Ch. 1


The students had relieved smiles on their when Chanyeol closed todays last lesson and released them into their well-deserved weekend. "I wish all of you a stressless and relaxing weekend."

"Thank you Mr. Park, enjoy your weekend too."

"See you on Monday, Mr. Park."

"Bye, Mr. Park."

A soft smile was formed on his lips as Chanyeol watched his students leaving the classroom one by one, happily chatting over what they're going to do on the weekend. As usual he left the classroom last and locked the door behind him. He quickly dropped by at the staff room, wishing his colleagues a good day before he left the building. Outside he like everyday was greeted by two bright smiles. "You're late, Daddy."

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry.", Chanyeol snickered. "Can you forgive me?"

"Only when we can go to McDonald's!"

"Yeah we want a Happy Meal!"

Chanyeol raised a brow at his sons and laughed out. "Oh, so I'll be forgiven only if I get you a Happy Meal?"

" Daddy.."

Chanyeol laughed out at Jongdae's pout and shook his head. "Okay, since today is friday and I'm also hungry I guess it's okay if we make a quick stop at McDonald's."

"Yeah!", Minseok cheered and gave his brother a high-five.

Chanyeol chuckled at the sight of his twins now seriously discussing over what they're going to eat; cheesburger or chicken nuggets?!

On their way to the parking lot Chanyeol suddenly spotted a young boy sitting on curbstone over by the bus stop. He looked rather sad and played with his shoelaces.

"Daddy why are you stopping?", Jongdae asked and looked up to his father confused.

"Say, do you know who this is?", Yeol asked his sons and pointed over to the bus stop.

"Yeah, this is Kyungsoo. He's in our parallel class."

"Why is he all alone."

"He's always all alone.", Minseok said. "The kids in his class won't play with him."

"Don't you play with him?"

"No." Jongdae shook his head and looked over to the boy. "He always goes to the library."

Chanyeol hummed as an answer. He couldn't keep his eyes of the boy, sitting there all alone and obviously sad.
Yeol set his bag to the ground and made a step forward. "You two please wait here for a moment, okay?"

The boy's only nodded their heads and watched their father walking over to Kyungsoo.

Kyungsoo didn't noticed someone walking towards him, only looked up to Chanyeol after he cleared his throat. "Hello.", the teacher smiled and knelt down. "Why are you sitting here so alone?"

The boy looked at him but stayed silent.

Chanyeol smiled and sat next to the boy on the curbstone. "I'm teacher Park.", he introduced himself. "I'm teaching the older kids in middle school. And who are you?"

"I'm Kyungsoo.", the boy eventually voiced out, looking up to Chanyeol with his big round eyes.

"So, Kyungsoo. Would to tell me why you're not already at home?"

He heard the boy sighing. "Appa forgot to pick me up."

"Oh really? I don't think that he forgot, maybe he's just late."

Kyungsoo shook his head. "No."



"So that means he has forgotten to pick you up more often?"
Chanyeol bit his lip when the boy nodded slightly. He glanced over to Minseok and Jongdae who patiently waited for him a few meters away. "Uhm, say Kyungsoo. Do you know Minseok and Jongdae?", he asked the boy and pointed over to his sons. "I'm sure you have seem them before, right?"

"Yes.", Kyungsoo said.

"You know I'm their Daddy.", Yeol smiled. "And we just were on our to McDonald's. Do you want come with us?"

"What is McDonald's?"

"Oh?" Chanyeol eyes widened a bit in surprise. Normally every kid knew about McDonald's. "It's a restaurant where you can eat burger and french fries, drink milkshake and eat ice cream."

Kyungsoo's eyes lit up and his plumps lips parted slightly and you didn't have to be a genius to tell that the boy wanted to go there. "So do you want to come with us?"

"But what about Appa?"

"Don't worry about Appa. I'll call him and tell him that I bring you home after. So, what do you say?"

Kyungsoo hesitated at first but eventually he brightly smiled at Chanyeol and nodded.

"Alright then.", Chanyeol laughed out and clapped his hands. He stood up and lead Kyungsoo over to his twins. The boy's were on fire after they heared that Kyungsoo would come with them and included the boy into their cheesburger or nugget discussion right away.

The group of four made one last quick stop at the pre-school building where Chanyeol asked for Kyungsoo's parents number and his address. The young teacher tried it a few times but unfortunately he didn't reached someone. So he just left a voice mail telling his parents that Kyungsoo would be home around the early evening.

To his concern it didn't seem to surprise Kyungsoo when he told him that he didn't reached his father. The boy only shrugged with his shoulders.

Chanyeol couldn't keep his smile off his face on the drive to the next McDonlad's. Minseok and Jongdae swarmed about how yummy the burgers at McDonald's were and Chanyeol literally could see how Kyungsoo grew more and more curious about the fast food store. But his curiosity quickly turned into excessive demand once the four arrived at the restaurant. Kyungsoo didn't knew what to eat or to drink and slightly began to cry at the many questions the woman behind the counter asked him. But this problem almost solved itself. Jongdae and Minseok saved their new friend from total despair and ordered him a Happy Meal with chicken nuggets, apple juice and the cool red car toy.

The boys got along pretty well and had a lof fun with each other so Chanyeol allowed them to play at the play area a bit longer. And after playing and eating a huge choco sundae it was already three in the afternoon. "Do you want to play in the garden when we're coming home?", he asked all boys but only two of them nodded eagerly. "Don't you want to play outside, Soo?"

Chanyeol looked at the boy through the rearview mirror and saw Kyungsoo pouting. "I want to.", he said. "But I can't?"

"You can't?", Minseok asked and cocked his head to the side.

"Why?", Jongdae also wanted to know.

"Appa will get mad if I get my uniform dirty.", Kyungsoo mumbled.

"Ahh, don't worry about this, Soo.", Chanyeol laughed out softly. "Minnie and Dae will borrow you some clothes."

"Yeah you can wear my Batman shirt.", Jongdae smiled brightly.

"And I'll borrow you my Taz snapback so you won't get a sunburn."


At home the boy's quickly disappeared into the twins room to change into some more comfortable clothes. Chanyeol snickered at how cute Kyungsoo looked in the clothes his sons gave to him and couldn't help but adore the boy. Kyungsoo was an absolutely friendly and sweet kid and he couldn't understand how he didn't had any friends.

While the boy's played outside in the sand pit and in the tree house, Chanyeol neatly folded Kyungsoo's uniform and put his clothes into a plastic bag. He peeled the kids a banana and apples and brought the fruits together with something to drink outside. "Boy's come and drink something, it's hot."

"Daddy.", Minnie shouted out for his father and ran towards him. "Soo fell. He's bleeding."

Chanyeol quickly followed his son over to the spot where Kyungsoo was together with Jongdae. The little boy had his face scrunched up in pain and a few tears rolled down his cheeks. "What happened?"

Jongdae stood up form where he sat and pointed over to a tree root. "Soo fell over the root."

Chanyeol knelt down and took a look at Kyungsoo's leg. His knee was scratched open and bleed. The wound wasn't serious but for a young kid still a painful matter. He ruffled Kyungsoo's hair before he scooped the boy up and carried him over to the terrace. "You don't have to cry, Soo.", Chanyeol smiled softly as he cleaned the wound gently. "We'll put an ointment and a band-aid on it and it will stop hurting."

Kyungsoo pouted cutely and nodded his head.

"But Daddy you have to kiss the wound first."

"Oh yeah, you're right. I totally forgot.", Chanyeol laughed and leaned down to gently brush his lips over Kyungsoo's knee. The little boy blushed at the peck and giggled cutely. "Better?"

He nodded and showed Chanyeol an adorable smile. "Yes."

Soon Kyungsoo's little accident was forgotten and the boy's were running around the garden, chasing each other with water guns. From time to time Chanyeol sat right in the trajectory and got a few cold and wet head shots.

Time flew by quickly and soon the growls of empty stomachs filled Chanyeol's ears. "Are you hungry?"


"I'm starving, Daddy."

"Me too, Mr. Park."

"Kyungsoo, you don't have to call me Mr. Park.", Chanyeol chuckled. "Just call me Chanyeol, okay."

"Okay..", Soo mumbled with a shy smile on his lips.

"Alright then. What to you want to eat?"

"Daddy can you make us sandwiches?", Jongdae asked.


Minseok nodded. "Yes, it's to hot for something warm."

"Okay.", Yeol nodded. "If you want to. Then go and wash your hands."

The boy's cheered loudly and jumped up and down in joy before they skipped out of the living room.

Chanyeol smiled to himself when he walked over to the kitchen, preparing the sandwiches. From the bathroom the heard the happy laughter of his twins and Kyungsoo and he was glad that he decided to take the boy with him today. Kyungsoo seemed to be happy and Yeol was sure that today was the beginning of a very good friendship.




"Woah, that house is huge.", Minseok voiced out with a dropped jaw when Chanyeol drove onto the plot of a mansion.

"And this is really your home?", Jongdae asked with big eyes and looked at Kyungsoo who just nodded quietly.

Kyungsoo's parent's must've been more than wealthy. The mansion Chanyeol parked in front of was three times as big as Chanyeol's own already big house and a expensive black cabriolet stood in front of a huge garage. The young man narrowed his eyes as he scanned the big white building.

"Okay boy's its time to say good bye now."

"Bye bye Soo. It was really fun.", Jongdae grinned and waved at Kyungsoo.

"We hope you can come over any time soon.", Minseok added.

Kyungsoo smiled and nodded. "I hope so too. See you in school.", he said and climbed out of the car.

Chanyeol carried Kyungsoo's backpack over to the front door which opened even before Chanyeol even had rang the bell.  A young, very fancy dressed man stood in the door and looked at Chanyeol. "Who the hell allowed you to take my son with you?!", was thrown at Chanyeol instead of a hello and Chanyeol's jaw dropped in shock. "What?", he asked.

"I'm pretty sure you've heard me right.", the man hissed. "You know it is criminal offense to take foreign kids with you without their parents knowing."

"Criminal offense..."

"Yes, also called kidnapping."

"Excuse me.", Chanyeol huffed. "First of all, I didn't kidnap Kyungsoo. I tried to call you and when I couldn't reach you I left you a message. And if I remembered it right, wasn't it me who forgot to pick him up form school."

The shorter man cleared his throat. "Well...I'm a busy man."

"So I am.", Chanyeol countered back. "But that's not an excuse for forgetting about the own child."

The man shot Chanyeol a death glare and reached out for the backpack in Yeol's hand. "Well, it's none of your business.", he said and rather roughly tugged at the small backpack. "Have you eaten, Kyungsoo?", he then asked his son.

Kyungsoo's face lit up at the question and he looked up at Chanyeol. "Yes, I at-" "That's nice and now go to your room.", the boy was cut off and his face immediately fell.

"Bye Chanyeol...", Kyungsoo sadly said and looked up to Chanyeol with glassy eyes.

Chanyeol swallowed hard. He was shocked by the cold of Soo's father yet he tried to smile at the boy. He knelt down and pulled the boy into a hug. "Have a good night, Soo.", he said and ruffled the boy's soft black hair. "And don't be sad.", he whispered into his ear. "I'll soon pick you up again."

A smile formed onto Kyungsoo's lips and he nodded. "Okay.", he whispered back and hugged Chanyeol for a last time before he disappeared into the house.

"So, Mr...Chanyeol.."


"Yeah, whatever.", Kyungsoo's father said while rolling his eyes. "Since you brought my son home, I would like to ask you to leave my property now."

Chanyeol raised a brow and let out a dry chuckle. "You know, I don't know what went wrong with you but you could at least say thank you."

"For what?"

"For what?! Are you serious. Do you even know what could've happen to Kyungsoo?"

"But it didn't." the man said rather bluntly.

"Didn't you just talk about me commit a crime for taking your son with you?"

The the man clicked with his tongue and crossed his arms in front of his chest. "Listen Mr. Park. Our conversation was over even before it started. And now I'm asking you for the second time to leave my property. And before you start again. Whatever I'm doing is none of your business. And same goes for Kyungsoo. Stay away from him."

Chanyeol glared at the shorter man with a frown on his face. "You're unbelievable.", he said while shaking his head."But do you know what?", he said and leaned over to the nameplate. "I keep my eyes on you, Mr. Byun."

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Beau1996 1371 streak #1
Chapter 16: Smexy times in the car - yes please!!
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