
It been two weeks now since Luhan move to Sehun house and be his baby brother. The two become so close to each other. Go and back school together. Doing homework together. Sehun will help Luhan with his homework. Even when cooking they would do it together. Luhan would help Sehun. So tomorrow , their parents would back from their honeymoon. Luhan was so excited and happy because he missed his mom so much.


"Hyung, let me do it. "


"Nah, it's okay. I got this."


"But i want to do it. You always do it before now let me help you with it."


"Okay, I'll clean the table then.Be careful. "


"Ok. " Luhan then start doing the dishes. 


Sehun was clean the table when he heard the sound of something broken follow by Luhan screaming. He hurryly make his way to the kitchen. There he saw Luhan was on the floor and he look like he was about to crying. 


"Lu,are you okay? "


Luhan look at Sehun with teary eyes. "Hyung hurt. "


"Tell hyung where you hurt. "


Luhan then show his fingers to Sehun. There a small cut and blood at his fingers. 


"Aigooo, what happened? It not i tell you to be careful? "


"But how should I know that the plate going to sliding from my hands. "


"Ok be careful next time. come,we better treat your finger before its getting worse. "


Sehun then clean the cut and put a band aids on it.Through out the process, Luhan just sit silently and watching Sehun treat his fingers. 


"Hey, are you okay? "


"Hmm.I'm sleepy. Good night Hyung. "Luhan then make his way to his room. 


Sehun just staring at luhan figure till it disappeared. He feel weird to why Luhan seems quite and look sad.He stand up and clean the kitchen then make his way to his own room. 




Luhan was tossing around in his bed.He was trying to sleep but it seems like it not work. He don't know why he feel like this. His heart feel not right. It like something bad going to happen. He then took his phone and call his mom. After a few ringing, his mom voice can be heard. 


"Hey honey, why not you sleep yet.It already late. "


"I don't know. I just can't sleep. "


"Hey,what happened? "


"I miss you mom. "


"It not you already called me this evening beside i going home tomorrow. "


"I don't know. Just missed you. "


"I miss you too honey plus we going to meet tomorrow, don't worry. Now you need to sleep okay. It already past midnight. 


"Okay. Good night mom.I love you. "


"Night. Love you too honey. "




"Take care of yourself honey. You are my good son.Mom love you so much but I have to go. Take care okay.I know Sehun can take care of you. He is a good boy. " say Mrs.xi with full of love.She then hug her son.Tear already falling from her eyes. 


"Mom,where are you going? "Luhan ask softly. 


Mrs.xi just smile at her son. "I love you. "


"Mom,please where you going?Don't leave me." Luhan try to run to get his mother but his legs feel heavy.And his mom figure already far and disappear from his sights. 


"Lu...wake up. " Sehun was woke up from Luhan screaming.When he arrives at Luhan room, he saw Luhan screaming in his sleep. He seems having a bad dream. 


"Lu,what happened? " Luhan open his eyes and look around. He release a sigh of relief when he know he was just dreaming. 


"Hey, what happened? " Sehun ask again when Luhan didn't answer him.


"I'm having a nightmare. " 


"It just a dream. " Sehun said and hug Luhan. Luhan snuggle closer to Sehun. 


"I know but it seems real and im scare. "


"Shh,im here.Don't think about it. Now sleep okay."




Luhan woke up that morning a bit late from usually. He looks at his phone and there one message. 


' I'm on my way to the airport. Meet you later honey. I love you. '




He smiled to himself. He looks at the clock and it shows 10.30 am.He then make his way to the bathroom and take a shower. After done wearing a cloth, he go downstairs to the kitchen. Then he heard his name being called.He go to the living room and found Sehun sit there. 


"Come, sit here. "


"What it is? " Luhan ask after he sit beside Sehun. 


Sehun lip opan and close want to say something but it seems it not going out. "It hard for me to tell you this Lu..."


"Hyung please don't make me scare like this. " Say Luhan sad.


Sehun release a sigh "Mom and dad got accident. " There,he finally said it.


Luhan close his eyes with his two hands. "Hyung don't lie.I just got SMS from mom this morning. "


"No. Im not lying. I got called from Paris Medical Centre. "


"What they said? "


When Sehun hug him tightly, Luhan feel he know what Sehun going to said. "Mom and dad didn't make it. They gone."


"Oh God." Then everything when black. 




"Hannie,are you okay. " Kyungsoo ask Luhan who just nod to his questions. They just back from the funeral. Sehun sigh from the sight. Since yesterday, Luhan didn't said so much world just nodding and shake his head when he being ask.He was sad too but he didn't show it because he needs to be strong for Luhan. Now, it really just going to be the two of them. He promised, he going to take care of Luhan. 


"Lu,you need to eat.You didn't eat since yesterday. "Sehun said now already sit beside Luhan. 


"Im not hungry hyung. "


"Luhan, you can't be like this. You need to eat." This time Beakhyun said.


"No,i don't want to. " Luhan said and leave to his room. 


Sehun was about to Follow Luhan when Jongin stop him."Just let him be.Give him time to himself. "


"Yeah..And you should eat too."


"No Yeol. I can't. Not when Luhan like this. I'm worried. " Sehun said and look at Chanyeol. 


"I know you worry. But if you sick. How are you gonna take care of him."


"Yeah hyung, Chanyeol right. " said Baekhyun who sit beside his boyfriend. 


Sehun just released a sigh. 


"Hyung, i can cook if you want to eat. "


"No thanks Kyungsoo. I think you guys have been a lot of help. You guys probably should leave and rest too. Thank you so much for accompany us here since yesterday. I really appreciate it. "


"Hey,that was what friends for right?"


"Thanks Jongin. "


"We going now. Make sure you let us know if something happens okay. "








To be continued... 




A/N: Here go another chappy. Hope you guys enjoy. 


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melikpopluhanlove #1
Chapter 1: Hello! I already like your story and it has a nice plot, I hope people will find it great. I think that you should get a beta, so that she can correct your mistakes. I would like to help you, but I think that my english is... Yeah...
Chapter 13: Step by step, we already have three pairings. And serious feelings. In vacation. For now.
Chapter 11: Oooo... those es do not know what's the relationship between Sehun and Luhan. Too bad for them. They might have a surprise. A bad one. kekekeke!
Chapter 10: Now we have BaekYeol too. Priceless!
I'm worried about Luhan. He's so fragile! Would Sehun be able to make him feel better?
Chapter 9: My God! The nightmare Luhan had... was a premonition. So sad! And now there just the two of them. It's hard.
Chapter 8: Baek and Yeol know each other already? How come? This is interesting.
Chapter 7: Closer... closer... Do they even know what's happening to them?
Chapter 6: "My hyung"... So nice. And Sehun just being the big brother and taking care of his little bro'. I like it.