Ch. 40


Choo choo~
I know you had to wait a really long time for this chapter but my laptop was on fire; literally on fire.
I had to fear for all my works and pray that they could save them.
They did, though. Hallelujah!

Enjoy. ♥



Baekhyun knew that he had done wrong. He knew that he should've listened to Joonmyeon and shouldn't have kept his plan, on getting the test done, from Chanyeol. He knew but he had realized it way too late.

Sighing, Baekhyun wiped away the tears that blurred his view and then reached for a tissue to blow his runny nose. Two hours had left since Chanyeol had left the house and as much as Baekhyun wanted him to come back, he knew that the taller needed some space.
Standing up from the couch, Baekhyun moved towards the kitchen where he met the boys and Cookie as they came hopped down the stairs.

"Oh, Appa are you sick?" Minseok asked as Baek tossed the used tissue into the trash can.

"No," Baek said, giving a smile. "I just had to sneeze a few times in a row."

"I don't like when this happens," Jongdae commented, scrunching up his nose. "Sometimes when you have to sneeze so much it starts hurting and you start crying."

"Yeah, that's exactly what just happened to me," the pregnant said. He was glad that the boys very obviously didn't notice the fight he and Chanyeol had. "Are you here for something?"

"Yes," all three boys nodded. "Can we have hot chocolate and cookies?"

"Sure, let me prepare something. I'll bring it up to you, okay?"

"Okay," Kyungsoo chirped. "But hurry, okay?"

"I will," Baek chuckled and watched as the kids skipped out of the kitchen and back to their room.

Cookie stayed with him, rubbing his head against his leg as Baek prepared three cups of warm coca and a bowl of cookies. "What is it Cookie?" Baek chuckled as the pup let out a whiney sound. "What do you want? Do you want to go outside and play?"

The dog followed him as Baekhyun went over to the living room, opening the patio door. Cookie let out squeaky bark and his tail was wagging as he rushed outside into the garden, hopping around the snow.

While Cookie was busy running around the garden, Baekhyun went back to the kitchen to bring his kids their hot chocolate and cookies. He stayed with them for a few minutes, looking at all the pictures they've drawn with their left hand before he went back downstairs.

As he passed by the large windows of the living room he noticed the family dog missing. "Huh?" Opening the patio door, Baek stepped outside. "Cookie?"

The slippers he was wearing didn't shelter his feet from the snow yet the pregnant took a few steps further into the garden. "Cookie," he called out again, looking around.

Raising his eyebrows when he spotted a trail of paw prints that led around the house Baekhyun followed them, gasping as he found that Cookie obviously must've jumped over the fence gate. "Oh god, no. Please, no."

Shuffling through the snow, Baek opened the gate and followed the foot prints. He called out for the dog as he walked around the corner of the garage. "Coo-" He words faded as his eye fell onto his fiancee who was sitting on the step to the front door with Cookie laying between his legs. "Chanyeol?"

Chanyeol turned his head, blinking his eyes. "Baek," he said and removed the cigarette that stuck between his lips. "What are you doing out here?"

"I w-was looking for Cookie," the pregnant answered, slowly stepping towards the taller. "Have you been sitting there the whole time?" He asked as he spotted a couple of -ends laying next to Chanyeol's thigh.

"Pretty much yeah," Yeol uttered, putting out the half smoked cigarette by crushing it's tip against the step. "You should go inside or you'll catch a cold. Oh and look at your feet, you're not even wearing proper shoes," he pulled his key out of his pocket and unlocked the front door for the pregnant.

"Are you coming back inside, too?" Baek carefully asked as he walked past Chanyeol, stepping into the hall.
Yeol nodded. "Yeah, I'll just clean up and then I'll come."


Baek nodded and went further into the house, leaving his snow covered slippers in the hallway as he went up the stairs for changing his cold, wet socks in the bedroom.Chanyeol came to the room as well only a minute later, heading straight for the bathroom. "Uhm, would you like to have a cup of tea, too?" Baek asked as he skipped over to the laundry hamper to throw in his socks.

"Yes, thank you," Yeol nodded while reaching for his toothbrush. "I'll just brush my teeth. I'll be right there."

Leaving Chanyeol Baekhyun went to prepare two cups of tea, bringing them to the living room then. He sat down the couch, sipping on his tea as he waited for Chanyeol to come. Cookie was laying by his feet, peacefully napping.

An awkward silence lay between them when Chanyeol finally showed up and also sat down on the couch taking a sip from his tea.
"I-it's the third time you've smoked because of me, huh?" Baekhyun quietly murmured, not looking at the taller. "I'm sorry."

Chanyeol sighed and put his cup away before he reached for the pregnant's hands. "Baek, look at me. Please."
Baekhyun's eyes lingered on Chanyeol's hands for a while before he eventually looked up.


"Baek, I've said it before and I'll say it again, you have to talk to me. No matter what it is, you just have to. I know, I've might have startled you with my little outburst and I'm sorry for that but I couldn't help it. This is not only about us, it's about our baby."

"I know," Baek whispered, lower lip quivering a little as he tried to fight back tears. "I'm really sorry." He let out a shaky breath and let a tear allow to escape when Chanyeol leaned close and pressed a kiss to his forehead.

As Chanyeol pulled away again, he smiled softly. "You know, I got you something. I wasn't suspecting our day to have turn like that but I hope this will lift the mood again."

Blinking his eyes, Baek looked at the taller. "Uhm, what did you get?" He looked after Chanyeol as the man got up and left the room for a second, gasping as Yeol came back holding a little black box in his hand. "Is this what I think it is?"

Chanyeol chuckled. "I don't know what you think it is," he said and sat back down, handing the box to the pregnant.

Baek opened the little box, breaking into a wide smile at the two silver rings. "Oh, they're so beautiful."

"You like them?" Yeol asked. "I thought it was time to get us some proper engagement rings."

"I love them." Baekhyun's still slightly glassy eyes started to sparkle when Chanyeol slipped the silver band on his finger. Giggling he wiggled his fingers, looking at the ring. "It fits perfectly."

"Thank god," Yeol laughed. "I went through your jewel box and hell, you don't own a single ring. It was quite a challenge to figure out your size."

"Well," Baek grinned, leaning close. "However you found it out, you got it right." He pressed a kiss to Chanyeol's lips, smiling. "Thank you."

"You're very welcome," Chanyeol smiled. "Are you up for some more presents?"

"More presents?"

"Well, not quite a present but you know, we still need a pram for Luhan and I've found this store who's specialized on vintage furniture and other baby stuff and fortunately they have a discount promotion this weekend. So, if you want to go and check it out we can throw the kids into the car and go."

"Oh yes," Baek squealed. "Let's go." As he wiggled in joy the little boy under his heart kicked out. "Let's go, let's go."

The kids were just as excited as Baekhyun to go to shop for their baby brother and as soon as the family had arrived at the store, the three boys started to explore the shop. "Be careful," Yeol called after them as they hopped off.

"Sure, Daddy!"

Shaking his head as he heard Jongdae squealing over a giant plushie, Chanyeol reached for Baekhyun's hand and pulled him along. "It's bigger than I expected it to be," he uttered as they walked down a big aisle.

Looking around, Baek searched for someone who could help them. "Let's ask the lady over there for help," he said, pointing at a shop assistant who was busy sorting in some stuff into a shelf. "Excuse me," he called out to get her attention.

"Yeah?" She asked. "Can I help you?"

"Yes," Yeol nodded. "Which way are prams?"

"At the end of the hall, you can't miss it," she smiled.

"Thank you," thanking her, Baek bowed his head a little.

Making their way down the hall, Baek and Yeol looked at the many different pieces of furniture. "I feel like being put back in time," Chanyeol joked.

"Me too," the pregnant giggled. "It's so amazing. Look at the beds, they're so beautiful."

"Maybe we've should come here in first place for the furniture of Luhan's nursery."

"No," Baek shook his head. "I really like the nursery how it is. A little vintage is good but too much is just too much."

"Alright then," Yeol chuckled. "Then let's get our son that little good vintage."

Baekhyun didn't know where to look at when they arrived at the pram section. Prams in many different colors and forms smiled at him. Prams from different decades just as 1880, 1920 and the late 50's. "Oh my goodness, look at this one."

"It looks like a little carriage," Chanyeol laughed. "We could hitch up Cookie on that."

"From what year is it?" Baek asked, mostly to himself as he looked at the pram but a very attentive shop assistant caught his question.  

"It's from the early 1880's."

"Oh, really?" Baek hummed, looking at her. "Amazing."

"Do you like it?"

"I do but it is a little too vintage for me, I guess."

Chanyeol and the lady laughed at little. "What year would be more to your like then?"

"Uhm, I don't know the year but I like those prams who have the bigger wheels and they usually were white with a blue hood."

"Ah, I'm sure you're speaking of the of the 60's here," the woman smiled. "Come, I can show you."

Chanyeol at yo laugh at how excited Baek was and literally hopped after the elderly lady. He followed them a little further down the aisle, stopping at a row of prams the tall man mostly knew from movies. "Oh, they look nice."

"This is what I've been looking for," Baek squealed. "Aw, they're so awesome."

"Are those original ones?" Yeol wanted to know.

"Well, they're not directly from 1960 but they're built after original models."

"Babe, they're really amazing but with a pram like that we'd need a carrycot as well, don't we. Those don't have a carrycot function, right?"

"Unfortunately not," the shop assistant said. "But, we have some modern models in this style. Maybe you'd like to take a look at those, too?"

"Yes, please."

Much to Baek's surprise the modern version of the 60's pram was even more appealing than the original one. "Oh, they're so nice," he said, grabbing onto the handle of one of the models. "Wow."

"So and those have a carrycot function?" Chanyeol asked. As much as he wanted to give Baek his beloved vintage pram, the function of it was important too.

"Not only this," the lady smiled. "You have the carrycot function, it's car seat compatible and you can switch it to a stroller once the baby is big enough."

"This sounds good," Yeol said, gazing at Baek. "So, what do you think?"

"I love it and I like this one the best," the pregnant grinned, pointing at a pram in a light smokey blue color. "I'd like to have this one."

"Great," the shop employee smiled. "Do you want us to deliver it or would you like to take it with you right away."

The teacher hummed a litte. "Well, I'm sure we'll leave with a little more stuff today, so I'd like to have it delivered."

"Leaving with more stuff?" Baek asked. "Do you want to buy something else?"

"Well, have you seen the boys since we're here? I'm sure they have found something they want to have. And I'm sure you'd like to take a look around as well, huh?"

"Well," Baek sang, grinning from ear to ear. "Since we're here already we can look for some bottles and stuff."

"See," Yeol snickered. "I know you. And th-" "Daddy! Appa!"

All three adults turned their heads at the loud voice shouting and watched as the three little boys came run down the hall. Jongdae jumped at Chanyeol, hugging him around the leg. "What?" Yeol asked at his sons grin. "What did you find?"

"A super, super, super duper cute plush toy," the boy grinned. "It's a dino and you can ride on it!"

"It's so cute," Kyungsoo squeaked and Minseok nodded in agreement.

"And now you want what?"

"Can we have it?"

"Please, Daddy!"

Chanyeol made a sound. "Let me take a look at it first, okay?"

"Okay, okay," the boy's squeaked. "Come, come this way!"

"Uh, we will be back," Yeol said to the shop assistant before Jongdae pulled him along, wrapping his little hand around his index finger.

The dino ride on plushy was definitely impressive but it was also impressive in its size and it was extremely expensive and Baek whistled at the numbers as he gazed at the price tag. "Oh, wow."

"Oh, no, no, no," Yeol shook his head, forming an x with his arms. "No."

"Why?" The boys pouted.

"Honestly, do you have $300?"

"No?" Minseok said, shrugging his little shoulders. "But you do, right?"

Getting on eye level with the kids, Chanyeol knelt down. "Okay listen," he said. "I can see why this toy is exciting and I admit it's really impressive but $300 is way too much for a toy. I'm sorry."
Jongdae puffed his cheeks, whining a little.


"What is not too much for it?" Kyungsoo asked.

Chanyeol made a sound as he thought of a price he would have been willing to pay for the dinosaur. "$150," the then said.

Minseok tilted his head. "Daddy, what is 300 minus 50?"

"250, why?"

"Because the sing there says minus 50."

Both parents gazed up to a big, round sign that hung from the ceiling. Baek laughed out as Chanyeol's mouth fell open at the bold printed -50% sale. "You've got to be kidding me..."

"Well," Baek snickered. "Which one would you like to have?"

"We can have it?" Jongdae asked, eyes wide open and sparkling. "Really?"

Sighing Chanyeol moved his head in a weird circular motion, creating a mix of nodding and shaking. "Yes."

Minseok and Kyungsoo let out loud squeals, jumping in joy. "We want this one," they said in unison, pointing at the biggest of the displayed models.

"Sure," the father uttered, not believing how lucky his kids were. As he stood back up, Baekhyun wrapped his arms around his waist from behind. "A dino..."

"Well, it's a bargain."

"$150 is still a lot."

"But not as much as $300."

"I swear we spoil them way too much."

"We're not," Baek smiled. "We just love them a lot."

"That love cost a lot."

Clicking his tongue, Baek pinched his fiancee's side. "Oh, shut up. Nothing's too expensive for our kids."

"Remind me of this when we ask for the prams price."

"Yeah, yeah, later," Baek smiled. "Now come and let's look around a little more."

Chanyeol left the store later the day with a happy pregnant and kids, a pram for his unborn baby, a lot of stuff he wasn't sure was really necessary and a smoking credit card. The whopping amount of almost 2k bucks had him grimacing, in a breath but Baek gladly reminded him that nothing was too expensive for their children.

Cookie went nuts at home when Chanyeol carried the ride on dino into the house, barking and bearing his teeth at it. The kids found it rather amusing and let the dog exploring the new and made their way to the living room with Baekhyun, going through all the other stuff they had bought.

"This is so cute," Kyungsoo brightly smiled at one of the bottles they got. He traced his fingers of his none injured hand over the ladybug pattern, giggling cutely.

"What is this for?" Minseok asked, curiously inspecting the big bag with the countless of pockets.

"It's a diaper bag, honey," Baek smiled, scooting closer to the boy. "You can store all the things you need for a baby in here when you're on tour."

"What more do you need than just diapers?" Jongdae wondered.

"Well, you need the nappies, the wipes, baby powder or cream in case the baby gets sore bottom. And then you also have to bring along prepared bottles of baby food. Spare clothes, the baby's dummy and burp clothes."

All three boys stared at the pregnant with an unidentifying expression. "Why does a baby need so much?" Kyungsoo asked.

"Well, babies poop a lot so we need a lot of diapers and wipes."

"They poop a lot?"

Chanyeol snorted at the disgusting face Jongdae made. He cupped a hand over his mouth and chuckled into his palm.

"They do," Baek nodded.

Scrunching his little nose, Jongdae made a sound. "Will it smell?"


"Eww," the boy whined. "Why? I don't want the house to smell bad the whole time."

Chuckling in amusement, Yeol reached for his coffee mug. "Well, you either cope with the smell that might be all over the house or give Luhan somewhere else when he's born."

All three kids loudly gasped at the suggestion. "No!"

"No, no!" Jongdae squeaked, shaking his head. "I can cope with the smell. I'll just pinch my nose!"

Baek and Chanyeol laughed out. "Don't worry, honey. Daddy just made a joke."

"I did," Yeol nodded. "And to take your worry, Luhan will might smell a little every now and then but it won't take all over the house."

"That's good," Jongdae sighed loudly.


Turning to Kyungsoo, Baek raised his brow. "Hm? What is it, honey?"

"How did Luhan get into your tummy?"

Freezing in spot, Baek gulped. "Uh, w-why do you want to know that?"

"Because I don't know. One day you just told us that there would be a baby in your tummy."

"Yeah, I want to know too," Minseok nodded.

Jongdae also nodded his head. "Me too! Me too!"

"Why don't you ask Daddy?"

"How can Daddy know?" Minseok wondered. "He doesn't have a baby in his tummy."

Almost losing it as Baekhyun's face got blank, Chanyeol bit down his lip to keep himself from laughing out loud. Inwardly he was cheering because he knew how much Baek feared to explain the kids where babies come from and was really curious how the pregnant would
face this challenge.


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Beau1996 1371 streak #1
Chapter 16: Smexy times in the car - yes please!!
Beau1996 1371 streak #2
Chapter 15: Sweetness overload!!
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Chapter 13: The best baby daddy ever!
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Chapter 12: The best way to confess!
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Chapter 11: Very sweet!
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Chapter 10: I want more Baekhyun hugs too ( ok, maybe just one would be nice!)
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Chapter 9: Poor Baek!
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Chapter 8: Ah oh - looks like someone has a surprise 😉
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Chapter 7: Welcome to the big house!
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Chapter 6: Happy family indeed!!