Ch. 43




Baekhyun could feel Chanyeol’s eyes on him when he slipped into his jacket and it was the worst feeling ever. It was the day of the school play, the last day of preschool for the boys and due to his suspension Chanyeol was not able to be there and enjoy this day with his family.


“Junmyeon just texted me that he’s already there, saving us seats in the front row,” Baek spoke up, slowly turning to his fiancé. “I’ll be able to record everything perfectly.”


Chanyeol gave a small smile. “Have fun.”


The expecting nodded his head slightly and reached for the door knob. “I’ll text you when we leave the school, okay?”


“Yeah. Bye.”




It was an awkward situation and Baekhyun didn’t like it at all. He didn’t know how to handle the whole situation and it drove him crazy. He knew that Chanyeol was upset and it was clear to see but he didn’t know how to approach the man, at all.


With his thought revolving around his fiancé and the uncertain future that lay ahead of him, them, he drove off to the school.


The auditorium the play and graduation program was held it was packed with parents, children and teachers and even though Junmyeon got them seats in the front row it took Baekhyun a moment to find his friend.


Junmyeon laughed at him when he sat down his seat. “You walked past me twice.”


“Yeah, I just noticed,” Baek huffed, fumbling with the zipper of his jacket. “But I truly didn’t see you. If that guy there wouldn't have moved I probably have walked past you again.”


Gazing at the man Baekhyun was nodding at, Junmyeon chuckled. “Yeah, he’s blocking quite some view,” he said, looking at the burly man in a weirdly fitting suit. “Did you bring the camera?” He then asked.


“Yes,” Baekhyun nodded. “You should’ve seen Chanyeol’s face. God, it really hurts to see him like this.”


Yifan’ husband sighed. “How’s he doing these days?”


“I honestly don’t know. It’s so hard for me to approach him.”


“Does he behave different?”


“Somehow,” Baek answered. “It’s hard to explain. He’s the same as before with the kids but with me, it’s different. It’s not that he’s avoiding me or anything but he’s quite reserved. Can I say it like that? It sounds weird but that’s pretty much what’s happening right now.”


Junmyeon let out a deep sigh. “I get what you mean,” he said. “I’m so sorry. It must be quite exhausting.”


“It is but I can’t blame him for being like this.”


“Have he had a talk with a lawyer yet?”


“Yes. But all she said was that he has to wait for now. I tried to cheer him up before, telling him that everything would turn out good but-” Baekhyun paused, sighing. “All he’s said about it him losing his job and career can possibly come true if we can’t prove that she’s a liar.”


Junmyeon nodded. “Yes, Yifan has told me that too.”


Baekhyun grumbled. “I would like to rip that woman into pieces! Really, why would she do that?!”


“People do the craziest thing when their love get’s spurned.”


“But you shouldn't ruin someone’s life, that’s sick.”


“It is and I hope we can get her for it. Have you seen her around, by the way?”


Baekhyun shook his head and started to gaze around the area in front of him and the stage. “No,” he said. “It surprises me a little,” he then added. “I actually thought I’d walk into her right away.”


“Yeah, me too.”


“Well, her luck,” the heavily expecting grumbled. “Otherwise I might would’ve ripped off her head.”


Junmyeon chuckled. “In case she shows up any second save your anger for after the play. We won’t miss it, right?”




The school play was absolutely adorable and Baekhyun was sure that he way too often squealed right into the microphone of the camcorder. All the children looked incredibly cute in their self-made costumes and even though the play lasted over thirty minutes it absolutely didn’t feel like it.


While the parents applauded the kids hurried back stage and the pre-school head teacher took the word. She talked about the great time the kids had and about the exciting time that lay ahead of the children. She advised the parents to always be patient and supportive and Baekhyun found himself nodding to her words.


Going to school was a big deal. Learning how to properly read, write and calculate paved the way into a future full of possibilities for his children and he promised himself to give his absolute best to help the boys grow into even more magnificent human beings.


The class teacher of each class appeared on stage to hand their students their preschool diploma and Junmyeon and Baekhyun let out the most embarrassing squeals of all time when they spotted their children on stage, all dressed up in their small, dark blue guardiation robes and hats.


Kyungsoo was a little shy receiving his diploma, while the twins were proudly struting towards their teacher and Yixing was so busy waving at Junmyeon, he almost tripped over his own feet.


All diplomas handed out the headteacher closed the formal part of the ceremony and invited all children, parents and grandparents to the main foyer to grab some snacks and something to drink.


“Appa! Appa!”


Crouching down as fast as his round baby bump allowed him to, Baekhyun caught Jongdae in his arms.


“Look! We got-” the boy paused, frowning as he thought. “Ah, I forgot!”


“A diploma,” Baekhyun said, chuckling. “I’m very proud of you.”


“Can we go now and eat snacks?” Minseok asked, peeling the graduation hat off his head and handing it over to Baekhyun.


“Sure,” Baek said, stuffing the hat into the cloth bag he brought. “Then let’s go.”


Junmyeon helped him back up and together with Yifan’s husband and Yixing they slowly made their way to the main foyer. The two expecting were glad to see that seating areas were build up and while their kids hurried to the sumptuous buffet that offered everything from cupcakes to small sandwiches, they sat down a table in a rather quiet corner.


“I’ll go and get us something,” Baek said when two of the boys were back and sat down to munch on the cake they had picked out for themselves. “Anything you’d like to have?”


“Food wise I don't’ care but I’d like to have a glass of apple juice,” Myeon smiled. “Thank you.”


Stuffing a couple of plastic cups into his jacket pocket, Baekhyun grabbed an entire bottle of apple juice and some sandwiches and made his way back to the table. All kids were gone but Junmyeon wasn’t alone. Two teachers, as well as the headteacher had sat down the table and Baekhyun raised a brow in wonder. “Oh, hello.”


“Hello, Mr. Byun,” the headteacher greeted him. “We’re sorry to interrupt you like this but we’d like to let you know that you and Mr. Park got our all support.”


“O-oh, thank you.”


Junmyeon leaned over a little. “They just told me that she isn’t here today.”


“She’s not? Oh, I didn’t notice.”


One of the teachers nodded. “She called in, saying that she’s caught a cold. We all know it’s a lie. She just simply doesn’t want to be here today.”


“You must know,” added the other teacher. “We don’t believe what she’s saying.”


“Then why isn’t she suspended, too?” Baekhyun wanted to know.


“I wanted to so suspend her,” the headteacher said. “But I’m not allowed to. According to the local education authority she’s the victim and as long as it’s not proven differently she’s allowed to keep doing her work.”


Baekhyun let our a deep sigh.


“Actually, Mr. Byun,” the male teacher said. “We’re trying to help as best as we can. We’re desperately trying to get in contact with Mr. Lim but so far we couldn’t locate him.”


“Mr. Lim?”


“Yes, the collea-oh, you don’t know yet?”


Frowning, Baekhyun shook his head. “No. I have never heard about Mr. Lim before.”


The headteacher hummed. “Oh, I see. Well, then let me tell you. Mr. Lim was a teacher here. He’s left us five years ago after Ms. Kim has accused him of ual harassment.”


Junmyeon and Baekhyun gasped. “What?!”


All three teachers nodded. “It could never been proven if Mr. Lim was guilty or not as he left the school on his own volition but now where things repeat itself we start to believe that she’s actually made everything up, just like she does now.”


“Ms. Kim just had started her job here and it was obvious that she was interested in Mr. Lim,” one of the teachers continued. “She was constantly flirting with him, trying to get his attention and at first we made fun of it. Ms. Kim was somewhat around 26 back then and Mr. Lim a man in his early forties. We were teasing him, you know, because this young lady was charming him but he was totally fine with it. He laughed it off and over and over again told us that, even though it flattered him that a young woman like Ms. Kim showed interest in him, he wasn’t interested in her. Mr. Lim as married and his youngest child just left elementary school.”


“So, she basically did the same to him as she does now to Chanyeol?” Baekhyun asked.


“Yes,” the headmistress nodded. “One day to the other she suddenly accused him of ual harassment. Just as Mr. Park now, Mr. Lim got suspended and eventually left our school. We believe that he couldn’t take the stress.”


“But she could never prove that he really harassed her, right?”


“Right. The accusation is based on her statement alone.”


Baekhyun grumbled loudly. “Does she even know what she’s doing with that?!”


“We guess that this is her revenge for not responding or giving into her flirtings.”


“She’s got a sick way of flirting, let me tell you that. She’s sneaked her freaking underwear in my fiancé luggage when they were on this school exchange.”


“Yes, we heard about this. It matches with things she’s done in the past with Mr. Lim.”


“You would make a statement in court to help out, right?” Baekhyun asked.


“Of course. The whole teaching staff of our department as well as the middle school department. If this goes to court, we’re there to state what we know.”


“Thank you very much,” Baekhyun smiled. “Say, may I know Mr. Lim’s full name and his address maybe?”


“We sure he’s not living there anymore but if it helps you, I can get you Mr. Lim’s old personnel file.”


“I’d very much appreciate that,” Baekhyun said. “You see, she once had the nerve to call me a bitter that only has money in mind. Now I finally have to chance to show her what all this money can do.”



“Alright boys, smile and look at the camera.”


Baekhyun was standing right behind Chanyeol, who was squatting to take a photo of the kids. He had his hands braced on the man’s shoulders as he banned over to look at the digital screen of his fiancé’s phone.


All three kids were brightly smiling into the camera, proudly showing off their brand new school uniforms and school bags. It was their first official day of school and they were excited. Excited to learn new things and excited to finally share a class room with Yixing.


“Okay, nice,” Chanyeol smiled, lowering his phone.


“And now, hurry hurry,” Baek said, straightening his back. “The bus is coming soon.”


The boys rushed off to put on their shoes and jackets, eagerly chatting. Zipping up their outerwear they swung their school backpacks on and headed to the door. The bus stop for the school bus was right down the street and so Chanyeol nor Baekhyun walked the kids there. They asked to go on their own and both parents were fine with that.




“Bye, have fun.”


Baekhyun giggled at the sight of the kids hopping down the street. “Aw, look at them. They’re so excited.”


Chanyeol smiled, slowly closing the front door. “I bet they have a lot to tell when they’re back.”


“I’m sure.” Baekhyun followed the taller to the kitchen. While Chanyeol sat down the dinner table, Baek opened the fridge and grabbed a bottle of orange juice. “Do you want some too?”


“No, thanks. How many bottles do we have left?”


“Uhm, one or two.” Pouring himself a glass, Baekhyun joined Chanyeol at the table and sat down. He gazed at the piece of paper Chanyeol was writing on and read through the list. “Oh, we need toothpaste for the kids, too.”


Chanyeol hummed, scribbling down the words toothpaste. “Oh babe, could you reach over and give me the prospect?”


“Sure.” Leaning over, Baekhyun grabbed a rolled up grocery store leaflet and handed it to Chanyeol. “Is there something on sale?”


“Yes,” the man nodded. He unrolled the prospect and flipped it over, tapping onto a picture of diapers. “A pack for $20.”


“Oh, how many are in one pack?”




“Oh, that’s quite a deal. How many do you want to get?”


“I hope to get at least three packs. The more we have, the better.”


Baekhyun nodded, humming softly. He leaned back into his chair and brought his hands to his round baby bump. Luhan was fairly quiet, only kicking out every now and then and from where he could feel the kicks he could tell that his baby was slowly but steady turning.


Chanyeol gazed at him and reached over, giving the belly a gentle rub. “Shall we go together or would you like to stay home?”


“Oh no, I’m coming with you. I need some exercise, even if it’s just walking around the store.” A chuckle slipped past Chanyeol’s lips and Baek huffed. “Yeah, have you seen me? I’ve gained tons of weight and Junmyeon still runs around in his own pants.”


“Yeah, but Junmyeon didn’t have an accident and had to rest.”


“That’s what Junmyeon said, too.”


“See,” Chanyeol said. “So don’t complain about your weight gain. And it’s not much anyways.”


Baekhyun puffed his cheeks. “Still.”


“You’ll see once Luhan is born all this extra weight will disappear again. And until it’s time, let’s go and walk a little.”


Baek got up, sighing when he straightened his back.




“No. Sure, it’s not comfortable carrying all this additional weight in the front but it’s not utterly painful. But I’ll be more than glad when it’s finally over.”


“Don’t speak to soon.”


“Nah, he won’t come too early. He’s started turning but not much yet.”


Chanyeol hummed. He helped Baekhyun into his jacket and watched him slipping into his shoes. Cookie was fast by their side, excitedly wagging his fluffy tail. “No buddy, you can’t come with us,” Yeol said, the Samoyed over the head. “But we will bring you a treat.”


They drove to the next grocery store and Chanyeol headed straight for the aisle with baby products. “Yes,” the man cheered, grabbing three packs of diapers.


Baekhyun arrived in the aisle, huffing loudly. “Do you have to run like this?” He asked, leaning against one of the shelves.


“Sorry babe,” Chanyeol apologized. “But see, almost all packs are gone.”


Nodding, Baekhyun deeply breathed in and leaned onto the handle of the shopping cart. “Still, next time you don’t need to run like this.”


“I promise,” the younger chuckled.


Baekhyun watched as Chanyeol dropped the three packs into the cart. “Shall we get on in size 1, too? They’re on sale too.”


The teacher hummed. “Sure, why not.”


The diaper packs occupied half of the space of the cart and soon the shopping cart was fully packed with all kinds of stuff. “We still need dog food and laundry detergent. Oh and shampoo.”


Baekhyun waddled after his fiancé, letting his eyes wander over the display of the shelves filled with sweets. Chanyeol gazed over his shoulder, slowing down his pace. “Grab some.”


Baek flushed bright red. “No,” he squeaked, shaking his head.


“Come on.”


Pursing his lips into a pout, Baekhyun hummed. He stepped to one of the shelves and grabbed a pack of sour gummy worms.


“Take another one.” Chanyeol laughed out, amusedly shaking his head when Baekhyun quickly grabbed a second pack of the sour candy.


“We should get the boys something too.”


Nodding his head as he dropped the gummy worms into the card and then turned away to pick out some sweets for the kids as well.


“There’s a small restaurant across the street. Shall we go there and grab something to eat?”


“Hmm, sounds good.”


Getting the rest of the things they needed, the couple went to the check out and then over to the small indian restaurant across the street after storing their purchases. Baekhyun plopped down one of the chairs of the well visited restaurant and reached for the menu.


“Oh, they have tandoori chicken.”


“Shall we order one serving of this and one serving of the tikka masala?”


Baekhyun nodded. “Yeah, and a big ice tea, please.”


“That thirsty?”


“Yeah, I feel like dehydrating. And my feet hurt. Badly.”


“I’ll rub them when we’re back home.”


Baekhyun smiled. “That would be nice actually. But let me wash them first. I’m sure their smoking.”


Chanyeol laughed softly. “Well, I can unpack the grocery bags and call my lawyer in that time.”


The expecting ears perked when the lawyer was mentioned. “Oh, does she have news?”


“She’s mentioned something about another court hearing. But so far she’s mentioned nothing about Mr. Lim.”


Baekhyun sighed. Spending some money on a private investigator they were actually able to find Mr. Lim but the man was reluctant and didn’t want anything to have to do with Ms. Kim and what had happened to him in the past. Chanyeol’s lawyer was doing her best to get the man into the boat but it was tough job.


“Do you think she knows?”


Chanyeol shrugged. “I don’t know. Yifan’s in contact with the colleagues from the preschool team and they say that it seems that she doesn’t know. But I’m not sure. Maybe she knows and just plays it down.”


“Ah, I really hope Mr. Lim will change his mind and talk.”


“Well, let’s hope.”   



It was a rather warm day, the sun was brightly shining and Baekhyun decided it was a great opportunity to start the garden season. The kids and Cookie were hopping around the garden and Junmyeon was helping with wiping the table and the chairs to make everything look more appropriate.


Chanyeol was busy getting the grill out of the garage and Yifan was away, making a quick trip to the next grocery store to get some foods for their spontaneously planned barbecue. “Junmyeon please, don’t lift that.”


“Chanyeol, it’s just a bucket full of water,” Yifan’s husband rolled his eyes.


“Please, put it down.”


Huffing a little, Junmyeon let go of the bucket handle and grumbled a little. “You start acting like Yifan.”


“Might be but I’ve been told that you’ve been dealing with braxton hicks for the past two days and I don’t need you to get into labor while Yifan is not here.”


“I wo-” “You have braxton hicks?” Baekhyun cut his friend off, looking at him with wide eyes. “Why didn’t you tell me.”


“I didn’t have a chance to.”


“Excuse me, you’re here for almost two hours.”


“True,” Junmyeon sighed. “But Xing was around and I don’t need him to hear about that again.”




‘“Because I don’t need him to break into tears again.”


Baekhyun frowned a little. “Why did he cry?” He asked, disturbing the chair pads.


“Two days ago I got braxton hicks while we had dinner and it was quite a strong contraction so for a moment we thought that I was in labor. Yixing didn’t know how to handle the situation. He has excited but he didn’t want me to be in pain, so he cried. Once the pain was gone he calmed down again but when no other contraction came up and we were sure it was just a braxton hicks contraction and I wasn’t in labor he broke into tears again because he realized that the baby was not coming.”


“Oh god, he’s truly adorable.”


Chanyeol chuckled. “I just realized that we haven’t talked about what we’re gonna do if you go into labor.”


“Huh, what do you mean?” Baek asked.


“I mean with the kids.”


“Well, we can take them,” Junmyeon suggested.


“What if you go into labor at the same time? Or only a day apart?”


The two expecting looked at each other. “Well-”


“I guess we have to get an emergency babysitter or we just take them with us to the hospital when it’s time.”


“We really should start thinking of that,” Baek mumbled, sinking down one of the chairs. “I mean, it could start anytime.” He added, gazing at his baby bump.


Junmyeon nodded, also sitting down. “How were things with Kyungsoo back then?”


“Oh, he was a precipitate delivery.”


“He was?”


Baekhyun nodded. “I have to be honest, it was my own fault. I was still working and I was stressed that day. In one moment I was shouting at someone, rushing down the hall and in the other my water broke and I was in strong pain. He was there twenty minutes after I arrived at the hospital.”


“Oh wow,” Junmyeon whistled. “I was in labor for freaking twenty hours with Yixing.”


“Twenty hours?!” Baekhyun’s mouth fell open. “Really?”


“Yeah, it was hell. I thought I was dying. I was close to order them to get a c-section done. It was exhausting and then I couldn’t even see my baby.”


“Yeah, Chanyeol told me about this infection you got.”


“Oh yes, it was hell.”


“Do you know how you got infected?”


“Apparently on of the nurses that was with us in the delivery room had contact with an infected patient. It gets transmitted through direct skin contact and I as I had suffered a slight flu a few days before the birth, my immune system was still weak and got knocked down by the bacteria right away. I literally saw Yixing for twenty minutes and then five weeks later again.”


“I’m so sorry for that.”


“Ah, don’t be. It surely was a hard time but we did it. And thanks to your gorgeous man Yixing was well cared for and grew magnificently.”


Baekhyun smiled softly and gazed over to where Chanyeol was still busy with the grill. “I’m glad to hear everything turned out well in the end.”


“Yeah, me too.” Junmyeon leaned back into his seat and grimaced when a wave of pain in his lower back him. “Uhh, over all this time I’ve completely forgotten how painful this whole labor thing is.”


“Braxton hicks again?” Baek asked. “Do you need something?” He asked when Junmyeon nodded.


“Nah, I’m fine. It’ll be over in a couple of moments.”


Baekhyun hummed and nodded but it was actually not quite believing his friend. He kept a very attentive eye on his Junmyeon and even though the other was laughing, joking and moving around normally he could tell that Yifan’s husband was feeling quite uncomfortable.


And at some point of the night his movements got slower and overall state more tensed. Approaching his fiancé as Chanyeol was preparing some home-made ice-tea, Baekhyun hugged him around the side. “Junmyeon seems uncomfortable.”


Chanyeol hummed. “That’s why Yixing will stay the night.”


“So Yifan also thinks the baby will come tonight?”


“Yes. He’s said that Myeon has been restless since the early morning, so he’s very confident that the baby will come any time soon.”


Baekhyun nodded. “Does Xing already know that he’ll stay here?”


“Yes, Yifan told him. I thought we could make a trip to the zoo tomorrow morning and in case Sehun decides to join earth tonight we then drop by at the hospital.”


“Hm, you seem very confident too that Sehun will be born tonight.”


“I am, yes. I’ve experienced him with Yixing and it’s literally the same as back then.”


“Ah, I see. Well then, let’s see if you’re right.”


Yixing was excited to stay over, having a sleepover with Kyungsoo, Jongdae and Minseok and Baekhyun gladly took over to get them ready for bed while Chanyeol was taking Cookie for a walk.


“Can we see the tigers, tomorrow?” Jongdae asked, snuggling into the pillows.


“Sure,” Baek smiled. “And the bears and the penguins. All the animals you want to see, we can go and look at.”


“Oh, I like penguins,” Kyungsoo squealed. “Baby penguins are so fluffy and cute.”


Minseok hummed at the comment of his brother. “Appa? Penguins are birds, right?”




“But baby penguins are so fluffy. Do they have fur?”


Baek shook his head. “No, they have feathers. They just have very puffy and soft feathers all over. And when they get older their feathers change and become less fluffy.”


The boy let out a sound. “Ahh, I see. But it really doesn’t look like feathers.”


“That’s true. But sometimes it’s all just an optical illusion.”


“Appa, what does a snake feel like?”


Baekhyun shrugged at Jongdae’s question. “I don’t know. I’ve never touched one.”


“And a panda bear?”


“I’ve also got no idea but I assume fuzzy.”


“And elephants?”


“Oh, elephants I actually know about,” the expecting said. “They have very rough skin with tiny hairs and they’re warm.”


The kids eyes widened. “Where did you touch an elephant?”


“When I was in Thailand one time I had the opportunity to pet some elephants.”


“Big elephants?!”


“Yes, big ones and baby elephants. It was very nice.”


“Ohh, I want to pet baby elephants too!” Yixing chirped.


“Me too!”


“Me too!”


Baekhyun chuckled. “Well, let’s see, maybe we have the chance to touch some tomorrow at the zoo.”


“Are we going there early?”


“Very early and that’s why you guys should sleep now. Not that you’re all sleepy and exhausted when we want to go there.”


Exchanging final ‘good nights’ and ‘dream wells’, Baekhyun closed the children’s bedroom door behind him and went to take a shower. Chanyeol joined him there only moments later and even though the shower cabin was quite spacious, with his round baby bump moving space in the shower was limited.


“Okay, you finish first,” Chanyeol chuckled as he pushed past his fiancé to get out of the cabin after the once again had roughly bumped into the tab with his lower back.


Baekhyun hummed, pouting a little. “I’ll hurry.”


Once done so Chanyeol could finish his shower, Baekhyun slipped on his fluffy bathrobe and sat down their bed to put on some lotion. Fumbling with the cap of the white bottle he gazed at Chanyeol when the man walked out of the bathroom, dressed in nothing but some boxers.


“Shall I do your back?”


“Yes please,” Baekhyun said, gladly accepting Chanyeol’s offer. He moved further into the bed and handed the lotion bottle to the younger once Chanyeol had taken seat behind him.


He pushed the soft robe off his shoulders and hummed when Chanyeol’s warm hands came in contact with his skin. He let his head hung forwards when Chanyeol gently started to knead the flash of his shoulders. “That feels nice. If I could lie down on my stomach right now, I’d do,” he said, giggling.


Chanyeol responded with a chuckle and kept massaging his fiancés shoulder. Only when goosebumps rose on Baekhyun’s skin, he let go of his shoulders and rubbed lotion into the remaining part of his back. “I’ll get you some clothes,” he said when he was done, pressing a kiss to the smaller’s nape.


Skipping arms and legs, Baekhyun only rubbed some lotion into the skin of his swollen belly and then slipped into the clothes Chanyeol brought for him. The man himself had put on some clothes too and was wearing a whole black outfit of lose t-shirt and sweatpants.


Fully dressed the expecting crawled under the comforter and snuggled close to his spouse. “Sleepy?” He was asked and Baekhyun nodded right away, yawing shortly after. “But Luhan doesn’t seem to be.”


Bringing a hand to the baby bump, Chanyeol gave it a rub. He felt a strong kick against the palm of his hand and smiled to himself. “He turned quite a bit already, huh?” He said, gently digging his fingers into the side of  Baekhyun’s belly to feel the baby under his heart.


Baekhyun only hummed, eyes closed and almost drifted off to sleep.


Chanyeol gazed at the expecting, smiling. “Good night, babe,” he whispered, pressing a kiss to his head. “I love you.”


Reaching over to switch off the bedside lamp Chanyeol grabbed his phone when it started to vibrate. Opening the message he had gotten from his best friend, he broke into a smile. “Gonna become a Daddy again real soon,” he quietly read out, chuckling at the row of heart eyes emojis Yifan had sent with the text.


Quickly texting his friend back, telling him to let them know when Sehun was born Chanyeol put his phone away and eventually switched off the lights. Baekhyun reacted to the sigh he let out and hummed. “Hm?”


“Oh,” Yeol voiced, shifting into a more comfortable position. “Seems as if we go baby watching tomorrow, Junmyeon’s in labor.”          




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Beau1996 1371 streak #1
Chapter 16: Smexy times in the car - yes please!!
Beau1996 1371 streak #2
Chapter 15: Sweetness overload!!
Beau1996 1371 streak #3
Chapter 13: The best baby daddy ever!
Beau1996 1371 streak #4
Chapter 12: The best way to confess!
Beau1996 1371 streak #5
Chapter 11: Very sweet!
Beau1996 1371 streak #6
Chapter 10: I want more Baekhyun hugs too ( ok, maybe just one would be nice!)
Beau1996 1371 streak #7
Chapter 9: Poor Baek!
Beau1996 1371 streak #8
Chapter 8: Ah oh - looks like someone has a surprise 😉
Beau1996 1371 streak #9
Chapter 7: Welcome to the big house!
Beau1996 1371 streak #10
Chapter 6: Happy family indeed!!