Ch. 9






"I don't want you to go."

"But we have to."

"I don't want..."

Baek's heart ached at his son's tear-choked voice. His round eyes were already red from all the crying and his nose was running. Desperately the little boy hugged Chanyeol's leg and sobbed into the pant leg.

The renovation in Chanyeol's house was completed and the three Park's finally could go back to their home. At first Kyungsoo didn't realized what it meant when Chanyeol carried bags and boxes out of the house but the realization came quickly and now Kyungsoo's litte world broke apart. He didn't wanted Chanyeol and his friend's leaving; much he had become accustomed.

"Soo.", Chanyeol cooed. "We might go back to our house but that doesn't mean that we won't see each other anymore. We'll see each other at school and you can come visit us as much as you want."

"Noo..", Kyungsoo sobbed and tightened his grip around Yeol's leg.

Chanyeol chuckled slightly. He bend down and gently peeled Soo's tiny arms from his leg. He picked the boy up and hugged him tightly. He whispered something, for Baekhyun, inaudible into the boy's ear. Kyungsoo nodded at the words and wiped away his tears. He pressed a kiss on Chanyeol cheek and put his forehead on his shoulder. Chanyeol smiled at the boy and set him back down. "See you in school."

Kyungsoo only nodded and hopped over to his father. He took Baek's hand and leaned against him.

The twins already sat in the car and patiently waited for their father to finally come. Minseok knocked against the car window to get his father's attention. Chanyeol looked over to the car and waved at his sons to signal them that he would come now. He grabbed the last bag and swung it over his shoulder. "Thank you.", he said and looked at Baekhyun with a smile. "For everything."

Baek couldn't say something; he only nodded. Chanyeol was okay with the restrained goodbye. He throw a last smile at the little Byun before he left the house. As soon as the door fell shut, Kyungsoo rushed over to the door. He pressed his palms against the glass and looked outside.
Baek let out a deep sigh. He should've said something. He should've said something before Chanyeol walked out the door.






Four day's earlier:


Baekhyun felt like throwing up. He had quit work today and went to see a doctor instead. All the symptoms his body showed were just to obvious. He had those symptoms once, he knew what that meant; but how could it even happen? He might had been drunk that night but he clearly remembered the . So how could it happen?

He looked around the waiting room with a sigh. The doctor just ran a few blood test but Baek already knew the result. He know had to wait for the doctor to call him back to the examination room.

"Mr. Byun.", he was called a few minutes later. Baek rubbed his hands together as he walked over to the doctors office. "Please, have seat."

Baek said down and looked at the doctor. "I'm right or?"

The doctor nodded slowly. "Yes, you're right. You've interpreted all your symtomps correctly, you're pregnant."

A sigh left Baek and he ran a hand through his hair.

"You don't seem happy about that."

"Right, I'm not really happy.", Baek said truthfully.

"What worries you?"

"I've never planned to have a second kid."

The doctor cocked his head to the side. "That means you've actually used protection?"

Baekhyun nodded. "Yes."

"Well in that case, I can totally understand your reaction."

"How can this even happen?", Baekhyun asked. "I'm sure that the wasn't damaged."

"You can never know.", the medic said. "Maybe the 's expiration date was exceeded."


"This can happen actually. When you haven't had in a while and you've used a that might have been expired the can drip through hairline cracks without you noticing it."

Baekhyun had to laugh out loudly. Sure it had to be something like this. Drunken in a shabby motel with the father of his kid's friend's with an expired . Applause; moive-like.

"I would like to make an ultrasound to determine how far you are."

"Tenth week.", Baek said, while rolling up his shirt. He lay down and closed his eyes when the doctor began with the ultrasound.

The doctor chuckled slightly as he moved the head of the ultrasound device over Baekhyun's still flat stomach. "Everything looks good so far.", he said. "And you're right, you've already reached the tenth week."

With a stare Baek looked at the monitor and watched the baby under his heart. His heart sped up but not in a good way; the feeling he had was anything but good.









Kyungsoo had finally calmed down and now was playing in his room. The twins had left him a few of their toy cars and Kyungsoo absolutely loved them.
Baekhyun had retreated to his office and rummaged in a box full of photos. Most of them were of Kyungsoo but Baekhyun looked for some specific photos.
A small smile formed on his lips when he had found one of those photos. It showed him  in the last month of his pregnancy.

"I was so huge.", he chuckled when he found a photo of him standing in the door frame, wearing a red sweater.

Looking through the photos completely caught Baek his sense of time. Only when Kyungsoo walked into the room he snapped back to reality. "Oh, hey baby.", he smiled.

"What are you doing, Appa?", Soo asked and sat down next to his father. "Who's this?", he asked and pointed at the photo in Baek's hands.

"You.", Baek chuckled and gave the picture to Kyungsoo.


"Hmm, we've taken this photo when you're six month old."

"So tiny.", the boy giggled cutely. "This is you!", he squealed and picked up another photo.

Together father and son looked through the photos until Kyungsoo spotted a picture of someone he didn't know. Curiously he picked the photo up and looked at it.
Baekhyun looked down at the picture and smiled. It showed the seven months old Kyungsoo in the arms of a young man. "This is your father.", Baek said softly.

Kyungsoo formed his lips into an "O" but didn't said something.

"Should I tell you something about him?", Baek asked.

Kyungsoo  looked at his Appa with big eyes and shook his head truthfully.

"Why not?!", Baekhyun asked shocked.

"I don't know him."

Baek swallowed hard but laughed out slightly. "But he's your father."

Kyungsoo shook his head and put the picture back into the box. "He's not.", he said. "I don't know who this is."

His son's words hit Baek like a punch in the face. He picked the picture back up and held it in front of Kyungsoo's eyes. "But this is your father, Soo.", "Don't you want to know things about him?"

Again Soo only shook his head. His lower lip began to tremble when Baekhyun angrily threw the picture back into the box. "Appa..", he said. "Don't be mad...."

Baek ignored the boy; he was angry. He didn't know why but he was pissed. How could his son didn't wanted to know about his father?! He turned back from his son and put all picture back into the box.

"Appa..", Kyungsoo whined. He stood up and hugged Baekhyun from behind.

"Don't.", Baek said and pushed Soo's hands off. "Leave me alone."

Kyungsoo gulped. Tears build up in his eyes. "But..Appa.."

"No, Kyungsoo!", Baekhyun hissed. "Go to your room!"







It was a few minutes past six and Chanyeol finally had finished unpacking the last bag. The boy's were still at the neighbors and Chanyeol enjoyed the time without the twins dancing around his feet. He put away the last stack of clothes before the walked into the bath room. It was time to take a shower before the twins would be back.

The teacher pulled off his shirt and was about to turn on the shower but his phone interrupted him. "Oh, what now?!", he growled as he walked toward the ringing phone. "Hello?!", he asked slightly annoyed.

"Mr. Park?!"

Chanyeol's eyes widened at the familiar voice. "Mrs. Lee?!", he asked. " something wrong."

"I'm afraid to say so."

Irritated Chanyeol sat down his bed. "What happened?"

"Mr. Byun and Kyungsoo had a fight. Baekhyun-shii has locked himself into his office and Kyungsoo's crying for already one hour. I tried everything but he won't calm down."

Chanyeol breathed out. "I...I'm on my way.", he said and hang up. He throw his shirt back on, grabbed his keys and rushed over to his neighbors. He told the neighbor's that he had to tale care of an emergency and would pick up the boy's an hour later.
Against all traffic rules Chanyeol drove over to Baekhyun's house with full speed. He was worried, more than worried.

When Chanyeol arrived at the Byun's house Mrs. Lee already waited for him. "Kyungsoo's in his room.", she told him. On fast feet Chanyeol rushed up the stairs. He walked past Baek's office straight to Kyungsoo's room.

The little boy lay in his bed, rolled up in a ball, crying loudly. He had his owl plushie pressed against him and sobbed into it.

Soo's head shot up at the sound of the deep voice calling out for him. He jumped at Chanyeol, hiding himself in the tall man's arms. Chanyeol sighed and wrapped his arms around the little body.

With the boy in his arms Chanyeol collected a few of Soo's things and stuffed them into a bag. Kyungsoo was still sobbing into his neck and it didn't seemed like that the boy would stop crying any time soon.

With a packed bag in his hand Chanyeol walked back down to Mrs. Lee. "Please get some things, I want you to stay the night at my house."

The nanny didn't hesitated and only a few minutes later Chanyeol was on his way home again. Kyungsoo luckily had calmed down when Chanyeol dropped him and the nanny off at his house. He quickly brought the twins back home and gave Mrs. Lee some instructions before he again drove off back to Baek's house.

"Baekhyun?",  he called when he entered the hall. Baekhyun didn't answered and even so was nothing to be heard. Chanyeol let out a sigh and made his way to

Baekhyun's office. He pressed hie ear against the door. "Baekhyun?", he asked and gently knocked against the door. "Baekhyun.."

A loud bang against the door made Chanyeol flinch. The sound of shattering glass told him that Baekhyun must have thrown a vase or something.  " off!"

One more time Chanyeol knocked against the door. "Baekhyun, open up.", he said. "Please."

" off!", Baekhyun yelled. " off!"

Again hollered a loud bang through the quiet house. "What are you doing in there? Baekhyun?"

The smaller didn't answered but Chanyeol could hear the sniffing noise Baekhyun made. He sighed loudly. "Baekhyun, when you don't open up, I'll break down that door."

Chanyeol was ignored again. He didn't know what was going on behind the door but it sounded like Baekhyun was throwing around things. "Baekhyun.", he said in a warning tone.

" off!", the smaller screamed so loud that his voice hitched. "Just off...", he cried. "This is all your fault..."

Chanyeol clenched his jaw and grabbed the door knob. He rattled it, trying to open the door. When Baekhyun didn't reacted to his actions, he bumped against the door. It took him three attempts until the door finally gave in and flew off its hinges. A groan left Yeol when he pushed the broken door to the side. He rubbed his shoulder and looked up.

The room was dark, only the light form the setting sun shined into the office. The room was a mess. Things and ripped papers lay everywhere,  the shards of the vase sparkled in the sunlight and photos where scattered all over the place. Baekhyun sat in the corner next to his desk, hugging his knees. His shoulders shook from the crying and his tear-choked voice filled the room.

Chanyeol walked over to the smaller and knelt down in front of him. "Baekhyun.", he said softly and reached out for Baek. But even before he could touch the smaller's shoulder, Baek's head shot up and his palm collided with Yeol's cheek. The sound of the slap echoed through the room and Chanyeol hissed at the burning pain that crept up his cheek.

"All your fault...", Baek sobbed and turned away from the tall man. He babbled things like, "I miss you", "I whish you were here" and Kyungsoo's name.

Chanyeol frowned. "What is my fault?!", he asked and grabbed Baek's shoulder's with both hands. "Baekhyun, look at me!", he said.

Baekhyun looked at him, view blurry from the tears in his eyes. "What the do you want?", he growled. "You've ruined everything.", he yelled. "Screw you!"

"Baekhyun talk to me.", Chanyeol said, voice calm.

"What?!", Baek cried. "What do you want to hear?! Do you want to hear how you've runied my life?! Do you want to hear how its hurt that my sons loves you more than me?!"

"That's not true."

Baekhyun let out dry laugh. "No?", he asked. "Have you seen how he looked at you? No, you haven't!"

Chanyeol shook his head. "That's not true."

Baekhyun sobbed loudly but began to smile suddenly. "You know what? I hate it so much; I hat you so much. But now I can't banish you from my life anymore."

Again Chanyeol shook his head, now in confusion. He furrowed his brows and leaned a bit closer to Baekhyun. "What do you mean?"

Baekhyun's lip began to tremble and a new drive of tears climbed up his eyes. "You've ruined my life."

Chanyeol tightened his grip on the smaller's shoulders. He was frustrated now. "I got it, I got it.", he growled. "But talk to me, dammit! What've done, Baekhyun, what've done?!"

"What would it even change?!", Baekhyun laughed out; tears streaming down his rosy cheeks. "I don't want you in my life."

A small smile rushed over Yeol's lips. "Tell me something new.", he said.

Baekhyun looked away. "I don't want you, I don't want you.", he mumbled over and over again. "I hate you, you've ruined everything."

Chanyeol let out a frustrated growl. He shook Baekhyun by his shoulders. "Baekhyun!", he roared. ", talk to me!"

With force Baekhyun pushed Chanyeol away. "I'm pregnant, dammit!"

Chanyeol froze. His hands got numb and fell off the small man's shoulders. His heart sped up and his breath hitched. He stumbled away from Baekhyun. "", he stuttered and ran a hand through his hair. "This can't be."

Baekhyun let out a laugh and wiped away his tears.

Chanyeol stared at Baek. He was shocked but he could tell that Baekhyun was just as shocked as he was. And he could tell that the smaller said the truth. The way Baekhyun sat there, huddled and shivering, with tears falling down from his eyes, Chanyeol could tell that this was definitely no joke.

"How far...?", the tall man asked cautiously but then he laughed out. "Oh, what a question.", he said and hit himself on the forehead slightly. "When did you found out?", he then asked.

"....a few days ago..."

Chanyeol only nodded. He bit his lip and breathed it. "I'm sure that you don't want to hear that but I have to ask..." "I won't abort.", Baekhyun cut in with a growl. "This is something I would never ask.", Chanyeol said with a soft smile. "I just wanted to get sure that you'll keep it."

Baekhyun laughed out, while shaking his head. This man was just too much for him to handle. He lowered his head and cried out again. He just had to cry.

Chanyeol looked at Baekhyun. He scanned the petite man in front of him for a while. Baekhyun was crying so hard. His whole body trembled and he looked so small and fragile. So small and fragile that he couldn't do anything else but pulling him into a tight embrace.

Baek's eyes shot open at the sudden skinship but soon he relaxed and let himself falling into the warm embrace.


He sighed.



"God, I hate you so much."


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Beau1996 1371 streak #1
Chapter 16: Smexy times in the car - yes please!!
Beau1996 1371 streak #2
Chapter 15: Sweetness overload!!
Beau1996 1371 streak #3
Chapter 13: The best baby daddy ever!
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Chapter 12: The best way to confess!
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Chapter 11: Very sweet!
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Chapter 10: I want more Baekhyun hugs too ( ok, maybe just one would be nice!)
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Chapter 9: Poor Baek!
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Chapter 8: Ah oh - looks like someone has a surprise 😉
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Chapter 7: Welcome to the big house!
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Chapter 6: Happy family indeed!!