Ch. 7


"Appa! Come on! We have to go!", Kyungsoo's loud voice hollered through the house.

Mrs. Lee had to chuckle at the sight of her boss' son bouncing around the hallway. She had never seen him that excited before; it was too cute.


"I'm coming, I'm coming.", Baekhyun shouted back.

Kyungsoo huffed and waited impatiently. He had crossed his tiny arms in front of his chest and sighed when his father finally came run down the stairs.

"What?", Baek asked his son and a raised brow.

"You take so long.", Soo whined.

Baek rolled with his eyes and laughed out. "Calm down a bit.", he said. "It's only a barbecue."

Mrs. Lee had to laugh. She had put her hand over and giggled into her palm. Baekhyun had to talk. By the way Baekhyun was dressed, she could tell that he was just as eager to meet the Park's, or more Papa Park, again as his son. Once she had witnessed Baekhyun like that and she could tell that he had taken a fancy to the handsome teacher.


At Kyungsoo's whine she looked around the croner and peeked at father and son.

"Alright, alright.", Baek said and grabbed his car keys. "Mrs. Lee, we're off then!"

"Have fun.", the nanny smiled. She waved at Baekhyun and laughed at Kyungsoo, who already had been dashed out of the house.







Baekhyun felt the neighbor's eyes on him when he parked his car in front of Chanyeol's house. The elderly man literally burned hole's into him when he helped Kyungsoo out of the car. He gazed over to the man and bowed to him politely. "Hello."

The man threw him a grumpy nod. Baek pressed his lips into a thin line and looked away. He walked over to his son. Kyungsoo had already rang the bell and so Chanyeol opened the door right in the moment he had reached it. Kyungsoo jumped at Chanyeol with a happy squeal and Chanyeol caught the boy with a smile.


Baekhyun smiled softly. Unconsciously he peekd over his shoulder; the neighbor of course was staring curiously and and quickly looked away when Baek's head turned around. He clicked with his tongue and turned back to Yeol. "Huh?"

Baek jerked his head. "Your neighbor's kind of creepy."

Chanyeol raised a brow and peeked up. "Hello, Mr. Cho.", he suddenly shouted out and waved at the man. Mr. Cho flinched and quickly walked off. Chanyeol chukled. He adjusted Kyungsoo in his arm's and led Baek in. "He's old, creepy and curious.", he said. "Don't mind him."

Baekhyun follwed Chanyeol through the house. It was kind of awkward being here again. He remebered under what circumstances he had been here for the first time and smiled sheepishly.

"Kyungsoo!", the twins squealed in unison when they entered the kitchen. They sat at the kitchen table and prepared some food. Jongdae put veggies on a skewer, while Minseok rubbed sauce on the meat with his free hand. Chanyeol had wrapped the boy's cast in a dishcloth to prevent it from getting dirty. A very good idea because the boy was literally covered in red sauce. "Come, help us."

Kyungsoo nodded and rushed out of the kitchen. Baek's eyes followed his son; where the hell was he going?! Only a few seconds after the little boy disappeared into another room, the sound of running water was heared. Then he came out of the room again and hopped over to the kitchen table. He climbed on a chair next to Jongdae and joined his friend with preparing the dishes.

"Uh..what should I do?"

Chanyeol pointed out of the window. "You can help me with the table."

Baekhyun followed the taller outside. "Wow, your garden is almost as big as mine.", he said, as he looked around. "Do you cultivate all by yourself?"

"Do I look like I could afford a gardener?"

Baek rolled his eyes and Chanyeol chuckled at the gesture. Together the two father's had prepared everything. Baek more than less clumsy helped Chanyeol with building up the grill and set the table. Inside the boy's happily prepared some dishes and fold napkins.

"Something wrong?", Chanyeol asked when he noticed Baek looking inside over and over again.

"I'm not comfortable with what the boy's are doing?"

Chanyeol laughed out. "What?"

"What if they hurt themselves?"

"Are you serious?",Yeol chuckled. "As if they would stab each other with the skewer."

"Yeah, but what if?!"

"Baekhyun, please.", Chanyeol said, more serious this time. "Have some faith in them. They need to learn to be more independent."

Baekhyun only hummed.

"Okay, if it makes you feel better, go inside and cut some bread, then you can take a look on them.", Chanyeol said. "Breadboard lies on the counter and knives are in the drawer."

Baek quickly took the offer and rushed inside. The boy's didn't seemed bothered with Baek sneaking around the kitchen; they continued chatting and laughing.
While cutting the bread, Baek looked up from time to time, checking if the boy's were doing well. Minseok were done smearing the meat with sauce and now it from his fingers. Jongdae stuffed himself with tomatos and Kyungsoo also chewed on a tomato while folding a napkin.

"Juice?", Jongdae suddenly said, making Baek looking up. Soo and Minseok nodded and Jongdae hopped down form his chair. Kyungsoo joined his friend and climbed down form his chair as well. Baek watched as Jongdae walked over to a counter. His breath hitched when the boy started climbing up the kitchen counter. With wide eyes he looked as the little Park opened the cupboard and brought out three beaker.

Baek shook his head in disbelief and was about to get back to cutting the bread when his son got his attention. "Appa, could you step aside, please?!"
Baek did what his son asked him and raised his brows when Soo opened one of the drawer and brought out some straws. Baek's jaw dropped in shock about how familiar Kyungsoo was with everything.

"Red, blue or green?", Soo asked his friend's with a smile and held up the straws. Today's favorite color seemed to be red because all of them chose the firery color. Kyungsoo took three red straws, closed the drawer again and walked back to the table. Baekhyun was frozen in place; he hardly recognized his own son.

Baek couldn't get over how, yeah, how perfectly Kyungsoo fit into the Park's family. He walked around the house like he would living here for years. Whenever he wanted or needed something he knew exactly where to find it and took it without asking. The twins seemed to be okay with it and even asked Soo to get them things. And also Chanyeol included Kyungsoo in everything,  just like he would be a member of his family.
How could this even be? Baekhyun had an eye on his son and was informed whenever Kyungsoo was with the twins. Could he really get this comfortable with everything just in the few days and nights he had been here, when Baek was gone?

Baek shook his head. "This can't be...", he mumbled.

"What can't be?"

Baek yelped at Chanyeol's deep voice and dropped the knife in shock. "Are you crazy?!", he gasped.

"What?", Yeol laughed. "I stand here for a while now. The kids are outside, playing cards.", he said. "You totally spaced out."


Chanyeol chuckled. "So, what can't be?"

"Uhm...", Baek hummed. "Kyungsoo seems...very...familiar with the things here...he knows where the straws are...the juice..."

Chanyeol raised a brow. ""

"It's strange, you know."

The teacher nodded. "Well, I don't know if you did it all by yourself, but Soo's well raised and a very, very nice, polite and courteous kid. When he was here for the week he asked to help whenever he could.", Yeol said with a soft smile. "He helped with the breakfast, lunch and dinner. He helped me with cooking and cleaning, that's why he knows where everything his. And I told him that he could take everything, whatever it is and whenever he needs or wants it. He's my boy's best friend and they see a brother in him; they treat him like that. Why should I treat him differently from my kids?"

Baek kept quiet for a second. "Because he's not your son."

He heard the taller sighing. "Well, yes, he's not my son.", he said. "But it almost feels like that."

"What?", Baekhyun asked with a raised voice. "How can it feel like that? He's a total stranger to you! Do you have a father complex, or what?!"

"What? Don't be silly.", Yeol said indignantly. "That's crazy!"

"Then why do you feel like he's your son?"

"Okay, first of all, I said almost and second, I won't say that he's a total stranger to me!", Yeol said, voice deep and upset, yet calm. "I know a lot and know how he feels-" "Oh, you know how my son feels?!", Baek cut in with a shout.

"Yes, I know!"

"So, tell me, how does my son feels?!"

"He feels lonely, excluded and sometimes not even loved.", Chanyeol growled. "And that all because you're away all the time and even forget about him sometimes."

"I never forget about him!"

Chanyeol let out a laugh. "But that's what it feels like to him, Baekhyun!", he said and  Baek shuddered by the way Chanyeol hissed his name. "What do you think it feels like, when you're five years old, sitting on a curbside waiting for Daddy to pick you up but he doesn't come, huh? What do you think it feels like when you finally find some friends and Daddy doesn't allow you to see them, huh?!"

"I have my reasons!"

"Yeah, you have your reasons! But those are your reasons, not Kyungsoo's. He doesn't know why you act like this! , Baekhyun he's a kid. He wants attention, your attention but  your not giving him the attention he wants and needs.", Chanyeol hissed. "So don't make me responsible for your son seeking affection with me!"

"Why do you even giving him that affection."

Chanyeol sighed. "Beacuse I know how it feels when the person you love, you look up to, you're actually the closest with, literally ignores you; only notice you when you do something wrong or get bad grades.", he said. "I just can't stand it. I can't stand your son's big, round, sad eyes. I can't stand the way he envies the twins. All I want to do is making him smile. yeah, I like him, I like him a lot. He has the same bright smile as my son's when he's happy and the same pouty face whenever he wants something. He's just as curious and livery as they are. He reminds me a lot of my son's and of myself and maybe that's why I like him so much. And I don't even care if you like it or not. You could hate me to death, I would never stop approaching him because all your son deserves is love and nothing but love! And if you can't give him that love, I'll do!"

Baekhyun was lost in words. With a dropped jaw and glassy eyes he stared at the teacher. "I...", he stuttered. Tears started rolling down his cheeks and his breath hitched. He opened his mouth again but no words came out.

When he eventually realized that he was crying, Baekhyun ran out of the kitchen and dashed out of the house. As soon as the door slammed shut, he cried out loudly. He leaned his back against the door and slid down at it.

 How could Chanyeol just say things like that? He didn't know nothing! He didn't know what had happening in his life, he didn't know what he had been through. He wasn't a bad father. He loved Kyungsoo more than anything. He loved him with all his heart. How could Chanyeol questioned his love for his own son?

"!", he cursed and wiped the tears away. He breathed in and out deeply. His eyes burned slightly, his nose was running and his head throbbed. He ran a hand through his hair and closed his eyes.

"Are you okay?"

Baek opened his eyes at the soft voice that called out for him. He opened them met eyes with one of the Park twins. Minseok looked at him with wide open eyes and slightly parted lips.

"What are you doing here?"

"Daddy sent me to bring the neighbor some kimchi."

Baek only nodded.

"Why are you crying?", Minseok asked. "Are you hurt?"

"Kind of."

"Kind of?", Minseok wanted to know and sat down on the ground right in front of Baek. "What does that mean?"

Baekhyun smiled. "My heart hurts."

The boy gasped. "But than you need to see a doctor."

"Haha, no.", Baek laughed out. "It's not like that."

"I don't understand."

"Hm, how do you feel when Jongdae says something bad to you?"

"He never says bad things to me."

"Oh, really? Do you never fight?"

Minseok shook his head. "No!", he said. "Daddy says fighting is not good."

"Well then..", Baek sighed. " does it feel when you get scold by daddy?", he asked. "You got scolded before, right?"

The boy nodded. "Yes.", he said. "Then I feel bad."

"Why do you feel bad?"

"Because he's right....and I don't like it when he's angry."

"Yes.", Baek said. "And that kind of hurts, right?"

"Yes.", Minseok said and pointed to his chest. "And it hurts right here."

"And what's in there?"

"My heart."

Baek nodded at Minseok. The boy gasped cutely and formed his lips into an O shape. "Are you hurt because daddy's angry with you?"


"Do you want to know what I do when Daddy's angry?"


"I play his favorite song."

Baek raised a brow. "What?"

"I play his favorite song."

"Why do you play him a song?"

"Because I'm not good at saying sorry. Jongdae's good at saying sorry but I'm not. And whenever Daddy's angry because of something I did, I play the song and he knows that I'm really sorry."

"And how do you play that song?"

"On piano."

"You play piano?!", Baek asked, visibly surprised.

Minseok nodded proudly. "Daddy showed me. He loves playing piano."

"Wow.", Baek said impressed. "You know, I play piano too."

"Really?!", Minseok asked. The boy beamed at Baek and jumped up from the ground. "Come, come.", he said and tugged at Baek's sleeve. Baek got up from the floor and followed Minseok around the house. Through a door by the garage they unrecognized got back into the house. Baek was led into a room near the livingroom.

His eyes wided at the sight of many guitars and a grand piano. Minseok hopped on the stool and happily waved at Baek. "Come.",he smiled. "Play something for me."

Baek smiled a bit sheepishly but sat next down to the boy.

"Please.", Minseok begged and held up his broken arm. "I can't play."

"Okay.", Baek said. He breathed out and put his finger's on the black and white keys.

Minseok squealed when he pressed the first key and started playing a song. "Uhaw, so good."

Of course the piano play didn't remained undetected. Soon the door to the room opened and three heads peeked through the door gap. Jongdae immediately bounced over to Baek and climbed up the stool next to him. Kyungsoo remained with Chanyeol, held onto the tall man's shirt hem and smiled softly.

"It's been a while since Appa played the piano.", he whispered.

Chanyeol gently pushed the boy into the room. "Go.", he smiled and watched Kyungsoo walking over to his father before he left the place.

A sad smiled formed on Baek's lips when he noticed the taller had left the room. He kind of hoped for Chanyeol to listen to the song he was playing.

Jongdae clapped his hands when the last when the last tone was played and brightly smiled up to Baekhyun. "You play so good.", he said. "Do you have a piano too?"

"Yes.",Baekhyun said with a smile. "But I don't play it anymore."

"Ohh, why?", Jongdae asked. "Is it broken?"

" is broken."

"Too bad.", the boy said and shrugged his shoulders. "But that's okay, you can come here to play."

Baek laughed out. "Ah, we'll see about that.", he said and stood up form the stool. "Come now, I bet you're hungry."


With Minseok on at his right and his own son at his left hand, Baekhyun followed Jongdae outside the room, back to the terrace where Chanyeol already had started with the barbecue. The scent of burning charcoal and slowly roasting meat hung in the air. The kids quickly found their places and Baekhyun could've cried out, because the place that was left for him was the seat on the opposite side of Chanyeol. He cracked a wierd smile when Chanyeol looked up to him and sat down.
All in all the barbecue went less awkward as Baek it expected it to be. It was actually really relaxed and he had a lot of fun. He couldn't remembered when he had fun like this the last time.

"Daddy, can we go to the amusment park, any time soon?"

Chanyeol raised a brow at his son. "Minseok, your arm is broken."

"I know.", the boy whined. "When its healed of course.", he said.

"But that will take a time, honey.",Chanyeol said. "I don't think that we'll make it this year."

"Oh, really.", the boy pouted.

Chanyeol smiled at his son. "How about we go to the zoo, huh?"

Minseok looked up to his father. His pout formed into a bright smile and he nodded his head. "Yeah, I like the zoo.", he said with sparkling eyes.

"When can we go to the zoo?",the boy's twin wanted to know.

"I would say, next week."

"Yeah!", the boy's shouted in unison and truned their heads towards Kyungsoo and Baekhyun. "Do you want to come with us?!"

Baek made a face while Kyungsoo beamed. "Can we go too, Appa?!", he asked. "Please."

Baek swallowed hard and looked over to Chanyeol. The teacher shrugged. "I don't mind. It's your choice."

"I'll think about it okay, Soo.", Baek said. "I have a lot of work to do next week and-" "You're alway only working!", Kyungsoo cut in and slammed a hand on the table, causing his father and best friends to flinch. "You never have time for me!", he shouted in anger and began to cry.

"Kyungsoo.", Baek tried to reach out for his son but the boy slapped his hand away.

"No!", Soo bawled. He slid down his chair and ran into the house. Minseok and Jongdae watched the szene with wide oped eyes. Chanyeol sighed and shook his head.

"I'm not a bad father."

"I never said that.", Chanyeol said as he rose up from his chair. "You two please eat on.", he said, pointing at the twins. He threw one last look at Baekhyun before he walked away.

Baekhyun ran a hand thorugh his hair and sat down again. But when Chanyeol and Kyungsoo weren't back after even fifteen minutes he decided to find them. When he couldn't find them on the ground floor, he walked upstairs. Already from afar Chanyeol's deep voice led him the way directly to the talle's bedroom. The door was open, so Baek peeked inside. Chanyeol lay on the bed, back against the headboard and Kyungsoo sitting on his legs. Yeol had a plush toy in his hands and Kyungsoo played with its ears.

"Are you still mad?", Baek heard Chanyeol asking.

Kyungsoo nodded.

"You shouldn't be mad."

"But I want Appa to come with me to the zoo.", Soo mumbled. " He never has time for me. I want him to be like you."

"Like me?", Chanyeol asked irritated.

"'re cool."

A mischievous smile formed on the teachers lips. "You think so?"


"I think your Appa is pretty cool too."

Baek raised a brow.


"Yes.", Yeol said. "Just think about the house you're living in and the car your Appa is driving. Not all people have things like that."

"Yeah...", Soo said. "The house is very big and you can play hide and seek everywhere and the car has a TV but I don't like that."

"You don't like that?"

Soo nodded. "The house is too big and I feel loney. Appa is gone all the time, so there's only me, Mrs. Lee and Ms. Yoon."

"Hmm.", Chanyeol hummed. "I understand."

"And sometimes it feels like Appa doesn't love me."

Baek felt a sharp pain in his heart. He gasped and bit his lips to prevent himself from crying.

"Soo, do you remember the week you stayed here?"

"Yes.", Soo said with a smile. "I really liked it."

"And do you remember the night with all the ploicemen?"


"They were all here because of you."

"Because of me?"

"Yeah, your Appa had sent them here, because he thought something bad has happened to you."

"But nothing has happened..."

"But your Appa didn't know, that's why he called the police. He got worried. And he 's got worried beacuse he loves you. So don't you ever say something like that again. Your Appa loves you more than anything."

"Okay...", Soo mumbled.

Baek leaned against the wall. He wiped a tear away  and breathed in. He felt strange.  He felt hurt yet greatful, sad yet happy, understood yet so missunderstood and that all because of Chanyeol, Chanyeol, Chanyeol. The handsome teacher didn't nothing but confuse him.






Never before Baekhyun had been so early to pick his son up from school.  He still had good ten minutes left and strolled over the school's area. It was a warm, sunny day, the birds sang their songs and it seemed like the day just could get better.

A few studends crossed his path, talking about homeworks and after school activities. Baek smiled softly. Sometimes he wished he could go back to school again. He chuckled at the comment of a girl about how stupid homeworks are when another converstaion caught his attention.

"Ahh, I really hope Mr. Park will be back soon.", a boy whined. "It's so boring without him."

"He's gone for only three days.", another boy laughed. "He'll be back soon."

A girl nodded. "They say that he's not actually sick, I wonder what has happened...."

Baek furrowed his brows and quickly walked back to the boy's school section. The bell rang on time and a crowd of little kids stroomed out of the building.

"Kyungsoo!", Baek called out for his son and waved his hand. "I'm here."

"Appa, you're early.", Soo said surprised by tha fact that Baek was already there.

"Uh..yeah..", Baek said with a blush. "I don't have that much work to do today." "Hey.", he then greeted the Park twins.

The boy's smiled brightly. "Hello.", they said and waved their hands. "And goodbye. We have to go now."

"To go..?", Baek asked irritated. "Where?"

"We have to take the bus.",  Minseok said. "Daddy can't pick us up."

"But that's okay.", Jongdae added. "He has to work in the house."

"The house...I uh...come with me, I'll dirve you home."


Chanyeol was visibly surprised to see his boy's coming home with Baekhyun. And Baekhyun was visibly embarrassed to see the teacher in nothing but a dangerously low hanging, dirty jeans.

He said "Hey." to the kids and told them to grab something to eat from the take-out he had ordered. Kyungsoo gladly followed the twins and Baek blsuhed when Chanyeol's eyes met his. "How comes?",he was asked.

"Uh...I've heard that you called in sick but that you're not actually sick and the twins told me that you don't have time to pick them up, so I thought I bring them here and ask what's wrong."

Ever since the fight at the barbecue Baek avoided him completely, so Chanyeol was surprised by Baek's sudden appearance. "Well, thank you."

"What is wrong actually?", Baek asked and looked around. A lot of shabby looking wood panels and tools lay around.

"Burst water pipe...", Chanyeol sighed deeply. "The whole ground floor is under water. With great difficulty I managed to get out the most important and expensive furniture.", he said. "My kitchen is a total loss, most of the electronic equipment ripe for the garbage and the stream runs through a generator."

"Don't you have a insurance?"

"Of course.", Yeol said. "But I can't wait till they send someone over. The water ruins the whole house."

"Where do you sleep?"

"Where do you think we sleep?", Baek got back.

"You can't sleep here."

"And where do you think I should go?"

Baek looked to the ground and gulped. " and the kids can stay at my house if you want."

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Beau1996 1371 streak #1
Chapter 16: Smexy times in the car - yes please!!
Beau1996 1371 streak #2
Chapter 15: Sweetness overload!!
Beau1996 1371 streak #3
Chapter 13: The best baby daddy ever!
Beau1996 1371 streak #4
Chapter 12: The best way to confess!
Beau1996 1371 streak #5
Chapter 11: Very sweet!
Beau1996 1371 streak #6
Chapter 10: I want more Baekhyun hugs too ( ok, maybe just one would be nice!)
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Chapter 9: Poor Baek!
Beau1996 1371 streak #8
Chapter 8: Ah oh - looks like someone has a surprise 😉
Beau1996 1371 streak #9
Chapter 7: Welcome to the big house!
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Chapter 6: Happy family indeed!!