Ch. 41




Chanyeol had gotten himself a cup of coffee, slowly making his way back to the couch as the kids were still waiting for Baekhyun to finally explain how Luhan got into his tummy.

Minutes passed and the expecting was still blankly staring into distance, thinking of how and what to tell them. Chanyeol was almost able to see his brain smoking as it tried to look for an explanation.


"Yes?" Minseok asked, nodding his head as Baekhyun exhaled.

"T-that's a little d-difficult to explain," Baek stuttered. "Maybe you won't understand."

"But we want to know," Kyungsoo stated.

Chanyeol quietly laughed out as Baekhyun whined loudly. "Come on, tell them."

"Why don't you tell them," Baek huffed.

"Because you're the one with the baby in the belly, not me."

"But you put it there," the pregnant hissed through his teeth.

Jongdae tilted his head at the words, blinking in confusion. "Daddy put it there? How?"

Baekhyun let out another whine. "Oh god, do I have to tell you? Can't we accept that he's in there?!"

All three boys shook their heads. "No, we want to know."

"Alright," the father sighed. "Well, you see, uhm, parents make babies."

"Yeah, we know that. But how?"

"Uh, sometimes, uh, when parents go to bed they not right away go to sleep. Sometimes they decide to try to make a baby. Sometimes it works, sometimes not."

Biting down his lip and cupping a hand over his mouth, Chanyeol tried not to snort. The scene of the kids staring at Baekhyun in interest and Baekhyun's fiery red ears as he tried to find child friendly words for his explanation was too hilarious.

"But how to they do it?"

"Well, that's uh- do you know how honey is made?"

Kyungsoo shook his head. "No."

"By bees," the twins chirped in unison.

"Right," Baek nodded. "The bee makes honey but it can't make it alone. It always needs a flower for that. So, the bee goes to the flower and the flower gives the bee nectar so that, with the help of the flowers nectar the bee can make honey. And that's also how babies are made. One parent goes to the other and ask for some special nectar, then they put it into their belly and with a little luck the belly keeps the nectar and transforms it into a baby."

The triplets kept quiet for a while, looking as if they tired to figure out what Baekhyun just had told them.

"So," Minseok spoke up after a while. "Daddy gave you nectar?"

"Yes," Baek nodded.

"And you ate it?" Kyungsoo asked.

Baek flushed. "Y-yes."

"Where does Daddy have this nectar?" Jongdae threw in.

"I-i-inside his b-body."

The boy frowned. "How do you get it then?"

Seeing that Baekhyun was about to cry, Chanyeol decided to release the other. "Alright boys, eyes and ears up here," he said, clapping into his hands.

The boys immediately shifted and turned to their father, looking at him.

"So, this special nectar Appa talked about is called . And when gets into the body, it sometimes finds its way to a certain spot inside the belly, called ovum. The ovum kinda looks like an egg. And when and ovum meet, they can transform into a baby."

"And how does it go into the body?"

"This happens when parents cuddle in a very special way. Actually, not only parents can make a baby. All people in a certain stage of physical development can make a baby."

"And they can make a baby when they cuddle in that special way?"

"I didn't know there is a special way of cuddling," Kyungsoo commented.

"Well, you'll learn about this when you get older," Chanyeol said. "Usually, you learn about this special cuddling when you're around fourteen or fifteen, maybe a little younger or older."

"And then, when I know this cuddling I can make a baby?" Jongdae wanted to know.

The father nodded. "Yes, you can. Though, you need a cuddle partner for that. Preferably your boyfriend, girlfriend, husband or wife."

Minseok hummed. "Can we decided in whose belly the baby goes?"

"If you have a boyfriend, yes. If your partner is a woman, she'll have the baby in her belly."

"And what if I have a girlfriend but I want to have the baby in my belly?" This time Kyungsoo asked.

Chanyeol chuckled. "Well, then you and her have to find a solution for that because women only have the ovum and no ."

"Okie, then I want to have a boyfriend."

This time, Baekhyun laughed out as well. "So, does that mean you already know that you want to have a baby in your belly, later?" Chanyeol asked, chuckling as Kyungsoo gave him a nod. "Why?"

"Because I want to be like Appa," the boy said, smiling. "Appa takes good care of Luhannie. He never had to worry about him because he's always with him. And he can talk to him all the time."

Baek cooed. "Aww, you're so cute. Thank you."

Kyungsoo gave a grin. "Also, I want to have a boyfriend who's as cool as you, Daddy!"

"Ah, I guess I have to disappoint you then. Nobody is as cool as I am," Yeol said, expression dead serious as he spoke. "Sorry baby."

Kyungsoo let out a hum. "Well, then maybe he's not as cool as you but he has to be cool."

"Tell me, if you find him, okay? I'll make that he stay away from you until your 30."

As Kyungsoo's eyes widened in shock and surprise, Baekhyun laughed out. "Oh Yeol, don't say such a thing," he turned to Kyungsoo and the boy over the head. "Don't worry honey, Daddy is just joking."

Chanyeol shook his head. "No, he's not. Same goes for you two as well," he said while looking at the twins. "No boyfriends until you're 30."

"What about girlfriends?" Minseok asked.

"Well, that's a different story. In that case you'll have to face your girlfriends Daddy and then you'll need a lot of luck."


"Because some Daddy's are a little weird, just like yours," Baek said, eyeing Chanyeol.

"I'm not weird," the teacher huffed. "I'm protective."

"You forgot to add an 'over' there."

"Let's talk about this in ten years again and then we'll see how you react," Yeol uttered. "I'm sure this cutie here will bring home a bad boy," he added while nodding at Kyungsoo, who innocently blinked his eyes as he listened to his parents conversation.

Baek laughed out. "I'm almost sure he'll bring home a giant loony."

Chanyeol snorted as the pregnant quirked a brow at him. "Well how do they say? The apple doesn't fall far from the trunk, huh?"

"What does that mean?" Minseok asked.

"When someone say this to you it means that you're similar to your parents. Sometimes they can mean your looks by it, sometimes your behavior or special habits."

"Oh," all three boys hummed at the answer. "So, it's good when somebody says that, right? Because I remind them of you then."

Baek and Yeol nodded at Jongdae's words. "Well," Chanyeol then said. "I guess most of the times its good when people say that. But sometimes it also can be bad."

"Why bad?"

"Because sometimes they might notice that we have a bad thing in common, like bad behavior or a certain characteristic."

"Do we have something like that in common, Daddy?"

Chanyeol hummed at the question. "I guess we do, yes."

The twins gasped. "Really?"

The father nodded. "I tend to get mean when I'm angry and then I sometimes hurt people with what I say. And I guess that's something you've got from me. Just remember the day Kyungsoo didn't want Yixing to come over."

"Oh yeah," Jongdae said, nodding his head. "I was mean to Soo because I was angry at him."

Chanyeol smiled softly. "I doesn't happen often that we get angry but when it happens, then happens."

"Do we have something like that, too?"

At Kyungsoo's question, Baekhyun let out a deep sigh. "We do, honey. We do."

"What is it?"

"Jealousy," Baek said, gazing at his fiance as he spoke. "We get jealous very easily."

"Doesn't mean it's all bad to be jealous," Chanyeol threw in as Kyungsoo's face fell a little. "Sometimes jealousy can help you to achieve something. Like if you're jealous of a classmates good grades, it can get you to study harder and achieve good grades. Also, a healthy amount of jealousy shows the people you love your affection.”

Baekhyun broke into a smile when Kyungsoo’s face lit up again.

“Everyone has their characteristics that are good and also ones that are not so good,” Chanyeol said, smiling at all of the kids. “Nobody is a perfect human being but we’re all good the way we are and you should never forget that.”

Kyungsoo frowned a little, tilting his head. “But,” he started, pursing his lips into a pout. “Appa always says that you’re perfect.”

“He does?” Chanyeol raised his brows and turned to his fiancee, lips curling into a sly grin. “Well, I guess if someone like Appa says that, it must be true.”

“Someone like Appa?” Minseok asked, shaking his head a little in confusion.

“Yes, someone like Appa,” Yeol said, leaning forwards and closer to the boys. “Because Appa is pretty perfect himself.”

The kids looked at one another, frowning. “B-but Daddy,” Jongdae said. “Didn’t you just say that nobody is perfect?”

“Socially seen nobody is perfect,” the teacher said. “You’ll never find someone who’ll be seen as perfect by  the whole world population.”

“So, we’re perfect and not perfect at the same time?”


“That’s so confusing.”

“Why is it so confusing?”

The parents laughed. “I guess we cannot explain this,” Baek chuckled. “Even when you’re older it’s still confusing.”

Jongdae shook his head a little while Kyungsoo and Minseok eyed each other with a frown.

“Don’t let it bother you,” Chanyeol said.


“But-” Minseok mumbled. “Is growing up really that confusing?”

The father hummed. “Sometimes, yes. There are a lot of things you didn't know about and you then have to deal with but it’s not all bad and confusing. And the most important things never change. Hot milk and cookies will still be a thing when you’re older.”

“Oh, that’s good,” Jongdae chirped up. “Because I love hot milk and cookies!”

“Me too!.” Soo agreed with a nod.

“Shall I get you some?”


Suggesting to get them milk and cookies to snack on had the kids distracted from asking everything that flowed around their little minds and when Chanyeol came back to the living room and set the tray full of mugs and a bowl of choco chip cookies they were already back to inspecting the stuff they had bought for the baby.

Cookie had eventually given up on growling on the ride-on dinosaur and had moved to lay in front of the couch, to which Baekhyun had moved to as well.

Taking seat next to the pregnant, he handed him a mug of tea. “Here.”

“Thanks,” Baek smiled, instantly taking a sip. Humming he set the mug onto the coffee table and then leaned into the soft cushions of the couch. “You’re such a meanie, you know.”

Chanyeol broke into a soft chuckle. Shifting a little he sideways leaned against the backrest and looked at fiancee. “I am?”

“The worst of all,” the older nodded. “You know how bad I am at explaining stuff that makes me uncomfortable.”

“I thought it was cute.”

“It was embarrassing.”

“Aw, is that why your ears were so red?” The tall man laughed out when he was hit on the thigh. “It was really fun to watch.”

“I’m glad I was able to entertain you,” Baek grumbled, now gently rubbing the part of Chanyeol’s leg he had slapped.

“Well, next time you have more practise.”

“Nope, nope, nope,” the young man said, shaking his head. “If he ever comes up with this question, I’ll pretend to be deaf and tell him to go to you. I’m not doing this again. Never ever again.”

“What about that particular talk?”

“For what are you a teacher?”

“What you’d you’ve done if you and Soo would be alone?”

“Uhm,” Baekhyun hummed. “I’d probably have given him a book? Maybe? I don’t know. I’m just not made to explain this stuff.”

“How did your parents explain it to you?”

“Where babies are coming from?” Baek asked. “They never did,” he said when Chanyeol gave him a nod. “Like, really. They never did. I found out eventually in school.”

“What about ?”

Baek shook his head while grimacing a little. “They never spoke about stuff like this, not even when I first showed interest in someone. I don’t know if you’ve noticed but my parents are not really touchy with each other. I mean, they don’t have to like hug and kiss in front of people but they’re not even holding hands and stuff.”

“Oh right, yes,” Yeol said, nodding. “I noticed that at the party. They not really looked like a couple.”

“Yeah, I don’t know. I still can’t tell if they really love each other or not.”

“Well, I guess they do. I mean, they got married and have a child together.”

“Did we love each other when this one was made?” Baek stated, petting his baby bump.

“Okay, point for you,” Yeol said. “But really, do you think they do not love each other?”

“I think they do somehow but I’m not sure. They got married because my grandparents wanted them to. With their marriage my grandparents companies merged.”

The teacher let out a sound. “Oh, one of those rich people things, I see.”

“Pretty much, yeah. I think they’re not really in love but learned to love each other over the time. Also, I’m pretty sure I’m not the product of love but fulfilled duty.”

“Fulfilled duty?”

“Yes, they legitimately had to sign a contact and having a heir to the company was one of the duties that had to accomplish.”

“Are you serious? That sounds like some drama plot.”

Baekhyun shrugged. “Yeah, I guess screenwriters get their ideas from people like my parents or my family in general.”

“It is kinda weird but also very interesting.”

Baekhyun tilted his head. “It is?”

“It is,” Yeol nodded. “Tell me more.”

“I think you already know a lot about me,” the expecting said. “What about you? I’m having your child and I’m going to marry you but you’re pretty much still a mystery to me, Mr. Park.”

“You can ask me anything you want, soon-to-be Mr. Park.”

Baek chuckled at the comment. “Alright,” he then hummed. “Let’s see. Uh, what about y-” “Daddy?”

They turned to the kids, eventually noticing that they scattered all the items they had bought all over the living room floor. “Yesh?” Chanyeol asked.

“We’re hungry.”

“Yes, so much,” Soo added.

“We’re starving,” Jongdae dramatically sighed.

“Oh,” the father respond, putting a hand on his chest. “Really? Already starving?”

Baek chuckled when the kids nodded their heads.

“We can not for sure allow that,” Chanyeol said. “What should we do about it?”


“With tomato sauce!”

“And meatballs!”

“Alright, then let’s do that. Do you want to help?”


“Then hurry and wash hands.”

As the kids jumped up to rush to the bathroom, Chanyeol leaned forwards his fiancee and stole a kiss from him. “Let me answer all your question when the dwarfs are in bed later, okay?”

“Fine with me,” Baek mumbled against the taller’s lips. “Gives me more time to think of some questions. You better prepare, this is gonna take the whole night.”

Chanyeol chuckled and pecked the older’s sweet lips again. “I have nothing to hide and we don’t have to get up early tomorrow, so I’m up for it. Even if it takes all night long.”


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Beau1996 1371 streak #1
Chapter 16: Smexy times in the car - yes please!!
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Chapter 15: Sweetness overload!!
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Chapter 13: The best baby daddy ever!
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Chapter 12: The best way to confess!
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Chapter 11: Very sweet!
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Chapter 10: I want more Baekhyun hugs too ( ok, maybe just one would be nice!)
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Chapter 9: Poor Baek!
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Chapter 8: Ah oh - looks like someone has a surprise 😉
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Chapter 7: Welcome to the big house!
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Chapter 6: Happy family indeed!!