Ch. 29







"Eight, seven, six, five...", Chanyeol whispered as he counted down the seconds that were left before the new year started. "Four, three, two..", he lowered his head over Baekhyun's baby bump. "Happy New Year, baby boy.", he smiled and pressed a kiss to the slightly exposed belly. Baekhyun didn't wake up from it, didn't react as Chanyeol plant a few more kisses to the skin under his navel.

Yeol sat up and smiled at his sleeping love. Baekhyun desperately had try to stay awake up a few minutes past eleven fatigue took over him and he fell asleep.
Sprawled out like a starfish he lay on the couch, with his mouth slightly open and his hair tousled.

At the buzzing sound of his phone, Chanyeol looked away from him and reached out for his smartphone. His lips curved into a smile. Yifan had send him a photo of himself and a sleeping Joonmyeon. 'There goes my New Year's kiss', was the message to the selfie. Chanyeol snickered and leaned over to snap a picture of Baekhyun and himself. "Equality for all.", he mumbled to himself as he typed in the words and sent it to Yifan, together with the photo.

Yifan replied with a laughing emoji and a thumb up. He wished a happy new year and asked if they would want to meet for a new year's brunch. Chanyeol nodded to himself. New year's brunch sounded good.

The faint sound of exploding fireworks had the family's pup yowl. Baekhyun squirmed at the noise the dog made but didn't wake up. "Come here, Cookie.", Yeol said as he stood up from the couch.

The Samoyed waddled after his owner with a lowered head. Whenever another firework was shot into the sky, the pup made wailing sounds. Chanyeol sat down on the kitchen floor and held out his hand. Quickly Cookie rushed over to him and snuggled up. "It's okay, buddy.", Chanyeol cooed. "It'll be over, soon.", he the dog over the head and played with his cute, sharp ears. "Happy New Year."

Cookie cheeped when Chanyeol nudged his nose. Happily he wiggled with his tail and jumped towards to give his owner a kiss. Chanyeol grimaced when the warm, wet tongue came in contact with his cheek. "Ahh, yeah. I love you, too!"

For quite a while the teacher sat in the kitchen on the floor, playing with the dog. Only when Baekhyun called out for him, Chanyeol stood up and went back to the living room.


"Yeah, baby?", Yeol asked as he peeked into the living room. "What is it?"

Baekhyun sat on the couch, looking oddly cute with his messy hair and his confused expression. "I..", he began, pouting cutely. "Did I miss it?"

Chanyeol chuckled and stepped towards the pregnant. "If you mean 12AM, then yes.", he smiled and sat down on the couch next to him.

"Aww~", Baek whined. "I'm sorry.", he hummed when the tall man cupped his face and pulled him into a long kiss. "Happy New Year.", the corners of his lips curved up as Chanyeol breathed the words against his mouth.

"Yifan, Joonmyeon and Xing will come over for a brunch.", Yeol informed the pregnant. "Of course, only if it's okay with you."

Baek nodded. "Of course it's okay.", he said. "When will they be here?"

"Around 10AM."

A long yawn escaped the pregnant. "Ahh, that's so soon.", he let himself fall back on the couch. "So soon."

"Then let's go to bed."

"No.", Baek mumbled. "Let's sleep here."

"Here?", Yeol asked. "But the couch is too small."

Baekhyun snickered. "It's not. And it's already warm."

Chanyeol looked at Baek and sighed. "Alright.", he gave in. He laid down next to the smaller and covered their bodies with the warmed up, fluffy blanket.

Baekhyun snuggled close and pressed the swell of his baby bump against Chanyeol's body. "I love you.", he mumbled already half asleep.

Chanyeol only smiled and pressed a kiss to Baek's forehead as an answer.












Soft-footed Kyungsoo waddled down the corridor to the stairs. It was still dark outside and he assumed that it must've been quite early. But he couldn't sleep anymore and decided to grab some breakfast. As soon as he set a foot into the hall, Cookie peeked around the corner. "Cookie", the boy squealed and hopped over to the pup. He hugged the dog and pecked his head. "Come.", he smiled and walked into the kitchen.

In the kitchen, Kyungsoo climbed onto the kitchen counter, poured himself some juice into a beaker and grabbed himself a chocolate chip cookie from the cookie jar.

Still sitting on the countertop he munched on his cookie and looked around the room. It was quiet and boring. When his glance fell to Cookie, a smile formed onto his plump lips. Quickly he climbed down from the counter and rushed to the hall.

Soo didn't bother to change into some proper clothes as he slipped into his boots. He put on beanie, gloves, scarf and his little coat and grabbed Cookie's leash.

"Come Cookie, let's play outside."







Chanyeol woke up a few minutes to nine. Leaving the sleeping Baekhyun behind, he went to the kitchen to brew some coffee. On the countertop he found a blue beaker with some orange juice in it and some cookie crumbles. He clicked with his tongue. "Cookies for breakfast.", he chuckled as he wiped the crumbles away. Once the counter was clean again, he made some coffee.

The pleasant smell of the freshly brewed coffee lured Baekhyun to the kitchen. The pregnant hummed as he walked into the kitchen. "Ah, smells so good."

"Do you want a cup? A small cup?"

"I'd love to but no.", Baek smiled and patted his belly. "I've never had coffee since I'm pregnant and really don't want to test it."

"Alright.", Chanyeol chuckled. "Tea?"

"Mint, please."

Yeol frowned. "Are you okay? Are you getting sick?"

Baekhyun broke into a smile. "No, don't worry. I just feel like having mint today.", he said and sat down at the kitchen table. "Oh, are the kids up already?", he voiced out as he spotted the beaker.

"I guess.", Chanyeol said. "Cookie's not here, I'm sure he's upstairs with them."

Baek nodded. "Do you want to cook something special for the brunch?"

"No.", the tall teacher said. "Just the typical. Eggs with bacon, pancakes for the kids, some French toast."

"Do you want me to help you?"

Chanyeol shook his head as the placed two cups on the table. "No need.", he said as he sat down.

"Really? I, at least, could take Cookie for a walk.", Baek said. "You prepare the food and the kids and I walk the dog. Deal?"

"Deal.", Yeol laughed and took a sip from his coffee. "You moved a lot in your sleep.", he randomly stated. "Were you uncomfortable or anything?"

"", Baek said. "No, I was a only a bit hot. Did I really moved that much?"

Chanyeol nodded with a laugh. "You did."

"Blame your son on it.", Baek grinned. "It's his fault."

"Ahh, don't blame my poor baby on your weird way sleeping."

"Well, then I blame you on it.", Baek laughed out. "After all, you got me in these circumstances."

"Oh please, it's a bit late to complain, now."

The pregnant rolled his eyes at Chanyeol. "I complain as much as I want.", he stuck out his tongue. "Because of you I get kicked, will have swollen feet, be in pain a-" "Okay, okay.", Yeol cut in. "I got it, all my fault."


"Mehrong!", a cute voice mimicked. Both parents looked up to Jongdae who stood in the door in his colorful pajama. "Mehrong!",he giggled.

"Morning, honey.", Baek smiled at him. Jongdae came over to him and cutely puckered his lips. Baek leaned down to peck the pink lips. "Have you slept well?"

"Yes.", the boy nodded. "Minnie's still sleeping."

"Soo, too?", Chanyeol asked.

"Soo?", Dae titled his head. "He's not there."

Baekhyun and Chanyeol looked at each other. "What do you mean he's not there?", Chanyeol asked his son. "Isn't he in bed?"

"Nope.", Jongdae said and shook his head.

"Is Cookie in your room?"

Again the little one shook his head. "Nu-hu."

Both, Baekhyun and Jongdae flinched as Chanyeol jumped up from his chair, knocking it over. He rushed out of the kitchen and cursed loudly. !"

"What?", Baek asked. He got up and also went to the hall. "What?", he asked again.

"His coat and boots are missing. Same goes for the leash."

Baekhyun's eyes widened in shock. "Oh god..", he breathed out. "You mean...he.."

"Yes.", Yeol nodded and reached out for his coat. "I'll go look for him."

"I..I come with you!"

Chanyeol turned to Baek. "No, you stay here. First, because of the twins. And second, someone has to be home in case he comes home."

Slowly the pregnant nodded. "O..okay..okay."

"Don't worry, I'll find him.", Yeol said. He grabbed his keys and went out in the cold.








"Uhh, it's cold.", Kyungsoo shivered and rubbed hands together. Even though he was wearing gloves, his fingers were ice cold. He tucked at his beanie and pulled it further into his face.

The little Byun stopped in his tracks and looked around. "Where are we?", he asked and looked at the pup. Cookie only looked at him and tilt his head to the side.
Slowly Kyungsoo began to move again. His feet were cold and numb and hurt with every step. "Cookie~.", he began to sob as he trudged through the snow. "Where is home?", tears began to roll down his cold cheeks.

The snow was deep and it was hard to walk for the little boy. He whined loudly when his legs got tired. He slumped to the snow and cried out. "Appa! Daddy!"
Cookie sat down next to Kyungsoo and tried to away the tears that streamed down his face.












"Cookie! Come here, Cookie!"

"Kyungsoo! Soo, baby where are you?!"

The air was ice cold and Chanyeol's throat quickly got dry from all the shouting. He just had reached the park near their house but Kyungsoo and Cookie where nowhere in sight. "Kyungsoo!", he called out again. "Cookie!"

He whistled loudly, hoping that the dog would hear it but nothing happened. "God, !, he loudly cursed.

He jogged down the path to the playground, looking out for his son. "Kyung-ahh!", in a careless moment, the tall man stepped onto a frozen puddle and slipped on the ice. "Ow!", he cried out as he crashed to the cold ground. He rolled to his side and rubbed his aching arm to ease the pain.

He pushed himself off the ground, wincing at the pain. He continued rubbing his arm while he walked to the playground. "Kyungsoo?!", he shouted. "Soo, are you there?!"


He searched the whole area but Kyungsoo was nowhere to found. He pulled his phone out of his pocket and dialed Baekhyun's number. "Hey Babe, it's me. He's not on the playground. I'll search the park and the area around.", he sighed at Baekhyun's desperate cry. "Baby, give me half an hour. If I haven't found him until then we call the police."

After he had hung up, he stuffed the phone back to his pocket and continued his search. "Kyungsoo!"

He plodded through the snow back to the pathway. There was no one in the park, Chanyeol could have asked about his son. Slowly but steady he became nervous. It was bitterly cold and he had no idea how long Kyungsoo was already out here.








Baekhyun's lower lip trembled as he tried to hold back his tears. He put his phone on the kitchen table and stared at the time; half past ten.

"And? Did he find him?"

Baek gazed up to Joonmyeon who stood next to him. Yifan's husband looked at him with hopeful eyes. He shook his head. "No..", he bit his lip when a tear escaped him. "..Chanyeol said...he gives himself half an hour. If he doesn't find him until then, he'll call the police."

"Don't worry, Baek.", Myeon said and gave Baekhyun's shoulder a squeeze. "He'll find him."

Baekhyun cried out. "...I"








It was cold, bitterly cold and Kyungsoo's couldn't feel his body anymore. He sat on some park bench, hugging his knees. He was tired and freezing. Cookie sat next to him on the bench and leaned against him, cutely nudging him with his nose from time to time.

"Appa! Daddy!", he shouted out. His lips slowly began to turn blue and his throat was cold, dry and hurt. His eyes were swollen and his vision blurry. "...I wanna..go...home..", Kyungsoo cried out and hugged the fluffy dog. "It's so cold.", he sobbed and buried his face into the soft, white fur. "...So cold."


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Beau1996 1371 streak #1
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