Ch. 2


Monday soon knocked on the door and with it a new day of school. The students were recovered and rested and Chanyeol softly smiled as he looked through the room. It was quiet and everybody was eagerly working on their sheets. Sometimes Chanyeol wasn't sure if he was just a good teacher that his students behaved this well or if it just was the fact that he was young and the kids knew that he wouldn't let them stay unnecessarily longer like other teachers. Hopefully it was the first but it probably was a mix between.

He stood up from his chair and walked alongside the windows, looking outside. From his classroom he had the perfect view onto the pre-school playground and right now he could see the kids running around with bright smiles on their faces. He smiled to himself until he spotted a familiar tiny figure looking anythting but happy.

 It was Kyungsoo. The little boy stood in the corner of the playground with his backpack on his shoulders and head hanging low. He shifted from one feet to another and Chanyeol could tell that something was wrong. And then he saw him; Kyungsoo's father. The short man just came dashed out of the building and grabbed his son roughly by his arm. Chanyeol gasped. He leaned closer to the window and saw how Mr. Byun dragged Kyungsoo along. The boy was barely able to follow his father's fast steps.

"Huh, kids.", Yeol spoke out. "I have to go somewhere but I'll be back in a sec. Please keep quiet, okay?"

"Sure Mr. Park.", a few students answered him and with one last look through the room, Chanyeol dashed out of the door and ran along the hallways.

"Yah! No running in the hallways!", a voice shouted after him.

"Sorry, Mrs. Kim.", he apologized and Mrs. Kim blushed in embarrassment when she noticed who she shouted at.

Thank is legs for being so long, it took the young teacher less a minute to reach the exit that lead him to the great schoolyard. "Mr. Byun.", he called out after Kyungsoo's father. The man immediately stopped in his tracks and turned around.

"Chanyeol.", Kyungsoo happily beamed while Mr. Byun huffed annoyed. "Oh god, what do you want here?"

"Well, I'm a teacher.", Chanyeol said. "That's why I'm here. I've seen you dragging Kungsoo along and the way you did that is totally not okay. What if he gets a bruise."

The shorter man laughed out."Oh, please. As if he would get a bruise from this. And even if, it's none of your business and I'm pretty sure that I already told you so on Friday."

Chanyeol sighed. "Mr. Byun, please. This is really not okay. Why are you even here? School ends not before one o'clock."

"You're way to curious.", Mr. Byun spat.

"Appa has to go somewhere.", Kyungsoo anwsered instead.


Chanyeol looked down at Kyungsoo and smiled at him. The boy returned the smile with a cute one.

"Yeah, like my son said. I've to go somewhere that's why I pick him up early today."

Chanyeol only nodded.  "Uhm, why don't you leave him here and I-" "NO!", Mr. Byun cut in harsh. "I've already told you to leave him alone. Stay away from him!"

Dumbfounded Chanyeol watched as Mr. Byun turned away from him, dragging Kyungsoo along. What the hell was wrong with this man? "Bye, Soo.", he called after them and Kyungsoo turned around with a smile. "Bye, bye.", the boy happily waved. "See you next week."

Chanyeol smiled and nodded, then it hit him. Next week? Wait, what?! But before he could've react Mr. Byun and Kyungsoo had left the schoolyard. Chanyeol thought for a moment, wondered  if he had the time to rush over to his son's but no, he had to go back to his class.

"Something wrong with your kids?", one of his students asked him, when he closed the classroom door behind him.

He shook his head. "No, everything's alright."

"That little boy, is that your son?"

"Little boy?", Yeol asked. He sat down on his desk and reached out for his water bottle. "Ah, you mean Kyungsoo? No, he's not my son."

"Really?", one of the girls asked with wide eyes. "He could be yours."

"Yeah, the same big eyes."

"And bright smile.", another students added.

Chanyeol laughed out. "You think so?"


"Well, thank you but no. He's not mine."

"Ahh, and here we thought the short man in the suit is your boyfriend."

"Oh no, no, no, no.", Chanyeol said while shaking his head. "This my boyfriend? Not in a thousand years."

"Why not? He's cute."

"Yeah, Mr. Park, if I were you I'd tap that. He's a beauty."

"Watch your mouth, Daehyun.", Yeol laughed. "By the way have you finished your task?"

Immediately all students grabbed their sheets and pens and Chanyeol raised a brow. "I thought so.", he chuckled and looked back out of the window. Mr. Byun his boyfriend? Ridiculous! But the kids where still right with something. Kyungsoo's father really was a beauty.


When the last lesson of the day was over Chanyeol suffered a headache but the pain almost faded away like vapor in the wind when Jongdae and Minseok ran towards him with smiling faces. They jumped into his open arms and kissed him all over the face. "So, how was the first day of the week?"

"Good!", the twins beamed and informed their Daddy about what they had learned today. "Daddy, Soo won't be there for a week.", Jongdae pouted cutely. "His Appa picked him up sooner.", Minseok added.

Chanyeol nodded. "I know. I've seen him. Do you know why he won't be there?"

Minseok shook his head as Yeol checked up if the twins seatbelts were properly fasten. "He only said that his Appa has to go somewhere."

"Hmm.", the father hummed. So the boy's didn't know much more than he did. He fastened his own seatbelt and started the engine of his car. Maybe he would check up on Kyungsoo later the day. But first the three had to go home; their stomachs were already growling like hungry lions.

The twins, laughing and screaming chased each other with small buckets full of water as Chanyeol sat on his lay in the summer sun playing with his phone. He looked down at the note in his hand. He read the number on the paper once more before he dialed it. Patiently he waited for someone to anwser his call and was slightly surprised when Kyungsoo picked up. "Hello? Who's there?", the boy asked.

"Ahh", Chanyeol voiced out surprised. "Soo, it's me Chanyeol."

"Hello!", Kyungsoo beamed into the phone and Chanyeol literally could see him smile. "Appa's not at home."

"Are you alone then?", Yeol asked worried.

"No. Out maid is here. She takes care of me as long as Appa is gone."

"Oh, okay...uh,,could you give the phone to her, please?"

"Okay.", Kyungsoo said. Chanyeol heard Soo's small feet running on the ground. Then he called out for someone and only a second later a woman called Mrs. Lee anwsered the phone.

"Hello, Mrs. Lee.", Chanyeol said. "I'm Teacher Park and I call because of Kyungsoo."

"Why? Has something happen?", she asked irritated.

"No, no. Don't worry.", Yeol said. "It's just. Kyungsoo said that he won't be in school for the whole week but he's not sick, so I wonder why he would stay at home?"

"Well, Baekhyun-ssi..ah..Mr. Byun won't be there for the whole week that's why he won't come."

"But only because Mr. Byun's away he can't miss a whole week of school."

"You don't understand, Mr. Park.", Mrs. Lee said. "We live quite far away from the school, Mr. Byun drives Kyungsoo to school everyday. I don't have a driverslisence and there's nobody else who could drive him."

Chanyeol stayed silent. What the hell? Wasn't Soo's father stinking rich. Couldn't he just oay someone to drive Soo? "Ahh, okay.", Chanyeol eventually voiced out.

"Mrs. Lee?"

"This might be crazy but what do you say if I would pick Kyungsoo up and he would stay with me until Mr. Byun comes back."

"With you?!", the woman voiced out shocked.

"Yes, with me. You know my sons and Soo are same age. They visit the same school and get along with very well, they're good friends."

"Friends?", Mrs. Lee asked as she hadn't heard right. "He has friends?"

"Yes.", Chanyeol said. "Finally.",he added. "I know that he's alone most of the time so-" "How can I trust you.", the woman cut him off. "How can I believe that you're telling the truth?"

"My name is Chanyeol and my son's are Jongdae and Minseok.", Yeol said. "Ask him about our names."

The woman was silent for a second, then Yeol heared her sighing. "Kyungsoo? Come here for a minute.",she said. "Say, the man on the phone who is it?", she asked.

"Teacher Park?", Chanyeol heard Soo asking back.

"Yes. What's his name?"

"Chanyeol. He allowed me to call him by his name.", Soo proudly said.

"Okay.", Mrs. Lee said. " you have any friends at school?"

"Yes. But only two.", Soo said. "Minseok and Jongdae. They're twins. Chanyeol is their father. We went to Mc...Mc..McDonalds together."

Chanyeol grinned to himself. Bless kids for their innocence and honesty.

"Soo, Appa will be gone for a whole week. Would you like to stay at Mr. Parks house?"

"Really?", Kyungsoo asked. "I'm really allowed to stay there?"

"Yes.", Mrs. Lee said and Chanyeol made a silent victory dance. "But we have to keep it a secret, okay?"


"Uh..Mr. Park?"


"Uhm, have you heard what I said?"

"Yes, I did."

Mrs. Lee sighed. "You can pick him up. But we have to keep it a secret."

"Sure. I won't tell a thing."

"Alright then.", the woman said. "When will you be there?"

"Uhm, let's say in about half an hour."

"Well, see you soon then."

A wide smile formed onto Chanyeol's lips when he hung up. That was easier as he thought it would be. He placed the phone away and stood up. "Boy's!", he called out. "I have a surprise for you!"


"Kyungsoo!", the twins beamed out loudly as soon as the door to the mansion opened and a smiling Kyungsoo appeared in the doorway. Mrs. Lee smiled softly while she looked down at the happily grinning children and her heart jumped in joy when she saw Kyungsoo hugging the twins father's around his long legs. She looked up to the young man and smiled. "So, you must me Mr. Park, right?"

"I am.", Chanyeol said and bowed politely. "Nice to meet you, Mrs. Lee. And thank you very, very much."

Mrs. Lee only nodded and once again looked back down at Kyungsoo. The little boy still had one arm wrapped around Chanyeol's leg. Chanyeol had a hand on his head and never before the maid had seen the little Byun so relaxed. She knew, with what she did she disregarded her boss' regulation but seeing Kyungsoo like this made her heart light and all her worries were far, far pushed away.

"Okay, listen Mr. Park.", the maid began. She handed the teacher a blue bag and Soo's schoolbag. "He has to be back on Friday, right after school! No second later."

"Of course M'am.", Chanyeol said and playfully saluted. "We'll be back on time."

"Alright.", Mrs. Lee smiled softly. "I wish you a lot of fun, Kyungsoo.", she said and bend down the her boss' son. "And behave, okay?"

Kyungsoo nodded with a bright smile. "Yes!", he squeaked.

A little tear of joy escaped Mrs. Lee when she watched Chanyeol and the boy's leaving. The twins had Kyungsoo taken in the middle and tightly held on his hands as the hopped towards the car. Chanyeol followed the kids with Soo's bags in his hands and made immediately sure that the boys were securely strapped on the back seats after they had climbed into the car.

A deep sigh left the Mrs.Lee when she watched Chanyeol's car driving from the plot. Now it was too late to turn back. She had allowed Kyungsoo to go and all she now could hope was that Baekhyun wouldn't come back earlier.





Thanks to the twins the house always had been lively and kind of loud but with Kyungsoo it all went to whole new level. With a third happy children's  voice the house bubbled with joy and Chanyeol knew his decision to take Kyungsoo with him was right.
The first day with their new "family member" was exciting yet comfortable and from time to time Chanyeol felt like Kyungsoo had always  belonged to his little family.

"And you're really okay with sleeping here?", Chanyeol asked as he covered Kyungsoo with a blanket. Chanyeol had suggested that Soo could sleep with the twins instead of the guestroom, but the little boy was totally okay with sleeping alone. He cutely smiled at Chanyeol when the tall man gently nudged his nose. "Sweet dreams, Soo.", Chanyeol said and ruffled the boy's hair. "If something's wrong, just come to me, okay?"

"Okay.", Soo said. "Good night."

"Good night.", the father smiled and turned off the lights.

The next morning was as loud as usual. Minseok and Jongdae were already alive and kicking, happily helping their father with the breakfast. Only Kyungsoo quietly sat at the table still half asleep.

"You look so funny, Soo.", Jongdae giggled as he set a glass of milk in fornt of his friend. Kyungsoo's eyes were still half closed and his hair was trousled, individual strands standing up like little antennas.

"Are you still sleepy?", Minseok asked.

Kyungsoo hummed as an aswner. "I don't like waking up.", he said and Chanyeol snickered. The boy looked absolutely adorable. He sipped at his milk and smiled when Jongdae poured some syrup over his pancake.

"Do you like it?", Chanyeol asked.

Kyungsoo swallowed his bite and smiled up to Yeol. "Yes. I've never eaten pancakes for breakfast?"

"Really? Never!", the twins shouted out in unison. They looked at each other with open mouths. "What do you eat in the morning?"

"Our chef always cooks rice for me in the morning.", the boy said. "I always eat a korean breakfast. Appa says its more healthy than toast or pancakes."

Chanyeol raised a brow. Paying attention to the kids health was important, Chanyeol knew but didn't Kyungsoo's father exaggerated a bit? Chanyeol wasn't sure what he should think about him.





"Kyungsoo? Hey, what are you doing here?", Mrs. Kim, the kids teacher voiced out surprised when the boy walked into the school building, holding Chanyeol's hand. "I'm confused.", she laughed out and looked at Chanyeol.

"Yeah, Soo stays with us as long as his father is gone."

"Oh, really?", she said. "I didn't know that you were close to Mr. Byun."

"Well, we're not.", Chanyeol laughed out. "The boy's are good friends and we thought it wouldn't be good if Soo would miss a whole week of school?"

"I'm really surprised.", Mrs. Kim said truthfully. "I didn't know, I'm happy."

Chanyeol smiled and let go of Soo's hand. He each boy over the head gently and wished them a good day. The boy's cheerfully hopped into their class rooms, leaving Chanyeol and Mrs. Kim alone. "Say, Mrs. Kim.", Yeol began. "Would it be able for Kyungsoo to switch classes?", he asked.


"I know that Soo don't has any friends in his calss and since he's close to the twins  thought it would be good for him if he would be in the same class as them."

The young teacher nodded at her colleagues words. "Hmm, I understand.", she said. "I'll talk to my colleagues.", she smiled.

"Thank you.", Chanyeol said.

"No problem, Mr. Park.", she said. "See you later."




The second day with a third kid at home already was like Chanyeol always have had three little dwarfs running around the house. Just now the three buddies from head to toe were covered in flour. Chanyeol had suggested to make some homemade noodles and the boy's were more than excited to make some spaghetti. The kitchen looked like a battle field, dough glued on the table, the chairs and even Minseok's hair. Jongdae's batted his flour white eyelashes at his brother while Kyungsoo tried to free his finger's from the sticky dough.

"Seems like you three need a bath.", Chanyeol chuckled.

"Yay!", the twins cheered. "Bubble bath!"

The father laughed. "Okay, but don't forget to wash yourself."

The boy's followed Yeol like ducklings to the bath room where he ran water in the tub. He helped the boy's taking of their clothes and lifted the boy's into the tub. "Alright boy's, I'll be back in a few minutes.", he said and the boy's nodded their head's. Chanyeol chuckled at their grins, knowing that they would begin to splash water at each other as soon as he would be out of sight.

With the loud happy laughs of the boy's at his background music, Chanyeol quickly cleaned up the kitchen and prepared a tomato sauce. After fetching the boy's out of the tub, drying them off and dressing them into their pajamas, Chanyeol cooked the boy's self made noodles and they made themselves a cozy evening, watching a movie.

 It seemed as if today summer took a day off. Black clouds hung low above the city and heavy rain pattered down on the earth. The boy's were in bed, asleep for already two hours and Chanyeol counted the minutes until the first thunder would start to growl. Chanyeol turned off the TV and started to pack the boy's schoolbags. He had washed the dwarfs uniforms and was just about to fold them, when the first lightning lit up the night sky and the loud roar of a thunder soon followed after.

Chanyeol listened to the storm that raged outside the house. The wind howled and the growls of the thunder got louder and louder. The young father slowly made his way up the stairs. He opened the door to his twins room and peeked inside. He cracked a smile. The brother's were deep asleep. Thunderstorms couldn't wake them up. A bomb could struck near the house and the boy's wouldn't wake up. Sometimes Chanyeol wondered why he hadn't such a deep, tight sleep. He closed the door and walked over to the guest room. A lightning lit up the room as he looked inside, over to the bed but the bed was empty.

"Kyungsoo?", Chanyeol asked. He looked around the room, but Kyungsoo wasn't there. Irritated Chanyeol stepped into the room. "Kyungsoo.", he called out again. A soft whimper answered him and made him turn around. Yeol narrowed his eyes as he looked at the desk near the window. Kyungsoo sat under the desk with a pillow pressed against his chest.

"Hey.", Chanyeol whispered, knelt down in front of the desk and reached out his hand. He gently over Soo's head. "Are you scared of thunderstorms?"

Kyungsoo looked up to Chanyeol with teary eyes. "Yes.", he nodded.

Chanyeol smiled softly and opened his arms. "Come here.", he said and Kyungsoo immediately went into his arms. Yeol picked the crying boy up and pressed  him against his chest. Kyungsoo nuzzled his face into Chanyeol's neck and wrapped his tiny legs around the teacher's torso.

Chanyeol gently rubbed over Soo's back and carried him over to his bed room. He sat down on his bed and gently laid the boy down. "Want to sleep here for tonight?"

Kyungsoo nodded.

Chanyeol smiled and laid down next to his little guest. He watched Kyungsoo closing his eyes but the boy didn't fall back asleep. He flinched by every thunder that growled and tensed whenever a lighting flashed. Chanyeol knew that the storm would last for at least one more hour and bit his lip. He flipped on his back and grabbed Kyungsoo by his arms. The boy yelped in surprise as he was pulled onto his friend's father's chest. His ear lay above Chanyeol's heart and he nodded when Yeol asked him if he could hear his heartbeat.

"Can you count my heartbeats?"

"But I only can count to twenty."

"That's okay.", Chanyeol said. "Only count to twenty then."

"Okay.", Kyungsoo whispered and began to pay great attention to Chanyeol's beating heart.














Chanyeol smiled as Kyungsoo's voice faltered. He knew that this would work. Kyungsoo's focus lay on counting on Chanyeol's heart beats and he totally forgot about the flashing lightnings and growling thunders. With every beat he counted his eyes got heavier and soon everything around him was forgotten and he drifted into sleep.




Baekhyun was tired as he unlocked the door to his house. He dropped the bag to the ground and sighed. He was home early, earlier than expected. It was only Thursday night and he was happy being home this early. He took off his shoes and threw his jacket over a stool. The house was quiet. Mrs. Lee and Kyungsoo were asleep and he tried to make no noises as he shuffled through the house. His way led him along the long hallway to his sons room. He needed to see Kyungsoo. He had missed him and needed to look at him. He opened the door to Soo's room and dimmed the light. But his son's bed was empty! "Kyungsoo?!"




A strange rustling sound woke Chanyeol up in the middle of the night. He sat up and looked down to his right. Tonight was a quiet, clear night yet again the little Byun slept in his bed. Kyungsoo himself asked if he could once again sleep in Chanyeol's bed and Yeol just couldn't say no. And so Kyungsoo now lay next to him, peacefully rolled up into a ball.

The strange noises got louder and Chanyeol quickly left his bed to check up on what made those weird noises. Barefoot he walked down the stairs and stopped in the hallway as he noticed that the rustling sound came from the front door. "What the hell...", the teacher whispered and slowly moved towards the door.

The noises got louder and louder and suddenly with a loud crack the door burst out off its hinges and a few uniformed men dashed into the house. "Police! Hand's up!", a voice screamed at Chanyeol and the man held up his hands up in defense. One of the officers tackled Chanyeol down to the ground and Chanyeol groaned out loud when the officer roughly cuffed his hands behind his back.

"What the hell?"

"Where's the boy!?", the officer screamed and Chanyeol turned his head in irritation.


"You heard right! Where's the boy?!", the cop said again and pulled Chanyeol up from the ground. With his hands tied together behind his back, Chanyeol turned around and immediately spotted a familiar figure.

Byun Baekhyun!

"Ya!", Chanyeol shouted out. "What are you doing?"

"What I am doing?", Baekhyun screamed at him. "You kidnapped my son!"

"I..what? Bull!"

Chanyeol glared at Kyungsoo's father as he was dragged into his living room. A cop pushed him down onto a chair. "So, Mr. Park. Where's the boy?"

"Sleeping? Where else should he be?", Chanyeol hissed as he suddenly spotted Kyungsoo peeking out from behind a corner. "Soo.", he spoke out and Kyungsoo fully stepped into the room.

"Kyungsoo!", Baekhyun gasped loudly when he saw his son. The boy only wore a shirt and underwear. No pajama pants at all. He rushed over to his son and hugged him tightly.

"Appa?", Soo asked. "Why are you here?"

"You weren't at home.", Baek said. "I worried about you."

"But I'm fine."

Baekhyun looked over to Chanyeol with a death glare. Chanyeol was confused and shocked. He had no idea what was going on. Only thing he knew was that there were a bunch of cops in his house and they were obviously looking for Kyungsoo.

His eyes followed as a officer led Kyungsoo out of the room for a few minutes. When they came back, Kyungsoo was fully awake and not really sure where he should go, so he just stopped a few meters away from Chanyeol and his father.

"Everything's alright.", the cop said and nodded at Baekhyun.

"Are you ing kidding me?!", Chanyeol road as he got over what the man was talking about. "Do you really think I've touched him?!"

"Who knows!", Baekhyun spat back.

"You're sick!", Yeol growled. "As if I would touch him!"

"Then, why the hell is he only wearing his underwear and a shirt."

"We're all only wearing our undies.", Soo cut in and pointed at Chanyeol, who also was only wearing boxers and a shirt. "It's too warm to wear pants.", the boy said.

Chanyeol huffed annoyed. He was pissed, so damn pissed. He wiggled his hands in the cuffs and sighed. "Can you take them off, please?!", he asked and a cop eventually unlocked them. The young teacher rubbed his wrist and looked down at the red skin as suddenly a high pitched scream made everyone flinch. Only seconds later the twins dashed into the room.

"Daddy!", they cried and ran over to him. Kyungsoo in all his shock over their scream also ran over to Chanyeol and hugged the tall man around the leg. Baekhyun gasped at the action of his son and looked at a cop in shock. But the police man only shrugged his shoulders.

"Daddy.", Minseok sobbed. "There's a strange man in our room."

Chanyeol looked up to a young cop who bowed deeply. "I'm so sorry. I heard a sound and wanted to check up on them."

Chanyeol nodded and looked down to the boy's. "It's okay, buddy.", he smiled and ruffled his son's hair. "Officer.", Chanyeol said and looked up to the director of operations. "As you can see, the boy's are alive and unharmed.", he joked with a dry laugh. "I'm fully aware that Mr. Byun was shocked to find his son's bed empty but I took Kyungsoo with me with the permission."

"I didn't allowe you to take him with you.", Baekhyun growled.

"That's right.", Chanyeol said calm and Kyungsoo over the head. "You left your maid in charge and she allowed me to take him with me. He's here because he wants to."

Baekhyun looked at his son and frowned at how his boy leaned against the tall man. What the hell was going on here!?

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Beau1996 1371 streak #1
Chapter 16: Smexy times in the car - yes please!!
Beau1996 1371 streak #2
Chapter 15: Sweetness overload!!
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Chapter 12: The best way to confess!
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Chapter 11: Very sweet!
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Chapter 10: I want more Baekhyun hugs too ( ok, maybe just one would be nice!)
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Chapter 9: Poor Baek!
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Chapter 8: Ah oh - looks like someone has a surprise 😉
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Chapter 7: Welcome to the big house!
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Chapter 6: Happy family indeed!!