
Yeol,are you think they gonna be okay? I'm worry about Luhan. " 


"Don't worry Beak,they doing just fine plus Sehun was there to take care of him. "


"But still, don't you see how fragile Luhan was." Beakhyun said with a pouting. 


"They fine,don't worry okay? Now stop pouting will you. " 


" did you know? " Baekhyun ask a bit shock. 


"I just know you Beak." Chanyeol chuckle from the other line. 


"Aish... " Beakhyun pouting again. 


"Don't pouting when im not around okay..."


"And why was that? " Baekhyun ask confused. 


"Because im not there to see your cute pouting face."


Chanyeol world make Beakhyun blush. "Yeol, stop being so cheesy. "


"What, im cheesy just for you. "


"Stop that." Beakhyun pretend to be angry. 


"Okay,I'll stop.Now you should sleep, it already late plus we have class tomorrow. "


"Ok,see you tomorrow. Good night. Love you. "


"Night Baekie. Love you too. "


Beakhyun off his phone and put it on top of the table right next to his bed.He look at the ring on his fingers. He smiling to himself. Suddenly he remember how he became official couple with Chanyeol. 



Flashback to two weeks earlier ~


"What? You two know each other? "Sehun ask them. Meanwhile the others just look at them. 


"Erk...actually we have meet before at your parents wedding. " Chanyeol said eyes never leave Baekhyun face. "Baekie right? "


"Actually it was Baekhyun. " Beakhyun said softly. 


"Well, I'm going to call you Baekie from now on."


"So,he was the reason why you always smile by yourself? Oh,you even saying Baekie Baekie in your sleep. I thought that was food name. Now I know what it is. " Jongin said and look at Chanyeol. 


Baekhyun just blush at Jongin words. Occasionally, he would glance at Chanyeol. His face turn even red now that he know Chanyeol has been staring at him. He actually has like Chanyeol when they first met at the wedding. But since they never meet after that,he try to throw away his feeling and forget him. And now it looks like it never going to happen since Chanyeol here in this school. That means they going to meet everyday. Just the thought of that, make him happy. 


"Oh my,Baek are you okay? Why your face so red?Are you sick? " Kyungsoo ask worried. As the 'mom' of the group, he tend to worry easily. 


"No,I'm okay."


"Are you sure? " This time it was Chanyeol who ask him. Not in concerned way but more like to teasing him.


"Ofcouse im okay.Erk..i think i have somethings to do so i'll go first. Guys, see at class later." Beakhyun then leave after an 'okay' from Kyungsoo and Luhan. He don't know why but he really need to go out from there. Maybe, he was to excited and happy to meet Chanyeol again. 


After Baekhyun leave, Chanyeol stand up and was about to walk away when suddenly Sehun stop him. "Yeol,where are you going? "


"Well, i think i have somethings to do. Meet you guys later. "


"But,are not you said that you was hungry earlier? " This time Jongin ask him then show Chanyeol food that he didn't even finished. 


"Nah,im already full." With that, Chanyeol leave and try to look for someone. 


"Aish, that yoda.What was he doing? " Jongin said and continue to devour his lunch. 


"Like you don't know him.He always weird. "Sehun reply to Jongin.





Baekhyun can feel his heartbeat was so fast till he though people might hear to the sound of his heartbeat.He take a deep breath but still his heartbeat didn't slow down. "Stupid heart, stop beating so fast.Relax Beakhyun, relax. " He mumbles to himself. When he though that his heartbeat going to slow down he was wrong cause there infront of him stood a smiling Chanyeol. 


"Hi,we meet again. " Chanyeol said and sit beside a still shock Baekhyun. 


"Wha..what are you doing here? Are you following me?"


"Well, what if I say yes. " Chanyeol said smiling widely. 


Baekhyun a little bit shock (ok it actually a lot) at what Chanyeol has said. "You follow me.but why?"


"I want to know you more. Ok straight forward i actually like you. first time we meet that time, i didn't have a chance to introduce myself properly.So,now that we are going to same school i'll take this opportunity to know you. I know maybe this was so sudden and we just met but I really like you since the first time we met. Im not forcing you to accept me but let be friends first. So,friends? " Chanyeol hold out his hand to Beakhyun. 


Beakhyun look at Chanyeol hand and think for a while. 'Oh my god, he said he like me?i can believe it that it not just one side.' After that first meeting, Beakhyun has been pray that he going to meet Chanyeol again and now he was infront of him,he not going to let this opportunity waste.


"Ok,friends. " He take Chanyeol hand and shake it as a sign that he agreed. 


Since then, they be so close to each other. Every day Chanyeol would pick him to the school and send him home when school end. They even going out together sometime with the group and sometimes it was just the two of them. It was Saturday morning that time when the two go out to watch a movie. After that, they have a lunch at Italy restaurants. They have a lot of fun that day.After lunch, the walk to the park.


"Hey, you want an ice cream? " Chanyeol ask when he saw an ice cream pallor. 


"Yes.i would like that. "


"Ok,wait here while I get the ice cream. " Chanyeol then leave to go to the pallor. 


Beakhyun sit at one of bench there. He looks around and smiling. There a lot of couples here. He looks at his right and saw a couple that was listening to music together. Not far from his bench, there another couple who eating ice cream together. 'That sweet. I want to be like that too.' 


"Here, your ice cream. " Chanyeol give the ice cream to Baekhyun and took a sit beside him. 


"Wow, vanilla ice cream. How did you know that I like this flavour?" Baekhyun ask and his ice cream. 


"Well, I'm genius. So,i know all about you. "


"Are you su...." Baekhyun didn't got to finish his questions when he feel that he has munch to something else than ice cream. He was so shock when he take out that things from his mouth. It was actually a silver ring with a letter Chanyeol's has curve on it. He looks at Chanyeol. "What is this? "


Chanyeol then take the ring and look into Baekhyun eyes. "Byun Baekhyun, will you be my boyfriend? "


Baekhyun eyes wide at Chanyeol questions. Before this he has been secretly wish that Chanyeol would ask him to be his boyfriend and now when he proposed, he couldn't ask for anything else. He was happy. He looks at Chanyeol and smile. "Yes,i would love to. "


Upon hearing that, Chanyeol wear the ring on Baekhyun fingers and hug him."Thank you.. Thank you.. " Beakhyun just smile and hug Chanyeol back.when they pull out, Beakhyun stare at the ring on his fingers. 


"You know what, i thought that im going to choking earlier. "


"Im sorry, i didn't mean it to be like that. I don't know how to confess to you romantically. So,i have been asking Sehun and Jongin about this. It Jongin idea actually. "


"It okay. I love it anyway." Baekhyun said smiling at Chanyeol. 


"So,now that we are official. Can I kiss you? " Chanyeol ask with pleading eyes. Hope that Baekhyun would say yes. 


"Em...nope, you can't. "


Chanyeol smile die when Baekhyun said that. Baekhyun saw that and smile.


"Chanyeol. "




'chu~' Chanyeol was shock cause Baekhyun just kiss him on his cheek. He look at the smiling Baekhyun. 


"Just kidding. " Baekhyun said and giggle. 


"Wha...that not fair. I want to kiss you first. "


"Too late. I did it first. " Baekhyun then stick out his tongue to Chanyeol. Suddenly, Chanyeol has another idea.


" about your lip."


"What wrong with my lip." Baekhyun touch his lip.


"I want to be first to kiss you on your lip."


"What? can't kiss me on the lip. Just on the cheek. " Baekhyun then close his mouth with both of his hand. 


"But.... "


"No but Yeol." Baekhyun then stand up and walk away. 


"Ok,im sorry. Don't mad at me." Chanyeol follow Baekhyun. He though Baekhyun mad at him cause his face was so serious. When they arrive at Chanyeol car,Baekhyun stop and look at Chanyeol. 


'chu~' Baekhyun peck Chanyeol lip.


"Im kidding again. " Baekhyun chuckle and hurryly sit in the car leaving a shocking Chanyeol. 


"Hey...that not fair."



End of flashback ~





To be continued... 






A/N: hey guys, what do you think?  It is okay for me to do this. I like BaekYeol too but not as much as I like HunHan. I just thought that maybe i should slip BaekYeol moments too. So,it dont look too boring if it just HunHan here. Oh,there would be KaiSoo moments too. Hope you guys like and enjoy this chappy. See ya~



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melikpopluhanlove #1
Chapter 1: Hello! I already like your story and it has a nice plot, I hope people will find it great. I think that you should get a beta, so that she can correct your mistakes. I would like to help you, but I think that my english is... Yeah...
Chapter 13: Step by step, we already have three pairings. And serious feelings. In vacation. For now.
Chapter 11: Oooo... those es do not know what's the relationship between Sehun and Luhan. Too bad for them. They might have a surprise. A bad one. kekekeke!
Chapter 10: Now we have BaekYeol too. Priceless!
I'm worried about Luhan. He's so fragile! Would Sehun be able to make him feel better?
Chapter 9: My God! The nightmare Luhan had... was a premonition. So sad! And now there just the two of them. It's hard.
Chapter 8: Baek and Yeol know each other already? How come? This is interesting.
Chapter 7: Closer... closer... Do they even know what's happening to them?
Chapter 6: "My hyung"... So nice. And Sehun just being the big brother and taking care of his little bro'. I like it.