
After lunch,luhan get into his room. He sigh and lying down on his bed. He though that he really going to meet that guy from yesterday and he though that he finally can return the chain to that guy but he don't. 




"yes." that guy turn and look at luhan.


" sorry for disturbing your time but can i ask you if you missing something?" Luhan say as he was fidgeting his finger.luhan actually a shy person because he not use to other people. All this time,he alone and the only person that he feel comfortable was his mother.


"what?... Erk,i don't know what you talking about. Something missing? Did we even know each other?" that guy looks at luhan confused.


"oh im sorry, i thought that you are someone i know " luhan apologise and leave. He now realise something. That guy is not the one from yesterday. This guy has dark brown hair meanwhile the guy from yesterday has a blonde one. He decided to just go straight to home because it nearly lunch time.


End of flashback 


Luhan then decided to forget about the chain for a moment and go to study for tomorrow subject. Just think about school make him release a deep sigh. Luhan love to go to school but hate it at the same time. He love school because he love to study and he hates it because he don't have a friend. What a life?




In class,luhan was focus to study when suddenly a group of girls talking about something that makes them excited. The girls actually a queenka of the school. They a three of them. they famous because they came from wealth family and quite pretty too.(but not as pretty as luhan if he is a girl..huhu)..luhan about to continue studying when he accidentally heard them talk.


"really there a new student going to attend our school ?" the girl that have short hair asking.


"yes hyemi,but i don't know when.and it not just one..but three of them." the other girl with dark hair known as Giri say.


"and i heard that they are all handsome too." the other girl name jimin say smiling.


"but they all senior.we can have same class as them" giri said while pout.


"huh..who care that?as long as they are in our school that enough.we still can get them to be our's..jimin said again.


"em..what about your boyfriend eric?"


"nah,who care about know right i not serious with him in the beginning."jimin said annoying.


"ah,yeah you date him because he famous too in this school. " hyemi said the fact.


While they talking,hyemi suddenly caught luhan was looking at them.


" nerd..what are you looking at huh?" hyemi said with mad tone.make her two friends too turn and look at luhan.


Luhan was startling.."" luhan look at his book and continue to study.


"or were you listening to us huh?what did you heard?." the girls go to his table and standing in front of him.


Luhan just look at his book didn't dare to look at them.


"yah,look at us when we were talking." giri push up luhan chin so he now look at them.


" sorry. I..i didn't mean to just because guys talk so loud."luhan was stuttering.


"oh,now you saying that we make noise and disturb your study?"hyemi yell at him.


"no,i..i di..didn't mean it that.....that way." luhan say.


"huh,whatever nerd.just look at your face has riun my day. Let go guys." jimin said and leave the class with her friend.


Luhan just look at his book. He didn't have a mood to study anymore. He feel like want to cry but he didn't because he don't want to Look weak.




"are you done arranging your thing?" mr oh ask his son who now on the couch watching television.


"yeah.I'm done.where are going this evening dad?"


"oh,i meet my old friend that i told you yesterday.” Mr.oh said smiling. 


“you mean your first love?” sehun said teasing his father.


Mr.oh just rolling his eye at his son. “yeah..yeah..yeah”..


“oh dad,I want to go out with my friends tomorrow.. “sehun said and look at his father. 


“ok,but you have to back before dinner time. I want you to meet someone.” His father said and ready to leave to go to his room.


“you want me to meet who?” 


“just wait for tomorrow and you will find out ok. Now I am tired and I want to sleep. Good night son.” 


“ok. Night dad.” And sehun go to his room.









To be continued..... 






A/N: I m sorry for the late update..i was busy from my work day.ill try update faster if i have time beside Internet line in my house is really make me frust. I hope you guys enjoy this chappy.. 


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melikpopluhanlove #1
Chapter 1: Hello! I already like your story and it has a nice plot, I hope people will find it great. I think that you should get a beta, so that she can correct your mistakes. I would like to help you, but I think that my english is... Yeah...
Chapter 13: Step by step, we already have three pairings. And serious feelings. In vacation. For now.
Chapter 11: Oooo... those es do not know what's the relationship between Sehun and Luhan. Too bad for them. They might have a surprise. A bad one. kekekeke!
Chapter 10: Now we have BaekYeol too. Priceless!
I'm worried about Luhan. He's so fragile! Would Sehun be able to make him feel better?
Chapter 9: My God! The nightmare Luhan had... was a premonition. So sad! And now there just the two of them. It's hard.
Chapter 8: Baek and Yeol know each other already? How come? This is interesting.
Chapter 7: Closer... closer... Do they even know what's happening to them?
Chapter 6: "My hyung"... So nice. And Sehun just being the big brother and taking care of his little bro'. I like it.