Ch. 30



Chanyeol's heart was beating as fast was as the clock was ticking. Five more minutes left, until he would have had to call the police; he had promised Baekhyun. "Kyungsoo!", he called out as he trugged through the snow. "Kyungsoo!"


Chanyeol's ice cold ears perked up at the faint sound. He stopped in his tracks and truned around, scanning the area. "Soo?"


Chanyeol turned towards the direction the sound came from and sighed loudly as he spotted Kyungsoo. The little boy crept through the snow, followed by the puppy. Chanyeol sprinted to him, dropping to his knees, pulling the shivering boy into a tight embrance.

"I...I...I'm so cold...Daddy...", Kyungsoo whispered, exhausted.

"I know.", Chanyeol whispered, tightening his grip around the trembling body. "Let's go home.", he said and stood up with the boy in his arms. Chanyeol glanced down at his son, frowing at the sight of Kyungsoo's pale face and already sightly blue lips. The little one had his eyes closed, whimpering softly.

Followed by Cookie, Chanyeol made his way home. He had his son pressed against his body, breathing, warm 'I'm here's on the boy's cheek. A loud sigh escaped his try throat as he finally reached home. His fingers were cold and numb and it took him three attempts to unlock the door. Once the door sprung open, Chanyeol stumbled into the hall, immediately sinking to his knees.

Baekhyun jumped up from his chair, once he heard the sounds from the hallway. He rushed there, gasping at the sight of Chanyeol holding onto his son. He dropped to his knees and literally ripped Kyungsoo away from the taller. He slung his arms around the small body and pulled him close.

"Baek..", Chanyeol voiced out as the pregnant stood up wit Kyungsoo in his arms. "He's too heavy."

Baekhyun only hissed in response and went upstairs.

"Where did you find him?"

At Joonmyeon's question, Chanyeol ganced at his best friend's husband. "Far behind the park.", the man sighed and slowly good up from the floor. "I'm sure he got lost and didn't find the way back home."

The young pregnant watched as Chanyeol tried to open his outerwear. Due to his shaking hands and from the cold frozen fingers he had trouble ping the thick winter jacket. Joonmyeon stepped towards and reached out for the zippper.

Chanyeol mumbled a "Thank you."

"Holy, Chanyeol.", Joonmyeon gasped. "What happened to your arm?", as soon as he helped Yeol out of his jacket and the man had slipped out of the sleeves a large wet, red spot on Chanyeol's elbow caught Joonymeon's attention. "Did you fall?"

"Yes.", Yeol nodded.

"Come.", the pregnant said, grabbed him by his wrist and dragged him along to the kitchen. "Sit down."

"Where is Yifan?", he asked as he sat down on a chair.

Joonmyeon opened the cupboard and brought out the first-aid kit. "He's with the kids.", he informed Chanyeol. "Baekhyun cried and the kids asked where Kyungsoo would be and if something would be wrong. They're upsatirs."

Chanyeol slowly nodded his head. He glanced down to his feet as the puppy nudged his leg with his nose. Cookie looked at him with wide open eyes as if he'd apologize or something. The teacher showed the dog a small smile and him over the head. Cookie leaned into the touch and then shifted into a lying position.

With Joonymeon's help, Chanyeol took off his sweater. "Gosh, this looks bad.", Myeon frowned as he looked at the burst open skin on Chanyeol's elbow.

"It's just a scratch."

"It's not.", Joonmyeon clicked his tongue as he pressed a clean cloth to wound to stop the bleeding.

"You're bleeding?"

Both, Joonmyeon and Chanyeol glanced at Yifan who stood in the door way of the kitchen. "I slipped and fell.", Yeol said. "It's not that bad."

"It is.", Myeon said and removed the now soaked cloth to replace it with a new one. "It's still bleeding."

Yifan moved to take a look at his friend's wound. He scrunched his face and made a sound. "Yeol, it really looks bad. We should go to the hospital.", the Chinese smacked his friend in the head as Yeol rolled his eyes at him. "Don't roll your eyes at me. Come."

"Don't worry.", Joonmyeon said. "I'm here and I'll call you if something happens."

Reluctantly Chanyeol got up from his chair and followed Yifan. He really saw no need in seeing a doctor but as it turned out his friends were right. The wound on his elbow wasn't just a scratch but a laceration that had to be stichted and on top of that Chanyeol got a sling for his burised and spranied shoulder.

"This is really no joke, Mr. Park.", the medic said as he gave Chanyeol some painkillers. "Please rest well and don't strain the shoulder. It can cause ligament injuries."

Chanyeol sighed loudly as he got up from the treament couch. Slowly but steady pain was kicking in. He frowned and hissed in pain. "What a ty New Year's day."









"Where is Chanyeol?", Baekhyun asked as he stepped into the living room, where Joonmyeon sat on the couch, watching over the twins and Yixing playing with the ParkByun's Lego city.


"Hospital?", Baek gasped. "Why that?"

Joonmyeon patted the spot next to him and waited until the other pregnant had sat down. "He slipped and fell onto his arm. He has a deep wound on the elbow and Yifan just texted me that they've stitched the wound and that Yeol has burised and sprained shoulder. He has to wear a sling."

Baekhyun sighed softly and gazed to the playing kids. He looked back at Joomyeon as the other gently squeezed his shoulder. "What a ty New Year's day."

Myeon smiled softly. "Ah, next year will be better.", he winked. "How's Soo?"

"He's sleeping.", Baek said. "I gave him a warm shower and tugged him in our bed. I hope he didn't catch a cold."

"Don't worry. I'm sure he's fine.", Joonmyeon said. "Say, do we want to prepare something to eat? All of us haven't eaten yet and I'm sure the kids are hungry."

Baekhyun smiled and nodded. Together with Joonymeon he went to the kitched to prepare a smiple late breakfast. Just as they were done and Baek had just set the last plate in place, the front door opened and Yifan and Chanyeol were back. The tall man looked tired and in pain as he walked into the kitchen with his arm in a sling and a frown on his forehead.

"It's just a scratch.", Joonmyeon mocked as he approached his friend. "How are you feeling?", he asked an took a careful look at the arm.

"I'm okay.", Chanyeol said.

"You should eat something and then go to bed.", Yifan said.

Chanyeol only nodded as he plopped down onto a chair and closed his eyes. "Daddy!", at Jongdae's and Minseok's squeak he opened up his eyes again and put on a smile.

"Are you hurt badly?", Minseok wanted to know and rested his cheek against his father's uninjured shoulder.

"I'm okay, baby.", Yeol said. "My arm hurts a bit but it'll be okay in a few days."

"Weeks!", Yifan corrected and cleared his throat. "Take it serious,Yeol. The doctor said you have to wear the sling for at least two weeks."

The little boys gasped in shock, just as Baekhyun. He didn't think that Chanyeol's injury was that serious. "Did you fall, Ge?", Yixing asked as he inspected the shoulder.

"I did.", Chanyeol nodded. "I slipped on the ice." The little Wu showed an adorbale frown misxed with a pout.

"Did you get medicine?"


"You should sleep." Chanyeol smiled. "I will. But first we eat breakfast."

"What's with Soo?", Jongdae asked.

Slowly Chanyeol shook his head. "Let him sleep, he has to warm up."

Baekhyun kept quiet during their breakfast. Every now and then he glanzed at Chanyeol but as soon as Yeol made an attempt to look at him, he truned away. Only alone when Kyungsoo peeked into the kitchen, he spoke up again. "Soo.", he cooed. "Go back to bed."

"..But I'm hungry...", with a lowered head the boy skipped over to Chanyeol, as the man waved at him. He climbed into Chanyeol's lap and snuggled close. "I'm sorry, Daddy."

"It's okay, baby.", Yeol whispered against his temple. "We'll talk about it later."

Kyungsoo nodded. "Are you hurt, Daddy?", he then asked and carefully touched the black sling.

"I fell. It's not bad.", the father told him. "What do you want to eat?", he then asked to change the topic.

With a deep frown Baekhyun watched as Kyungsoo munched on a banana with his back leaning against Chanyeol's chest. He expected Kyungsoo to come to him, not to Chanyeol. He growled to himself, yelping a little as Luhan kicked him in the ribs.

"Are you okay, Appa?", Minseok asked with worried eyes. Baek broke into a smile. "Luhan just kicked me. I was surprised."

"We will leave after breakfast.", Yifan said and smiled softly. "You need to calm down and rest as well."

Joonmyeon nodded along his husband's words."We can move the brunch to next weekend if you want."

After everyone's stomachs were filled, the Wu family said goodbye and drove home. Since Chanyeol was handicapped Baekhyun cleaned up. After everything was clean he went to the living room, where Kyungsoo sat on the couch with Chanyeol kneeling in front of him. "Listen, Soo.", the man said. "I appreaciate that you wanted to take Cookie for a walk but you're not allowed to leave the house alone."

Kyungsoo lowered his head." were sleeping."

"I know.", Chanyeol said. "Still, you're not allowed to leave the house alone. You can go to the garden but not to the streets. Bad things can happen when you're alone."

Slowly the boy nodded his head.

"You know, Appa and I were worried. We didn't know that you're out there."

Baek could see a tear escaping his son. "I'm sorry, Daddy."

"It's okay.", Chanyeol said and wiped away the tear. "Promise me to never leave the house again without asking."

"Promise.", Soo said, holding up his pinky.

Chanyeol linked their fingers and pecked the boy's plump lips. "Good boy. And now go. The twins are waiting for you."

Kyungsoo hopped down the couch and skipped out of the room. As soon as the boy was out of sight, Baek stepped into the room."You shouldn't have done that."

Chanyeol stood up and turned to the pregnant. "What?", he frowned.

"Kyungsoo's knows that he's done wrong. You should've left it."

"I'm fully aware that he knows that he's done wrong. But it's still our duty to tell him, why he's not allowed to leave the house without any of us."

Baek clicked with his tounge. "This all wouldn't have happened if you'd have locked the door."

"Oh, now it's my fault?", Chanyeol huffed. "Baekhyun, please. You're overreacting."

"I am overreacting?!", Baekhyun spat. "Do you know what could've happed to my son?!", Baek's outburst caused the little human inside him to kick out. "He could've died."

Chanyeol pressed his lips into a thin line. He didn't want to say that Baek was wrong, because it actually could've happened. But it was out of question because the boy was back home. "You really should calm down."

"But I don't want to calm down!", Baekhyun growled. "I knew it. I ing knew. From the first time I saw you, I knew something would happen to my son, sooner or later."

"What does that mean?!", Chanyeol gasped. "I'm the reason he did that or what?!"

"Yes! Because you allowed that stupid puppy to stay here!"

Chanyeol started at the smaller. "Wait..what?", he frowned. "Okay! First, you can't blame the dog on what Kyungsoo did. Second, you allowed it too and third, you're really talking bull."

"I'm not talking bull."

"Baekhyun, you're really overreacting.", Baekhyun stomped his feet and Chanyeol almost found it cute. "Calm down, first."

"You just don't get it! My son could've frozen to death!"

"But that's not my fault", Chanyeol growled back, slowly getting annoyed by Baekhyun's behaivor. "Did I yell at you when my son had a laceration on his forehead? Or did I yell at you when he puked because he had a bite from food? Did I? No, I didn't! So please stop making me responsible for Kyungsoo's action."

Baekhyun huffed, placing a hand on the swell of his belly as Luhan gave him a few hard kicks in a row. "You just don't get it."

Chanyeol sighed loudly and rubbed his face with his hand. "No. I really don't get it.", he made a step backwards and let himself down on the couch. He leaned back and closed his eyes for a brief moment.

"What know?!", Baek spat. "Do yo-" "Baekhyun, please!", Chanyeol cut in with a growl. "I'll hear you out. If you want to explain why you think it's all my fault, I'll listen. But please calm down and don't yell at me."

"Oh, you know what? you! Just you!"

Chanyeol didn't go after Baek as the pregnant stopmed away. He was in pain and exhausted and didn't want to collide with Baekhyun again. He'd just wait and would approach the smaller when he had calmed down.

He leaned his head back against the back rest of the couch and closed his eyes again. He fell into a peaceful slumber that only was interruted as a loud cry hollered through the house. Chanyeol shot his eyes open, hissing at the pain that shot through his shoulder. He leaned forward, listening. A rumble was heard and Chanyeol frowned at the sound.

"No!", suddenly Kyungsoo's loud voice was heard. The sound of feet running down the wooded stairs sounded up and even before Chanyeol could've blinked twice, the little Byun dashed into the living room. "Daddy!", he wailed, eyes red and puffy and nose running.

"What is it, baby?", Chanyeol asked as Soo climbed onto the couch, hiding behind him.

"Appa wants to take me with him!"

"He wants to..what?", Yeol frowned. "Where does he want to go?"

"I don't know...", the little boy sobbed, pressing his face into Chanyeol's bright back. "He wants to go away."

"Huh?", Chanyeol slowly rose up from the couch. "Baekhyun?", he called out for the pregnant and went to the hall. Baekhyun just waddled down the stair with a big bag in his hands. Chanyeol wanted to scold him for carring such a heavy bag but he bit it back. "What are you doing?", he asked instead.

"What does it look like?", the young pregnant grumbled.

"You want to leave? Why?"

"I need a break."

Chanyeol raised both brows. "You need a break?! Because of this? You can't be serious."

"I am serious.", Baekhyun said. "I just need some distance."

"Baekhyun.", Chanyeol voiced out. "What about the kids?"

"What do you mean? I take my kids with me."

The tall man knitted his brows together. "You can't do that. They won't understand."

"I'm sorry for that, but they have to.", Baekhyun said and pushed past Chanyeol to walk to the living room. Kyungsoo loudly wailed as Baek took him by the hand and pulled him along.

"I don't want to go!", he cried. "I want to stay here!"

"No.", Baek said."You come with me."

"But I want to stay with Daddy!"

"I am your father!", Baekhyun this time hissed. "And you'll come with me."

The words hit Chanyeol like a punch in the face. He swallowed hard and breathed in. "...Soo...", he then voiced out, voice slightly shaking. The forced himself to smile and showed the little, crying boy a soft smile. "Be a good boy."

With glassy eyes and a trembling lower lip, Kyungsoo nodded. Quietly he put on some socks and his boots and jacket and waited until Baekhyun was also completely dressed. The twins stood on the stairs, sadly watching as Baek grabbed the bag and opened the door.

"Where do carefully.", Chanyeol almost whispered.

"Don't worry, I will.", Baek said. "Come, Kyungsoo."

"Bye-bye.", the little Byun whispered, waving his small hand at Chanyeol and the twins.

Chanyeol's heart broke into a million pieces as the door fell shut behind Baekhyun and Kyungsoo. He exhaled and bit his lip, trying to keep himself from crying. He couldn't believe Baekhyun left because of their small quarrel. He just couldn't belive it.

"Will Appa and Soo come back?"

Chanyeol looked at his sons. "Sure.", he smiled. "You know, Appa and I had a fight and Appa needs a bit time to himself."

"But why did he take Soo with him?"

"Because Soo is Baekhyun's son."

Minseok and Jongdae frowned. "But.."

"You don't have to understand.", Chanyeol showed the kids a smile. "Don't worry, Appa and Soo will be back soon."

One week later, the Park's still were alone at home, Baekhyun and Kyungsoo still weren't back. Baekhyun barely responsed to messages and didn't pick up his phone, whenever Chanyeol called. All the tall teacher knew was that they were staying at some hotel and that Baek drowned himself in work. Chanyeol was worried, more than worried.













A soft sigh left Baekhyun as he looked up from his laptop. Kyungsoo still sat on the floor in front of the big panorama window, staring into the distance. He had the penguin plushy, Chanyeol had bought him, sitting in his lap, squeezing it's tiny wings every now and then. It had been a week since Baekhyun had left the house together with his son and since that day Kyungsoo had barely spoken to him. "Soo.", he called out but the boy didn't react.

"Soo, do we want to go to the park?", this time Kyungsoo shook his head.

Baek pressed his lips into a thin line and leaned back in his chair. He brought both hands to his belly, over it. Luhan had been just as quite as Kyungsoo was. The baby under his heart barely moved and didn't kick. It depressed Baekhyun.

Silence filled the lagre hotel suite and only Baekhyun's ringing phone was able to break the silence after a while. The pregnant got up from his seat and went to the living room area. Without looking who was calling, the fetched the phone from the coffee table and answered the call. "Hello?!"


Baekhyun's heart began to race at the sound of Chanyeol's deep voice.

"Please, don't hang up."

Baekhyun gulped and breathed in. "Wh..what do you want?"

"The twins are missing you and Soo. I know you don't want to see me but please, don't torture the kids."

Chanyeol's voice sounded thicker than usual and it sent a shiver down Baekhyun's spine. "What do you suggest?"

"I'd drop the kids at the hotel and would pick them up again later. Of course, onyl if it's okay with you."

Baek nodded even though Chanyeol wasn't able to see it. "Okay.", he said. "You can bring them over."

"Thank you."

"Are..I mean an you drive? What's with your shoulder?"

"Don't worry about it. It's fine."

After telling Chanyeol the adress of the hotel, the pregnant informed Kyungsoo about the upcoming visit of the twins. Kyungsoo's face immediately lit up and happily he hopped towards the door, sitting down in front of it, patiently waiting until the reception would call and tell that the twins had arrived.

Baekhyun never knew that he'd miss the sound of kids running around the rooms. With a soft smile he sat on the couch, listening to the children laughing, squeaking and hopping around. "You hear that, baby? Your brother's are here.", Baek said to his belly and patted it gently. But Luhan kept quiet. It was as if the unborn knew that someone was still missing.

Baekhyun had planned on worknig the whole day but instead of going though countless pages of statistics and numbers, he ened up in the hotel park, playing with the kids. "Soo, what's wrong?", he asked as his son suddenly stopped in his tracks and looked somewhere.

Kyungsoo turned his head to him, mumbling a "Nothing,", before he skipped over to the twins.

Baek glanced to where Kyungsoo was looking at and frowned. Another family was out there, playing in the snow. The little girl, in her light blue coat hit behind her mother's legs as her father bend down to grab a handful of snow. Baekhyun sighed loudly. He knew Kyungsoo was missing Chanyeol; he was missing the man, too. But he still didn't want to go back. After what had happened, Baekhyun had to think of a lot of things.

Soon it was getting dark and the kids were picked up again. Kyungsoo cried his heart out and Baekhyun had to promise that the twins would come over, soon again. After a small dinner, Kyungsoo went to bed, snuggling into the pillows with his penguin plushy pressed to his chest.

Baek took a bath, trying to get the little boy inside him to move a little but Luhan expertly ingnored him. "Even my baby is mad at me.", he mumbled to hismelf as he wrapped himself into a fluffy white bathrobe. He just had slipped into the huge bed when his phone went off. Secretly, the young male hoped for Chanyeol calling him, but it was his mother. With a huff he took the phone and picked up. "Hello, mother."

"Baekhyunnie, my love.", his mother chipred into the phone. "How are you?"

Baek rolled with his eyes. "I'm okay. And so is the baby and Kyungsoo."

"Ah, that's good to hear."

"Why are you calling?"

"Oh, am I not allowed to call my child?"

"Well, the last time we talked, it didn't end up well and you're never calling at such a time. So, what is it?"

The mother sighed into the phone. "Well, your father told me that you're working again. I just wonder why. I thought you wanted to take a break."

"I just feel like working.", Baek answered her.

"But you worked quite a lot in the past days."

"How do you even know this?!", Baek groaned. "I swear, if I find out who informs you, I'll fire him or her!"

"Calm down, son.", the mother said. "I just want to know if everyting is alright."

"Everything's fine."

"You don't sound like this. Is really everything okay? Did you have a fight with Chansung?"

"Chanyeol, mother. His name is Chanyeol!", Baek huffed. "And even if, it's none of your business."

"Oh, okay, okay. Don't yell at me.", his mother said and Baekhyun already had the feeling that he had told her a bit too much. "Well, honey. It's late. You should sleep. Take care and give Kyungsoo a kiss. Bye-bye."

Baekhyun sighed into the phone. "Yes, bye.", he dropped the phone next to him on the mattress and laid down. Another deep sigh escaped him. Normally Chanyeol now would snuggle up from behind, placing his large hand on his belly, caressing it until Luhan would have fallen asleep. He would place gentle, loving kisses all along his neck, telling him how much he'd love him.

"I know you miss him.", he whispered as he brought a hand to his belly. "I miss him, too.", Luhan didn't response, not even as Baek dug his fingers into the flesh. "Fine, ignore me.", he huffed.

He turned to his back and lay there for a while, before he climbed out of the bed. Soft-footed, Baek went to Kyungsoo's room and peeked inside. The boy was asleep with his comforter pulled up to his face. He closed the door again and then went to the large windows that offered a great view into the park.

A small smiled formed on Baekhyu's lips at the sight of the snow covered streetlights dipping the hotel park into a dreamy winter wonderland. Due to the quite late hour a handful of people still were out there. The young male's eyes fell onto a couple that walked down the path next to a pond. The taller of the two had his arm wrapped around the smaller's shoulder and Baekhyun's soft smile slowly truned into a sad one as the taller leaned in for a kiss.

Baekhyun missed Chanyeol. He missed the man's face, his scent, his kisses, his whole presence. But still something deep inside him held Baek back from calling the other, telling him that he's be sorry and that he'd want to come home. Baek just couldn't identify what was holding him back.








Two days after they first went to visit Baekhyun and Kyungsoo, Chanyeol had dropped the kids at the hotel once again. "We know the way.", the twins proudly smiled as they walked past the porter, waving at their father.

With a smile on his face, Chanyeol watched as his son skipped over to the elevator, patiently waiting for it to arrive. Once the kids had disappeared into the lift, Chanyeol turned away and walked to his car. Cookie and a long walk were waiting for him.

Minseok happily swung the bag in his hand back and forht as he and Jongdae walked down the long corridor to Baekhyun's and Kyungsoo's hotel suit. Jongdae knocked onto the door, shouting a loud. "It's us!"

Kyungsoo opened the door, brightly smiling from ear to ear. "You're early.", he said and watched as the twins kicked off their boots.

"We told Daddy that we went to the park last time and he said the earlier we come, the longer we can play at the park.", Jongdae smiled. "Appa!", the then squeaked out and hopped over to give Baekhyun a hug. He pressed his nose into the round baby bump and grinned. "Hello Lu~!"

Baekhyun brought his hands into the boy's soft locks, messing them up with his fingers. "How are you?", he asked.

"Okie, okie.", Dae smiled. "I miss you. When you come back home?"

Baekhyun's face fell. "Uhm..soon."

"Can't you and Daddy just apologize to each other?", Minnie asked, looking at Baek with a pout.

Baek cleared his throat. "It's not that easy...", he tried to smile."But, we'll come home, soon."

"Daddy told me to give you this!", Minseok said and held up a small bag to the pregnant. "He said you won't miss home too much if you have this!"

Curisous, Baekhyun took the bag but only peeked inside as the kids left to play in Kyungsoo's bedroom. He reached into the small bag and brought out one of Chanyeol's hoodie and a handful of sour gummy worm packages. Hardly, the pregnant swallowed as the tried to fight back the tears that climbed up his eyes. He brought the dark blue hoodie to his nose and too a deep breath. The cloth smelled like Chanyeol and Baekhyun took another few deep breaths to inhale the man's scent. With a smile on his face he cried out as Luhan began to move inside him. He brought the hoodie back up and buried his face into it.











"It's so quiet there, where are the kids?"

Chanyeol smiled into the phone as he dropped a bit of fish food into the aquarium. "The twins are out to visit Baek and Soo."

Yifan sighed. "It's been over a week."

"Give him time."

"Amazing how calm you are. I'd go crazy."

Chanyeol hummed. "Yeah, but what would I get from it? Baekhyun said he wants a break, so I won't push it. I'm sure he'll come back soon. I wa-", a knock on the door and Cookie responsing to it with a bark, interrupted Chanyeol. "Uh, Yifan, there's someone at the door. I'll call you later, okay?"

"Alright.", the Chinese said.

"Bye." Chanyeol hang up and put his phone onto the coffee table, before he went to the door. He hushed the dog as he reached out for the door knob. The figure behind the door had him gasping. "Mrs. Byun?!"

"What did you do to my son?", Baekhyun's mother growled at him. "What did you do?"

"I..uh, I did nothing."

"Nothing?! Pah! If you'd have done nothing, Baekhyun wouldn't drown himself in work! And he wouldn't stay at a hotel. So,what have you done?!"

Chanyeol shook his head in confusion. "How do you even know that he's at a hotel?"

"I know everything!", the woman yelled. "Did you break his heart? Did you cheat on him? What is it?"

"What? No, I didn't cheat on him!", Yeol said, even though he didn't know why. "Why the hell would I cheat on him? I love him.", he rubbed the bridge of his nose with two fingers. "Okay, listen. It's none of your business but Baek and I had a fight. Baekhyun just has to get his head free, that's all."

A sly grin formed on the woman's lips. "I knew it.", she then said. "Only for you to know, Chanhyun-" "Chanyeol!", Yeol corrected her. "Chanyeol, Chanhyun, I don't care.", she said, rolling her eyes. "I could keep it to myself but since you're the father of the baby, I'll let you know. Baekhyun has done this before. He said he'd need a break and then he broke up with his partner. He did it with Kyungsoo's father, too. Kyungsoo was only a few months old. They had a fight, Baekhyun told him that he'd need a break and two weeks later he broke up with him."

With wide open eyes Chanyeol stared at the woman.

"You better prepare for it.", Mrs. Byun said. "If my son starts it with 'I need a break', he won't come back.", she smiled at Chanyeol. "Goodbye Chanyeol, was nice to meet you."

Dumbfounded Chanyeol watched as the woman went to her car, where a driver opened the door for her. As frozen he stoon in the door, not knowing if what she just told him might could've been true. Almost in trance, Yeol closed the door, went back to the living room and grabbed his phone. He dialed Baekhyun's number and waited for the other to pick up.

"Hello?", Baekhyun's soft voice said after a while.

"I have some questions.", Chanyeol said instead of a greeting.

"What? Yeol, is that you?"

"You know, I don't give a if your mother can't remember my name or if she thinks that I'd cheat on you, if she yells at me what I've done to you that you and Soo stay at a hotel. But...if she tells me to prepare myself for a break-up, I'd like to know if it's true. So, is it true?"

"My mother was there?!",Baekhyun gasped into the phone.

"Please answer me.", Chanyeol said. "Do you want to break up with me?"

"What? Why would you think that?"

"She said you've done it to Kyungsoo's father, too. You told him that you'd need a break and then you broke up with him."

"She told you that?!"

Yeol sighed. "So, it's true?"

There was a short term of silence. "Yes.",Baek then said. "It's true. We had a fight. I really needed a break back then. I needed to get my head free. And the longer we were seperated the more it was clear that I didn't love like I once did."

"But he was your fiancé?!"

"He was.", Baekhyun uttered. "We fought a lot back then and we tought a baby would solve our problems but it didn't. He was happy but I was not. Kyungsoo is the best that ever happened to us. We..I should've broke up with him sooner but I was cowardly."

"Are you cowardly now?",Yeol asked.

"What do you mean?"

"Do you love me?"

Baekhyun kept quiet.

"Do you love me?", Chanyeol asked again. "Or do you want to break up with me because you don't love me like you once did?"

"No.", Baekhyun said after a while. "I love you."

"It doesn't sound like that."

Tears started to roll down Baekhyun's cheeks. "Chanyeol.."

"Don't do this to me, Baekhyun.", the teacher almost whispered. "Don't tell me you love me when you don't."

"But, I really do love you."

"Tell me again, when you're really sure."

"Chanyeol.." "I'll pick the kids up around seven."

"Chanyeol, wait.", but the man had already hung up. "I love you.", Baekhyun cried into the beeping phone. "I love you.", he clutched at his phone, shrieking loudly as it suddenly began to ring again. "Chanyeol?!", he gasped into the phone.

"No, not Chanyeol. But someone's who's going to kick your if you don't back your bags, garb the kid and go home, immediately!", Joonmyeon hissed from the other end of the line. "You'll listen to me now, Byun Baekhyun! What you're doing is wrong. What happened is not Chanyeol's fault and you know why? Because you also could've locked the door. And let me tell you something else. When Yixing was three years old, he suddenly disappeared from our garden. That little monster and his urge to water each and every flower in the neighborhood caused a huge fight between Yifan and me. Back then, Yifan told me it would've been my fault that our son disappeared from the garden. He said it all could've prevented if I'd have locked the gate. I totally can understand what you've felt when you noticed Kyungsoo's missing because I've felt the same. But I also understand Chanyeol's feelings because I was in the same state at the time. Accusing Chanyeol for the thing your son decided to do is not right and I hope you know that!"

There was silence, all Baekhyu could hear was Joonymeon's heavy breathing and it had him smiling. "Do you u-" "Joonmyeon?", Baek cut in, voice soft and calm.

"Yes?", Yifan's hubsand uttered.

"Thank you."

A deep sigh was heard. "So, you're going home?"

"Yes.", Baek said with a nod. "But don't tell Chanyeol."

"I won't."

"Thank you."









"Does Daddy know that we're coming back home?", Kyungsoo asked as the four of them were on their way home only an hour later.

"No, he doesn't know.", Baekhyun said, smiling as he looked the the kids through the review mirror. "It's a surprise.", the car came to a halt at a red traffic light.

"Hahaha, look!", Jongdae squeaked and pointed out of the window. "This man looks like Santa!"

The kids giggled at the man across the street that leaned against a lampost. He had a long snow white beard and a red hat on his head. Baekyhun snickered at the sight of the old man, before he focused back on the street. The light truned green and the cars in front of him slowly began to dirve again. Baek changed the gear and stepped onto the gas. Slowly the car rolled after the other cars through the intersection.

Just as Baek had sped up a little the honk of another car made him flinch. A loud crash was heard and quick-witted, the young male stepped onto the break. Due to the slippery road the car didn't stop right away but slipped a few meters. With full weight the black estate car crashed into the rear of driver in front. Baekhyun shrieked at the impact and cried out as his face collided with the trigged airbag and his forehead yet hit onto the steering wheel.

Dazed, he sat back up and shook his head sligltly. "A..are you alright?", he asked the kids. He turned his head but he couldn't see nothing but a few blurry figures.

"We're okay.", he heard Minseok saying.

"But Appa, you're bleeding.", Kyugsoo gasped loudly.

Baek tried to smile. "It's okay. It's not bad.", with shaky hands he unbucklet his seat belt. He reached out for the handle and opened the door.

A man was rushed to the car and helped Baekhyun out. "Are you okay?", he asked.

Baekhyun inhaled, loudly. "The kids!", he said and pointed at the car. He stumbled towards and groaned at a sudden pain in his lower back. He brought a hand to his belly and clutched at Chanyeol's hoodie. " baby...", he breathed out before his eyes rolled into the back of his head and he slumbed to the cold ground.

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Beau1996 1371 streak #1
Chapter 16: Smexy times in the car - yes please!!
Beau1996 1371 streak #2
Chapter 15: Sweetness overload!!
Beau1996 1371 streak #3
Chapter 13: The best baby daddy ever!
Beau1996 1371 streak #4
Chapter 12: The best way to confess!
Beau1996 1371 streak #5
Chapter 11: Very sweet!
Beau1996 1371 streak #6
Chapter 10: I want more Baekhyun hugs too ( ok, maybe just one would be nice!)
Beau1996 1371 streak #7
Chapter 9: Poor Baek!
Beau1996 1371 streak #8
Chapter 8: Ah oh - looks like someone has a surprise 😉
Beau1996 1371 streak #9
Chapter 7: Welcome to the big house!
Beau1996 1371 streak #10
Chapter 6: Happy family indeed!!