Ch. 14


Chanyeol's bed was by far better than his own; softer, warmer, all in all more nice and comfortable. Baekhyun hummed as he snuggled into the pillows of the giant bed. Everything smelled like Chanyeol; the sweater he'd stolen from his closet, the pillows his head lay on, the covers above his body. He felt safe and sound, he felt like home.

The sick feeling in his stomach still made him still feeling dizzy, but when he closed his eyes, the world stood still. He didn't plan to fall asleep, but everything around him was so perfect that his body and mind relaxed so much that he soon visited dreamland.

Only when something warm and soft over and over draw circles on his cheek he came back to reality. He squirmed and blinked a few times while opening his eyes. His eyes first fell on a happy smiling dino print that had him smiling too. Then he let his eyes wander up to meet the eyes of Chanyeol's son. "Hey..", he whispered, voice raspy from his dry throat.

Minseok  smiled at him. "I brought you tea.", He pointed at a cup on the bedside table.

"Oh, thank you."

"Daddy said you're not feeling well...are you sick?"

Baek shook his head slightly. "No.", he sat up and leaned his back against the headrest. "It's because of the baby."

"Why?", Minseok asked surprised yet Baek could see worry in his eyes. "What does it do?"

"When you have a baby in your belly your body has to get used to it.", Baek tried to explain as child friendly as possible. "My body also still has to get used to the baby."

"And why do you feel sick then? Isn't that bad?", the boy wanted to know. From time to time his eyes gazed down to Baek's belly, eyeing it skeptical.

"It soon will be over.", Baek smiled. "It's not that bad. When I feel sick and dizzy I have to sit down for a while and then everything will be okay again."

The boy hummed while nodding his head. He leaned back to get the cup and gave it to Baekhyun. "I made it.", he proudly grinned.

"Hmm, yummy.", Baek sighed when he took a sip of it. "Where are the others?"

"In the kitchen.", Min said. "Daddy scolded them.", he added with a whisper.

Baek's eyes widened."Why?"

"Dae and Soo had a fight. Soo doesn't want Yixing to come over.", the boy said. "But Yixing's our friend."

Baekhyun nodded. "Should we take a look?"

"And when they're still angry?", Min asked.

"Then we'll come back here.", Baek smiled.


Baek had to chuckle when he and Minseok entered the kitchen. Jongdae and Kyungsoo, both, sat at the kitchen table with a pouty frown on their faces. The little Park had his arms crossed in front of his chest, while his own son draw circles on the table with his finger.

"Hey.", Chanyeol smiled softly when he spotted Baek in the doorway. "Feeling better."

"Much better. Thanks to a tight sleep and the tea Min made.", Minseok proudly smiled when his name was mentioned. "What's going on here?"

"These two have a time out.", Yeol said and eyed the boy's.

"Daddy~", Jongdae whined. "I didn't do anything."

"You shouted at Kyungsoo and that's not right."

"I know~", he whined again. "But Soo doesn't want Yixing to come over."

"I don't like him.", Soo spat. Baek had to gasp; never before he had heard something like that from his son.

"How can you say that, when you don't know him?", Chanyeol asked in a calm tone.

Kyungsoo grumbled and Yeol chuckled at the reaction. "Yixing's a very good friend and he'll come over, you have to deal with it."

"Appa~", Soo suddenly cried out. Baek flinched at the whiny tone. "No.", he simply said. "Chanyeol's right."

The boy let out another grumbling sound and turned away from them. Back facing them, he stared at the wall, growling things under his breath. Chanyeol let out a chuckle and gently pushed Baek out of the kitchen to leave the two brawlers alone. Minseok followed them to the living room.

"He's defiant.", Baek voiced out surprised and amazed as he sat down on the couch. "I've never seen him like that."

"I don't understand...", Min mumbled while he nibbled on a cookie. "Yixing is so nice. Why doesn't Soo like him."

"He's jealous.", Chanyeol said. "He wants to be your only friend. Give Soo some time to get used to it. You'll see in no time he likes Yixing and they'll be good friends."

"Yi...Yixing?", Baekhyun asked. "Sound's not Korean."

"He's half Korean, half Chinese.", Yeol smiled. "The most well-behaved boy you'll ever meet. He's coming over today."

"Daddy can we make Pizza for dinner?"

"Pizza?", Yeol asked and Min nodded. "Then I've to go and buy some ingredients."

"Please, XingXing likes Pizza too.", Chanyeol nodded and Minseok let out a happy squeal. "I'll tell Soo and Dae.", he smiled and rushed over to the kitchen.

"Can I leave you alone with them for a while?"

Baekhyun nodded. "Yeah sure, why not.", he said. "I'll manage as long as you're not gone for hours."

Chanyeol leaned in for a kiss. "I won't take long."

"When do you want to go?"

"Uhm, later.", Yeol said. "In about an hour or so."

"Yixing come at what time?"

Chanyeol gazed over to the clock. "Soon.", he said. "3PM."

Baek turned his head to peek at the time. Twenty to three. "God, I've slept so long."

"Then you needed it."

Baekhyun brushed his nose along Chanyeol's neck. "Yeah, your bed is better than mine. Much more comfy and warm."

"Seems like my clothes are also better."

A faint blush painted Baek's cheeks. "Sorry."

"Sorry for what?", Chanyeol smiled. "I love seeing you in this."

"For real?", Baek laughed out. "Shouldn't you say something like "I love seeing you wearing nothing" or something."

"I'd be lying if I'd say that I don't love seeing you .", Yeol grinned. "But yeah, for real, I love seeing you in this, too big, old sweater."


"You look happy.", Yeol smiled softly. "You look relaxed, carefree and simply happy. Just like you feel home."

Baekhyun nodded. "I feel like home..."

"I'm glad to hear that."

"Can we stay the night?"

"Don't you have to work tomorrow?", Yeol asked back.

"I'll skip work..."

Chanyeol had to laugh. "Skipping work is not good.", he said just like Baek once had.

"Yeah, yeah, just rub it in my face.", Baek whined. "If you don't want me to stay just say so."

"I'd the the worlds greatest idiot if I wouldn't want you to stay."

"God, you're so cheesy.", Baek whined and madly blushed. "Stop that."

"But I'll love it when you blush.", Yeol grinned.

"Yeah? What else do you love?"

"Except you blushing like this?", the tall man laughed. "There're a lot of things I love about you. I love the way your eyes curve when you're smiling or the way you bite your thumb when you don't know what to do. I love it when you get shy. I love how you keep touching your belly when you think no one's looking or you stare at things when they fascinate you.", he stopped for a second. "Should I go on?", he then asked. "I could tell you a thousand thinks I love about you."

"Can you put it all together?"

Chanyeol grinned down at Baekhuyn. "Do you want to hear it so badly?"

"Yes, please."

"I love you.", Chanyeol said and kissed Baek onto the lips. "I love you."







"Yixing!", the twins shouted out loudly when the door bell rang, Baekhyun could hear their excited voices even though he were in the bathroom and had, both,  bed and bath room door closed. He chuckled lightly as he pulled the sweater over his head. The black cardiagan Chanyeol gave him was just as big as the sweater, way too big for his slim figure but by time Baek felt hot and needed to take of the thick sweater. He let the cardigan open, let it hang loose on his shoulders. His tight wife beater stretched over his little bump but it was okay. The kid's knew and he know he didn't had to hide it anymore.

He walked out of the bed room and directly bumped into the the boy's and their little guest. "Oh hey.", he smiled at the boy.

"Hello.", he smiled and bowed politely. "I'm Yixing."

"Hello Yixing. Nice to meet you.", Baek said. "I'm Baekhyun."

He smiled brightly, showing off a cute dimple. Baekhyun literally started at Yixing. The boy looked amazing and Baek couldn't help but admire him. The top of Yixing's soft black hair was longer and perfectly combed while the rest was cut short. His milky white skin made him look almost like a fairy, an absolutely beautiful fairy. Baek was stunned and his eyes followed the little boy when he walked behind the kids to their room.

"Wow.", Baek mumbled to himself on his way down. If Yixing was such a stylish kid, his parents also must be well dressed couple. And yeah, of course they were. Already in the kitchen Baek walked into a perfect dressed young man. Slim jeans, grey knitted cardigan and a striped shirt over a, oh, over a small round bump.

"Hello.", the man smiled friendly and held out a hand.

"Hello.", Baek smiled back and gently shook it.

"I'm Joonmyeon."

"Baekhyun.", he said and scanned the man in front of him. Fair skinned just like Yixing, was the first thing Baek thought while looking at him. He smiled.

"Congratulations.", he pointed at Joonmyeon's stomach.

He brought a hand on his bump and smiled softly. "Oh, thank you." "Congratulations to you too."

Baek looked down at his little bump. "That obvious?"

"No.", Joonmyeon laughed. "I know it from Chanyeol."


"Yeol's my husbands best friend.", he explained. "I know it for quite a while now."

"Oh, I didn't know."

"What didn't you know?", suddenly Chanyeol's voice asked. Baek turned to him. "That you've told your best friend about the baby."

"Ah, yeah.", Yeol voiced out. "Of course I've told him."

"It's alright.", Baek smiled. "I just didn't know that Yixing is the son of your best friend."

"Did I not mentioned that?", the tall man asked and scratched himself on the chin.

Baekhyun and Joonmyeon laughed out. "Apparently not.", he chuckled.

"Sorry.", Yeol said. "Tea?", he asked. Both pregnant men nodded and sat down at the kitchen table.

"When is due date?" Baek asked and peeked over at Joonymeon's belly again.

"He's supposed to come at the beginning of April.", Joonmyeon smiled. "But I'm already sure that he'll take longer."


Joonmyeon nodded. "Yixing took his time and came two weeks after the due date."

"You already know that the baby is a boy?", Baek wanted to know.

"Yes, my boy's wanted to know it.", Myeon chuckled. "Xing asked almost everyday. Actually he wanted to have a sister but he's also happy with a boy."

"Oh really?!", Baek voiced out. "Soo and the twins want to have a brother."

"Yeah, because girls only play with dolls.", Chanyeol added with a laugh. "Boy or girl, it doesn't matter. It just has to be healthy."

"Do you want to know it?"

"No." "Yes."

Baek and Yeol looked at each other. "No?", Baek laughed. "You don't want to know?"

"No.", Yeol said. "I want it to be a surprise."

"Oh..I didn't know.", Baek said.

"It's okay.", Chanyeol smiled. "If you want to know, it's okay."

"Did you know the gender of the twins?"

Chanyeol shook his head. "No."

"It was so cute.", Joonmyeon smiled. "Everything Yeol bought was held in light colors. Yifan was so excited at first and also didn't wanted to know Yixing's gender but when the twins were born he couldn't wait anymore."

"Oh yeah, I remember.", Yeol laughed. "He went shopping but he's so miserable at picking out uni clothes. He came home with a cream colored onesie with a fire truck on it.", he snickered. "He was so frustrated that he eventually wanted to know the gender."

Baekhyun had to smile. "And you really didn't wanted to know?", he asked once again.

"Baby...",Yeol cooed. He reached over to Baek over the cheek. "It's okay if you want to know. I don't care."

"Hmm.", Baek pouted.

"We'll know soon anyway."

"What, why?"

"Do you really think the boy's will hold still til April?", the tall man laughed out. "I'm sure they want to know."

Baekhyun let out a huff and pouted again. Joomyeon snickered. "The boy's are excited, huh?", he asked to get Baekhyun away from thinking about that Chanyeol didn't want to know the gender. He smiled when Baekhyun nodded. "More than excited.", he answered him.

"Xing is excited too but he's also jealous."


Joonmyeon nodded. "He's always been a Daddy's boy and since he knows about the baby he clings on Yifan even more."

"Soo will be jealous too.", Chanyeol voiced out simply.

Baekhyun frowned at the words. "What are you saying?"

"Soo's still not used to share.", Yeol said. "He still has to learn it it'll be hard for him when the baby's there."

Baek stayed silent, only started at Chanyeol with parted lips. "That's a normal reaction.", Joomyeon said with a soft smile. "But Kyungsoo has an advantage in this."


"Because of the twins. Right now he learns how it is to live with siblings, Yixing has no chance to experience something like this."

Baekhyun thought about the words. Chanyeol was right, but so was Joonmyeon. Kyungsoo never had to share and now he was confronted with it. He'd never spent more than two weeks with the twins and living with them would be a total change, not only for him. For Baek it would be also a change. Long he'd been alone, long he'd been on his own and now he wasn't alone anymore. He grew a family. He let out a soft sigh as he looked over to Chanyeol. It made him jealous that Chanyeol was so much more experienced than him, somehow.

Chanyeol flashed him a smile when their eyes met. Another sigh left Baek. No, being jealous was dump. He didn't needed to be jealous. Chanyeol was there to help him; he was there to help him with everything. It couldn't be better, Chanyeol and his experience were the best that Baek could wish for.








"I'll be back soon."

Baekhyun pressed a kiss on Yeol's lips. "Wish me luck.", he giggled.

Chanyeol shook his head. "Goofball.", he snickered. "Do you need something?"

Baek hummed as he thought for a second. "Oh yeah.", he smiled. "Do you know this sour gummy worms?"

Chanyeol scrunched up his nose. "Uh..for real?"

"Yeah..I don't know..somehow I want to eat them..."

"Understand a pregnant person.", the taller chuckled. "Alright, sour gummy worms are noted."

Baek closed the door behind him and took a deep breath. He knew that Chanyeol would be back soon, nevertheless he was nervous. He had been alone with Kyungsoo before but this was a whole different thing, Soo's son after all. But never before he had the sole responsibility for four kids. What if something would happen? "Don't be silly, Baekhyun.", he told himself. "Nothing will happen..."

Baek sat down onto the stairs and listened to the sounds the boy's made. Nothing had happened til now. Not even Kyungsoo had come down once; he had arranged himself with Joonmyeon's son and got along with him quite good. There was really nothing to worry about.

It was a few minutes to five, Chanyeol would be back soon and start with dinner and the boy's were busy with playing. With a sigh Baek lay down on the couch and closed his eyes. He rubbed his small bump and enjoyed the silence. From time to time the squeaks, squeals and laughs of the kids were heard and made Baek smiling. He turned form his back to his side and was about to reach out for the remote when suddenly a knock sounded up. Confused Baek sat up and looked around. Once again he could hear a knock, louder this time. Slowly he stood up and walked out of the living room. He gazed at the front door, waiting for another knock. Carefully he opened it when another loud knock demanded his attention.

"Hello?", he asked and peeked through the slightly opened door.

A tall young man smiled down to him. "Hey.", he said. "I'm Kris."

"Uh..hello.", Baek said and opened the door a bit more."Mh...Chanyeol's not here."

"Well, that's no problem.", he smiled. Baek's heart sped up. "I'm Yixing's father."

A frown formed on Baek's forehead. "Uhm..exuse me?"

The man named Kris cocked his head to the side. Confused he looked at Baekhyun before he suddenly laughed out loudly. "Oh, yeah, sorry.", he chuckled. "Yifan.

My name's Yifan."

"I'm confused."

"My name is Wu Yifan.", he said. "But most people call me Kris; it's easier for them."

"Oh.", Baek voiced out. "Uh..come in.", he said and opened the door wider to let Yifan in.

"I'm a bit early.", Yifan said as he took off his shoes. "But I was near."

Baekhyun nodded. "Ah, yeah. Chanyeol's out, shopping for dinner. The boy's want to eat Pizza."

"Oh, perfect. I haven't eaten yet.", he laughed. "Are the boy's upstairs?", Baekhyun nodded his head at the question. "Yixing~", the tall man called out. In no time

Baek could here the door of the boy's room swung open.

"Baba!", the little boy squealed and came run down the stairs. Kris caught the boy in his arms and gave him a kiss on he lips. "You're early.", Xing pouted when he was set back on the ground.

"I know.", he father said. "But I heard that there's Pizza for dinner, how could I miss this?"

Baekhyun had to laugh at Yixing's cute giggle. "Gege!", at Jongdae's happy squeak Baek looked up to the boy. The little boy was fast on his feet and almost stumbled down the stairs. Minseok was close behind him and Yifan let out a huff when both boy's jumped at him. Baekhyun was surprised yet amazed and confused. The twins covered the man's face with kisses and flashed him bright smiles.

Kyungsoo also confused watched their actions. "Hello.", Yifan smiled up to him. "I'm Yixing's dad."

"...I'm Kyungsoo..", the answer was shy and almost a whisper.

"Nice to meet you Kyungsoo.", Yifan said. "Minseok and Jongdae have told me a lot about you."

Kyungsoo's eyes widened in interest. "Really?"

"Oh yes.", the man nodded. "They've told me a lot and Yixing's so excited to finally play with you."

A shy smile formed on Soo's lips and a faint blush painted on his cute cheeks. He peeked over to Yixing who smiled at him form behind his father's leg. Yifan smiled at the boy's and set the twins back to their feet. "Yeol will be back soon.", he said. "Let us make ourselves useful and set the table, huh?"

All boy's nodded, Kyungsoo too. Baek smiled when they ran off to the kitchen. "Oh yeah.", the tall man suddenly voiced out and put a hand on his forehead. He turned to Baek and smiled at him. "I totally forgot. Congratulations."

"Thank you very much, to you too."

"Oh, you've met my husband already?"

Baek nodded. "Yes, we had some tea together."

"Oh, well then I'll hear about it later.", the tall man chuckled as he followed Baekhyun to the kitchen.

"Gege!", Minseok squeaked at tugged at Kris shirt. "Listen to me!", Baek furrowed his brows when the little boy babbled something to the man, he couldn't understand.

"Wow!", Kris voiced out and clapped his hands. "Really good, I'm proud of you."

Minseok grinned happy and proud and hopped back over to the other boy's. Yixing said something to his friend with a bright smile and only then Baek remembered that Yixing was half Chinese. He looked back at Yifan who softly smiled at the kids. "I didn't know that he can speak Chinese."

"Both can."

"For real.", Baek gasped. "Chanyeol didn't told me."

The tall Chinese only smiled at him. "There're a lot of thing you still don't know.", he said. "But you'll know soon. Give it a bit time."

"I didn't even know that you're his best friend."

Kris gave a stack of napkins to Kyungsoo and smiled at the boy. "Well, you know now.", he then smiled at Baek.

Baekhyun had to laugh at the grin. Kris was right, he had to  give it time. Chanyeol and he never had a real chance to get to know each other after all. They'd get to know each other in time and even though Baek already know that it wouldn't be that easy, he had a good feeling in this. Chanyeol was a gorgeous and he was excited to get to know him better.

"I'm home.", Chanyeol's voice only a few minutes later was heard  form the hall.

"Kitchen.", Baekhyun voiced out. He opened is mouth again to tell him that Kris was there, but the tall chinese put a finger on his lips and quickly hid behind the door.

The kids giggled cutely and quickly sat down at the table.

"Oh, all of you here?", Chanyeol smiled at the group. "Then we can start with t-kyaa!", Baekhyun flinched at the high pitched shriek. Who would've thought that Chanyeol could draw out such a high note. The kids laughed out loudly and clapped their hands as the bags in the tall man's arms fell to the floor with a thud. "Yifan!", Chanyeol roared out when his best friend started to snicker."Are you crazy?!"

The Chinese laughed out. He wrapped his arms around Chanyeol's waist, pulling him close, into a back hug. "I'm sorry.", he chuckled.

"As if.", His breath was heavy; he was visibly shocked. He put a hand on his chest and let out a whine when Kris ruffled his hair. "Ah, come on Yeol, I just can't help it."

"You're an .", he snarled.

"Daddy!", Kyungsoo squeaked. "That's a bad word."

"Yes, Gege.", Yixing added with a firm nod. "Don't say that."

Chanyeol looked at the boy's. "I'm sorry.", he apologized with a sweet smile. He pinched Kris in the arms for laughing at him.  He bend down to pick the bags back up. "Alright.", he said and shoved both shopping bags into his best friends arms. "Make yourself useful."

"What?!", Yifan squeaked dumbfounded. "I set the table."

"We helped you.", Yifan let out a groan when his son brightly smiled at him.

Chanyeol snickered. "Good boy.", he praised the little Wu. Yixing giggled cutely when Yeol ran his finger's through his hair, combing it.

Baekhyun bit back a laugh as the two men's childish act. The kids also watched their father's interaction in amusement. "Daddy, Gege!", Minseok whined. "Let's start now."

"Alright, alright.", both men nodded. The boy's squealed out when Chanyeol finally unpacked the bags.

Baekhyun never had lifted a finger in the kitchen before and was really excited to bake a pizza. Interested he peeked over Chanyeol's shoulder as the taller mixed all ingredients for the dough together. He let out a squeak when Chanyeol nudged his nose, leaving flour on it.

Under Yifan's attentive eyes the boy's prepared the topping and the tomato sauce for the pizza. Kyungsoo laughed out when a splash of sauce landed on Yixing's fair skin. The little boy's father nibbled on a mushroom while he helped Jongdae cutting them.

Baekhyun couldn't help it as he rushed out of the kitchen to get his phone. He had to take photos of the boy's. It was just too cute. All four boy's had smiles on their faces as they put the toppings on the dough and their eyes were wide open as they sat in front of the oven, looking inside.

"Ahh, yummy!", Jongdae grinned after he had swallowed his first bite of pizza. Yixing hummed while nodding, Kyungsoo also nodded his head and his brother chuckled when a slice of cheese dripped down his piece of pizza.

"Uhm.", Yifan voiced out to get his best friend attention. "I know it's early but it just crossed my mind. This year's Christmas dinner is still stands?"

Baekhyun's ears perked up. He turned his head to look at Chanyeol. "Every year on Christmas Eve we go out for dinner.", the teacher explained to him.

"It's always so nice.", Yixing smiled at him, eyes curving, dimple showing.

The twins nodded. "Last year we wore bow ties.", Minseok smiled. "Can we wear bow ties again?"

Baekhyun looked over to Kyungsoo. His son's eyes were wide open and Baekhyun could tell that he was more than interested in the topic over the Christmas dinner. "Uh..sounds great.", he smiled.

"Well, I hoped for you to say that.", Yifan smiled at him. "Then I can book a table for four adults and four kids."

"Yay!", Kyungsoo squealed and flashed the Chinese his heart-shaped smile.

Chanyeol laughed out all of the sudden. "Next year it'll be six kids.", he explained when Baek and Yifan looked at him confused.

"We are a huge family.", Jongdae giggled and spread out his arms as wide as he could.

"Gege?", Minseok voiced out and leaned over to Yifan. "XingXing said the baby in Myeon-hyungs belly is a boy."

"That's right.", the chinese proudly smiled.

"What's his name?"

"We don't know yet.", he said to the boy. "Yixing is allowed to pick out a name."

"Oh really?", Jongdae asked with suddenly sparkling eyes. The corner of his lips curled up as he gazed over to Chanyeol and Baekhyun. "Can we pick out the baby's name?"

"Ya, ya!", Soo squeaked. "Can we?"

"But we don't know if the baby is a boy or a girl."

"When do you will know?", Kyungsoo asked at his Appa's comment.

A sigh left Baekhyun. He gazed over to Chanyeol, who only smiled at him softly. "We will know soon.", the taller said to the boy's. "And then you can pick out a name."

The boy's eyes widened in excitement. "Yay!"




"And it's really okay for you to find out the gender?", Baekhyun wanted to know, when he and Chanyeol later the night lay in bed, closely snuggled together.

"It's okay."

"But you don't to know it..."

Chanyeol chuckled. "It's okay, really.", he smiled. "I've already guessed that the boy's want to know. And if they want to pick out a name we have to know the gender anyways."

Baekhyun pouted. "Okay."

"Aren't you excited to know what it is?"

"I am...but, somehow, I'm not."

"Haha, what?"

"I've thought about it and somehow I also wanted to be surprised, now."

Chanyeol tightened his grip around Baek's frame and pressed a kiss on his nose. "You're too cute.", he snickered. "It's your choice.", he then said.

"Nah.", Baek voiced out. "Let's make it easier for the boy's and tell them if they have to pick out a name for a girl or a boy."

The pregnant hummed in pleasure when Chanyeol's finger's brushed over the skin of his neck. "When's your next check-up?"

"Thursday, 4PM.", Baek answered. "Do you want to come with me?"

"I'd love to but I can't.", Chanyeol sighed. "It's Parent's Day."

"Aww, too bad." "But..wait..what's with the twins?"


"Yeah, what's with the twins?", Baek asked. "Do you take them with you?"

Chanyeol shook his head. "Joonmyeon will take them home, he always does."

"That's really nice of him."

"Yeah.", Yeol nodded. "He's used to it."

"Used to it?"

"Hmm, he always takes care of the boy's when we're in meetings."

"We?", Baekhyun asked confused.

"Yes, Yifan and I."

"Why's Yifan with you?", now he was even more confused.

Chanyeol laughed out at his dumbfounded face. "Because he's a teacher and has to be there."

"Yifan's a teacher?!", he shouted out in disbelief, causing Chanyeol to laugh even more. "For real?"

"Yeah.", the tall man snickered. "Yifan's middle school teacher for english, sports and history."

"Oh, wow.", Baek voiced out. "He doesn't look like a teacher. He looks more like a-" "Runway model?", Yeol cut in. "Yes. He's so handsome.", Chanyeol made a face like a beaten up puppy. "But not as handsome as you."

Chanyeol hummed. "Hmm..I don't believe you.", he pouted.

Baekhyun chuckled at the pout. He cupped Chanyeol's face and pulled him into a long kiss. "Hmm, still don't believe you.", Yeol grinned when Baek pulled away.

"Sneaky.", the pregnant chuckled and leaned in for another kiss." come back to Thursday.", he mumbled after the kiss. "I can take the kids home."

"If Mrs. Lee doesn't mind."

"Uhm..actually....I wanted to take the boy's with me."

"To the check-up?", Yeol voiced out surprised. "Are you sure?"

Baekhyun nodded. "Yeah.", he smiled. "I want to show them the baby."

"And you're really sure that it won't be too much?!"


"But if you-" "Chanyeol.", Baek cut him off with a stern look. "Joonmyeon's pregnant too. It doesn't matter if its me or him taking care of the twins, both of us will end up with three boy's and a baby inside."

"Yeah, okay, okay, I got it.", Yeol laughed. "I'm happy that you'll take your time for the twins."

Baekhyun grinned proudly. "Well, you're my family now."







Baekhyun kept his word and skipped work the next day. It was still early in the morning when he was on his way home. Chanyeol and the kid's were on their way to school and even though Baek would skip work today, he had a lof of thing to do.

When he parked his car in front of the mansion a small smile formed on his lips. He put his chin on the steering wheel while scanned the facade of his house. He'd always thought that this house was his dream house. But actually, it wasn't. It had never been much more that a random building. He had never felt home here. But the beautiful, by trees surrounded, family house with the large windows at the end of a quiet street felt like home. He'd always thought that he needed a huge residence to feel like home, but now he knew better. All he needed was a house that was furniture with love. Chanyeol's house felt like home and he didn't wanted to miss it anymore.

Baekhyun expected the house to be empty and quiet but as soon as he set a foot into the hall Mrs. Lee and Minah jumped on him. "Mr. Byun.", the maid almost shouted. "Are you okay? Where's Kyungsoo?"

"Uhmm hello.", Baek said and closed the door behind him. "I'm fine and so is Kyungsoo, why are you asking?"

"Well, you've been away the whole weekend."

"I've left you a letter."

"Yeah, but it said that you'd be back on Sunday."

A bit dumbfounded Baekhyun looked at the women. "We're back on Sunday."

"But where've you been yesterday?", Mrs. Lee asked. "I was here but you weren't."

"I..uh...yeah..", Baek stuttered. "Let's go to the kitchen.", he then said. "I've to tell you something."

Minah and Mrs. Lee curiously looked at their boss when they sat down at the kitchen table. "Okay uhmm...Kyungsoo and I spent the weekend with Chanyeol and the twins."

"Chanyeol?", Mrs. Lee asked.

Minah grinned weirdly. "You call Mr. Park by his name?"

Baekhyun madly blushed. "I..", he breathed out. "Chanyeol and I are a couple.", he blurred out.

The nanny and the maid looked at him with wide open eyes and dropped jaws. "Oh my god!", Minah squealed out. "I knew it!"

"I'm surprised.", Mrs. Lee said. "Congratulations.", she then smiled.

"We're so happy for you.", the young maid squeaked.

"Thank you.", Baek bowed slightly, face still hot and red. "Uhm, there's something else, I've to tell you."

"Oh, yeah?"

Baekhyun nodded. "I guess, that I soon won't need your service anymore.", he said.

"Not?", Minah asked. "Are you plan to move together?"

"Well, he haven't discussed it yet but it'll result in the fact that we'll move in together."

Mrs. Lee tilted her head to the side. "Don't you think it's a bit to early for that?"

Baek let out a sigh. "Yeah.", he said. "I know that this sounds strange and perhaps a bit naive but a lot of things has happen and just feels right and there's also another thing that has happen."

"Okay, and what has happen?", Minah wanted to know.

Baekhyun slightly blushed as he tugged at the zipper of his parka. He opened it, to show off the little bump that bulged under the shirt.
Both women jumped up form their chairs. "No way!" "How could we miss this?!" "When did this happen?"

Baek had to chuckle at their excited reaction, yet he blushed again. "I...I don't want to talk about it.", he stammered embarrassed.

"When is due date?", Mrs. Lee asked curiously.

"Middle of April."

"Oh my god, this is so cool.", the maid squeaked out like a crazy person. "Can I visit you?", she suddenly asked. "I mean, I'd really like to see your baby. I bet it'll be an absolutely beauty. Is it a boy or a girl?"

"Minah.", Mrs. Lee laughed out and playfully hit the curious girl on the shoulder.

"Oh..I'm sorry..."

"Haha, it's okay.", Baek chuckled and looked at her. "Of course you can visit us.", he smiled. "We don't know the gender yet but I've a check-up on Thursday.

Actually, Chanyeol doesn't want to know the gender but the boy's want to pick out the name and we want to make it easier for them."

"You let the kid's pick out the name?"


Minah squealed out. "Aww that's so cute. I'm really happy for you."

Baekhyun smiled softly. "Thank you.", he mumbled. "I'm happy too."






He could feel the eyes on him. He could feel all eyes on him as he sat in the waiting room of the hospital. Kyungsoo and the twins sat on the floor to his right, playing with a coulpe of colorful toy cars. The other patients and their companions literally stared at him and the kids and he could feel his ears burning.

He tried to avoid the eyes of the others in the room and looked at the boy's. "Minnie, are you thirsty?", he asked when he noticed the boy swallowing down nothing. Minseok looked up to him and nodded with a cute pout. Baek reached out for his bag and brought out a juice box. He fiddled open the straw's wrapping and put the straw in before he gave it the boy.

"Appa, me too.", Soo whined.

"Do you want some juice too?", he asked Jongdae after he gave Kyungsoo his juice box. Jongdae shook his head. The little Park climbed on the chair next to him and let himself fall to the side, so his head landed in Baek's lap. He pressed his ear against the swell of his belly, trying to listen to any sounds.

"Do we have to wait any longer?", he pouted cutely.

Baek brought his hands into the boy's hair, him over the head."Only a bit longer."

"I want to see the baby."

A murmur echoed through the room at the cute whine. Baek peeked up to the woman across the room. She smiled at him. "All yours?", she asked and pointed at the kids.

"No, all stolen."

The woman's eyes widened for a second before she laughed out. "They're all so cute."

Baekhyun mumbled a short "Thank you."

"Appa..", Soo voiced out. "I'm hungry."

"We'll eat at home.",Baek said and reached over to ruffle Soo's soft hair.

"Daddy said we eat spaghetti for dinner.", Minseok smiled. "Really?!", Soo asked.

Baekhyun nodded at his son, still combing Jongdae's hair with his fingers. The boy giggled when his stomach growled. "The baby's hungry too."

"Haha, yeah.", he chuckled. "I jus-" "Byun Baekhyun.", suddenly a voice cut in. Baek's eyes darted up to a nurse. She stood in the door frame and smiled at him. "You're next."

Jongdae pushed himself off Baek's lap and hopped down form the chair. Kyungsoo quickly finished his juice box and threw it in the small rubbish bin by the door before he followed the other's quickly. Minseok held onto Baek's right hand when they entered the doctor's office. "Oh, so much support today.", the doctor smiled.

"We want to see the baby!", Jongdae squeaked happily.

"We want to know if the baby's a boy or a girl!", Kyungsoo added with a cute smile.

"Well, if that's so, let's take a look.", at her words Baekhyun let go of Min's hand, lay down on the treatment couch and rolled up his shirt.

With curious eyes the dwarfs watched every of the doctor's movements. They watched as the woman poured something on Baek's belly before she put a strange looking scanner on it. "Ah, there it is.", she smiled and tapped onto the monitor.

"That's the baby?!", Minseok asked and scrunched up his nose. "It looks strange."

Baek and the doctor laughed out. "It only looks strange on the monitor.", she chuckled. "That's because it's really dark in the belly."

The boy's let out an "Oh." and continued watching the flickering black, white and grey colors on the screen.

"The baby is healthy.", was Baekhyun told. "Everything is as it should be. Should we take a look at the gender now?"

"Yes!", the boy's squealed.

"Well then...", the medic smiled and moved the head of the ultrasound machine over the swell of Baek's belly. "Let's take a look."

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Beau1996 1371 streak #1
Chapter 16: Smexy times in the car - yes please!!
Beau1996 1371 streak #2
Chapter 15: Sweetness overload!!
Beau1996 1371 streak #3
Chapter 13: The best baby daddy ever!
Beau1996 1371 streak #4
Chapter 12: The best way to confess!
Beau1996 1371 streak #5
Chapter 11: Very sweet!
Beau1996 1371 streak #6
Chapter 10: I want more Baekhyun hugs too ( ok, maybe just one would be nice!)
Beau1996 1371 streak #7
Chapter 9: Poor Baek!
Beau1996 1371 streak #8
Chapter 8: Ah oh - looks like someone has a surprise 😉
Beau1996 1371 streak #9
Chapter 7: Welcome to the big house!
Beau1996 1371 streak #10
Chapter 6: Happy family indeed!!