Ch. 32






Once again, Chanyeol woke up to an empty, heavy heart. He pulled the covers to the side and got out of the bed. It was arduous to walk downstairs to get ready every morning but he couldn't help it. Sleeping in his own bed without Baekhyun wasn't the same. And so, he gladly slept in the guest room and accepted that he from now on, every morning had to walk the distance to take a shower and brush his teeth.

A deep sigh left him as he stepped into the master bedroom. The bed was made and untouched since the day of the accident. Chanyeol had sworn that he'd never ever sleep in that bed again.

He walked past the king sized bed, towards the bathroom. Everything was just as usual. Baekhyun's toothbrush stood in the cup next to his, Baekhyun's towel hung next to his on the towel holder, Baekhyun's vanilla scented shampoo stood next to his on the edge of the bathtub. Baekhyun was there, still present, even though he was gone for a little eternity.

After his daily morning routine, Chanyeol headed to the twins room. It was time to wake the kids. He opened the door and dimmed the light. Cookie's head shot up and the pup let out a faint squeak as his owner approached the bed. Chanyeol smiled at the dog and him over the head. "You're a good boy."

Cookie always had a thing for sleeping in the kids bed but ever since Kyungsoo wasn't there anymore, the pup took the boy's place in the middle, covering up the empty spot between Jongdae and Minseok. It was as if the dog knew how the kids felt and Chanyeol was sure that the fluffy, white puppy helped the twins to cope with the loss.

The father reached out and gently the older twin over the head to wake him. Minseok sighed at the touch and soon turned from his side to his back, blinking his eyes. "Daddy..."

"Good morning, baby", Chanyeol smiled at the boy. "Are you alright?"

Minnie nodded his head and sat up. He crawled towards his father and hummed as Chanyeol picked him up and brought him into his arms. "I've dreamed that Soo, Dae and I built a very, very, very big snowman. It was bigger than you."

"Oh yeah?", Yeol smiled. "Sounds like fun dream."

"Hmm", the boy nodded, closing his eyes as his father placed a kiss on his forehead. "When can we visit Soo again?"

"Soon, baby."

"Can't he come back here?", Minseok asked, looking up to his father with hopeful eyes.

Chanyeol gave his son a sad smile. "I wish he could but he can't."

"But he doesn't like it there. He says he's lonely."

"I know...", the man had to swallow and bite back his tears. "I know but we can't change it."

Sadly the boy nodded his head.

Chanyeol hugged the little boy, before he set him to the ground. "Do you want to feed Cookie? I bet he's hungry."

"Okie", Minnie smiled. "Come Cookie."

After boy and puppy had left the room, Chanyeol leaned forward to wake the other twin. Jongdae was curled up, holding onto his favorite dino plushie. "Jongdae", Yeol whispered, running the tips of his fingers down the boy's temple. "It's time to wake up."

Jongdae squirmed, making a cute whiny sound before he stretched out and let go of his plush. "Morning, Daddy", the boy mumbled.

"Good morning", Chanyeol smiled at him. "Slept well?"

Nodding his head, the pre-schooler sat up and just like his brother a few minutes ago, crawled up to his father. Chanyeol slung his arms around the tiny frame and pulled his son into his lap. "Where's Minnie?"

"Feeding Cookie", Yeol answered the boy's question.

"Daddy, today is Friday, ne?"

"Yes, it is."

"Can we visit Appa and Luhannie, today?"

"If you want to."

"I want", Dae nodded, tugging at the strings of his father's hoodie. "And I want to buy them new flowers."

Chanyeol smiled at his son. "After school we go and you can pick out some flowers.", he patted the boy's . "And now let's go and have some breakfast."


"Appa!", Jongdae smiled as he knelt down in front of the grave. "Look, I've drawn a picture for you and Luhannie."

Chanyeol bit the inside of his cheek as he listened to his son talking to Baekhyun as if he'd stand right in front of him.

"You know, today we learned a new song at school. But I don't like it. Minnie doesn't like it, too. And in our break we couldn't go outside because it was snowing. You couldn't see anything, the snowflakes were huge!", the boy paused and brushed away the snow that covered Baekhyun's picture. He then tilted his head and looked up into the sky. "Is it snowing too, up there?"

Chanyeol almost flinched when his son suddenly turned to him. "Daddy, do you think it's snowing in heaven?", he was asked.

He put on a smile and stepped towards Jongdae and the grave. "I don't know. But I don't think so", he knelt down and wrapped an arm around his child. "I'm sure that it's always sunny and warm in heaven. Warm, with a soft breeze."

"Just like in summer?", Jongdae asked.

"Yes, just like in summer."

The boy's lips curled into his beautiful kitten smile. "That's good! Then Appa and Luhannie never have to freeze."

Slowly, Chanyeol nodded his head. "Yeah", he said and tightened his grip around the small body.

Father and son shared a comfortable silence, looking at the picture Jongdae had drawn and the flowers they've brought until Minseok was back with a two new candles. He gave one to his twin brother and patiently waited for his father to take out a lighter. Chanyeol enlightened the candles for his children and watched as they put the candles in front of the headstone, right under the names of Baekhyun and Luhan.

"Daddy, look", Minseok voiced out and fumbled a paper out of his pocket. "The nice man who gave me the candles gave this to me. Can you read this to us?"

Chanyeol took the paper from his son and unfolded it. A soft smile darted over his face as his eyes gazed over the lines. "Those we love don't go away, they walk beside us everyday", he read out.

"What does it mean?", Jongdae asked, looking at the words.

"It means that Appa and Luhan are always there, always are by your side, always walk with you."

"It means that Appa and Luhannie come down from heaven to be with us everyday?", Minseok asked, looking up into the cloudy sky.

"Yes", Yeol nodded. "Every morning when I wake you for school, Appa is already and watches over you."

"Over Soo, too?"

"Of course", Chanyeol said with a smile. "And when you go to bed, he comes and kisses you goodnight and blesses you with sweet dreams. And the same he does to Kyungsoo."

Both twins smiled at him. "That's nice", Minseok said.

"Yes", Jongdae approved. "But Appa doesn't have to be with us the whole day.", the boy said.

"Not? Why?", Chanyeol wanted to know.

"Because we have you and Cookie. You are always there for us, the whole day."

"Right!", Minseok took the word. "But Kyungie is all alone because he isn't with us. So Appa should be with him the whole day, instead."

Chanyeol let a single tear escaping his watery eyes. "I'm sure, Appa has heard what you've just said and will watch over Kyungsoo more from now on", the words just had slipped past his lips as a soft voice called out for him.


The voice had him frowing and ever so slowly he turned his head to peek over his shoulder. "Kyungsoo?"


Chanyeol shot up, jumped to his feet as the boy came run towards him and the twins with a wide smile. "Kyungsoo", he moved forwards, meeting the boy halfway, enveloping him in his arms. "God, I've missed you so much", he nuzzled his face into the small nape, tightly holding onto the tiny body. "How are you, baby?"

"I miss you", Kyungsoo leaned back, showing Chanyeol a sad pout. His round eyes were wide open and slowly filling with tears. "I want to come home. Can't I come home? I don't like it there. I miss you. I miss Minnie and Dae. I miss Cookie and I miss cuddling with you."

The young teachers lower lip began to tremble and he had great trouble with holding back his own tears when Kyungsoo started to cry. "Don't cry, baby", Chanyeol whispered, brushing his lips against the sobbing boy's forehead. "I try everything to get you home."

After setting the boy back to his feet, he was pulled into tight hugs by the twins. Minseok back hugged him, while Jongdae had his arms slung around Kyungsoo's neck, cutely brushing their noses together. Chanyeol smiled at the three boys, only looking away from them when someone cleared their throat. Baekhyun's father softly smiled at him. "Hello."

"Hello", Chanyeol said, moving away from the kids.

"How are you?", Mr. Byun asked, gazing at the twins. "How are the children?"

"They're doing fine", Yeol said. "So am I. We miss Baekhyun and we miss Kyungsoo, too."

The elderly man gazed to the ground. "I know", he sighed. "Kyungsoo misses you, too. There's no night he's not crying, calling for you."

Chanyeol clenched his jaw. "Then give him to me", he said. "Let him come home."

"I wish I could, but you know I can't", Mr. Byun said, furrowing his brows. "We're his only, remained legal guardians. He has to stay with us."

"That's bull", Chanyeol almost roard. "You know that he's not happy with you. Why are you torturing him like this."

"Chanyeol, I'm sorry", Baekhyun's father let out with a faint whine. "I know that Kyungsoo loves you and that Baekhyun would've wanted him to stay with you and the twins but I can't change it. My wife doesn't allow it."

"You're just afraid of colliding with her."

"Oh you have no idea", the man laughed. "Ever since Kyungsoo's living with us I haven't slept in my own bed and do you want to know why? Because every night when my grandson is crying I try to convince her to let him stay with you. But she refuses it. I can't do anything. I've tried it but what else I should do, tell me."

Chanyeol remained silent, only looked at Baekhyun's father. "This is not fair", he brought out after a while. "Kyungsoo deserves to be happy."

"Believe me, all I want is to see my grandson smiling and being happy but god, Chanyeol, I can't change it."

"Does she know that you're here with him?"

A confused frown formed on Mr. Byun's forehead. "Of course she knows", he then said.

"Let me take home", Yeol said. "Even if it's for only a few hours. She doesn't have to know. Please? For Kyungsoo."

The man sighed, gazing over to the three boys which by now stood at Baekhyun's and Luhan's grave. Kyungsoo stood in the middle, tightly holding onto the twins hands. "Four hours", he said, looking back at the tall teacher. "Four hours, no second longer."

A smile spread over Chanyeol's face. "Thank you."


Finally, after an eternity the house was filled with noises again. Chanyeol found himself smiling as stood at the stove, listening to the boys running around the upper floor, squealing and laughing. Cookie was with them, barking whenever one of the boys let out a loud happy squeak. He was glad that Baekhyun's father agreed and allowed him to take Kyungsoo home, even though it was for only a few hours. He already knew there would be tears once Mr. Byun would be there to pick Kyungsoo up again but right now he didn't want to think about it. For now, he just wanted to enjoy the noises his boys made. He had truly missed it.

"Daddy!", Kyungsoo called out for him when he came dashed into the kitchen followed by the puppy. He hugged Chanyeol around the leg, looking up to him with his beautiful, round eyes. "Can we get cookies?"

"But only a few", Yeol said to him. "Dinner will be ready soon."

"What's for dinner?", the boy asked, tiptoeing.

Chanyeol bent his legs and picked his son up, balancing him on his hip. "Fried rice."

"Yummy", Kyungsoo hummed. "Appa likes fried rice, too", he then smiled brightly. "Do you think Appa can eat fried rice in heaven?"

"I'm sure", Yeol nodded. "I'm sure he can eat everything he wants."

The lip closed smile the boy had on slowly faded away. "I miss Appa."

"I know, baby. I miss him, too.", the father said, pressing their foreheads together. "But you know what? Appa is watching us from up there and I'm sure he doesn't want us to be sad. I'm sure he wants us to be happy. He wants us smiling and having fun."

Kyungsoo nodded along, eventually showing a small smile.

"That's good", Chanyeol smiled. "Show Appa and me your gorgeous smile."

Kyungsoo's smile widened but it soon faded away again and was replaced by a trembling lower lip and watery eyes.

"Oh, baby."

"I don't want to go back there", big tears dripped down the boy's eyes, wetting his cheeks and eyelashes. "I hate it there. I miss you. I want to come home. I'm lonely."

"I know", Chanyeol breathed out, biting the inside of his cheek. "But-" "No!", Kyungsoo sobbed. He pressed his face against his Daddy's neck, crying out loudly. "I don't want to go back! I want to stay here."

Chanyeol lost it. Kyungsoo crying like this was too much for him. Exhaling, he let go and let his own tears run free. With the boy in his arms he slowly sunk to the floor. He pressed Kyungsoo's trembling body against his own, crying together with the boy. "I'm sorry", he apologized, voice thick and flattering. "I'm so sorry."

"Don't send me back", Kyungsoo brought out under his tears. "Please, Daddy. I don't want to go back."

"No", Chanyeol shook his head, pressing his boy even closer. "I won't send you back. You'll stay here. Here at home, with us."

Kyungsoo's little hands clutched at the man's shirt. "Daddy"

"I love you, Kyungsoo. I love you so much. And I promise you, you don't have to go back there. I promise you, I'll never let you go."


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Beau1996 1371 streak #1
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