed and looked around before slipping out of the bed and stumbling out the door.


He quickly followed the scent down the stairs and into the big kitchen,he stood by the door and yawned.


"What's that smell?"he asked rubbing his eyes before blinking at the four pairs of eyes that were on him,he started to feel self conscious.


"Breakfast"Kyungsoo smiled and mentioned him over


"So glad you could finally join us"Suho said burying his head back into the boom he was reading when Luhan came in.


"Dont mind him,he's just grumpy because your brother isn't awake yet"Kyungsoo explained as soon as Luhan sat down.


Luhan nodded listening but eyes on the plate in front of him.


"Its really good"Sehun said flashing Luhan a smile when he looked up.


Taking the others word for it Luhan picked up his fork and took a timid bite,his pupils dilated and he hummed in delight starting devour his breakfast.


The four pairs of eyes stared at him unblinking.


When he realized he was being stared at,he blushed and sank into the chair.


"The fetus seems to like meat"Suho muttered as he jotted down onto his clip board.


"Or it could be that he hasn't eaten anything for a while"Kyungsoo interrupted


"No I'm sure its the fetus"Suho said making Luhan uncomfortable


"Um....I'm right here..."he spoke up pushing his empty plate away


Suho looked up at him and squinted at him from across the table, Luhan squirmed in his seat but stared back as well.


They both stared at each other as the other three watched on until there was a slight 'thud' heard from upstairs.


Suho was the first to jump up and darted for the stairs everyone still in shock stared after him,Luhan though was the first to follow and soon everyone was upstairs with Suho.


Turns out Yixing had woken up and tried to get up but ended up falling to the floor.


Suho helped him back on the bed,Yixing stared at everyone in the room seemingly confused.


"Are you okay?"Suho asked checking him and making sure nothing was out of place.


Yixing who was just now noticing Suho's presence flushed bright red while gaping.


"Joonmyun?!"he all but yelled


Suho smiled sheepishly and patted Yixing's head.


"Hi Yixing"he said simply


" two know each other?"Sehun asked picking up on things fairly quickly


Luhan who was also shocked from the interaction looked at Yixing for answers.


" temporary tutor"Yixing squeaked out 


"Yes though he didn't need my tutoring isn't that right....Lay"Suho smiled and Yixing flushed more


"Lay?"Kyungsoo asked


"That's Yixing's nickname"Luhan snorted


"That's so random"Sehun laughed


"He earned the name because our school had enrolled him into a academic competition and you know how everyone sane would drink water or coffee to keep up their energy? When they would ask Yixing 'what do you want?' He would say 'I want lays' as in the chips so during that time he only ate lays so they started calling him 'Lay'"Luhan explained to flatten out everyone's confusion


"That's even funnier"Sehun wheezed and Kyungsoo smacked him upside the head


"Laughing at someone with higher academic scores than you,Sehun is embarrassing"Kai sighed


Sehun gaped at Kai and lunged at him only to be held back by Kyungsoo,Sehun's whines went unheard as Yixing spoke up.


"So...why are all of you here? And where am I?"he asked


"All good questions that we can answer while you eat"Suho grinned before walking out the room


"We?"Kyungsoo questioned following behind him


Kai was the third to leave dragging a sulking Sehun behind him.


"How are you feeling?"Luhan asked getting on the bed next to his brother.


"Strangely...strong and weird"Yixing muttered a bit confused and Luhan smiled


"Good that's good"he responded


"Yixing..."Luhan started but was cut off by his brother 


"I know, Lu....they're gone"he hanged his head and sniffled


" did you know?"Luhan asked hugging his brother tightly as the latter cried


"I could...I could hear....everything but I couldn't move or wake up"Yixing confessed,Luhan couldn't even begin to imagine how awful that must have felt.


"Its okay,we have each other now"he whispered holding his tears back it wasnt a time to cry


"Let's go down there and find out what's happening okay?"


"Okay"the latter nodded and wiped his eyes.


Luhan nodded also before getting off the bed and helping his brother to leave the room.


"Oh there you guys are"Suho said as soon as he spotted the brothers entering the room.


"Here you go Yixing"Kyungsoo smiled and handed the latter a plate with breakfast as he sat down.


Yixing accepted the plate great fully and began to eat as everyone settled down around him in the small but cozy sitting area.


The silence in the room was over bearing for Luhan,he could see that everyone was itching to ask something except for Suho who was just watching Yixing eat,he was not pleased.


"Explain"he spoke up staring right at Suho


The other male turned to look at him and sighed before getting up,he walked over to a shelf and pulled out a book.


"I don't know the whole story but a long long time ago during an ancient war between both our dimensions CeiNobia and KaeZyel happened the reason behind it was that the great King of KaeZyel ,King Jhan was forbidding his people from ever being with anyone that wasn't from their dimension because of his bitter heart so his people began to fled and leave for other dimensions with the lover they couldn't be with out,but most of the other dimensions weren't welcoming because they wanted to avoid a war with the great King of KaeZyel,all but one dimension,this dimension was the most welcoming CeiNobia,the Queen,Queen Layla had the biggest heart and accepted anyone who ever came into their dimension,her husband the King of CeiNobia ,King Nell had no choice but to accept everyone as well because he didn't want to see his Queen sad but the King of KaeZyel became extremely angry after hearing that his people was fleeing to CeiNobia to get hitched off with outsiders so he attacked,The King of CeiNobia who has expecting this didn't back down and protected their dimension with his all,though CeiNobia suffered a lot their greatest treasure suffered a lot more.... MaMa,it is their most greatest possession,it is the tree of life. It was so badly injured that Queen Layla gave her life force to the tree so that it could keep on living and in return the tree made her dearest wish possible....males could conceive"after telling the story Suho looked around at everyone


They all gaped at him.


"Wait....that's it?"Luhan asked and everyone looked at him


"Of course not"Suho looked at him like he was crazy


"Then...."Yixing began but was cut off by Suho


"I just wanted to let that sink it"he explained "but I will continue. Anyway as years passed Layla's life force kept the tree strong and living but one day as her husband the King visited the tree Layla appeared to him and told him that the tree isn't going to survive with only her life force anymore and he asked her how much time would they have,she told him that everything will be okay until the first male in their blood line conceive,the King asked her how they would know and she replied his name would be 'Luhan and he would be the splitting image of me'....he wanted asked how he could prevent the male heir from conceiving,he tried to convince her that he would keep this heir locked away from all the other males in the world to prevent him from ever conceiving because he didn't want her life force to disappear but then she replied 'it's inevitable the tree has decided,he won't conceive because of another male,he will conceive because of his pure heart and pure soul' and then she disappeared and never appeared to the King since,years later that heir was birthed and just as Layla had said the boy was the splitting image of her,the former King Nell the boys ancestor still lived till that day,he took care of the boy with so much care that the little boy riled on him more than he riled on his own parents but because the heir spent so much time with the former King,he was endangered. The former King of KaeZyel never got over the fact that he couldn't beat CeiNobia because Queen Layla had sacrificed herself for the tree,without the tree CeiNobia and all the people there would be doomed. So he sent out spies to spy on CeiNobia's secrets and that's when he heard about the heir,the new King of KaeZyel influenced by his ancestors bitterness decided to set out an attack on the heir but former King Nell who was smitten by his how many great gran was not having it,so he convinced the heirs parents to wipe his memory and send him away with the best keepers they have and while they were at it hide his guardians as well,and with all his power the former King fought against KaeZyel and locked away their powers,but the King knew that once the heir was of age and conceived they would be after him like a cat after a mice so the King assigned some protecters and some guardians who were already of age to train and keep an eye on those weren't of age yet"finally finishing Suho sighed and sat down


This time everyone was looking at him like he had just killed someone but he wasn't paying them no mind.


"I....think I'm going to hurl"Luhan forced out and Yixing was quick to rub his back


"That's why Luhan should be careful" Suho started again and Luhan looked at him


"Why?"He asked 


"For your own safety"Kai was the one that spoke up


"They were after me?"he swallowed the lump in his throat


"Yes."Kai replied


"But....why?"he asked question directed to Suho


"You won't like the answer"Suho sighed


"JUST TELL ME!!"Luhan yelled almost sobbing


""Suho replied after some time


Luhan couldn't answer, he just leant against his brother Limply,he didn't have the strength the cry or wail he just felt numb.


They wanted to kill the baby.


His baby.


That wasn't even born yet.



Okay hey guys I wasn't able to update last week saturday because I was sick and I am still sick WHO SAID MEDICINE HELPS WHEN ONE IS SICK IS TALKING BULL *coughs* anyway hope you guys have a happhappy holiday and not sick in bed like a loser like me *sings loser by Big Bang* what has my life come to? *loaths in self pity* I feel as numb as Luhan right now *sobs while listening to EXO's sing for you* I am an emotional wreck BTW who watched Lulu's movie The Witness?

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and I will most likely post a new chapter every Saturday for sure and Wednesdays if I'm feeling good and other days if finish it early :)))


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Chapter 19: New reader hereee!! Ahhh i love ittttt please update soon authornim!
Chapter 17: now icant stop myself from reading it. hope you can update the next one and complete it ^^ :D
Chapter 5: it's interesting though...i still get a dumb llok when i see the statement that Luhan is positive... pregnant. how could be a guy pregnant ?? hahaha
Leehannah2015 #4
Chapter 17: Just one thing to make sure of it.... In the end will it be hunhan or lukai?.... Cause I don't like lukai
Chapter 13: Update soon. I really want to see how Luhan reacts to this.
midnight_dreaming #6
Chapter 13: The Witness made me cry a few times, but I LOVED the movie
Chapter 7: Thanksgiving is worth getting fat XD. And its worth staying up to read this story even tho i have school tomorrow °~° haha