Ch. 34





As much as Chanyeol wanted to take Baekhyun home, he had to wait for it. Yes, the pregnant was awake and doing fine but he had to stay a little longer. To bridge the time until the smaller was finally allowed to leave the hospital, Chanyeol visited him as much as he could, bringing the kids along.

"There's so much snow outside."

"Oh, really?" Baekhyun asked, gazing up from the apple he was peeling.

"Yes," Kyungsoo nodded. "Daddy had to shovel for almost an hour until it was all gone."

"Yeah," Jongdae added with a sigh. "There's so much snow on the playground, we're not allowed to play outside in the breaks."

"Really, why?"

"A middle schooler fell and broke his shoulder," Chanyeol took the word to explain. "Her parents are really mad and want to fill a lawsuit against the school."

Baekhyun hummed. "Ah, that's bad. Do you think they have a chance to win?"

"I'm not sure," Yeol said. "They'll probably blame the janitor for it but it's not his fault. The poor man has to take care of all three school buildings and the playgrounds, that's too much."

Minseok, who sat in Chanyeol's lap nodded. "He has to clean the floors too, so we don't slip."

Jongdae laughed out, causing Baekhyun to raise a brow. "Daddy slipped and fell. It looked too funny."

Rolling his eyes, Yeol sighed. "Well, at least you had your fun watching me."

"Did you hurt yourself?"

"No," the teacher said. "I earned myself a bruise but it wasn't that bad."

"Daddy looked like the giant in that movie we watched," Soo giggled into his palm.

Chuckling, Baekhyun handed Kyungsoo and Jongdae a slice of apple and held out another for Minseok. The boy hopped down Chanyeol's lap and went over to the bed to get it. With a hum he popped it into his mouth.

"It's almost time for lunch," Chanyeol stated after a look at his wrist watch. "Shall I ask if you can join us?"

"Yeah, that would be great," Baek smiled.

Actually the pregnant still wasn't allowed to leave the bed but every now and then, the doctor allowed him to go down to the cafeteria with his family to have lunch with them. While Chanyeol was out, talking to a nurse, Baekhyun watched the boys eating their apples. "How's Cookie?"

"He's doing fine," Jongdae smiled, still munching on the fruit. "He's sleeping with Daddy now."

"Oh, really?"

"Yes," Min nodded."Since Daddy's sleeping in the bedroom again, Cookie sleeps with him."

"Since he-what?" frowning, Baekhyun tilted his head in confusion. "Where did Daddy sleep before?"

"In the guestroom" Kyungsoo told him. "He has slept downstairs the whole time."

Baekhyun only hummed at the information and showed the kids a smile. "Well, I'm sure Cookie likes to sleep in the bed."

"It looks funny when they sleep there," Dae snickered. "They only sleep on one side. The other side is always empty."

"Yes," Kyungsoo said. "Daddy hugs him like a Teddy."

"Hopefully I get a chance to see this."

"See what?"

"Seeing you and Cookie sleep in our bed," Baek said, looking at Chanyeol, who had just entered the room.

"I'm sure you will," Yeol chuckled. "He really likes it there."

"I'm sure he does," Baek smiled. "And? Am I allowed to go with you?"


"Great," the pregnant said. He pulled the covers back and moved to sit on the edge of the bed. Carefully he stood up, reaching out to grab Chanyeol's arm in support. Wrapping an arm around the smaller's waist, Chanyeol slowly lead Baekhyun towards the door. "Do you want me to get you a wheelchair?"

"No," shaking his head, Baek reached for the doorknob. "I want to walk."

"Are you sure? It's quite a long way."

"I want to walk," Baek repeated, giving a firm nod. "Come on, let's go."

What Chanyeol and the kids normally took around five minutes, took almost twenty minutes with Baekhyun in tow but they had to careful. The wound on Baekhyun's stomach was fully healed, yet the pregnant had to deal with strong circulation problems.The doctor said that it had something to do with the anaphylactic shock and the circulatory collapse Baekhyun had suffered and so they had to be extremely careful.

Once the family had reached the cafeteria, the boys looked out for a quiet room. "Alright, what would you like to eat?" Chanyeol asked after he had helped Baekhyun sitting down.

"They have fries here, right? I'm craving for fries."

"Drowned in ketchup or mayo?"

"Both," Baek smiled. "And a huge lemonade, please."

"Anything for you, my love."

As he waited for Chanyeol and the kids to come back with their food, Baekhyun leaned back into the chair, rubbing over his baby bump. Luhan had been quite quiet the whole day and it worried him a little. "Is everything alright?"

The pregnant looked up, meeting Chanyeol's eyes. "Yes," he quickly said, nodding. "Everything's alright."

"Are you sure?"

"Pretty sure," he said, putting on a smile. "I'm just a little tired."

"You should've told me," Yeol said, finally placing the tray full of food and two glasses of lemonade on the table. "The kids and I would have gone home."

"I know," Baek said. "That's why I didn't say something."

Shaking his head and chuckling slightly, Chanyeol sat down. He turned his head to look at the kids, who were busy picking out straws for their drinks. "Come on you guys, your food's getting cold."

The family enjoyed their lunch and especially Baekhyun. The pregnant had enough of the hospital and couldn't wait to finally go home. He missed home, all of it. The smell, the noises and most he missed sleeping right next to Chanyeol in their comfortable bed. He was rather sad when Chanyeol and the kids had to leave again.

"Bye-bye, Appa," Minseok smiled and pressed a kiss to the pregnant's cheek.

Returning the smile, Baekhyun watched as the boy hopped over to the door where the other's already waited. Chanyeol tugged his son's beanie in place before he then went over to Baek. "Alright," he said and leaned down. "See you on Friday, then."

"Can you call me tonight?"

"Of course."

Baekhyun smiled into the kiss, humming when Chanyeol slipped a hand under the blanket to give his belly a rub. "But don't forget it."

"I won't," Yeol said, pulling back. "Promise."

"Bye, Appa."

Baek waved after his family, sighing when the door fell close behind them. He really couldn't wait to finally leave the hospital. Leaning back, he was about to reach for the book that lay on the bedside table, when he spotted Chanyeol's scarf hanging over the armrest of the chair by the window. A smile spread over his lips, knowing that Chanyeol for sure would come back to get it since it was bitterly cold outside.

Gazing to the door, he counted the seconds until it would knock on the door. "Come in," he chuckled when the knock he waited for eventually came. "Hahaha, did you perhaps fo-oh," the smile on his face abruptly faded away when not Chanyeol but his mother entered the room.

"Hello, Baekhyun."

"What do you want?" He hissed instead of greeting her back.

The woman let out a sigh and loosened the scarf that was wrapped around her neck. "Isn't that obviously?" She asked. "I want to visit you, knowing how you are."

"I'm fine," Baek said. "And so is the baby. Well, now that you know, you can leave. Have a good day."

"Don't be like that, son."

"But I am like that."

Once again, Baekhyun's mother sighed. Ignoring the glare that was shooted at her, she went over to a chair and sat down, opening her thick wool coat. "Oh, was he here?" She asked, scrunching her nose when she spotted Chanyeol's scarf. "I hope he's treating Kyungsoo good."

"He is treating Kyungsoo better than you ever could."

"I doubt that but well," Mrs.Byun uttered. "That you're here is his fault, after all. Therefore I don't think that h-" "If someone is to blame for what had happened, then it's you!" Baekhyun cut in, pointing at his mother. "Because of you, he was doubting my love for him!"

"How is that my fault?" Mrs. Byun asked with as gasp, placing a hand on her chest.

"You told him that I'd break up with him!"

"I told him because you did it once on the same kind of way."

"How dare you to compare this?!" Baekhyun yelled. "Back then I wasn't happy. I tried to hold onto something that didn't exist."

The mother made a sound. "So, and now you're happy?"

"Yes I am! I'm more than happy. Chanyeol is all I could ever ask for. He's kind and caring, loving and always puts me before everything. It's always the kids and me!"

"Then, why did you leave him and stayed at the hotel?"

Baekhyun sighed. "It's none of your business but I'll tell you. We had a fight. And before you blame him for it, it was me who overreacted. I was mad and blinded by it, so I grabbed a bag and Kyungsoo and left. That's it. I never had the plan to leave him unlike you told him."

"Well, excuse me," the woman said. "You've done it twice."

"So, what? Only because I left two of my previous partners after a break, doesn't mean I would leave Chanyeol, too."

"Baekhyun you k-" "You know what," Baek cut her off. "I don't want to talk about it. And certainly not with you. I won't leave Chanyeol. I love him, more than I've ever loved someone before."

Baekhyun looked at his mother as she rolled with her eyes. "I'd like you to leave now," he then said. "And I also would like you to not come back here."

Letting out a huff, the mother eventually stood up. She left without saying another word and Baekhyun was glad for it. As soon as the door fell shut behind her, he reached for the phone on the small table beside his bed. "Yeol, it's me," he said after the answering machine allowed him to speak. "I know we wanted to phone tonight but could you call me once you've heard this?"

Around twenty minutes after he had left the voice message, Chanyeol called back. "Baby, are you alright? Do you want me to come over again?"

"No," Baek said, smiling. "I'm okay. It's just, my mother was here and I feel like explaining why she said such things that day."

"Right now?" Yeol asked.

"Yes, right now," the pregnant said. "I mean, only if it's okay with you. If you rather would have an eye to eye conversation I'm okay with it, too."

"No, it's okay. Go on."

"You know, it's true what she said," Baekhyun said, coming straight to the point. "I've left my fiance while we're having a break. Our relationship was over even before I got pregnant with Kyungsoo. We thought a baby would change everything but well, it didn't. Yet, we got engaged and wanted to get married. We thought that we'd have to because of Kyungsoo. A couple of months after he was born, I needed a break from our relationship to think about it. The longer I was away from him, the more I realized that I didn't love him anymore. Not even a bit. I broke up with him. But when I left you and the twins, I never considered breaking up with you. It didn't even cross my mind. Not even a second."

"I see," Chanyeol said. "And I believe you," he added. "But, why did you ignore me? Why did you not call me back?"

"I don't know," the answer came in a whisper. "I still don't know. I  was overreacting and mad and still in shock over what had happened and, ugh, can I just blame it on the hormones?"

A chuckle was heard from the other end of the line and Baek's lips curled into a soft smile at the sound. "I guess we can do that."

"Thank you."

"Do you remember what I asked you the last time?"

"Mhh," Baek hummed.Of course he remembered.

"Do you love me, Baekhyun?"

"I do," this time there was no hesitation. "I love you. I know I've said terrible things and I don't know where these trust issues came from but I vow to improve. I love you and the kids more than anything and I don't want to lose you."

Silence ensured after Baekhyun had spoken. Furrowing, he pressed the phone closer to his ear. "C-chanyeol?"

"I can't wait to finally have you and Luhan back home," Chanyeol finally said.

"Maybe if I flirt with the doctor, he allows me to leave earlier."

Chanyeol laughed out. "I shouldn't support this but if it brings you home to me, then why not!? Give it a try."

"I'll give my best," Baek snickered. "Uhm," he then hummed. "I know we just phone right now but could you still call me tonight?"

"Of course. I'll ca-" a loud crash in the background cut Chanyeol off. "Ah, don't move! Stay where you are!"

"What happened?" Baek wanted to know.

"The cookie jar broke," Yeol sighed into the phone. "Gotta go now, Jongdae is standing in the middle of the shards. I've to get him out there."

"Yeah, do that," the pregnant said.

"I'll call you when they're in bed, okay?"




"I love you."








It was five to three when Chanyeol came to halt in front of the house, turning off the engine. "Daddy, we're late."

"I know," the teacher sighed, opening the door after unbuckling. His and the kids plan of shopping groceries in less than an hour completely failed and now they were late to go to the hospital, visiting Baekhyun. The pregnant was probably already wondering where they were. "Just let me get the bags in and put everything away that has to be cooled."

"Okie," Kyungsoo said, hopping out of the car.

"But you have to hurry," Minseok said, waiting for his father to unlock the door. "Appa is already waiting."

Pushing the door open, Chanyeol let the kids in first. "I promise, I'll be quick," he said, kicking of his boots. With his arms full of bags, he then shuffled to the kitchen where he dropped the bags on the dining table. Halfway through unpacking the bag with the frozen stuff, Jongdae came dashed into the kitchen. "Daddy!"

Chanyeol scrunched his face at the high pitched squeak. "What is it?"

"Appa is here."

"Appa i-what?"

Nodding his head, Jongdae pointed towards the stairs. "We were looking for Cookie and found him in the bedroom. He's there, sleeping with Appa."

Almost in trance, still not believing that Baekhyun really should be upstairs, Chanyeol followed his son to his and Baekhyun's bedroom. Kyungsoo and Minseok stood in front of the open door, peeking inside. "Daddy, shouldn't Appa be at the hospital?"

"Actually, yes," Yeol nodded, gazing over to his bed. A faint, surprised gasp left the young father at the sight of the pregnant really lying in their bed, peacefully sleeping with the family snuggled up to his side. Cookie lifted his head when Chanyeol stepped into the room, wiggling his tail. Baekhyun didn't wake up when the dog stood up, only sighed and rolled up as much as his belly allowed him to.

Carefully not to scare the other, Chanyeol sat down on the edge of the bed. "Baek," he whispered, gently him over his cheek. "Baek, wake up."

Eventually the pregnant reacted to the gentle, warm touch and stirred awake. "Oh, hey," he yawned as he blinked his eyes open. "I didn't mean to fall asleep."

"What are you doing here?"

Rubbing his eyes, Baekhyun sit up. "Well, I flirted with the doctor and guess what, it worked."

"You should've told me."

"I wanted to surprise you," he smiled.

"Well, I'm more than surprised. When did you get here and how?"

"What time is it?" Baek asked and stretched to look at the alarm clock. "I'm here for over an hour now. First I thought you were already on the way to the hospital but then I spotted the shopping list on the table."

"Yeah, I forgot it," Yeol whispered, rolling his eyes at himself. "So and how did you get here?"

"I took a cap. I just wanted to see your face when I walked through the door. Too bad I missed it.

"Well, I," Yeol said, laughing. "I'm still surprised. Since when did you know?"

"Yes, Appa, since when did you know?" Minseok repeated his father's words, hopping over to the bed. Jongdae and Kyungsoo followed him, nodding their heads. They also wanted to know.

"Actually, he told me in the morning," Baek smiled. "I really begged him to sign my discharge papers. The final check-up was alright and so he allowed me to leave."

"So, you don't have to go back to the hospital?" Kyungsoo asked, big eyes wide open and hopeful. "You can stay here with us again?"

"Yes," Baek smiled.

"Finally," Jongdae loudly cheered and climbed into the bed. He crawled over to Baekhyun and hugged him tightly. "I missed you a lot."

"I missed you, too," the pregnant smiled. "All of you."

With a smile on his face, Chanyeol watched as all three kids hugged Baekhyun, showering him with lovely kisses. "What about a movie night?" He asked his family. "We get some food and snacks and watch some movies."

This hadn't to be asked twice. Chanyeol's idea got full approval and after changing clothes, ordering food and converting the floor in front of the TV into a huge, soft nest of pillows and blankets, the family settled down to enjoy their first movie.

Baekhyun took place between Chanyeol's legs, leaning back against the tall man's broad chest. Chanyeol had his hands on his belly, it while running his nose up and down Baek's neck. "Do you even watch the movie?"

"No," Yeol honestly said, inhaling the pregnants scent.

"But you're missing the best parts."

"Don't care."

Baekhyun shivered as Chanyeol breath fanned against his nape and the man's lips started to ghost over his skin. "What are you doing?"

"Nothing," Chanyeol said, kissing every inch of exposed skin he could reach. His hands never left Baek's belly, never stopped rubbing the bump while doing so. "I'm just catching up.  It's been awhile since I last could cuddle you like this."

Baekhyun moved to rest his head on Chanyeol's shoulder. He looked up to him, smiling. "We have all night to cuddle," he said. "And tomorrow night and all other upcoming nights as well."

Returning the smile, Chanyeol leaned down for a kiss. "I can't wait for all this nights to come."







Choo choo~
I know it's been awhile and I'm sorry for that. But a lo of things have happened.
I had to cope with a loss, then moved to Seoul & right now I'm searching for friends and try to get used to everything.
I hope you can forgive me.
Thanks for being so patient. ♥

For everyone who has Twitter, you can talk to me there if you want. @_ChrisArrow_



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Beau1996 1371 streak #1
Chapter 16: Smexy times in the car - yes please!!
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Chapter 15: Sweetness overload!!
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Chapter 12: The best way to confess!
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Chapter 11: Very sweet!
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Chapter 10: I want more Baekhyun hugs too ( ok, maybe just one would be nice!)
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Chapter 8: Ah oh - looks like someone has a surprise 😉
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