Ch. 24


Just like in the middle of the night, it was Luhan who woke Baekhyun up in the morning. The little boy inside him moved around like crazy and hardly kicked him in the ribs. A soft groan escaped him as he rolled to onto his back . "Lu~"

Without opening his eyes he brought a hand to his baby bump and rubbed it circles. His palm felt cold against his belly and caused him to shudder. "Do you want me to get up?", he smiled when Luhan kicked him again.

He cracked an eye open and turned back to his side. He felt Luhan slid down and Baek had to laugh at the feeling. Chanyeol's side of the bed was already left. Eventually he opened both eyes and sat up. He shuddered when the covers slipped off his body. He slid out of the bed and quickly skipped to the wardrobe to grab a pair of boxers and one of Chanyeol's sweaters.

His legs felt like jelly, his muscles twitched with every step and the first few meters down the hallway he swayed a bit. Slowly and carefully he made his way down the stairs to the kitchen. A sweet smell met him when the entered the pleasantly warm room. "Morning."

Chanyeol, who had just flipped a pancake in his pan, looked over his shoulder and smiled at him. "Morning baby.", he leaned down to meet Baek's kiss. "Slept well?"

"Like a baby.", the pregnant let out a cute giggle when Chanyeol lifted him onto the counter next to the stove. "Since when are you awake?"

"Since an hour or so?", Yeol uttered, focusing on the pancakes again.

"Oh, why that?"

A smirk rushed over Chanyeol's face. "I remembered something."

Confused Baek tilted his head. "What was it?", he wanted to know.

Chanyeol put the pancake on a plate and turned the stove off. "Well.", he began and turned to Baek, still smirking. "While lying in our bed, looking at you and your body, I remembered that we left your boxers and the lube in the living room."

With burning cheeks, Baek whined loudly. "Oh, god.", he hid his face in his hands and cried out again. Just imagine what would have happened if the children had found the stuff. With a flushed face he peeked at Chanyeol. "How can you laugh at this?", he pouted. "Eventually, they will still catch us."

"Well, then we have to explain it."

"Oh, how can you stay so calm?!", Baek whined again and nudged Yeol's shoulder.

Chanyeol chuckled at Baek's expression. He grabbed the smaller's knees, pushed them apart and stepped between his legs. "One day they'll ask anyway.", he snickered and gently ran his palms over the bare thighs. "They will hear the word "" and ask or they'll wonder where Sehun and Luhan come from."

"You'll tell them that!"

Chanyeol's laughed hollered through the kitchen. "Why me?"

Baek pouted. "You're a teacher."

"This may be, but what if they ask when I'm not around?", he teased.

"Then I'll play dumb.", Baek quickly answered. "I'll tell them that I don't know and that they have to ask you. Or I'll send them to Yifan."

Chanyeol laughed out again. "That's a good idea. We'll send them to Yifan. I'd like to see his face when he tries to explain this."

Baek joined Yeol and broke into a laugh. "Can I ask you something?", he asked when their laughter had faded away.


"I wonder why the boy's call Yifan this Chinese version of Hyung?"

"You mean Gege?"

Baek nodded. "Yes."

"You know, Yifan is two years older than me. I barely talk formally to him or Joonmyeon.", Chanyeol began to explain. "But when the boys were younger they heard when I called Yifan Ge and began to parrot it. I tried to explain that they should call Yifan uncle, no matter if Korean or Chinese, but they didn't want to. Yifan was okay with it and yeah, since that one day they call Yifan Ge and Joonmyeon Hyung.", he smiled softly. "And since Yixing had to follow them, he addresses me as Hyung as well."

Baek chuckled at the story. "I didn't know that they could speak Chinese. I was really surprised when Minnie talked to Yifan in Chinese."

"Yeah, it's because of Yixing. When Xing and Yifan are alone, they speak Chinese to each other. The boys were curious and Yixing taught them a few words.",

Chanyeol began to laugh. "And even before I could blink, they were beyond "Hello", "How are you?" and "My name is". "

"They're so smart."

"Hm, just as smart as Kyungsoo.", he smiled.

"Soo can speak Chinese?", Baek gasped in surprise. "I didn't know."

Chanyeol nodded slowly. "Well, he's not as far as the twins yet, but he's interested and asks whenever he doesn't understand something."

"How do you know?"

"Well, I heard him talking to Yixing and Myeon has told me when he were on our way home from the hospital."

"Do you speak Chinese as well?"

Chanyeol chuckled and shook his head. "Just a bit.", he said. "The twins speak a lot better than me."

Baekhyun returned Chanyeol's smile and brought his hands into the tall man's hair. "Can I ask something else?", he asked and the black hair.

"Sure. What is it?"

"Back in summer when we had the barbecue and I ran away after our quarrel, Minseok came to me and told me that he'd play the piano in order to apologize to you when he'd done something wrong. When did you taught him to play?"

"Believe it or not.", Chanyeol began to snicker. "But they wanted to learn it after watching The Aristocats."

"What? For real?", Baek laughed out. "You're kidding, right?"

Yeol shook his head. "No, it's the truth. They watched the film and were so fascinated by the piano scene that they wanted to learn to play piano. But Minie lost interest pretty quickly again, Dae, however, still likes to play and he's really good."

"Yeah, Minnie is more soccer fixed.", Baek giggled. "I'm sure we have to buy soccer boots in future."

"And cold packs and band aids.", Chanyeol added with a laugh.

"Ah, I already see us standing on the sidelines, cheering for him.", Baek giggled. He brought his hand down to his belly when Luhan kicked him. "Yeah, yeah, you can cheer for your brother too."

Chanyeol snickered. "I rather believe that our baby boy is a soccer player himself.", he smiled and bent his legs to get on eye level with the baby bump. "Right Luhan?", he pressed a kiss to the clothed bump and rubbed the sides with palms.

"Is something wrong with Luhannie?"

At Minseok's voice, the parents turned their heads. The little boy stood in the door with a plushy tucked under his arm. He rubbed his eye and yawned cutely. Chanyeol shook his head and smiled at his still sleepy son. "No, everything is alright. I've just giving Luhan a good-morning kiss."

Little Minseok skipped over to his parents and smiled up to them. "I want to give him a kiss too."

Chanyeol bent his knees, wrapped his fingers around the boys torso and lifted him. Baekhyun smiled when Min gently rested his little hands on the belly and leaned down to kiss it. He pressed a kiss right above the navel and flashed he bump a cheeky smile. "Good morning, Lu~", he sang and patted the belly with both hands.

Chanyeol tightened his grip around his son, lifted him a bit higher and swirled him around in his arms. "What about the other two? Still asleep?", he ask him.

Minnie nodded. "Kyungsoo kicked me in his sleep.", he pouted and pointed to his side.

"Aw, does it hurt?", Baek asked and rubbed the boys waist a few inches below the ribs.

The boy nodded. He reached for the hem of his pajama and lifted it up. A red spot, that already slightly had turned blue, loomed on his skin. Baekhyun ran a finger over the bruise. "Ah, he must've hit you with the heel.", he carefully leaned over and pecked the boy's boo-boo.

Minseok giggled at the gesture and playfully patted Baek's soft hair. Baek looked up to the boy and smiled when Minseok puckered his lips. He sat back up and pecked the boy's pink lips. "Ohh, are you hungry?", he laughed when a bubbling growl was heard.

"Do you want to have a pancake?", Yeol asked when Minnie nodded his head at Baekhyun's question. He set the boy back to the floor, helped Baek down the counter and grabbed the plate full of pancakes.

Minseok hopped over to the table and climbed onto the chair. He reached out for the juice carafe and a glass and poured some orange juice into it. Baekhyun poured some maple syrup on Minseok's pancake and pushed the plate over to the boy. With a smile on his face he watched as Minseok rolled the pancake up and then bit into the roll with a happy hum.

Chanyeol enjoyed the silence and leaned back in his chair, while watching his son munching on his breakfast. "The weather is good today.", he randomly stated to get the boy's attention. "Shall we go sledding?"

Minseok's eyes grew wide at the question. "Yes! Yes!", he squeaked with sparkling eyes. He dropped the last bit of his pancake onto the plate and wiped his, from the syrup, sticky fingers on a napkin before he hopped down his chair to wake his brothers.

"Where to go sledding here?", Baek asked.

"A park near here has a hill.", Yeol smiled softly. "There are always a lot of parents and children."

"Sounds nice."

"You want to come with us?"

Baek nodded. "Yeah, sure why not? I'm pregnant and not sick."

"Yeah, that's why.", Yeol chuckled. He stood up from his chair and knelt down in front of Baek.  He rested his hands on the bare thighs and massaged the flesh with the thumbs. "You just have to look out of the window and get frostbite."

Baek pouted. "Ah, that's not true.", he playfully kicked Yeol in the side. "Besides, what am I doing here doing alone?"

"Okay, good point.", Chanyeol admitted. "But promise me to tell me when you're cold. Only because it makes the kids happy doesn't mean that you have to freeze out there."

"I promise.", the pregnant giggled and playfully saluted.

"I mean it, Baek.", Yeol said with a frown. "The last thing I want and need right now is you suffering a fever. "

With a soft smile, Baek leaned forwards. "I promise it.", he nodded. "If I'm cold, I tell you immediately.", he grabbed Chanyeol's face and pulled him into a deep kiss.

"Hm?", Yeol hummed when the smaller giggled against his lips.

Baek pulled back and grinned. "It's been years since I sat on a sled the last time."

Chanyeol chuckled back. "Well then, it's time. "



There were already many families in the park when the family a few hours later arrived at the hill. Kyungsoo squeaked in excitement at the sight of the many kids sliding down the hill. He tightened the grip around the rope of his sled and sped up. The twins followed him, running up the hill as fast as they could.

Meanwhile, Baekhyun and Chanyeol, hand in hand, strolled after them. Chanyeol had brought a fourth sled and pulled it behind him. Once at the top, he let go of Baek's hand and reached out for the blanket and the picnic basket he had brought. He spread the fluffy blanket out over the sled, so he and Baekhyun could sit down on it.

With a huff Baek plopped down onto the sled. His thick winter coat stretched over his bump and made it look a bit bigger than it actually was. He hummed when Chanyeol handed him the thermos and a cup. "Hey, Chanyeol, long time no see."

At the male voice Baek looked up and met the smile of a young man. "How are you?", he asked in a laugh when Chanyeol pulled him into a hug.

"I'm good and you? I thought you went back to China?"

The stranger flashed Chanyeol a smile and shrugged. "I was there, but nah, this is my home now. I came back a while ago."

"Wow, I didn't know, Yifan didn't say something."

"He doesn't know. I had no time to call him. I'm still in the middle of moving."

"Why that?", Yeol curiously asked.

"I've bought a house but the renovation took longer than expected. For almost three months we now, literally, sit on packed bags."

"Ah, that's bad.", Yeol voiced out. "But can you at least move in before Christmas?"

"I hope so. Wish me luck.", the young man laughed. "But enough from me.", he then smiled. "What's new in your life?"

With a bright smile Chanyeol turned to Baek and pointed at him. "May I introduce, Baekhyun, this is Tao a good friend from China. Tao, this is Baekhyun, my significant other."

"My pleasure.", the man named Tao smiled at him and reached out his hand for a handshake.

Baek pushed himself up and returned Tao's friendly smile while shaking his hand. "Nice to meet you."

"Oh my, you're pregnant.", Tao beamed after he had spotted the baby bump. "Congratulations."

"Thank you."

"Ah and here I thought, I finally would have a chance.", Tao suddenly joked and nudged Chanyeol in the ribs. Baekhyun frowned at the utterance and clenched his jaw. "Is it a boy or a girl?"

"Another boy.", Chanyeol laughed. "You know Baekhyun has also a son.", he said and pointed over to Kyungsoo, who helped Jongdae pulling his sled.

"Oh my.", Tao chuckled. "A pure male household."

"Speaking of children, where is your descendant?"

"Ah, yeah, that's a good question.", the man laughed. Baek watched as Tao stretched a bit to look for his child. "Ah, there she is, BeiBei, come here princess.", he waved at a little girl in a delicate pink snowsuit.

The girl came run towards them with a cute smile on her face. She stopped next to Tao and hugged him around his leg. She babbled something in Chinese to him before she looked at Baekhyun and Chanyeol. "Hello.", she chirped with a smile.

"BeiBei, do you remember Chanyeol?"

"Yes.", BeiBei grinned. "The beautiful teacher."

"BeiBei!", Tao squeaked in shock and covered his daughters mouth with his hand.

While Chanyeol laughed at what the girl had said, Baekhyun knitted his brows together. He puffed his cheeks and glared at the young, blushing Chinese. Chanyeol knelt down and held out his hand for the little girl. "Hello, BeiBei.", he smiled at her. "Nice to see you again."

BeiBei giggled cutely and grabbed Chanyeol's hand with her little ones. "It's nice to be here again.", she smiled brightly. "Baba has bought a house. I have a really big room now."

"Oh really? That's cool."

She nodded. "It is.", her smile faded away and her lips formed to a pout. "I want to sleep in my new bed but Baba can't build it."

Chanyeol made a sound. "Ohh, why that?"

BeiBei shrugged with her little shoulders. "He just can't do it."

Chanyeol peeked up to Tao, who scratched his head in embarrassment. "Tow left hands.", he grinned. "I really need to call someone for that. I'm too dumb to build up the furniture."

"Say BeiBei, should I come over to your house and build up your bed?", Chanyeol offered.

A huge smile spread over Tao's daughters face and she nodded eagerly. "Can I help you?"

"Sure.", Yeol nodded. "Help is always good.", he nudged her nose and smiled when she squeaked.

"Uncle Chanyeol, are you going to slide with me?", BeiBei asked but already tugged at Chanyeol's hand. With a nod, Chanyeol stood back up and let the little girl leading him over to his sled. "Baba, you too!", she shouted at Tao and waved at him.

"Was nice to meet you. See you.", Tao flashed Baek a sweet smile before he jogged over to Chanyeol and his daughter.

A low growl left Baekhyun as he watched Tao sitting down on the sled behind Chanyeol. He clenched his jaw when the Chinese wrapped his arms around Chanyeol's waist. He felt as if he was forgotten when Chanyeol even after twenty minutes didn't come back to him. He sat on the sled and annoyed chewed on the edge of his cup. Only when Minseok came run over to him a small smile formed on his lips. "Are you thirsty?", he asked the boy.

Minnie nodded and grabbed himself a juice box from the picnic basket. "We make a sled race.", he smiled brightly.

"We?", Baek asked.

The boy nodded. "Yes! Uncle Tao and BeiBei are here too.", Baek made at face at Tao's name. "BeiBei, Tao and Dae are in one team, Daddy, Soo and I are in the other team."

Baekhyun forced himself to smile. "Do you have fun?"

"So much!", Minnie beamed. "Our team leads with a point.", he grinned proudly.

"That's nice."

"Don't you want to come and watch us?"

"Ah, no.", Baek waved him off. "I'm a bit cold, I just want to sit here."

"Okay.", Minseok chirped. He put the juice box back into the basket and leaned over to Baekhyun to give him a peck onto the cheek. "Love you."

"Love you too.", Baek smiled and watched the boy running back to the others. He sighed loudly and put his hands on his bump. Luhan had kicked slightly which made him smile. "Yeah, I love you too.", he said to his unborn baby. When he heard Kyungsoo squealing loudly, he looked up from his bump.

His son had a small snowball in his hand and threw at Jongdae. He quickly ran over to Tao and hid behind the man's legs. With a deep frown Baekhyun watched the snowball fight. He balled his hands into fists and bit the inside of his cheek when Chanyeol wrapped an arm around Tao's neck and pulled him into a headlock. He tackled the slightly smaller to the ground and smashed a handful of snow into his face. Tao squeaked loudly at his action and kicked with legs when Chanyeol pinned him to the ground.

Baekhyun burned with anger and growled under his breath. Luhan kicked him hardly at his sudden mood change. "Ow!", he cursed at the painful kick. "What do you want?", he scolded the baby. He looked back up to Chanyeol and huffed in anger when the taller helped Tao back to his feet and gently pushed his hair out of his face.

Blinded by his anger and jealously Baekhyun stood up from the sled and stomped away. Without telling Chanyeol or the kids where he'd go, he left the park.




"Boys, have you seen Appa?", Chanyeol asked the kids when he eventually spotted the sled empty. "When I was here to drink, Appa was still there.", Minseok answered him.

"Is Appa gone?", Kyungsoo asked and tugged at Chanyeol's coat.

Slowly Yeol nodded. "Yeah...seems so.", he almost whispered.

"Something wrong?", Tao asked at Chanyeol's worried expression.

"Baekhyun's gone.", Yeol said. "He didn't say anything."

Tao looked around the area. "Maybe he's still here.", he said.

"I don't think so.", Chanyeol uttered. He walked over to the sled and packed the stuff together. "Sorry, Tao, we have to go.", he smiled at Tao while folding the blanket.

"Ah, that's okay.", Tao smiled back. "Is your number still the same?", he then asked.

Chanyeol nodded. "Yes."

"Alright.", the Chinese said. "I'll call you then. See you.", he gave his friend's shoulder a squeeze and turned to the kids. "Bye, bye.", he smiled and waved at them.

"Bye, bye Tao!", the three boys chirped back. "Bye BeiBei.", they smiled at Tao's daughter.

"Bye.", the girl said back. Tao took her by the hand, grabbed the robe of the sled and walked off with her.

"Do we really have to go?", Kyungsoo asked as he trotted next to Chanyeol through the snow.

"Yeah.", Chanyeol sighed. "We have to go home to Appa. Maybe he doesn't feel so good."

Jongdae gasped at the words and sped up. "Then we should hurry."




A sigh left the pregnant when he heard the front door open. He lay on the couch, wrapped in a thick blanket, nibbling on a cookie. He listened to the sounds Chanyeol and the kids made. The boys were happily chatting over how much fun they just had and over how nice it was to play with BeiBei and Tao. Baek huffed when Tao was mentioned.


He flinched at Chanyeol's voice. He threw the cookie onto the plate on the coffee table, quickly pulled the blanket over his head and closed his eyes to pretend he was asleep.


He listened as Chanyeol entered the walked into the living room. He could hear him shuffle over the carpet. "Baek?", he almost flinched when Chanyeol him over the head. He squirmed at the touch and slowly opened his eyes. "Hey.", Yeol smiled at him. "Why did you just leave?", he asked him.

"I was cold and I'm tired.", Baek simply answered him and turned to his other side, so his back was facing Chanyeol.

"Why didn't you say anything?"

"You were busy."

Chanyeol noticed the small growl in the other's voice and raised a brow. "Baek?"

"What? I'm tired, let me sleep."

"Are you jealous?", he smiled when Baekhyun huffed. "You left because of Tao, right?"

"No, why should I've left because of him. I don't even know him.", he felt Chanyeol's hand on his shoulder that gently pulled him onto his back. Chanyeol had a soft smile on his lips. "Why are you grinning like that!", he spat. "I'm not jealous!"

"Okay, if you're not jealous, what is it then? Why did you leave like that?"

"Like I said, you were busy.", the pregnant huffed. "You didn't notice when I left. I sat there as ordered and not picked up. Do you even know how I felt?!", he turned back to his side. "And now leave me alone, I'm tried."

Chanyeol only sighed and stood back up. He left Baekhyun alone and went to the kids. "Is Appa okay?", Minseok asked him. "He is.", he smiled and helped the boy to take off his pullover. He folded the little piece of cloth and put it away before he walked over to the bath tub. "He's mad at me."

"Why that?", Kyungsoo curiously asked and peeked into the tub when Chanyeol the water.

"He's mad because I left him alone at the park.", he tried to explain.

"But you were playing with us...", the little boy pouted. "What's wrong with that?"

"Nothing is wrong with that.", Yeol smiled. "It's hard to explain."

Jongdae skipped over to his father and hugged him around the leg. "Don't be sad, Daddy.", he pouted. "Appa will calm down again.", the corner of his lips curled up when Chanyeol smiled and him over the head.

"Daddy, can we bathe in the yummy smelling bubble bath you and Appa bathed in?", Kyungsoo asked with a wide smile.

"Sure.", Yeol smiled back at the boy. "Can you get it?"

Kyungsoo nodded and quickly rushed out of the bath room the get the bottle of bath additive. When he came back into the room, he had already opened the bottle and sniffed on it. "It smells so yummy.", he squeaked as he handed Chanyeol the bottle.

Chanyeol poured a shot into the tub and the boys squealed when the foam started to bubble up. In no time, Chanyeol had three, excited - little boys jumping around the bath room. Jongdae continuous squeezed his oversized rubber duck and Minseok had already put his yellow boat into the tub. As soon as Chanyeol turned the water off and last checked the temperature, the kids climbed into the tub. Some of the water splashed over the edge of the tub, wetting Chanyeol's legs and feet.

"Daddy can you wash my hair?", Minseok asked.

"Of course.", Yeol smiled. He took of his now wet socks and his jeans and threw them next to the laundry hamper.  He sat down on the edge of the tub and put his feet into the water. A hum left him when the warm water surrounded his feet and part of his calves.

A boy after another took seat in front of Chanyeol and enjoyed the gentle treatment. Kyungsoo leaned his head back and grinned at his Daddy as Yeol massaged the shampoo into the little boys black locks. "Can I ask you something?"

"Sure, what is it?"

"Luhannie gets the room next to mine, right?", Soo asked, peeking at Yeol with one eye.

"Yeah, that's right.

"But the room is empty.", he uttered. "Doesn't he get a bed?"

Chanyeol laughed at the question. "Of course he'll get a bed. We have to buy one."

"When do we buy the bed?", this time Minseok asked.

"Do you want to help picking out the furniture?"

"Yes!", all three boys chirped. "Can we buy it tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow?", Chanyeol laughed.

"Yes! Please!?", Jongdae pouted.

Kyungsoo nodded. "When we buy it now, it's like a Christmas gift for Luhannie."

Chanyeol chuckled at the boys doe eyes and cute begging pouts. But eventually he nodded. "I'll talk to Appa later.", he winked at them.

"Yay!", Minseok loudly squealed and clapped his hands together.





At a loud squeal from upstairs, Baekhyun turned from his side onto his back. He stared at the ceiling and let out a deep sigh. He moved his hands over his belly and patted it slightly. "ing hormones.", he cursed under his breath. Of course Chanyeol was right and he was jealous of Tao.

The way Tao gazed at Chanyeol, the joke about the chance and the obvious fact that Tao must've called Chanyeol beautiful were only a few things that pissed him off. The Chinese whole presence pissed Baekhyun off. The way he stood there, all confident in his dark coat with the fur collar, his perfectly styled hair and his leather gloves made Baek furious. And the way he batted the lashes of his perfectly shaped eyes made Baek even more furious. First the boys freaking teacher and now this dangerously handsome Chinese. He felt as if he was in the wrong movie.

He wasn't mad because Chanyeol went to play with BeiBei and the boys. He wasn't mad because he had to sit there alone.  No, he was mad because Tao interrupted their family time and stole Chanyeol away from him for a while. Even the thought of Tao made his heart beating like crazy and his blood boiling.
He peeked back to the ceiling when he heard another loud squeal. He rolled to his side and swung his legs off the couch. He pushed himself off the couch but immediately sunk to the floor when the world in front of his eyes suddenly began to spun. "Oh, what!?", he gasped and squeezed his eyes shut. He shook his head before he opened his eyes again and took another attempt to stand up. Baek cried out loudly, when his shaking legs gave in under his weight and he this time, rather hardly hit his elbow on the coffee table.

His loud, shocked cry didn't remain unheard and Chanyeol was fast on his feet. He almost slipped on his way down the stairs because of his wet feet. He gasped in shock when he found Baekhyun crouching on the floor, panting.

"God, Baek, what's wrong?!", when Baekhyun didn't look up to him, he grabbed his face and forced him to lift his head. "Baekhyun! Talk to me! What is wrong?"

Baekhyun shook his head and exhaled. "I'm dizzy..."

Gently Chanyeol grabbed Baek by his upper arms and pulled him up slowly. He guided him over to the couch and sighed loudly when Baek finally sat down. "You stay here.", he said and the smaller over the head. "I'll be right back."

Baekhyun only nodded and leaned back. He brought his hands to his face and rubbed hit a few times. He breathed in and out a few times to calm down his speeding heart and to get the dizziness out of his head. When Luhan kicked out, Baek let himself fall to his side. He reached out for the blanket and buried his face into the soft fabric.


At Chanyeol's soft voice he looked up. The tall man had a soft, yet worried smile on his face. "I'm okay.", Baek uttered. He shifted onto his back and held up his left arm. "Only my elbow hurts.", he pouted.

Chanyeol tugged at the sleeve of Baek's shirt and pushed it up to reveal the other's elbow. It was red and at some points already turning blue. He scrunched his nose up and ran a gentle finger over the bruise. "You should have told me that you're not feeling well."

"It's not like that....", Baek whispered.

"Baby, when you're tired just tell me. Hell, you're pregnant, you shouldn't force yourself to do things you're actually to exhausted to do."

"It's really not like this.", Baek repeated loudly this time. He searched for Chanyeol's hand and guided it to his heart once he had found it.

Chanyeol's eyes widened at the fast heartbeat. "You have palpitations! No wonder that you were dizzy, you probably have a high blood pressure, too.", he panicked.

The pregnant held the hand in place when Chanyeol was about to pull it away. "It's my own fault.", he said, causing Chanyeol to frown in confusion. He sighed loudly and smiled at him. "You were right...", he began. "I didn't leave because I was cold. I left because I was...I am jealous.", he admitted.

The frown on Chanyeol's forehead disappeared and was replaced by a soft smile. He leaned over to Baek and brushed his lips against his temple. "Oh baby."

"I know..", with a whine he turned back to his side. "I don't need to be jealous but I can't help it. ", Chanyeol snickered at his pout. "It's not funny!", he cried out. "You have no idea how much I want to punch him in the face."

Chanyeol bit back a laugh. "Why are you so jealous?", he asked instead. "Is it because of the snowball fight?"

" only...", Baek whined again. Still holding onto Chanyeol's hand, he pressed the palm of his against his chest. "Alone the way he's stood there, all dressed up and perfectly styled. As if he waited for you to come there."

This time Chanyeol laughed out. "If it makes you feel better, he looks like that 24/7, the whole year. You'll never see him with unstyled hair or anything."

"You don't understand.", the smaller wailed. "First Mrs. Kim and now Tao...not to forget this at the pet shop.", he uttered with a growl. "Aren't you jealous sometimes?"

"Of course I am.", Chanyeol admitted.

Baekhyun blinked a few times. "Really? When?"

"At the party for example.", Yeol told. "They way this guy in the blue suit touched your shoulder and arm the whole time, annoyed me."

The pregnant made a face. "There was no guy in a blue suit."

Chanyeol chuckled and shrugged. Again he leaned closer to Baekhyun. "All I want to say is, that I also get jealous. A healthy dose of jealousy is normal and natural.", he smiled at him. "But tell me one thing, have I ever given you a reason to be jealous?"

Slowly Baekhyun shook his head.

"See.", Yeol nodded. "I love you, so why should I flirt with someone else?", he asked. "I know you have to fight against the hormones and the mood swings and I's never blame you for overreacting but let me tell you, that you don't have to be jealous."

A smile spread over Baek's face. "Can you tell me again?"


"The first one.", he grinned.

"I love you."

Baekhyun hummed and closed his eyes when Chanyeol set kisses all over his face.

"I love you, I love you, I love you."

"Mhhh.", the pregnant squirmed when Chanyeol eventually kissed his lips. He pulled away and made a face. "I love you too but you taste strange. What is that?"

Chanyeol smacked his lips and ran his tongue over his lips. "Ah.", he voiced out. "Bath additive. The boys wanted to bathe in the Christmas edition you bought."

"So and while the boys bathed in it, you drank it?"

"Yeah, sort of.", Yeol laughed. "I got a handful of foam into the face."

"Where are the boys now?"

"Still in the bath room.", Chanyeol said. "I want to dry their hair."

Finally, Baekhyun let go of Yeol's hand and sat up. "I'm good.", he nodded when Chanyeol threw him worried look. He stood up and made a step forwards. "See, everything's fine again.", he said truthfully. His heart had calmed down again the the world didn't spin around anymore.

Closely followed by Chanyeol, who spent great attention to every of his steps, Baekhyun went upstairs to the bath room. "Appa, Appa!", Kyungsoo squeaked and threw himself at him. "I smell like a cookie.", he beamed.

Baek knelt down and sniffed at his son. "Mhhh.", he hummed. "Really yummy."

"Appa, are you still mad at Daddy?", Minseok asked worried.

"What? No, no.", he quickly shook his head. "It was just a misunderstanding. Everything's fine."

"Really?", Minnie wanted to get sure."

Baekhyun nodded. "Really!"

"Has Daddy told you already?", this time Jongdae asked. "We want to buy a bed for Luhannie!"

Baek peeked up to Chanyeol, who just shrugged. "Oh, really?", he then asked and looked back at the kids. "When?"

"Tomorrow!", the boys beamed. "We want to pick out the bed for his room as a Christmas gift."

"That's nice.", Baekhyun smiled. "But...Luhan won't be able to see it, though."

"We know..", Jongdae grinned. "But we can tell him, when is there!"

"Yes! Yes!", Soo nodded eagerly. "We can tell him that his bed was his first Christmas gift."

"But don't you think Santa will bring Luhan a gift?"

All three boys stayed silent for a second and looked at each other. "Yeah.", Minseok eventually broke the silence. "But the bed will be our gift to him."

"Ah, I understand.",Baek smiled. "Well, okay. Then we should go and find Luhan a bed, tomorrow."




The baby market was surprisingly well visited when the family the next day, rather early entered the big shop. The boys sat behind the other on the shallow shopping cart, cutely giggling when Chanyeol drove the cart around the corners. Baekhyun happily walked next to Chanyeol and looked around the store.

"Daddy, Appa! Look!", Jongdae squeaked and pointed at a rattan cradle. "What's that?"

"That's a cradle.", Chanyeol told him.

Minseok leaned his head back to look at his parents. "That's an ugly basket.", he said with raised brows. "Why would someone let sleep their baby in an ugly basket?"

Baek chuckled at the question. "Well, some parents find a cradle like this beautiful."

"Do you find it beautiful?", he asked.

"No.", Baek shook his head. "We find a nice bed for Luhan."

Once at the department for cribs and cots, the boy hopped down the shopping cart. Like little whirlwinds they danced through the little beds. "Appa?", Kyungsoo tugged at Baek's coat and pointed over to a bassinet. "What's that?"

"That's a bassinet."

"What is a bassinet?", he asked again. "That looks like a pram but it has no real wheels."

Together Baekhyun and Kyungsoo walked over to the white bassinet. "You know a bassinet is for the living room."

"Like a bed only for the living room?", Soo asked.

"Haha, yeah, like a bed only for the living room.", Baek laughed.

"Do we need this?"

"Do you like this one?", Baek asked and traced his fingers over the edge of the bassinet. "It's nice, huh?"

"Yes!", Soo squeaked. "It has owls on it. ", he grinned and pointed at the owl pattern on the light grey baby pillow.


"Shall we show it to Daddy and the twins?"

Kyungsoo nodded shortly before he hopped away to find the others. Baekhyun stayed at the bassinet and smiled at it. He really liked it and could already see it standing in the living room.

"This way.", he heard Kyungsoo saying and turned his head. He smiled at Chanyeol when the tall man and the kids came around the corner. "There it is.", Soo beamed and pointed at the bassinet.

"Oh, it's nice.", Chanyeol complimented with a smile. "Would perfectly fit in the living room."

"Can we get this?", Kyungsoo asked and tugged at Yeol's pants leg.

"What do you say?", he asked and turned to the twins.

Minseok gave a thumb up while his brother showed off his beautiful kitten smile.

Chanyeol laughed. "Well, if that's so.", he looked at Baek. "This one for the living room?"

"Yes, please."

Chanyeol made a note of the serial number and took a quick look at the price tag. "The twins have found a nice crib.", he then said and pointed down the hall. "Shall we take a look?"

Together they walked over to the bed, the twins had picked out. It was held in an off white color and was in a German country style. Baekhyun immediately fell for it and fortunately the bed came along with a dresser and a wardrobe. Once again, Yeol noted the serial number and the prices. "Okay, everything noted.", he smiled.

"What now?"

"Wall paint?", Baek asked.

"Lamps!", Jongdae squeaked.

"Carpet!", Kyungsoo grinned.

"Clothes!", Minseok beamed.

"Clothes?", Chanyeol asked his son.

Minie nodded. "I saw the box with the clothes.", he smiled. "But these are not enough clothes, right?"

"I totally agree with that!", Baek quickly threw in. "A baby needs much more clothes."

Chanyeol eyed the pregnant in amusement. It was cute how excited he was. "Okay, suggestion.",he snickered. "You go and look for some clothes and I go and get the furniture."

"Accepted!", Baek chirped. "Let's go boys."

With the shopping cart and the note in his hands, Chanyeol made his way to the warehouse. With the help of an employee he quickly got all furniture and could pay for it. He brought the paid things to the car and then went back to the store. Already from afar he could hear Baek and the kids squeal over the tiny baby clothes.

Chanyeol gasped in surprise at the sight of an already fully stuffed shopping basket. "Uhm...", he cleared his throat. "Are you sure that you're pregnant with only one child."

Baek puffed his cheeks and grabbed one of the tiny rompers. "Just look at them. They're so cute."

"They are.", Yeol admitted with a smile. "But you should also pick out some bigger clothes."

"Bla, bla, bla.", Baek stuck out his tongue and turned back to the shelf.

"Daddy, look.", Jongdae squeaked and held up a little sweatshirt. "Bambi!"

"Aw, that's cute.", Yeol smiled.

"Can we take it?", he asked and batted his long lashes.

Chanyeol knelt down and took the sweater away from his son. He looked at the label to read the size. "Hm, we have to take it a size bigger.", he then said.

"Why that?"

"Luhan will be already six months old when he'll be able to wear this."

"Ahh." Jongdae nodded and grabbed another sweater. "This one?"

Chanyeol gave the boy a short nod after a look at the size. "Yes, this one is good."

The boy let out a squeal, hopped over to the shopping basket and threw it into it. Chanyeol joined his boys and looked through the thousands of clothes. He laughed out when he found a blue striped shorty. "We don't need any clothes for him.", he said and turned to Baekhyun. "He'll only wear this one!", he snickered and held up the top of the two piece shorty.

"Handsome like Daddy.", Baek read out loud and raised a brow. "Not conceited at all.", he then chuckled. "What if he takes after me?"

"Well, then we need...uh, this one.", Yeol said and held up another little shirt.

"Chanyeol!", Baek laughed at the "Daddy's little princess" inscription.

"What? Just telling the truth.", Yeol laughed and put the cloth away.

"Oh, what?", Baek huffed. "Do I look like a woman?", he gazed at the kids. "Do I really look like a woman?", he asked again.

"A bit.", Jongdae said honestly. "You have the same hairstyle as Youngjae's mommy."

"Dae is right.", Minseok nodded.

"With that hairstyle you look like a pretty girl.", Kyungsoo added with a cute smile.

Baekhyun brought a hand into his hair and tugged at it. "Should I get a haircut?"

"No!", suddenly all four ParkByun's said in unison.

Baek stared at Yeol and his sons for a second before he broke into a loud laughter. "Hahaha, okay, I get it, no haircut."

"I like your hair.", Jongdae grinned and hugged Baek around the leg.

"Yeah?", Baek asked. "But if my bangs get longer, I can't see you anymore."

Minseok hopped over to him and flashed him a smile. "We have a hair clip at home. You can have it."

"You have a hair clip at home?"

The boy nodded. "And ponytail holders."

"Why that?!", Baek gazed at Chanyeol slightly confused.

"Daddy had long hair!", Jongdae informed him with a bright smile. "Didn't you know?"

With an amused smirk, Baek turned back to Chanyeol. "No, I didn't know.", he said.

"It wasn't that long.", Yeol said and gestured the length of his hair with his hands.

"Oh my god!", Baek squeaked. "Really that long?!", he squealed when Chanyeol nodded. "Are there photos of it?"

"Yes!", the Park twins squeaked quite to the chagrin of their father.

Baek clapped his hands in joy. "I need to see them!"

"Oh no, you don't."

"Ahh, please.", Baek begged and hugged Yeol's arm. He batted his lashes at the tall man and smiled at him sweetly.

"Do you really think that this works on me?", Yeol laughed.

"Maybe not this...", Baek grinned and pressed his belly against the man's hand. He snickered when Chanyeol moved his palm against the bump when Luhan kicked out. "But that."

"Don't drag the baby into this."

"Oh come one.", the pregnant whined. "Let me see them...", he pouted.

Chanyeol looked down to his side when he felt a tug at his coat. "I want to see them too, Daddy.", Kyungsoo looked at him with his doe eyes. He sighed and gave in.

"Ah, okay, okay."

Both Byun's squealed and jumped in joy. "Then let's hurry.", Baek squeaked and grabbed the shopping basket. "I can't wait to see the photos!"

Chanyeol rolled his eyes at the pregnant but couldn't help but smile at his cuteness.


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Beau1996 1371 streak #1
Chapter 16: Smexy times in the car - yes please!!
Beau1996 1371 streak #2
Chapter 15: Sweetness overload!!
Beau1996 1371 streak #3
Chapter 13: The best baby daddy ever!
Beau1996 1371 streak #4
Chapter 12: The best way to confess!
Beau1996 1371 streak #5
Chapter 11: Very sweet!
Beau1996 1371 streak #6
Chapter 10: I want more Baekhyun hugs too ( ok, maybe just one would be nice!)
Beau1996 1371 streak #7
Chapter 9: Poor Baek!
Beau1996 1371 streak #8
Chapter 8: Ah oh - looks like someone has a surprise 😉
Beau1996 1371 streak #9
Chapter 7: Welcome to the big house!
Beau1996 1371 streak #10
Chapter 6: Happy family indeed!!