Ch. 35






The bed smelled like Chanyeol and Baekhyun let out a hum as he inhaled the man's scent, rolling around the sheets as much as his baby bump allowed him to. The kids were already sleeping and Chanyeol taking a quick shower, so the pregnant had a moment to himself. When the man came out of the bathroom, he let out a chuckle at how Baekhyun lay in their bed, sprawled out yet somehow tangled in the sheets. "What are you doing?"

"Enjoying the moment," Baek giggled. "I almost forgot how soft our bed is. And how good it smells."

Smiling, Chanyeol stepped to the big bed, climbing into it. He hovered over the smaller and pressed a kiss to his lips before laying down next to him. Carefully, baek rolled to his side, facing the tall man. A strand of damp hair stuck to Chanyeol's forehead and he reached out to brush it away. "May I asked you something?"


"The kids have mentioned that you didn't sleep here but in the guest room, why?"

A soft smile formed on Chanyeol's lips. "I just didn't feel sleeping here without you. It's not the same and until a couple of weeks ago I thought I'd never have you here again. I was almost going crazy. Every day I when stepped into your hospital room I hoped for you to be awake but you weren't. Every day I hoped for the doctor to tell me that things would be okay. That you and Luhan would be okay, but he didn't. Every ing day he just gave me this sympathetic smile, telling me we'd have to wait and see," the man paused shortly. "Every day I had to tell the kids that you'd be okay even though it was not truth. It haunted me. The fear of losing you had me dreaming the weirdest things. I was afraid those dreams would come true."

"W-what did you dream?"

A soft sigh left Chanyeol. "I dreamed of you being gone. And you being gone meant Kyungsoo had to leave, too. Your parents took them away from me, from us. I know, it was just a dream but it felt so real it made me anxious."

Close to tears, Baekhyun brought his hands up, grabbed Chanyeol's face and pulled him close so their foreheads were touching. "I'm so sorry."

Smiling, Chanyeol lifted his chin and pressed a gentle kiss to the smaller's cheeks, right under his eye. "Don't be sorry, baby. You and Luhan are here now, everything is fine now, again."

"No, it's not," Baek whispered and let a tear allow to escape. With watery eyes and his lower lip trembling,  he looked at Chanyeol. "You've heard what the doctor has said. They can't tell if Luhan got harmed. He could be disabled."

"Yeah so?" Yeol said. "What does it change?"

"I-I'm n-" "Will you love him less?" Baek got cut off by Chanyeol. "Of course not," he answered without hesitation.

"See, neither will I and we don't have to talk about our kids. They'll love him just as much as we do already. So, even if he's disabled and needs a little more attention and help than the other three, this baby will be very loved and he's one of the best things that has ever happen to us. So let's not think about 'what if'."

Baekhyun let himself pulled into a kiss and closed his eyes, humming softly. When Chanyeol loosened the kiss and pulled away, he smiled at the man.

"You know what, I think we need a time out. Let's go somewhere this weekend."


"I don't know. The sea or the mountains, I don't care. Just away from here for a couple of days. We can rent a house, throw the kids and cookie into the car and enjoy the weekend."

"Sounds great," Baek smiled.

"Okay, then it's set," Yeol said. "I'll look up for a nice house tomorrow."

The night Baekhyun fell asleep with his back pressed against Chanyeol's chest and the man's big hand laying on the swell of his belly. And for the first time in forever, the pregnant could feel a strong kick coming from the baby under his heart and it made him more than happy that everything was back to normal. Well, almost.

When Friday knocked onto the door, Chanyeol decided to skip school. He didn't pull an unnecessary lie but straightly told the principal that he and his family would like to have a quiet weekend to regain strength after all the bad things that had happened in the past weeks. The elderly man showed full understanding and allowed Chanyeol and the kids to stay home without any hesitation. And so the ParkByun family could leave for their weekend trip in right after breakfast. Chanyeol had rent a small house in the holiday resort in the mountains. With all the hills and a small lake around, it offered a lot of possibilities for the kids to play and much space for Cookie to run around.

The drive to their holiday home was cheerful and loud. The kids sang one song after the other and Cookie supported their voices with his own, barking and howling along. Baekhyun had a hand laying on Chanyeol's thigh, tapping his fingers onto it or drawing circles, scratching his nails over the rough fabric of his jeans.   

After arriving at their weekend home, kids and dog immediately started to explore the area. "Just don't run away too far," Baek shouted after the boys, watching as they ran up a small hill. Smiling he then turned to the house. It was a small woodhouse and the chimney on the roof told the pregnant that he'd spend the evening in front of a burning fireplace.

Chanyeol had already unlocked the door and carried their belongings inside, almost toppling over his own feet as missed one of the few steps of the small stairs. "Oh, it's nice."

Following the taller further inside, Baekhyun nodded. "It is. And it's bigger than I expected it to be. Oh, there is a second floor?"

"Yes," Yeol said, dropping the bags to the floor. "Down here are kitchen, bathroom and living room. Upstairs are two bedrooms."

"Are there enough beds for the boy's?"

"Both bedrooms have queen size beds."

Baekhyun laughed at the information. "Oh, they'll love it," he said and reached for the cool bag with the food they brought and placed it on the kitchen counter. "What's for lunch?" He asked while unpacking the bag.

"I thought of having lunch and dinner outwards," Chanyeol said. "There is an ice rink nearby. It has an indoor playground attached and I thought we'd power the kids out there."

"Sounds good," Baek said, turning his head to the taller. "Did you plan the whole weekend?"

"More or less," Yeol nodded, smiling. He stepped towards Baekhyun and wrapped his arms round him from behind, placing his hands on the round belly. "I've got a coupon for a water park and would like to go there with you and the boy's, tomorrow. The boys can have their fun riding the slides and you can relax, using the hot and thermal springs."

Baekhyun hummed at the thought. "That sounds nice but I didn't bring any swimwear."

"But I did," Chanyeol whispered and pressed a kiss to Baek's ear.

"You really did plan it, huh?"

"A little, maybe," Yeol chuckled, running his nose along the smaller's nape. "The ice rink was a spontaneous idea, though."

Smiling, Baekhyun turned in Chanyeol's arms and looked at the man. Chanyeol's soft brown eyes were sparkling as usual and his lips were curled into a soft smile. Reaching up, Baek cupped the tall man's face and pulled him down into a kiss. Chanyeol let out a sigh and let his hands fall to the pregnant's hips to pull him closer. As the round of Baekhyun's belly came in contact with Chanyeol's own stomach, both of them felt the kick the baby under Baekhyun's heart executed.

Chuckling into the kiss, Chanyeol brought his hands to Baekhyun's front and slipped one underneath the smaller's sweater. Luhan kicked out again as his Daddy gave his temporary home a rub and Baek once jumped in surprise as one of the kicks hit him in the ribs.

Just as they have pulled away from each other, the door to the house opened and the kids hopped in. "Pee, pee, pee," Jongdae sing-songed and kicked of his boots. "Bathroom?"

"This door," Chaneil said, pointing the way.

Jongdae dashed towards the room, leaving the door open as he pulled down his pants. "Woah, this bathroom has a pool."

"A pool?" Baekhyun asked, raising a brow. Together with Chanyeol and the kids he went over to the bathroom, looking inside.

"Oh, what a surprise," Chanyeol voiced out at the sight of a jacuzzi "I didn't know they have something like that here. They didn't mention in the description."

"Can we play in this pool?" Kyungsoo asked.

"Honey, that's not a pool," Baek said, smiling at his son. "It's called a jacuzzi. When you fill it with water you can press a button and thet it'll start blowing bubbles," he tried to explain as child friendly as possible. "It's like one of the hot tubs they have at swimming pools."

"Ohh," all three boy voiced out, nodding their heads. "Can we bathe in it?"

"Sure," Chanyeol said. "But first we go to the ice rink, okay?"

The boy's were excited to go to the ice rink, especially Kyungsoo. The boy had never been to an ice rink before and his big eyes sparkled at the sight of the many people skating on the ice. "Are you sure you can manage this?" Baek asked as he leaned against the barrier watching Chanyeol putting on his skates.

Chanyeol smiled up to the pregnant. "I'm sure," he said and got up, walking towards the rink with the boy's following him on shaky feet.

Minseok went first, clawing on Chanyeol's hand as the father led him to one of the ice skating aids. The boy let out a sound of victory as he managed to grab the aid without falling on his . Kyungsoo and Jongdae quickly followed and soon all three boys were sliding around the ice.

Baekhyun had a great time watching his family, snapping a ton of photos and recording videos. Every now and then Chanyeol slid by, stealing a kiss from his lips.

By the time the clock almost 1PM the kids were freezing and hungry. The family took place in a restaurant nearby, enjoying delicious food and some hot chocolate. "Appa, Daddy, there's a playground over there," Minseok said, pointing over to the entrance of the indoor playground. "Can we go there after lunch?"

"Sure," Baekhyun smiled, nodding.

The indoor playground was crowded and the parents had great difficulties to find a free table but eventually they did it. Baekhyun sat down at bright red table and watched the kids jumping around the giant ball pit while Chanyeol got them something to drink.

He leaned back into the chair, rubbing over his bump as he waited for the taller to come back. As a mother from the table next to him leaned over, he looked at her. "How far are you?" She asked with a smile.

"Almost seventh month," he answered the question, returning the smile.

All the other parents at her table made a sound, smiling at him. "How many kids to you have?" A young guy with a baby in his arms asked.

"So far three," Baek chuckled and pointed over to where the boys were.

"Oh, triplets," he said. "But in there is only one, right?"


"Are you alone here?" Another mother asked.

Baekhyun opened his mouth to answer the question but someone cut him off. "For sure he is," she said, rolling his eyes. "We're all the same, here."

The guy with the baby laughed out. "Well honey, I'm not like you. I might be alone here but unlike you I can't complain about my life."

Baekhyun choked at the comment, eyes widening.

"We talk about this in a couple of years again," one of the women said.

"Oh yeah, believes us," another mom added. "Even before you can blink twice the only time you have is when the kids are staying over at their grandparents. Am I right?" She asked and looked at Baek.

The pregnant made a sound. "Uhm, well, I can't really say something about this," he said, a little embarrassed that they were so open about their love life.

"Oh come on, don't be shy," the guy laughed. "Or do you have one of those hollywood movie superhero Daddies at home that take care of the children and give you the time of your life in the sheets?"

Just as the words had slipped past his lips, Chanyeol appeared, holding onto a two large cups of hot drinks. "There you go, babe," he said and placed Baek's Mocca onto the table. "Decaf and with extra cream."

The three women and the guy from the neighbor table looked at Baek with their mouths open. "Damn," the guy said. "Where the hell did you find this one?"

While Baekhyun flushed, Chanyeol chuckled. "I'd say that I found him but thank you," He flashed him a smile and then leaned over to take a look at the baby he was holding. "Aw, just born?"

"Yes," the young man said, moving a little so Chanyeol could take a full look. "She's three weeks old now."

"She's beautiful."

It amazed Baekhyun how easily Chanyeol got in contact with the other parents and it made his heart flutter as the guy handed Chanyeol his daughter and Chanyeol brought the tiny infant into his arms, rocking her slightly. The sight of Chanyeol holding a baby had Baek imagining how Chanyeol would look when he would hold Luhan in his arms. Though it was not his own child he was holding, Chanyeol had a lot of love in eyes as he looked at the little girl and Baekhyun knew there would be much more love in his gaze once it would be their baby boy.

The couple spent the time their kids were exploring the indoor playground with the parents form the neighbor table, sharing stories and tips.

"Why are you laughing?" Chanyeol asked as they left the indoor playground to go for dinner.

Shaking his head, Baek snickered into his palm. "I just remembered the time you told me about the parents at indoor playgrounds and that they'd bicker over their love life and stuff. I didn't want to believe it but, damn, it's true. I feel sorry for them, to be honest."

Chanyeol hummed, nodding. "Yeah, it's kinda sad but also kind of their own fault, don't you think? I mean, if you notice a change in your relationship, a change that you don't like you should tell your partner about it and about how you feel, right?"

"Yeah, I think so, too."



After dinner and driving back to their weekend home, Chanyeol took Cookie for a walk while Baekhyun had an eye on the kids who were having the time of their life in the jacuzzi. The sound of splashing water, squeaks and squeals had the pregnant chuckling. "Alright boy's, five more minutes."

"Aww, why?" Jongdae whined.

"Because you're in there for almost an hour and it's almost time for bed," Baek said. "So, five more minutes and then, dry off and brush your teeth."


Chanyeol and Cookie were back right the minute the boys had finished brushing their teeth. "Daddy you've been out long," Minseok stated as he watched his father drying off the dog's paws.

"Well, Cookie had to wait long for us to come back," Yeol said. "Also, he really likes snow. He had a lot of fun out there."

"But doesn't he freeze when he's out there too long?"

The teacher shook his head. "No. You know Cookie is a Samoyed and this breed is originally from Russia. And in Russia the winters are long and really, really cold. Much more colder than here. Cookie has a really thick fur that keeps him warm during cold winters. He could even sleep outside and wouldn't freeze."

Minseok's lips formed into an o. "Ohh, wow. That's so cool," he squealed. "But Cookie doesn't have to sleep outside, right?"

"No, he can sleep with you, of course." He let go of the pup once he had dried up his paws and belly and Cookie hopped towards Minseok with a high pitched bark and tail wiggling.

"They just have brushed their teeth and are ready for bed," Baek said as Chanyeol stepped towards him. "Do you want to take a shower while I bring them to bed?"

"I'd rather have you bathing with me," Yeol smiled. "The chance to enjoy the jacuzzi with you sounds more tempting than taking a shower."

Baekhyun returned the smile and found himself sitting in the warm, bubbling water only fifteen minutes after he and Yeol have taken the three boy's to bed. He hummed at the feeling and moved his hands through the water as he waited for Chanyeol to join him.

"What do you think how much would it cost to install a jacuzzi at home?"

Baekhyun laughed out. "You want want at home?"

"Wouldn't it be great? I mean it's quite relaxing. And it's big enough for the two of us."

"Our tub at home is also big enough for us to fit in."

"But it's not as comfortable," Yeol said and moved closer, grinning. "And a one like this would give us plenty of room to get naughty."

"Do you want to get naughty right now?" Baek snickered. "You know, I wouldn't mind," he whispered and slung his arms around the taller's neck, bringing their bodies closer.

"Are you sure?"

"More than sure," left the pregnant in a whisper before he brushed his lips against Chanyeol's parted once. "I missed all of you, including you touching me."

Chanyeol growled at the words. He brought his hands to Baekhyun's behind and d it while helping the smaller into his lap. Baekhyun wrapped his legs around Chanyeol's waist, scooting as close as his baby bump allowed him to and hummed when the taller attacked his neck, a deep red mark into his skin.

"Just don't be too loud," Chanyeol chuckled against the damp skin, liking over the love bite. "I'm sure the walls here are thin."

"Then you have to keep me quiet," Baek teased, moving his hips to grind on Chanyeol. The man moaned at the action and it had the pregnant smirking. "Already from such a little action?"

Chanyeol in a breath as Baekhyun repeated the action. "Yeah, you have no idea how much I want you right now."

"Then show me how much you want me," Baek said, moving his head so his mouth was pressed to Chanyeol's ear. "Show me, Chanyeol," he breathed out. "Show me."

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Beau1996 1371 streak #1
Chapter 16: Smexy times in the car - yes please!!
Beau1996 1371 streak #2
Chapter 15: Sweetness overload!!
Beau1996 1371 streak #3
Chapter 13: The best baby daddy ever!
Beau1996 1371 streak #4
Chapter 12: The best way to confess!
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Chapter 11: Very sweet!
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Chapter 10: I want more Baekhyun hugs too ( ok, maybe just one would be nice!)
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Chapter 9: Poor Baek!
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Chapter 8: Ah oh - looks like someone has a surprise 😉
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Chapter 7: Welcome to the big house!
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Chapter 6: Happy family indeed!!