Intentions Revealed


            Within the first mark of riding in the supply sack, both Taekwoon and Jinki were in agreement that it was hot and uncomfortable. The plan was sound in theory but in practice, it was far more challenging to tolerate.

            Let’s set down for now, Taekwoon urged, already thinking about what they could do instead.

            Okay, the copper agreed, changing altitude with a quick shift in the air. Mate says way is clear.

            Taekwoon nodded in understanding and waited, bracing Jinki against his body like before just in case they had a rough landing. He should have known better. His dragon was far more careful with them and set them on the ground gently before stepping to the side so they could crawl out as desired.

            “We will never last,” Jinki laughed with sweat beading his forehead already and face slightly flushed. Taekwoon wasn’t much better off.

            “It probably would have been a good idea to try this before jumping all in,” the rider snorted with a shake of his head. “Any word from the others?” he asked, glancing at his dragon before looking at Jinki again.

            Only Fei. Others too far. Rider has lid on barrel. Okay, he explained with an inherent shrug in the statement.

            Taekwoon sighed and rolled his eyes. “Barrel riders are okay. I imagine the sack riders are in the same position as us,” he grumbled, crossing his arms as he looked at Jinki.

            “Okay,” his other half nodded, fingers resting on his chin in thought. “We can’t really hang out of the sack. The straps would probably hurt too much over time. Can you carry us?” he asked suddenly, turning his head to Jonghyun.

            The copper tilted his head and blinked, thinking about the question. Yes. Probably. But could be dangerous if seen.

            “But that’s what Jongup is for,” Taekwoon reminded his dragon with a reassuring pat on the shoulder. “And if any dragon does show up, it shouldn’t be too hard for us to slide back inside. Especially if we don’t actually leave it. The opening is pretty wide,” he added, squatting to pick at the fabric and stretch it out as far as he could. They had made the straps extra long so the dragon could carry them with ease but that also meant there was no need to keep the sack bunched up and it could be fully extended with no trouble.

            “I say we try. If it doesn’t work, we can think of something else, but what else are we going to do?” Jinki shrugged, glancing at the sack with a frustrated look.

            “Fair enough,” Taekwoon agreed after a brief pause. “Let’s try this one more time,” he sighed, crawling into the sack halfway and looking expectantly up at Jinki. “It’ll be easier for him to pick us up if we’re already lying down,” he explained with another shrug.

            “Ah,” Jinki hummed, nodding once as he quickly moved to mirror Taekwoon’s example. He waited tensely while Jonghyun shuffled closer before wrapping his front claws around them both with infinite care. Though Taekwoon was relatively used to being carried – or more accurately caught – in a dragon’s claws, Jinki was not, and he grabbed hard to the finger joints that curled around him. He also made a small surprised, and maybe a little scared, sound when the copper took off again, hauling them into the air with powerful wing beats.

            The new plan was more awkward for Jonghyun but considerably more comfortable for the humans he was carrying. Able to breathe freely and cool from the constant breeze, Taekwoon and Jinki were content. Taekwoon did have a little more trouble with his still healing wound when being carried until he and Jinki switched sides. Beyond that though, it didn’t hurt that they were two extra pairs of eyes on the lookout too, just in case. Not that they were needed. Their first day was almost suspiciously good. The weather stayed clear and there wasn’t a dragon in sight anywhere. Even Jongup didn’t see any, though Jonghyun relayed that Fei had heard Junho had spotted a couple further out.

            Jinki slept quite soundly the first night and Taekwoon spent a fair bit of his time awake, keeping an eye on things. Through the dragons, he heard that V had made contact with a wild and though he’d been able to convince it he was traveling to Tiamat’s Aerie to join, it meant that Kwangmin, who was carrying the riders, was better off taking a detour to avoid the trouble. For now anyway. They were falling behind a bit as a result.

            On the second and third day, travel was much the same. Clear skies and no dragons for Jonghyun and Jongup. That was not the case for the others though. They were starting to run into more wilds in particular – or maybe former bound dragons from Tiamat’s Aerie – and had already had to bluff and lie their way through. It didn’t help when the sacks smelled of humans either…

            Though Taekwoon was glad they hadn’t had trouble yet, it also worried him. He started spending more time watching Jinki instead of their surroundings and he was almost certain his other half – or something… someone having to do with his other half – was responsible for it.

            Feel it too, Jonghyun admitted quietly as he caught a glimmer of Taekwoon’s concern.

            I figured, the rider admitted with a small frown, gaze lingering on Jinki’s too still face again. They hadn’t been sharing easy conversations like usual. When he tried, more often than not, he got weird clipped answers and very little focus. It was more like Jinki spent the day existing in a half aware daze – there but not. Except at night; that was his time. But by then, Jinki was unusually tired and more than ready to fall asleep after they ate. It could have been the effects of travel but Taekwoon had a different thought on the matter. It’s him, isn’t it? he asked after they’d settled down for sleep on the third night of their travels.

            Jonghyun didn’t have to ask for clarification. There was only one person he could be talking about after all. Probably, was the reluctant and unhappy reply.

            It was the only thing that made sense and yet it was also the one thing Taekwoon didn’t want to believe. That somehow Bahamut, the dragon god himself, was using or controlling or manipulating Jinki. It prompted a plethora of questions with no good answers. Why didn’t he just fly to Tiamat’s Aerie himself? Why the subterfuge? Why Jinki? And the list went on but that one was relatively easy to guess. Jinki had simply been available when no one else was…

            What was more, it would certainly explain their too good luck when everyone else had run into some kind of trouble or delay. From the strangely favorable weather to the sheer absence of interference, Taekwoon couldn’t deny it at least hinted at a greater intervention from somewhere. It would also explain the lack of focus on Jinki’s part. The man could plan and organize and pay attention to several things at once in the Aerie so it was strange that he wasn’t really able to follow even simple conversations with Taekwoon right now.

            Looking down at Jinki’s sleeping face, his head pillowed on Taekwoon’s thighs, the rider trailed his fingers against the peaceful cheek and sighed. “What will happen when we do get to the Aerie?” he wondered quietly, afraid of the possibilities.

            Don’t know, his dragon sighed, nudging his head against Taekwoon’s arm with gentle pressure. Must be ready.

            I wish I knew what I should be ready for, he admitted in a small voice. Other dragons and riders he understood. He could anticipate what they would do or what might need to be done. Dragon gods were beyond him. Any word from the others? he asked, glancing to the sky out of habit. They’d found a patch of trees to settle in, hiding them from view from above, but it confined Jonghyun a little too well.

            The copper turned his attention outward and then internally grimaced. Mate ahead but others too far out. Can feel but can’t reach.

            Shards. This definitely puts us in a bad spot, the rider grimaced as he placed a hand on Jinki’s shoulder, gripping loosely. Do you think it’s by design? he wondered, glancing down at the sleeper in front of him.

            Maybe, was Jonghyun’s soft answer.

            Do you think he meant for the others to fall behind? Now he turned to look at his dragon, eyes darkly shiny in the shadows.

            Maybe, was the following, frustrating response.

            Taekwoon stifled a groan and took a breath. I’m guessing your answer would be maybe if I asked if he intended for us to reach the Aerie first and alone…

            When he flailed with his free hand because his dragon sent a positive response, Jonghyun commented, Bahamut is father of all dragons. Not my father. Don’t know him. Don’t know what he will do. Only know many things possible.

            Ugh, I know, Taekwoon slouched, shaking his head. I’m just… frustrated. And scared. And angry. And… ugh! His hand tightened on Jinki’s shoulder again and his other half stirred slightly, making him freeze. “Oops,” he whispered, staring down at the peaceful face. He half wished the eyes would open, just so he could meet Jinki’s gaze, but he was equally afraid the other would be there instead. Cold eyes meant danger and uncertainty and none of the reassurance he was hoping for.

            Should try to sleep, Jonghyun pressed with another gentle nudge of his nose. Worry fix nothing, he reasoned with very draconic logic.

            But it’s so much fun, Taekwoon scoffed with all the sarcasm he could muster. He felt his dragon’s chuckle both through their bond and in his body and it made him laugh once too. I will try, he agreed, taking a deep breath and leaning back against the copper’s side. And for all his worries, he did sleep, though it did not mean the dawn brought peace.

            Both humans were nervous as they took to the skies again. For at least a little while Jinki was himself and Taekwoon stared unabashedly, making his other half blush under the direct attention. He didn’t complain though and simply reached a hand out to Taekwoon, waiting for the rider to accept the gesture. Taekwoon did with quiet joy, and he clung to the other man’s hand as long as he let him.

            It was another twist of the knife when Jinki eventually pulled away. Taekwoon didn’t try to fight it either. He was pretty sure Bahamut knew he was aware the dragon was present, but as he hadn’t chosen to get in the way, the dragon god ignored him for the most part. More than anything, they resumed their one dazed and one alert partnership as Jonghyun continued to fly them towards their goal – one they could finally see more clearly rising in the distance.

            Of course, just because a dragon god might have been influencing most of the situation, it didn’t mean unexpected happenings couldn’t occur. They were all surprised when Jongup ran into a blessedly familiar face while running scout for them. “Gain?” Taekwoon asked aloud as Jonghyun relayed the announcement, making Jinki look at him too.

            “Really?” he asked with a strangely hopeful note in his voice.

            “Jonghyun says so,” the rider added, peering ahead and squinting as if that would somehow make the gold dragon appear. It didn’t take long for their parties to close the distance and Taekwoon could feel Jonghyun’s happiness at being back in Jongup’s presence. The feeling was mutual though if the secondary emotion he was feeling and Jinki’s smile were any indication. Of course he was glad to see Jongup too, but personally, he was surprised to the see the familiar gold so far from home.

            She thought it felt like us, Jonghyun explained as they settled carefully amidst the sparsely forested terrain. It wasn’t the ideal place to land but explanations were necessary and given their recent ‘luck,’ Taekwoon felt it was a reasonable risk. Wants to know what we’re doing here.

            If dragons could make simultaneously worried and suspicious faces, Gain would be wearing one right now. He was sure of it. “We’re trying to get to the Aerie to find Kevin. Do you know if he’s there?” Taekwoon answered and asked after a brief moment of hesitation.

            The gold dragon’s head jerked back in surprise and her wings fluttered once. Gold eyes looked between the four intently, lingering longer than necessary on Jinki before settling on Taekwoon again. Though she spoke through Jonghyun, her words were for his rider. Why? What’s going on?

            Focusing on her, he didn’t miss the way her eyes darted to Jinki once before settling on the rider again. Taekwoon stifled a wince and tried to keep his features as neutral as he could. We’re trying to find a way to stop Tiamat and we think Kevin may be able to help us. But... he trailed off, letting his suspicion linger on his tongue. He could feel Jonghyun’s worry instead of reproach this time. Bahamut may be hiding in Jinki and I’m afraid of what that could mean.

            To her credit, Gain did not give any outer indication that she’d heard him about the second comment. Traveling like that? was her immediate – and probably dry - response, in fact, but Taekwoon could feel Jonghyun’s tension and figured she may have been speaking to the copper directly. The gold looked back from the way she’d come and her tail twitched in obvious thought. Taekwoon wasn’t expecting her next comment though. We’ve come this far. If the gods are to meet, what will be will be. Her shoulders rose and fell as she took a deep breath and then turned to focus on the group again.

            Taekwoon spoke aloud for Jinki’s benefit this time. “Gain says that Hero and some of the other dragons from home are near the Aerie. They haven’t been allowed free range yet since their attachment to humans is still too strong but they should be able to help keep the way clear to the Aerie.”

            She thinks it strange we haven’t met any dragons yet, Jonghyun admitted.

            “That’s good, isn’t is?” Jinki asked, a hesitant smile on his face.

            “Yes,” Taekwoon agreed after a slight delay, his eyes switching to Gain and then back to Jinki, hoping she would understand his intent. She didn’t respond so he wasn’t sure but his focus was back on his other half. Getting to the Aerie really would be good as far as finding out the answer to their question, even if he wasn’t certain given what Jinki was going through. “But we’ve got some others on the way too. They haven’t been able to keep up and have fallen behind.”

            Gain’s gaze traveled over Jinki almost seamlessly before she looked at Taekwoon again. Jonghyun translated once more. “She’ll try to send some allies to help guide our wing mates to us so they won’t have to deal with the wilds and riderless dragons,” Taekwoon explained as he reached out and brushed his fingers against Jinki’s arm. “We’re not far now either.” He almost didn’t realize what he’d said as he parroted the words and he was struck by a belated sense of shock. Of course he knew they should be able to reach the Aerie today, but he hadn’t anticipated it being so soon.

            “Do you know where Tiamat is?” Jinki asked, shifting as if to peer around Gain’s body like it would somehow reveal the dragon god to him.

            Gain hesitated for a moment. Taekwoon didn’t know if it was because she was unsure who was asking – Jinki or the probable Bahamut, or if she was actively trying to think of where the other one was. Jonghyun didn’t tell him either, but he did relay her message which he voiced for Jinki. “Apparently she’s resting. But Gain doesn’t know where. She can feel that she is though,” the rider shrugged, partly hoping his other half was asking because he was just curious.

            “That’s at least a little encouraging I guess,” Jinki shrugged, brow furrowing as it was also slightly troubling.

            Yes it was good she was resting and not in a position to immediately stop them, but the fact the dragon didn’t know where she was meant she could be anywhere… Almost. Taekwoon realized it was possible she could even be hiding in another dragon if she did what Bahamut was doing. That was a terrifying thought indeed. “Okay,” he exhaled, his suddenly dry lips. “I guess we better use our time wisely then. Gain,” he called, nodding in her direction.

            The gold closed her eyes and tilted her head, rather like she was listening. And talking, Jonghyun explained easily.

            Is her range better than yours? Taekwoon wondered.

            Jonghyun didn’t immediately answer but when he did, his rider was a bit surprised. Yes. Before Taekwoon could even ask why, the copper supplied it for him. No human spirit to weaken range. And dragon Paramours sensitive. Spend much time in Trance.

            Huh, Taekwoon hummed to himself, looking at the gold with new respect. I wonder if Fei has a better range too… he trailed off, knowing the bond was not Symbiosis between her and Chaerin.

            Probably, his dragon shrugged, giving him a mental nudge to show that Gain was finished. If ready, can go. She called other dragons to help and provide cover.

            “Good,” Taekwoon smiled, a tense but genuine expression. “Ready, Jinki?” he asked, looking over at his other half as he extended his hand to him.

            “As ready as I’m going to be,” the Aerie Master exhaled, lightly taking Taekwoon’s hand while he looked behind them as if he could see the missing riders. But there was no sign of them and the way before them was clear for now. So long as someone reached the High Priest first, before Tiamat became aware, it didn’t really matter.

            “Let’s go then,” Taekwoon urged with a nod towards the sack. “Might as well maintain the disguise, just in case.”

            Jinki grimaced but didn’t complain. They settled back into place and waited for Jonghyun to take care of the rest. From there, it really didn’t take long for them to approach Tiamat’s Aerie. As they came into view of the familiar setup, they were just as surprised by the destruction here. Where home had been dug up and decimated, Tiamat’s Aerie looked to have been demolished from within. It was like something had exploded from the heart of the Aerie and there was now a massive hole where the commons should have been.

            How do you think Tiamat got free? Jonghyun asked as if the answer was obvious.

            Fair enough… his rider trailed off, though it was still quite a sight to behold. It only seemed to make their task feel all the more impossible though and he had to push the thought aside with stolid determination. Any sign of Kevin? he asked instead, searching the surface for any signs of life.

            No but mate sees Hero. And others, he added after a slight pause.

            Immediately, Taekwoon’s head swiveled to see if he could spot them, dragon half rising to the fore to help his vision. Oh. There he was. The silver was almost impossible to miss, and spread around the outskirts of the Aerie, he could also see a few other colors, but from this far out, it was too hard to tell who was who without Jonghyun’s help. They kept their distance and watched from afar instead, heads swinging back and forth between the Aerie and abroad.

            Want to come but suspicious if too many move at this time of day, his dragon explained. Gain says they do not spend much time in Aerie. Well, the wilds anyway. Most sleep outside but for us, it is familiar. Like home.

            Taekwoon could understand that feeling all too well. He slept better at home too. But while that answered his curiosity for the dragons, he had to turn his attention to finding the High Priest. After all, he was the reason they were here in the first place. Most of the buildings had been destroyed and it looked like that had been intentional. But one was still standing relatively untouched. The shrine… There, he pointed, knowing Jonghyun would feel what he meant.

            Understood, he nodded, banking to bring them close. As they descended, he tilted his head and added, Gain says Fei is within range now. On her way. Fei says Gunwoo not too far behind. Thinks Seohyun may be behind him.

            “Good,” he murmured, looking at Jinki. “Our wing mates are getting close,” he called out, smiling when his other half looked at him with relief.

            “Good to know,” he grinned, the expression falling just as quickly as Jonghyun landed, setting them down with as much care as he could muster.

            They had to shield their faces from the rising dust of three pairs of wings, but then they were standing and the sturdy remains of Tiamat’s Shrine were before them. You should probably get in the air. Safer and we can let you know if anything happens.

            You sure? his dragon asked, amber eyes peering at him with understandable worry.

            Yeah. He reached out and pat the copper’s nose with a reassuring nod. “Let’s go,” he added, extending his hand towards Jinki again. It was a small comfort that his other half took it quietly, face nervous but determined when they headed for the door. They flinched as the dragons launched into the air behind them, pelting them with debris briefly, but then it was almost too quiet when they stopped in front of the barrier.

            Glancing at Jinki once, Taekwoon nodded and then pushed at the slightly ajar door, inhaling when it moved open with too little resistance. The space within was small, much like Bahamut’s Shrine back home. It had similar wooden benches lined on either side of the interior with a walkway in the middle. There were plenty of torches burning to light the place too, but the biggest differences were Tiamat’s statue and Kevin. The statue had been pushed off the dais and one wing was broken under the heavy weight of stone. Standing in front of the dais with his back to them and muttering under his breath was none other than the High Priest.

            “Kevin!” Taekwoon nearly spat, his free hand balling into a fist as he glared at the other man from afar.

            The High Priest gave a startled grunt and spun around to face the intruders, eyes wide in an unusually visible face. Taekwoon and Jinki both exchanged quick looks before focusing on the other man again. Straight, honey colored hair framed a very pretty face that looked about the same age as theirs. But the mouth was pulled back in an ugly grimace and his normally calm eyes were hard and wild. In one hand, he gripped a small knife and the other dripped red from where it hung at his side. “You,” he muttered with irritated frustration. It was like he wasn’t even surprised to see them, though his focus was mostly for Taekwoon.

            Despite being the center of the other man’s attention, Taekwoon stepped forward just a touch and put Jinki behind him, just in case. “Yes, me,” he agreed with a growl, firmly keeping his growing desire to attack the other man in check.

            For a moment, Kevin raised the dagger in his fist like he wanted to attack Taekwoon too, but the fit of pique passed quickly enough. “Useless,” he scoffed, rolling his eyes and turning around to resume his focus on the dais.

            Taekwoon blinked in surprise. That was not a response he was expecting and he was tempted to look back at Jinki. But marks of training bade him not to lose focus of his target. That was when he was most likely to strike after all. Instead, he took a breath and cautiously made his way forward to try and see what the priest was working on. His free hand lingered near his sword preemptively and his inner dragon hovered right beneath the surface, ready to move if needed. Edging around the benches on the outside, he could see there were some sort of wet markings on the dais, but it was hard to read them from this distance.

            Kevin took a breath and then exhaled irritably. “Either kill me or don’t but make up your mind. You’re bothering me,” he scowled, making a quick drawing motion on the dais with his right hand, the bloody one.

            Tamping down his irritation and very real desire to hurt the priest, he grit his teeth and spoke, “We need your help. If you can do it,” he added, the statement as much a taunt as he could make it.

            The High Priest laughed once and shook his head. “No.” He paid them no more attention than he would give a fly before he resumed his focus on the markings.

            It was such a simple word and yet, it invoked a burning rage in Taekwoon. Unable to ignore it, he launched himself forward and grabbed the back of Kevin’s neck to slam his head against the dais. The High Priest went limp for a breath and the dagger fled from limp fingers. Free of that danger, Taekwoon spun him around and laid him out against the dais, pinning the priest with his elbow on his throat and his body weight. “Care to try again?” he growled, letting his inner dragon come to the fore, amber eyes blazing.

            Kevin coughed first, a thin and choking sound, before he laughed. It was bitter and without mirth. “You won’t kill me.”

            “Maybe not, but I can hurt you,” the dragonrider promised, leaning a little harder.

            Again, Kevin choked, making Taekwoon ease back slightly, but then he snorted. “You won’t do that either.” At Taekwoon’s confused look, he rolled his eyes and added, “You might hate me and your dragon might hate me and the dragon in you might hate me, but it’s not in you to knowingly torture someone,” he taunted, the statement all the more biting because it was probably true.

            “Fine,” he spat after a long pause. “Maybe I won’t,” he agreed, shoving at Kevin’s chest before he stepped back and let the other man slump down against the front of the dais. It was then that he could see what he had been working on. Runes. Written in blood. His own if his hand was any indication. Taekwoon’s actions had ruined whatever it had been but knowing the High Priest, it probably wasn’t good. “But my dragon doesn’t have such qualms,” he reminded the other man with a glare. “So I’ll ask you again. Can you help us?”

            Kevin’s eyes swung to something behind Taekwoon, lingering for a breath, before meeting the rider’s gaze again. “What’s in it for me if I can?” he asked with a shrug, lifting his right hand to press at the oozing cuts in his palm.

            It took a lot for Taekwoon to not punch the High Priest, but they needed him. Potentially. And his inner dragon subsided with that caveat. For now anyway. “What do you want?” he asked with his hands balled into tight fists.

            The High Priest laughed dryly as he flexed his hands in front of him. “To have the power of a god,” he snorted, looking up to meet Taekwoon’s gaze. “So that I can lead humanity on a better path.” Kevin smiled and the expression looked brittle and fake. He glanced down at his hands again with a shake of his head so he didn’t see what happened next.

            Taekwoon’s disgust gave way to uncertain surprise when he felt and heard his sword draw free from its scabbard. Even with his draconic senses, he was barely fast enough to watch as Jinki took his blade and stabbed Kevin cleanly through the head. “Jinki!” he gasped, one hand stalling in the air as he instinctively realized it was not him.

            A deep and sonorous voice emerged next, chilling him to the bone. “Priest. You have been judged unfit and executed accordingly. No man can become a god,” he stated as if it was law, letting the blade go so that Kevin’s body might fall to the ground.

            “Bahamut,” Taekwoon whispered, every nerve alight with tension.

            Jinki turned, his eyes blazing silver, and looked at the rider with a frightening resolve. “I have seen and heard enough,” he announced in that impossibly deep voice that resonated through Taekwoon like a gong. “Even bound and imprisoned as I was, I had hoped there was some greater growing purpose to your foolishness. I see I misplaced my hopes. You are all flawed, broken creatures,” Bahamut spoke with disgust, a sentiment that literally made Taekwoon feel worthless when hearing it from the god’s perspective. “Worse still. You have ruined my first children with your pathetic machinations.” Jinki’s body stood up straight, head tilted upwards so that he could look down at the human before him. “There is no other recourse,” he surmised with a disappointed sigh. “This time, I will do better.”

            Taekwoon flinched back as he felt power building in front of him, but then he realized where it was focusing. “Jinki!” he called, lunging towards his other half with desperate fervor. He stalled in midair though, feeling as if he was being pressed from all sides as time seemed to stop. For a breath, he saw Jinki as he’d always been: human. And then he started to shift, his skin stretching and elongating as something else came to life in the same space. “NO!” Taekwoon howled, witnessing the beginnings of the birth of a dragon before he was tossed away like so much trash.

            His body hit the doors of the shrine and crashed through, rolling backwards before he slid to a pained halt. Taekwoon! his dragon called in confusion while the copper immediately swooped down to land heavily beside him.

            It’s Bahamut, Taekwoon cringed, staggering to his feet to watch the building explode in front of him. He realized he was too close a breath later and backpedaled with all the haste he could muster, barely getting out of range in time. Jonghyun crow hopped backwards and growled when he saw what rose up from the remains of the building.

            The dragon god Bahamut was as large as Tiamat and perfect in all his silver glory. Sleek minimalism highlighted the dragon’s features, showcasing his physical form in the most basic of designs. It did nothing to diminish the power that roiled around him. He planted his front feet on the ground and flared his wings before roaring an ear splitting challenge that made Taekwoon feel nauseous.

            Nearby, he heard an answering cry. It must have come from Tiamat, but it didn’t matter. Already dazed, Taekwoon’s focus was on something else entirely. “Jinki…” he exhaled, staggering towards the dragon god’s body as he scoured the grounds for a human form nearby. He braced himself against the powerful gusts and shielded his eyes from the dust storm that erupted when Bahamut launched into the air, but then ploughed forward, desperately searching for his other half. “Jinki!” he called again, stumbling over the debris in his way. Where is he, Jong?! he demanded of his dragon as he clambered through the remains of the shrine. “Jinki!!”

            His world stopped entirely when he heard the copper’s answer. With Bahamut.

            Taekwoon’s heart broke at the admission. Then, amber dragon eyes turned to look at the dragon god hovering above the remains of the Aerie. He could not see any sign of Jinki’s body. His physical form was gone… Burning rage flowered to fill in the gaps of his shattered heart and Taekwoon roared. Four spirits beat as one as fury sang through their veins, voices raised to challenge the dragon god. “Bahamut!” he screamed, bounding to Jonghyun’s back with inhuman grace and sticking there like a bur.

            The copper clawed his way into the air as he charged at the massive dragon in front of him. Jongup flew close by and everything else was drowned out in the single minded focus of getting to the dragon god and finding out what had happened to Jinki, to getting him back. Jonghyun, Jongup, Taekwoon, and his dragon half were in synch as they cried out, demanding the return of their missing person.

            Bahamut stopped looking for Tiamat long enough to turn his attention to the three figures approaching him. Silver eyes glanced over their forms before he snarled in insulted outrage, head darting forward with his mouth open.

            Jongup and Jonghyun banked hard. The blue swung free, but massive teeth snapped shut on the end of a copper wing. With no harness or straps to keep him secure, Taekwoon was thrown free as his dragon was literally yanked out from under him. Jong! he screamed in free fall as he felt pain, panic, and fear slam into him through their bond. Desperately, he flailed in the air trying to focus on his dragon, but before he could find him, it felt like Taekwoon’s chest split open. He went limp with a choking gasp and continued to fall as darkness claimed him.

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Wow... nearly five years after I started, we are almost finished! XD This has taken me way too long to get to this point but thank you for those who have stayed with me and I hope you are looking forward to the ending like I am! <3


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Chapter 1: How have I missed such an amazing story!? The first chapter got me hooked already. I have a feeling it’s boy on boy kind of a relationship based on the main characters name. Your story is the second I read of this kind of set up.
Your writing is exquisite. Detailed but not unnecessary. I’m excited to start reading more of it!
People are definitely missing out on your talent if they’re not here sinking their teeth in this.
Thank you for all your hard work!
Chapter 13: UHG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !( Please feel my frustration via exclamation marks!) So much unsaid.

So may people. I've had to really dig deep for name in general with this but that's what I love. such a flurry of a cast. Makes me sad for later though because I know you Missy!

My favorite part was Taekwoon digging into Jonghyun's it was perfect. Because I was offended for Jongup but it was rightly and swiftly correct. Very nice!

Yes on the Kevin is off feels!

I also loved the moment with him and Seunghyun. He needed to tell some one.
Chapter 12: This was a good chapter. Nice aftermath scenes going on. I felt for Taekwoon he was headed there Jinki but you can't say no to that many important people unfortunately.

Yunho's straight answer was funny.

Kevin gives me mixed vibes and I'm not sure why.

HEALER MIMI! Love it to funny.

I also hope they do talk soon. They really need to talk!
Chapter 11: Omo! My poor heart. I was so in and holding my breath at some parts! My poor babies. I felt so much for both of them in this chapter. His reaction was so genuine. I am curious to know more as always I've had a taste but I am still very much unaware of what foolishness I've got in store considering you are not dubbed the Queen of angst/tragedy for nothing!

I'm loving it so far and I adore Kevin. I was tickled.

Also as a side note. I was dying over the Bahamut's Breath and Teeth! Dead lmao!
Chapter 10: So my last comment about cliff hangers.

But loved this chapter! I could practically feel Jinki's tension and worry . I also liked how you touched up on all the characters that have already been introduced will also still having all of the focus on Jinki . Seeing the connection with Kia and Krystal was great as well. their relation ship is heart melting in it on way.

Question. Who is Satoru like in real life? or did you just use that name?

Other than that another great chapter. Jinki's determination is my favorite part. He's terrified but went for it anyway!
Chapter 9: The Queen of cliff hangers strikes again. It's my second time reading it and even though I know where this is headed to an extent still a of a cliff hanger. Great set up thought, the surroundings and everything it nice.
Hayagi #7
Chapter 4: Bahamut, Tiamat, Aeri, everything about the dragons, are those all things that you've come up with for this story or is it based on something (a certain mythology or something like that)?
By the way, before I read the next chapter, could you perhaps let me know why it is rated? I usually don't read rated stories, but it kind of depends on the reason why it's rated, so if you let me know I can decide whether I should skip it or not ^^
Hayagi #8
Chapter 3: So many characters ? I could really use a character relationship chart right now.
So... Taekwoon is 16 now, right?
If someone told me I have to hand in an essay by 'next moon' I'd think he/she means that night. Or the next night if that night is 'this moon'.. or is it like Chinese (月) and does it mean next month? Will it be explained later on or can I figure it out myself if I read everything very carefully?
The symbiosis part was very interest. I didn't completely understand the Paramour part though.
Hayagi #9
Chapter 2: What's a sevenday?
So the dragon (N) wanted to get closer to Taekwoon, right? Interesting.

Taekwoon's fascination for dragons is really cool.

Wow the part where you described the meeting between Taekwoon and the dragon was beautiful... I imagined it as if it was a scene of a movie and if I watched that movie, it'd be a breathtaking scene that I'd definitely remember for a long time.
Hayagi #10
Chapter 1: For some reason I hadn't expected that this would start with them as kids, so I was really confused when I read 'little legs' xD
It looks interesting so far! And the fact that you have 8 upvotes with only 14 subscribers tells me it must be a hidden gem ^^