Mysteries to Unravel


            Both Jinki and Taekwoon hit the ground running the following day. There was no immediate threat that they could see, but it felt as if the walls were closing in around them all the same. Especially since they seemed to have an alternative knowledge that few in the Aerie even imagined, Satoru and Eric notwithstanding. After they separated when they were finished with the morning meal, Jinki snagged Sanghyuk, Joy, and Amber, citing Aerie Master business, and led them to the front of the Aerie Master’s hall.

            “This is different,” Amber commented with interest, though like her companions, she shivered in the cold morning air.

            “Yeah. What’s up?” Sanghyuk asked, glancing across the way to the Paramour quarters as if their meeting from the other day might give him an answer he could figure out on his own.

            “I need your help,” Jinki explained quietly, glancing around to make sure they weren’t immediately being watched or spied on. He didn’t think anyone, barring Chaerin and company, would spy on him exactly, but it didn’t hurt to be more cautious.

            “Oh?” Joy asked, beating Sanghyuk to the prompt, a quick glance his way checking to see if he realized. He shared the look and frowned slightly, but shrugged.

            “First, I need to know you three can keep this under wraps. Whatever we might find,” he cautioned, glancing around again.

            “Are you getting into some kind of trouble?” Amber asked with a bemused glance, mischief dancing in her eyes.

            “No!” he denied immediately, deflating when he realized she was teasing him. It was easy to see where Sanghyuk had learned it… “I have permission from the Aerie Master, but what we find might be… sensitive,” he explained hesitantly, not really sure what they’d find or if they would even understand the importance of it. Whatever it might be.

            “Okay,” Joy nodded, glancing at her companions with a shrug. They mirrored her response and Jinki wasn’t sure it was an entirely reassuring response, but it was better than nothing.

            “Alright,” he nodded once and glanced at the door. “You all probably know the mural in the Aerie Master’s foyer.”

            “Right. The history of the Aerie and the end of the Dragon Wars,” Sanghyuk recalled, resting his arm nonchalantly on Joy’s shoulder. She shrugged her shoulder with a grimace but he simply grinned at her.

            Jinki raised a brow. “Yes. Well, there’s likely another image behind it and we need to find out what it is. Without destroying it…” he added hurriedly when he noticed what could have been too much excitement in Sanghyuk’s eyes.

            “Hmm… murals are tricky,” Amber hummed thoughtfully, thumbing at her lip. “I don’t know that we should try without someone that’s had a bit more experience with them.”

            All three looked at her curiously. “Did you have someone in mind?” Jinki asked curiously.

            “Actually,” she started with the barest of blushes. “Kibum has some experience in dealing with old historical things.”

            “So it’s Kibum now?” Joy leaned over just enough to unsettle Sanghyuk’s arm, a knowing look on her face.

            Amber reached out and smacked Joy lightly in the side before she added, “He’s not as good as an artifact collector, but given the people we have here, he’s probably one of the best we have.”

            “Good to know,” Jinki smiled, amused by their ribbing. It was common knowledge that Amber had been partnering with Kibum recently but the former was still endearingly shy about being open with it. Unlike her partnering with Wonshik, most people hadn’t expected them to get together. “Would you mind seeing if he’d be available? You can also cite Aerie Master’s privilege. Well… in training if you have to be honest.”

            “Eh,” she waved her hand at him and laughed once. “Knowing him, he’d hardly need an excuse to come and join in the fun with this. I’ll be back soon,” she promised, saluting them quickly and then jogging off to find the History Master.

            “So. Shall we get started then?” Sanghyuk asked, looking at Jinki expectantly.

            The Aerie Master in training sighed and chuckled once. “I suppose we can start chipping away at the hole that’s there already. If Master Satoru says anything, let me do the talking,” he added quickly before he turned to step inside.

            “Eh?” Joy and Sanghyuk chirped in unison.


            By midmorning’s practice, Taekwoon was more than warm in the indoor salle and like most of the riders that were practicing together, he was dripping sweat. Their combat maneuvers had been mostly hand to hand in the first part of their session and then climbing practice with some wall sparring just to add something more challenging. For Insoo’s wing anyway. While Taekwoon still hadn’t found a chance to speak to his Wing Leader alone, he figured now was as good a time as any.

            Feigning a cramp he didn’t feel, he called out as he limped off to the side. “Soo!”

            Like the good, involved Wing Leader he was, the equally sweat soaked Insoo came jogging over and gave him a brief assist. “You alright?” he laughed, knowing it was unusual for the other man to suffer from something so paltry. Or at least admit it.

            “I will be,” Taekwoon promised, maintaining the ruse as he dutifully went through the motions of working out a stubborn cramp. “But if you’ve got a minute after practice, I need to speak to you,” he explained without looking at the other man.

            Even so, he could feel the thoughtful speculation and dry amusement that came with the understanding he probably wasn’t actually hurt. “All you have to do is ask,” he snorted, smacking Taekwoon’s shoulder with his fist lightly.

            “I did,” Taekwoon reminded him with a sidelong glance and the hint of a smile tugging at his mouth. He didn’t want to admit that asking a question directly could draw more attention to the fact he wanted to talk. At least under this guise, their conversation was… normal.

            Insoo chuckled with a bright smile and nodded in reluctant agreement. “That you did. And yes, I’ve got time after practice. But if your cramp is better, go give me two more laps and a wall run,” he grinned, ersely amused by Taekwoon’s scowl.

            “You’re so cruel,” he grumbled, reaching his hand out expectantly. Insoo raised a brow but accepted all the same and hauled him to his feet easily. “Thanks.”

            “Yeah yeah,” the Wing Leader shook his head. “Off with you.”

            “Yes, sir,” Taekwoon nodded and started off, moving slow at first as if he was testing his body and then picking up speed. He waved off the light hearted ribbing he got from his wing mates, but couldn’t ignore Chaerin’s eyes on him quite so well. The rest of the group was curious but she was… hawkish in her observance. Much like he’d treated her the other day. It was likely she suspected something and he would have to try hard not to give up the game.

            When practice was over, he was well and truly tired, but as promised, Insoo was waiting for him at the entryway. “You wanted to talk?” he offered, warm smile lighting his face up.

            Taekwoon nodded once and glanced around to be sure there were moderately alone. He didn’t like that Chaerin was still lingering nearby and he frowned slightly. “Could we step outside?” he asked, wrinkling his nose apologetically at the look he got in response. It was cold outside…

            “Huh. Coming from you, yes,” Insoo conceded after a moment, glancing in the direction that Taekwoon had looked a moment ago.

            It didn’t take them long to bundle up in their leathers again, though it was harder than usual being sticky with sweat. Cleaning them when they got that way was always harder but par for the course after sessions like this. Taekwoon hunched against the cold as they made the open air and then started moving them towards the dragon pens. Heading your way, he called out to Jonghyun to let the dragon know.

            Understood, was the quick response, the tone sounding like the dragon was actively searching for him in that moment.

            “So. What’s up?” Insoo asked, drawing abreast of the other man as he realized their direction.

            “Have you heard any rumors about what’s been going on outside the Aerie?” Taekwoon asked as nonchalantly as he could.

            “If you’re just worried about rumors, you could probably ask Dongwan or even Commander Eric,” he reminded him gently, shrugging his shoulders.

            “I know,” he admitted with a nod, “but this is… different.”

            “Hmm,” Insoo hummed as he took the question at face value and put thought into it. After a moment, he explained, “I only know what most of us know. We’ve got riders out on short patrols. More than usual,” he amended with a hand in the air. “They’ve sent two wings towards Talongrace and Bondsland, but we haven’t gotten much response back, beyond the fact that one wing was captured,” he frowned darkly. That spot still sat poorly with all of them. “And last I heard, there was some tension in Kokoshir but nothing confirmed,” he shrugged. “Why? Have you heard something else?” he asked carefully, pace slowing at the possible answer.

            “Maybe,” Taekwoon confirmed with a glance at the Aerie Master’s office.

            Insoo’s eyes widened as he connected the dots quickly and then looked at Taekwoon incredulously. “You mean Jinki-”

            “Shh!” Taekwoon immediately hushed him, placing a finger to his own lips to call for silence. “You know as well as I do that he would never say anything unless it was very important.”

            “I know…” Insoo trailed off, his voice lowered, but his expression mildly alarmed. “So? What is the maybe?”

            Taekwoon worked his jaw on the words, wondering just what he should say. “Know that this hasn’t been confirmed for sure, but if it’s true we need to be ready and I’m telling you because I think you might know best who to talk to with what information,” he explained quickly, shifting in place nervously. Jinki was always much better at this stuff.

            “Of course,” Insoo nodded immediately as he clasped Taekwoon’s shoulder in his hand. “I appreciate your trust in me,” he added, patiently waiting for the information.

            Taekwoon took a deep breath and carefully started relaying most of what they thought they knew. He received an alert from Jonghyun about Chaerin drawing near and urged them both to move closer to the dragons by walking slowly in their direction. Insoo was no fool and his eyes darted to the side once, checking his periphery, but he gave no other indication of knowing what was happening. Like Jinki, he listened attentively and then took a moment to think before he responded.

            They were near their own dragons now, Jonghyun and Jongup tussling playfully nearby with Gunwoo watching them in mild amusement. “That is troubling news indeed. I can see why you might be worried and why none of the higher ups have told us about it. What do you expect me to be able to do?” he asked Taekwoon sincerely.

            Unsure, the other rider shrugged and sighed. “I don’t know but I thought you might have more of an idea of what we can do to at least start getting the other riders ready in case this comes to fruition. If we start getting sent off once the cold is over, we have to be ready. Even if we don’t, we have to have some sort of plan for what might happen. The more time we have to prepare, the better off we’ll be, whatever might happen.”

            Insoo laughed softly, the sound dry and accepting as opposed to amused. “You’re not wrong. It’s just a lot of what-ifs at the moment. All the same, thank you for letting me know,” he murmured with a grateful nod. “I’ll pass the information to the other wing leaders at least and once they’ve had a chance to mull it over, we can start formulating strategies with what we have here. As well as for potential future events should we be separated.”

            Relief was almost overwhelming. “Thank you,” Taekwoon exhaled quickly, swallowing hard and feeling foolish that it was almost as if he’d just finished fighting.

            He was, however, caught off guard by the next question. “Any particular reason you’re avoiding Chaerin?”

            Relief turned to tension immediately and he frowned. “I don’t trust her.” At Insoo’s nonplussed look, he exhaled and added, “I don’t have enough definite information about it yet, but I have my reasons,” he promised softly, eyes darting about to make sure she wasn’t there.

            “You are a challenge to understand some days. A good rider, but a challenge,” Insoo admitted with dry amusement, nodding to himself. Taekwoon shrugged. He knew he wasn’t the easiest person, but it worked well enough for now. “Alright. Consider your mission accomplished. Now go get a bite before we get in the air. The sun’s out today so we’ll be flying soon enough,” he grinned, tossing an excited look in Gunwoo’s direction. The bronze preened at the attention, his talons digging into the ground before him as he seemed excited by the prospect. Fortunately for the dragons, the cold never bothered them quite as much as their riders.

            “Yes, sir,” Taekwoon echoed again, looking to his own dragons in response. Jonghyun was watching him intently, the feeling of excitement clear if not the appearance. Jongup made no effort to hide his energy, prancing around with his wings partially open, ready to fly at a moment’s notice. He paused and started looking around though, as if something else had caught his attention.

            “Interesting dragon,” Insoo murmured with a low chuckle. “Reminds me of Donghae with Hyoyeon.”

            “Huh? Oh. Yeah,” Taekwoon agreed, turning to wave his Wing Leader off. He didn’t focus on Jongup again until the other rider was gone and his dragon in reluctant tow. Only then did Taekwoon focus on what had caught Jongup’s attention. He didn’t notice at first until Jonghyun nudged him in the right direction. “Fei…” he trailed off, seeing a gold dragon in the distance. She was watching them. He wasn’t sure why he knew it was Fei exactly, but he knew it.

            Not doing anything. Just watching, Jonghyun confirmed. He wasn’t looking at her, though Jongup was. It was likely they were sharing thoughts about her through their own personal connections.

            What does she want? Taekwoon asked, not really sure he’d get an answer.

            Don’t know. Should I ask? Jonghyun inquired, amber eyes shifting to look directly at his rider.

            Taekwoon frowned and waved at his dragon dismissively. No. Then he thought about it and his mind crossed back to Chaerin. She wasn’t talking much but would her dragon…? Maybe… he admitted, surprising the copper at least a little bit. Though not right now, he amended. There was still too much they had to do without having to try and wrestle with other unknowns just now.


            He gave his dragon another side eyed look and then snorted. “I think you’ve been watching the Aerie runners a bit much,” he muttered, not sure if he was learning to be cheeky or just was and was finally getting comfortable enough to manage it with him. Either way, it was a good thing, if a little annoying for Taekwoon. But he had other things to worry about now, like the afternoon meal.


            “This is extraordinary!” Kibum exclaimed for the umpteenth time as he stared at just the little bit of the mural they’d uncovered. The Master Historian, as Amber had surmised, was eager to help, but painstakingly slow in his process and directions. While Sanghyuk would have taken a hammer to the mural, almost literally, Kibum had insisted they use tiny chisels and that they make a copy of the mural before they started removing it. “Regardless of whatever is beneath it, this is something that must be preserved,” he explained with the utmost confidence.

            Amber just nodded in agreement, but since none of them were good at drawing – they all knew how to write, but this was different – that was how the Master of Geography, Sandara, had ended up in their midst. “Don’t chisel that piece yet!” she scowled, face marred with coal smudges as she eyed the picture and frantically tried to make a correction to the image. Her horsetail kept her dark brown hair out of her face so the marks were especially obvious and the tightness of the tail gave her a fairly severe look at just that moment.

            “You’re drawing too slow,” Kibum groaned with a glare at her, his own clothes and face marred by flecks of colored stone and dust from the mural pieces they’d already removed. At their exchange, Jinki shared a look with Sanghyuk and Joy who seemed just as frustrated as him. For her part, Amber was fully content to watch Kibum work and seemed in no hurry one way or the other.

            “You can’t rush these things and you’ve barely given me a mark to actually do what you asked me to do,” she grumbled, not looking up this time as she committed the etching to the page.

            Achingly slow pace aside, Jinki had to admit that it was extraordinary so far. They had started right around where the original crack was and, except for one interruption by Satoru who had curiously pretended not to notice them at all once he realized what they were doing, they were making steady, albeit minimal progress. As they’d originally suspected, the silver color was from Bahamut, but unlike the mural, this one was lying down. Maybe sleeping? Or… Jinki thought it was more likely he was bound.

            “What are we looking at, Jinki?” Sanghyuk asked as Joy came up to shadow him while they all stared at the revealed picture beneath.

            “I’m not sure, but it’s probable that the mural underneath is going to show an alternate ending to the Dragon Wars,” he mused softly, nibbling on his bottom lip.

            “Really?” Joy gasped, blinking at him in astonishment.

            “Do you think it’s a history mural then?” Sanghyuk asked, pointing at the bit of the image they could see.

            “It makes sense.”

            “Amber. Could you help me clear this away?” Kibum asked as he nudged at the rubble beneath his feet while he worked at another spot despite Sandara’s objections.

            “On it!” Amber answered, moving close to pick up the pieces around Kibum before she stayed close, watching him work with careful diligent hands. Of course, the dust made her sneeze and she stepped back to compose herself.

            “Why would there be another history under this one though?” Joy wondered, brushing her fingers against Jinki’s shoulder to catch his attention.

            “That is a good question,” he assured her, nodding along. He didn’t want to offer his theory yet. Not until they had a better idea of the image, but if it proved true, he would be happy to enlighten them. Until then, they were chasing shadows.

            “Would you stop!?” Sandara growled, snapping at Kibum once more, making everyone flinch.

            “Okay,” Jinki stepped in with his hands raised. “Perhaps we should take a break for now and get a better plan for proceeding forward,” he encouraged, not willing to deal with this for the entire process.

            Sandara and Kibum glared at each other and then both took a breath at the same time. “That is probably a good idea,” he admitted, carefully setting his chisel back into the pouch he’d brought with him.

            “Agreed,” Sandara sighed in relief, glancing down at her scroll again and making another correction with a careful motion.

            “This is obviously going to take some time so why don’t we approach this in shifts?” Jinki suggested. “Unless you’ve got something pressing this afternoon, could you stay and get a head start, Master Sandara?” he asked, prioritizing getting the record down first.

            She didn’t react initially, finishing her sketch, but then the question registered and she nodded automatically. “I can shuffle my schedule easily enough. Most of the students have been sleeping anyway,” she shrugged in helpless frustration.

            Jinki winced sympathetically. Geography was a fascinating subject but it could be challenging to remember all the places at the early stages. “So, if you’re alright with having the mornings, Master Kibum,” he started, waiting for the follow up from the older man.

            “Like Sandara, my schedule is… flexible. And,” he nodded begrudgingly in agreement, “the students have been struggling to stay focused. It is not uncommon during this time of the year,” he shrugged with a mild eye roll.

            In the corner of his eye, Jinki saw Sanghyuk and Joy exchange laughably incredulous looks. With a small hand gesture, he motioned for them to stop, or at least tone it down, and then started speaking again, “Good. So for now, we will take a break except for Master Sandara. We can check with you later or on the morrow to confirm your progress and in the morning, Master Kibum can continue with removing the mural. Are we in agreement?” he asked, glancing between the Masters expectantly.

            “That is agreeable to me,” Kibum confirmed with a small bow. Sandara made no actual comment but she grunted in response and continued her drawing efforts.

            “Wonderful. Sanghyuk. Joy. Could you please help clean up the mess and return the tools,” he spoke, the question more of a gentle command.

            They wrinkled their noses briefly but then nodded and mumbled together, “Yes, sir.”

            “Thank you.” Jinki waited for a few more breaths to make sure everything started to move the way he needed it to and then took his leave. He needed to grab a bit of food first and then he could swing by Gain’s room to speak with her. At least as far as Sanghyuk had told him anyway.


            Flying drills had gone longer than expected and as such, the dragonriders missed the majority of the usual afternoon meal time. For Taekwoon, that meant he also missed Jinki, but though he wanted to see what he’d found, he knew there would be time later to discuss it. For now, he needed a soak to ward off the cold and ease out the soreness from practice. Jonghyun and Jongup had loved it. They were still elated from the maneuvers, gratifyingly. And they’d flown well, to be honest.

            It was also obvious Chaerin’s wing was coming along nicely in turn. They’d never be as skilled perhaps as an Aerie wing – their connections just weren’t as strong, but they were learning quickly. At least in the air, everyone focused on what they were supposed to be doing and not on each other. No one was willing to risk their dragons on stupid mistakes from not paying attention.

            And by the looks he was seeing and sometimes getting from the handful of riders in the hall, it appeared that Insoo had already started his information distribution. He worked fast…

            Taekwoon was just about to head for the hot pools when a tall, thin runner – oh right, Junhong – came to deliver a note for him. “Message for you,” he explained, handing off the neatly rolled scroll.

            “Oh?” Jungkook blinked in curious surprise as he leaned closer. “Who’s it from?” he asked, glancing between Taekwoon and the nervously shifting messenger.

            “Master Healer Mimi,” he mumbled to Taekwoon, even though Jungkook was the one that had asked.

            “What’s it say?” Jinyoung asked, leaning closer to try and see.

            They all knew better than to try and snatch the scroll away to find out and even if it wasn’t Taekwoon’s message, they wouldn’t have anyway. The riders were playful but they weren’t usually rude. “Thank you, Junhong,” Taekwoon smiled, letting the boy know he could go. He chirped in acknowledgement, curly hair bouncing with the motion, and then hurried off. “Let’s see,” he sighed, opening the note carefully.

            “Well?” Jinyoung prompted, annoyed because he was on the other side of the table and couldn’t see it.

            “Mimi wants to see him,” Jungkook summarized before Taekwoon could answer.

            “Jungkook,” he grumbled with a sidelong look.

            “What? He does,” the slightly older rider shrugged innocently.

            “Any idea why?” Wooyoung asked, still lingering close. Insoo and Taeyeon had already departed and Chaerin’s group was sitting a little further down. They were also a bit scattered as well, so Taekwoon didn’t have to really worry about who overheard.

            “I don’t,” he admitted with a confused look. “But I better go find out,” he nodded, sidestepping the hot pools plan. He was more curious than anything else. It was unusual for any of the Masters, barring Seunghyun, to summon him.

            “Good luck,” Jinyoung waved, prompting a confused shrug from Taekwoon. “You never know,” the other rider answered honestly enough.

            Taekwoon snorted as he left, listening to their theories before he got too far out of range. He highly doubted there was a sickness going around that he could somehow help. Foolish riders. Stepping into the cold, the wind bit especially hard after the kitchen warmed atmosphere of the dining hall. “Ugh…” he groaned, trudging across the Aerie grounds quickly to reach the Healing Hall as fast as possible. “Master Mimi?” he called when he stepped inside, stomping his boots in the entryway to get rid of most of the clinging snow and mud.

            “Back here,” came the calm but muted response. Apparently he was in the back.

            “It’s Taekwoon. You wanted to see me sir?” he called, not sure if he should go to the Healer or not. He always felt strange about being in the healing areas. They were good spaces but they often conjured memories of injuries… and healing. But he’d been here more often than he cared to admit.

            “That was fast,” the taller man chuckled as he came shuffling out, wrapped in a robe and blanket as he did so. At Taekwoon’s curious glance, he explained, “My office is always cold. We keep the patient areas nice and warm but the stone walls all the heat out of my personal space.”

            “Ah,” the rider nodded in understanding. That happened a fair bit in the living quarters too, personal brazier notwithstanding.

            For a moment, the Healer looked at him as if working out a puzzle. It wasn’t exactly uncomfortable but it didn’t help Taekwoon understand why he was here. “The other day, you came in here asking about these markings,” he explained, stepping close to the one that meant healing. It was the most common one etched into the walls and floors of this space. Though not always in obvious places.

            “Yes,” Taekwoon nodded slowly, not sure what the relevance was.

            Mimi scratched at his face and exhaled forcefully through his slightly larger nose. “I always forget they’re here. And if you ask Henry or Himchan about them, most of the time they have no idea. They pass by them, we all do, all the time without a second thought. And yet… you came in the other day specifically looking at them.” Taekwoon blinked at him with a blank expression, guarded and unsure. “What do they mean?” the Healer asked sincerely, something weighing on him.

            Taekwoon chewed the inside of his lip as he weighed his answer. He didn’t have to tell the whole backstory but he could at least answer honestly. “They’re runes,” he murmured as his hands gestured in front of him, not sure how else to explain them. “That one’s healing,” he added with a nod at the rune next to Mimi.

            “How do you know that?” he wondered softly, head tilting to the side.

            Should he tell him about the book? Maybe not… “Ryeowook. He’s one of the newer riders with Chaerin’s group. He studied runes before he became a rider. He’d noticed a few around the grounds and we were just looking into them,” he explained, trying to be honest but also nonchalant. There was a bit more to it than that but he didn’t know if he should explain more to Master Mimi. As a Healer, it might be a good idea, since if there was fighting, he’d be handling most of the injuries…

            “I feel like you’re hiding something…” he sighed, catching his chin between his fingers thoughtfully. He openly deliberated about saying anything and then took a seat on the nearest chair and stared at Taekwoon thoughtfully. “I’ve seen something like this once before. But I, like everyone else I know here, forget these… runes exist. Or at least we don’t notice them unless they’re specifically pointed out. If I’d waited until the morrow to call you, I probably would have let it slip from my mind. I almost forgot why I called you here,” he admitted with a slightly pained look on his face.

            “What do you…?” Taekwoon hesitantly trailed off, not sure what he expected.

            “How can you notice them?” the Healer asked directly, a hunger for the answer in his eyes.

            “I don’t know much about runes,” he explained, which was true enough, “but because of my… Symbiosis,” he hesitated, avoiding the word binding, “sometimes I can see things as a dragon might.”

            “Fascinating,” Mimi blinked in astonishment. “And the newcomers? They can do this too?” he asked, mind turning quickly now.

            “No,” he shook his head with a slight frown. “I think they can see them because they’re new. The runes haven’t had a chance to really work on them yet. At least, that’s what Ryeowook thinks based on his knowledge of runes.”

            “Huh,” he hummed, dropping his gaze to the floor as he mulled something over.

            By his body language, it was quite obvious he was wrestling with himself. Taekwoon knew all about that, but there had to be more here. “You said you’d seen these once before,” he reminded the other man, gently prodding at the topic.

            “Yes,” Mimi agreed softly, almost lost in memory. “The Healer in me says I should not tell you, but the man in me is curious. The Healer is too, seeing as everyone’s memory seems to be affected by these runes…” he trailed off uncertainly.

            Taekwoon realized he was grappling with the same dilemma that Jinki had had the other day. He knew he shouldn’t press, but now that the other man had mentioned it, he was equally curious. He’d never paid any attention to the runes growing up and the fact that Mimi had seen them at some point meant they were noticeable. How…? “Most of the runes I’ve seen are helpful. They are obviously meant to protect and keep the Aerie running smoothly. But… there are some that are… questionable,” he added intentionally.

            Mimi nodded in understanding and his gaze drifted away again as his fingers rose to trace against his forearm distractedly. He took a small breath and started talking as if walking through a memory. “I was little more than a new trainee in the Healing Hall at the time. I’d never seen runes before, so imagine my surprise when a man came in with them carved into his skin. Only… I’m not so sure. My predecessor handled the injury and I only saw them in passing. So much blood and ugly wounds,” he frowned, brows drawn harshly at the conjured image. “Self inflicted, if I remember correctly,” he exhaled slowly, letting the memory fade. “But I know I saw marks that at least looked like these,” he stated firmly, nodding at the rune beside him.

            “Who was the man?” Taekwoon asked, not entirely without guesses.

            The Healer’s smile then was bitterly coy. “Now that would be saying more than the Healer in me can abide,” he chuckled. “Though I will say it is not uncommon to try and hide such ugly scars,” he added softly, fingers tracing his forearm again without looking at Taekwoon.

            “I see,” Taekwoon murmured, thinking maybe he did but he would have to run it by Jinki first to be sure. “Thank you for your story, Master Mimi,” he bowed, feeling uncertain and out of place in the doorway.

            “Thank you for coming, Taekwoon. Bahamut watch over you,” he smiled, offering the familiar and normally reassuring utterance. Now it just made Taekwoon nervous but he didn’t allow that to show. Instead, he nodded acknowledgement and turned to leave.

            As he stepped back into the cold air, he barely felt it this time. Instead, he sent a thought to Jonghyun. Is there anyone you know that always wears sleeves in all weather, no matter what?

            Huh? Strange question, the copper responded, not entirely following the conversation.

            Healer Mimi.

            Ah. Well… he trailed off, clearly uncomfortable with the possibility that presented itself.

            Exactly, he sighed, mouth twisting on the thought. The only people that came to mind immediately were Aerie Master Satoru and High Dragon Commander Eric. Satoru always wore double sleeves, his robes and the arm coverings beneath them, and Eric traditionally wore a long sleeved uniform. And they never bathed with any of the other members, as per their privilege.

            Troubling, his dragon commented, obviously relaying information to Jongup.

            Indeed, Taekwoon agreed softly, feeling like this just kept getting bigger and bigger. It scared him.

            We are beginning to worry too. He was mildly comforted by the agreement, but it only served to reinforce his concern. Now he definitely needed to talk to Jinki.

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Wow... nearly five years after I started, we are almost finished! XD This has taken me way too long to get to this point but thank you for those who have stayed with me and I hope you are looking forward to the ending like I am! <3


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Chapter 1: How have I missed such an amazing story!? The first chapter got me hooked already. I have a feeling it’s boy on boy kind of a relationship based on the main characters name. Your story is the second I read of this kind of set up.
Your writing is exquisite. Detailed but not unnecessary. I’m excited to start reading more of it!
People are definitely missing out on your talent if they’re not here sinking their teeth in this.
Thank you for all your hard work!
Chapter 13: UHG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !( Please feel my frustration via exclamation marks!) So much unsaid.

So may people. I've had to really dig deep for name in general with this but that's what I love. such a flurry of a cast. Makes me sad for later though because I know you Missy!

My favorite part was Taekwoon digging into Jonghyun's it was perfect. Because I was offended for Jongup but it was rightly and swiftly correct. Very nice!

Yes on the Kevin is off feels!

I also loved the moment with him and Seunghyun. He needed to tell some one.
Chapter 12: This was a good chapter. Nice aftermath scenes going on. I felt for Taekwoon he was headed there Jinki but you can't say no to that many important people unfortunately.

Yunho's straight answer was funny.

Kevin gives me mixed vibes and I'm not sure why.

HEALER MIMI! Love it to funny.

I also hope they do talk soon. They really need to talk!
Chapter 11: Omo! My poor heart. I was so in and holding my breath at some parts! My poor babies. I felt so much for both of them in this chapter. His reaction was so genuine. I am curious to know more as always I've had a taste but I am still very much unaware of what foolishness I've got in store considering you are not dubbed the Queen of angst/tragedy for nothing!

I'm loving it so far and I adore Kevin. I was tickled.

Also as a side note. I was dying over the Bahamut's Breath and Teeth! Dead lmao!
Chapter 10: So my last comment about cliff hangers.

But loved this chapter! I could practically feel Jinki's tension and worry . I also liked how you touched up on all the characters that have already been introduced will also still having all of the focus on Jinki . Seeing the connection with Kia and Krystal was great as well. their relation ship is heart melting in it on way.

Question. Who is Satoru like in real life? or did you just use that name?

Other than that another great chapter. Jinki's determination is my favorite part. He's terrified but went for it anyway!
Chapter 9: The Queen of cliff hangers strikes again. It's my second time reading it and even though I know where this is headed to an extent still a of a cliff hanger. Great set up thought, the surroundings and everything it nice.
Hayagi #7
Chapter 4: Bahamut, Tiamat, Aeri, everything about the dragons, are those all things that you've come up with for this story or is it based on something (a certain mythology or something like that)?
By the way, before I read the next chapter, could you perhaps let me know why it is rated? I usually don't read rated stories, but it kind of depends on the reason why it's rated, so if you let me know I can decide whether I should skip it or not ^^
Hayagi #8
Chapter 3: So many characters ? I could really use a character relationship chart right now.
So... Taekwoon is 16 now, right?
If someone told me I have to hand in an essay by 'next moon' I'd think he/she means that night. Or the next night if that night is 'this moon'.. or is it like Chinese (月) and does it mean next month? Will it be explained later on or can I figure it out myself if I read everything very carefully?
The symbiosis part was very interest. I didn't completely understand the Paramour part though.
Hayagi #9
Chapter 2: What's a sevenday?
So the dragon (N) wanted to get closer to Taekwoon, right? Interesting.

Taekwoon's fascination for dragons is really cool.

Wow the part where you described the meeting between Taekwoon and the dragon was beautiful... I imagined it as if it was a scene of a movie and if I watched that movie, it'd be a breathtaking scene that I'd definitely remember for a long time.
Hayagi #10
Chapter 1: For some reason I hadn't expected that this would start with them as kids, so I was really confused when I read 'little legs' xD
It looks interesting so far! And the fact that you have 8 upvotes with only 14 subscribers tells me it must be a hidden gem ^^