
Luhan eat happily the desert that being served. It was vanilla ice cream with a baby marshmallow and chocolate syrup on top of it. Sehun watch from beside him and smile when he look Luhan eat so messily.

"You are so messy." Sehun said and wipe Luhan's cheek that has a stain of chocolate on it.

Luhan blush a little "Thank you Hyung " he said and continue to devour the desert.

Sehun just shake his head. The six of them currently having a dinner at the restaurant resort. They are been join by Jongin brothers Joonmyeon and Jongdae. They chatting happily about random things. Well not all of them chatting and eat happily actually. There are one person that just sit silently and play with his food.

"Nini,are you okay? Why didn’t you eat your food? " Jongdae who was sitting beside him asking when he look Jongin just quite.

" okay and not that hungry. Im full already. " Jongin reply rather slowly. Yeah, that person was Jongin. In the beginning of the dinner, he was still happy chatting here and there but that happiness change into sadness when he saw his Joonmyeon hyung being to close to Kyungsoo. He don't know why but he don't like it when his hyung pinch Kyungsoo cheek, how his hyung will smile at the smaller boy. He don't like it at all.

He even confused with himself. Why he suddenly feel this mad and annoying when he didn't even have any relationship with the shorter. It more confused when he feel wants to be the one that pinch Kyungsoo cheek and smile at him. He suddenly don't feel like want to be here anymore.

"Guys, excuse me. I want to take a walk for a while. "
With that, Jongin stand up and leave the restaurant not noticing that there actually someone who look at him till he disappeared.


"Well meet you guys tomorrow." Joonmyeon said to them ready to leave to his room.

"Have a nice sleep guys . Good night. " Jongdae said and follow behind his brother.

"Good night Hyung. " The five of them said and bow slightly in unison.

"Ah,I'm so full." Baekhyun said and pat his tummy.

"Yeah, me too." Chanyeol said smiling at his boyfriend.

"Are you sleepy Lu? " Sehun ask the latter when he saw Luhan keep yawning. His eyes barely open.

"Humm. " Was just what Luhan said. He was so sleepy and tired now. To tired to even saying anything.

"Come, we should back to our room. " Sehun said and pull Luhan hand.

"Yeah, we should sleep and rest. Meet you guys tomorrow. " Chanyeol said and piggyback his boyfriend.
All four of them want to leave when Baekhyun saw Kyungsoo just sit and he just stay silence. "Soo,are not you going to your room?" He ask make the others also turn to look at him.

Kyungsoo who was blank earlier, look up when his name being called. "Huh?"

"Are not you going to your room? " Baekhyun repeat his questions.

"Ah,yeah. " With that Kyungsoo stand up and follow them.

"Are you okay? " Luhan ask Kyungsoo concernly.

"Yeah, just tired. " Kyungsoo reply softly.

When they arrive at their room, the other four want to go inside their room but "Soo,why not you go inside? " Luhan ask when he look Kyungsoo just standing still in front of his room.

"I don't have the key." Kyungsoo said and look at them.

"Yeah right, where Jongin go by the way? "Sehun said and try to call Jongin but didn't get any response."No answers. "

"Maybe his phone already died. Don't have battery. " Chanyeol said.

"You can stay in our room if you want? " Baekhyun said and look at Kyungsoo.

"No it okay. Just go and rest. I'll go look for Jongin hyung. "

"Are you sure you don't want to stay in our room. " Luhan ask this time.

"Yeah. "

"Ok then, if anything happens just call us okay?"

"Ok. "

With that, the four of them go inside their room. Kyungsoo go outside and want to look for Jongin but he suddenly stop. 'I don't really know this place, what if im lost? I'll just wait in front of the room then' Kyungsoo though to himself and go back to his room. He wait almost 30 minutes but still no Jongin. He feel so sleepy. He sit on the floor and was about to close his eyes when suddenly there someone calling his name.

"Kyungsoo..... "


"Argh... Stupid " Jongin said to no one particular. He was walking back and forth try to calm down himself. He really really don't know what happens to him. Why he feel like this and why it just with Kyungsoo. He thinks he needs a help from his friends. He going to ask Sehun and Chanyeol about this. After he feel tired, he go back to the restaurant but when he saw no one there he decided to just go back to his room.

On his way,from a far he saw someone who he assume as Kyungsoo. He furrow his eyebrows when he look Kyungsoo sit in front of their room . 'Why he just sit there? Why not just go inside their room?' He fastest his walk and call the smaller name.

"Kyungsoo? "

Kyungsoo look up and there Jongin standing in front of him with confused face.He stand up and look at Jongin.
"Why are you sit here and not go inside? "

Kyungsoo look at his feet didn't dare to look at Jongin cause seriously Jongin was staring at him. He blush a little before he reply "I don't have the key. "

Then was when it hit Jongin ".Im sorry I forgot that you don't have the key. How long have you sit here?"

"Not that long, just 30 minutes i think. "

",I'm really sorry Kyungsoo. " Jongin apologies repeatly cause he feel so guilty .He open the door with the key and pull Kyungsoo inside.

"It okay hyung. " Kyungsoo said softly not really look at Jongin. He blush when Jongin still not let go of his hand.

"You must be so tired. Go to sleep. "

"Em hyung, my hand. "

"What wrong with your oh..." Jongin let go of Kyungsoo hand. He blush slightly but shake it off "Go sleep. "

Kyungsoo go to the bed and take the pillow. He want to go to the couch but being stop by Jongin.

"What are you doing? "

"Sleep here . " Kyungsoo said confusedly while point to the couch.

"Just sleep on the bed. It was big enough for two people. " Jongin order him.


"No but,just sleep okay."

"o..okay." Kyungsoo then laying on the bed. Jongin lay beside him and turn off the lamp. For few minutes, the room feel with silent not until...

"Good night Hyung. " Kyungsoo said and close his eyes. He almost sleep when he heard Jongin said.

"Night Kyungsoo. " He said smiling slightly.


The next morning after breakfast, they all go to the beach.That time, there not much people around cause it still early. Luhan, Baekhyun and Kyungsoo was so excited. They was ready to go but been stop by the others.

"Are you guy's that excited? " Chanyeol ask smiling at them.

"YES." Baekhyun said but more like shouting cause of the excited he feel. The other two just nodding their head.

"Ok but don't go to far.Be careful. And before that, put on some sunblock cream first. " Sehun said to them but more to Luhan.


After put on the sunblock cream, the three smaller boys immediately go into the water. The playing happily into the water . Screaming and laughing while splashing water to each other. Not long after that, they been join by Joonmyeon and Jongdae.

Meanwhile, the other three just sit on the carpet they brought earlier and talking about random things. Well, Sehun and Chanyeol did talking to each other but Jongin just sit quietly and staring at the beach or more like at someone.

He was so engrossed that he didn't heard Sehun and Chanyeol has been calling him for like nth time.

"JONGIN!! " Chanyeol scream his name right beside his left ear.

"yah,what was that for? " Jongin give a sharp glare at Chanyeol. He put his hand at his left ear. He feel that his ear going to get deaf because of Chanyeol scream earlier.

"It not my fault okay,you are the one didn't hear us. We've been calling you like a hundreds time already. " Chanyeol said try to defend himself. Well maybe he a little exaggerate about the hundreds time things.

Jongin just rolled his eyes at that. "Ok,I'm sorry i didn't heard you guys. So,what is it? " now he already sit properly and look at Chanyeol and Sehun wait to hear what they want to say.

"You okay? " Sehun look at Jongin. Somehow feeling worry cause he noticed Jongin has been quiet since this morning.

"What do you mean? Of course I'm okay. "

"It just cause you been so quiet since this morning and when me and Yeol has been talking here you didn’t say any word. Are you sure you okay? " Sehun ask again.

Jongin stay silence for a few minutes. He thinks this is the right time to ask his friends what had been bothering his mind since yesterday. He finally look at them.

"Guys, i have somethings to tell you two? " Jongin said hesitately and look at his friends.

"What is it? "

Jongin's lip open and close but there no words coming out from it. He not so sure what to say.

"Hey, just tell us what is it."

"I...ithinkiminlove." Jongin said in one breath.

"What? Please Jongin don't use alien language here cause i didn't know what you trying to say " Chanyeol said jockingly.

Jongin rolled his eyes at that. He take a deep breath before he said it once again. "I said im in love. " There he finally say it. He looks at his bestfriends and they just stay silence and look at him with eyebrows furrow in their eyes. Suddenly, they being interrupted by Chanyeol laugh.

"Hey, what so funny? " Jongin ask suddenly feel regret for telling them about this.

"I don't know, it just... Oh my,i can't believe i would leave this day to heard this. " Chanyeol said and continue his laughing. He even rolling around the mattress.

Sehun rolled his eyes at Chanyeol. "For the love of God, stop laughing Yeol." and thanks to Sehun, he finally stop laughing.

Chanyeol look over Jongin and saw a serious expression in his face. "I'm sorry man, i thought that you were joking. "

Jongin release a really deep sigh. He actually can't believe himself. He is not the one who believe in this kind of love things that why he just like to flirt around and never been serious. He afraid that people just want to be with him just because of his wealthy and look. He don't want that. He don't want to feel hurt. But he sure Kyungsoo is not like that.

"It Kyungsoo isn't it? " Sehun suddenly ask awoke Jongin from his thoughts.

"How... How did you know? "

Sehun smile "Well, im kind of saw you stealing a glance at him yesterday. Oh this morning too when we're having a breakfast. And even now you keep glancing at him." Sehun said and look at the beach.

Jongin blush at what Sehun has said. "I don't know, it just every time I be near him,my heart beating crazily and there would be like butterfly flying around inside me. And i would feel jealous if i saw him with another guy . "

"So,are you going to confess to him?" Chanyeol ask after a long silence.

"No. " Jongin answer shortly.

"No? why? "

"I don't know. It my first time i feel like this so i don't know what to do. "

"Simple, just confess to him. "

"It not as simple as that Yeol. What if he don’t like me?and even worse what if he hate me?I don't think I want that to happen. "

"If he doesn't like you, just find another guy. Settled then."

Jongin give a death glare at Chanyeol "Can you be serious Yeol. I don't have a mood with your joke. "

Chanyeol smile and apologise to Jongin "Sorry dude, just want to cheer you. "

Sehun just shake his head at his friends behaviour "So,what are you going to do now? " he ask Jongin who now staring at the beach look at the smaller boy.

"I don't know. " Jongin simply answer.

"Maybe you should wait for a suitable time and confess. Just do what your heart say." Sehun said smiling at Jongin.

"Thanks dude for listening and for the advice. You're really my bestfriends. " Jongin smile and pat Sehun shoulder.

Chanyeol furrow his eyebrows at Jongin "Hey, what about me?I'm your bestfriends too."

Jongin smirk before say "Are you sure you are my bestfriend?"

Chanyeol smile cause he know Jongin was joking with him. He then give a bone crush hug to Jongin "Ofcouse i am. " The two friends finally burst out laughing. Chanyeol then pull Sehun with them and continue the hugging. They always like this since they were little. Always playing and joking around. Their hugging session stop when they heard someone screaming and that was coming from the beach.

"OH MY KYUNGIE!!!!!! "






To be continued......



A/N: Hey guys, I'm here..Sorry for the late update, it been a month now that i missing.. I was busy with my work. Finally,i update. I hope you guys not bore waiting for this story. Wish you,please enjoy this chappy. Hope you guys like it...

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Xoxo ~

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melikpopluhanlove #1
Chapter 1: Hello! I already like your story and it has a nice plot, I hope people will find it great. I think that you should get a beta, so that she can correct your mistakes. I would like to help you, but I think that my english is... Yeah...
Chapter 13: Step by step, we already have three pairings. And serious feelings. In vacation. For now.
Chapter 11: Oooo... those es do not know what's the relationship between Sehun and Luhan. Too bad for them. They might have a surprise. A bad one. kekekeke!
Chapter 10: Now we have BaekYeol too. Priceless!
I'm worried about Luhan. He's so fragile! Would Sehun be able to make him feel better?
Chapter 9: My God! The nightmare Luhan had... was a premonition. So sad! And now there just the two of them. It's hard.
Chapter 8: Baek and Yeol know each other already? How come? This is interesting.
Chapter 7: Closer... closer... Do they even know what's happening to them?
Chapter 6: "My hyung"... So nice. And Sehun just being the big brother and taking care of his little bro'. I like it.