One Thing After Another


            Tiamat’s cry was as unexpected as it was worrisome. Satoru looked at the wooden door behind which Jinki had disappeared to the depths of the mountain and his brows furrowed. It was safe to say that Bahamut had been awakened but he had chosen not to break free. A glance at the covered window in his office confirmed it was still dark out, but it felt like it wouldn’t be long in coming. What was more worrisome was that Tiamat would likely be heading this way soon – earlier than expected. She knew as well as anyone with the knowledge where Bahamut rested and if the High Priest’s goal was to subjugate the great dragon god, he was rapidly losing his window.

            The unpleasant feeling of fear and worry twisted in his gut and he took a breath to shake it off. First things first. He needed to wake the Aerie, if they hadn’t already. Of course he was worried about Jinki, but… it was possible they were speaking. Kevin had never been forthcoming with information when it came to the dragon. They’d spoken often when the High Priest was here, but his thoughts were well guarded and Bahamut’s power had been well contained. Now…

            “Soon. See to the Aerie first, then check on Jinki,” he told himself, pushing down his guilt and fear. He knew what few others didn’t. Bahamut hated Satoru as much as he hated Kevin, the two always intertwined in their meetings. Though he’d never heard the dragon speak to him, that great silver eye had weighed and measured him many times, and he had been found lacking in whatever the dragon god was looking for. He shivered at the last memory of Kevin’s visit and the knife-like glare he’d felt pierce him in the dragon’s presence.

            Making his way out of the office, he was only mildly surprised when Commander Yunho was already jogging his direction. “Master Satoru. Did you hear it?” he asked, face pale in the weak light of the moon and the heralding dawn.

            “Yes,” he nodded in immediate agreement. “She will be coming. Help me wake the others,” he instructed, waving his hand towards the dragon fields while he headed for the sleeping quarters.

            “Yes, sir,” Yunho nodded, jogging off with his fingers ghosting close to his temples.

            Satoru knew he was speaking to Hero. The silver was hurt and tired but still strong enough to lead. Together at any rate. “Master Satoru!” He flinched when a black shadow dropped out of the sky in the corner of his eye. Instinctively, he knew it was Krystal, but that didn’t stop his heart from trying to jump out of his chest. She was an excellent dragon but curse her coloration at this time of the day and under the circumstances…

            “Yes, Jongin?” he asked, hiding the surprise in his tone.

            “We heard the dragon call. Should we let them know below?” he asked, the worry obvious in his voice, if not on his face.

            He’d been developing a good bluffing face and that was a positive thing for many of the flight runs Satoru could imagine him being sent on in the future. “Yes please,” he nodded, gesturing them off before he resumed his trek. Most of the humans who had stayed were riders, but a handful were simply loyal residents. The Masters had been forbidden from staying – their knowledge too great to lose so wastefully, but there were those like Jiyeon who had lost her dragon in a past attack, another recently returned rider whose dragon had been killed instead of recruited, and two older residents who were content if this was there time. He knew that Gain and Andy had also remained above despite his best efforts to convince them otherwise.

            It was easy enough to gather them and join the dragons in the commons where he and Commander Yunho explained what they expected to happen. In the growing light, they could see Tiamat’s form already heading their way, surrounded by a myriad of colorful specks that could be nothing other than more dragons. “We cannot beat them but we can meet them and at least convince them that we are all that’s left,” Satoru stated simply.

            “Our dragons and riders will take to the air when they come and the rest of you will remain below,” Yunho instructed, pointing up and then down. “Do not engage unless they attack first. That is the primary rule. Survive. That is all I wish for you to do today,” he sighed, the shadow of his failure weighing heavy on him.

            “That is all. Any questions?” Satoru asked, glancing around the gathering.

            One hand rose and it was Jiho standing next to his red. “Where’s Jinki?”

            Satoru smiled so that he wouldn’t wince and answered, “He’s taking care of a very important task. He should be joining us soon,” he murmured, taking note that it was not a satisfactory answer to many of them. He knew it was not his best response, but the truth might only frighten them more. Especially if they better knew the nature of the sword Jinki was trying to release.

            “Here,” Commander Yunho broke the almost suffocating silence as he started to hand out more cold meat rolls.

            The former Aerie Master accepted one too and remained long enough to share in the meal with them. It was entirely possible it would be their last and he owed it to all of them to stay for that reason alone. But once he was finished and they started to go their separate ways while keeping their gazes on the horizon, he pulled away, retreating to the Aerie Master’s office. The fact that Jinki had not returned yet was bothering him more than he cared to admit.

            Satoru locked the doors behind him, first the outer foyer door and then the main office door, before he entered his bedroom and opened the hidden passage. It was still dark, as always, and he moved to retrieve another torch, lighting it with the flint stones before he took a breath and started making his way down. Fear made his body stiff and his mind nearly go blank. He was terrified of meeting Bahamut practically alone without the binding runes or Kevin nearby to keep him under control. But he needed to know what had happened to Jinki.

            ‘Please let him be alright.’ He hadn’t meant to send him to real possible danger. Truly, he had believed that out of those present, Jinki would have had the best chance of reaching the angry dragon. Unlike Satoru, with his dragonrider past wherein he got his dragon killed with his stupidity – chasing a rogue dragon on his own and not considering the wilds nearby; his questionable relationship with the High Priest – wherein he was an unwilling slave to the other man’s whims in mind and body for many years; his history as the Aerie Master and all the troubling choices he’d had to make in his role – willingly naming Yongguk his successor instead of Jinki so that Satoru’s personal fate wouldn’t befall the younger man; working with Eric to send countless riders and dragons to their deaths, often for the greed and whims of man; continuing the Trials that took and maimed so many but gave so few; for never trying to change the system to something better because it was easier and less painful not to… Jinki was everything positive about what an Aerie Master should be. At least far more than him. Time and the realities of the position had not had a chance to ruin him yet.

            But for all his hopes, Satoru knew he might have been wrong in sending Jinki down for the same reason. He would have little chance against Bahamut’s strength or anger. “I am a cowardly fool,” he whispered to himself, even as he took one step after another, walking towards the creature he feared the most.

            As he made it to the final step and walked upon the landing, finally laying eyes upon the great dragon god once more with his torch light, he knew his fears were well placed. Bahamut’s unforgettable eye was open, unblinking as he stared at Jinki. Oh Heavens… they were in Trance. He had to get to him, to wake Jinki was from the prison he was in. “Jinki!” he called, stepping forward with his arm outstretched as if to push him free.

            Satoru’s breath froze in his throat when the eye shifted, sighting on him with clear recognition. “Oh no,” he whispered, fear making him freeze like prey before the strike.

            You, came the ominous voice, washing over him like a scathing wave. Bahamut’s arm and wing shifted, stalling briefly on stone before crashing through and continuing on.

            Like an avalanche, the walkway and ceiling started to collapse, grinding towards Satoru – inescapable and unstoppable. Satoru ripped his gaze from his death and found Jinki in the pale light. In that final moment in time, he felt blissful peace and insurmountable regret. There was so much he could have done differently. So many things… But in the end, his hopes were all on Jinki, a young man who Satoru thought embodied some of the best of humanity. Oh so flawed and imperfect but beautiful in so many ways.

            “I’m sorry, Jinki,” he whispered, closing his eyes as the crushing wall of stone closed in around him.


            It hurt. Physically hurt with each memory turned over, regarded with dispassionate interest and then pushed away. It hurt worse when the dragon god dug up those memories Jinki held most dear and tossed them aside with no interest, the best of his life treated like so much garbage. Every happiness was worthless while every pain and betrayal and argument was weighed and considered equally. Flaws. Flaws, flaws, and more flaws. They were what Bahamut sought and inspected.

            An eternity of violation is what it felt like until he gradually started to become numb to the sensation. The hurt was the same but acceptance made his tolerance higher and the only thing that came to mind was, “Why?”

            No answer.

            More memories observed. More knowledge sought.


            No answer. Just the inexorable digging through his previous thoughts.


            Bahamut paused as if the sound just reached him and his considerably heavy attention fell upon Jinki’s small figure. “Why?” he echoed, the question apparently strange to him.

            “Yes,” Jinki swallowed, shivering in the absence of hurt.

            For a long moment, it seemed as if Bahamut deliberated on whether he should respond or not. Quaint amusement became obvious when his voice returned. “Is it not my right to see how my creations have faired in my absence?” he asked haughtily, the question most definitely rhetorical.

            “No,” Jinki responded in a tiny voice.

            It only made Bahamut chuckle in amusement as he turned another memory over. It was the day Jinki had challenged Jonghyun for Taekwoon. The dragon god was curious at least but it was short lived. “The priest denied me such information when he visited. Kept me bound here. Acted as if he would be god.” The voice turned heated and foul, b with white hot rage. “He will be judged,” Bahamut spoke as if to himself, turning another memory. Taekwoon was speaking to Jinki of his second Trial. Dark humor tinged Bahamut’s thoughts. Taekwoon had been right after all.

            Jinki couldn’t stop the dragon god from looking at his memories, but he had to at least try and sway him. There was little else he could do here. “We need your help,” he whispered, knowing the dragon was paying attention, even if he pretended not to.

            “I will be the judge of that,” Bahamut responded without hesitation.

            “We will die if you don’t,” he gasped, wincing at another memory: Taekwoon’s first Trial. Oh that had been a terrifying day.

            “Yes, you may,” was the not at all reassuring response.

            “Tiamat is coming,” he cringed, shying away from the black and blue body of his other half. Seunghyun had been a terribly tough task master on him.

            “I know. She will be judged too,” Bahamut commented so nonchalantly it was chilling.

            If Tiamat came and Bahamut wasn’t awake, she would hurt them. Satoru and Yunho and Gain and so many other people he cared about. And even if she didn’t, Kevin might or the dragons could be taken or the Aerie destroyed. There were so many possibilities that scared Jinki and made him cry out, “HELP THEM!”

            Bahamut paused, a trace of displeased annoyance flickering through the air. “No.” Jinki crumbled under the denial and the dragon god resumed his inspection.

            There was a brief moment of relief in which Bahamut’s attention turned outward, his form becoming translucent but still solid enough to keep Jinki standing. He felt almost as if he might cry for the unfair absurdity of it all. Bahamut, the benevolent god of justice and law, the creator of man, the true protector of their world, appeared to be little more than a lie. Satoru was right to be wary of him… Jinki wondered why he’d never thought it himself but the question passed quickly when he felt Bahamut return, his form solidifying once more.

            “No,” he denied, ducking his head and shutting his eyes tight as if he might be able to block out the dragon god.

            Bahamut’s amusement was palpable again. “Look at me.” It was a soft spoken sentence but it carried all the weight of a command. Jinki was powerless against it and he felt his body betray him once more.

            It only ended when Bahamut’s attention turned outward with curious interest. “She’s here. Hmm,” he hummed to himself, eyes focusing on Jinki as a body instead of a receptacle for memories. “You know much but not enough. I need to know more,” he murmured, speaking very much to himself. “My form is too obvious. I think I will borrow yours,” the dragon god smiled, brushing his fingers against the side of Jinki’s head as if he was grabbing something.

            With a gasp, he stumbled backwards, barely standing as his legs struggled to keep him upright. When he looked forward again, he noticed a huge man with silver eyes and silver hair standing before him. “Bahamut?” he blinked, remembering Taekwoon’s description of such a figure once before with startling ease. “We need your he-” he began to say before the dragon god smiled, the effect cold, and pushed him away with one hand while the other appeared to be holding something.

            “Woah!” Jinki yelped, stumbling backwards in total darkness. His heels hit something hard and he tripped, falling back. He hit his head and knew nothing more.


            Commander Yunho was not surprised to see Satoru wander off on his own. It had been an uncomfortable question to answer, especially as he suspected very much that the Aerie Master in question was likely with Bahamut… He still remembered their conversation quite clearly the last time they’d spoken of the dragon god. The feeling of betrayal had been quite vivid. Even now, he still felt wronged in the sense that the information had been kept from him, but it was just as much a betrayal of his beliefs. Like everyone else, they were taught Bahamut had ascended. That he rested in the Heavens and watched over them from above. To learn – and confirm – that the dragon god was in fact bound beneath their very feet had been a changing experience.

            He hadn’t been able to really believe until he’d seen the dragon god for himself. Convincing Satoru to show him hadn’t been that difficult, but it made the claim all too real. He couldn’t deny what his eyes showed him, twisting the knife further. Looking to the horizon, he knew his anger now was directed mostly at the High Priest. And it had only grown since their trek to Talongrace for he had seen the High Priest with them.

            Yunho balled his hands into fists and tried to quash the all too recent memories, or at least the emotions that came with them. Kevin was actually riding Tiamat. It wasn’t clear if he was controlling her – she very much acted as she wished - but they were obviously working together. For all her size though, she had not seemed interested in hurting the dragons. Oh, the city was very much a lost cause and she had no qualms about landing on it, but it had genuinely seemed to distress her that the wild dragons, the dragons already under her control, and the dragons under his command had been fighting. It was that alone that had saved those he had returned with…

            He could only pray, to whoever or whatever might hear him, that she would do the same here. With that discomfiting thought in mind, Yunho worked to bolster the morale of the riders he did have. Most were from those who had remained in the Aerie while the others had gone abroad, but he had gained a couple extras, notably the mischievous Jiho and N and uncertainly… two of the riders who had gained their dragons late. He trusted Wonshik and Aron, as much as he trusted any human under his command, but it was Ken and JR that he was hesitant about. Likewise for Gain and Andy for that matter. None of them had bonds like he and Hero did. They might be too easily susceptible to Tiamat’s call.

            But for all his worry, it wasn’t like he had much choice. And his worries only grew when they collectively felt the mountain shake beneath their feet. It wasn’t much and it didn’t last long, more like a strong rumbling within the ground itself, but knowing what he did, Yunho was certain it did not bode well. When the sensation stopped, he looked around at the people present and gestured at them calmly, “Easy. Nothing to worry about, see?” he added, gesturing at the unharmed Aerie with a forced smile.

            Like himself, they were hesitant to believe, but it was easier to just accept the reassurance. If not, the worry would be worse and they already had more than enough to fill their minds with concerns. “Maybe it was just a coincidence,” Wonshik shrugged, trying to break the tension like usual.

            “It’s possible,” Yunho nodded in subdued agreement, glancing around the group. Their expressions showed they didn’t believe that, but they wanted to. “Wait here. I’ll be right back,” he smiled, the expression widening to try and convey a sense of confidence he didn’t feel. He didn’t wait for them to respond before he reached for his dragon. Hero.

            Here, the silver responded instantly, walking into view from the dragon fields.

            He sent a mental image of flying around the mountain and Yunho couldn’t help the smile that followed. My thoughts exactly. In a matter of moments, they were airborne and skirting the perimeter of their home. Neither saw any cause for concern on the stone walls and cliff sides. Nothing had fallen to the ground below, that they could see, and there were no unusual holes or openings present. Troubling, he mused with a frown and furrowed brows.

            Inside? Hero asked, well aware of where his rider had gone previously.

            I should check, he nodded quickly, sitting easy as they returned.

            Hero deposited him in front of the Aerie Master’s office. Be careful, the silver cautioned, butting his head lightly against Yunho’s body.

            Did you feel something? he queried, caressing the smooth skin of Hero’s face with a gloved hand.

            Maybe. It feels different. It’s possible Bahamut has awakened, but I’m not sure, he explained, obviously frustrated.

            “I was afraid of that,” Yunho admitted pursing his lips. “I’ll be right back,” he promised, patting the end of Hero’s nose with a light hand. His dragon huffed once, nuzzling at him as if to say ‘You better,’ and then raised his head as he sat down to wait. Yunho nodded and then moved to open the front door but hit the barrier unexpectedly hard when it didn’t open. “Huh?” he blinked in confused surprised. Trying again, he realized it was locked. “Master Satoru?” he called, loud enough to get his voice to carry as much as he could. Worry settled in his gut when there was no answer so he threw his weight against the barrier, cringing when it proved to be quite solid. Hero, he called with a quick wave and a nod at the door. Little help?

            Of course, was the automatic reply. Carefully, the silver moved closer and then nudged his head hard against the doors. They resisted for a brief moment before the wood creaked and bowed, giving way under the pressure.

            “Good,” the rider nodded once, hurrying in to try the other door. He wasn’t surprised when it was locked as well. “Shards,” he spat, the knot in his gut growing. Yunho took a moment to bang on the door hard and call out again, “Master Satoru! If you’re here, answer me!” With no response and another failed, half-hearted attempt to open the door, he called for his dragon again. Hero?

            On it, the silver responded, easing his head into the foyer so he could push against the inner doors as well.

            This one gave with less resistance and Yunho gave a passing caress to the side of Hero’s face as he moved inside. “Thanks,” he murmured, slightly distracted.

            You’re welcome, was the pleased reply.

            “Master Satoru?” he tried once more, looking around for the man he knew had to be here somewhere. But the office was empty. There was no sign of him… With a sigh and heavy steps, Yunho made his way across the room to the only other door in his sight. At the very least, it was unlocked, fortunately, but once it swung open, Yunho groaned at the yawning portal before him. The secret door was also open and there was a faint bit of dust hanging in the air in front of it. Stepping lightly in front of it, he placed his hand on the wall and poked his head inside. “Satoru? Jinki?” His voice jumped down the steps and into the darkness, echoing for a brief count before muting suddenly. Groaning to himself, he looked around the room. “Light. Light. Light,” he mused, eye twitching when there was no torch at hand. But… there was a candle in the main room so he backtracked and retrieved the dormant illumination.

            It was near impossible to light a candle with flint stones so he used a bit of inky paper to ignite it once the flammable material caught. Light source in hand, he started to make his way down the pitch black tunnel. He hadn’t made it more than twenty steps – yes, he’d been counting – before he had to stop. Worry turned to a sick dread and he blinked hard, leaning against the wall. The entire way was blocked by stone. It appeared as if the tunnel had collapsed, filling the space with impossible to bypass debris. “Oh Bahamut,” he exhaled, the familiar utterance slipping free without any thought.

            That’s not good, his dragon murmured, echoing his thoughts.

            No. It’s not, he confirmed, knowing that since the doors had been locked from the inside, Satoru had to have been the one to do it. And if he wasn’t in the office, then he must have gone down. But Jinki would also have been down there since he was nowhere above ground, which meant… both their Aerie Masters were dead or trapped and they had no time to try and figure it out. “Shards,” he groaned as it suddenly became hard to breathe.

            Come back out, Hero urged, worry obvious in his tone.

            Right, Yunho nodded, his lips and turning around to head back up. One would have been bad enough. He had sort of been counting on Satoru to be the more experienced leader if needed and with him gone, that left… Yunho. He was not ready for such a position. Not after his most recent failure. But it was worse that Jinki was also missing. He was young and also inexperienced but the Commander knew he’d been trying hard. And for just a moment, he felt bad for Taekwoon as well. They were a pair, much like he and Hero were, in a different sense. He knew Taekwoon was a difficult and somewhat disrespectful (at least to him) troublemaker sometimes, but… he would not wish something like this on the rider.

            But more than anything… he couldn’t let the others know just yet. If they found out that their Aerie Masters were lost, it would just demoralize them more. They had enough to deal with right now without adding to the pile. The realization crushed Yunho. He wasn’t strong enough to support everyone as they needed to be. He couldn’t…

            I’m here, Yunho, Hero called, the voice strong and supportive, like always.

            He reached for it like a lifeline. It was. I know, he responded, practically gasping for breath when he reached the top and blew the candle out before stumbling outside to his dragon. “I know,” he repeated while he fell against the silver hide and simply held on, waiting for the world to crash down around him.

            Hero let him stay there for a long moment before the dragon spoke again. She is still coming.

            Yunho winced and nodded slowly. There was that. No matter what else, the great black dragon was heading for the Aerie and would be here in far too short an amount of time. “You’re right,” he exhaled, struggling to simply stand on his own in this moment.

            We must protect them as best we can, the silver added, nudging at Yunho’s arm gently.

            He closed his eyes and nodded. Eventually, Yunho managed to step back and look up at his silver dragon with quiet pride. “Yes. We must.” Picking himself up was not easy. Putting on a false calmness was near impossible. But with Hero’s help, he did. And returned to the rest of the group with a spring in his step he did not feel in the slightest.

            “Did you see anything?” Taeyang asked, the wing leader noticing him first as he approached.

            “No,” Yunho lied with a quick shake of his head. “Nothing to report.”

            “Any word from the Aerie Masters?” Boa asked, glancing towards the Aerie spire.

            Yunho shook his head with a false smile. “They are preparing for what may come. For now, they asked me to handle the situation out here,” he explained, the lie heavy on his tongue. It was enough. For now. The riders nodded to themselves, thoughtful and worried, but turned away all the same, ready to face whatever might come.

            However, by the time it came to face Tiamat herself, Yunho was pretty sure they all realized something wasn’t right. By then though, there was no more time. With the sun slowly heading towards its zenith, she and all her children had arrived.

            As planned, the riders rose up to distract and delay. Surrounded, there weren’t many places to go but they dove and rolled and flew hard in the space that was theirs, harrying stragglers that pulled in too close. Tiamat stayed on the fringe of the Aerie, obviously speaking to the dragons within but stationary. That wasn’t to say that the wind from her wings didn’t pummel those on the ground and upset the dragons in the air…

            In the midst of their movements, Andy broke away and tore through the sky, aiming for Tiamat. Gain followed after, but it soon became obvious he was heading for the figure on the black dragon. Kevin. The High Priest that had likely been the death of Andy’s rider. A pained howl emerged from his throat, but when he got close enough, Tiamat plucked him from the air like a human would a large kitten. Even with a gold dragon, her claws held him so easily. But as she listened, her head whipped around to glare at the human perched between her shoulder blades.

            Apparently surprised, he flinched and cowed away from her gaze before pointing at the Aerie itself. Tiamat stared a breath longer before handing Andy off to another pair of gold dragons that came as if called and then landed hard upon the Aerie. The ground trembled and the four ground bound people present fell off their feet, paralyzed by the size and presence of the dragon god.

            Tiamat roared and tore at the ground beneath her, digging through stone with single minded intensity and ease. The Aerie commons was decimated quickly. Buildings nearby crumbled as boulders flew away with a flick of her wrists and her tailed thrashed in agitation, toppling more structures. Above, the dragonriders could only watch and stare in confused horror as Tiamat destroyed their home, but left them largely alone, watched over and unofficially captured by the hordes of dragons around them.

            Tiamat dug with increasing franticness until she simply stopped, claws resting in the stone with a very confused air about her. Her head turned as if to confer with Kevin, still clinging desperately to her, and then clambered from the hole she’d created. At last, her attention shifted to the Stardust Battalion dragons and the air filled with the sensation of something happening. For the riders, it was clear she was speaking to the dragons and them alone.

            Gain soared in front of her and roared in angry defiance, actually startling Tiamat with whatever it was she said. Her surprise faded quickly though and an angry gleam appeared in her golden eyes. Wilds and dragons wearing Dawnbringer colors began to rain upon their group, overwhelming them with sheer numbers. The Stardust Battalion desperately fled, the dragons trying with all their might to protect their riders, the true targets of the attacks.

            One rider fell. And another. Yunho felt despair reaching up to swallow him before he heard a single word. Enough!

            “No,” he whispered, heart shattering as it came from his dragon.

            Free from Yunho’s control, Hero flew up in front of Tiamat and roared again. Enough!

            With a toss of her head, the dragons under Tiamat’s command stopped and pulled away, giving them space. Hero, no, Yunho denied, even as the silver dragon descended, followed shortly after by the rest of the dragons.

            I cannot let you die, Hero explained sadly, defeat writ in every part of him.

            I won’t let you go, Yunho shook his head, refusing to budge even when they had landed.

            Get off, Yunho, his dragon urged, looking at him out of the corner of his eye.

            No, the rider denied again, glaring back. He watched Hero’s head droop and then inhaled in surprise as large teeth flashed, biting at the harness and ripping it free, taking Yunho with it. “No!” Yunho howled, hanging from the straps.

            I’m sorry, Hero apologized, setting him gently on the ground and taking flight immediately so his rider couldn’t get back to him in time.

            “Hero!” Yunho howled, scrambling to his feet and stumbling after him. All around him, he could tell similar exchanges were happening between the other dragons and riders, some dismounting under their own volition and others being removed forcibly in much the same way.

            Stay safe, Yunho, his dragon pleaded, looking back even as he moved to Tiamat’s side.

            “Come back!” he screamed, reaching for the silver that was already well beyond his reach. But his dragon did not heed him. Tiamat looked down to meet his gaze, her eyes unreadable, but she did not speak to him and Yunho was left with nothing but heartache and rage as he watched his dragon fly north with Tiamat and her brood. Along with the other dragons that had been topside.

            Broken and shattered riders crumpled in the remains of the Aerie while those below crept out once the danger seemed to have passed, unaware of the tragedy above them. And from the southwest, a single wing of dragons flew hard, catching sight of the departing Tiamat and her children even as they approached Bahamut’s Aerie.

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Wow... nearly five years after I started, we are almost finished! XD This has taken me way too long to get to this point but thank you for those who have stayed with me and I hope you are looking forward to the ending like I am! <3


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Chapter 1: How have I missed such an amazing story!? The first chapter got me hooked already. I have a feeling it’s boy on boy kind of a relationship based on the main characters name. Your story is the second I read of this kind of set up.
Your writing is exquisite. Detailed but not unnecessary. I’m excited to start reading more of it!
People are definitely missing out on your talent if they’re not here sinking their teeth in this.
Thank you for all your hard work!
Chapter 13: UHG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !( Please feel my frustration via exclamation marks!) So much unsaid.

So may people. I've had to really dig deep for name in general with this but that's what I love. such a flurry of a cast. Makes me sad for later though because I know you Missy!

My favorite part was Taekwoon digging into Jonghyun's it was perfect. Because I was offended for Jongup but it was rightly and swiftly correct. Very nice!

Yes on the Kevin is off feels!

I also loved the moment with him and Seunghyun. He needed to tell some one.
Chapter 12: This was a good chapter. Nice aftermath scenes going on. I felt for Taekwoon he was headed there Jinki but you can't say no to that many important people unfortunately.

Yunho's straight answer was funny.

Kevin gives me mixed vibes and I'm not sure why.

HEALER MIMI! Love it to funny.

I also hope they do talk soon. They really need to talk!
Chapter 11: Omo! My poor heart. I was so in and holding my breath at some parts! My poor babies. I felt so much for both of them in this chapter. His reaction was so genuine. I am curious to know more as always I've had a taste but I am still very much unaware of what foolishness I've got in store considering you are not dubbed the Queen of angst/tragedy for nothing!

I'm loving it so far and I adore Kevin. I was tickled.

Also as a side note. I was dying over the Bahamut's Breath and Teeth! Dead lmao!
Chapter 10: So my last comment about cliff hangers.

But loved this chapter! I could practically feel Jinki's tension and worry . I also liked how you touched up on all the characters that have already been introduced will also still having all of the focus on Jinki . Seeing the connection with Kia and Krystal was great as well. their relation ship is heart melting in it on way.

Question. Who is Satoru like in real life? or did you just use that name?

Other than that another great chapter. Jinki's determination is my favorite part. He's terrified but went for it anyway!
Chapter 9: The Queen of cliff hangers strikes again. It's my second time reading it and even though I know where this is headed to an extent still a of a cliff hanger. Great set up thought, the surroundings and everything it nice.
Hayagi #7
Chapter 4: Bahamut, Tiamat, Aeri, everything about the dragons, are those all things that you've come up with for this story or is it based on something (a certain mythology or something like that)?
By the way, before I read the next chapter, could you perhaps let me know why it is rated? I usually don't read rated stories, but it kind of depends on the reason why it's rated, so if you let me know I can decide whether I should skip it or not ^^
Hayagi #8
Chapter 3: So many characters ? I could really use a character relationship chart right now.
So... Taekwoon is 16 now, right?
If someone told me I have to hand in an essay by 'next moon' I'd think he/she means that night. Or the next night if that night is 'this moon'.. or is it like Chinese (月) and does it mean next month? Will it be explained later on or can I figure it out myself if I read everything very carefully?
The symbiosis part was very interest. I didn't completely understand the Paramour part though.
Hayagi #9
Chapter 2: What's a sevenday?
So the dragon (N) wanted to get closer to Taekwoon, right? Interesting.

Taekwoon's fascination for dragons is really cool.

Wow the part where you described the meeting between Taekwoon and the dragon was beautiful... I imagined it as if it was a scene of a movie and if I watched that movie, it'd be a breathtaking scene that I'd definitely remember for a long time.
Hayagi #10
Chapter 1: For some reason I hadn't expected that this would start with them as kids, so I was really confused when I read 'little legs' xD
It looks interesting so far! And the fact that you have 8 upvotes with only 14 subscribers tells me it must be a hidden gem ^^