Ch. 27


Choo choo~

I'm sorry that I wasn't able to update but we had bad weather, with storm, hail and thunderstorms.
A few power lines were destroyed and I had no Wifi. :/

But now everything is okay and I'm back. :)












As soon as Minseok's loud voice hollered through the house, Baekhyun cried out. He sunk onto a chair and buried his face into his hands.

Unlike little Minseok, who ran past the kitchen with a brown paper bag in his hands, Chanyeol noticed Baekhyun sitting in the kitchen and walked over to him. "Babe?", he sunk to his knees when he heard the pregnant's faint sobbing. "Babe, hey. What's wrong?"

The question barely had slipped past his lips, as Baekhyun smashed his palm onto his cheek. Chanyeol shrieked at the unexpected blow and dumbfounded stared at the smaller. "Wh..what?"

"Two...hours....", Baekhyun sobbed, eyes red and swollen. ""

Chanyeol gasped, when he eventually got why Baekhyun was upset and crying like this.He grabbed Baek by his wrists and pulled him off the chair. He caught him in his arms and wrapped his arms around the small frame, pulling Baekhyun as close as possible. "I'm sorry, baby.", Yeol whispered, rubbing the smaller's back to calm him down. "I didn't mean to scare you."

"....where were you...", Baek mumbled into the crook of Chanyeol's neck.

Chanyeol loosened the embrace and pulled away. He smiled at Baek and pulled him up. Holding him by his hand, he pulled the pregnant's along over to the front door.

Slightly confused Baek looked at Chanyeol when he opened the door and pointed outside.  Baek stepped forward and peeked out. A smiled formed onto his lips when he spotted a big fir tree leaning against the house wall. "You bought a Christmas tree?", he closed the door and turned to Chanyeol.

"Yep.", Yeol nodded. "We've seen a stand and just had to buy it. It's quite big and the loading took a little longer than expected. Minnie had to sit up front."

A deep sigh left Baek. "I..I really thought-" "I know.", Chanyeol cut him off and pulled him into another hug. "I'm sorry. I'll take my phone with me next time.", he leaned down and pecked his lips. "Don't cry anymore.", gently he wiped away the last tears form Baekhyun's cheeks.

Together they walked to the living room, where the kids already had unpacked the bags. The room was filled with the smell of fast food, fried chicken and fires. Kyungsoo had one large French fry stuck between his lips, trying to slurp it like a spaghetti while he distributed the napkins. New family member Cookie happily wiggled his tail while watching the boy's movements.  Jongdae eagerly ripped open each and every sauces packet and handed them over to his twin brother, who then placed them onto the coffee table.  

"Daddy and I bought a Christmas tree.", Min proudly told when everyone finally sat down and started to eat. "It's soooo big.", he giggled and spread his arms as wide as he could. "I's bigger than Daddy!"

"Can we decorate the tree tomorrow?", Soo asked, batting his lashes cutely.

"Sure.", Yeol smiled at him. "But not before getting up.", he added with a chuckle.

With a soft smile on his lips, Baekhyun watched the boy's chatting about Christmas while munching on their food. Minseok had some sauce stuck on his skin, laughing when Jongdae wiped the drop of sweet and sour sauce away with one of his fries.

Cookie was a well behaved young dog and lay by Chanyeol's feet, not begging for any of the food. From time to time Baek gazed at the pup, smiling when their eyes met. He still couldn't believe that he now was a dog owner.

About an hour after dinner, it was to go to bed for the kids. And while Baekhyun brought the kids to bed, Chanyeol took Cookie for the last walk of the day. "Sleep tight.", Baek wished the boy's a good night and closed the door behind him.

Chanyeol was waiting in the living room, lying on the couch, Cookies soft white fur. Slowly Baek got onto the sofa and crawled up to Chanyeol. A pleasant sigh left him when Chanyeol brought a hand in hairs, combing it with his fingers.

"Soo has never decorated a Christmas tree.", he randomly stated.

"Why not?"

Baek shrugged. "We always had one but the staff have always decorated it.", he said. "I never gave Soo the chance to decorate it."

"It's okay.", Yeol smiled and pressed a kiss to Baek's forehead. "For that he'll have even more fun tomorrow."

"I feel bad for it."

"You shouldn't.", the taller said. "He's young, in a few years he'll have forgotten it."

"But that doesn't change how I behaved.", Baek grumbled.

Chanyeol smiled. "You can do better now. Don't worry, I'll help you. And if you ever fall back into old behavior, I'll kick your .", he chuckled, giving Baekhyun's backside a pat.

"Oh yeah?", Baekhyun asked, squealing when the large hand gave his bum a firm squeeze.

Yeol laughed at the cute sound. "Yeah and that's a promise."

Baekhyun smiled and shifted a bit. His small round bump pressed into Chanyeol's side as he stretched himself to get on eye level with the man. He brushed his lips against Chanyeol's, breathing out when Chanyeol got a hold of his neck. The man's thumb massaged his nape while they shared a few loving kisses.

"I don't even know what to wear when we go out on Christmas eve.", Baekhyun after a short term of silence mumbled. "My dress shirts are too small already."

"Just wear a sweater."

The pregnant whined. "No. How would it look if I'd be the only one in an old sweater?! I bet Joonmyeon will look as perfect as always."

"You worry too much.", Yeol chuckled.

"No. I want to look good."

"Then, let's go shopping tomorrow.", Yeol suggested. "We can buy you something nice."

Baekhyun nodded and nuzzled his face into Chanyeol's neck. "That's a great idea.", he said. "Then I can look after a few larger clothes. Luhan has grown a lot."

Chanyeol snickered at the comment. Luhan may have been grown but not that much. Baekhyun's almost six months bump was still small and Baek still easily fit into most of his clothes. "You know what we still need to get for Luhan?"


"A pram.", Yeol said. "And do you want to have a carrycot or one of those portable baby car seats?"

"A carrycot is nice but a portable car seat would be more useful.", Baek uttered. "It doesn't take to much space in the car."

Chanyeol gazed at him when he made a humming sound. "Huh?"

Baek pushed himself up and looked at Chanyeol, pursing his lips. "I'd love to have a carriage but I guess it would be unwieldy."

"A carriage?", Chanyeol asked. "A vintage one in white with a dark blue hood?"

"Yes!", Baek squealed. "They're so pretty!"

Chanyeol shrugged. "Then let's get one."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah why not."

Baek tilted his head. "I guess it would be a bit unwieldy."

"Nonsense!", Chanyeol said. "When people have done it before, then also we manage to push it through the park."

Baekhyun flashed Chanyeol a cheeky smile. "So we get a carriage?"

"If you want to.", Yeol nodded.

"Of course I want!", happily humming Baekhyun let his head fall onto Chanyeol chest, snuggling close.






To his surprise all three kids were already wide awake when Baekhyun the next morning walked into the kitchen.

Jongdae sat on the floor next to Cookie, nibbling on a banana while the dog munched on the food in his bowl.

"Morning, Appa!", Minseok chirped and hopped over to Baekhyun. He leaned against him and pressed a kiss to the clothed baby bump. "Morning Lu~!"

"Morning honey.", Baek smiled at ruffled Minseok's hair. "Where're Kyungsoo and Daddy?"

"Soo burned his finger.", Minnie pouted. "Daddy helps him to cool the wound."

Previously Baekhyun probably would have freaked out and snapped at Chanyeol for not taking enough care of his son but now he reacted much more relaxed. "Oh, how did this happen?"

Jongdae got up from the floor. "He accidentally touched the pan. It was still hot.", he informed his Appa.

Baekhyun only nodded. He grabbed the tea pot and poured himself a cup of heavenly smelling apple vanilla tea. "Did Daddy told you already? We're going shopping today."

"But we want to decorate the Christmas tree.", Jongdae whined with a cute pout.

Baekhyun chuckled. "You can.", he calmed the boy down. "But first we go shopping. We want to go there before it gets too crowded."

"And what's with Cookie?", Minseok asked, pointing at the Samoyed."Can he come with us?"

Baek shook his head. "No, honey. He has to stay here. We won't be gone for long."

"Can we get Cookie a toy?", Jongdae asked.

"Yes, a ball!", Minnie beamed.

"A squeaky ball.", Dae added.

"I think that can be arranged.", Baek laughed.

"What can be arranged?", asked Chanyeol, who overheard Baekhyun's sentences. "Huh?"

"The boy's want to get Cookie a toy."

"Ah yeah, that can be arranged.", he smiled and set Kyungsoo, whom he held in his arms, down.

Once on his feet, Soo hopped over to Baekhyun and showed him his in a band-aid wrapped finger. "Appa look!", he said. "I burned my finger."

"Aww.", Baek cooed. He gently took a hold of the small hand and blew some air on the injured finger. "is it bad?"

Kyungsoo wiggled his head, a mix between shaking and nodding. "It's all red and hot. But Daddy put a lotion on it. It doesn't hurt anymore."

"That's good.", Baek smiled at his son.

"Daddy, when we go shopping?", Jongdae asked.

"When Appa had breakfast and you have washed yourselves.", Chanyeol said, laughing when all three boy's dashed out of the kitchen to get ready for the mall.

About two hours later the family then arrived at the mall. Overly excited the three boy's headed for the next pet shop; the same pet shop from months ago. As Baekhyun walked past the y seller of the past he flashed him a cheeky smile, pushing out his belly to make it look a bit bigger.

"What are you doing?"

Baek glanced up to Chanyeol. "Nothing.", the pregnant grinned and looked back to the shop assistant. He had a frown on his forehead and glared at Baek. Baekhyun only flashed him another cheeky smile and fully satisfied hummed a victory song.

In the dogs department, the triplets rushed over to the toys and rummaged the shelves to find the perfect toy for Cookie. "Can we buy this one?", Minseok asked, holding up a red ball.

"No, this one?!", Soo pouted, squeezing the burger squeaker toy in his hands.

Jongdae whined loudly. "But I want this one.", he wailed, showing off the bone shaped toy.

Both parents snickered at their son's. Chanyeol let go of Baek's hand and knelt down in front of the kids. "Okay, listen. We'll buy all three toys but we won't purchase any more toys in the future."

"Okay!", the boy squeaked, happy that they were allowed to take home the toys they had picked out.

With three happy boys and new toys for Cookie, the family's next stop was a clothing store. The boy's had fun with trying on different hats and running around between the rotary clothes rack. Meanwhile, Chanyeol sat on a stool in front of a fitting room, waiting for Baekhyun to come out again. "I look like a hippo!", he heard the pregnant cursing. He snickered. "Sure you do."

Baek pulled back the curtain and stepped out of the fitting room. "I'm serious.", he grumbled and tugged at the light blue sweater he had tried on. "Nothing fits...."

Chanyeol tilted his head and looked at Baekhyun. "It's not that bad.", he then said.

"Mhh, I'm not sure.", Baek said and turned in front of the mirror. "If I take it one size bigger, I can wear it longer. But if I take it one size bigger, I can't wear it to the restaurant."

"Then take it one size bigger and we look for another one. I've seen a nice one."

"Oh really?", Baek asked. "Can you bring it to me?"

Chanyeol got up from the stool. "Sure.", he smiled. He walked away and a few seconds later came back with a gray mottled, knitted sweater. "Here."

"Oh, it's nice.", Baek said as he took the sweater. He went back into the fitting room and changed the clothes. "And?"

Chanyeol looked at the smaller and nodded. "Looks good."

"It's nice, I like it.", Baekhyun smiled brightly. He ran his palms over the soft fabric and looked at himself in the mirror. "Should I put something under it? A button-down shirt, perhaps?"

"No.", Yeol shook his head. "No need to wear something under it. It looks good this way."

"Alright!", Baek grinned at his reflection. "I take this one!"

Next to the gray and the light blue sweaters, a few other shirts, two cardigans and a couple of pants found their into the shopping basket.

"Daddy! Appa!"

"Look, look!"

"We want this!"

"All the same?", Baekhyun laughed at the red knitted cardigans the boy's held up.

"Yes!", the triplets squealed in unison. "We want to look the same!"

Chanyeol chuckled at their cuteness. He took one of the little cardigans and looked at it. It had a soft, warm off white colored lining and an adorable cable stitch. He nodded to himself and gave the cloth back to Jongdae. "Any ideas what you want to wear underneath?", he then asked the boys.

"A shirt?", Minseok asked, tilting his head to the side.

"A shirt like you have!", Kyungsoo smiled.

"Yes!", Jongdae squealed and hugged his cardigan. "In blue!"

Chanyeol clapped his hands. "Alright then, let's go and find you some shirts."

Baekhyun had to squeal at the sight of all three boys wearing the same clothes. The outfits were topped off with a pair of cute jeans and the desired shirt in a light blue color. The boys looked good enough to eat; absolutely adorable.

The boy's were happy but the enthusiasm about their new clothes disappeared, as soon as the family was back home. In the speed of light they kicked off shoes, ripped of their coats and hopped to the living room to show Cookie his new toys.

Baekhyun took the time in which the children were busy and prepared a light snack and some tasty smelling tea. When he walked into the living room, the kids and the dog rolled around the carpet. "Where is Daddy?", Minseok asked and took one of the apple slices. "We want to decorate the Christmas tree."

Baek smiled at the kid. "I know. Daddy just gets the tree and the decorations. Give him a minute."

"Don't wanna wait.", Minnie pouted.

"Then go and help him."

"Wait for me!", Jongdae squeaked when his brother ran out of the room. He got up from the fool and quickly followed his twin, leaving Kyungsoo and Baekhyun alone.

Kyungsoo went over to the couch and hopped onto it, sitting down next to his Appa. "What is it, honey?",Baek asked when his son leaned against him.

"Nothing.", Soo smiled back.

Baekhyun smiled back at him and gently Kyungsoo over the head. "Are you excited?"

"Mhh.", the boy hummed, nodding. "I hope I can see Santa."

"Oh really?", Baek chuckled. "But if you don't sleep he won't leave you a gift."

"But I want to see him.", Soo pouted and snuggled close. He brought a hand to Baek's baby bump and patted it gently. "Luhannie will meet him when Santa leaves you our gifts."

"But he won't be able to see him. And he also won't remember it when he's born.", Baek laughed at Soo's cuteness.

"But still.", the little Byun sulked. "I want to meet him too."

"Aw, don't be sad about it.", Baek cooed. "We also can not always see them."


"The tooth fairy, for example."

Kyungsoo sat up and looked at Baekhyun. "What's a tooth fairy?", he curiously asked.

"Someday you'll lose your baby teeth, you know that right?", he smiled when Soo nodded. "And when the day comes and you lose your first teeth, you can put them under your pillow. And in the night, when you're asleep the tooth fairy comes, takes your tooth and leaves you either a little gift or some money."

"But..what does she do with all the teeth?"

Baek thought for a moment and began to laugh when he couldn't think of a plausible explanation. "Uh, well, I've never met her before so...ah, how about you ask Daddy about it.", he said and flashed Chanyeol, who just had entered the room, a cheeky smile.

"Aks what?", Yeol asked and looked at Baekhyun questioningly.

"Why does the tooth fairy takes our teeth?", Kyungsoo asked. "And what does she so with all the teeth?"

"Uh...", Chanyeol voiced out. He set the large box in his arms to the ground and sat down on the carpet in front of the coffee table. The twins joined their father and sat down next to him. " know...she..comes and takes your teeth and brings it to her castle. She collects the teeth of all children of the world."

"But why?", this time Jongdae asked.

"You know she takes your teeth because you don't need them anymore and if somewhere a baby is born, she will give the teeth to the baby."

While the boy's looked at their father with wide open, sparkling eyes, Baekhyun had to bite back a laugh. Chanyeol really had an incredible fantasy.

"Will Luhan get our teeth?", Minseok asked.

Chanyeol chuckled. "Probably not.", he then said. "Unless you'll lose all your teeth in the next few months."

"Ah, too bad.", the boy's pouted.

"That's okay.", Chanyeol smiled. "Some other baby will get your teeth and will be happy about it."

Jongdae nodded to himself but then he suddenly gasped. "But...what if some boy or girl doesn't put their teeth under their pillow?"

"Yeah, what's then?", Kyungsoo also gasped. "Will one baby be toothless, then?"

"Or what if one tooth is missing?!", Minseok asked.

Baekhyun snickered at their worried expressions and Chanyeol also had to laugh. "You know that babies don't have teeth when they're born, right?", all three boy's nodded. "A baby gets it's first teeth when it's around six to seven months old. So the tooth fairy has around six months to collect all the teeth she needs for the baby."

"So, there's ever a tooth missing?", Jongdae wanted to know.

"No.", Yeol smiled. "There always will be enough teeth."

The kids seemed to be satisfied with this answer. They nodded to themselves and then quickly changed the topic. They finally wanted to decorate the Christmas tree. And while Chanyeol got the giant fir and set it up near the windows, the boy's rummaged the box with the decoration. Cookie stole one of the smaller's baubles and happily wiggling his tail brought it to Baekhyun.

Kyungsoo, Jongdae and Minseok had more than fun decorating their first joint Christmas tree. They danced around the fir, happily chatting while hanging up the baubles, cute little wooden figures and tinsel. Chanyeol was on standby, ready whenever the boy's wanted to be lifted up to reach the upper parts of the tree.
Meanwhile, Baekhyun fiddled with the Christmas lights, trying to get the knots out of it. Cookie all the time lay by this feet, gazing up to him whenever he shifted slightly. Luhan was quiet the whole, didn't kick much, only moved around when his brothers squeaks or his fathers laughs were heard.

When the giant fir eventually had transformed into a beautiful Christmas tree it was already afternoon and time to take Cookie for another walk. Children and dog skipped over to the hallway to get ready, leaving the parents alone. Baekhyun stood up from the couch and walked over to Chanyeol, who stood in front of the Christmas tree. He wrapped his arms around the man's waist, hugging him from behind. He tip toed to peek over Chanyeol's shoulder.

"Looks great.", he said with a smile on his lips.

Chanyeol nodded, cupping Baekhyun's small hands on his belly with his larger one. "Yes, it does.", he said. "Christmas can come."


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Beau1996 1371 streak #1
Chapter 16: Smexy times in the car - yes please!!
Beau1996 1371 streak #2
Chapter 15: Sweetness overload!!
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Chapter 13: The best baby daddy ever!
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Chapter 12: The best way to confess!
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Chapter 11: Very sweet!
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Chapter 10: I want more Baekhyun hugs too ( ok, maybe just one would be nice!)
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Chapter 9: Poor Baek!
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Chapter 8: Ah oh - looks like someone has a surprise 😉
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Chapter 7: Welcome to the big house!
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Chapter 6: Happy family indeed!!