Ch. 22


Choo choo~ ♥

I'm so sorry T__T
I had some troubles with the site. First I couldn't open my stories and then *poof* I couldn't even log in. This is so annoying. :/
But I made it, here is the new chapter.
Enjoy. xoxo










Actually they were "separated" only two days but to Baekhyun it felt like forever and so he clung to Chanyeol like a koala on a tree as they lay on the couch, enjoying their togetherness. Baekhyun lay on his side, back pressed against the backrest of the couch and belly pressed against Chanyeol's side. He hummed whenever Yeol brushed his lips against his forehead or the tips of his fingers traced along his neck. His own hand lay flat on Chanyeol's chest, right above his heart and he could feel the steady, calm beats against his palm.

"What are you doing?", he whined when Chanyeol moved away from him, slowly standing up.

Chanyeol let out a small chuckle. "As much as I love cuddling with you, babe.", he smiled. "It's already almost five and we have to wake the kids or else they won't sleep tonight."

Baekhyun literally jumped into a sitting position and quickly grabbed Chanyeol by his wrist when he was about to walk away. "Wait!", he squeaked out. "I..I need to tell you something.", he said when Chanyeol looked at him confused.

"Okay.", Yeol said and sat back down on the couch. "What is it?"

Baek bit his lip and took a deep breath. "You'll see it anyways, so it's better if I tell you now.", he exhaled. "Jongdae..has a bruise on his cheek."

"Yeah? And what's so bad about it?"

"It's not the bruise's the way he got it.", Baek said, rubbing his hands together. "My mother has slapped him."

Chanyeol's eyes widened dramatically and his mouth fell open. "Please what?"

"I couldn't prevent it.", Baek said with a pained expression. "I mean I could have prevented it..but..I...I-" "Hey, hey, hey.", Chanyeol cut in and cupped Baek's face with his hands when his breathing began to flutter. "Calm down."

Baekhyun swallowed hardly and took a few deep breaths to calm down. "Okay.", Chanyeol said with a nod. "No need to panic.", he continued. "Just tell why she has slapped him, okay?"

Baekhyun nodded slowly at Yeol. "They found out that you left the house and couldn't sleep anymore.", he began. "We watched some movies and at some point they wanted to eat cookies. I've allowed it and so they went to the kitchen. When they didn't return, I went to look. My mother has taken away the cookies and Jongdae discussed with her. Eventually, they were at a point, where Jongdae said that she's a bad person and that it is no wonder that you and Kyungsoo don't like her.", he stopped for a second and looked at Chanyeol. "At that she lost it. It happened so fast...I..I'm still shocked...she really hit him...I'm so sorry."

"Don't be sorry.", Chanyeol smiled softly. "You've done nothing wrong."

"I should've gone in between."

"Would you have thought that she would slap him?", Yeol asked. Baekhyun shook his head at the question. "See.", he smiled. "You've done nothing wrong."

"Aren't you angry?"

"Oh hell, I am.",Yeol said honestly. "But what should I do? I wasn't there when it happened. Of course I'm angry. Hitting is not an option. And slapping a kid is even worse, no matter what it has done. But I can't do anything, all I can now hope for is that you have put her in place."

Baek breathed in a held it for a second. He looked away from Chanyeol and bit his lip. "I...uh...I.."


"I...have..slapped her back.", he told the truth.


"Yeah..I...I couldn't help it...", Baek whined. "My father also spied on their discussion and saw her slapping him. He reacted faster than I did and pushed my mother away from the kids. He sent them to the living room before he rebuked her. At first she denied everything but eventually she gave in. She admitted that she has exposed you, that she purposely gave you another room to separate us and that she wanted to break us apart." "I didn't want to do it but I couldn't stop myself.", he growled. "Oh, you're leaving. Why?", he mimicked her words in a high pitched voice. "God, she really tried to keep that dirty play up. She acted as if everything would be okay, although she just admitted everything to my father...I really...I..know I shouldn't have done it but I couldn't help it."

Chanyeol reached out for the smaller and playfully chucked him under the chin. "I understand. It's really not right but I can understand why you did it.", he smiled softly to cheer Baek up. "But also for you applies: Violence is no option and never a solution."

Baek returned the smile. "Yes, sir!"

"Alright.", Yeol sighed. "Let's forget what has happened. I'm glad that you're back and that nothings serious has happen."

"Totally agree to that!", Baek nodded.

Chanyeol gently grabbed him by the chin and pulled him into a kiss. "I love you."

A wide smiled spread over Baek's face. "And I love you."

"Hm, glad to hear that.", the taller joked with a wink. "Alright, now I really have to wake children. It's already so late, they won't sleep early tonight."

"Then we need to make them tired.", Baek chuckled.

"I'm up for every idea.", Yeol said and put a hand behind his ear. "I'm listening."

"How about we go out for dinner tonight? Let's go to McDonalds. Let the boys have their beloved Happy Meal and let them impoverish themselves in the play area."

"And what do I get, except exhausted children?"

Baekhyun hummed for a second. "A happy pregnant lover that showers you with salty kisses?!", he smiled cheekily.

"Uhm, do I really want that?", Chanyeol asked. "Is there any other choice?"

"Well, it's been awhile since I had the last longer bath."

"Ah, now we understand each other.", Yeol grinned back at Baekhyun's naughty smile. "Get ready, I'll get the kids."

Of course Baekhyun's idea met great approval and not even a minute after Chanyeol had awaken them, the boys came running down the stairs, cheering loudly. Chanyeol stuck his head through the door, peeking into the living room with a smile on his face. "Guess who's excited?!"

"Hm, let me think, who could it be?", Baek joked. He got up from the couch and walked over to Chanyeol and the kids into the hallway. All three boys sat on the floor and put on their boots. He had to laugh at their messed up hair. While Kyungsoo's black locks stood up in all directions, the twins hair had rolled into a messy quiff. They looked just like how their father did in the mornings.

"Daddy, can I get a large fries?", Kyungsoo asked. He walked over to Chanyeol and leaned against his leg, smiling up to him.

"Don't you want to have a Happy Meal?", Chanyeol asked back, combing the boy's hair with his fingers.

Soo shook his head. "I want a large fries."

"But then you won't get a toy.", Chanyeol told him. "You know that, huh?"

The boy made a face. "But I want a toy.", he mumbled, pouting a cutely.

"You have to decide.", Yeol said. "Large fries or toy."

A loud, deep sigh left the boy. "But..", he then uttered. "Can't I get a Happy Meal and exchange my cheeseburger with your fires?"

A smile crept over Chanyeol's face. "Your such a smart boy.", he praised and nodded. "We can do that. I'll take your burger and you'll get my fries."

With a cheeky smile Kyungsoo hugged his Daddy around the leg. "Thank you!"

"And we have an ice cream for dessert?", Jongdae asked when they finally had arrived at the fast food restaurant.

Baekhyun nodded at him. "Sure."

The boys squealed loudly and ran to the entrance. Chanyeol looked after them, slightly irritated. "Why do they ask, if they can get ice cream for dessert? Did I missed something?", Baekhyun linked fingers with him on their way to the building. "Cookies.", he shortly stated and Chanyeol hummed, remembering that Baek had allowed the boys to eat cookies in the morning.

The restaurant was well attended, yet the family found a quiet table in the very corner. Soon every of them were munching on burgers, fries and chicken nuggets.

"Eww, that's spicy.", Minseok cried out and dropped his chicken nugget onto the tray. He stuck out his tongue and whined loudly with glassy eyes.

"Ah, that's my sauce.", Baek gasped. "Sorry baby.", he cooed and handed Minseok his drink.

"What is it?", Jongdae asked. He dipped his finger into the little cup and the sauce off it curiously. "Eww!", he wailed just as his brother did and shuddered.

Quickly he grabbed his drink and took a sip of it. "That's nasty!"

"That's chili sauce.", Chanyeol chuckled. He took his son's hand and wiped his finger clean with a napkin. "Chilies are spicy."

"How can you eat that, Appa?!", Minseok asked with a pained expression. His brows were knitted together and his eyes still slightly glassy. "My tongue is numb."

Baek giggled at how Minseok squinted at his stuck out tongue. "I like it."

Jongdae gazed at him while shaking his head slightly. "Crazy.", he mumbled to himself but Chanyeol clearly heard and couldn't help but snort at his son's comment.

"How long can we play?", Soo asked when all food was eaten and their empty tummies filled. He slipped down from his chair and looked at his Daddy with wide open eyes while waiting for an answer.

Chanyeol peeked at his wrist watch. "Let's say half an hour. Then you can have an ice cream.", he smiled at all three boys. "Okay?"

"Okay!", the kids squeaked and ran off.

Baekhyun looked after the kids and chuckled softly when Minseok jumped into the balls pool with a loud squeal. "We should visit an indoor playground, someday."

"You on a indoor playground?!"

Baek made a face at Chanyeol's snort. "Oh what?! Why are you laughing?!"

Still laughing, Chanyeol began to clean the table. He crumbled together the napkins and paper of the cheeseburgers and stuffed them into one of the Happy Meal boxes. "Sorry babe.", he apologized. "I just can't imagine you on a indoor playground."

With a huff, Baek crossed his arms over the chest. "And why not?"

"I can't explain it but I just don't see you there, sitting together with all the other Mom's and Dad's.", Baekhyun only grumbled at Chanyeol's chuckle. "Have you ever been on a indoor playground?"


"You know, it's always the same.", he started. "While the kids are playing, the parent, that stays home, sits together with the other parents and complains about how hard it is to manage the household while raising the children, how it can be that always only one sock disappears and how frustrating their life is."

"As if."

"Ah, you'll see.", Chanyeol chuckled. "I know how it works."

"Hm.", Baek only hummed. "Still don't believe you."

"Okay.", Yeol said. "How about we go there when Yixing comes over on Tuesday, huh? Then the boys can play, until they drop dead tired and you can experience the life of the normalos.", he emphasized the last sentence.

Baek made a clicking sound with his tongue. "You're so mean to me. ", he pouted.

Quickly Chanyeol leaned over to peck the smaller's lips. "Aww.", he laughed and kissed the pouty lips again. "You know, I'm just kidding."

In the remaining minutes of the half hour, Chanyeol got rid of the paper waste, got Baek a hot chocolate and ordered the boys sundae. And while Chanyeol waited for the ice cream, Baekhyun went over to the play area. He sat down at the edge of the balls pool and fetched one of the colorful plastic balls. He threw it at Jongdae to get his attention. "Hey!", the little Park pouted when the blue ball bounced off his head. "Appa!", he cutely whined and rubbed his head.

"Sorry.", Baek snickered. "Daddy's ordered you ice cream.", he smiled. "Get your brothers, okay?", he didn't had to wait long and all three boy's climbed out of the pool.

"Has Daddy bought me a strawberry sundae?", Minseok asked as he slipped into his shoes.

"And me chocolate?", Kyungsoo wanted to know.

Baek nodded. "I guess so."

Chanyeol of course had brought each of his son their favorite sundae. Minseok and Kyungsoo got strawberry and chocolate and Jongdae got his beloved sundae with warm caramel sauce. The sweet sauce stuck on his teeth when he grinned at Baekhyun. "Tonight you brush teeth twice.", he laughed.

Chanyeol nodded at Baek's words. "And tomorrow we take a break from candy.", he added, eyeing the kids.

"No cookies?", Kyungsoo pouted, with his lips full of chocolate.

Chanyeol shook his head. "No."

Baekhyun snickered at their pouty faces but Chanyeol was right, they had more than enough sweets for today and one day without cookies wouldn't be the world's end.

Back at home, Baekhyun's plan showed effects. From time to time the kids draw out long yawns and rubbed their eyes. "Tired?", he asked and got a nod from Minseok.

"Then on, brush your teeth and wash face.", Chanyeol said and gently pushed Kyungsoo in the direction of the stairs. Like little ducklings the boys slowly made their way up the stairs to the bath room. "Are you going to prepare the bath?", he whispered into Baekhyun's ear.

With a smile Baekhyun nodded and turned right into the bedroom. He wen to the bath and prepared a heavenly scented bubble bath. Once the tub was completely filled with warm water, he went back to Chanyeol and the boys, which now were already in bed.

"Good night, Appa.", Jongdae mumbled, already half asleep when Baek set a soft kiss on his forehead.

"Night.", he whispered back and moved over to Minseok, who still had enough strength to push himself up to plant a peck on his Appa's lips. Kyungsoo had to yawn when Baek was about to give him a kiss and giggled at the open mouthed kiss he gave him. Baekhyun returned the giggle and nudged his son's nose. "Sleep well."

"Compliment.", Chanyeol chuckled and bowed playfully. "Your idea has worked."

"Of course.", Baek laughed and closed the bedroom door behind him. "What did you think?", he grinned and followed Chanyeol to the bath room.

"Uh, what's this?", Yeol asked when he entered the bath. "It smells like a bakery."

Baekhyun fetched the bottle bath additive and showed it to Chanyeol. "Don't you like it?", he pouted. "It's called Christmas Magic."

Chanyeol took the bottle."With pomegranate, vanilla and cinnamon.", he read the label. "No, it's okay.", he then smiled at Baekhyun. "But don't you think that it just smells like a bakery during Christmas time?"

Baekhyun flashed him a cheeky grin. "That's why I bought it. Because it smells yummy."

Chanyeol laughed at the childish grin and shoo his head. "Well then, in there.", he said and began to take off his clothes. "Not that the cookie water gets cold."

Baekhyun hummed loudly when he sat down in the tub and the warm water surrounded his body. He shifted a bit and leaned his back against Chanyeol's chest. "You already smell like a cinnamon stick.", he chuckled when he lay his head back against the tall man's shoulder and his nose brushed against his damp neck.

"Well, as long as you don't bite me in your sleep.", he joked and pressed a kiss against Baek's temple. He moved his hands to the smaller's belly and caressed the small round baby bump. "Luhan's quiet today, huh?"

"Quiet again.", Baek mumbled, enjoying the gentle touches. "He kicked and moved a lot earlier. Since we're home, he's quiet again."

"You shouldn't drive when your stressed.", Yeol uttered.

"I know." ,Baekhyun sighed loudly.

"I'm sorry that I've left just like this.", Chanyeol said. "I know that it wasn't very matured but I didn't know what else to do.", he wrapped his arms around the pregnant. "I'm sorry."

Baekhyun hummed when Chanyeol pulled him closer. He turned his head and pressed his face against his neck. "It's okay.", he whispered. "I can understand it. I would have done the same, to be honest."

"Thank you."

Baekhyun smiled at the soft kisses, Chanyeol set along his damp shoulder. They continued their bath in a comfortable silence, enjoying another moment of togetherness. Only when the bath water slowly lost it's soothing heat, Chanyeol broke the silence again. "Get out.", he uttered and moved Baek's body. "You have goose bumps."

"But it's so nice right now."

"You're such a child sometimes.", Chanyeol chuckled. He got out of the tub, wrapped a towel around his waist and turned back to Baek to help him up. He handed him his towel and leaned down to drain the water. "What are you doing?", he laughed out when he turned around to Baekhyun.

The pregnant had already dried himself off and had put on a pair of boxers. He stood in front of the mirror and looked at himself with a frown on his face. Both of his hands were on his hips, were he squeezed the flesh of it between his fingers. "I've gained weight.", he pouted.

Chanyeol raised a brow at him. He opened his mouth to say something but Baekhyun cut him off right away. "And now, just don't tell that it is normal because I'm pregnant."

Now Yeol's lips formed into a smile. He stepped forwards and stood behind him. "Well, that's not what I wanted to say.", he kissed the bare shoulder, still smiling.


"No.", he said. His hands found their way to the sides of Baekhyun's thighs, were they stayed for a second. Gently he squeezed the flesh before he moved his hands up, all the way to Baek's hips. "If I had to choose, between you, a few months ago and you, right now, I'd always choose your present self."

Baekhyun turned around and looked up to Chanyeol with curious eyes. "Yeah? Why?"

"Do you remember what I told you about you wearing suits?",Baek nodded. "Or what I've said about the boxers I bought you at the motel?"

Again Baekhyun nodded. "Yeah. You said I should be lucky that you found a pair for my tiny ."

"Yes, that's what I said.", Chanyeol laughed. "Of course I've said these things to tease you. Yet there always was truth in my words.", he then said, pulling Baek closer. "You were very thin, too thin."

"I wasn't that thin.", Baek pouted.

"Oh yes, you were."

"I was not."

"You were.", Chanyeol snickered at Baekhyun's pouty frown. "I really was afraid to break you in half, back then."

Baekhyun madly blushed."Ya!", he squeaked and hit Chanyeol in the chest. "What are you saying?!"

Laughing, Chanyeol grabbed Baek's neck and pulled him into a kiss. "Okay, okay, that was a bit exaggerated.", he chuckled against his lips. "But it's the truth.", he then said. "I'd always choose your present self over the bony Baekhyun from summer. You're beautiful like this. So, don't complain about the few pounds you've gained, okay?!"

Stunned by the sudden, lovely confession tears built up in Baek's eyes. He bit his lip and quickly buried his face into Chanyeol's bare chest to hide his rosy cheeks and glassy eyes. "....."

"Haha, what?", Chanyeol laughed at the murmur. He grabbed Baekhyun's face with both hands when the smaller leaned back. "What did you say?"

"I love you.", Baekhyun hummed  and closed his eyes, when Chanyeol pulled him into a long, loving kiss.

"Ah, look who's awake.", Yeol chuckled into the kiss when he felt a small push against his lower abdomen. He pulled away and brought a hand down to the baby bump. "Hey baby boy.", he smiled as he gently pressed the tips of his fingers into Baek's skin. "Shouldn't you be asleep?"

Both, Baek and Yeol, laughed out at a strong kick. "That's a no, I guess.", Baek snickered, when Luhan kicked out again. Chanyeol rubbed over the swell of his belly, causing Baek to shiver a bit.

"You should get dressed.", Chanyeol said when he felt the goose bumps on his palms, that rose up on Baek's skin.

Baekhyun obeyed without complaining and went to the bed to slip on his sleeping clothes. Once fully dressed, he climbed into the bed and waited there for Chanyeol. Luhan kept moving and kicking and with each minutes that passed, the little ones kicks got stronger. "Hurry up, Daddy.", Baek laughed out when Chanyeol finally came out of the bath room. He rubbed over his belly and smiled down at it. "We spent two days getting no pats from you."

Amused Chanyeol shook his head. He pulled a shirt over his head, switched off the bedside lamp and joined Baekhyun into the bed. He lay down on his side and spooned his love and brought his hand down to the belly right away. He slipped his hand under Baekhyun's shirt and caressed the warm skin. He ran his neck along the smaller's neck and inhaled his scent. "I swear, I wasn't able to sleep the first night.", he whispered into Baek's hair.

"Same.", Baek whispered back. Then he began to chuckle slightly. "I never thought, that a bed could feel so cold.", slowly he turned around to face Chanyeol. He tangled their legs together and snuggled as close as possible. The round of his belly brushed against Chanyeol's stomach when he leaned in for a kiss. "I missed you.", he hummed with pleasure when Yeol nipped at his lips. Slowly his fingers dug into the taller's shirt. But instead of pulling Chanyeol closer, he pushed him back when suddenly a rustle was heard. He flinched at the sound and sat up. "What was that?!", he whispered fearful.

"Ghosts.", Chanyeol whispered with a laugh. "Boohooo~"

Baek gave him a shove in the shoulder. "Oh, you! Shut up!", he leaned over and the light.

Still snickering, Chanyeol sat up. "Seems like you're not the only one who has missed me.", he winked when another sound was heard.

This time the rattling sound came from the bedroom door, that opened slowly a second later. "Hey.", Baek smiled when Jongdae peeked into the room. "What's wrong?"

Jongdae walked into the room, followed by Kyungsoo and Minseok. "We can't sleep.", he mumbled, rubbing his tired eyes.

"Why that?", Chanyeol asked, already leaning forward to help the boys into the bed. "Bad dream?", Minseok shook his head as Yeol lifted him up. "Not? Then why can't you sleep, huh?"

"We were afraid that you'd leave again without telling us..."

"Oh, baby.", Yeol cooed and tightly hugged his son when Minseok choked out the reason. "I don't go anywhere."

"Can we sleep here?", Kyungsoo asked.

"Of course.", Baek smiled and lifted the covers up. Kyungsoo and Jongdae lay down between him and Chanyeol, while Minseok made himself comfortable on his Daddy's chest. Kyungsoo snuggled close to Baekhyun and lay is little hand on his belly.

Jongdae slid up to Chanyeol, tugging at his shirt when Yeol scooped him close. "Daddy...", he suddenly giggled cutely. "You smell like cookies."

"Like a Christmas cookie.", Minseok added sleepy and pressed his nose against Chanyeol's neck.

Kyungsoo's ears perked up. He moved closer to Baekhyun and sniffed at him. "You too." he then gasped slightly. "You smell like cookies, too."

"Appa brought a new bath additive.", Yeol explained. "That's why we smell like this."

"I want to bathe in it, too.", Dae squealed.

"Really?", Yeol laughed. "Do you want to smell like a cookie?", he threw Baek an amused look.

Jongdae nodded. "Yes! You smell yummy!"

Baek laughed out loudly. "Ha, exactly my words.", he grinned at Chanyeol. "See, it's a great bath additive!"

"Don't you like it, Daddy?", Soo asked.

"Daddy doesn't like smelling like a cookie.", Baek joked. "He's afraid to get bitten, because he smells so delicious."

Chanyeol raised a brow at the ambiguity in Baek sentence. "Well, thank god I'm safe for tonight.", he grinned back at Baek. "You protected me, right?"

"Of course, Daddy.", Minseok nodded and slung his little arms around his father's neck. He nuzzled his face into Chanyeol's broad chest and draw out a long yawn.

"Oh, oh, oh, someone's more than tired here.", Yeol smiled and brushed his lips against Min's forehead. "Time to sleep, now."

Baekhyun stretched himself and switched off the light. After a short round of exchanging good night wishes, silence filled the room. Baek listened to the soft breaths of the kids and smiled to himself.

What he couldn't see was that Chanyeol also had a soft smile formed on his lips. For the first time in two days he felt good again. With Baekhyun and all four sons in his bed, he felt safe and sound, relieved and happy.









Luhan lay heavy on his bladder and forced Baekhyun to get up early in the morning. It was only a few minutes past seven when he climbed out of the bed.
He had to bite back a laugh when he came back from the bath. Kyungsoo and Jongdae lay, tangled together in the middle of the bed, while Minseok, somehow had made it into his father's shirt. Only god knew how, but he made it. His head stuck out of the neckline just as one of his hands. And also one of his feet stuck in the pocket of Yeol's sweatpants.

Amused he watched the scene for a while before he quietly left the room. The house was completely quiet and Baekhyun enjoyed the silence. He went to the kitchen and grabbed himself a glass  of juice. It was snowing outside and even though it was still semi-dark, he could see the icy flakes glistening.

With the glass in his hands he walked over to the living room where he sat down the couch. He watched the snow falling from the sky and smiled softly to himself.
For quite a while he just sat there, looking out of the window. Only a faint buzzing sound pulled him out of his dazed state. He looked around, trying to find out where the sound was coming from.

It took him a few seconds but then he saw a faint light peeking out from under a stack of papers. He stood up form the couch and fetched Chanyeol's phone from the dresser. Joonmyeon's name flashed up on the display and Baek didn't hesitate to pick the all up.

"Hello? Joonmyeon?"

"Baekhyun?" "Baekhyun, is it you?"

"Yes, yes, it's me.", Baek nodded even tough Joonmyeon couldn't see him.

"Oh, thank god." "I know it's early but I didn't know how else I should call."

His breath was fast and flat and Baek could tell that Joonmyeon was resolved. "Hey, what's wrong?", a faint cry was heard and Baekhyun frowned at the sound.

"Joonmyeon, what's wrong with you?! Talk to me."

"Yifan's not here...and I...don't feel good."

Baekhyun gasped loudly. "What do you mean, you don't feel good? Are you in pain?"

"I don't know..", Myeon cried. "I'm dizzy....and..", he groaned loudly.

Baekhyun began to panic. He ran up he stairs, almost stumbled over his feet on his way to the bedroom. He rushed over to the bed and grabbed Yeol's shoulder.

At the rather roughly touch, Chanyeol shot his eyes open. He was startled and gasped in confusion when he couldn't move properly. "What's wrong?", he whispered.

Baek held the phone up. "It's Joonmyeon. It's an emergency."

Careful yet fast, Chanyeol moved Minseok's head and slipped his head out of his neckline. He got out of the bed and took out the phone away from Baekhyun. "Myeon, what's wrong?"

"...I don't..know..", his eyes widened at Joonmyeon's tear choked voice. "..can't breathe.."

"Myeon, where is Yixing?"


"Give him the phone. And you lay down on the couch, you hear.", Yeol demanded.

"...Gege?", Yixing's voice was just was thick as Joonmyeon's. "Appa is in pain."

"I know, honey.", Chanyeol tried to sound calm. "Listen well. I come to you now. I'll give the phone to Baekhyun. He'll stay on the phone with you until I get there, okay?!"

Baekhyun quickly took the phone and pressed it against his ear when Chanyeol gave it to him. "Yixing, hey, here's Baekhyun.", he almost whispered. "How are you?"

"I'm afraid.", Joonmyeon's son sobbed.

"Ah, you don't have to be afraid.", Baek cooed. "Chanyeol is on his way. Everything will be alright."

"...what can...I do?"

"Uhm, is Appa on the couch?"


Baek exhaled. "Okay,then..uh..go to him and pat his belly. Help him and Sehun to calm down."

Baekhyun felt like crying the whole time. Yixing desperately sobbed into the phone and Baekhyun felt so helpless, it hurt him. He let out a revealed sigh when about twenty minutes later he heard the door bell ringing and Yixing hang up.
With the phone in his hand, Baek walked up and down in front of the living room windows. Continuous he peeked at the cell phone, hoping that it would ring again and Chanyeol would tell him that everything was alright.


Baekhyun loudly shrieked and dropped the phone in shock when his name was called out. He spun around to Kyungsoo and the twins, who stood in the door way.

"What's wrong? Where's Daddy?", Soo asked.

Baek bent down and picked the phone back up. "Daddy is on his way to Joonmyeon and Yixing."

Jongdae tilted his head. "Why?"

"Uhmm..", Baek swallowed hard. "Joonmyeon doesn't feel good."

"Is something wrong with Sehun?"

Quickly the pregnant shook his head. "No, no, no! Sehun is fine.", he said, hoping that he was right. "Hmm..Daddy will call us when there's something new. And until we wait, how about we make breakfast. I bet Daddy will be hungry when he comes back."

His plan to distract the kids worked well and also helped Baekhyun himself to forget his worries for a while. His full attention lay on the boys and only a few times the looked at the clock to check the time. But when over two hours later Chanyeol still hadn't called, Baek got nervous.

But as it turned out, his worries were unfounded. A few minutes half past ten when the front door opened and Chanyeol walked into the house with a sleeping Yixing in his arms, followed by Joonmyeon. Yifan's husband looked pale and tired. He had a hand on his belly when he followed Chanyeol further into the house.

"Hey.", Baek smiled and rushed over to Joonmyeon. "How are you? What happened?", he led him to the living room, where the kids sat on the floor, playing a game.

The kids beamed at the guest and hopped onto the couch next to him, when Joonmyeon carefully sat down. "Are you feeling better?", Kyungsoo asked with wide open eyes.

"Is Sehun alright?", Jongdae wanted to know.

"Where's XingXing?", Minseok questioned while looking around.

Joonmyeon chuckled slightly. "I feel much better.", he nodded. "Sehun is also alright. And Xing is exhausted and fell asleep. Chanyeol brings him to bed right now."

"Why did you feel bad?", Baekhyun curiously nodded along at Minseok's question.

"Ah, I've just eaten something bad and had bellyache."

"Ohh.", the boy's voiced out in unison. "But now your tummy is better, yeah?"

Joonmyeon nodded. "It is.", he smiled. "Much better."

"Say, do you want some tea?", Baek asked and Myeon immediately nodded. "Yes, please."

Together the two pregnant left the living room and went over to the kitchen. Joonmyeon sat down at the kitchen table while Baekhyun put water on to boil. "Are you really feeling better?", Baek asked as he brought out some cups from the cupboard. "You're pale."

"I'm still a bit dizzy but I'm much better."

"What happened?"

Joonmyeon draw out a long sigh. "I had an allergic shock."

"What?", Baek gasped. "Why?"

"Yixing had a bad dream and woke up quite early today. We got up and made us some warm milk with honey. And about twenty minutes later I got breathlessness and these freaking stomach cramps."

"And what has caused all this? The milk?"

Joonmyeon shook his head. "The honey.", he said with a dry laugh.

"Didn't you know that you react allergic to honey?", Baek asked irritated.

"Actually, I'm not allergic to honey.", Myeon sighed. "I had something similar when I was pregnant with Yixing. Suddenly I had an allergic reaction to tomatoes."

"For real?! And that was only during pregnancy?"

Joonmyeon nodded. "Yeah, as soon as he was born, all was well again."

"Crazy.", Baek uttered. "Does Yifan know?"

"About today?", Myeon asked and got a nod from Baekhyun. "Hell no, he doesn't know. And I'd be obliged to you if we consider it as a secret."

"What? Why?", Baekhyun asked more than confused. "But shouldn't he know about it?"

Yifan's husband shook his head. "No. It's better if he doesn't know."

"May I ask, why you don't want to tell him?", when the kettle made a beeping sound, Baek got up and prepared the tea. "Where is he anyways?"

"He's in China. Family issues.", Myeon said. "You know, Yifan is a gorgeous man but right now, I'd love to exchange him with Chanyeol.", he chuckled and took the cup Baek held out to him. "He's way too overprotective. He treats me like I'm deadly sick.  He didn't even want to fly to China. Hell, Baekhyun, I'm only pregnant, he exaggerates it massively."

"Wow, that surprises me now.",

"God, you should've seen him when I was pregnant with Yixing."

"Yeah, you should've seen him when he was pregnant with Xing."

At Chanyeol's voice Baek and Myeon turned their heads. The tall man had changed into a freshly pair of clothes and rubbed his hair with a small towel when he came into the kitchen. "He didn't need to lift a finger."

Joonmyeon huffed. "God, yeah, that was so exhausting and stressful. I was so happy when he went to school in the mornings."

"But didn't you work?", Baek asked, remembering that Chanyeol once had told him that Joonmyeon worked in the company of his father.

Myeon laughed out sarcastically. "I and working? Haha, funny. He literally put me under house arrest.", he rolled with his eyes. "Don't get me wrong, I really love this man but when it comes to Yixing...or me in other circumstances, he mutates to a overprotective beast."

Baek snickered into his palm and peeked over to Chanyeol. "I guess, I'm lucky then."

"Oh, believe me, you're more than lucky.", Joonmyeon chuckled. "How's Yixing?", he then asked, looking at Chanyeol.

"Sleeping like a baby.", Yeol smiled and nipped at Baek's tea. "He woke up when I changed his clothes but he fell back asleep quickly."

Myeon nodded slowly. "I felt so bad for him. He didn't know what to do and I couldn't help him. Thank you for distracting him.", he smiled at Baekhyun.

"Ah, not worth talking about. ", Baek waved off with a smile. "But I have to admit that you really scared me.", he sighed with a nod. "How's the little one by the way?"

"Oh, he's fine.", Myeon smiled. He put a hand on his belly and rubbed over it. "Everything as it should be. He has coped the shock well."

"But you look still pale."

"And that's why Myeon and Xing will stay a night.", Chanyeol informed.

"Yeol, that's really not necessary."

The taller waved the words off. "Don't argue, you stay here. The doctor has said that it may happen that you have to throw up or that you get shortness of breath again." "But-" "Joonmyeon.", Yeol's voice dropped an octave. "I believe you that you'd be able to handle a second shock or some difficulties in breathing but think about Yixing. Xing would be just as desperate and scared as in the morning and that in turn would stress you. So, don't argue with me."
Baek had to smile at how Joonmyeon pressed his lips into a thin line when he had to admit defeat. But Chanyeol was right; better safe than sorry.

While Yixing slept his stress away and the three adults enjoyed their tea, the ParkByun boys joined them into the kitchen, with a stack of papers and handful of crayons. Kyungsoo hopped onto the chair next to Joonmyeon and from time to time, curiously peeked at the pregnant's belly.

"It's bigger than Appa's, huh?", Myeon smiled when he caught the little boy looking again.

With a faint blush on his cheeks, Kyungsoo nodded. "But only a bit.", he smiled cutely.

"Well, Sehun is a little bit older after all. He's bigger than Luhan."

"Do you think Luhannie and Sehunnie will be such as good friends as we and Xing are?!", Minseok smiled and pointed at himself and his brothers.

"I'm sure.", Joonmyeon smiled.

"That would be nice.", Jongdae's lips curled into a smile before he took another crayon and looked back at his picture. He moved the pen over the paper and hummed a song. Minseok and Kyungsoo immediately joined in and giggled at each other.

For quite a while the room was filled with the with the melody the three boys hummed. Only when the little Wu waddled into the room, they fell silent again. Rubbing his tired eyes, Yixing straightly went over to his godfather.

"Hey.", Yeol cooed and scooped the boy up. He put him on his lap and gently his head, combing his messy hair with his fingers. "Well rested?"

Yixing made a humming sound and buried his face into Chanyeol's nape. Kyungsoo huffed and puffed his cheeks when Yeol chuckled and patted Yixing's back. Baekhyun noticed his son's sulky expression and stood up. He grabbed the bottle of juice and went over to Kyungsoo. "Don't be jealous.", he whispered into Soo's ear as he poured some apple juice into his glass. "There's no need to be jealous.", he added and pressed a kiss on his eat afterwards.
Kyungsoo gave him a short nod and Baek had to smile at the cute pout. It was just too cute how jealous he got, when Chanyeol gave another kid some attention.

"Are you alright?", Joonmyeon asked his son. He leaned over to him and him over the cheek.

Yixing nodded and turned in Chanyeol's lap. He leaned against Chanyeol and rested his head on the tall man's shoulder. "...Sleepy..", he mumbled and yawned cutely.

Baekhyun peeked over Yeol's shoulder and smiled at Yixing. "Do you want something to drink?", Xing nodded. "Juice or something warm?"


"Tea?", Baek asked back. "Fruit tea?", Yixing nodded again, showing Baek his adorably dimple when he smiled cutely. "Good, tea it's then."

Yixing happily hummed when Baek, a few minutes later, gave him a cup with warm tea. He took a sip and wiggled in Chanyeol's lap. "Yummy.", he smiled brightly. After a few more sips, the little Wu joined his friends and began to draw a picture. He still sat in Yeol's lap and swung his legs back and forth while moving the pen over the paper.

"Is that a plane?", Chanyeol asked and tapped onto one of the drawings.

"Yes.", Xing smiled. "It's for Baba."

"Is that Baba flying to China?", the boy nodded at the question. "It's nice.", Yeol praised, causing Xing to giggle.

Yixing opened his mouth to say something but was cut off by the suddenly ringing home phone. Baekhyun stood up and walked over to fetch it from the charging station. "Hello?", he answered the call. "Byun Baekhyun, here."

"Baekhyun?!", Baekhyun raised a brow at the familiar deep voice at the other end of the line. "Thank god that I reach you."

"Yifan!?", Baek gasped, turning around to Joonmyeon who jumped in shock. "What's wrong?"

"Do you know where Joonmyeon is? I tried to call him but he doesn't answer my calls. And he's not at home."

Again Baekhyun gasped. "Wait?! You're home?! I thought you're in China."

"He's home?!", Joonmyeon mouthed in shock. "Why?!"

"Well, I came back half an hour ago. Joonmyeon's not here and I can't reach him. The car is there, but Myeon and Xing not.", Yifan said. "I'm worried. The hospital has called and told me that Myeon forgot his scarf."

Baek cleared his throat. "Uh, well, you don't have to worry. Joonmyeon and Yixing are here."

"Has something happen? Why was he in the hospital?"

"Uh..he had a check-up.", Baek lied. "They have taken a blood test, that's why Chanyeol drove him there. And because we thought that you'd come back tomorrow, we thought we make a sleepover party.", he shook his head at how absurd his lie was.

"Ah.", Yifan voiced out. "But he hasn't said that he has a check-up."

"He forgot.", Baek laughed weirdly. "Uh..pegnancy dementia, you know. I have that too."

Joonmyeon and Chanyeol snorted at the excuse and Myeon gave Baek a thumb up while snickering into his palm.

"Uhm, how about you come around, huh?", Baek asked. "And bring a change of clothes with you."

"Alright.", Yifan said. "I'll be there soon. Bye."

"Okay, bye bye.", Baek said and hung up. "Pregnancy dementia.", he mumbled to himself with a chuckle.

"Why did you tell him about the hospital?", Myeon asked when Baek sat back down at the table.

"Because the hospital has called him.", Baek huffed. "You forgot your scarf there.", he added and Myeon groaned slightly.

Minseok stretched in his seat. "Why can Gege not know that you had bellyache?", he asked curiously.

"You know, Min.", Myeon began. "Yifan will get mad at me when he finds out, so please don't tell him, okay?"

Kyungsoo tilted his head and looked at Yixing's father with wide open eyes. "But why will he get mad?"

"Because it was my fault that I got bellyache."

"How can it have been your fault?", Soo asked confused.

"I ate something I can't tolerate."

The little Byun gasped. "Then why did you eat it?"

Joonmyeon chuckled slightly. "Because I wanted to. You know, Yixing and I drank some warm milk with honey in the morning and although I knwe that I'd get a bellyache, I put honey in my milk.", he explained to the kids. "And we can't tell Yifan, because otherwise he's worried. So we have to keep it a secret, okay?!"

"Okay!", all four boys said in unison.

"Pinky promise.", Joonmyeon nodded and held out little finger.

"Promised!", the boy smiled and hooked their pinky with Joonmyeon one after another.






"Yeol, do you have mayonnaise?"

Chanyeol looked at Joonmyeon, scrunching up his nose with a disgusted expression. It was in the early evening, all Wu's and ParkByun's were sitting at the dining table, eating the Spaghetti with tomato sauce the kids wanted to have for dinner.

"God, baby please.", Yifan sighed with the same disgusted expression. "You cannot eat anything with mayo."

Joonmyeon pouted. "But I want to.."

Chanyeol got up and brought his friend the bottle of mayonnaise. He made a small choking sound when Joonmyeon poured a good amound of the fatty sauce onto his noodles.  

"Chanyeol!", Baek barked at him, defending the other pregnant.

"I'm so sorry.", Yeol apologized. "But that's...eww", he groaned and covered his eyes with his hand when Joonmyeon mixed the mayo with the tomato sauce and the noodles together.

"I know.", Myeon whined. "But I can't help it." , he cried and stuffed some of the mayo soaked spaghettis into his mouth.

Yifan put his fork away and grabbed his glass. "I'll throw a party when this mayo addiction finally is over."

"I'm sorry.", Joonmyeon whined.

The tall Chinese smiled softly and gently nudged Myeon's chin. "It's okay. Although this is more disgusting, than this weird craving for peanut butter that you had during the first pregnancy."

Baek's ears perked up. "Peanut butter?", he asked with a smile. "The crunchy one?"

"Oh my god, you too?!", Myeon literally beamed.

"I ate it on everything.", Baek chuckled. "Every three days I had to buy a new jar."

This time Yifan and Chanyeol both choked out. "Eww."

"Oh shut up, will you!", Myeon huffed and pinched his husband's arm.

"Sorry.", Yifan said. "I just had this picture in my mind from your birthday."

"Eww, me too!", Chanyeol laughed.

Baek curiously looked at Joonmyeon. "Huh?"

Joonmyeon rolled his eyes at the two tall men. "It was my birthday and Yeol brought this amazing cream cake."

Yifan snickered. "Yeah, it was amazing until you put peanut butter on it.", this time his comment earned him a hit in the chest.

Chanyeol dropped his fork into his noodles and leaned back. "It's like, as if it was yesterday.", he uttered. "He took a freaking large piece of the cake and smeared peanut butter on it."

"Excuse me, it was very delicious.", Joonmyeon defended himself. "...Back then..", he quickly added.

"What are you craving for?", Yifan asked Baek.

"Sour gummy worms.", Baek smiled shyly with rosy cheeks.

"That's it?!", the Chinese voiced out. "Gummy worms?!"

"Yeah.", Chanyeol laughed. "Either its three bags of gummy worms a day, or a bite from this, gummy worm, a bite form that, gummy worm."

"That's not true!", Baek wailed. "He's lying."

" if.", Yeol chuckled. "To every handful of fries, came a handful of gummy worms. Don't even try to deny it."

Ashamed Baek scratched his nose. "Okay, okay...", he mumbled and proved Yeol right.

Yifan chuckled."Okay, that's nasty but not as nasty as this.", he nodded at Myeon's plate.

Joonmyeon only rolled with his eyes and kept eating his mayo noodles.

Dinner continued accompanied by jokes, laughter and lively conversation and ended with a fruit salad for dessert in the living room. "Can I have some more, Daddy?", Kyungsoo asked and held up his empty bowl up to Chanyeol.

"Yeah, sure.", Chanyeol smiled and got up from the couch. Happily Kyungsoo jumped up from the ground and followed his Daddy to the kitchen.

"Huh?", Baek asked when Yifan let out a small chuckle.

"Oh, nothing.", the Chinese smiled. "It's just...if I wouldn't know better, I'd say that you always were a part of this family."

Baekhyun smiled softly. "Yeah, it's amazing what can happen in such a few months."

This time Yifan laughed out. "Oh yeah." he snickered. "At first he was all "Damn, I really could strangle that Byun guy!" and only a few weeks later he cried "Yifan help me, I'm falling for him!". Ah, that was awesome."

"And it was supposed to be a secret.", Yeol grumbled as he came back into the room. "A nice best friend you are.", he handed Yifan a bottle of beer and sat back down next to Baekhyun.

Yifan stuck out his tongue and opened his beer. "I'm the most best friend you'll ever get."

"Yeah, probably.", Yeol sighed. He took a big sip from the bottle and put he beer on the table. "Hm, something different.", he said and nodded at the kids. "Since

Joonmyeon shall rest, we should find another date."

Yifan frowned and turned to the pregnant. "You shall rest? Why? I thought it was just a check-up."

Joonmyeon nodded quickly. "Yeah, it was.", he smiled. "It's because of the blood test. They have taken a lot of blood and that can cause dizziness. The doctor said, I shall not walk around that much."

"Oh, okay.", Yifan nodded. "And why they have done a blood test?"

"Ah, it's a routine measure, because there currently are so many flu patients."

"They've taken my blood, too.", Baek threw in quickly. "I was dizzy after that."

"So that's why you're so pale, huh?", Yifan smiled and over Myeon's cheek.

"Yeah, but I feel good, don't worry.", he said. "We don't have to find a new date."

"But you have to rest."

"I know.", Joonmyeon smiled. "But we don't have to cancel our plans. We can simply swap. We take the boys with us tomorrow and you can go to the city.", he suggested.

"Are you sure?", Baek asked him.

"Yes.", Myeon smiled. "I lie down on the couch and Yifan watches the children.", he snickered.

"Well, that's an option.", Yifan nodded, approving his husband's suggestion. "We can do that."

"Are you sure?", this time Baek asked Yifan. "I mean, the kids are a handful of work."

The tall Chinese chuckled. "Oh honey, I know I don't look like one, but I think you forget that I am a teacher.", he winked. "I know how to handle a gang of small dwarfs."

Baek blushed slightly and bit down his thumb in embarrassment. Yes, he really forgot that Yifan was also a teacher. Every time he saw the tall man, he couldn't help but think that he was working as a model or something.  "Hmm.", he smiled sheepishly and hid his face in Chanyeol's shoulder.

"Aww.", Yeol cooed with a laugh and patted Baek's thigh affectionately. "But I guess, we're in, huh?", Baek nodded against his shoulder, still slightly embarrassed.

"Hey boys.", he called out for the kids, distracting the boys from the movie they were watching. "Appa and I have an appointment tomorrow, so you'll spend the day at Yifan's and Joonmyeon's home."

"Okay.", Soo nodded, still nibbling at his fruit salad.

"Can we bring our car toys?", Jongdae asked, looking back and forth between his parents and Yifan and Joonmyeon.

"That's fine by me.", Yeol nodded.

"When are we going tomorrow?", Minseok asked.

"Right after breakfast."

The boys were excited that they would also spend the upcoming day together and so the night was short.  Even shortly after midnight, their voices still were heard.

"They'll be tired in the morning.", Baek chuckled as he snuggled close to Chanyeol.

"Good for us.", Yeol snickered. "Then they fall to bed early tomorrow."

"Yeah, or they won't even get up tomorrow morning."

It was a joke but actually, Baekhyun wasn't that wrong in his assumption. Because the boys chattered deep into the night, it took the parents three attempts to wake them up in the morning. Kyungsoo continuously yawned during breakfast, Yixing's eyes were more closed then open and the Park twins rubbed their sleepy eyes more than just a few times.

However, despite the fatigue they were in a good mood and fast on feet when Chanyeol mentioned that they would leave soon. Because of lack of space, because Yifan came with the sports car, Chanyeol had to drive the kids to the Wu's house.
And while Chanyeol was away, Baek cleaned the kitchen and then devoted himself a relaxation exercise.




After dropping the kids at the Wu's house, Chanyeol came home to the sound of screeching seagulls and the rushing sea. "Baek?", he called out with an amused laugh. He put his jacket away, kicked off his shoes and followed the sounds all the way to the living room, where Baekhyun lay on the shaggy, fluffy carpet, sound asleep. Sprawled out like a starfish he lay on the floor with his shirt hiked up, revealing some skin of his baby bump.

Quietly Chanyeol dropped down to his knees and crawled over to the napping pregnant. His eyes gazed over the couple of books that lay around. Pregnancy Yoga and Meditation were the two of the titles that caught his attention. With a smile on his lips he leaned down and pressed a kiss on the exposed belly. Baek sighed at the gentle touch but didn't wake up. Chanyeol distributed a few more kisses on Baby Lu's temporary home, before he wandered up. "I don't think that's how pregnancy yoga works.", he chuckled against the skin of Baek's neck.

Baekhyun squirmed at the tickle on his skin and began to giggle. He opened his eyes and turned his head. "You have no idea.", he smiled. "This is exactly how it works."

Chanyeol chuckled. "I didn't know that your into this stuff."

"I found the books while unpacking a moving box.", Baek said, not bothered that he still lay on the floor. "I did a lot yoga during my pregnancy with Soo. "My doctor has recommended it to me and it was truly effective and very relaxing."

"Yeah, I noticed.", Yeol laughed. "The way you lay here, it must be very effective and more than relaxing."

Sulky, the pregnant puffed his cheeks.

Smiling Chanyeol kissed the pout away. "Are you tired?"

"No.", shook Baek his head. "The book says two exercises and then five minutes rest. But the sounds of the waves are so nice, I just wanted to listen to it.", he smiled lovely.

Chanyeol smiled down at Baek and him over the head. "So, do you want to lay here and listen to your nature sounds or are you still up for some shopping?"

With a hum Baek rolled onto his side and looked at Yeol. "Hmm, it's nice and warm here and I'd love to cuddle with you but the big, sparkling eyes of our sons on Christmas eve are not worth skipping our shopping date."

"Well then, on to.", Chanyeol smiled and stole another kiss from Baekhyun. "Let's go shopping Christmas gifts for our babies."


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Beau1996 1371 streak #1
Chapter 16: Smexy times in the car - yes please!!
Beau1996 1371 streak #2
Chapter 15: Sweetness overload!!
Beau1996 1371 streak #3
Chapter 13: The best baby daddy ever!
Beau1996 1371 streak #4
Chapter 12: The best way to confess!
Beau1996 1371 streak #5
Chapter 11: Very sweet!
Beau1996 1371 streak #6
Chapter 10: I want more Baekhyun hugs too ( ok, maybe just one would be nice!)
Beau1996 1371 streak #7
Chapter 9: Poor Baek!
Beau1996 1371 streak #8
Chapter 8: Ah oh - looks like someone has a surprise 😉
Beau1996 1371 streak #9
Chapter 7: Welcome to the big house!
Beau1996 1371 streak #10
Chapter 6: Happy family indeed!!