Ch. 26



Most of you will hate me for this short chapter but I don't care.
I'm known for my mean cliffhanger. Muhahaha!











Swinging his short legs back and forth, Jongdae sat on the coffee table watching Baekhyun peacefully sleeping on the couch. He had a pile of pillows and a heat pack in his back and Jongdae wondered if his Appa still was in great pain. The image of Baekhyun crying and whimpering stuck in his mind and made him sad. With a cute, worried frown he slipped down from the coffee table, knelt down in front of the couch and put his chin onto the soft surface. He gazed up to the sleeping Baekhyun and sighed softly.

"What's wrong, baby?", came as a whisper. He raised his head to look at his Daddy. "Don't worry, he'll be fine soon. And Luhan is okay, too."

Jongdae got up from the floor and walked over to Chanyeol. He let out a soft hum when he was lifted up. "Is it my fault?", he asked, slightly tugging at the cord of Yeol's hoodie.

"Your fault?", Chanyeol repeated his son's words. "Why do you think that?"

"Because...we were looking at the clothes and we lay on the carpet...and we fell asleep there."

"No, baby, it's not your fault.", Chanyeol smiled and pecked the boy's forehead to cheer him up again. "It could've happen otherwise."

"But...Appa had to visit a doctor, why?"

Chanyeol sighed softly. "You know, Appa had to visit a doctor because he has taken to many painkillers."

"Is that bad?", Jongdae asked and threw a worried look at Baekhyun.

Chanyeol nodded when Jongdae looked back at him. "It's bad for Appa and Luhan.", with his son in his arms, Chanyeol left the living room and walked over to the kitchen. He put the boy on the dining table and sat down on a chair. He rested his hands on either side of his thighs and gently patted them. "If you have a baby, you have to pay attention to many things.", he began. "You shouldn't drink any things like beer or wine, shouldn't smoke, shouldn't eat raw fish and meat, shouldn't lift heavy things and shouldn't take any medicine without asking a doctor."

"Because all of these things can hurt the baby?"

"Yes.", Chanyeol nodded.

"But..Luhan isn't hurt right?"

"No.", Yeol smiled at his son. "Luhan is fine."

Jongdae made a humming sound. "Mh...but why did Appa take too many pills? Doesn't he know that it can hurt Luhan?"

"Of course he knows. But Appa had so much pain that he didn't think about it for a second.", Chanyeol smiled when Jongdae pouted. "Don't worry baby, Appa is fine."


"Hey, how about we give Appa a pleasure and paint Luhan's room, huh?"

The little boy's face lit up and a smile spread over his face. "Can we help you?"

"Of course."

"Yay!", Jongdae squeaked happily. He pushed himself off the table and jumped into his Daddy's arms. "Let's go!"



Everything went perfectly fine. After he had dismounted the sockets and covered baseboards and floor with painters fleece the work began. The three little ParkByun's devoted themselves to the lower part of short wall by the door, while Chanyeol painted the rest. Most of the light colored paint dripped down onto the covered floor or found its way into the boy's hair and face. When Chanyeol had finished painting the walls, he found his three dwarfs covered in paint.

"Hihihi, looks good!", Minseok proudly grinned, holding a, in paint dipped, brush in his hands.

Chanyeol nodded at his son's word, looking around the room which now was painted in a light color. Chanyeol would call it cream or light yellow but the label of the paint bucket said said "Vanilla Shake" and Chanyeol found it cute. Luhan and his in Vanilla Shake painted room, matched.

"Have we done well?, Kyungsoo asked and scratched his cheek, smearing the color all over his skin.

"You've done well!", Chanyeol smiled. "I'm proud of you!", all three boy's beamed at him. "But now we should go and wash up."

"But, shouldn't we clean up first?", Minseok asked and looked around his unborn brother's room.

"We can clean up when the paint is dried.", Chanyeol said. "That takes a bit."

"Okie!", the boy's squeaked in unison and hopped out of the room over to the bath room.




Muffled sounds of someone laughing and Luhan kicking him woke Baekhyun up. A smile darted over his lips when Luhan kicked him again. Finally the little boy was active again. He brought a hand to his belly and it. "Hey baby boy.", he whispered. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.", he apologized to his baby. He didn't mean to take too many painkillers. He didn't mean to put Luhan's health at risk; he hadn't thought about it. He was blinded by the pain. "I'm so sorry."

When Luhan kicked out again, he sat up. The pain in his back was still there but he felt much better. He had to smile at the pile of pillows and the heat pack he had lay on. He glanced to the ceiling when another muffled laugh was heard. He got up from the couch and slowly made his way to the upper floor. The laughter grew louder the closer he got to the bath room. The door was slightly ajar, so he could push it open without anyone noticing it. He peeked into the room and found all his beloved ones sitting in the bathtub together.

Kyungsoo stood in the water behind Chanyeol, hands in the man's foamed hair, creating a crazy hair style. The twins sat in front of their father. Minseok blew bubbles while Chanyeol and Jongdae played with bath toys. It was a precious sight and Baek couldn't help but smile. He softly knocked on the door and opened it a bit wider.

Jongdae immediately jumped up, causing some water to splash over the edge of the tub. "Appa!", he shouted and pointed a finger at Baekhyun. "Don't walk around! You need to rest!"

Dumbfounded Baekhyun stared at the little boy. When his jaw dropped Chanyeol snorted. "Why are you laughing?", Baek whined.

Chanyeol shook his head. "Nothing.", he chuckled. "How are you feeling?"

The pregnant walked over to the tub and knelt down in front of it. "Much better.", he smiled. He dipped his hand into the warm water and moved it around a bit. "And what are you doing here? Saving water?"

"We made Luhannie's room pretty!", Kyungsoo squeaked, hugging Chanyeol from behind.

"You did?", Baek asked.

Minseok put his chin onto the edge of the tub and smiled at the pregnant. "We helped Daddy painting the walls."

"Oh wow.", Baekhyun voiced out, truly amazed. "Can I take a look?"

"Sure!", the boy's smiled.

Carefully Baekhyun stood up and left the bathroom. He went over to Luhan's nursery and gasped at the sight of the colored walls. The room was not finished yet, but it already looked great. The color brightened the room and he could already imagine the room fully furnished with the adorable off white crib, dresser and wardrobe.

"Appa!", Jongdae squeaked as he came run towards him in nothing but his Dino undies. "You like it?"

Baekhyun smiled and the boy over the head, running his fingers through the damp hair. "I like it a lot."

"Daddy will build up the bed when the paint is dry.", he beamed, jumping up and down in excitement.

"That's nice.", Baek smiled. "Say, why aren't you wearing any clothes?"

"Lotion.", the boy simply said and stretched out his little arms. "I smell good.", he grinned.

Baekhyun leaned down and sniffed at the boy's arm. He smiled to himself at the smell of vanilla and strawberry. "Mhh, smells yummy.", he winked at Jongdae. He took him by the hand and walked back to the bath room, where Chanyeol rubbed some lotion onto Minseok's back. Jongdae skipped over to where Chanyeol had put some fresh clothes and slipped on one of the shirts.

"Babe, you really should rest a bit more. "

"I'm okay.", Chanyeol only looked at him and finished rubbing the lotion into his son's skin but Baekhyun didn't miss the soft sigh Chanyeol made. "But if it makes you feel better, I'll go to bed now.", he went to their shared bed room and climbed into the bed. Not only five minutes after he had laid down, the door to the room opened and Chanyeol stepped in.

"Baek.", he spoke out.

"Yeah, yeah, I know, I should rest.", Baek grumbled. "Would be the best if I don't leave the bed at all. So, I at least won't hurt Luhan."

"Why are you like this?", asked Chanyeol, voice calm and soft.

"Why are you like this?!", Baek spat. "Did you think I didn't hear that sigh."

Chanyeol sat down on the bed. "Baby, I didn't mean to give you the feeling that I'm mad at you or anything. I'm just worried. Not only about Luhan. I'm worried about you.", he said and gave the smaller's thigh a gentle squeeze. "Luhan is okay but I know that you're not."

Baek looked at the hand on his leg and sighed loudly. "I...I always only worry you.."

"That's not true."

"Yes it is!", Baek cried out. "First the accident with Jongdae, then the flu and now this..."

Chanyeol leaned forward and grabbed the pregnant's face with both hands. He wiped some of Baekhyun's tears away with his thumbs and smiled at him. "Listen.", he began. "First, like you said the time you fell was an accident. Second, the flu could've hit me as well and last, yes, taking two more pills wasn't exactly your best idea but I can understand why you did that. And hell yeah, of course I'm worried about you. I love you, who would I be if I wouldn't be worried when you don't feel good, huh?!"

Baekhyun had to smile at the comment.

"Babe, all I want is you to rest and recover from your cramp.", Chanyeol said. "This isn't only about Luhan, this is also about you."

Baek looked away, only peeked back up when Chanyeol pulled him into a soft kiss. "I'm sorry.", he whispered.

"Don't be.", Yeol smiled and kissed him again.

"I love you.", Baek mumbled as he nuzzled his face into the tall man's nape. "I love you so much."





Two days after Chanyeol had brought him to the hospital Baekhyun was fleeing good again. Luhan was back to his normal active state and his back didn't hurt anymore. With the help of the kids, he set up the nursery and sorted the baby clothes into the wardrobe. The couple of pictures Kyungsoo and the twins had drawn, Chanyeol put into frames and hung them on the wall above Luhan's crib.

It was a nice day, the sun was shining and created a dreamy winter wonderland. Around the early afternoon the family went for a walk. The neighborhood was festively decorated and the kids squealed at the sparkling lights and snow covered trees. Another tow days until Christmas and the kids were more than excited.

"I'm glad you recovered so quickly.", Chanyeol smiled and tightened his grip around Baekhyun's small hand.

Baek smiled up at him. "Well, I had good care after all."

"Speaking of good care.", Chanyeol uttered. "We must eat the soup, today."

"Ahh, soup?", Baek pouted. "I'm craving for something fried."

"Something fried?"

The pregnant nodded. "Yeah, something like onion rings, fires or chicken nuggets."

"So, in other words you want to eat fast food.", Yeol chuckled.

"Yes, please."

Chanyeol laughed at Baekhyun's puppy eyes. "Alright, alright, I get it. Fast food it's then."

Baekhyun wiggled in joy, celebrating his victory. Chanyeol smiled and slightly shook his head at the pregnant's silliness. He averted his eyes and looked at the children. Jongdae just had discovered a dog in some garden and tried to pet the animal through the fence. Kyungsoo watched the scene from a safe distance and Minseok hugged his brother from behind, giggling when Kyungsoo stumbled forward a bit.

All three kids squeaked loudly when the fluffy big dog suddenly jumped over the fence and tackled Jongdae to the ground. The boy was squealing loudly, laughing and wiggling as the dog him across the face. "Kyaa, that tickles.", he giggled, trying to push the dog away.

Eventually the dog let go of Jongdae and jumped over to Minseok. The little boy slung his arms around the animal's neck and hugged him tightly. "So cute!"

Kyungsoo smiled when the dog barked and the white fur. "So soft."

The parents walked over to the kids, watching as the kids played with the dog. "Where are its owners?", Baekhyun after a while asked, mostly to himself but Chanyeol clearly heard him. He looked around and noticed a light inside the house. "I go and tell him.", he said and went over to the door. Shortly after he knocked the door opened. "Hello.", he smiled at the old man. "Uhm, your dog jumped over the fence.", he pointed at the dog, that by now was running and jumping around the with the three boys.

"Ahh.",the man growled. "Not again.", he grabbed a jacket and put it on. He followed Chanyeol to Baekhyun and the kids and clapped into his hands as soon as he was near the dog. "Come here.", he grabbed the dog by its collars and gently tugged at it to make the dog sit. "I'm sorry.", he apologized.

"Ah, it's okay.", Chanyeol waved his apology off.

"You know, he's not my dog.", the man informed the family. "He belonged to my brother. I have to take care of him now, because my brother lives in a nursing home now.",he sighed loudly and pet the dogs head. "He's a good boy but too active for me. He's still young and wants to play and run around but I can't give him the attention he needs. I'm not the youngest anymore.", he chuckled.

"Is there no other family member who could take care of him?", Chanyeol asked.

"Unfortunately not.", the man said. "I guess I have to bring him to the shelter, sooner or later."

Baekhyun frowned when Chanyeol's already big eyes grew even bigger. " can't do that.", Yeol said.

"It's hard I know.", the old man sighed again. "But I have no other option."

Baekhyun gasped when Chanyeol bit his lip. "Oh no.", he said and shook his head.

"But...look at him.", Yeol said and nodded at the dog. "He shouldn't spend his life in a shelter."

"Chanyeol, for real. We..", his words got stuck in his throat when his eyes fell on the children. They pouted, giving him their best puppy eyes. He clenched his jaw and looked back at Chanyeol. He was also pouting and his big eyes sparkled at him. "Ah...I..we..can't....I mean..ah okay.", he eventually gave in. Four pairs of puppy eyes looking at him were too much to handle. The boys squealed loudly and jumped at him, hugging him around his legs.

"Thank you, Appa!"

With a wide grin Chanyeol turned to the old man, who chuckled at the scene. "Well, if you're okay with it, we'd take him."

"I'd be more than okay with it.", the man smiled. "But are you really okay with it?", he looked at Baekhyun.

Baek smiled and nodded. "I am."

"Yay!", Jongdae squeaked and clapped his hands. "When can we take him home?"

"Today?", Kyungsoo asked, looking up to his parents.

"Yes today! Today!", Minseok added.

Chanyeol and Baekhyun looked at each other. "Uhm, yeah?", they turned to the man.

The man immediately nodded. "Yeah sure, if you want to."

Baek had to laugh as they made their way back home. Chanyeol walked beside him with a bag of dog food in his arms, a leash around his neck and a wide, happy grin on his face. He couldn't believe that they just got a dog. "You're happy, huh?", he chuckled.

"I am!", Chanyeol's grin turned into a cheeky smile.

Amused, Baekhyun shook his head. He glanced at the kids and their new pet. The dog named Cookie toddled a few meters in front of him, wiggling his tail whenever one of the kids called out his name.

At home, the dog explored the house. With his nose down he ran from one room to another until he ended up in the kitchen, where Chanyeol filled one of his bowls with water. His tail wiggled fast while he hopped around Chanyeol's legs. "Yes, you're a good boy.", he praised the dog and gently patted him. Cookie raised his head, trying to his new owner on the chin but Yeol was fast enough to pull his head away. "Yeah,  I love you too but no .", he chuckled and nudged the pup's nose.

Cookie happily followed Chanyeol to the living room, where he immediately went over the the kids and lay down next to them on the carpet. Baekhyun smiled softly. A view like from a book. He leaned against Chanyeol when he had sat down beside him.

"Not that bad, huh?", Yeol smiled and wrapped an arm around the smaller.

Baek chuckled. "We'll see.", he said. "He's only here for a few minutes after all."

Chanyeol grinned. "You'll see. In a few days it will be as if he had always been there."

"Yeah, probably."

"Daddy~", both parents looked at the kids. Kyungsoo looked at them with a pout. "I'm hungry."

"Me too.", Min added. "What's for dinner?"

Chanyeol laughed out and peeked at his love for a second. "Chicken.", he told the kids. "Appa wants to eat chicken and fires."

"Yay!", Jongdae cheered and threw his little hands in the air. "Chicken!"

Chanyeol rose up from the couch. "Alright, then I'll go and get us something to eat.", he smiled.

"Can I come with you?", Minnie asked his father.

"Yeah, sure.", Yeol smiled.

Little Minseok jumped up from the carpet and dashed over to the hall, where he slipped on his boots and put on his thick coat. He pulled his beanie over his head and wrapped his scarf around his neck.

"Daddy, I want this yummy sauce.", Soo smiled.

"Alright.", Yeol nodded. "Any other wishes?"

"No!", Jongdae and Baekhyun said in unison.

"Okay, we're off then.", the tall man said and grabbed his keys. "See you soon!"



See you soon, he said. But see you soon was long gone. Nervously Baekhyun walked up and down in the kitchen, continuous glancing at the clock. They were gone for over an hour already. Even at these weather conditions it took no more than three quarters of an hour to drive to the fast food restaurant, order and come back.

"God, where the hell are you?", his heart sped up. Could something had happened? His heart hammered against his ribcage. He rushed to the hall and grabbed his phone. But as soon as he had dialed Chanyeol's number, his phone went off and Kyungsoo came into the hall, holding the smartphone in his hands. "!", Baek cursed under his breath.

"Something wrong, Appa?"

Baek looked at his son and cracked a smile. "No, honey. Everything's alright."

"Okie.", Soo smiled back and ran back to Jongdae and Cookie.

As soon as Kyungsoo was out of sight, Baek went back to the kitchen. Another five minutes had passed. Anxious he bit down his thumb and chewed on his nail. Did something happen?

"No..", Baek breathed out. "No. Please god, no!"


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Beau1996 1371 streak #1
Chapter 16: Smexy times in the car - yes please!!
Beau1996 1371 streak #2
Chapter 15: Sweetness overload!!
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Chapter 13: The best baby daddy ever!
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Chapter 12: The best way to confess!
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Chapter 11: Very sweet!
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Chapter 10: I want more Baekhyun hugs too ( ok, maybe just one would be nice!)
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Chapter 9: Poor Baek!
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Chapter 8: Ah oh - looks like someone has a surprise 😉
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Chapter 7: Welcome to the big house!
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Chapter 6: Happy family indeed!!