Ch. 33









Chanyeol was still holding onto Kyungsoo as someone banged against the front door. "Mr. Park!" an unfamiliar voice shouted. "Open the door!"

Kyungsoo whimpered, pressing his face into the crook of Chanyeol's neck. "Daddy."

"Shh," Yeol cooed and rubbed he boy's back. "They won't take you away from me."

Another loud bang had both, father and son, flinching. "Mr. Park!"

"No!" Chanyeol shouted, shaking his head as tears started to flow down his cheeks. "No!"

"Mr. Park!"


"Mr. Park!"


"Mr. Park!"

"No..." Chanyeol cried. "Please no.."

"Mr. Park. Wake up."

Chanyeol shot his eyes open. "What?" He gasped and next thing he knew was that he was looking into the face of young, black haired man. "W-what?"

The man smiled at him. "It's good to see you back. I'm Dr. Kim," he said. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm o-okay, I guess," Chanyeol stammered, obviously confused. He pushed himself off the bed he lay in and sat up. "What happened?"

"You collapsed."

"I col-" his eyes grew wide, trying to remember what had happened. "Baekhyun!"

He was about to got up from the bed but the doctor man pushed him back. "Please calm down, Mr. Park," his voice was as soft as the smile he had on his lips. "Take it easy, not that you're collapsing again."

"Wh-what's with Baekhyun? How is he? What happened to him?"

"Mr. Byun had an anaphylactic shock but he's doing fine. He also woke up."

"He woke up?!" Chanyeol's gasped, looking at the doctor. "Really? He woke up."

Dr. Kim nodded. "He did, right now he's sleeping again."

Chanyeol felt his heart thumping it his throat and his eyes watering. "Oh, thank god."

"The baby is also doing fine," Chanyeol was told. "His heartbeat his stable."

With his lower lip trembling, he began to cry. Baekhyun was doing fine and so was his baby boy. They're fine, both fine. He couldn't believe it. "Can I see him?"

"Of course," the medic smiled. He stood up from the chair he was sitting on and mentioned Chanyeol to follow him.

The young teacher got up, taking a deep breath to calm his heart and to get the dizziness out of his head. His legs felt like jelly and the first steps he was taking were a little shaky. The way to the room Baekhyun lay in seemed endlessly and as he finally stood in front of his bed, Chanyeol felt strange.

A feeling, mixed between joy and helplessness spread in his chest. Joy, because Baekhyun was finally doing fine; he wasn't in intensive care anymore. And he felt helplessness, because Baekhyun looked so small and fragile in the big hospital bed. His was was pale, skin almost as white as the finest porcelain. The blanket that covered his frame was thick and drowned his baby bump almost completely.

Chanyeol stepped towards the bed, slowly sitting down on the chair that stood next to it. With a shaky hand he reached out and the smaller over the cheek. Despite his pale face, Baekhyun was warm. "Hey baby," Chanyeol whispered to him, pushing a strand of hair out of his face. "You know, the kids are doing fine," he uttered because he didn't know what else to say. "They're missing you and hope that you come home soon. I miss you too," he exhaled. "I'm so sorry for what 've said. I didn't mean to be that cold. I was just....I'm so sorry."

Leaning forward, Chanyeol laid his head on the mattress, gently pressing it against Baekhyun's shoulder. His hand wandered over the sheets to where the pregnant's hand lay, cupping it with his own, much larger hand. He closed his eyes and listened to the beeping sound of the ECG machine Baekhyun was connected with. The steady rhythm of it soon lulled him into a deep, tight sleep.



His throat fel dry and his head heavy when Baekhyun blinked his eyes open. He swallowed and let the tip of his tongue running over his dry lips to wet them. He breathed in, softly groaning at the dull pain that throbbed behind his eyes. The headache was already there when he first woke up and he hoped it to be gone by now.

For a while he stared at the white ceiling, scanning the white neon tube that acted as a lamp until he felt the baby under his heart moving. A smile spread over his face but it quickly faded away when he couldn't lift his hand as he wanted to bring it up; something held it down. Frowning, he glanced to his right. A faint gasp left him as his eyes fell onto the mop of messy hair that lay on the mattress.

"Chanyeol," he softly whispered while his lips curled into another smile. He looked at the tall, sleeping man. The position he was in looked anything else than comfortable but it was also an adorable sight. Chanyeol tightly held onto his hand with his fingers completely wrapped around it.

Carefully, not to wake the man up, Baekhyun turned to his side. With his right hand still in Chanyeol's hold he brought his left hand to his head and run his fingers through the thick hair. Chanyeol didn't move, only showed a reaction as Baek gently scratched his nails over his scalp.

Watching as Chanyeol blinked his sleepy eyes open, the pregnant's smile widened. "Hey," he whispered.

Chanyeol raised his head and quietly stared at the smaller for a moment. "Baek," he eventually brought out, big eyes now wide open and glassy. "Baek," he breathed out again, sounding as if he couldn't believe that Baekhyun was actually looking at him.

"Oh," Baek cooed as tears started to roll down Chanyeol's cheeks. "Yeol, don't cry."

"I'm sorry," Yeol said, crying even harder.

Baekhyun sat up and cupped the tall man's face. "I'm sorry," he apologized. "I'm sorry for worrying you."

"Baek," Chanyeol breathed in, trying to calm himself and his flowing tears. He looked the pregnant deep into his eyes. "When your mother showed up at our house and t..I was shocked and yes, I also was hurt and maybe a little upset at this moment and what I've said to you on the phone is inexcusable but believe me, I've never doubted your love. I-" "Chanyeol," Baekhyun cut him off with a smile. "I know, we should probably talk about but that's not what I want right now."

"What do you want then?"

"Right now, I want you to kiss me."

A smile spread over Chanyeol's voice as Baekhyun pulled him closer and captured his lips into a sweet kiss. Leaning a little more, he closed his eyes and hummed softly. He couldn't describe how much he had missed this, Baekhyun's kisses, Baekhyun's presence, Baekhyun's whole self. "I missed you," he whispered against the pregnant's lips when he pulled away. "So, so much."

"I missed you, too."

"The kids are missing you, too."

Baek leaned back a little. "How are they? Are they okay? Did they get hurt?"

"They're fine," Yeol told the smaller. "All three of them had a slight whiplash but it wasn't serious. Minseok was struggling with headaches but he's fine now."

"I'm relieved," Baek sighed. "I was worried that something bad has happened to them."

"No, they've coped the accident well, don't worry," Chanyeol said. "But what about you? Do you have any pain?"

Just as the questions had slipped past the teachers lips, the door to the room opened and Dr. Kim peeked into the room. "Ah, you're awake," he smiled and entered the room. He stepped to the bed, gripping onto the bar at the edge of the bed frame. "Hello Mr. Byun, my name is Kim and I'm your treating doctor," the man introduced himself. "How are you feeling?"

"I have a headache," Baek answered. "But otherwise I'm fine."

"That's good to hear," the medic smiled. "You seemed to have coped the shock really well."

"Shock? What shock?"

"You've had an anaphylactic shock, yesterday," Dr. Kim informed the pregnant. "You've reacted badly to one of the medicaments. We were able to act quickly and prevent worse."

Baekhyun nodded and gazed to his covered baby bump. "What about my baby?" he asked. "Has he been armed?"

"As far as we can tell, no," the doctor said. "The heartbeat of the baby is normal and the sonography didn't show any abnormalities. However, we can not say whether the baby has suffered psychological damage or not."

Baekhyun's face fell and Chanyeol swallowed, squinting at the smaller. An oppressive silence filled the room until the doctor broke it again. "It doesn't have to mean that it really has to happen," he said, trying to lift the mood a little.

Chanyeol glanced at the man in the white coat. "But," he began. "What if?"

"If," Dr. Kim sighed. "If the baby has actually suffered a mental damage, it could affect his later development."

"What does that mean?" This time Baekhyun took the word. He brought his hands to his belly and rested them there.

"It could be that he grows slower and learns things later. Not infrequently these children have deficits with their fine motor skills. Most people need special speech therapy because they can not communicate with words, only with sounds."

When the parents gazed at each other, Dr. Kim smiled softly. "I know that these are shocking news but, please, don't worry to much. There's a 50/50 chance that the baby is healthy."

Chanyeol reached for Baekhyun's hand and gave it a squeeze. "Baby, he's right. Let's not worry too much. We should stay positive."

A small yet sad smile formed on Baek's lips. "Yeah," he whispered. "You're right."

"This is a good attitude;" the doctor said, smiling at the parents. "I'll leave you for now," he then said. "I'll come back later for a check-up."

"Dr. Kim?" Chanyeol called after the man before he was out of the door. "Can I bring the kids over?"

"Sure," Dr. Kim nodded. "Nothing speaks against it," he said and eventually left the room.

Baekhyun's face had lit up at the suggestion and Chanyeol smiled as the pregnant finally got some color on his cheeks. "Can you," he began, brightly smiling. "I mean, would you go and get them?"


"Yes, please," Baek smiled. "I miss them. I want to see them."

Returning the smile, Chanyeol leaned over and pressed a kiss to the smaller's forehead. "Anything  for you, my love."
Leaving the hospital without the fear of perhaps losing Baekhyun and his baby boy, Chanyeol felt much lighter. All the worry and weight that lay heavy on his heart had faded away, making things easier again. His head was finally free again, freed from all the horror scenarios that wandered around his mind like a ghost.

Baekhyun was alive, he was awake, he was doing fine and Luhan was the same; alive and doing fine as well. It was all Chanyeol could have ask for at the moment.
With a smile on his face, the young teacher arrived at home. He unlocked the door, stepping into the hall. Cookie immediately showed up, greeting him with a wiggling tail. "Hey buddy," Yeol greeted back, the white puppy over the head. After toeing off his shoes and ping his jacket, he went to the living room where Joonmyeon sat on the couch, reading a book. "Hey."

The pregnant looked up from his book. "Hey," he softly said and put the book aside. "You didn't come home yesterday. Are you okay?"

"I am," Yeol smiled. "Where are the kids and Yifan?"

"The kids are upstairs," Myeon said. "Yifan is out, grocery shopping. Did something happen?"

"Indeed," Chanyeol nodded. He shortly left the living room and called for the children. in no time, all three Park-Byuns and a little Wu were down, entering the room.

"Daddy," Minseok squeaked and hopped over to his father. "Why did you not come home yesterday. We waited for you with dinner."

"I know, I'm sorry," the father said. "But I've got some great news."

"What is it?" Kyungsoo wanted to know, hugging Cookie from behind.

"Appa woke up."

While the kids eyes grew wide, Joonmyeon gasped. "What? Really? When? This is amazing." He had a hand on the round of his belly as he spoke and broke into a smile. "How is he?"

"He's doing fine," Chanyeol explained, picking up Jongdae who tried to climb into his lap. He ruffled the boy's soft, black hair and pressed a kiss to the back of his head. "He woke up this morning," he said, looking mostly at the boys. "And he'd like to see you."

"Appa wants to see us?", Jongdae asked, leaning his back so he could look at his Daddy. "And when can we go and see him?"

"If you want right now."

"We want!" Kyungsoo squeaked, plump lps forming into his usual heart shaped smile.

Chanyeol chuckled softly. "Well then, go and get ready."

Yixing titled his head a little as he watched his friends dashing out of the living room with excited squeals. He didn't walk after them and glanced at his father, instead. "Come here, honey," Joonmyeon smiled, reaching out for his son. Xing waddled over to him, sitting down on the couch next to him. "We can visit Baekhyun when he's back home, yeah?"

"Yep," the boy smiled as if he understood that his friends visiting Baekhyun was something private and emotional. "We wait for Baba and tell him that Baekhyun woke up."

"Right," Myeon smiled at the child. "We can surprise him with the news."

"I've drawn a picture for uncle Baekhyunnie," Yixing proudly announced, grinning cutely.

"Oh really?" Yeol asked, smiling. "Do you want me to give it to him?"

"Would you do that?"

"Of course."

"Okie," the boy chirped and hopped down from the couch. "I go and get it."

When the boy was about of sigh, Joonmyeon shifted closer to his friend. "Yeol?" he called out, locking eyes with him. "I can tell that there's something that, well, let says bothers you. What is it?"

"There's nothing, Myeon," Chanyeol said, shaking his head slightly."Why should there be something? I'm happy," he said, meaning it. "Baekhyun woke up. He and Luhan are fine, I'm more than happy."

"I'm not saying that you're not happy. I can tell that you're happy. But you're pale and I can also tell that there's something else."

For a moment, Chanyeol just looked at the other. "I'm just a little exhausted," he eventually said. "Yesterday when I was there Baek had an anaphylactic shock and-" he paused and sighed loudly. "God, for a second I really thought he'd die. The way he lay there with his whole body spazzing. It was-" "Hey," Joonmyeon cut in, placing a hand on the taller's knee. "You said he's okay, didn't you? Then try to forget it and focus on here and now. He's doing fine and he'll be home soon."
Nodding his head, Chanyeol gifted Joonmyeon a small smile. "Yeah, you're right. I should try to forget it." He kept the rest, the news of Luhan's possible damage, to himself. He didn't want to unsettle his friend even more.

As soon as they heard the boy's coming back down, they dropped the topic and put on a smile. Yixing skipped over to Chanyeol, giving him his drawn picture for Baekhyun. He giggled cutely when Chanyeol praised how beautiful the picture was. He and Joonmyeon waved the three boys and Yeol goodbye when they eventually left to visit Baekhyun. "I'll wait with dinner," Myeon called after the father before he got into the car and drove off.

"What's for dinner?" Yixing asked his father after Joonmyeon had closed the door. Together with Cookie, he waddled after the pregnant.

Joonmyeon hummed a little and put a finger on his chin. "Do you want to eat Chinese or Korean?"

"Korean," Xing smiled, showing off his adorable dimple. "Can we eat Jjajangmyeon?"

"Jjajangmyeon? Sure, why not. Do you want to help me making it, later?"

The boy nodded. "Yes," he glanced at the puppy and then back to his father. "Can we take Cookie for a walk?"

"If you want to," Myeon smiled at his son. "But we must dress warmly, it's cold outside."

 Yixing chirped a short "Okie," and then hopped towards the hallway. He reached for his boots and put them on, zipping them up. On boots followed beanie, scarf, gloves and coat and in no time the boy was fully dressed and ready to go.

He watched as Joonmyeon put on his own winter clothes and then reached for the dog's leash. "Can I hold him?" He asked when they stepped out of the house and walked towards the park. The snow made a crunchy sound under their feet.

"Sure you can," Myeon smiled and handed his son the leash. "But don't run too far ahead."

"I won't," Xing smiled back, slowly walking beside his father, holing onto the leash with both hands. "I'm happy that Baekhyunnie woke up," he randomly stated.

"Me too."

Yixing looked up to Joonymeon, nose and cheeks already slightly red from the cold. "Does it mean that Baekhyunnie will come home, soon."

"Yes," Joonmyeon nodded, resting a hand on his belly. He smiled down at his son. "Yes, he will come home soon."




Hey, I know it's been a while but I'll update more often from no on. :)
For all who message me once in a while: I'm doing fine! Thank you for your messages and the support. ♥


Here is something you might want to check out. My Exo Family Stories & Chris' Exo Fic Fest Collection

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Beau1996 1371 streak #1
Chapter 16: Smexy times in the car - yes please!!
Beau1996 1371 streak #2
Chapter 15: Sweetness overload!!
Beau1996 1371 streak #3
Chapter 13: The best baby daddy ever!
Beau1996 1371 streak #4
Chapter 12: The best way to confess!
Beau1996 1371 streak #5
Chapter 11: Very sweet!
Beau1996 1371 streak #6
Chapter 10: I want more Baekhyun hugs too ( ok, maybe just one would be nice!)
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Chapter 9: Poor Baek!
Beau1996 1371 streak #8
Chapter 8: Ah oh - looks like someone has a surprise 😉
Beau1996 1371 streak #9
Chapter 7: Welcome to the big house!
Beau1996 1371 streak #10
Chapter 6: Happy family indeed!!