Ch. 15







Baekhyun and the boy's were late and, somehow, impatient Chanyeol walked up and down the kitchen; the table was set and dinner ready to be eaten. He threw a look on his wrist watch. "Five past six..", he mumbled to himself and threw a look back at the table. He shrugged before he made his way to the bed room; it was not like the food couldn't be warmed up again.

"Daddy, we're home!"

Chanyeol had to chuckle at Minseok's loud shout. He just had pulled his shirt over his head when the front door opened. "I'll be right there.", he quickly jumped into a pair of sweatpants. "You're late.", he said when he walked into the kitchen. He raised a brow at the four silly grins in front of him.

"Close your eyes!", Jongdae commanded with a wide grin.

"O..okay.", Chanyeol said and closed his eyes. He turned his head slightly towards the sounds that were coming from Baek and the kids. "What are you doing?"

"You'll see.", Baek sang with a chuckle. "Okay, open up."

Chanyeol did as he was told and cracked open his left eye before he opened the right eye as well. The boy's had taken off their jackets and Chanyeol frowned at the blue shirt's they were wearing over their sweaters. "Boy 1.", he read out the letters on Kyungsoo's shirt. "Boy 2.", he continued with Minseok. "Boy 3.", he went on with Jongdae, before his eyes stopped at Baekhyun.

The pregnant chuckled and opened his parka to reveal what was underneath it. "Boy 4.", was printed on the little blue shirt that was lay down on Baek's upper body. Chanyeol's eyes widened and a smile spread over his face. "A boy!?"

"Well, thank god only one boy.", Baekhyun laughed as he peeled off the shirt.

Chanyeol jumped on the smaller and pulled him into a tight hug. "Another boy.", he chuckled into Baek's neck. "Is he healthy?"

"Yes.", Baek grinned. "Everything as it should be."

"He looks strange.", Jongdae voiced out. "We couldn't see anything."

Chanyeol laughed at his son's face. "You looked like this too."

"No, I didn't."

"Oh yes, you did. Soo and Min looked like this too. All baby's look like this at first."

"Black and white?", Kyungsoo asked amazed.

"The baby's not black and white.", Yeol chuckled. "It only looks black and white on the screen."

"That's what the doctor said.", Minseok added.

Chanyeol nodded. "See. And when the doctor says so, it must be true."

"But the photo is black and white too.", Jongdae whined and pulled an ultrasound image out off his pocket.

Chanyeol took it and gazed down on it with a loving smile. His finger's curled against Baek's side and the pregnant smiled up to the teacher at the gesture. "I think he looks good."

"I can't see anything on it.", the boy pouted. "All pictures look the same."

"All pictures?", Yeol asked. "How many pictures do you have?"

Kyungsoo held up another ultrasound image. "All of us have one.", he grinned proudly. Minseok nodded and showed off his picture too.

"And where is my picture?", he asked, gazing at Baekhyun. "In my bag.", the smaller told him.  "Okay.", Chanyeol then voiced out. "Dinner's ready and probably cold by now.", he said and pointed over to the table.

"Alright.", Baek said and peeled off Yeol's arm from his waist. "Then we now go and wash our hands and faces and you warm up the food."

Chanyeol smiled softly as he watched Baekhyun and the boy's left for the bath room. Baekhyun had draped the little shirt over a chair and Chanyeol reached out for it. He held the small piece of cloth up and smiled at it. "Another boy.", he said to himself. He was happy. The gender didn't mattered; all what mattered was that the baby was healthy.

"Cool, huh?!", Jongdae voiced out as he saw his father looking at the shirt. He tugged at the hem of his own and swirled around. "Baekhyunnie bought them for us."

 Chanyeol gazed up to Baekhyun when the taller came back into the room. He flashed him a smile before his eyes fell back on his son. "From now on I'll just call you by your numbers.", he winked, causing the little twin to giggle. "Are you happy?"

"I am. I can't wait 'til he's here already."

"Me too.", Kyungsoo squeaked. "I want to meet him too."

"I'm excited to know what name you'll pick out for him.", Chanyeol said as he gave out the food. Baekhyun nodded in agreement. "Me too."

"We already have an idea.", Minseok proudly said with his mouth full of noodles. His brother's nodded their heads at his words.

"Oh, when will you tell us?", Baekhyun asked.

Minseok quickly swallowed his food. "When we've found a good one!"

Chanyeol raised his brow. "Does Yixing already has a picked out a name?", he wanted to know.

"No.", the little Byun answered. "We want to do it together."

Baekhyun smiled softly. He was glad that Kyungsoo finally got along with Joonmyeon's and Yifan's son. "Do you want to pick out names in school?"

Jongdae shook his head. "No,we want to meet but Yixing has to ask first."

"When do you want to meet?"

"On Saturday."

Baekhyun looked over to Chanyeol, who was busy helping Kyungsoo with rolling up the spaghetti on the fork. " about we invite Yifan and Joonmyeon over for dinner on Saturday?"

Chanyeol peeked up to him. "Yeah..sure.", he smiled, visibly pleased with his suggestion. "We could cook something Chinese."

The twins heads shot up at the words. "BAOZI!", they squeaked in unison. "Baozi, Baozi!"

Chanyeol rolled his eyes at his son's. "Yeah, okay. We make Baozi.", he gave in at their wide open puppy eyes and cute pouts.

"Baozi is so yummy.", Jongdae excited explained to Kyungsoo what a Baozi was. He told him that they always ate it when Yifan visited them and Chanyeol randomly commented it with a short. "Yeah, that's the only thing he can cook." Baekhyun could see the excitement in his son's eyes. Kyungsoo carefully listened to everything Jongdae and Minseok said and let out amazed Ah's and Oh's from time to time.

Of course Baekhyun and Kyungsoo didn't drove home that night. After dinner and a huge banana split for dessert Kyungsoo and his doe eye's melt Baek's heart. The pout on the boy's rosy lips was the cherry on top and Baekhyun couldn't say no to this. They hadn't any clothes with them but Chanyeol gladly helped them out. Two toothbrushes were found in the bath room cabinet, Kyungsoo, for the night, slipped into a fluffy pajama of the twins and Baek ended up in a huge blue sweater of his giant boyfriend.

Baekhyun let out a sigh as Chanyeol gently rubbed his bare legs to warm them up. Even the smallest sweat pants Chanyeol had found in the deep of is closet, slid down Baek's slender hips. A shiver ran down his spine when Chanyeol's large, warm hands ran up and down his thighs. "I've told Minah and Mrs. Lee today."

"Oh, really? What have they said?"

"Well, Minah was very curious and wanted to know everything.", Baek chuckled. "But they're happy for us.", he added. "Can I ask you something?", he carefully asked after a short term of silence.

"Of course!", Chanyeol said.

"What happens now?"
Chanyeol's hands stilled on his legs. "What do you mean?"

"I..I mean..we're more here than at home and I...uh..when the baby's there where will we live?"

"You want to move in together?", Chanyeol asked with a smile.

Baek nodded slightly. "Yes.", he almost whispered. "I mean..we.." "I'd love to.", Yeol cut him off. His hands started moving again, rubbing gently over Baek's skin.

"That shouldn't even be a question.", he added. "We're a family now, of course I want you and Kyungsoo to move in."

"Here?", Baek asked. "Don't you think the mansion will be better?"

"Actually, I don't care if you'll move in here or the twins and I move to you and Soo. Your house might be much bigger but here is also enough space for all of us."

Baekhyun frowned. "Huh?"

"What, huh?",Yeol asked back.

"Don't you just forget that the boy's won't sleep forever in the same bed?"

Chanyeol sat up to get a better look at Baekhyun. "What are you talking about?", he asked amused.

"I mean, there aren't enough rooms for all of us."

"There are.", Yeol said with a frown.

Baek tilted his head, also frowning. "Then why do the twins sleep in one....ah.", he then voiced out. "The room...the room the twins use for their toys.." "Yes.", Yeol cut in."This is actually Minseok's room. The boy's want to share a room but they actually have their own rooms."

"Ahh.", Baek said with a nod. "Okay, but where would Soo's room be?"

"We'll move the guest room down and Soo can take this room as his."

"And the baby?", Baek now challenged.

"The baby gets my office.", Yeol causally said. "I don't even know why I have an office. I can't remember when I've used it for the last time.", Baekhyun's jaw dropped.

Where there really that many rooms? How did it come that he'd never noticed.  "But we don't have to live here, if you don't want to."

"What?!", Baek squeaked in surprise. "No...I mean..I'd like to live here..I'm just surprised. I haven't noticed that there so many rooms.", he chuckled embarrassed.

"You don't believe me?", Yeol teased. "Should I show you? I know that my house is nothing compared to yours but I have enough space to accommodate all of us."

Playfully Baek hit Chanyeol in the chest. "Oh, stop that."

"Yeah, yeah...I'm sorry.", Yeol chuckled. He caught Baek's hand and brought it to his lips. Gently he kissed it and ran his thump over the back of his hand. "Don't you like the mansion?"

Baek let out a hum but eventually nodded. "It's so big and doesn't feel like home."

"Why did you bought it then?"

"Status symbol, I guess.", Baek sighed. "When you grow up in such a society, people only talk about money and business. I guess I got influenced. The mansion's never felt like home but I thought I'd to have such a big house to be a part of the society."

"Yeah, I can tell."

"How?", Baek chuckled. "You don't know how it is to be a part of a society."

"You're right.", Yeol nodded. "I don't know it myself but I know someone who's just like you."

The pregnant furrowed his brows. "Hm?"

"Just like you...", Chanyeol began. "Joonmyeon is a rich, spoiled brat."

"Oh, I did no-ey!", he squeaked. "I'm not a spoiled brat!", he pouted.

"Noo, you're not.", the teacher teased. "You're only a tiny business man with a freaking big mansion and a barn full of cars."

"You meanie!", Baek whined but then he laughed out quietly. "Ahh, there's so much we don't know about each other."

Chanyeol smiled softly. "Yeah, that's true. But we a lot of time to get to know each other better.", he said and gave Baek's thigh a gentle squeez. Surprised his eyes widened a bit when Baek squirmed at the touch. "Oh, what was that?!", he laughed out amused and once again squeezed the flesh. Baekhyun whined cutely and Chanyeol couldn't resist doing it again.

Baek's whine got louder, almost came out as a moan. "Chanyeol..", he closed his legs when a shiver ran down his spine. "What are you doing..?"

Chanyeol grinned at him as he hovered over the smaller. "Get to know you.", he dangerously whispered.

Another shiver rushed over Baekhyun's body when Chanyeol slid his hand between his closed legs, teasing him again. "..Nhng...stop...", he breathed out.

"Why?", Yeol's voice dropped an octave lower. He leaned down to steal a kiss from the pregnant's lips. "You seem to like it."

Baek melted into the kiss. His arms found their way around Chanyeol's neck, his fingers the way into the tall man's soft locks and his legs finally opened up again.
Chanyeol kept teasing Baekhuyn with pressing his fingers on the new found sweet spot. The moans Baek let out made the hairs on the back of Yeol's neck stand up. A low grumble rolled over his tongue.

A breathy gasp left Baekhyun when Chanyeol freed him from the giant sweater, leaving him in nothing but his boxers. His body was on fire when Chanyeol's hands ran up and down his skin. The tips of his fingers featherlight brushed along his sides; from his ribs over his waist down to his hips. He exhaled when Chanyeol hooked his fingers into his underwear to get him .

With a flirty smirk Chanyeol threw the little piece of cloth over his shoulder. He admired Baekhyun's body with hooded eyes. "So beautiful."

"Not fair....", the smaller breathed out and reached out for the hem of Yeol's wife beater. Chanyeol pulled the top over his head and dropped it to the floor. Baekhyun dragged his fingers along the toned upper body and played with the trail of hair under Chanyeol's bellybutton before he brushed them against the waistband of the taller's sweatpants. "Still not fair..."

Chanyeol let out a chuckle as he pulled down both, pants and boxers. "Fair enough?"

Before Baekhyun nodded he gazed over Chanyeol's body. He flashed Yeol an innocent smile when their eyes met. "Fair enough." Chanyeol returned the smile and leaned down to bring their lips together.

Baekhyun moaned into the kiss when their heated bodies touched. "More."







It was a strange noise that disrupted Chanyeol peaceful sleep. He squirmed and turned from his side to his back. He cracked an eye open when the noise was heard again. He turned back to his side and was about to switch on the lamp on the bedside table when he noticed a dimmed light that peeked out from under the bathroom door. "Baek?"

At first Chanyeol only looked at the door, waitng for Baekhyun to come back to bed but when a muffled moan sounded up, he jumped out of the bed. He grabbed his boxers form the floor and slipped into them."Baek?", he asked as he stuck his head through the door gap.

Baekhyun hung above the toilet bowl, choking. In concern Chanyeol watched the pregnant. "Hey.", he voiced out and gently put his hand on Baek's as he knelt down behind him obliquely. "Are you alright?"

"No..", Baek's voice was raspy and only when the smaller raised his head to take a breath, Chanyeol noticed that he as crying. His face was flushed, eyes glassy and filled with tears. Strands of his bangs stuck to his forehead and drops of sweat rolled down face, neck and chest.

"God Baek.", Chanyeol gasped. "You're burning." He stretched a bit to peek into the toilet. Nothing was in it, Baek hadn't thrown up. "Come.", he said and helped Baek up.

"I...I...", Baek cried, breaths harsh and quick. He had much trouble walking because his legs felt like jelly and shook uncontrollably.

"Shh.", Yeol cooed as he helped Baek back into the bath room. "You stay here, I'll get you some water." Baek only nodded when Chanyeol gently pushed him onto the bed. Before leaving to get some water for Baekhyun, Yeol picked up the sweater and pulled it over the smaller's head. "Be right back.", he said and finally headed for the door. He opened and shirked when he nearly bumped into a small figure. "Kyungsoo!?"

"Daddy...", the boy bawled, with a snotty nose and flushed cheeks. "Min and Dae are not feeling well..."

As struck by a lightning Chanyeol rushed to the kid's room. The twins lay in their bed covered in sweat. "!", they were just as burning as Baekhyun. He rushed back to his bed room to fetch his phone. On his way he also fetched the crying Kyungsoo and brought him down to the living room. He sat him onto the couch and him over the head while he called the emergency.

"Daddy...", Kyungsoo was still sobbing and started crying even harder when the emergency medical service arrived.

"You stay here.", Yeol told the boy. "I'll be right back.", he kissed Soo's forehead and gave him a gentle smile. "Don't worry."

Kyungsoo did as he was told and waited in the living room, while Chanyeol led the doctor and his assistant to the bed rooms. "The fever came all of the sudden.", Yeol said as they entered his bed room. Baek still sat where he had left him. "I thought it would be nausea, you know like morning sickness but the twins also have fever."

The doctor nodded and send Chanyeol and the paramedic over to the twins rooms. Chanyeol literally could smell the sickness in the room. His heart ached as he watched the paramedic examining his boy's. Jongdae let out a painful whine when his body was moved.

"Alright Mr. Park.", the doctor said. "Your husband and the twins seem to have an infection. We've given them antibiotics and an antipyretic. The fever will reduce significantly in the next hours but you should visit a doctor anyways."

"Okay.", Yeol nodded. "Have you any idea what kind of infection it is?"

"It's a typical flu.", the medic explained. "Right now the flu pathogens are quite aggressive, that's why the symptoms show up so abruptly and unexpected."

After closing the door behind the emergency medical service, Chanyeol took a few deep breaths. For the first time since he'd woken up, he checked the time; Twenty past one. He rubbed his face and sighed. "Soo?"

Kyungsoo immediately looked up when Chanyeol called out for him. "Hm?"

"I'll be right there.", he smiled.

He went back upstairs to the bed rooms. He fetched the twins from their bed and carried them over to his bed room. Baekhyun was sound asleep and didn't noticed hen Yeol put the twins to bed, next to him. He pulled the blanket over their little bodies and made sure that they lay comfortably on the pillows. He turned off the lights, quietly closed the door behind him and finally made his way back down to Kyungsoo. The little Byun sat  on the couch, more asleep than awake, hugging a pillow. Chanyeol went over to him and picked him up before he sat down on the couch. He leaned back and placed Soo's little body on top of him. "They're sleeping now.", he informed the boy and him over the head. "The fever will be gone soon."

Kyungsoo nodded slowly; Chanyeol could tell that he was still shocked. He grabbed the soft, fluffy blanket next to him and threw it over their bodies. Kyungsoo let out a sigh and snuggled closer to Chanyeol.  His head lay on his Daddy's chest, ear right above his heart, listening to the steady beats. The on his back were warm and comforting and slowly lulled him back to sleep. A soft smile formed on Chanyeol's lips when Kyungsoo's body got lax. With a finally relaxed and sleeping Kyungsoo on top of him, Chanyeol closed his eyes, trying to find some sleep as well.







The night was short but Chanyeol and Kyungsoo must've been so exhausted, that the short sleep they've recieved was deep enough for them to recover. They woke up almost at the same time; a few minutes past six. They enjoyed a small breakfast with hot cocoa and toast on the couch and got ready for school. Chanyeol would skip school for today and would come back home but he didn't wanted Kyungsoo to miss his classes. And he also wanted him to keep out of the house for a while; two sick kids and a pregnant were enough.

"Have fun, be a good boy and listen well."

Kyungsoo leaned into the touch when Chanyeol him over the head. "I will, Daddy!", he promised.

"Good.", Yeol praised and handed the boy his backpack. "See you in a few hours then." "Bye Yixing.", he then smiled to his friend's son and waved at him.

"Bye, bye."

"God, it's so cute how he calls you Daddy.", Yifan smiled when the two men walked away from the pre-school building. "How are the others?"

Chanyeol let out a sigh. "Still feverish. I hope that they'll still asleep when I come back home."

"Somehow crazy that only Baek and the twins got a flu.", the chinese said.

"Maybe they got infected at the mall.", Yeol commented. "They went there to buy some shirts for my surprise."

Yifan frowned confused. "Surprise?"

"Oh, yeah.", Chanyeol voiced out. "I haven't told you that. Seems like we'd remain a purely male family."

"A boy?!", Yifan happily smiled. "So great. Is he healthy?"

"He is.", Yeol nodded. "It was such a precious sight. They got blue shirts with numbers on it. Kyungsoo Boy 1, Min Boy 2, Dae Boy 3 and Baek had Boy 4 draped over his belly."

The tall chinese let out an unmanly squeal. "Ahh, this is so good."

"It is. Now we're excited to know the name the boy's will pick out."

"Ah yeah, the boy's wanted to meet on Saturday.",Yifan nodded.

"Hmm. Baek suggested to invite you and Myeon to dinner but I guess we have to move it by a week."

"That's okay, Xing will understand.", Yifan smiled and patted Yeol on the back. "And now go back and keep an eye on your sick family."

"Already gone.", Chanyeol chuckled. "And you be nice to my class."

"I'm always nice. They like me more than you."

"Sure, Wu.", Chanyeol laughed. "Keep thinking what you want." Like a kid he stuck out is tongue when Yifan showed him the middle finger.

"I'll call you."

"Okay. Greet Myeon.", Yeol shouted back. On his way to the mansion, he called Baek's company in order to call the pregnant sick. It was quite hard for him to get the Lady at the reception to transfer the call to Baek's secretary, but eventually she did and he could explain everything to the young personal assistant. With the key he had taken from Baek's bag he, a few minutes later, unlocked the door to his mansion. The house lay in a sleep; nobody was there, nothing was heard. It took him a while to find a suitcase that was big enough for both, Soo's and Baek's clothes. Next to clothes and toiletries, he also grabbed a few personal belongings, like Kyungsoo's toys, a few books, Baek's laptop and even a picture frame. Half an hour and tons of packed stuff later, Chanyeol left the house again. He grabbed a pile mail from the dresser in the hall and stuffed it into his bag.

Back at home Chanyeol brought the suitcase to the living room. He placed Baek's mail on the coffee table and made his way to his bed room to check up on his three sick loves. All three were still deep asleep. Strands of their hair still stuck to their foreheads but their faces weren't that flushed anymore. Jongdae had even turned to his stomach, which was a good sign.

Chanyeol spent the morning with changing the boy's bed sheets, cleaning the kitchen and fighting the laundry mountains. "Okay, that means we don't have to come over, yeah?", he asked the doctor over the phone while folding the twins clothes. "No.", the medic answered him. "Just make sure that they drink enough and they should stay in bed until the fever is completely gone." Chanyeol nodded to himself. "Alright, thank you Dr.Kim, bye."

Msineok was the only who opened his eyes when Chanyeol stepped into the room with a tray in his hands. "Daddy..", the boy smiled, still sleepy.

"Hey baby.", Chanyeol set the tray on the bedside table and his son's cheek. "Still feeling hot?"

"Hmm.", the boy hummed with a nod. Slowly he sat up and pushed the hair from his forehead. "Where's Soo?"

Chanyeol poured in some tea for Minseok. "He's in school."

"He's not sick?", Minseok asked. He took the mug and took a sip of the warm fruity tea.

"No, he's not. Only you, Jongdae and Baek."

The little Park looked over to his brother and Baekhyun. "Is the baby sick, too?"

Chanyeol shook his head. "No, the baby's not sick. In the belly he is protected."

"That's good.", the boy smiled cutely. He took another sip of his tea and hummed into the cup. "I'm bored.", he said and was about to go out of the bed but Chanyeol blocked his way.

"Sorry honey, but you have to stay in bed."

"Daddy.", Minseok whined.

"Nope, you'll stay here.", Yeol said. "You can watch a movie if you want.", he added and walked over to the TV. He put in How To Train Your Dragon and watched it together with his son for a few minutes until Minseok's stomach growled. "Breakfast?", he asked and got a nod as an answer. Chanyeol went down to the kitchen to get his son something to eat. He grabbed a few apples and a banana and mashed the fruits into puree. To give the puree a little crunch he crumbled a biscuit and mixed it in.

"Yummy!", Minseok smiled with his mouth full of puree.

"Eat up, okay.", Chanyeol said and nudged his son's nose. "I've to pick Soo up from school now."


"See you soon.", Yeol smiled and pressed a kiss on Min's head. "I'll make you a soup when I'm back."

"With star noodles?!"

"If you want."

"Yes, yes!", Minseok squealed, quiet enough not to wake the others up. Chanyeol gave his son one last kiss before he eventually left the bed room.

Kyungsoo already waited for him at the school gate and waved at him with both hands. "Daddy!", he squeaked and giggled cutely when Chanyeol picked him up to give him a peck.

"Did you have fun?"

"Yes. I was a bit boring in class but I spend the breaks with Yixing.", he grinned.

"Yixing already gone?"

"Yes. His Appa's just picked him up ."

Chanyeol set the boy back to the ground and bent down to pick up his backpack. "Alright, want to go home?"


"But he have to stop at the supermarket. Minseok wants to eat star noodle soup.",

Kyungsoo only nodded and followed Chanyeol to the car. "Can I sit up front?", he asked.

"Sure.", Chanyeol smiled. He put the boy's car seat onto the passenger seat, helped Kyungsoo into the car and fastened is seatbelt.

"Can I get a chocolate bar?", Soo asked when they, hand in hand, entered the supermarket. "A crunchy one?"

"I like the crunchy ones too.", Yeol smiled. "We can get one."

Hopp running and happily humming Kyungsoo followed Chanyeol through the store. "Daddy, what's this?", he asked and picked up a football shaped fruit when he and Chanyeol crossed the fruit department.

"That's a mango."

"How does it taste?"

"It's sweet and very delicious.", Yeol said. "Should we take one?"

"Yes.", Kyungsoo smiled brightly and picked out the biggest mango. In the end a lot of different fruits, that had caught Soo's attention, found their way into Chanyeol's shopping basket. "Vitamin shock.", Chanyeol laughed to himself when he peeked into the basket.

Relaxed they continued the little shopping trip. Next to star noddles, Kyungsoo discovered a package of noodles in the shape of his favorite penguin in the world. "Pororo!", his squeal was loud and high pitchen. With sparkling eyes the held the package in his hands and stared at them. Chanyeol gazed over at the price and almost got a heart attack; so freaking expensive. But Kyungsoo's glowing eyes were so cute, Chanyeol just had to buy them. He held the basket down and smiled at Kyungsoo. "Throw in."

Last thing on the shopping list was Kyungsoo's requested chocolate bar. Kyungsoo let out a hum before he bit into it. Melted chocolate painted the corner of his lips and Chanyeol laughed out loudly when Soo smeared it even more with the back of his hands. "Chocolate Monster."









The smell of warm tea tickled his nose and faint noises of different voices had Baek frowning when he came to his senses. He was greeted by a small back as soon as he opened his eyes. With a yawn he stretched himself and slowly sat up. He felt much better than the night before. A soft smile formed on his lips at the sight of Jongdae and Minseok in his bed. The sat at the food of the bed and giggled form time to time. Baek peeked over the twins head to the TV. "Why aren't you at school?", he asked confused.

The twins turned their heads and Baek didn't need an answer anymore. Their faces were flushed, their foreheads sweaty. "We're sick.", Jongdae pouted. "We have fever."

"You too.", Minseok said. "That's why Daddy brought us here. We can be sick together."

Baekhyun had to laugh at the comment but nodded. "Good, then I'm not alone."

Minseok crawled over the bed and reached out for a cup on the bedside table. "Soo and Daddy are not sick." he said before he brought the cup to his lips. "Daddy picks Soo up from school."

"Is the baby sick too?", Jongdae asked and leaned over Baek's belly to look at it.

Baek was about to answer but Minseok was faster. "No, the baby isn't sick because it's protected in the belly.", he said and grinned prouldy. "Daddy has told me!"

"That's right.", Baek said. "The baby isn't sick."

"That's good.", Jongdae smiled. He plopped down next to Baekhyun and faced the small bump. Baekhyun could see the fascination in the boy's eyes. He got a hold of the little one's hand and put it on his belly. Even though the fabric of his sweater was thick, he could clearly feel the little hand on him. Jongdae smiled when he began to move his palm over the swell of the belly."Can he feel this?"

Baekhyun nodded.

"I want too."

"Come here.", Baek said and reached out for Minseok. He lifted the boy in his legs, so he could put a hand on hid belly too. To give both boys more access, he rolled up the sweater, revealing some skin.

"Will it get much bigger."

"Yes.", Baek nodded. "It'll look as if I'd carry a beach ball under my shirt." The boy's giggled cutely and continued touching his bump. He was happy that the boy's showed so much affection; he loved it.

Love and affection was also shared one floor below. Chanyeol and Kyungsoo finally arrived at home and both slumped to the floor with a sigh, dropping shopping and school bag to the floor. They kicked off their shoes and peeled off jackets, heads and scarf. "Want to help me with the soup?", Chanyeol asked as he put away their outerwear. "But first you have to wash your hands and face.", he told the boy and ran his thump over the corner of Kyungsoo's lips.

While Kyungsoo  hopped over to the bath room to wash hands and face, Chanyeol carried the shopping bag to the kitchen and started to unpack it. "Can we mix the noodles?", Kyungsoo asked as he peeked over the kitchen table. He climbed up a chair and grabbed the Pororo noodles. He smiled brightly when Chanyeol nodded.

Happily Kyungsoo stood on a chair at the stove and moved a large wooden spoon around the soup. Chanyeol decided to make enough soup for the next two days and so the pot Kyungsoo stirred in was huge. "Smells good.", the boy smiled and inhaled deeply.

Chanyeol brought out a few bowls and spoons. He scooped soup into the bowls and put them on a tray. Together Kyungsoo and Chanyeol went upstairs but before both of them entered the bed room, Chanyeol gave Kyungsoo a mask. "I don't want you to get sick, too." At first Kyungsoo pouted but eventually he put it on.

Baekhyun and the twins looked up when the door opened. "Hello~", Kyungsoo sang and hopped into the room. "We've made soup!"
While Kyungsoo hopped onto the bed, Chanyeol knelt down next to the bed and gave out the bowls and spoons.

"Hmm, smells good.", Baekhyun smiled.

"How are you?", Chanyeol asked in the round.

"Goof..", Jongdae mumbled with a spoon in the mouth. "Fill hof buf goof." With a small laugh Chanyeol shook his head and reached out for his son, to feel his forehead. It was still hot but he could tell that all of them felt better.

Baekhyun smiled at Chanyeol and leaned forward to get a kiss but the tall man backed away with a smirk. "Sorry, honey but my health is dear to my heart. "

Baek pouted and leaned back again. "Your mean."

"Why?", Jongdae wanted to know.

"Your Daddy doesn't want to give me a kiss.", Baek said. "I'm sad. I want a kiss."

"That's mean, Daddy.", the twin said and Baekhyun laughed out. But his laugh abruptly got caught in his throat when Jongdae pushed himself off his knees and plant a peck on Baek's lips. "There.", he smiled his kitten smile. "No need to be sad anymore."

Baekhyun was caught off guard; his heart sped up, making back flips. Chanyeol had a soft smile on his lips and winked at him when their eyes met. Even though he still felt queasy with the fever and all, he loved the day so far. This day was getting better and better.








"This looks like Appa's.", Kyungsoo said and tapped on a sticker on the red suitcase that stood in the living room.

Chanyeol nodded at him. "It's Appa's.", he said. "I brought you some clothes." He went over to Kyungsoo and took the suitcase. He lay it down and opened it. He took out Baek's laptop and put it away so Kyungsoo could rummaged in it. The boy let out small squeals and squeaks as he unpacked the toys and books. He took one of it and flipped through the pages but soon he's lost interest in it again and put it to the side. He looked through the clothes until he spotted a shiny sliver frame. He took it and held it up to Chanyeol.

Chanyeol smiled as took the frame. "I like this one.", he said and gazed down on the photo of Baekhyun and Kyungsoo.

"Can we put it there?", Soo asked and pointed over to the dresser where Chanyeol had set up pictures of his family.

"Go ahead.", he gave the frame back to Soo and smiled softly when Kyungsoo hopped over to the dresser. On tip toes Kyungsoo put the frame next to a picture of

Chanyeol and the twins and grinned at it. "Do you want to take a picture?"

Kyungsoo's mouth formed into an O and his eyes widened. "Yes! Yes!", he eagerly nodded.

Chanyeol walked over to the dresser. He opened it and took out a black polaroid camera. Together with Kyungsoo he sat down on the couch to get ready for the first picture. "Kimchi!", the little boy grinned.

Click and flash! First photo was shot. Kyungsoo squealed when the camera printed out the photo. "Again!"

Chanyeol's actual plan of taking a few photos turned into a whole session with a lot of laughter and silly faces. "Oh, I like this one.", Chanyeol laughed at one of the pictures. Kyungsoo giggled as he looked at it. Right before the camera shot the photo Yeol and Soo bumped their heads together by accident. After a shocked and surprised second they laughed at each other hysterical and right in this second the camera went off and made a picture. It looked slightly funny yet natural and heartwarming and Chanyeol liked it a lot.  

Kyungsoo spent the whole day with looking at the pictures. Chanyeol gave him some markers so he could scribble on the white space of the polariod. He draw hearts, flowers, stars and other things onto the photos and hummed a happy song while doing it.

The day at the Park's house was quiet and relaxed. Chanyeol and Kyungsoo spent the day with playing around and checking up on the three sick ones upstairs. Baek and the twins were a bit grumpy about staying in bed the whole day but they made the best out of it. They watched movies and played random games like "I spy with my little eye".
Later at night,  after one more bowl of soup and a cup of hot tea fatigue took over the twins and they fell asleep. Baek lay in the middle of the bed, one twin to his right, one twin to his left, smiling to himself. If this was how being in love felt, than Baek was more than in love. This felt so good, his heart almost hurt.
He turned to his sides and gave each of the twins a kiss on the cheek before he carefully climbed out of the huge bed. He needed to walk a bit and decided to go to the living room, maybe Chanyeol was still awake.
But as he could figure out he wasn't. On his way down the hallway, Baekhyun noticed the door to the guest room slightly open. He pushed the door gently and peeked into the room. Chanyeol and Kyungsoo lay in bed, sound asleep. Kyungsoo had his leg draped over Chanyeol's waist and face nuzzled into the man's side. Baek smiled at the side and squealed to himself.

Walking around felt good and the pregnant let out a sigh while rubbing his bump. He grabbed himself a glass of juice and made his way to the living room. As soon as he had switched on the lights, he spotted his red suitcase. A few of Kyungsoo's clothes and toys lay next to it on the carpet and Baek could see that there were also some of his own clothes in it.
The next familiar thing that caught his attention was a shiny silver picture frame. He walked closer to the dresser to get a better look at the frame. It was indeed a frame from his house; it was a photo of Kyungsoo and him, a photo that actually was set up on the desk in his office. Gently he touched the glass and smiled.
He felt proud that Chanyeol had added the picture to his family gallery. His heart was fast beating and it sped up even more when he finally spotted the pile of polaroids on the coffee table. He picked them up and looked through them.

Kyungsoo hugging Chanyeol from behind. Kyungsoo kissing Chanyeol on the cheek. Chanyeol holding Kyungsoo above his head, both of them smiling at each other. Each of the photos made Baekhyun's heart jumping in joy.

His gaze fell on the camera and an idea crossed his mind. He took the camera, lay back on the couch and snapped a photo of himself. He chuckled at the result, sat back up and fetched one of the markers.

He went over to the hall, eyes looking out for Chanyeol's jacket. Once found, he reached out for it. Chanyeol always kept the car key in the pocket, so Baek knew the taller would find the polaroid in any case. One more time he looked at it. "I love you.", he read out his written words, before he slipped it into the parka's pocket.

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Beau1996 1371 streak #1
Chapter 16: Smexy times in the car - yes please!!
Beau1996 1371 streak #2
Chapter 15: Sweetness overload!!
Beau1996 1371 streak #3
Chapter 13: The best baby daddy ever!
Beau1996 1371 streak #4
Chapter 12: The best way to confess!
Beau1996 1371 streak #5
Chapter 11: Very sweet!
Beau1996 1371 streak #6
Chapter 10: I want more Baekhyun hugs too ( ok, maybe just one would be nice!)
Beau1996 1371 streak #7
Chapter 9: Poor Baek!
Beau1996 1371 streak #8
Chapter 8: Ah oh - looks like someone has a surprise 😉
Beau1996 1371 streak #9
Chapter 7: Welcome to the big house!
Beau1996 1371 streak #10
Chapter 6: Happy family indeed!!