Ch. 42




A chuckle slipped past Chanyeol’s lips when he stepped into the bedroom and Baekhyun patte the empty space next to him. “That eager to ask all your questions?”


“Very much, yes,” the expecting nodded. “I literally know nothing about you.”


“Well, that’s not quite true.”


“It is, I don’t even know your favorite color.”


Raising a brow at the other, Chanyeol climbed into the bed. “For what do you even need to know that?”


“Who knows. Maybe I want to buy you something nice.”


“Well if that’s so, my favorite color is black.”


“Black?! Why that?”


“Why not?”


Baek made a face. “So dark.”


“Like my soul.”


The comment had the smaller laughing. “Your soul dark? Oh please, if souls would have a color yours would be a rainbow.”


Chanyeol hummed. “A rainbow? Why that?”


“You’ve got a beautiful soul, that’s why.”


“Aw, that’s cute. Thank you.”


Flushing a little, Baek smiled. “What color is my soul?” He then asked, curious to hear what Chanyeol would answer.


“Red,” the man said without any hesitation. “Red comes in many different shades and you’re all of them.”


“Explain, please.”


“Well, you never know what kind of red you get. Sometimes you’re crimson, hot headed and temperamental, but you also can be raspberry red, bubbly and cheery. Let’s not forget rose-red.”




“Sassy and unapproachable,” Chanyeol said, snickering when Baekhyun gasped. “Like a rose you’re nice to look at but your thorns are make it hard for people to get a grip on you. And you know that.”


Puffing his cheeks a little, Baek hummed. “What shade is your favorite?”


“Burgundy,” the man answered, pressing a kiss to the corner of Baekhyun’s mouth. “It’s the perfect combination off all your other shades. It makes you warming and invigorating, exciting and attractive, simply stunning.”


An unidentifiable sound escaped Baekhyun. “How do you do that?”


“What?” Chanyeol asked, chuckling.


“You can turn the silliest talk into serious conversations. In one second you’re the biggest cheese ball and in the next you’re an effortlessly flirt.”


“Well, I guess you’re color association of my soul fits then. I’m colorful and you never know what you get. Still doesn’t change the fact that black is my favorite color. What’s yours by the way?”


Baek flushed.


“No way, it’s red?!”




“I wouldn’t have guessed.”



Chanyeol hummed. “Well, you don’t own much red stuff. Like, there’s barely one red sweater in your closet.”


“I don’t know, it’s just a very vibrant color most of the time,” Baek shrugged. “I don’t think I’m bold enough to wear red in public. I had red hair when I was in high school, though.”


“Really? They allowed you to have dyed hair at this private school?” Chanyeol whistled when Baek nodded. “Do you have a picture of that? I’d like to see one.”


“I’m sure I have one somewhere. But why are we talking about me again?! I want to know more about you!”


“Well, then ask. What do you want to know?”


Sitting completely up, Baek rested his back against the backrest of the bed. “I’d like to know about your past. Why did you end up being a single parent? And why have I never heard Jongdae and Minseok talking about their grandparents?”


“Okay, let’s start with my parents,” Chanyeol said, frowning. “The boys never have mentioned them before because they don’t know them. And they never will.”




“I’ve been very open about my uality since forever. Since the day I was completely sure I prefer men over women, I’ve been open and honest about it. Well, that honesty didn’t sit well with my parents. They kicked me out when I was sixteen.”


Baek let out a shocked gasp. “They didn't’?!”


“They did. I came home one day to my father handing me a suitcase, telling me I was no longer welcome in the family. I don’t know why, to be honest. All I know is that they are obviously having a problem with their son being gay.”


“W-where did you go?”


“Well, with sixteen I was luckily still young enough to find shelter in a youth home. I stayed there for two years. The people there helped me a lot. They helped me with my studies so I could get a scholarship. I was able to live in the dorms of the uni then.”


Baekhyun hummed, pouting a little. He didn’t think that Chanyeol would’ve such a tragic relationship to his parents.


“Well, it is what it is, I can’t and also don’t want to change it. Same goes for what has happened with my ex. I was young, I was dumb but all the things have turned out with me having two wonderful children and I don’t want to miss them.”


“What happened back then?”


“I met him in college and it didn’t took long for me to fall in love with him. We soon became a couple and things with us went pretty fast. We moved in together after only five months of relationship and got engaged after around nine months.”


“So, the twins were planned?”


“No, they weren’t,” Yeol shook his head. “We’re both shocked when we found out he was expecting. We’re both only twenty, in the middle of our studies and a child was for sure not fitting into our plans-”


Baekhyun raised a confused brow when Chanyeol suddenly laughed out. “What’s wrong? Why are you laughing?”


“I just remembered that all of my children are accidents.”


“Oh you,” Baek gasped, hitting his finance in the chest. “Don’t say such a thing.”


“But it’s true,” Yeol said, shrugging his shoulders. “Back then we thought about abortion.”



“We missed the time. We’re talking about it a lot. On side we knew that we were too young and unstable to have a child but on the other we couldn’t make up our minds with actually getting rid of it.”


“Did you then think of giving them up for adoption?”


“No, not really. It was a tough time, though. After eventually finding out that we’d have twins, he fell into depression. One child was hard to cope with but two? It took him a while to get used to everything, or well, that’s what I thought.”




Chanyeol sighed. “The last three months before the twins were born he was all happy about it but it drastically changed when they were about a month old. All of the sudden he said that it would be too much for him and that he just couldn’t give up on his freedom like that. He packed his bags and walked out of the door one day and didn’t come back.”


Baekhyun swallowed. “So, he’s never met the boys after that?”


“Once, when they were around two years old we bumped into each other by accident. He didn’t spare them a single glance.”


“Wow, that’s-”


“Yeah, I don’t know what to say to that either,” Chanyeol sighed while letting out a laugh as well. “Maybe all his joy was just played after all. Well, his lost.”


“I can only imagine how hard it was for you back then?”


“Oh yeah, it was definitely not easy. I guess I was just really lucky to have people around that were very understanding,” Yeol said. “I was able to continue my studies from home. Only for the exman I had to attend school. That’s why I also was able to look after Yixing when Myeon had to stay at the hospital.”


“And that worked?”


“Well, I’m a teacher now, it obviously did.”


Baekhyun smiled. “You’re truly amazing. I would not have been able to do all that.”


Chanyeol returned the smile. “Thank you.”


“I’m shocked, though. You’ve really gone through much in just that short time. I’m sorry for that.”


“Ah, don’t be. It sounds worse than it actually was,” Chanyeol smiled. “I may not have had my parents support and then was alone with two babies but I had Yifan and Junmyeon by my side. They’ve been a great help.”


“What would you do if you meet him again?”


“Nothing. What should I do? The boys don’t know him, he’s a complete stranger to them.”


Baek hummed, nodding his head a little. “And your parents? What about them?”


“Depends on the situation,” Chanyeol said. “If I’d be alone, I’d probably ignore them. If you or the kids would be with me, I’d show you off.”


“Oh, be serious,” the expecting laughed out.


“I am serious,” Yeol said, giving a nod. “I knew they always wanted to have grandchildren and hey, they could have had them. It’s their own fault that they now will never get to know them, all four of them.”

Baekhyun’s lips curled into a smile as Chanyeol, as always, included Kyungsoo into his talking. “So, that means I’ll never meet my future in-laws?”


“Never,” Chanyeol said. “And I’m not even sorry.”


“When was the last time you’ve met them?”


“Three and half years ago at the opening of the will of my grandmother. She’s left me some money and therefore I had to go there. It’s wasn’t really nice but I survived it.”


“Were you close to your grandma?”


“Hm, we had a prosaically relationship, not very loving but I went to visit her with the twins.”


“But that would mean your parents know that you have children. right?”


“Maybe, maybe not. I don’t know. My grandmother was a very cold person who carried a lot of secrets with her. You could tell that she knew more than she was talking about. She’s my father’s mother and they had a very unloving relationship. I think the only reason why she left me all of her money was because she wanted to annoy my parents.”


“Sounds as if she’s been a very unpredictable lady.”


“Oh, yes she was,” Chanyeol laughed. “You should’ve seen her. She ordered me around like her servant but she was pure gold with the boys. They loved her.”


“Hm, maybe that’s why she gave you all the money,” Baek hummed. “Because she knew you’d need it for the twins.”


“Yeah, maybe this or maybe that. Nevertheless I’m thankful. Without her money I wouldn’t have been able to get a credit for the house.”


“When I listen to you I almost feel ashamed for thinking that I had a hard time,” Baek sighed.


Chanyeol gifted the expecting a soft smile. “It’s been a different kind of a hard time but it still is equally tough. You have all right to say that it was a hard time.”


“When he died I suddenly felt so empty,” Baekhyun spoke up. “Yes, we broke up, I left him but he still-”


“Is Kyungsoo’s father and you loved him,” Chanyeol said.


“Yes,” Baek nodded. “I thought it was my fault and I started to push Soo away from me. It was weird. In one moment I was so sad and depressed because I knew he’d remind me of him and in the next I was the happiest person on earth and spent hours with just looking at him sleeping. Oh god, he was so tiny.”


Chanyeol smiled as Baekhyun looked at him. “It’s okay. You just didn't know how to cope with it back then.”


“But is it, really?” Baekhyun asked, sighing. “This behavior never vanished. To distract myself from the guilt and the depression I had I started the company and you know where it led to. Though I love him with all my heart I neglected my own son, without really realizing it.”


The moment of silence fell between them and Chanyeol gently curled his fingers under his finance’s chin when he noticed his eyes filling with tears. “Hey, don’t cry,” he said. “It had a happy ending, right? All you did lead to me, the annoying teacher whom you jumped at one summer day in a shabby motel.”


“Yes, tha-wait, what?! I didn’t jump at you! You-” Baek paused when Chanyeol laughed out. Shaking his head, he also chuckled. Leaning in when Chanyeol pulled him forwards, he sighed when their lips met. “Thank you.”


“No-” “No,” Baek instantly cut in. “I mean it, thank you!”


“Anything for you, baby,” Chanyeol smiled. “I love you.”


“I love you, too.”



Baekhyun came home to four little boys and a dog happily hopping around the living room and Junmyeon sitting in a mess of fabric, cotton balls and other crafting stuff, looking exhausted but happy.  “Oh my god, you finished all of their costumes?”


“Sure, what else,” Yixing’s father said, shrugging a little. “What else should’ve done? You’ve been gone forever.”


“Yeah, sorry about that,” Baek apologized. “Traffic jam but I brought cake!”





“Can we eat?” Yixing asked.


Baekhyun nodded. “Of course.”


“But first take off your costumes, please,” Junmyeon said. “And please up them here,” he added, pointing at a blue laundry basket.


“Do you need help cleaning up?”


“No, go ahead, it’s not much anyways.”


Nodding, Baek left the living room and moved towards the kitchen. Cookie followed him, curiously watching as he unpacked the cake he had brought. “Aw, I know it smells good but you can’t have any of it,” Baek smiled, the dog over the head. “Shall we find another treat for you?”


With the pup happily munching on a dried pig ear, Baekhyun cut the creamy chocolate cake into pieces and took out some plates. Just as he was about to brew some tea, Junmyeon walked into the kitchen.


“Everything’s good with the mucky pup?” He asked, giving his friends belly a gentle pet.


“Yes,” baekhyun smiled. “He grew a lot.”


Yifan’s husband frowned. “Hard to believe,” he said, eyeing the baby bump. “You’re so tiny, look at me. I already look like a whale.”


“That’s not true,” Baek chuckled. “I bet Sehun’s just bigger than Luhan.”


“Probably,” Myeon sighed. “I’m already sure that he takes a lot after Yifan.”


“And that’s bad?”


“Of course not but I don’t need him to become a giant like his father.”


Snickering, Baek shook his head. “You know, your bump may be bigger but I gained more weight than you. You’re still as slim as the day we first met.”


“Oh, thank you. That’s balm to my soul,” Junmyeon hummed. “But you didn’t gain that much weight yourself.”


“Do you still fit your pants?”


“Yes. I just cannot close them because of the belly.”


“See, I had to buy new pants. Three sizes larger,” Baek huffed. “It annoys me so much, you’ve got no idea.”


“Oh come on, three sizes are not that much. Also, you have only seven more weeks to go. As a heavily pregnant you’re allowed to weigh a little more.”


“Says the heavily pregnant who gained like one pound in the last eight months.”


Junmyeon rolled his eyes. “Really, it’s not that you look like a hippo and besides that, you had to rest a lot, don’t forget that. You didn’t have the chance to exercise.”




“Well, if it bothers you that much I should eat your piece of cake, huh? We cannot risk you to gain more.”


“Don’t you dare!”


Yixing’s father laughed out when Baek leaned over the cake to protect it. “Shall I get the kids?”




Just as Junmyeon went to call the kids, Chanyeol and Yifan entered the house. Chanyeol had a deep frown on his forehead and Myeon raised a brow in confusion, looking at his husband. “What’s wrong?”


A growl slipped past Chanyeol’s lips and he turned away, leaving the house again.


“D-did I say something wrong?” Junmyeon asked his husbands when the door fell shut behind their friend. “What’s with him?”


“Where’s Baek?”




“Let’s go there first.”


Nodding, Junmyeon went back to the kitchen without calling the kids down. He sat down at the dining table and waited for Yifan to appear. “So, now tell me. What’s going on?”


“Hey,” Baek greeted the Chinese. “What’s wrong? Where’s Chanyeol?”


“Outside,” Yifan said, sighing.


“What happened?”

“Yeol got suspended.”


“What? Why that?”


“According to principal and the lady from the teacher’s association someone has accused him of ual harassment.”


Baekhyun gasped. “Excuse me, what?”


“Do they kno-wait! Was it her?”


“We think so, yes,” Yifan nodded. “They are not allowed to tell us but we think it’s her.”


“What’s wrong with this ?! Seriously!”


“What does it mean for Yeol, now?”


Yifan sighed. “Well, for now he’s not allowed to teach or get close to the school. Parents and other teachers will not get any information about what is going on until the case is all cleared.”


“Is she allowed to keep teaching?”




Burning with anger, Baekhyun let out a roar. “God, I could rip off her head. What the hell is she thinking?! She can destroy his whole life with that !”


“Shall I call my lawyer?” Junmyeon asked. “If that wants war, she can have it!”


“Ohh, I cou-” “Hey,” Yifan took the word. “Both of you, calm down a little, okay?”


“Yeah, you’re right,” Baek said, exhaling loudly. “I, uh, we were about to have some cake with the kids. Go ahead, I’ll go and check up on Yeol.”


Throwing his coat over his shoulders and slipping into some shoes, Baek stepped outside the house to look for his fiance. He found Chanyeol resting against the wall of the garage, nibbling on a cigarette.


“Aren’t those supposed to be smoked?”


Turning his head to Baekhyun, Chanyeol removed the cigarette from his lips. “I forgot to bring a lighter.”


“Yifan just told us,” Baek said, coming to halt in front of the taller. “I’m so sorry.”


“Ah, don’t be,” Yeol said. “It’s nothing we can change. At least for now,” he added with a sigh slipping past his lips. “It’s just . I know, they’re gonna keep it a secret to protect me but I’m not sure about her. She just has to mention the slightest thing and I’ll lose my authorisation to teach.”


“T-that’s not going to happen.”


“Are you sure? She seems to be sick enough to accuse me of ual harassment. I don’t trust her.”


“People won’t believe her.”


Chanyeol laughed out. “That’s what you think. Just throw a look in the newspaper. There are plenty of men who have to deal with like this and it’s extremely hard to prove wrongful accusation.”


“Hey, don’t give up like that already,” Baek said, reaching for one of Chanyeol’s hands. “Junmyeon offered to call his lawyer and I have a good lawyer, too. She’s not gonna win this. She won’t get away with her lies anymore.”


“Your words in God’s ear.”


After eventually getting a lighter to smoke his cigarette to calm his nerves a little, Chanyeol came inside and sat down at the dining table. He didn’t eat a piece of cake, only drank some coffee and listened to the boys happy chatting.


But as soon as the started to talk about the upcoming school play and how exciting they were to show their parents their performance, Chanyeol excused himself and left again, this time taking Cookie for an endless walk.  


“When he comes home tell him we’re there to support him, okay?”


Baek smiled into the hug he was given by Junmyeon. “Sure, I will tell him.”




“Goodnight,” Baek said waving after the family. He watched as Yifan carried a sleepy Yixing to the car and eventually closed the door when the Wu’s drove off.


As his kids were just as sleepy and exhausted from playing as Yixing was, he got them ready for bed and tugged them in, reading them a book.


“Is Daddy not coming?” Jongdae asked, already half asleep.


“Uhm, not tonight, I think,” Baek said. “He’s still out with Cookie.”


“Why so long?” Soo pouted, frowning a little.


“I don’t know, maybe he and Cookie are playing a little at the park.”


“But it’s so dark.”


“True,” Baek laughed a little. “Well, let’s see. Maybe he comes home very soon and then I’ll send him up here, okay?”


“Okay,” the boys nodded. “Goodnight, Appa.”


“Goodnight,” Baek smiled. “I love you.”


He was sure the boys wouldn’t make it until Chanyeol would come home. They were already drifting to sleep while mumbling back soft ‘I love you’s and by the time Baekhyun eventually left their soom, Minseok was fast asleep and Kyungsoo let out another long, sleepy yawn.


Chanyeol was gone for another two hours and Baekhyun himself was about to fall asleep on the couch when the man finally walked into the house, ears and nose reddened from the cold.


“Baek, babe, why don’t you go to bed?” He asked when Baek sat up, stretching his arms over his head.


“I wanted to wait for you,” the expecting answered. ‘You’ve been gone for so long.”


“I know, I just needed to get my head free a little. Didn’t really work, though.”


“You should eat something.”


“Yeah, later maybe. I’ll take a shower now.”


Baek nodded, getting up from the couch. “I’ll warm you up some of the dinner then.”


As Chanyeol went to hop into the shower, Baekhyun went to the kitchen to warm up some food for his fiance and to give Cookie some food as well. He leaned against the kitchen counter and watched the pup munching on his food while Chanyeol’s dinner got heated up in the microwave.


Just as the beeping sound occurred to signal that heating time was up, Chanyeol stepped into the room. “Do you want to eat here or over in the living room?”


“Here is fine,” Yeol answered, sitting down at the table. “Thanks.”


Baek sat down as well as Chanyeol began to eat. “I know you can’t help it but you shouldn't worry that much. I’m sure everything will be fine.”


“Yeah, but what if not?”


“Why shouldn’t it? She’s lying.”


“Yes, she is but I need to prove that she is lying and that I’ve not harassed her in any way. I need to, otherwise I have to look for a new job. And it’ll be ing hard to prove that I’m innocent.”


“W-well, it sure is but with a good lawyer b-” “You could get me the best goddamn lawyer in the world,” Chanyeol cut in, sounding annoyed. “When there’s no evidence that proves that she’s making all this up, I’m screwed. There is only this option for me.”


“H-hey, calm down a little.”

“But I can’t calm down! Even if legal proceedings end with me not getting sentenced my career as a teacher is over. No school or other educational establishment will ever hire someone who’s been accused of ual harassment, even if it could not have been proven wrong. Only a judgement in which I’m found innocent can save me.”


“I just think tha-” “You know what? I don’t even want to talk about it. This is nothing but ! Why is something like that always happening to me? Really, what have I done?!”


Baek stayed quiet as Chanyeol grumpily dropped his fork onto his plate and got up, leaving the room. He sighed loudly and leaned back into the chair, brining a hand to his bump when the boy under his heart kicked out. “Don’t worry baby, your Dad will be fine,” he said, rubbing his belly. “Hopefully.”       



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Beau1996 1371 streak #1
Chapter 16: Smexy times in the car - yes please!!
Beau1996 1371 streak #2
Chapter 15: Sweetness overload!!
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Chapter 13: The best baby daddy ever!
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Chapter 12: The best way to confess!
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Chapter 11: Very sweet!
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Chapter 10: I want more Baekhyun hugs too ( ok, maybe just one would be nice!)
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Chapter 9: Poor Baek!
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Chapter 8: Ah oh - looks like someone has a surprise 😉
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Chapter 7: Welcome to the big house!
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Chapter 6: Happy family indeed!!