Ch. 20


Awkward and dressed in nothing but Chanyeol's big hoodie and a pair of too short shorts Baekhyun sat on the couch, chewing on his lower lips. He had his right arm slung around Minseok, holding onto the boy for his dear live as he watched his parents looking around the room. Chanyeol sat on the left side with Kyungsoo in his lap. The taller seemed to be quite relaxed and somehow it bothered Baekhyun. Baek gazed over to Chanyeol, when he reached out to wipe away some chocolate from the corners of Jongdae's lips. The little boy sat between them, munching on a cookie. Chocolate painted his lips, like a thousand crumbs trickled onto the couch and Baek could see the disgusted expression on his mother's face.

"What do you want here?"

"Baekhyun!", Chanyeol warned, shooting him a glare.

Baekhyun rolled his eyes. "What? I just want to know it. So what do you want here?"

His mother cleared his throat. "Well, we're here because you've fobbed us."

"How do you even know where I live?"

"We have our ways.", his father said. "You could've told us that you've sold your house."

"Why?", Baek said, frowning. "It's my house."

Mrs. Byun clicked with her tongue. It was clear to see that she wasn't pleased with Baekhyun's answer. Slightly, she shook her head and looked over to her grandchild. "Kyungsoo, honey.", she smiled. "Come here, come to halmeoni."

Chanyeol was more than surprised when Kyungsoo shook his head. The little one shifted in his lap, pressing his face into his shoulder like he wanted to hide from her. Confused Chanyeol looked at Baekhyun, who sighed loudly.

"Boys.", he spoke up. "Please go and wash yourself, okay?! And don't forget to brush your teeth."

"Okay.", Minseok smiled and slid down the couch. Jongdae did the same, quickly stuffing the rest of his cookie into his mouth. Kyungsoo had a revealed smile on his lips as he climbed off Chanyeol's lap. Quickly he followed the twins out of the room. Baek was glad that he could release Soo from this uncomfortable situation.

"Why did you do that?", Mrs. Byun growled at her son.

"Because Kyungsoo didn't want to come to you."

"That is not true.", the woman huffed.

"Of course it is.", Baek spat back. "He hasn't seen you for over a year."

"Okay, stop now.", suddenly Mr. Byun spoke up. "We're not here to fight with you.", he said. "Baekhyun you're our son and of course we're interested in your life. A lot of things have changed in ours lives and we think that should take a step on each other."

Chanyeol nodded, totally approving the father's words. Baekhyun stared at him, feeling betrayed. "Give it a chance, hm?"

The pregnant rolled with his eyes. He felt Luhan giving him a hard kick which made him jump slightly. He took a deep breath and rubbed over the swell of his belly to soothe the baby. He was angry and slightly stressed and with his kicks, Luhan showed him that he calm down. He bit his lip but nodded. "I'll think about it.", he gave in.

His father gave him a soft smile. "That's great."

Baekhyun only nodded. "Yeah..but..uhmm..I'd like you to leave now."

"What?", his mother asked shocked. "But w-""I said I'll think about it.", Baek cut her off. "But now I want you to leave.", he said, rubbing his belly as Luhan once again gave him a hard kick.

Chanyeol looked at Baek, noticing the twitch of his eyebrows. He rose up from the couch and smiled at the Byun's. "I think you really should leave now.", he said in a soft tone. "I promise that Baekhyun will call you.", he said as he led the couple to the door.

"Thank you.", Mr. Byun smiled and firmly shook Yeol's hand.

"Good bye and drive carefully.", he waved after them before he closed the door. He stood by the front door for a while, thinking about the meeting. Baekhyun's parents seemed to be very nice, he couldn't understand why Baekhyun reacted like that.

He went back to the living room where Baekhyun sat on the couch with his head hanging low, rubbing his temples.

"God Lu, it's good now!", he grumbled under his breath, scolding the baby.

"Why are you so stressed out?"

Baek only made a gesture, pointing at the door.

"They seem nice.", Chanyeol said, sitting down next to Baek. "What's the problem?"

"They are the problem!" "Yes, they seem nice. But this is just an act."

Yeol frowned. "This looked quite real to me."

"Yeah, practice creates masters."

"Baek, please. Give them a chance."

Baekhyun groaned. "You just don't know them. You don't know how they are. They always nag around. I hate it. I just ing hate it. Ow, Luhan!", he roared at the sudden pain in his stomach.

"Baek, you need to calm down.", Chanyeol gave him a squeeze on the neck and stood up.

Baekhyun let out a deep sigh when he was left alone. He leaned back and growled to himself, rubbing his belly again. With closed eyes he listened to the sounds in the house. The boys laughed and squeaked happily, running around upstairs, probably chasing each other. From time to time Chanyeol's deep voice was heard, too, telling the boys to slow down.

Baek thought about Chanyeol, his words and his parents. Yes, today his parents seemed really nice; more than nice. But Baek knew them. They were not like that, not really.

"Maybe they have changed..", he laughed at the thought. "Ha, yeah sure.", but then he fell silent again and peeked down at his belly. He had changed, too. Before not even a year, he was selfish, cold-hearted and lonely and now, he had a loving family and that all because Chanyeol had faith in him and his ability to change. With a deep sigh he pushed himself off the couch and made his way upstairs.

Already in the corridor he could hear the laughter of children. They led him to the master bedroom, where his whole family sat on the bed, happily chatting and laughing. Jongdae, only in his undies, lay on the bed, giggling and slightly kicking his legs as Chanyeol rubbed lotion in his skin, tickling him by digging his fingertips into his sides. "Ahh, now you smell like a fruit basket.", Chanyeol chuckled, lowering his head over his son's tummy. "So, yummy yummy." Jongdae squeaked and squirmed, laughing loudly when Chanyeol nibbled on the skin of his  belly.

"Appa! Appa!"

At Minseok's enthusiastic squeal, Baek fully entered the room. He softly smiled and walked over to the bed. "Are you feeling better?", Kyungsoo asked when Baek sat down on the bed.

He nodded. "Why did you felt bad?", Jongdae asked, squashing his Daddy's cheeks with his little hands.

"Luhan kicks hardly today."

"Does is hurt?"

"Yes, a bit."

Minseok held up the lotion bottle with a smile. "Let me rub your belly!"

Baekhyun snickered. Rubbing his belly with lotion seemed to be Minseok's new Hobby and it was just to cute when he moved his palms over the bump, talking to his little brother. He couldn't say no to this. He climbed onto the bed, leaning against the headrest, rolling up the sweater. Immediately was Minseok by his side, pushing up his sleeves, pouring some lotion on his belly. With a happy smile on his face the boy began working his hands over the skin, smearing the sweet smelling lotion.

Kyungsoo had switched places with Jongdae, cutely wiggling his feet while Chanyeol rubbed lotion on his legs. "Appa's hands are much smaller than yours.", he randomly stated, smiling as he patted the back of Yeol's hand.

"Well, Appa's generally smaller than me.", Chanyeol chuckled.

"Will I be tall?"

"Hm, we will see.", Chanyeol smiled. "You take a lot after Appa so I think you'll be as tall as he."

Baek had to bite back a laugh at Kyungsoo's adorable pout. "But I want to be tall. I want to be as cool as you."

Chanyeol snickered. "Should I tell you something?", he asked. Kyungsoo nodded eagerly. "It doesn't matter how tall you're going to be. You'll be cool because you're smart and adorable.", Soo flashed him a cheeky smile. "And you will melt everyone with your smile."

Baekhyun smiled when Kyungsoo leaned forwards, cutely rubbing his nose against Chanyeol's.

"I don't want to be cool.", Minseok uttered.

"Not?", Baekhyun asked surprised.

The boy shook his head. "When you're cool everyone wants to be your friend. That's too much."

"Oh really?"

"Yes.", this time the other twins said. "Minnie doesn't like it when there too many people around."

Baek tilted his head, looking at Minseok. "Are there many people around  you?"

Min nodded, not looking up from the baby bump. "Every time I play soccer. I don't like that."

Chanyeol smiled. He helped Kyungsoo in his pants and leaned over to his son afterwards. "You know, buddy. When Luhan's old enough you can play soccer with him in the garden. And nobody will bother you."

"Do you think Luhan will like soccer?"

"Oh yeah, I'm pretty sure about that.", Yeol nodded. "As he kicks and moves around in there, he seems to already practice."

Baekhyun laughed out loudly. But maybe Chanyeol was right. Perhaps his activity was a sign that he would be a sporty child. Or he would be a brat; for as Kris said:

"The youngest child has to be the brat."









"You should really call your parents."

Baek sighed. "I'm not sure..."

"Give them a chance.", Chanyeol smiled. "And if they haven't changed, you can still be mad."

He had to laugh at the words but nodded. "Yeah, you're right.", he said and reached out for his phone. He hadn't called his parents for a long time, so their phone numbers weren't listed in the call log. He called his mother and only after a few beeps she answered the call. "Baekhyun?"

"Ah, yes."

He could literally hear his mother smiling. "It's nice that you call."

"Yeah..Appa said that we should take a step on each other, and I think he's right.", Chanyeol gave him a thumb up.

"Yes, I think so, too.", his mother said. "How about all of you come and spend a few days at our house."

"Uhh..wait a second, okay.", Baek spoke, pulled the phone away from his ear and pressed it to the chest. "She wants us to spend a few days at their house.", he whispered to Chanyeol.

"Then say yes.", Yeol whispered back.

"But what's with the Christmas shopping?"

"We can move it."

Baek puffed his cheeks but nodded. He moved the phone back to his ear, breathing out loudly. "Uhm, Umma? We come."

"Oh, that's nice. Your father will be so happy."

"Yeah but we'll only stay a few days.", he quickly said to curb her enthusiasm. "When should we come?"

"How about tomorrow!"

"Tomorrow?", Baek gasped. He looked at Chanyeol who only shrugged with his shoulders. "Uh..okay.."

"Okay.", his mother chirped. "I'll let everything get ready. See you tomorrow. Bye."

"Ah..yeah..bye.", he hang up, dropping the phone down to the bed. "Tomorrow? Really?"

Chanyeol only shrugged again. "Why not? The sooner the better. And if we go tomorrow we still have a lot time left to buy Christmas gifts."

Baek nodded slowly. "You're right."

"Then it's set.", Chanyeol smiled. "We'll spend the next few day's at your parent's home."

"You're way too excited for my taste."

The taller laughed out. "Well, I'll meet your parents. Properly this time. They're a part of you and I want to get to know them."

"Just don't expect too much.", Baek mumbled.

"Don't worry.", Chanyeol smiled, wrapping an arm around Baek form behind. "I think I can judge people fairly well.", he said, pressing a kiss on Baek's nape. "I won't be too disappointed if they're not as I expect them to be."

The pregnant only hummed. "We should pack, huh?", he said after a while.

"Would be better.", Chanyeol smiled, slowly losing his hold around Baek. He got out of the bed and went over to the wardrobe to get out a couple of bags. "Is there anything I shouldn't wear in your parent's presence?", he asked as he got out a few clothes.

"Everything.", Baek joked with a laugh. "You have seen my parents.", he sighed. "Perfectly dressed from head to toe. Something like hoodie and sweatpants doesn't exist in their world."

"Should I pack a suit?", Yeol asked.

"All suits that you have.", Baek said with a nod.

Chanyeol laughed out. "Oh, you sound so serious."

"I mean it.", the pregnant said. He went over to Chanyeol and peeked into the closet. "No hoodie, no sweats. Only dress shirts and dress pants."
Incredulous Chanyeol raised a brow. "That's a bad joke, Baek."

"That's no joke.", Baekhyun said. "Please, Yeol. Do it for me, I know how they tick."

Slowly nodding Chanyeol turned back to his wardrobe, putting back the jeans he held in his hands. He took out a few button-downs and dress pants. "Uhm, a tie, too?"

Baek nodded, reaching out for the manageable amount of ties Chanyeol owned. He looked through the neckties and picked out two solid color ones. Wordless

Chanyeol took them when Baek held them out to him. "Uhm, just by the way.", he uttered. "What about the boys?"

"Kyungsoo has enough clothes for all of them.", Baek said, packing his own bag. "Do you think this still fits?", he ask, holding a shirt in front of his body.

"Yeah.", Chanyeol quickly nodded to answer the question. "You really want to rig up the kids?"

Baek looked up to Chanyeol. "You'll understand when we're there."

Chanyeol said nothing. He wasn't sure if he would understand.







Chanyeol was exited  but he felt dumb as hell, all dressed up like he'd be the boss of bank or something. He tugged at the collar of his shirt, wanting to open the first two buttons but Baek slapped his hand away. "Leave it.", he warned.


Chanyeol sighed at the whine and turned around to his son. Jongdae stood in the door, brows furrowed with a pout on his lips. "I don't want to wear this.", he whined again, tugging at the hem of the freaking Burberry vest which Baekhyun had put on him.

"You have to."

"I don't want to. It's not comfortable."

"Only for today, okay."

The boy looked at him sullenly, still pouting. He huffed at him before he stomped away.

"I don't get it.", Baek said as he closed the watch around his wrist. "Didn't they said that they like to dress up for Christmas?"

"That's a whole different thing.", Chanyeol said.

"What? Where the hell is the difference?", Baek huffed.

"Christmas is exciting and only once a year. Oh, and they dress up because they want to."

"Yeah, yeah, I'm bad for dressing them like that."

"Did I say that?!"

"You make it sound like that.", Baek spat. Chanyeol clicked his tongue at the pregnant's outburst. "What?", Baekhyun growled. "Just say it. They are kids and they should dress like they want to and not to impress my parents."

"That's what you just said.", Chanyeol said, holding up his hands in defense.

"Oh, you know what, you!", and with that Baekhyun stomped out of the bed room, slamming the door shut behind him.

A loud, deep sigh made it up Chanyeol's throat. "Only five days.", he mumbled to himself, rubbing his face with his hands. He took a few deep breaths before he grabbed Baek's and his bag and also left the bed room.

The way to the Byun's house was long and uncomfortable for Chanyeol. Baekhyun completely ignored him and only stared out of the window the whole car ride. The boys in the back happily chatted about the latest episode of Pororo and Chanyeol joined their conversation since Baek had decided to give him the cold shoulder.

"Baekhyun.", Mrs. Byun beamed, smile wide and friendly when she greeted her son.

Baekhyun gave her a quick hug and led the kids into the house. He excused himself, saying that he really needed to go to the bath room.

"So.", the woman said, bending down a bit. "Who is who?", she asked the kids.

Chanyeol noticed the quick gaze his twins exchanged, knowing what would come next. "I'm Minseok.", the first twin said, showing Kyungsoo's grandmother his kitten smile.

"And I'm Jongdae."

Mrs. Byun chuckled slightly. "Luckily, you're not identical twins. That makes it easier for me.", While the twins smiled at her, Kyungsoo stared at his brothers with wide eyes. "Come.", she said. "I show you your room."

"Why are you lying?", Chanyeol heard Kyungsoo whispering as he and the kids followed Mrs. Byun along the hallway.

The twins grinned. "Fun.", they said in unison and Chanyeol had to smile. It had been a while since they had last done it and it always meant that they were testing the person. Chanyeol knew that he now had to keep an eye on his sons.

"This is your room."

Chanyeol's eyes widened at the size of the boys room. The large, bright room was spacious and determined the same size as the living room at home. Three single beds were lined up at the wall and the boys looked at them a bit skeptical. They were used to share a bed and Chanyeol had to chuckled at their faces.

"You like it?", Mrs. Byun asked. Well behaved all three boys nodded and smiled at her. She returned the smile and walked over to a sliding door. "And if you need anything, you can go to Baekhyun, because his room is right behind here.", she smiled and opened the door.

"Wow, it's nice.", Chanyeol said, looking around the bedroom. "An amazing view.", he said, dropping the back onto the bed.

"Yes.", Mrs. Byun smiled."Your room has not such a beautiful view but I hope you're okay with it."

Chanyeol frowned. " room?", he asked.

The woman nodded. "Yes. This is Baekhyun's room. Your room is down the hall."

Dumbfounded the teacher looked at Baek's mother. "I don't understand."

"You won't share a room with my son.", she said.

"May I ask why not?"

"This is a decent house and I will not tolerate ion.", with a blank expression Chanyeol stared at Mrs. Byun. ion? In what century she got stuck? The hell. He opened his mouth but no words came out. "I see, we understand each other.", Baekhyun's mother smiled. Chanyeol's head moved. He didn't know why but it moved and so he nodded at her. "You can't miss the room.", she said. "It's the last door down the hall. Your bathroom also has a tub."

Chanyeol had pressed his lips into a thin line as he watched her leaving. She really meant it; she really meant it. He couldn't believe it.

"Oh, look.", suddenly Baek's voice said. He turned around to look at the pregnant who just had entered the boys room. "My parents have brought each of you a bed. That's so nice."

"But we want to sleep in one bed.", Kyungsoo pouted.

"Yes, just as at home.", Jongdae added and Minseok nodded.

"But isn't it nice to sleep alone in a bed, sometimes?", Baekhyun asked.

"No!", Minseok frowned. "Do you like sleeping in a bed alone?", he asked back.

Baekhyun nodded. "Yeah, sometimes."

Chanyeol laughed out. "Is that so?", he asked, pissed all of the sudden. "Well, then you can enjoy your sleep in the next five days."

Surprised and shocked Baekhyun watched as Chanyeol fetched the bag from the bed and walked away. "Chanyeol?", he called after him. "Chanyeol!"

"Just leave it, Baek."

"Where are you going?"

"To my room. Where else?!"

Baek stopped in his tracks. "Your room?", he asked. Then he pointed down the hall to his room. "Our room is over there."

Chanyeol shook his head. "No. This is your room. My room is down there."

"The , Yeol.", Baek hissed. "Are you mad because of what I said? Damn, that was a joke. I said that because of the kids."

"Yes, I'm mad, freaking mad. And no, it's not because of what you said. It's because of what your mother said."

Baekhyun frowned. "What?"

"Oh, let me say it in her words: This is a decent house and I will not tolerate ion."

The pregnant shook his head. "She did not say that!"

"No, of course not, I thought it up myself!"

"Chanyeol this is not funny."
Chanyeol laughed out. "Yes, this is not funny. But if you won't believe me, I cannot help you. And now I would like to be alone."

Baekhyun didn't wanted to let Chanyeol go but the tall man's attitude showed that he really needed some space, so he let him go. He thought for a moment; he had to have a talk with his mother. He checked up on the kids before he made his way down to his mother. The woman sat in the living room, flipping through the pages of a magazine.


She smiled at him. "Yes?"

"You gave Chanyeol the guest room down the hall?"

"Yes.", his mother nodded.


"Ah, Baekhyun honey, you know that your father and I are a bit old-fashioned and as long as your not married we don't want you to share a room."

"You know that I'm already pregnant, huh?!"

"Baekhyun please, accept it."

"So you don't want us to share a room because you don't tolerate ion?"

The woman frowned. "Is that what he said? I haven't expressed myself like that."

Baekhyun let out a sigh. So Chanyeol had just overreacted; he was relieved. "No, he didn't said that.", he lied. "Those were my words now. He just told me that you don't want us to share a room."

"Is there a problem now?"

"What? No, no. He was just surprised, that's all.", he faked a smile.

His mother returned the smile and patted the spot next to her. "Come sit down and drink a cup of tea with me. Please."

Baekhyun enjoyed the quiet time with his mother. She really seemed to have left her old self behind and listened to everything he said without interrupting him or throwing random, inappropriate comments.

"Since when are you a couple?"

Baek cleared his throat. "Ah, quite a while.", he then said, trying to smile. "I was introduced to him by the children. Kyungsoo and the twins go to the same school."

"Oh, that's nice.", his mother smiled. "Speaking of children.", she added with a chuckle. "It is very quiet, do not you think?"

"Yeah, you're right.", Baek stood up from the couch. "I'll take a look."

It was indeed way too quiet in the house. Normally the boys were livery and loud, running around, laughing and squealing. But right now no sound was heard and it made Baekhyun suspicious. He found the boys room empty, wondering where they could've been at first but then his eyes fell to the door of the guest room down the hall. He walked over to Chanyeol's bed room, pressing his ear against the door but nothing was to be heard. Bewildered he furrowed his brows and reached out for the door knob. Carefully he turned it to open the door.

When looking into the room he, of course, found the boys. All three lay in Chanyeol's bed,closely snuggled to their Daddy and all sound asleep. Chanyeol lay on his back, Minseok in his right, Jongdae in his left arm and Kyungsoo lying on to of him. Despite the weight that was on his chest, the tall man's breath was calm and relaxed.

Baekhyun felt oppressed. He really wanted to believe Chanyeol but his mother seemed so believable, that it was hard for him to trust and believe Yeol's words. He hoped that it was all a misunderstanding and the next five days wouldn't end in much more quarrels.












For dinner, Baek's father was at home and finally the tensed mood seemed to lighten up. Chanyeol and his father found a deep conversation in the latest political events and Baekhyun was glad to hear Chanyeol talking, glad to see him smile from time to time.

"I'd like to introduce you to my friends.", Mr. Byun smiled, giving Chanyeol's shoulder a squeeze. "We're invited to a friend's party tomorrow and I'd like you to come with me."

"Oh, that's a great idea.", his wife smiled. "Baekhyun, there you can meet all your old friends again."

"Yes, sounds nice."

"Yes, sounds nice.", Chanyeol nodded at Baekhyun's bright smile. "I'd like to go with you."

"Oh, honey. That's going to be great.", Mrs. Byun squealed. "Wait. Do you have tuxedo with you?"

Baekhyun shook his head. "No."

"Well that's no problem.", his father smiled. "Then we go shopping for both of you."

"Shopping with you?", Baekhyun laughed. "You're so impatient when it comes to shopping."

"Well if you don't want to go shopping with your old man, we go separately, right Chanyeol?"

Chanyeol chuckled. "I'm okay with that."

"What's a tuxedo?", Jongdae asked.

Mr.Byun leaned over to the boy. "It's a suit. A very expensive suit."

"And why do you want to buy one, if it's expensive?", Minseok asked curiously.

"That's a good question, young man.", Baek's father chuckled. "It's hard to explain but sometimes you have to pay a lot of money to look good."

The boy furrowed his  brows. "But it's just a suit."

"Yes. But it's a special suit."

"I don't understand."

The man laughed, ruffling the boy's hair. "I'll show you tomorrow, okay? You can come with us and then you can see how special it is and how it changes a look."

"Okay.", Minseok grinned.

"Kyungsoo, do you want to come with us?", Mrs. Byun asked her grandchild. She smiled at him but her smile faded away when Soo shook his head, rejecting her.

She huffed, shooting Chanyeol a death glare when the little boy leaned over to him, resting his head against his arm. Baekhyun missed the evil look, but Chanyeol didn't. He swallowed hard, quickly looking away to avoid her stare.

Chanyeol had always thought that he could judge people well but right now he wasn't sure about that anymore. Baekhyun's mother was anything but an open book to him but he already could tell that she had two faces.

He gazed down to Kyungsoo, smiling at him when their eyes met. "Daddy, I don't want to eat anymore.", the boy said.

"It's okay.", he nodded. "You have eaten well."

"Can I get a glass of milk?"

"Of course.", the teacher smiled. "Come.", he stood up and held out his hand for Kyungsoo. Immediately the boy hopped down his chair and took Yeol's hand, following him to the kitchen. "Warm or cold?"

"Hmm, cold.", Soo grinned.

It wasn't his house and he probably should have asked, but Chanyeol had no concern to ask. And even though he now had to open every cupboard to find a glass, he was glad that he could escape Mrs. Byun's eyes for a second.

He poured Kyungsoo and himself a glass of milk and sat down at the kitchen table. "Go we to the party, too?", he was asked.

Chanyeol shook his head. "No. This is a boring party, only for adults."

"How do you know that it is a boring party?", at the female voice, Chanyeol looked up. With arms crossed over over her chest, Mrs. Byun stood in the door, glaring at him. "You're pretty cocky."

"Mrs. Byun, please. Not in front of Kyungsoo."

The woman stepped further into the room. "Yes, you're right. Kyungsoo, go to the dining room."

The little Byun looked at her. "No."

She gasped at the short, firm answer. "Kyungsoo."

"He doesn't have to go if he doesn't want to."

"And who are you talking?", she hissed. "You're not his father."

"He is!", Kyungsoo frowned when his grandmother laughed out loudly. "He's my Daddy!"

She shook her head, still laughing. "No, he's not. He's not your father."

"Mrs. Byun, it's enough!", Chanyeol's voice dropped an octave lower when he growled at her.

"I don't think so.", the woman said. "You're not Kyungsoo's father and I'm not pleased that he calls you Daddy."

"I don't care if you like it or not. Baek is okay with it and as long as he doesn't say anything to it, Kyungsoo can call me whatever he wants."

Mrs. Byun only huffed at Chanyeol's words. She didn't responded or said anything else, just left the kitchen, leaving Kyungsoo and Chanyeol alone again.

"She doesn't like  me.", Chanyeol smiled, when Kyungsoo looked at him with wide open eyes.


He had to shrug. "I don't know. But that's okay.", he then smiled, leaning closer to Kyungsoo. "As long as you like me, I'm happy."

Soo giggled cutely when Chanyeol pressed a kiss to his forehead. "Want to go back to the dining room?"

"No.", Kyungsoo said. "I want to go home. I want to watch movies and cuddle."

Deep inside him, Chanyeol could hear the crack as his heart broke in half. Kyungsoo had a smile on his lips but it was so sad that Chanyeol wanted to cry out. He pulled the little boy in a hug and nuzzled his face into the small nape. "I love you."

"And I love you, Daddy."







A small chuckle left Baekhyun when he watched the boys climbing into their beds. It was indeed a strange sight, seeing the boys in separate beds but it was only for five days and they for sure would get used to it.

"I don't like this.", Kyungsoo groused, kicking his legs.

"Oh, Kyungsoo.", Chanyeol snickered as he came into the room. "Before you know it, we're back and you can sleep in the big bed again.", he cooed and the boy over the head. He gave each  boy a kiss and wished them a good night with sweet dreams.

"Chanyeol, I-" "I don't want to talk about it.", Baek was cut off. He looked at Chanyeol, noticing his hurt expression. "Just leave me a night to sleep on it."

As soon as the door had closed behind Chanyeol, a tear made it's way down Baek's cheek. No kiss, no hug not even a over the belly; this had been the worst day of their relationship so far and Baek was more than afraid of the following four days.

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Beau1996 1371 streak #1
Chapter 16: Smexy times in the car - yes please!!
Beau1996 1371 streak #2
Chapter 15: Sweetness overload!!
Beau1996 1371 streak #3
Chapter 13: The best baby daddy ever!
Beau1996 1371 streak #4
Chapter 12: The best way to confess!
Beau1996 1371 streak #5
Chapter 11: Very sweet!
Beau1996 1371 streak #6
Chapter 10: I want more Baekhyun hugs too ( ok, maybe just one would be nice!)
Beau1996 1371 streak #7
Chapter 9: Poor Baek!
Beau1996 1371 streak #8
Chapter 8: Ah oh - looks like someone has a surprise 😉
Beau1996 1371 streak #9
Chapter 7: Welcome to the big house!
Beau1996 1371 streak #10
Chapter 6: Happy family indeed!!