Ch. 48






It was peacefully quiet when Baekhyun cracked open his eyes and stretched his arms over his head, yawning. Carefully sitting up he whined a little. His body was aching, feeling a little sore here and there. He looked around the room, frowning a little when he found the bed Luhan should’ve laid in empty. 


Swinging his legs out of the bed he got up. His knees felt like soft butter and he swayed a little on his way to the door, causing him to softly gasp. Waiting a mere second to actually leave the room, Baek opened the door and peeked into the hallway. 


The scent of freshly brewed coffee and warm bread lay in the air, making his stomach growl. From down the hall he could hear a giggle coming and he could make it out to be Jongdae’s adorable laugh. 


Carefully making it down the hallway, Baekhyun stepped into the room his family was housed. Chanyeol was sitting on the yellow exercise ball, holding onto an empty baby bottle while the kids sat in a semi circle around their newborn brother. 


Standing in the doorway, Chanyeol was the first to spot him. Smiling, he called out for him. “Hey-”


When his fiance reached out his hand to him, Baekhyun pushed himself off the door frame. Unnoticed by the kids Baekhyun walked up to the man, lowering himself on Chanyeol’s thigh when the man slung an arm around him. “Hey.”


His voice finally caught the children's attention and Minseok was the first to jump to his feet. “Appa,” he happily chirped. “Appa, Luhannie is so cute. Thank you!”


The boy hugged him and Baekhyun was so touched that he almost cried out. “Thank you, honey. That’s very sweet of you.” 


Jongdae and Kyungsoo joined their brother and also hugged their Appa. “Luhannie ate very well,” Jongdae said, lips curling into his kitten smile. “We watched when Daddy fed him.”


“Yes,” Kyungsoo nodded, also beaming. “He makes funny noises when he eats.”


“Oh, he does?”


“Yes, yes!”


Baekhyun gazed over to his baby. Luhan lay well protected on a fluffy baby pillow, peacefully sleeping. He was changed into another romper and the little star pattern on his belly gently rose and fell with his clam breaths. 


The kids moved back to sit down next to Luhan and Baek smiled to himself. The boy’s did nothing but sitting there, quietly coloring some pictures and watching their little brother, every now and then. 


“They’re doing this ever since they woke up,” Chanyeol whispered into his ear, kissing it afterwards. 


“They don’t seem sad that they weren’t able to be there,” Baek hummed, leaning into the soft touch. 


“They were but I explained that you were in a lot of pain and not feeling well. They understand.” Chanyeol brushed his nose against the smaller’s nape and hummed. “Are you hungry?”




“Alright, then come.”


“W-what about the kids?”


“We’ll be next door, don’t worry.”


Baekhyun was grabbed by the hand and pulled along. The room next door was a little kitchen with a small table standing by the window. A basket with freshly baked buns and croissants was placed in the middle of the table and the smell of coffee had Baekhyun humming. 


“Do you want to have a coffee?”


“Oh, yes.”


The first coffee after nine month was running down his throat, hot and bitter. Baekhyun scrunched his nose at the taste but also hummed. “I maybe need to start a little easy,” he laughed, reaching for the milk. 


Chanyeol also chuckled and watched as his love poured some milk into his cup to soften the taste of his hot coffee. “Bun or croissant?”


“Bun, please.”


Baekhyun took another sip of his coffee while Chanyeol cut open the bun and buttered it. “When did I fall asleep?”


“Somewhat around 3am.”


Baek hummed. “And you?”


“I went to sleep around an hour later.”


“And since when are you up again?”


“Since half past seven.”


A deep sigh escaped the brunette. “You must be tired. I’m sorry.”


“Sorry? What are you sorry for?” Chanyeol let out a chuckle and handed Baekhyun over the two bun halves he had prepared, topped with cheese, ham and sliced tomato.


“Thanks,” Baek hummed, picking one of the bun halves up. “I don’t know, you’ve only got like three hours of sleep, I feel sorry.”


“Don’t be. I can sleep when we get home, later. I have already set up the bassinet in the living room.”


“You already have been home?”


Chanyeol nodded. “Yeah, to feed and walk Cookie. And then I went to the bakery.”


“Oh, you bought all this?”


“Yes. I knew the kids would be hungry and I didn’t expect Mrs. Cho to feet all five of us. Also, the ladies here had quite a busy night.”


Baekhyun tilted his head, blinking his eyes. “Busy?”


“Around half an hour after you had fallen asleep, another baby was born and someone in labor arrived.”


“Oh, wow,” Baek said. “But yeah, I remember. When we came here for the consultation they told us that they were actually fully booked.”


The teacher nodded his head. “Yeah, it was quite a hustle here. It’s incredible what those woman do.”


Baekhyun hummed while chewing on his breakfast. “True.”


“Mrs. Cho would like to see you for a quick examination before we leave for home.”


Baekhyun nodded. “I’ll go to her right after breakfast. I have to give her my ID for the paperwork, too.”


“Oh, I’ve already taken care of that. The papers are filled out and at home already.”


“Wow, you guys are fast.”


Chanyeol smiled. “I wanted to take some load off of Mrs. Cho’s shoulders and I’m sure you’re alo eager to get home as soon as possible, that’s why I rushed it a little.”


“You’re right. I can’t wait to get home.”


Leisurely eating, Baekhyun right after breakfast went to take a quick shower and then visited Mrs. Cho for his check-up. Everything was fine and as soon as the examination he and his family were allowed to leave. 


Luhan was wrapped into a blanket, peacefully sleeping in Baekhyun’s arms. “I wish you all the best,” the midwife smiled, gently squeezing the young father’s arm. “Let me know if you need anything or you’ve got some questions.”


“Thank you,” Baekhyun said, returning the smile. “We’ll make sure to drop by soon.”


Home was warm and even though he had been gone for not even a day, Baekhyun was glad to back in his four walls. With his baby in his arms he made his way to the living room, carefully sinking to his knees in front of the couch to introduce the newest addition of the family to Cookie.


The white puppy curiously yet carefully approached the bundle in his owners arm, sniffing at it. His fluffy tail started to wag when Luhan moved, letting out a soft sound. “Good boy,” Baek praised the dog, scratching him behind his pointy ear.  


With Cookie being calm around the baby, Baekhyun laid Luhan down into the bassinet and went to the kitchen. Chanyeol was standing by the open fridge, rummaging in it. “What are you doing?”


“The kids would like to have some veggie casserole for lunch, I’m checking if I have everything for it.”


“Veggie casserole,” Baek mumbled. “Sounds good.”


“Do you want to help me?” Chanyeol asked, pulling a package of mushrooms out of the fridge. “The kids want to help, too.”




The kitchen was filled with the kids happy chatting and giggles while preparing lunch. Baekhyun halfway through chopping some herbs had to stop and fetch the newborn from the living room as Luhan demanded attention. Preparing the boy’s bottle, Baek sat back down in the kitchen and fed his baby. 


“Why is Luhannie eating so much?” Minseok leaned over to look at his baby brother. 


“Why do you ask?”


“Daddy gave him a bottle when you took a shower. And now he’s eating again.”


The father smiled. “In the first weeks babies need to eat every three to four hours.”


Kyungsoo loudly gasped. “Even at night?”


“Yes, even at night. Daddy and I will have to get up in the middle of the night to feed him.”


Jongdae let out a soft sound. “You will be tired.”


Both parents laughed. “Probably,” Chanyeol snickered. “But that’s normal.”


“Does Sehunnie also eat that much.”  


“I guess so.”


“When do Sehunnie and Luhannie meet?” Jongdae wanted to know.


Baek hummed. He put the bottle onto the table and brought Luhan up to his shoulder to pat his back. “Soon,” he said. “But not today.”




“Yes, tomorrow maybe.” He smiled at his children, bringing Luhan back down when the boy had let out a burp. He cradled him, watching him falling back asleep in his arms. 


While their lunch was in the oven, slowly cooking, the family moved to the living room. Instead of putting Luhan back into the bassinet, Baekhyun laid him down on a sleeping pad on the floor. Cookie instantly laid down by the end of the mat, curling into a ball. 


Smiling, Baekhyun the dog over the head before he then moved to sit down the couch next to his fiance. Chanyeol wrapped an arm around him, pulling him close. “Cookie’s adapting well to him.”


Baek hummed, leaning against the taller. “Yes, he’s a born family dog.” He turned his head when Chanyeol let out a jawn. “You’re tired, huh? Why don’t you take a nap until lunch?”


Chanyeol shook his head. “I’ll take a nap after lunch. I’m sure the kids need one too.”


The remaining time until lunch the kids kept a close eye on their baby brother and Chanyeol and Baekhyun lounged on the couch, watching their kids. Just as predicted by Chanyeol, the triplets after lunch were feeling a little sleepy and voluntary went to their room to take a nap.


The parents did the same and Baekhyun snuggled close to Chanyeol once he had put Luhan to bed. He hummed in delight when the blonde kissed his lips. 


“I love you.”


“I love you too.” Baekhyun tilted his head upwards for another kiss. “You should sleep a little.”


“So do you,” the man countered. “The night will be short, we need all the sleep we can get.”


A chuckle slipped past Baek’s lips. “I kinda look forward to it.”


“You do? Well, then I gladly give the diaper changes and feedings to you.”


“Hm, sure. As I know you, you probably will be up before Luhan starts to cry.”


Chanyeol only chuckled and brushed his lips against his fiance’s forehead. “Let’s nap now, the kids won’t sleep forever.”


It was a short nap but a good one. Both, Chanyeol and Baekhyun felt well rested and relaxed when Luhan woke them up with his soft crying. Chanyeol swung his legs out of the bed and fetched the infant from his crib. 


Luhan almost instantly calmed down when he was gently rocked. With the baby in his arms, Chanyeol went back to bed. He sat down and rested his back against the headrest, placing the boy on his chest.


Baekhyun smiled and shifted, scooting a little closer to father and baby. He Luhan over the head and gently ran his finger over the shell of his tiny ear. “I still can’t believe that he’s here now,” he whispered.


Chanyeol smiled and turned his head, pressing a kiss to the crown of Baekhyun’s head. “So, we now can focus on you becoming my spouse, huh?”


Tilting his head, the brunette laughed out. “Do you that desperately want to marry me?”


“I desperately want you and Kyungsoo to finally have my name,” Chanyeol said. “This one here already is a Park, it’s only you and Soo missing.”


Baekhyun chuckled. “Then we really should change that as soon as possible. But it’s getting scarce with an early summer wedding.”


“Oh, you want an early summer wedding?”


“Yes,” Baekhyun nodded. “The weather in June is nice, sunny and warm but not too hot. It would be perfect, wouldn’t it?”


Humming, Chanyeol nodded. “Yeah, I guess early summer would be ideal.”


“Where would you like to get married? At the beach or in a hotel? Or do you want to have a traditional ceremony?”


“Would you want a traditional ceremony?”


“No, not really,” Baekhyun honestly said, shaking his head.


“Would you like to have a beach wedding?”


“Do you?”


“I wouldn’t mind,” Chanyeol said, adjusting Luhan when the boy moved in his sleep. 


Baekhyun made a sound. “I wouldn’t mind either but a beach wedding nearby will be difficult to manage.”


“We could get married in Jeju.”


The suggestion took Baekhyun by surprise and he raised his brows. “Jeju?”


“Not good? It’s close, it has beautiful beaches and panoramas, the weather most of the time is great and I’m sure there will be a nice hotel that holds weddings.”


“N-no, Jeju is nice. I’m just surprised that you’re that fond of a beach wedding.”


“What did you think? That I want to get married in our garden?”


“What?! No, of course not!”


Chanyeol laughed out. “Just kidding.”


“Oh you,” Baek huffed, playfully nudging the man’s shoulder. “But now for real, would you really be up to have our wedding in Jeju? I mean, planning it will be quite complex and with the kids and such-”


“Well, that for sure is true but that doesn’t mean we not gonna make it. It just will take some time.”


Baekhyun sat up. “Oh, the boys will look so cute. We’ll get them little, matching suits and oh, we could get them bowties, too! They could match us too! Would you want us to wear same colored suits?”


The brunettes sudden excitement had Chanyeol smiling. There was a sparkle in his eyes and a wide smile on his face, cheeks adorably rounding. 


Baekhyun kept on babbling, letting out all the ideas he suddenly had in mind until he noticed Chanyeol fondly staring at him. “U-uh, is something wrong?”


“No,” Chanyeol said. “Not at all.” Carefully leaning forwards he stole a kiss from Baekhyun’s rosy lips. “I love you. And I can’t wait for you to going all crazy with those ideas.”



Baekhyun had Luhan laying on a pad on the shaggy carpet in his room, about to change his diaper. The triplets sat around him, curiously watching as he opened the nappy. Jongdae was first to pinch his nose, letting out a sound of disgust. “Oh yuck!


Minseok tried to bite back any reaction, only scrunched his nose but Kyungsoo also grimaced and cupped both his hands over nose and mouth. “Ew-”


Laughing, Baekhyun reached for the pack of wipes. “Now imagine, Daddy had to change both of your dirty diapers multiple times a day.”


The twin brother shuddered but Jongdae was fast to defend them. “Maybe we didn’t poop that much!”


“I’m pretty sure you did.”


Cleaning his baby and powdering his little , Baekhyun reached for a new, clean diaper.


“Why do you use this powder?” Kyungsoo asked, taking the bottle with the baby powder to inspect it.


“It’s to prevent diaper rash. It can happen that babies get a rash due to wetness in their diaper and it’s very painful because the skin gets all red and sore and the powder helps to keep the skin dry.”


The boys hummed at the answer they got. The watched as their father closed the new diaper and then dressed their baby brother back up. “Today Sehunnie is coming, right?”


“Yes,” Baek smiled. “I’m sure he’ll be here soon.”


With the baby clean and dressed up, Baekhyun together with the three boys made his way downstairs. He left the snoozing infant in his bassinet in the living room and went to the kitchen to brew some coffee. From a bakery nearby he had gotten some cupcakes and little tarts and the children helped him putting them onto a cake plate. 


“Oh, this one is so pretty,” Kyungsoo squealed at one of the nicely garnished cupcake. “And this one too!”


“Can I have this one?” Minseok asked.


“Oh, the I want this one!” Jongdae quickly added, pointing at one of the sweet goods.


“They are all pretty, aren’t they?” Baekhyun looked at the kids. “Why don’t we wait for Yixing and Junmyeon and see what they pick out for themselves? They’re our guest after all.”




“Great. Now would you help me getting this over to the living room?”


With two babies around, Baekhyun thought it was much more convenient and comfortable to sit down in the living room and have some cake and Junmyeon fully shared his thought on that when he, around ten minutes later, arrived with his two son’s.


“So, now where is he?”


Baekhyun laughed when he got handed over Junmyeon’s youngest. “In the bassinet.” He followed his friend, adjusting Sehun in his arms. 


Junmyeon skipped over to the bassinet in which Luhan peacefully slept and quietly squealed while reaching into bassinet. “Oh god, he’s so beautiful. And so small.”


Baekhyun had taken seat, smiling down at Sehun while Junmyeon cuddled the snoozing four-days old. He the baby over the cheek, smiling when Sehun let out a deep sigh. “He’s grown.”


“Well, that’s no wonder by how much he eats,” Junmyeon sighed, slowly stepping towards the couch. “He wakes up three time during the night and chugs down a bottle each time.”


“Oh wow.”


“It’s so exhausting, I tell you. And I can’t believe how good you look,” Yifan’s husband said as he sat down the sofa with Sehun in his arms. “Aren’t you tired?”


Baek chuckled a little. “It’s okay, so far I’m getting enough sleep.”


“How often does he wake up?”


“Four times,” Baek answered the question. “But it’s fine. He only eats two times and so far he calms down quite fast. Also, Chanyeol gets up at five and then takes him downstairs with him, so I basically can sleep from two to seven and it’s enough for me to get a somewhat proper sleep.”


“Oh, maybe Yifan and I should do it that way too. Though I’m not sure if he’s willing to get up this early. What is Yeol doing that early?”


Baek shrugged. “I can’t tell you. When I get up, Luhan has had his bottle, Cookie’s been fed and walked and the breakfast table is all set up.”


“Oh, he’s taking Luhan with him when he’s walking Cookie?”


“It works really well. Cookie’s nicely walking by the pram.”


“That’s good to hear. How did he react to Luhan when you brought him home?”


“I sat down and let him sniff. It was too adorable, his tail was wagging and when I lay Luhan down the pad he lays down next to him. He also takes the crying very well.”


“You know, Yifan would like to have a dog.”




Junmyeon sighed. “Yes. He’s mentioned it quite often in the past weeks but I’m not sure. Yes, we’ve got a garden and enough space for a dog but I’m just not sure. How do you guys manage taking him for walks?”


“In the mornings Chanyeol takes him for a walk while I get the boys ready for school. I take him for a shorter walk around lunchtime, in the afternoon all of us have a stroll to the park and in the evening it’s usually Yeol again, who walks him. It works fine for us. And I have absolutely no problem walking him while having Luhan with me. I rather enjoy it. Luhan get fresh air and I get some exercise.”


“Do you always take the pram with you?”


“Most of the times, yes. Chanyeol prefers the baby sling,” Baek hummed. “I’m not a fan of it but it surely is more convenient.”


Junmyeon nodded his head. “Yeah, those slings are come in quite handy.” He sat up a little when Luhan stirred awake in his arms, crying out. “Oh, it’s fine sweety,” he shushed him, rocking the baby.


Baekhyun moved to get up. “I’ll get you his bottle. Can I lay Sehun down?”


“Oh sure, sure.”


After laying down Sehun on the soft pad, Baekhyun went to get his baby’s bottle and called the boys down to have some of cupcakes and some chocolate milk. The kids happily dug into the delicious cupcakes while Junmyeon fed a bottle to Luhan and Baekhyun picked Sehun back up, cradling him. 


Leaning over to check the time on hs phone, the young man hummed. “It’s almost four. That meeting takes long.”


“From what Yifan has told me does Principal Cho have a list of key points he wants to address and talk about. I guess all the trouble with Mrs. Kim had him thinking.”


“Oh, Yifan knew?”


“More or less,” Junmyeon answered. “He was able to take a glance at the list and mentioned that Mr. Cho has had about twelve things written on it. I’m glad that they sit down with all the teachers and talk about this incident. Nobody needs something like this to happen again.”


“Yes,” Baek nodded. “I completely agree.”


Just as he had finished his sentence, the front door got unlocked. Cookie jumped up and waddled off with a rapidly wagging tail, returning moments later with Yifan and Chanyeol in tow.


“Oh, what a coincidence,” Baekhyun chuckled, standing up. “We just talked about you.”


“You did?” Chanyeol asked while leaning in to steal a kiss from his fiancee. Kissing Baekhyun’s rosy lips, his gaze dropped to the baby in his arms. “Oh, baby swap?” He snickered, bringing his hand up to boop little Sehun’s nose. “Hey Sehunnie.”   



Smiling at the interaction his best friend had with his son, Yifan moved over to his husband and Luhan. He pressed a kiss to Junmyeon’s temple and then took is ever first look at Chanyeol and Baekhyun’s newborn. “Oh, he’s beautiful. And tiny. I see, he takes a lot after you, Baek.”


Baekhyun chuckled. “I guess same goes for you and Sehun. Sehun is magnificently taller than Luhan.”


“Yeah, I guess this time my genes were the stronger ones,” the man nodded, snickering. He reached for Luhan and took him away from his husband, adjusting him in his arms. “Yeol’s said that the actual birth did not take long at all.”


“Oh yeah, it really didn’t take long,” Baek said. “For a while I felt like nothing happened, so my midwife suggested to take a bath and it worked wonders.”


“So, you gave birth to him in the tub?”


“No, I didn’t.”


“But didn’t you want to have a water birth?” Junmyeon asked.


“I did but while taking the bath, I had to throw up so I decided against the water birth.”


“Oh, I see. I’ve read somewhere that taking a warm bath while being in labor can speed things up but also can cause circulatory problems because the intensity of the contractions double too fast.”


“That’s pretty much what happened to me,” Baekhyun said, nodding his head. “It was a good decision to take the bath, though. It made everything a lot easier.”


“How did the boys do?” Yifan asked, throwing a quick glance at the elementary schoolers. 


“They were angels. They behaved well, were curious and in the morning they just sat there, staring at Luhan. It was too cute.”


Smiling, Chanyeol nodded his head. “When they woke up and I told them that Luhan was born their eyes literally started to sparkle. I brought him over for them to meet him and for at least five minutes they didn’t move or say a word. Jongdae was first to react,” the father paused, smile widening. “He looked at me and very quietly whispered: Daddy, I love him.”


“Oh god,” Junmyeon squealed. “No, that’s too adorable.”


“Yeah, when Yixing first saw Sehun he scrunched his nose, asking why he would look so crumpled.”


Yifan’s words had Chanyeol heartily laughing out and Baekhyun snorting. Patting his thigh while chuckling, Chanyeol wiped away a tear that had formed in the corner of his eye. “He’s just as blunt as you are.”


“He is, isn’t he?” Junmyeon spoke up, eyebrows almost meeting his hairline from how dramatically he raised them. “Sometimes he blurs out things that completely catch you off guard. Just the other day he came to the kitchen and asked Yifan if we could get a sheep. And when Yifan told him that I probably wouldn't want a sheep, he deadass asked if he could get a sheep when I die.”


Baekhyun wasn’t able to hold it. While Chanyeol’s mouth just fell open, he slapped a hand over his mouth. “I’m sorry,” he said, trying not to burst into loud laughter. “I know I shouldn’t laugh but-”


“It’s fine,” Junmyeon said. “After a moment of shock I had to laugh as well.” 


“Oh wow, kids for sure can be brutal sometimes,” Chanyeol uttered, shaking his head a little in amusement. “Say, are you going to stay for dinner?”


“Oh yeah, Yeol and I have spotted a new restaurant on the way here,” Yifan voiced out. “It looks nice.”


“Dinner sounds nice but I’m really not up to sitting in a restaurant with Luhan,” Baekhyun said. 


Chanyeol smiled at him. “We actually didn’t want to go there, we thought of picking up some food.”


“Well, then I’m up for it.”


“Me too,” Junmyeon said. “What kind of restaurant is it?”


“Indian,” Yifan answered. 


“Uhh, I want some chicken tikka masala,” Baek loudly hummed, over his bottom lip.


“Oh, I would like some-” Yifan’s husband paused, frowning a little as he thought. “Argh, what was the name again? It’s this butter chicken dish.”


“Ah, I know,” Chanyeol voiced out. “Murgh Makhani, right?”


“Maybe? I really can’t remember the name.”


“We’ll just order some butter chicken, I’m sure they know,” Yifan said. “It’s their opening today, I’m sure they’ll be busy, I think we should pre-order.”


“Yeah, I think you’re right. I’ll go and get my phone.” Chanyeol moved to stand up.


“Your phone?” Baek asked, gazing up to his fiancee. “What do you need it for?”


“I took a picture of the sign,” Yeol told the brunette. “They have an online menu.”


“Oh great,” Junmyeon uttered. “That makes it easier to choose.”


Looking through the menu of the restaurant, picking out dishes for everyone, Chanyeol around six in the evening went to pick up their dinner. While the young teacher was gone Baekhyun, Junmyeon and Yifan set the dining table. 


Sehun and Luhan were peacefully napping in the living room and their older brother’s were upstairs, playing hide and seek with Cookie. 


The three adults chatted about the meeting the two teacher’s had earlier the day, the changes their babies brought into their lives and at some point their conversation revolved around Baekhyun and Chanyeol’s conversation.


“So, have you talked about the wedding already?” Junmyeon wanted to know. He folded a napkin in half, curiously gazing at his friend.


“We have, the other day.” Baekhyun nodded, smiling. “We’d like to have a beach wedding.”


Yifan let out a whistle. “Oh, nice. And will this beach wedding be held at some exotic destination?”


“Depends,” Baek chuckled. “If you consider Jeju as exotic, then yes.”


“Jeju?” The Wu couple tilted their heads. “Why Jeju?”


“Well, I mentioned that I find beach weddings nice and Yeol suggested having one in Jeju.”


“Yeah, I guess it’s convenient,” Yifan hummed. “They have nice beaches and it’s not far, therefore easy to manage the preparations.” 


“Right, that’s what Yeol said, too.”


“Do you already have something in mind? Like a theme or color scheme?” Junmyeon wanted to know. 


“No, not yet. But I guess we’ll soon start talking about details.”


“Will you get married this year?”


Baek shook his head. “No. I want an early summer wedding, so it’ll be next year.”


“Ah, I’m so excited. If you need any help, let me know. Like, if you have a cake testing or such, we can take the kids.”


“Yes,” Yifan agreed, nodding his head to his husband’s words. “Let us know if you need us to take the kids.”


“Thanks, that’s very nice,” Baek said, gifting his friends a grateful smile. “Actually, there already is something I would like to ask.”


“Yeah, what is it?”


Smiling at Junmyeon, Baekhyun looked at the older. “Would you be my best man?”


Yifan’s spouse let out as faint gasp. “M-me? You want me as your best man?”


“Yes. Only if you want, of course.”


“I want!” Baekhyun flinched a little when Junmyeon sprinted around the table, jumping at him. “Of course I want!”


“Great,” Baek laughed into the crushing hug he was given. “Thank you,” he then a little more quietly said, tightly hugging Junmyeon back. “Thank you so much.”   










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Beau1996 1371 streak #1
Chapter 16: Smexy times in the car - yes please!!
Beau1996 1371 streak #2
Chapter 15: Sweetness overload!!
Beau1996 1371 streak #3
Chapter 13: The best baby daddy ever!
Beau1996 1371 streak #4
Chapter 12: The best way to confess!
Beau1996 1371 streak #5
Chapter 11: Very sweet!
Beau1996 1371 streak #6
Chapter 10: I want more Baekhyun hugs too ( ok, maybe just one would be nice!)
Beau1996 1371 streak #7
Chapter 9: Poor Baek!
Beau1996 1371 streak #8
Chapter 8: Ah oh - looks like someone has a surprise 😉
Beau1996 1371 streak #9
Chapter 7: Welcome to the big house!
Beau1996 1371 streak #10
Chapter 6: Happy family indeed!!