Ch. 19


Warm and sheltered from the wind, wrapped in his wool coat, Baekhyun stood behind his car,  looking over to the pre-school building, waiting for Chanyeol and the kids finally come out. December did exactly what it's known for and blew icy wind around Baek's beanie covered ears. It stopped snowing an hour ago and the pregnant was glad for it, because it was freaking cold, standing there, hidden behind the car.

He had thought about for a long time; a real long time. For almost an hour he stood in the bed room, in front of the trash, staring into the bin down at the black . He had really thought about just leaving it but enough was enough. And so he picked the lacy cloth back up, stuffed it into the next airtight bag, grabbed coat and keys and made his way to the school.

"Finally.", he muttered, rubbing his cold his hands together, when Chanyeol and the boys finally showed up. Baek had to chuckle, when Jongdae bent down to grab a handful of snow, forming it into a ball. He threw it at his father and actually hit him. The pregnant had to snort when the small snowball hit Chanyeol in the head and the teacher dropped is bag in shock.

Slowly and careful not to get caught, Baekhyun left his hiding place, eyes never leaving Chanyeol, who now was chasing little Jongdae with an enormous snowball in his arms.

Baekhyun left a deep sigh when the warm air in the school warmed up his frozen nose. He took off his beanie and looked around. "Uhm, excuse me, Miss?"

"Yeah?", the young woman smiled at him.

"Do you know where I can find Mrs. Kim?"

"Teacher Kim?"

Baekhyun nodded. "Yes."

She pointed over to a closed door. "Right in there.", she smiled.

"Thank you.", Baekhyun bowed and quickly went over to the room. He knocked on it and politely waited for an answer. He took a deep breath when the woman told him to come in.

"M..Mr. Byun.", the teacher stuttered, visibly surprised to see Baekhyun. "The kids are gone already."

"I know.", Baekhyun smiled.

"Oh, okay." she said, smiling. Baekhyun wanted to choke at the fake smile. "How are you?"

He smiled at her, ing his coat. "We're good, thank you.", he said, running a hand over his bump, provocatively. He sat down the chair in front of her desk.

"Hm, how can I help you then?", she asked. "If it's because of what has happen a few weeks ago, I'm really sorry."

Baekhyun shook his head. "That's not why I'm here.", he said, slipping a hand into the pocket of his coat. "I'm here to give something back to you.", he threw the transparent bag onto the desk.

Her eyes widened but Baekhyun could tell that she was putting on a show. "Oh, where did you get it?"

Baekhyun laughed out. "There, where you have left it.", he said undisturbed.

"Mr. Byun, I'm really sorry. I know that this was a mistake."

"No.", Baek said. "It would've been a mistake if you really would have slept with Chanyeol. But what you did is just sick."

"So, he told you that he haven't slept with each other?", she uttered. "Typical."

"Oh, please.", the pregnant laughed. "Don't even try it. I know that this was all planned by you."

She huffed. "Oh, really?"

"I'm not dumb and Chanyeol neither.", Baekhyun said, leaning forward a bit. "Do you really think that he would have left it in his pocket if the two of you really would've something going on?"

"Well, who could've thought that you're a jealous and go through his things?", she shrugged, trying to keep up the game.

"Did you just called me a ?!"

"How else should I call you, huh?", the woman smirked. "It's not really decorous to trick someone in bed only to get pregnant."

"Excuse me,what?", Baekhyun asked. "Could you repeat that, please!?"

"You've heard right! I know that you've only slept with him to get pregnant."

Baekhyun laughed out. "Oh, yeah?"

"You're lonely and bitter, no wonder since all you look at is your money.", Baekhyun had to swallow the anger that build up in his stomach. "Getting pregnant is an easy way to get attention. Chanyeol only feels guilty and sorry for you, that's why he sticks with you."

"Do you even believe the you say?", Baekhyun shook his head in disbelief. He stood up from the chair and leaned closer to the teacher. "Listen Jieun, I can call you that, right?", he smiled. "You're sick, nothing but sick.", he said, voice low. "I guess Chanyeol has already told to, but let me be so nice and tell you again. We're a couple, we love each other. We're a family and we have a child together. Think what you want but he'll never be interested in you."

"And makes you so sure about that?", Jieun smirked, leaning back in her chair, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Well, I think everything speaks for itself."

"And that means?"

Baekhyun smirked at her. "It's me.", he said. "Me on his mind, me who gets kissed by him, me who wakes up next to him, me who has his body in bed. All me, not you."

He saw the woman gulping, not knowing what to say. He loved her dumbfounded face; he just had to set by another one. He tilted his head, smiling at her. "Maybe.", he began. "Maybe you should already get used to the fact that you soon have three Park's sitting in your class."

Her eyes widened in shock. "What?"

"Oh, nothing.", Baekhyun smiled. "Just give it up.", he said. "He'll never be yours."

"Never!", she hissed through her teeth. "I'll never give up on him. You don't deserve him."

"Yeah, you're probably right.", Baekhyun said, catching her off guard. "I don't deserve him. Nobody deserves him, he's gold. But he's mine and I swear if you don't get your hands off him, I'll lose myself."

"Oh, yeah?", she laughed out. "What you wanna do, huh?"

"Hm, let me think. Ah, I'm really curious what your husband will say when he hears that his wife is after another man. Or what the school administration will say, when they hear that one of their teachers insults little kids to get closer to their father?"

"Pha, as if they would believe you!"

Baekhyun smiled at her. "Not me.", he shook his head. "But the kids."

"They'll never believe a couple children."

"You think so?", Baek asked. "Don't you know what they say? Drunk people and children always tell the truth. But whatever, even if they wouldn't believe them, I have my own ways to get your kicked out of this school."

"Haha, don't make me laugh!", she said, faking a loud laugh. "How do you even want to do that?!"

A smug smile formed on Baekhyun's lips. "To say it in your words.", he began. "I'm a bitter that only looks at money.", she looked at him with a frown. "Oh yeah, I can be a . I can be a nasty .", he laughed. "And don't underestimate a with a full bank account."

"You don't dare to do that!", she spat loudly, slamming her hands on the desk.

"Then, don't provoke me.", Baekhyun said, unimpressed from her outburst. "Be nice to my kids and keep your hands off my man and nothing will happen." He flashed her a sweet smile when she remained silent. "I thought so.", He buttoned up his coat again and walked to the door. One more time he turned back to her. "Bye, bye then.", he waved. "See you."

With a winning smile on his face, Baekhyun let the door fell shut behind him. He pulled his beanie over his head and quickly rushed to his car. "Tsk, calling me a .", he scoffed. "Can you believe that, baby?!", he rubbed his belly when he felt Luhan kicking him. "This woman really thinks she can steal away your Daddy from me.", he smiled when he got kicked again. "Yeah, exactly what I thought.", he giggled. "Home now, right Lu?"

He started the engine and drove off the school's area but home was not, where Baekhyun arrived at. On his way home his secretary called and she sounded more than tensed, so the pregnant decided to drop by at the company once again.

He parked his car near the entrance and made his way into the building. "Mr. Byun.", he hadn't even had a chance to fully step into the hall. His secretary came run towards him with wide open eyes.

"What is it?"

She was tensed, Baek could tell. "Uhm..", she began. "Your parents are here."

"What?!", Baek gasped. "Where are they?"

"In your office.", she said. "I tried to call but you didn't picked up. I'm sorry."

"It's okay.", he smiled, giving her a squeeze on the shoulder to comfort her. "I was busy, you couldn't know.", he took off his coat and gave it to her. "So, my office, yeah?"

She nodded. "Good luck."

"That's what I need."

Slowly Baekhyun made his way to the elevator; he really didn't wanted to meet his parents. The ride to the top floor was way too short and even when the door opened he didn't stepped out. He leaned against the steely wall and stared into the distance. Only when Luhan gave him a strong kick, he made a move. He walked over to his office and opened the door. His parents both stood in front of the large windows, back facing him. He looked at them for a while before he eventually voiced out a short "Hello."

His mother spun around to him, immediately looking down to the bulge under his thick sweater. "Oh my god, it's true."

A frown formed on Baekhyun's face. "Please what?!"

"One has seen you and told us that you're pregnant.", his father said, taking a step towards his son. "We're surprised to see that you're already so far."

Baekhyun let out a huff. "So you're here to check up on what that "one" has told you?", he asked. "Well, as you can see it's true."

"We're truly shocked, Baekhyun.", his mother said. "You should've told us."

"Why? I'm an adult.", the pregnant shrugged. "I see no reason, why I should tell you."

"Baekhyun, we're your parents. We would like to know if we get another grandchild."

"Oh yeah? Why the hell do you want to know about your second grandchild, if you don't even care about the first one?"

His father let out a deep sigh. "You know we're busy."

Baekhyun nodded. "Yeah, I know. I guess I've got my tendency to work form you.", he put a hand on his belly when Luhan gave him a few hard kicks in row. "I was just like you. Work, work, work, nothing but work dominated my daily life. All I only cared about was the company, I've put it over everything else, even over my own son."

"We've never put the company over you."

"Not?", Baekhyun laughed out. "I spent my whole childhood in that damn boarding school."

"Baekhyun we really don't want to discuss our educational method with you."

"You never had an educational method."

"Baekhyun!", his mother growled. "Watch your mouth!"

Baekhyun clicked with his tongue. "It's better if you leave now.", he said, making a gesture towards the door. "Yes, I'm pregnant, you'll get a second grandchild, that's it, you can leave now."

"So, you're really kick us out?"

"My company, my rules."

"You're unbelievable."

"No!", Baekhyun growled, snapping his finger at his mother. "You're unbelievable. Showing up after more than a year, only to check up, whether what someone has said is true."

His mother let out a gasp, obviously not knowing how to response. His father only looked at him with a stern expression. Baekhyun shook his head at his parents silence and turned away form them. "Where are you going, Baekhyun?", his mother eventually stuttered out.

"Home.", he said, throwing a look back. "Unlike you, I have a family waiting for me at home.", with that he left his office, not bothering that his parents still stood in his office. He fetched his coat from the reception counter to finally made his way home.

He slammed the door of his car shut and tightly gripped the steering wheel. "Groah!", he roared out. "Okay, okay, sorry.", he then sighed, when baby Luhan gave him a kick at his outburst. He calmed the little one down, with rubbing over his belly a few times. He leaned back in the seat and breathed in and out for a while until he felt calm enough to drive home.

At home, he had been eagerly awaited. The boys came dashed into the hallway as soon as he stepped into the house. "Appa! Where have you been?"

Baekhyun leaned down to give each of the boys a peck. "I had some work to do. I know I'm late.", he said. "How was your day?"

"Good!", Minseok smiled. "We built a snowman."

"It's as tall as Daddy!", Kyungsoo added with a cheeky grin.

"Woha, really?"

Jongdae nodded. "Yes. It wears a sweater too."

"It has a sweater on?", Baekhyun laughed and let the kids drag him to the living room. His mouth fell open when he looked out of the window into the garden, where a giant snowman was. The built man of snow stood on the terrace, was really as tall as Chanyeol and wore one of Yeol's old jersey's. It had a friendly smiling face and looked oddly cute. "It's nice.", he praised the boys with a bright smile. "Where's Daddy?"

"In the kitchen, there stew for dinner."

"Oh, that sounds good.",Baek smiled. "Do you want to stay here, or come with me?"

"No.", all three boys shook their heads. "We'll stay here."

"Alright.", the pregnant nodded and went over to the kitchen. Chanyeol was at the stove and stirred in a pot, adorably swinging to the music from the radio. "Hey."

Chanyeol peeked over his shoulder, never stopping his faint dance moves. "Hey. You're late."

Baekhyun nodded. "I know.", he sighed. He walked over to Chanyeol and hugged him from behind.

"Rough day?", Chanyeol felt Baek nodding against his back. "Well, before you finally can relax, I have a bone to pick with you."

"Uhm..why?", Baek asked shocked.

Chanyeol put the spoon to the side, turning around to face the smaller. "Why?", he asked with a raised brow. "I'm pretty sure you know why?!"
Slowly Baekhyun shook his head. Chanyeol gently pushed him away and went over to the kitchen table. "I got this letter today.", he said, holding up the white paper.

"What is it?", Baek carefully asked.

Chanyeol cleared his throat, unfolded the letter and looked  down at it. "Dear Mr. Park.", he began to read out. "Bla, bla, bla, want to confirm that your payment of $32,000 has been received.", he looked up from the letter. "You have paid off my credit?!"

Baekhyun looked away, trying to avoid Chanyeol's gaze, biting down on his thumb.




The pregnant let out a loud breath. "I found the folder with the contract and the bank statements the other day. I didn't plan to look through it, I swear. I just saw the logo of your bank and that the contract is about the house and I...ah..I'm sorry."

Chanyeol sighed but showed Baek a soft smile. "Baek, you know that you don't have to do that."

"Yes, I know.", he looked up to Chanyeol. "But what's the big deal?"

Chanyeol let out a laugh. "What's the big deal? Baek, we're talking about over thirty thousand here. This is a big deal."

"Peanuts.", Baekhyun muttered under his breath.

"Yeah, peanuts for you.", the taller sighed loudly. "You just don't get it."

Baekhyun whined when Chanyeol turned away from him. "Chanyeol."


"Yeol.", he said, reaching out for Chanyeol's arm. "Let's not fight over money." "Please.", he pouted when the taller didn't reacted. "I just thought I could take some load off your shoulders."

Chanyeol only let out a huff.

"Chanyeol.", Baek wailed. He looked up to Chanyeol, tightly gripping onto his hoodie. "Come on. I know I should've told you but I just wanted to help. Is it that bad?"

"No.", the teacher eventually said. "It's just-" "I know that you hate it.", Baek cut off. "But just think about it. You...we don't have to worry about money. The house is paid off and you can fully focus on us.", he reached out for Chanyeol's hands and put them onto his belly, in where Luhan seemed to perform a russian folk dance.

Chanyeol looked down at his hands, smiling softly. "Sometimes, I just forget that you're a spoiled rich brat."

"That may be, but you must not forget that I am your spoiled rich brat.", he grinned.

Chanyeol laughed out, leaning down. "Hm, and I'm glad for that.", he smiled and nipped at Baek's lips. He moved his palms over the little bump and chuckled. "Is he like that the whole day?"

"Since the morning."

"Like a little soccer player."

Baek giggled. "Well, who knows. Maybe he takes after you with that."

"But I've never played soccer."

"No?", he asked a bit confused. "Then what's the snowman wearing? Isn't that a soccer jersey?"

"No honey.", Chanyeol laughed. "Our son's masterpiece out there is wearing my old football jersey."

"You played football?"

"Quarterback to be more exactly."

"Wow.", Baek voiced out, truly impressed. "So you were a little heartbreaker in school, huh?"

"I may have been quarterback but I was a nerd too."

"That exists?", Baek laughed out loud. "Were you one of the cool kids?"

Chanyeol nodded. "I was. I'm pretty sure that this was all because Yifan, but yeah, I was a cool kid."

"Was Yifan also in the football team?"

"No, he was captain of the basketball team."

Baekhyun squealed. "That's really cool."

"Weren't you one of the cool kids?"

"At my school there wasn't such a thing. We were all the same."

"All nerdy and boring?", Yeol chuckled.

"Yes, all nerdy and boring.", Baek laughed. "But, I was a part of the polo team."

"Polo?", Chanyeol asked incredulously. "The sport with the horse?"

"Do you know another Polo?"

"Wow, I'm more than impressed."

"I never liked it.", Baek admitted. "I even had my own polo horse but I never had that much fun with it."

"No? Why?"

Baek made a face. "My parents wanted me to do it. I had to do all those things, you know, Golf, Polo, Sailing race, all those things that rich people known for."

"Ah, so you hate Polo, Golf and Sailing, good to know.", Chanyeol chuckled, kissing the smaller on the tip of his nose. "Was there something you liked in school?"

"Yes.", Baek smiled. "I always loved the musicals at school. I went to every casting."

"And? Any big roles snatched?"

"Hm, I was one of the three musketeers, played the role of Pete Pan and Robin Hood and oh, yeah, I played Snow White."

Chanyeol bit his lip. "Snow White?", he snorted.

Baekhyun gasped playfully and hit Chanyeol in the chest. "Hello! That was a great honor!"

Chanyeol nodded. "Sure it was.", he chuckled. "May I ask why you got the honor to play Snow White."

"Well, actually I had the role of Happy but the girl that had to play Snow White broke her ankle and so I stepped in for her.", he happily told Chanyeol, with a bright smile on his  face.

"Would you wear a dress for me?"

"What?!", Baek asked at Chanyeol's suddenly death serious expression.

"I mean it, wear a dress for me."

"And why should I do that?"

A smirk formed on Yeol's lips. "Then we can play our own Snow White musical."

Baekhyun looked at Chanyeol with a raised brow. "Are you kidding me?"

"No. I mean it.", Yeol said. "We already have three dwarfs. The fourths is in the making and you'd be the perfect Snow White."

"Ah yeah. And what are you?", Baek asked. "Do you cover up the three missing dwarfs?"

"I, of course, will assume the role of Price Charming.", the tall man grinned. "While you and your little dwarfs play around and sing songs with the animals of the forest, I'll rule my kingdom, take out my beautiful white horse for walks and from time to time, I'll come and rescue my damsel in distress."

Baekhyun laughed out. Once again he grabbed Chanyeol's hoodie and looked up to him. "You're such a weirdo."

Chanyeol leaned down, when the smaller tucked on the zipper. "Only when I have to.", he grinned, brushing his lips against Baek's.  

"Daddy! Appa! Look!"

A small huff left him as Baek loosened the kiss. He looked over to the three kids, standing in the door with wide open eyes. "Look!", Jongdae said, pointing to the window. "A storm came up."

Chanyeol and Baekhyun gazed over to the kitchen window. "Holy.", Baek gasped. Outside the house was dancing a heavy snowstorm. The trees turned back and forth in the wind and heavy snowfall made it hard to see anything.

"Well.", Chanyeol voiced out. "With the weather we need to keep an eye on the weather report."

"Why that?", Kyungsoo asked, climbing up Chanyeol's leg like a koala. He let out a pleased hum when Chanyeol picked him up, so he could look out the window better.

His Daddy smiled at him. "When it snows like that all night, school might stays close tomorrow."

"Like early vacations?", Minseok beamed, looking at his twin with wide open eyes.

Chanyeol nodded. "Yeah."

All three boy's loudly cheered. "But how will we know if school will be canceled?"

"You'll find out in the morning.", Chanyeol chuckled. "Either I wake you, or not."

"So it'll be a surprise.", Kyungsoo grinned.

Chanyeol nodded. "Yepp, it'll be a surprise.", he set the boy back to his feet and walked over to the stove. He peeked into the pot and back to the kids and Baekhyun. "Hungry?", he asked in the round.

All four nodded and quickly found their ways to their seats.

"Appa, why don't you cook sometimes?", Jongdae asked, mouth full of food.

An embarrassed laugh left Baekhyun. "I can't cook at all.", he admitted. "Daddy makes a good job, he should keep it."

"But you've baked a cake with us.", Kyungsoo said. "And it was really good."

"Aw, thank you honey. But you have no idea how much time I've spent on Google to find an easy recipe."

Chanyeol snorted. "You googled it."

"Oh, don't laugh at me.", Baek pouted. "I know I'm bad at all this household stuff."

"That's okay, Appa.", Minseok smiled at him, reaching over to his right side to pat Baekhyun's belly. "You're taking good care of Luhannie, that's work enough."

Baekhyun's face lit up. A wide smile spread over his lips at the boy's words. "Aww.", he cooed. "Thank you, cutie.", Minseok stretched himself in his seat when Baekhyun leaned over to him for a kiss. "Muah!", both giggled at each other.

The family shut the cold, stormy day out and spent the time with playing games, eating cookies and drinking warm milk with honey. And by the time it was time for the three boys to go to bed, Baekhyun joined them.
The whole day Luhan kept moving and kicking and it tired Baek out. It was only a few minutes past eight when Baek snuggled into the pillows but he needed it. He was more than tired and wanted nothing more but to sleep. He pulled the covers over his body, pressed his face into Chanyeol's pillow and let out a loud, deep sigh. Luhan was still wide awake, moving around but Baekhyun hoped that the little one would soon fall asleep. He put a hand on his belly and rubbed it in circles to calm him down. But all rubbing, and patience didn't worked. The baby kept moving and the more the time passed, the more desperate Baekhyun got. By now the unborn's kicks started to hurt and he had no idea how to lie down anymore.

"Luhan, please."

Baekhyun cried out, turning from his back to his side to gaze at the clock. An hour had passed and he hadn't found any peace. With a huff, he rolled out of the bed. If Luhan didn't wanted to sleep, he'd run around so long until the baby would finally fall asleep. His first destination on his tour was the laundry room, where Chanyeol was still busy with the family's laundry. "Hey.", he smiled softly when Baek peeked into the room. "I thought you're tired."

"I am.", Baek pouted. "But your son won't let me sleep.", he whined and put a hand on his belly. "He keeps moving and kicking, it already hurts."

"Has something happen?", Yeol asked, not stopping with folding the boy's shirts. "Were you stressed today?"

"Yeah, a bit maybe."

Eventually Chanyeol put away the little sweater in his hand and turned to the pregnant. "So and now he won't fall asleep, huh?"


"Okay, come here.", the tall man smiled. "I'll show you a housewife trick."

"Housewife trick.", Baekhyun giggled. He stepped fully into the room and closed the door behind him. "What is it?" He let out a surprised squeak when Chanyeol picked him up and lifted him onto the running washing machine. He laughed out and quickly gripped the side to hold onto the rattling machine.

"When Minseok was a baby and didn't wanted to fall asleep I always put him in a padded basket and put the basket onto the washing machine."

"And it worked?", Baek asked, still slightly amused with the fact that he now sat on a running washing machine.

"All the time.", Chanyeol smiled.

Baekhyun smiled softly, leaning back a bit, watching as Chanyeol continued folding the clothes and shuffling around the small room. He let his legs swinging back and forth, humming a soft melody.

"Do you need some pants?"

Baek shook his head, eyes following the finger that Chanyeol let run up his bare leg. "I'm not cold."

"Yifan has already booked a table."

"For Christmas?", Chanyeol nodded. "I'm already excited.", he smiled.

"Christmas with the Wu's and the Park's is always an adventure."

"Oh yeah, why?", Baek giggled.

"Well.", Chanyeol began. He put the cloth in his hand away and hopped next to Baekhyun on the dryer. "Next week, my love, we'll go on a shopping date. We'll drop the kids at Yifan's and Joonmyeon's and go and buy the Christmas gifts. And then we do the whole thing other way around. Yifan and Joonmyeon leave us Xing and go to buy their gifts."

"And you do it every year like that?"

"Every year."

"I'm impressed."

Chanyeol chuckled with a nod. "Yeah, that's how we roll.", he winked and slipped down the dryer. By now the washing machine was done and stopped rattling. He turned it completely off and stepped between Baek's legs. "Has he calmed down?", he asked, both hands on either side of the round bump.

"Oh my god, yes.", Baek voiced out surprised. "Seems like he's asleep now."

"See.", Yeol grinned. "I told you that it would work."

"Chapeau.", Baek laughed. "I never thought that it would really work."

"I know how this works, baby.", the tall man grinned.

"Oh really?", Baek teased. "So, what if he had not fallen asleep?"

Chanyeol smiled at him, moving his hands from Baek's belly to his hips. He dug his fingers into the soft flesh of his hips and pulled him forwards. "Then I'd have distracted you differently.", he whispered against his lips.

A smile formed on Baek's lips and his arms found their way around Chanyeol's neck. "Oh, really?" With a hum he locked lips with Chanyeol, letting himself drown in the blissful feeling of the kiss.

Soon their innocent kissing turned into a heated make out session and even before Baek could blink twice, his underwear was gone, legs wrapped around Chanyeol's waist, hands clawing onto the taller's bright, sweaty back. He leaned into every of Chanyeol's touches, leaned into every of his kisses, moaned out whenever Chanyeol rocked his hips into him.

He mewled out when Chanyeol began to whisper sweet yet dirty nothings into his ear. His back arched off the washing machine and his nails dug deeper into Yeol's skin. "More.", he breathed out, rocking his hips, trying to meet the taller's s.

The fabric of the large shirt he was wearing brushed against his needing and he bucked up his hips to signal Chanyeol that he wanted to be touched but the taller suddenly froze in his movements. "!"

Baekhyun let out a whine. "No..not yet."

"Shh.", Chanyeol suddenly hushed him. "God, no.", he cursed under his breath and only now Baekhyun was back to his senses far enough to hear the faint voice that was calling out for him.

"Appa! Daddy!"

Baek's breath hitched and got caught in the back of his throat when Chanyeol suddenly began to move again. "Yeol!", he squeaked out in a whisper. ""
Chanyeol ignored his begging, kept moving, slightly faster and harder this time.

"Daddy! Appa!"

Baekhyun moaned out. It was more of a whiny cry yet the pleasure that rushed through his body forced out a moan of him.


His eyes widened, his heart stopped beating and quick-witted the pregnant slapped a hand over his mouth when Chanyeol reached out for the door knob, never stopping his movements. The door opened and Baek swore that he could feel his blood freezing in his veins. Chanyeol breathed out and leaned his head back, giving Baekhyun a perfect view on his neck and the adams apple that bobbed up and down.

"Give me a second, Dae.", he voiced out loudly, trying not to sound out of breath. "Go back to bed, I'll be right there.", he closed the door again and turned back to Baekhyun. "Let's made this quick.", he whispered. He took a hold of Baek's and crashed their lips together to swallow every of Baekhyun's louder moans.

His movements got faster, slightly harder and much more uncontrolled. He snapped his hips back and forth, Baekhyun in the rhythm of his movements, bringing them both closer to their release. Baekhyun came first with back arching off the machine and heels pressing into the round of Chanyeol's . His long, throaty moan was caught by Chanyeol's lips and his shaky body was held by the taller's big, strong hands.

Chanyeol followed soon after, grunting and groaning, while riding out his with strong, quick s. "Damn.", he exhaled. He nipped at Baek's lips and smiled at him. "Okay, need to leave you now."

Baek chuckled. "Hm, you're such a busy and popular man."

"Can't help it, with that many cute guys around.", he adjusted his sweatpants and pulled on his wifebeater before he finally left for the kids.

Baek took his time to catch his breath and calm down his still fast beating heart. He slipped down the washing machine, needing a moment to find his boxers on the floor. Once found he picked the cloth up and threw it into the laundry hamper, together with his dirty shirt. He got a pair of fresh boxers from one of the baskets and slipped on one of Chanyeol's shirts, before he also finally left the steamy laundry room. He hopped into the bed, snuggling into the pillows, waiting for Chanyeol, who walked into the bed room only a minute later.

"The wind has become stronger and the blinds rattle a bit.", he chuckled, rolling his eyes playfully.

"And now you've dismounted them?"

"Sure, what else.", Chanyeol shrugged. "Nothing easier than this.", he chuckled and climbed into the bed. "For now I could soothe them with an audiobook. But they're already almost asleep so I don't think that they'll be up once again for tonight."

"Thank god.", Baek breathed out, cheeks slightly rosy. "I swear, I thought my heart would stop beating."

Chanyeol chuckled. "Nah, it's not that they've caught us."

"Nearly! Thank god, you've heard them."

Chanyeol laughed at Baekhyun's flushed face. "Get used to, babe. This for sure will happen again."

"From now on, we'll lock the doors and we'll check them at least twice."

"Yes, sir!"

Baek hit Chanyeol in the chest. "That's not funny."

"Sorry.", Chanyeol snickered. He wrapped an arm around the smaller and pressed their bodies together. "Relax or else Luhan will wake up again."

"Yeah, you're right."

"What has happen that you're stressed today?"

Baekhyun let out a sigh. "My parents.", he said. "But I don't want to talk about bit."

"Alright.", Chanyeol whispered, setting gentle kisses along Baek's nape. "Sleep now."

Baekhyun nodded slowly, taking a hold of Yeol's arm that was slung around him. "I love you."

Chanyeol hummed. "And I love you."

His eyes got heavy quite fast and only thing that Baek could remember was Chanyeol's warm breath against his neck and the soft on his belly. He fell into deep, tight sleep that for his like was way too soon interrupted by the loud ringing of Chanyeol's phone. He squirmed and nudged the tall man's side with his elbow. "...Pick it up..."

Chanyeol obeyed and rolled over to pick the phone up. "Hm?", he only voiced out when the answered the call. "Ah,'s okay...what is it?", Baekhyun only heard Chanyeol humming a few times before he hang up again.

"Who was it?"

"Principal Kim. School has been canceled."


"The heating system has broken."

Baek only hummed. He turned around and crawled closer to Chanyeol. He pressed his bump against the man's side and nuzzled his face into his neck. "So, no school today?"


"Then I'll skip work too.", he mumbled, slowly drifting back to a sleep.

The three boy's were more than happy with their day off. Over night it had snowed so much that the snowman on the terrace was almost fully covered under the freshly fallen snow.

To celebrate their early vacations the family started the day with a huge bowl of crunchy cornflakes and a round of cartoons.
Baekhyun had a soft smile on his lips as he watched the boys running around in their pajamas. Minseok, matching the weather, wore a white, fuzzy pajama with a big snowman print on the chest. Kyungsoo on the other hand had a airy shorty on. Completed was his little sleeping outfit with a pair of thick socks that were almost knee high. Jongdae, like his twin, wore a long-sleeved pajama. But he the blue, dinosaur patterned set was almost unseen under the huge sweater, Jongdae had stolen from his Daddy's wardrobe.

The morning was cozy and warm and Baekhyun loved mornings like that. He loved those mornings, with the kids happily munching on their cornflakes and Chanyeol playing with his hair.

The morning was pure bliss and nothing seemed to be able to disturb this moment of happiness. Well, almost. Only a few minutes past ten the ringing door bell demanded the family's attention.

Kyungsoo was fast on his feet to follow his Daddy to the door. In his little pajama and his penguin plushy in his arms he waddled over to the front door and opened it. "Hello?"

"Hello, honey."

Chanyeol frowned at the female voice and opened the door wider, so he could see who was talking to his on. "Hello?"

An elderly couple stood in front of the door. Both dressed in fancy winter clothes, with hands covered by black leather gloves. The woman even wore a fur scarf and a strange looking hat. Chanyeol scrunched up his nose at the sight. "Uhm, how can I help you?", he politely asked.

"Oh, didn't Baekhyun said that we're in the city.", the woman voiced out. The man took off one of his gloves and held out his hand for Chanyeol. "Hello.", he said with a soft smile. "We're Baekhyun's parents."

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Beau1996 1371 streak #1
Chapter 16: Smexy times in the car - yes please!!
Beau1996 1371 streak #2
Chapter 15: Sweetness overload!!
Beau1996 1371 streak #3
Chapter 13: The best baby daddy ever!
Beau1996 1371 streak #4
Chapter 12: The best way to confess!
Beau1996 1371 streak #5
Chapter 11: Very sweet!
Beau1996 1371 streak #6
Chapter 10: I want more Baekhyun hugs too ( ok, maybe just one would be nice!)
Beau1996 1371 streak #7
Chapter 9: Poor Baek!
Beau1996 1371 streak #8
Chapter 8: Ah oh - looks like someone has a surprise 😉
Beau1996 1371 streak #9
Chapter 7: Welcome to the big house!
Beau1996 1371 streak #10
Chapter 6: Happy family indeed!!