Ch. 37





It was a few minutes past ten when the doorbell rang. Cookie was fast to jump up and bark at whoever was behind the door and Baek wondered who it could be since he didn't expect any visitor. He gazed at the clock, checking the time again. It couldn't been the boys, it was way too early for them to come home.

Telling Cookie to sit, Baek opened the door and loudly shrieked as Joonmyeon jumped at him, pulling him in a hug that made their bumps gently collide. "Congratulations," Yifan's husband squeaked. "I'm so happy for you."

Flabbergasted and more than confused Baekhyun pulled back and looked at the other. "H-how do you know, already?"

"Well, Yifan was asking Yeol about your weekend trip and he casually spit it. I can't believe it. Finally. I was waiting for it to finally happen. You have to tell me everything!"

Baekhyun had to laugh at how excited Joonmyeon was. "How about coming in first," he stepped aside to make some room. "Do you want something to drink? I just brewed some tea."

"Oh, yes please," Myeon said. "It's extremely cold today."

In the time Yixing's father took off his shoes and coat, Baekhyun went to get a cup. Together they then went to the living room.

"Oh, were you working?" Joonmyeon asked as he noticed a laptop and a stack of papers on the coffee table.

Baek sighed. "Yeah, I have to grab up on it. My secretary did a really good job but I don't want to take advantage of her kindness. She's been working hard in the past weeks."

Humming Joonmyeon nodded. "Are you fit enough to work again?"

"I can't tell. I'll attend a meeting next week and if it goes well and I don't feel too exhausted or anything I might go back to work. If not, I still can work from here." Reaching for the stack of papers, Baek put them under the table and then poured Myeon a cup of tea. "So, how are you doing?"

"I'm doing fine," Joonmyeon said and took the cup. "But let's not talk about me," he grinned. "Let's talk about you and Yeol. You are engaged. Show me the ring."

Baek laughed out and showed the other pregnant his hand. "There is no ring. I mean, there was one, made out of tinfoil."

Joonmyeon frowned in confusion. "What?"

"It was a spontaneous proposal," Baekhyun said, smiling. He told Joonmyeon about Kyungsoo's belated, surprise birthday party and how Chanyeol then ended up proposing to him with a hand crafted tinfoil ring.

"Oh god, this is so adorable," Myeon squealed. "Chanyeol never fails to amaze me. I'm so glad that he found you."

Baekhyun snickered and leaned back when Joonmyeon did the same. "I'm glad that he was so stubborn when it came to Soo. If he would have done as I told him, I wouldn't be here now."

Smiling, Yifan's husband nodded. "So, now you're becoming a real family. I mean, you already are but on the papers as well."

"Yes," Baek smiled.

"I know you're only engaged since Saturday and I'm probably way too curious but I can't help it, I have to ask. Will you adopt the kids before you get married or after?"

Baekhyun hummed. "I don't know. We haven't talked about it yet but I guess after or otherwise we'd have to go to the office again, right? I mean, Yeol could adopt Soo right now but then he'd keep my name. It doesn't automatically get changed only because I marry Yeol."

"True," Joonmyeon said. "So, you have already decided to get Yeol's name?"

"Uhm, no, not really but I'd like to have his name. I mean, if Yeol wants to have my name we can go with Byun but Byun Chanyeol sounds really weird and the same goes for the twins."

Myeon laughed at Baekhyun's expression but nodded. "Yeah, it really sounds weird. But what about your company? Will you change it's name too, then?"

"I'll see then," Baek said. "I guess, I have to talk to Yeol first."

Joonmyeon snickered and reached out to pet Baek's belly. "Then there will be four Park boys running around the house, soon."

Baek gazed at the hand on his belly and chuckled when Luhan kicked out. "Yeah, I guess." He then glanced at the other's round belly. "How is Sehun doing? Still as active as before?"

"Oh, you have no idea," the answer came as huff. "It's crazy. I don't know if he's practicing break dance in there or something but sometimes I really want to go the hospital and ask them to get him out, immediately. My sleeping rhythm is so ed up, yesterday I almost set the kitchen on fire because I fell asleep at the kitchen table."

"Oh god, is everything okay?"

"Xing woke me up before the pizza bursted into flames but the house is still smelling like smoke. It's a surprise that the fire alarm didn't go off."

"Isn't there anything you can do to calm him a little?"

"I tried everything. This nasty homeopathic tea and meditation. They even gave me some weird looking pills but nothing helps. I appreciate every second he's quiet."

"Is he quiet right now?"

"I wish," Myeon grumbled. He grabbed Baek's hand and placed it on the underside of his belly. "You feel that?"

Baekhyun's eyes widened at the kicks he could feel. "Damn, that would annoy me, too," he honestly said.

"The doctor said I should be happy to have such an energetic and active child. Really, he has no idea how exhausting this is. Sometimes I'm so annoyed that I snap at Yifan even though he didn't do something. I feel so sorry for him, his patience with me indescribable."

Baek kept quiet for a while, just moved his hand over his friends belly, feeling the baby inside him kicking out. "Do you want to stay here?" He then asked, breaking the silence. "Text Yifan and tell him to come here with Xing after school. We can have lunch and dinner together. It's been awhile since we spent some time together."

"Great idea," Myeon said, approving Baekhyun's idea. He sat up and went to the hall to grab his phone from his coat. When he came back to the living room he stopped in front of the coffee table and groaned, grabbing his belly. "I swear, he's trying to kill me."

Baek hummed, frowning when the other straightened his back again. "Did you ever try yoga?"


"Yes," Baekhyun said and stood up. He went over to the dresser and rummaged in one of the drawers. "It's super relaxing," he smiled, handing Joonmyeon a CD.

"I've never tried yoga before. Is it safe?"

"It is. My doctor recommended it when I was pregnant with Soo. Do you want to try?"

"Sure, why not."



While Yifan rose his brows in confusion over sounds of seagulls and waves, Chanyeol broke into laughter. "What the hell is this?" He asked, petting Cookie's head as the dog welcomed them.

"Baek's pregnancy yoga music."

"Pregnancy yoga?"

Chanyeol nodded, toeing off his boots. "Last time he did it he fell asleep, let's check if they're really doing it."

The two men skipped over to the living room and peeked inside. "And here I thought yoga is sport. This looks like wellness," Yifan commented, snickering as he and Yeol found both pregnant sleeping on the carpet in front of the coffee table.

Joonmyeon lay on his side with a pillow tucked between his legs while Baekhyun lay on his back with a hand resting on top of his round belly.

Yifan snapped a few pictures of the two expecting and shook his head. "Cute."

Yeol nodded, smiling. "Let them sleep and let's prepare lunch, I'm sure the didn't start yet."

While the kids stayed outside playing in the snow, the two father's started to cook their lunch. Yifan sat at the kitchen table cutting some sausage with Cookie sitting close beside him, watching every movement. "I'd love to give you some but then I'll end up giving you all of them and that would make your owner really angry.

"You're so weird sometimes," Chanyeol laughed. "Give him one. But only one."

The smell of the warm food soon filled the whole ground floor. Stirring awake at the delicious smell, Baekhyun rolled to his side facing Joonmyeon. "Oh man," he chuckled and reached over to poke the other pregnant.

Myeon whined a little, slapping Baek's hand away. "How dare you?"

"Myeon, we fell asleep," Baek said. "Our men and the kids are already back."

Blinking his eyes open, Yifan's husband yawned. "I slept so well. Can't we ignore their presence and get back to sleep?"

"Then at least move to the couch or the guest room."

At Chanyeol's chuckle, the pregnant's turned their heads towards the door. "Hey," Baek smiled at the man and pushed himself into a sitting position. Chanyeol walked over to him, helping him up.

"No," Myeon wailed as Chanyeol offered him a hand. "Believe it or not but I'm really comfortable right now. Plus, Sehun's quiet right now."

"But there's food waiting for you."

Joonmyeon hummed. "Well, okay, I can't say no to that," he took Chanyeol's hand let himself begin pulled up. "This CD is amazing. Where can I get this?"

"You can have if you want," Baek smiled. "I have another one."

"Oh, thank you. By the way, Yeol, where are the kids?"

"Outside, playing."

"Oh," Baekhyun voiced out. "Then I'll go and get them."

Soon both families sat at the ParkByun's table, eating what Yifan and Chanyeol had created. The kids talked about their day, informing the parents that there soon would be a stage play.

"I'm be a butterfly," Jongdae squeaked, doing flappy wings with his hands.

"Ohh," Yifan voiced out, interested. "And you?" He asked his son.

Little Yixing made a face. "I'm rain cloud."

"What's so bad about it?" Chanyeol asked.

"Nobody likes rain clouds," the boy pouted.

"But rain clouds are important," Yeol said, chucking the boy under the chin. "And there are many people who like rain. I like rian."

Yixing looked at his godfather. "Really?"

Nodding, Chanyeol nodded at Baekhyun. "Baek likes rain too. When it rains we can stay inside, playing games or cuddle. We can watch the raindrops racing on the windows and the most important thing, we can watch the rain helping the sun taking care of the flowers and plants outside, making them grow."

"That's true," Baek said. "I like flowers but without rain there wouldn't be flowers. I like the rain a lot. And I love rainbows!"

"I love rainbows, too!" Kyungsoo added with a squeak.

Slowly a soft smile crept onto Yifan's and Joonmyeon's lips. "Y-yeah, I like rainbows, too."

"See, being a rain cloud is not bad. You have a very important role," the middle school teacher said, giving the boy a nod. "What about you guys?" He then asked Kyungsoo and Minseok.

"I'm a sunflower," Minseok answered.

"Me too," Kyungsoo added with a smile.

"What's your play about?"

"It's about the seasons," Min explained. "Our class plays animals and flowers."

"Mine the weather," Yixing smiled.

Baekhyun hummed. Sometimes he forgot that the four boys didn't go to the same class. "That means you'll practice a lot, huh?"

"Yes," all boy's grinned. "We will practice in the gym," Yixing added.

"And we'll do our costumes ourselves," Jongdae informed.

"Oh," Chanyeol voiced out. "Then there for sure will be a letter to the parents, asking for help."

"Yes," Minseok nodded. "Mrs. Kim told us to ask our parents to help us. Appa, will you help us?"

"Well, since your Daddy can't, I'll do it with pleasure," Baekhyun said, looking at Chanyeol with a weird smile.

"What's going on now?"

"Yeah," Myeon nodded, looking back and forth his friends. "What's with the tension now?"


"Bulls-" Yifan stopped before the word could slip past his lips completely. "Kids, do you want to go back outside?"

"Can we take Cookie with us?"

"Sure," the Chinese smiled. "But put on your hands and gloves, ok?"

Nodding their heads, the boys hopped down their chairs and rushed to the hallway to get dressed. Zipping up their thick jackets and putting on their boots, their were out in less than a minute.

Grinning, Yifan turned to Chanyeol and his pregnant fiancee. "Well, we hear."

Sighing, Chanyeol leaned back into his chair. "You tell them," he nodded at Baek. "You started it after all."

"There's nothing," Baek said again. "I just don't like Mrs. Kim."

"Bull, Baekhyun," Myeon said. "I can literally smell the tension. What is it?"

"That just tried to break us apart."

"She did what?!"

"Yeah," Baek nodded. "You won't believe it. First there was this incident of her calling our kids liars and then, on that teacher exchange thingy, she somehow managed to sneak her in one of Yeol's jeans."

Yifan's mouth fell open. "You never told me that. For real?"

"Yes," left Chanyeol with another sigh. "Don't ask me how she did but she did. And Baek in his jealousy and anger really thought I've slept with her."

"Oh no, you didn't," Joonmyeon gasped. "Baekhyun!"

"Well, sorry. I was shocked and yes, blinded by jealousy. But, you were drunk the day before you came back."

"You're drunk?"

"We went out to celebrate Taehwan's birthday and someone bought liquor. Yeah, I stumbled back to my room but I stumbled back there alone. I don't even know why you're still jealous, you already put her in place."

"I just hate her," Baek grumbled. Luhan kicked out and he put a hand on his belly to calm the boy. "Oh and you know what?" He turned to Joonmyeon. "She really had the nerve to look me in the face and say that I'm a lonely, bitter who just tricked Chanyeol into bed to get pregnant. First of all, he tricked me into bed a-" "Excuse me, what did you just say?" Chanyeol cut in with a laugh. "I tricked you into bed?"

"Yes, if can remember it wasn't me."

"We had a deal, I show you my abs, you show me your hips. And if remember it right, you were the one without underwear."

"Well, it's getting interesting," Joonmyeon mumbled to himself, grabbing his tea cup.

Baekhyun pointed at the taller. "You literally forced me to prove that I didn't wear any underwear."

"You could've stopped me," Yeol said, grinned. "You just didn't want to."

"I was drunk. You had me drinking beers and shots."

"I never forced you to drink. Plus, it's not my fault that you never had a beer before."

The pregnant opened his mouth to counter but he didn't know what to say. "Ah.."

"Well," Yifan hummed, taking the word. "You shouldn't fight about who tricked who into bed, you should be happy that it happened."

"Yes," Myeon nodded, agreeing with his husband's words. "If this wouldn't have happened, we wouldn't be here right now."

"Well," Baek murmured. "That's true, I guess."

"Oh and since we have this topic already. Well, kind of," Yixing's father said. He leaned forwards, looking at Baek and Yeol. "Let's talk about your wedding."


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Beau1996 1371 streak #1
Chapter 16: Smexy times in the car - yes please!!
Beau1996 1371 streak #2
Chapter 15: Sweetness overload!!
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Chapter 13: The best baby daddy ever!
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Chapter 12: The best way to confess!
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Chapter 11: Very sweet!
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Chapter 10: I want more Baekhyun hugs too ( ok, maybe just one would be nice!)
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Chapter 9: Poor Baek!
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Chapter 8: Ah oh - looks like someone has a surprise 😉
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Chapter 7: Welcome to the big house!
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Chapter 6: Happy family indeed!!