Ch. 17





Choo choo~

I know, I'm a day too late but that's not my fault. :p

I was distracted by you guys and your nice comments. x) Thank you very much. ♥









"God......", Chanyeol breathed out when he pulled out of Baekhyun and rolled onto his back, trying to catch his breath.
Baekhyun immediately pushed himself up and suggled close, pressing their sweaty, sticky bodies together. He hummed as he pressed gentle kisses on the tall man's shoulders.  

Chanyeol wrapped an arm around the small body beside him. "I give up.", he chuckled against Baek's lips. "I need a break."

"Oh, really?", Baek laughed back. "That's sad.", he teased.

"Well, sorry.", the teacher chuckled. "I've been too but you take this to a whole new level."

"Blame your son for this.", Baek pouted and rubbed his baby bump against Chanyeol's side. He giggled when Chanyeol brought a hand down to the round of his belly, patting it gently.

"Have mercy on me, son.", he said. "Your Daddy's out of shape."

"Oh, stop that.", Baek chuckled. "Your son isn't even born yet and you already tell him lies."

"Huh? Does that mean I'm saved for tonight?", Baekhyun hit him in the chest playfully. But then he smiled. "Yes, you are. I'm more than pleased." Chanyeol leaned down for a kiss. "Come on, let's wash up."

"No", Baek whined.

"Yes.", Chanyeol whined back with a laugh. He sat up and wanted to pull Baek along but the smaller pushed him back to the bed. "You only had fever. I don't want you to get sick again."

"I won't get sick. I have you to keep me warm.", Baek smiled and snuggled closer. "Please."

Chanyeol smiled softly. How could he say no to this? He watched as Baekhyun slowly fell asleep in his arms. He leaned down and showered Baek with gentle loving kisses. "Hmm..what are you doing?", Baek hummed, almost asleep.

"Loving you."













The class was silent and Chanyeol had a soft smile formed on his lips as he walked up and down in front of the windows. His students hang above their books, trying to solve the more or less complicated mathematical tasks. The silent in the room was pleasant but soon over.  A faint knock on the door demanded everyone's attention.  "Come in.", Chanyeol spoke out and watched as the door opened. "Kyungsoo!", he gasped when he spotted the little boy standing in the door.

"Daddy!", his son cried and ran over to him.

Chanyeol caught him in his arms and pressed the shaking body against his. "What's wrong, Soo?", he asked but he got no response. Kyungsoo was crying to hard to answer. He hiccuped and buried his face into Chanyeol's neck. Chanyeol patted his back and looked into the class. All his students looked at him with worry. He threw a look at the clock and sighed; the last lesson of today had just started. "Alright.", he said. "Pack up, you can leave."

Quietly,  all students stuffed their belongings into their bags and left the class room. "Bye, Mr. Park." "See you tomorrow."

When the last kid had left the room and closed the door behind him, Chanyeol loosened his arms around Soo's body and sat him down on his desk. "Okay, Soo. What's wrong, why are you crying?"

"I..", he hiccuped. "I..don't want to go to school anymore."

A frown formed on Chanyeol's face. "Why? Have you had a fight with the twins?"


"With Yixing?"

Again Kyungsoo said no.

"Okay, Soo.", Chanyeol said and wiped away his tears. "You have to tell me."

Kyungsoo cried out. "Mrs....Kim.."

"What's with Mrs. Kim."

"She says I'm a liar."

Chanyeol gasped. "What? Why would she say something like this?!"

"I don't know...", the little boy sobbed.

"Okay, listen Soo.", Yeol spoke out softly. "Now, we'll go to Mrs. Kim and ask her-" "No!", Kyungsoo bawled. "I don't want to go there.", Chanyeol scooped him up and brought him into his arms again. "We have to.", he said. He grabbed his jacket and threw it over Kyungsoo's shoulders, to protect him from the cold November air.

With the boy in his arms he rushed over to the pre-school building. Already in the hall he found his twins and Mrs. Kim discussing with each other. Jongdae had his arms crossed in front of his chest and shouted at his teacher. "What's going on here?!"

"Daddy!", the twins shouted in unison and ran over to him. Both boys had red puffy eyes and Chanyeol let out a growl at the sight.

"Mr. Park.", the boys teacher said. "I am incensed.", she hissed.

"Well, I am too.", Chanyeol hissed back and set Kyungsoo back to his feet. "Would you might have the honor to tell me what is going on here?"

"Oh, sure I can tell you.", Mrs. Kim nodded. "Kyungsoo and the twins are telling lies and that's not okay."

Chanyeol looked at the kids. "Go and get your bags.", he said and send the boys away. "Kyungsoo told me that you called him a liar."

The woman let out a sigh. "Well, yes.", she admitted. "But I only said that because it's the truth."

"What has he said that gives you the permission to call him a liar?!"

"Kyungsoo and your son's are telling everyone that they'd be a family now.", Chanyeol only raised a brow and let her continue. "They tell the kids that they'd be brothers now and that they'd get a little brother soon as well. Kyungsoo calls you Daddy and the twins support him in his lies."

"They support him?"

"Yes, they do!"

Chanyeol cracked a smile. "So and then you've never asked yourself why they do that?"

"What does that mean?!", the woman asked with a deep frown.

"That means, my son's aren't lying.", Chanyeol spat.


"You've heard right."

"W..wait..does that and Mr. Byun?"

"Yes, we're a coulpe.", Chanyeol said with a firm nod. "We're a couple and Baekhyun's expecting a child. Everything the boys said is true."

The woman's face fell. Chanyeol could see her gulping. "I..I didn't know...I'm sorry."

"You could've asked instead of calling my kid's liars.", Chanyeol growled at her. "I'm really disappointed in you.", he said. He reached his hand out for the kids when the three boys came back in the hall. "Come, let's go home."

"W..wait..", Mrs. Kim voiced out. "Mr. Park, please. I'm really sorry."

Chanyeol ignored her wailing and led the kids out of the building. Together with the kids he quickly went to his class room to fetch his stuff before they finally made their way home.

Baekhyun was surprised when the front door opened and Chanyeol and the kids came home. He peeked into the hallway with a surprised expression. "Why so early?", he asked. "Has something happen?"

"Indeed.", Chanyeol said with a growl.

Baekhyun was shocked by the sound in Chanyeol's voice. "What is it?"

"Boys, please go and change, okay."

"Yes, Daddy."

"What is, Yeol?", Baek asked as he followed Chanyeol into the kitchen. "Why are you so angry?"

"Mrs. Kim has called our kids liars."

"She did what?", the pregnant gasped. "Why?"

"It seemed that the boy have talked about the baby in school."

"So what? That's not lie."

Chanyeol let out a laugh. "Well, to Mrs. Kim it looked like a lie."

Baekhyun huffed. "Oh, really? Unbelievable."

Chanyeol nodded. "I've talked to her..more or less.", he said and wrapped his arms around Baek.

"More or less?"

"Well, I was angry.  I just told her that I'm disappointed."

Baekhyun chuckled. "Hmm, that must've hurt her.", he tiptoed and breathed a kiss onto the tall man's lips.

"What do you mean by that?", Yeol frowned in confusion.

"Oh, you're so blind.", Baekhyun laughed. "She likes you."

"No, she doesn't."

"Oh yes, she does."

"How do you even know?"

"She couldn't hide her jealousy back then when we brought the kids to the summer camp."

Chanyeol tilted his head to the side. "For real?", he raised a brow.

Baekhyun nodded. "Yepp."

"Hm.", Chanyeol shrugged. The he smiled and leaned in for a kiss. "I don't care. She isn't my type anyways."

"Not? But she's gorgeous.", Baek giggled. "Smart, pretty, with fair skin and a beautiful smile."

"Yeah, smart, pretty, fair skinned and married."

"But that's only a reason, no obstacle."

Chanyeol snickered. "Do you want to get rid of me?"

Baekhyun brought his arms up and hooked them behind Chanyeol's neck. "Never.", he shook his head. "I was joking."

Chanyeol hummed when Baekhyun locked lips with him. "Hmm, I hope so."







It was another cozy day at the Park's house and Baekhyun enjoyed every second he had together with Chanyeol and the kids. A storm danced outside the house and heavy rain pattered at against the windows. Chanyeol was out with Yifan, so Baekhyun was home alone with the three boys. Kyungsoo and Jongdae were busy with fighting a 300 pieces puzzle and had a lively conversation about how hard the puzzle was to solve. Meanwhile,  Baekhyun lay on the couch, with Minseok sitting between his bent legs and his shirt rolled up. Concentrated Minseok moved his small hands over the round bump, gently rubbing lotion into the soft skin.

"Have you already picked out a name?"

Minseok looked up to him. "Yes.", he smiled.

"When will you tell us?"

"Soon.", he grinned.

"Ahh.", Baek voiced out. "I'm curious."

Minseok giggled cutely and went back to rubbing Baek's belly. "Ah!", he voiced out in surprise when he felt something against his palm. "He kicked me!", he beamed.
"Soo, Dae. The baby's kicking."

Kyungsoo and Jongdae were fast on their feet. The hopped onto the couch and in no time Baek had three pairs of tiny hands on his belly. Baekhyun had to laugh at the boys giggles and squeals whenever they could feel the baby moving.

"Appa?", Minseok voiced out after a while.


"Can you drive us to the mall any time soon?"

"To the mall?", Baek asked. "What do you want at the mall?"

Jongdae stopped touching his belly and plopped down next to him, snuggling close. "We want to buy a gift.", he smiled.

"A gift? For whom?"

"It's Daddy's birthday, soon.", Kyungsoo brightly smiled at him.

"D...Daddy's birthday?", Baek gasped. "When?"

"On 27th.", Minseok said. "Don't you know that?"

Baekhyun blushed but shook his head. "No.", he whispered. "I really don't know."

"Ahh, that's okay.", Jongdae smiled. "Now you know."

Kyungsoo nodded. "Yeah. We can buy a gift together."

Baekhyun nodded. His ears were on fire, god, he really didn't know that it was Chanyeol's birthday soon. Chanyeol for sure wouldn't blame him for not knowing his birthday, nevertheless he was ashamed. He looked at the boys and thought about something. His eyes gazed back and forth between the boys when suddenly an idea popped into his mind. "That's it.", he beamed.

Confused the boys looked at him. "Huh?"

"I have the perfect idea for Daddy's birthday gift!"

"Yeah? What is it?", Minseok asked.

"Do we want to give Daddy a picture for birthday?"

"A picture?", Jongdae asked, nose scrunched up.

 "Yes, a giant photo of us. I engage a photographer, who takes photos of us then."

"Just like in school?", Soo asked.

Baekhyun nodded. "Yeah,just like in school."

"I like it.", Minseok smiled. "I want to do that!"

"Me too.", his twin nodded and also Kyungsoo approved the idea.

With the kids now on fire for the upcoming photo shoot, Baekhyun called a photographer right away. "Well, we need the photos in less than two weeks.", he said to the man at the other line of the phone.

"Oh, that's quite short-term."

"Yeah, I know.", Baekhyun let out in a faint whine. "And you really can't do anything?"

"Mr. Byun, I'm sorry, the thing is that we're fully booked. There's no chance to get a free room here at the studio."

"Do you make home visits?", Baekhyun asked.

"Yes, we do.", the man said. "But that is more expensive."

"The price doesn't matter."

"Well, okay.", the photographer said. "Uhm, let me check when I have some room. How do you have time?", was Baek asked.

"The kids are at school until 1PM, from then on, we have time."

There was a short term of silence. "Uhm, okay, how about tomorrow, 2PM?"

"Sounds great.", Baekhyun smiled. He gave the photographer his address and agreed the appointment for the next day. The boys were beyond excited and Baekhyu had to calm them down, so they won't accidentally spit something Chanyeol wasn't allowed to hear.

"You have a day off tomorrow."

Chanyeol raised a brow. "Huh?"

"I'll pick up the boys tomorrow.", Baek smiled, hands running trough Chanyeol's soft lock.

"How comes?", Chanyeol said, humming at the feeling of Baekhyun's nails gently scratching over his scalp.

"Hm, the boys and I have a lunch date tomorrow."

Chanyeol smiled softly. "You know that you'll end up at McDonalds, right?"

"That's okay.", the pregnant snickered. "I'm craving for fast food lately."

"Really?", the taller turned his head to take a look at Baekhyun. "I didn't know."

"Yeah, it's not that I necessarily have to eat fries and burgers but I have cravings for it."

Chanyeol chuckled. "Sour gummy worms and fast food, perfect combi for a movie night."

"We should have a movie night, soon.", Baek suggested with a smile.

"Enough of Disney movies?"

"No. But it would be great.", he smiled. "Just the two of us, a good movie and a lot of junk food."

Chanyeol leaned his head back, placing a kiss on Baek's jaw. "Hm, how about right now?"

"Now?", Baek ask surprised.

"Yeah, why not.", Yeol smiled. "I throw myself in the car and get us some food and you pick out a movie."

A smiled darted over Baek's face. He nodded. "Sounds good!"

Chanyeol set a kiss on Baek's lips and rolled out of the bed. He slipped on a pair of sweatpants and  pulled a hoodie over his head. "Be right back.", he winked.
Baekhyun giggled when the door closed behind Chanyeol. He climbed out of the bed to pick out a moive and quickly rushed down to the kitchen to get a bottle of soda. In no time Chanyeol was back. Baekhyun had to laugh at him, when he came into the bed room with two large bags in his hands; it looked like he had robbed a convenience store. "Double cheeseburgers, onion rings, gummy worms, chocolate chip cookies and much more."

"Do you want to burst?", Baekhyun laughed.

"It's not that much.", Chanyeol chuckled and unpacked the bags. Soon the bed room was filled with the smell of fast food and the sounds of horror movie Baekhyun had picked out.

"That was nice.", Baekhyun hummed with a smile, when the movie was over.

Chanyeol nodded and stole a kiss form Baek's lips. "Hmm..", he chuckled. "You taste like sour cheeseburger."

"Much better than your chocolate onion mixture."

"We should go and brush our teeth."

Baekhyun giggled. "We should."









Next day it was time; the photographer would come to take some photos. While the kids were busy with playing in Kyungsoo's room, Baekhyun waited in the kitchen for the photographer to finally arrive. Through the kitchen window he saw it, when a black car rolled onto the property. He stood up and went over to the door.
"Oh, hello..", he said when a young woman got out of the car.

"Hello.", she smiled friendly. "Are you Mr.Byun?"

"I am."

She reached out her hand to greet him. "Nice to meet you.", she said. "My boss is  prevented and can not come. I hope you're okay with me."

"Yeah, sure.", Baek smiled.

"Hm, you haven't told us that it's going to be a baby shooting.", the photographer said. "Congratulation."

"Thank you.", the pregnant smiled. "Well, it's not actually a baby shooting.", he explained while he led the woman into the house. "I want to have some photos of me and my sons."

"Only you and the kids?", she asked. "Without your husband?"

At the word Husband, Baekhyun blushed slightly. "Yes.", he nodded. "The photos are a gift for him."

"Oh, that sounds nice.", the young woman smiled. "Should we start then?"

"Uh, where do you want to shoot?"

She looked around the huge living room. "Oh my god.", she gasped and pointed over to Baek's red velvet chaise lounge. "I'd like to use this for the shooting. Is it possible for you and the kids to change into some white clothes? It would create a perfect contrast."

Baekhyun nodded. "No problem."

"Great!", she smiled. "Am I allowed to push it over to the windows?"


"Perfect.", she nodded. "Then I'll start with building up the set and you can go and change."

"Alright. I'll be right back.", Baekhyun smiled and left her. He made his way to the kids and helped them changing into white clothes. Thank god, Kyungsoo had a lot white clothes in his wardrobe.

"Oh my! Triplets?", the woman voiced out when Baek came back to the living room, followed by the boys. "Three boys and pregnant. Respect."

"The baby's also boy!", Kyungsoo happily announced.

"Well, a girl would alone, right?", she laughed and all three boys nodded their heads. "Are you excited? Should we start?"

Of course the boys wanted to start.

Baekhyun felt comfortable during the photo shoot. The young lady was very nice and could communicate well with the kids. The boys had a lot of fun.

"Say, Mr. Byun." she after a while stopped taking pictures. "You have some finger paint, perhaps?"

"Finger paint?"

She nodded with a smile. "I thought it would be a good idea if the boys would paint your belly."

Baekhyun thought about it but nodded. "Yeah, that sounds good.", he smiled. "Soo, can you get your finger paint?"

"Yes!", the boy squeaked and hopped off the couch to get the paint.

The idea with painting his belly was perfect. The boys had much fun and beamed, squealed and giggled the whole time. And Baekhyun had fun, too. Soon the skin of his baby bump was decorated with funny, colorful paintings and sprinkles. And with it, also the boys hands, arms, faces and their clothes.

"There're some really good pictures.", the photographer smiled while looking through the taken pictures. Baekhyun stood behind her, while wiping his belly with a wet towel. "This one is great.", she said and showed Baek one of the photos.

Baekhyun nodded. "Yes, it's perfect."

"Uhm, I've got another idea.", she smiled and put the camera away.


"Yes.", she nodded. "We could write down the name of the baby onto your belly and take a picture of it."

"That would be awesome.", Baek smiled. "Only problem is, that I don't know the name."

"You don't know the name?", she asked confused, looking at him in disbelief.

"Yeah, we allowed the boys to pick out the name, we don't know yet."

"Ahh. That's too bad.", she pouted. "Maybe I can get them to spill it."

Baek shrugged. "You can try."

She did. She really tried it. As soon as the boys were back from the bath room she invited them into her plan with the baby's name written on Baek's belly. Baekhyun had to laugh at the boys faces. They were torn between approving the idea and keeping the name. But eventually they said yes to it. Baekhyun let out a squeal; finally he'd know the name.

With a brush in her hands, the photographer knelt in front of Baek, ready to write the baby's name on the belly. "Okay.", she smiled. "What's his name?"

"...", Jongdae mumbled.

"What?", Baekhyun had to laugh.

"...u...n...", the little boy mumbled again. "His name is Luhan.", he finally said out loud.

Baekhyun's eyes widened at the name. Luhan?

"Luhan?", was also what the photographer asked. "That sounds not Korean."

"It's Chinese.", Minseok smiled.

"Oh, and why did you picked out a Chinese name?", Baekhyun nodded at the question; he wanted to know, too.

"It's Chinese because we couldn't find a Korean name."

"But there're a lot of Korean names."

Minseok nodded. "Yes, but we couldn't find one with L."


 Baekhyun frowned shortly but then he got it. Yeah, sure, L!

"Yes.", Jongdae smiled.

"I don't understand.", the young woman said. "Why L?"

Kyungsoo cleared his throat. "L, because we're Jongdae, Kyungsoo and Minseok."

Minseok nodded. "Yes and soon, we'll be Jongdae, Kyungsoo, Luhan and Minseok."

"Do you understand?", Jongdae asked. "J-ongdae, K-yungsoo, L-uhan, M-inseok."

"Wow!", she voiced out, truly impressed. "You're so smart.", She dipped the brush into the blue paint and brought it to Baekhyun's belly. "Hello Luhan.", she smiled against the bump as she began to write the name in cursive letters. "Nice to meet you."

The boy's looked up to Baekhyun with wide open, curious eyes. "Do you like it, Appa?"

"I do.", Baekhyun smiled. "It's perfect."


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Beau1996 1371 streak #1
Chapter 16: Smexy times in the car - yes please!!
Beau1996 1371 streak #2
Chapter 15: Sweetness overload!!
Beau1996 1371 streak #3
Chapter 13: The best baby daddy ever!
Beau1996 1371 streak #4
Chapter 12: The best way to confess!
Beau1996 1371 streak #5
Chapter 11: Very sweet!
Beau1996 1371 streak #6
Chapter 10: I want more Baekhyun hugs too ( ok, maybe just one would be nice!)
Beau1996 1371 streak #7
Chapter 9: Poor Baek!
Beau1996 1371 streak #8
Chapter 8: Ah oh - looks like someone has a surprise 😉
Beau1996 1371 streak #9
Chapter 7: Welcome to the big house!
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Chapter 6: Happy family indeed!!