Impossible Revelations


            It didn’t take Taekwoon and Jinki long to track down Chaerin. With her, they located Ryeowook in short order and then opted to follow the other man to where he thought he’d seen a few runes around the Aerie. For the sake of not drawing too much attention to themselves, they decided to keep this foray at four people. If they needed to add others later, they could. But for now, this was fine, and honestly, Taekwoon preferred it. If they did find what were actually runes and he needed to read them, he was more comfortable with the idea of fewer people being around.

            “Over here is where I’m certain I saw one,” Ryeowook encouraged as he hugged himself against the cold and led the way towards the Bahamut Shrine. With the sun going down, the chill in the air was biting harder and their breath billowed thinly in front of them in frequent gasps. The three nodded in confirmation of hearing him but otherwise remained silent as they followed in his wake. “Right… here!” he exclaimed, stopping at the side of the door. “I’m almost certain it means calm,” he added, tracing the dim chiseled marking with his gloved fingertip.

            Taekwoon felt Chaerin glance at him as he stepped forward to get a better look himself. The rune was etched into the doorway a bit further down, like in the library. It had a similar marking on the other side of the doorway that made it seem as if they were little more than decorations. They weren’t obvious and they looked almost the same to the passing eye. But when he invoked his dragon half, the differences couldn’t have been more obvious. A bemused smile tugged at one corner of his mouth when the ‘calm’ rune actually translated to ‘peace’ but the meaning was close enough. The one on the other side was ‘guidance.’ “You’re right,” he nodded, turning to Ryeowook as he brushed his dragon half away. “This one’s ‘guidance’,” he added, shrugging when the shorter man gave him a suspicious look.

            “Do you think there are more inside?” Chaerin asked, glancing between the two quickly.

            Ryeowook was slow to answer, his eyes lingering on Taekwoon with a studying gleam, but then he nodded. “Probably. But I haven’t looked well inside. I was mostly searching the obvious areas out here. There are more along the walls and I’ve seen a couple around the sleeping quarters as well as the training hall.”

            “What are they?” Jinki asked, pressing close to Taekwoon, both for comfort as much as warmth.

            “I don’t know all of them, but they mostly look like positive ones. There are some I just don’t recognize and couldn’t say,” he added with a frown, glancing at Taekwoon once more.

            “Show us,” Taekwoon encouraged, gesturing for the other man to lead the way.

            “You know something,” he pointed suspiciously, making Taekwoon glance at Chaerin speculatively. She gave a minute shrug and pretended innocence. It was impossible she hadn’t told him anything, but perhaps she had been very selective in what she let Ryeowook know.

            “I suspect something,” Taekwoon confirmed instead, waiting for them to move before he relaxed a bit more.

            “Huh…” was the only response he got before Ryeowook just shrugged and continued his trek around the aerie. At the walls, there were markings for fortitude and far sight, which made sense for anyone on patrol duty. Near the dragon caves, there was another for health and obedience… That one made Taekwoon frown, but not nearly as much as the one that was practically hidden in a corner he only saw because Ryeowook had somehow managed to spot it previously. “This one! It’s not a rune I know, but I thought it had to be important with the way it’s been hidden away.”

            Taekwoon’s fists clenched and his jaw tightened as he recognized it even without his dragon sight. “Infertility,” he practically growled, feeling something angry coil in his belly.

            “Infertility?” Ryeowook blinked, missing Chaerin and Jinki’s surprise. “Are you sure?” he asked, brow furrowed in disbelief.

            “Positive,” the other rider scowled, backed quickly by Chaerin.

            “He’s right. I’ve seen this mark before too,” she admitted, biting her bottom lip. “But I thought the dragons were infertile because of the binding?” she asked, turning her focus on Taekwoon and Jinki. “That’s what they explained here anyway,” she added, shaking her head.

            “It’s also common knowledge outside the aerie that the dragons here don’t have eggs too,” Ryeowook added with a slight frown.

            “They’re supposed to be,” Jinki answered with a quick nod as he glanced at Chaerin and then Ryeowook. His expression showed he was beginning to doubt that fact, though.

            “Have you seen this anywhere else?” Taekwoon asked sharply, his eyes narrowed as he stared at Ryeowook.

            “Not that I know of,” he replied with a flinch, taken aback by the intensity with which he was being scrutinized.

            “Do you think there are more?” Jinki asked, glancing between the riders uncertainly.

            Taekwoon nodded. “If the dragons have one, and probably more than one, I would guess there’s also one or more near the sleeping quarters. Or potentially anywhere there’s a bed,” he muttered darkly.

            “Dongwan always theorized it was a sympathetic response. Something to do with the shared effect of a dragon and rider becoming one,” Jinki explained, hands moving quickly in front of him as he thought through the possibilities. “But… could runes have the same effect?” he frowned thoughtfully, fingers resting gently against his chin.

            “Ryeowook. How do runes work?” Chaerin asked, laying a hand on his shoulder as she leaned closer.

            His immediate reaction was to shrug and shake his head. “I’m not entirely sure. I’ve studied them but never tried using them myself. I know what they mean but I’ve only read about how they work in theory.”

            “Tell us,” she encouraged gently, nodding her head towards the other two nearby.

            “Well…” he trailed off, shuffling in place uncertainly. “I’m not positive but the rune by itself isn’t particularly useful. Anyone can write a rune and read it. You have to give it power,” he explained, mirroring Jinki’s hand movements as he tried to help make sense of everything. “Depending on the power source, it can be very effective, though of course, not immediately. Regardless of the runes, it takes time for them to build efficacy and strength. Kind of like training as it were. So long as there’s something that keeps it powered, it continues to get stronger with time.”

            “What can people use to power it then?” Jinki asked with a darting glance at Taekwoon. The dragonrider had a dark and ugly suspicion and was otherwise holding his peace at the moment.

            “Again, I’ve never done it myself, but… I believe blood is the most common power source,” he explained with a quick shrug. “Usually your own,” he added quickly, mouth thinning into a grimace at the idea.

            “Blood?” Taekwoon echoed, blinking with a frown as something tugged at memory. In their roles, blood was common enough and not that unusual, but he was certain he’d heard something or… Gaze unfocused, he turned his head towards Jinki and murmured, “Where did we see something that talked about blood? I know we did,” he scowled, frustrated by his inability to place it.

            Equally frustrated and perplexed, Jinki shook his head. “I… don’t remember.”

            Library? came the very unexpected suggestion from Jonghyun.

            Taekwoon gasped and looked directly at Jinki as that triggered it. “In the book,” he whispered in a hurried rush before he grabbed the other man’s hand and promptly pulled him along.

            “Hey!” Jinki yelped, not expecting the shift.

            “Where are you going?” Ryeowook and Chaerin asked together, belatedly falling into step behind them.

            He heard their question but he didn’t feel like answering with the worry that was gnawing at him. He’d seen a mention of it in the book. Maybe it was nothing at all, but he had to check and make sure. If nothing else, he could also show them the runes he’d found there. But this… he needed to confirm. How did you know? he asked his dragon as he moved.

            Didn’t forget, he answered easily, an obvious shrug coming through their connection.

            But I didn’t tell you, he shook his head minutely.

            Sometimes you speak without meaning to, came the amused response.

            Huh, he snorted, mulling that over. Upon thinking about it again, he knew he’d told Jinki, but he hadn’t realized that he was projecting such thoughts to his dragon as well. Often?

            More recently, Jonghyun clarified, apparently not bothered by it. Interesting, he practically grinned.

            Taekwoon could imagine. Well, thanks.

            None needed.

            That was a response that had a strangely warming effect on the rider. Their relationship had certainly changed a great deal since the beginning and little moments like that only helped show just how much, never mind they’d only been together for less than a year. He sent a final feeling of pride through their connection and then focused on making his way into the library. Not entirely surprisingly, Jolin was there with some of the newest arrivals, and they jumped when he and his group bustled through the door. “Sorry!” he called out sheepishly, feeling his companions share in his mild embarrassment. She didn’t try to stop them when he detoured to grab an already lit candle lamp, but he could feel her eyes on them as they promptly disappeared into the back where they’d sequestered the books for the time being. “Here,” he urged reaching for the history tome he’d been reading as he set the light source on the table.

            “What in the Kingdoms?” he heard Ryeowook’s surprised and awed whisper as he pushed close to peer over the other rider’s shoulder.

            Taekwoon brushed him away gently and then carefully flipped through the pages. Part of him hoped he was wrong and that there was nothing here. Another part knew there was some connection. And something else wanted his suspicion to be true as some sort of vindication. For what, he didn’t know yet, but he was very much conflicted. Reaching the page, he exhaled slowly and set the paper down with great care as he stared at the writing. “It’s here…” he whispered, trailing off as he read the line he recalled:

            May the blood of Bahamut and Tiamat forever maintain the peace and prosperity of the      Aeries.

            “The blood of Bahamut?” Chaerin frowned, shaking her head. “Surely they can’t mean that literally.”

            “If it’s a historical context, it’s likely just a figurative way of wishing us well after the… ascension of Bahamut?” Ryeowook caught himself, blinking in confusion.

            “But everyone says the dragon god Bahamut rose to the heavens,” Chaerin explained, parroting what they’d all been taught. “Tiamat was the one that was bound.”

            “Bahamut help us,” Ryeowook exhaled, shaking his head. “So why would they mention both here then?” Ryeowook asked, pointing at the phrase with a confused look.

            “This book has been telling a very different story than the one we have been told,” Taekwoon commented, tapping his fingers on the open page before them.

            “Right. And speaking of Bahamut help us…” Jinki started as he reached for the personal journal. “There was something else too…” he explained, flipping through the pages quickly but as carefully as possible as well. “Remember the last entry?” he mused aloud, giving Taekwoon a sidelong glance.

            “Yes, but they were strange names,” he recalled, brows rising after a moment as memory served him better. “Though… it did speak of what we seem to be dealing with now.”

            “Exactly!” Jinki nodded energetically, getting to the end of the journal and laying the page flat. “I missed it before, because Mauthab and Attami are just strange, but look here,” he explained, pointing at the final line: May Mauthab continue to light our way. “We use this phrase, or one like it, often when we talk about Bahamut. Just like your use of ‘Bahamut help us’,” he finished, motioning towards Ryeowook.

            “It can’t be,” Chaerin denied, though her tone indicated she was just as curious.

            “Wait a minute,” Ryeowook interrupted as his fingers danced in the air, eyes riveted on the word. “It’s a scrambled word!” he exclaimed, blinking in astonishment and surprise. “Mauthab is Bahamut,” he stated, gesturing firmly at the book as he turned his focus to the other three nearby.

            Taekwoon was not alone in the dawning surprise that washed over his face. “Alright. Let’s say you’re right,” he conceded, one hand motioning towards Ryeowook. “If Mauthab is Bahamut, then Attami is…”

            “Tiamat,” Jinki stated, hands moving like they were playing something in the air.

            “And what about this one?” Chaerin asked, pointing at another name that didn’t make immediate sense.

            “Sighe,” Ryeowook frowned, biting his lip as he mulled it over.

            “I don’t know,” Jinki mused, face scrunched in complete confusion. “Hesig. Gheis. Shige. Eghis…”

            “None of those make any sense,” Taekwoon deadpanned beside him.

            “I’m trying,” his other half retorted with a frustrated grumble.

            “Maybe Sighe is just Sighe,” Ryeowook shrugged, hands splaying out to either side of him. “It could be just a name.”

            “Maybe,” Chaerin admitted, even as Taekwoon turned his attention back to Jinki.

            “Were there any other strange names?” he wondered, scanning the page even as nothing jumped out.

            “Not that I remem… Oh!” he blinked in thought. “There was one near the beginning. Sighe something…” he mused, backtracking in the book. “Here!” he pointed, finger stopping on a two part name. “Sighe Prith.”

            “Strange,” Chaerin mumbled, chewing on her thumbnail now.

            “What’s this one?” Taekwoon asked, spying another name further down. “Wraimme,” he whispered.

            “No idea,” Jinki admitted distractedly, his attention on the other puzzle he was working on.

            Taekwoon frowned and read a few lines around Wraimme. His eyes widened when the most obvious probability appeared. “Miremaw,” he whispered, connecting the nearby city with where they’d moved with the new Aeries. “It’s Miremaw,” he stated again, as if that would somehow make it truer regardless.

            Beside him, he heard Ryeowook whispering some of the words on the page. “Powerful. Brotherhood. Magics…”

            Chaerin’s more than obvious gasp drew their attention quickly. Her eyes were wide in her face and her hand had moved partially in front of , as if she could take the sound back somehow. Her attention was wholly on Ryeowook though. “I think Sighe Prith is… High Priest.”

            “Eh?” Ryeowook chirped in confused surprise, doubtful himself before he turned to shuffle the letters around.

            Taekwoon wasn’t paying attention anymore. His gaze was focused on Chaerin. With her hand in front of her face, hiding just enough of and leaving her frustratingly familiar eyes in relief, he realized who she reminded him of. Only… it was impossible or at least too great a coincidence.

            He heard Jinki reason out a response to the suggestion. “The High Priest is known to be able to control dragons, so it’s only reasonable that his predecessors would have similar powers.”

            Had he not been looking so closely, he probably never would have seen it. Chaerin hadn’t noticed his scrutiny yet and she literally tensed up, her entire body reacting in a way that was so subtle, it could have passed as a chill instead, but so obvious to Taekwoon’s unblinking stare. It took her a couple heartbeats more to realize he was observing her and she actively flinched away from his gaze this time, looking down as she did so. Conflicted, he didn’t know if he should immediately confront her about his suspicion or hold off for a moment. Taking note of his present company, he opted for the latter for the time being. “Why were you so surprised about Sighe Prith possibly being High Priest?” he asked, unmoving. Of course he’d been surprised too, but her reaction spoke of something more.

            Almost immediately, she shook her head and tried to wave off the question, forcing a smile and a small laugh. “It was just so unexpected,” she promised, glancing at Ryeowook in a way that must have made him look in Taekwoon’s direction. The other man blinked in surprise at meeting Taekwoon’s eyes.

            “Taekwoon?” his other half asked softly, placing a hand on one of his shoulders.

            “Chaerin,” the dragonrider stated firmly, looking back at the woman before them.

            She swallowed hard and looked at Ryeowook as if he might be able to help somehow. He shook his head but shrugged. “He scares me,” she eventually admitted, arms wrapping around herself defensively.

            “Rin…” Ryeowook murmured, one hand rising as if to stop her or comfort her.

            “Why?” Jinki asked this time, fingers tightening on Taekwoon’s shoulder. Alright. He’d be silent for now…

            Almost relieved, she focused on Jinki’s face, her brows furrowed and lips pursed. “Because he is powerful,” she explained earnestly, no trace of treachery present. Just honest and raw fear. It was enough to make Taekwoon relax just a touch.

            “How so?” the Aerie Master in Training urged warmly, a coaxing sound to his voice.

            When Chaerin didn’t answer immediately, Ryeowook stepped in. “Have you heard any rumors about the High Priest?”

            In his periphery, Taekwoon saw Jinki shake his head. “We don’t get many rumors here. Not about the High Priest anyway,” he admitted with a shake of his head. “He only comes about once a year to bless the Bahamut’s Blood-” He stopped speaking as he realized what he’d said and everyone froze, the moment trapped in shock.

            Taekwoon looked up at Jinki as his other half looked down. “Bahamut’s Blood,” he whispered, his immediate suspicion displaced by a sickening certainty that twisted his gut. Jonghyun…? he called out softly, feeling strangely adrift.

            I heard, his dragon answered immediately, not as caught off guard as his rider.

            “I’ve heard of that,” Ryeowook murmured, glancing between the two. “Isn’t it the-”

            “Binding liquid,” Taekwoon answered in a whisper. “They all said it wasn’t really…” he added in disbelief. “It’s impossible.”

            It was a feeling that seemed to be shared by everyone. Because if it was real, then that meant… “Could Bahamut be here?” Jinki asked, shaking his head at just how crazy it sounded.

            “But how…?” Ryeowook asked, completely baffled by the whole thing. “Where would he be hidden? It’s not like we’ve seen him anywhere.”

            “The Great Binding,” Taekwoon murmured, dropping his gaze to the books on the table. He glanced at the magic tome, in which he’d seen the binding rune, and then back at the history book and journal.

            “Landris’s final entry,” Jinki added, reaching to turn back to the page they’d first seen the scrambled names on. “It is still strange being this close to Mauthab. Power infused the Aerie… But our history…” he trailed off, fighting the dissonance in what they were all taught.

            “Don’t you know anything, Jinki?” Ryeowook asked, turning his expectant gaze upon the other man. “You are training to be the next Aerie Master, aren’t you?”

            “I am,” he agreed with a quick nod, “but it’s not something Satoru has ever brought up with me. If there’s any truth to this, I don’t think he would until I was officially sworn in as his replacement. As of right now, that’s Yongguk,” he admitted with a shrug, though his expression was still pensive.

            “The Aerie Master knows, right?” he pressed, following up on the first question.

            “He would have to. He’s the one that goes with the High Priest when he arrives,” Jinki explained easily. “Dragon Commander Eric doesn’t usually, but I know he speaks with the High Priest sometimes too.”

            “What about you, Taekwoon? Any ideas?” Ryeowook asked, looking at the pensive dragonrider expectantly.

            Taekwoon blinked unfocused eyes and then turned his attention to the pair before them. Chaerin had yet to speak again, though she was not looking so closed off anymore. And Ryeowook was chasing a new story so the fever of forbidden knowledge burned bright in his eyes. Taekwoon turned his attention to Chaerin directly and shook his head. “None,” he lied perfectly through his teeth. There was a powerful memory stirring in the back of his mind, but with his most recent suspicions, he did not feel like sharing them with the present company.

            She held his gaze for a moment more, and then took a small breath and gave a tiny nod of acknowledgement. “Well. This has turned into something more than any of us expected,” she murmured softly, fingers scratching lightly against her forearms.

            “But we haven’t even talked about everything yet,” Ryeowook denied, recognizing the statement for what it was – an end to the conversation.

            “It’s a lot to take in,” Jinki encouraged with a forced laugh he obviously didn’t feel. “Right now, we should all probably step back and sleep on it before we come back and try again with fresh eyes and fresh thoughts.”


            “Wookie,” Chaerin stopped her companion with a single word and a look.

            He sighed at last and nodded once. “You’re probably right. Can I stay to look at these books though?” he asked, pointing at the three tomes on the table hungrily.

            Taekwoon’s immediate response was no, but Jinki beat him to it. “Yes, but make sure you don’t take them out and that you treat them with care. Also, you are responsible for them,” he warned firmly.

            “Of course!” Ryeowook agreed without hesitation. “I’d rather they stayed here anyway. Less chance of being interrupted,” he grinned, still a bit dazed by what they’d discussed but fully content with his newest distraction.

            “What about you, Chaerin?” Jinki asked, directing his attention to the woman in their midst.

            “I shall go speak with my other companions. At least let them know the gist of what we’ve found,” she explained, glancing at Taekwoon once.

            “Be careful what you say,” he warned as he met her eyes.

            “You as well,” she countered immediately.

            He snorted and stood up, rolling his shoulders to try and ease the terrible tension in them. “I’ll be watching you,” he couldn’t help but promise, adding to the discomfit in the room.

            “I know,” she calmly answered, neither threatened nor threatening in her response. Apparently, she’d regained her calm and composure.

            “Taekwoon,” Jinki called softly, one hand reaching around to press against his side as if to corral him out of the room.

            “I’m coming,” he murmured, glancing at Ryeowook so the other man would feel the weight of his gaze as well. Eyebrows rose at the look but then he shrugged and turned to focus on the books nearby. Taekwoon didn’t know whether to be annoyed or slightly bemused. Either way, it didn’t matter and he let Jinki guide him out of the room with gentle pressure.

            When they left the room, they noticed the students had dissipated for the day and that Jolin was the only one left currently, bundled under layers of knitted clothing and furs. “Find what you were looking for?” she asked as she noticed them, her face lighting up brightly in the illumination of the candle lamp next to her.

            “You could say that,” Jinki answered cheerfully, his voice a far cry from what it had been in the room.

            “Wonderful! I’m glad you had some luck today. Those newest young ones seem to be struggling quite a bit with their letters and the cold,” she sighed, shaking her head quickly.

            “If we could find a way to get heat in here in the winter, it wouldn’t be so bad,” Jinki consoled apologetically.

            “True, but until then, there’s no getting around it. Will your friends be staying behind for now?” she asked, glancing behind them to make sure no one else was coming out.

            “Ryeowook should be. I imagine Chaerin will be along shortly,” Jinki explained with a small bow before he waved at the Master Scribe. “But we must beg your leave for now, Master Jolin. It has been a long day,” he chuckled, glancing at Taekwoon as if to use him for an additional excuse.

            He shrugged in silent agreement and nodded. “Of course, of course,” she laughed knowingly, glancing between them with a mischievous twinkle in her eyes.

            “Have a good night,” Jinki called, practically dragging Taekwoon out with him. When they had cleared the library and they checked to make sure there was no one else around, his demeanor shifted to a more honest feeling and he hissed, “What was that?”

            Taekwoon knew he wasn’t referring to their conversation with Jolin and he shook his head. “I’ll explain when we’re in the room.”

            Jinki just looked at him for a long moment and then sighed once. “Fine. But you go first. I’m gonna stop by the kitchens and grab us some food. I haven’t eaten since the afternoon meal and I don’t know about you, but I’m starving.”

            “I could eat too,” he admitted sheepishly. He hadn’t really eaten as much as he should have, given their training, but his nerves and thinking too much had stolen his appetite this day.

            “Foolish man,” Jinki snorted and shook his head.

            “I could come with you,” Taekwoon offered easily.

            “No. You go and wait in the room. Sort out whatever’s going on in your head because I know there’s a lot bouncing around right now,” he commanded gently but firmly. The set of his mouth indicated he wouldn’t take no for an answer and given what he’d seen in the library room, it was a fair concern Taekwoon wouldn’t be good company anyway if they ran into someone.

            “You win, my heart,” he chuckled, grabbing Jinki’s hand and bringing the covered limb to his lips.

            Despite his command, Jinki ducked his head slightly and smiled in pleased embarrassment. “Yeah well. Someone has to look out for you,” he mumbled, reluctantly retrieving his hand before he pushed Taekwoon ahead and wandered off on a slightly different path.

            Taekwoon let him go with a slight feeling of unease, though it was more from the nature of what they’d stumbled across as opposed to any real sense of danger for him. Thoughts? he asked Jonghyun as he started moving again, preparing to brave the wind chill of the night air once more.

            Troubling, his dragon answered quickly.

            Do you think it’s possible? he wondered, still mulling over his recent memory.

            There was a long pause before Jonghyun answered. Taekwoon was outside and well on his way to the sleeping quarters, after having to gently brush off a couple Battalion riders and a small group of resident aerie runners finishing up their chores, before he responded. Yes.

            Taekwoon waited for additional information, but none was immediately forthcoming. So… why? he prompted, sighing in relief as he made the safety of the building.

            Feeling, he admitted uncertainly, almost as if he was confused by the answer.

            You can feel Bahamut? Taekwoon asked incredulously, the expression appearing on his face just as another resident was returning from the private washrooms. He forced a smile and grimaced as they passed, knowing how foolish he probably appeared. At least they hadn’t wanted to talk.

            Yes? No… Something, his dragon responded, frustrated.

            That was good enough for Taekwoon. Your senses are better than mine. I’ll take your word for it for now, he assured him. As he got to their shared room, he pushed the door open and went about preparing the brazier. Thoughts on Chaerin? he called, wondering if his dragon had noticed the similarity too.

            Still hiding something, the copper answered quickly.

            Did you see what I saw? he asked more directly.

            The shake of the dragon’s head was almost physically obvious. Not all of it.

            I think I know why I don’t trust her, he explained slowly, watching as little flickering flames came to life in the brazier.


            I have no proof and I could be wrong, but I think she’s High Priest Kevin’s daughter, he admitted, hoping and not that there was something there. It would be easier if he was wrong. Perhaps disappointing that he could be so off the mark, but almost a relief that his concern had to be something else. Again, he didn’t get an immediate answer. It almost seemed as if he was perhaps talking to someone else. Probably Jongup but there were still a fair few dragons around. Jong? he inquired when the silence went on longer than he was comfortable.

            Mate and I think you might be right.

            It was both what he wanted to hear and not. Getting some sort of confirmation from his dragon did not fill him with any sense of vindication as he thought it might. Just… twisted confusion and uncertainty. “Huh,” he huffed instead as the door opened. He turned to look at Jinki who noticed that something was different about his expression.

            “So… what did I miss?” he asked, stepping inside with the retrieved food as he let the door close behind him.

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Wow... nearly five years after I started, we are almost finished! XD This has taken me way too long to get to this point but thank you for those who have stayed with me and I hope you are looking forward to the ending like I am! <3


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Chapter 1: How have I missed such an amazing story!? The first chapter got me hooked already. I have a feeling it’s boy on boy kind of a relationship based on the main characters name. Your story is the second I read of this kind of set up.
Your writing is exquisite. Detailed but not unnecessary. I’m excited to start reading more of it!
People are definitely missing out on your talent if they’re not here sinking their teeth in this.
Thank you for all your hard work!
Chapter 13: UHG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !( Please feel my frustration via exclamation marks!) So much unsaid.

So may people. I've had to really dig deep for name in general with this but that's what I love. such a flurry of a cast. Makes me sad for later though because I know you Missy!

My favorite part was Taekwoon digging into Jonghyun's it was perfect. Because I was offended for Jongup but it was rightly and swiftly correct. Very nice!

Yes on the Kevin is off feels!

I also loved the moment with him and Seunghyun. He needed to tell some one.
Chapter 12: This was a good chapter. Nice aftermath scenes going on. I felt for Taekwoon he was headed there Jinki but you can't say no to that many important people unfortunately.

Yunho's straight answer was funny.

Kevin gives me mixed vibes and I'm not sure why.

HEALER MIMI! Love it to funny.

I also hope they do talk soon. They really need to talk!
Chapter 11: Omo! My poor heart. I was so in and holding my breath at some parts! My poor babies. I felt so much for both of them in this chapter. His reaction was so genuine. I am curious to know more as always I've had a taste but I am still very much unaware of what foolishness I've got in store considering you are not dubbed the Queen of angst/tragedy for nothing!

I'm loving it so far and I adore Kevin. I was tickled.

Also as a side note. I was dying over the Bahamut's Breath and Teeth! Dead lmao!
Chapter 10: So my last comment about cliff hangers.

But loved this chapter! I could practically feel Jinki's tension and worry . I also liked how you touched up on all the characters that have already been introduced will also still having all of the focus on Jinki . Seeing the connection with Kia and Krystal was great as well. their relation ship is heart melting in it on way.

Question. Who is Satoru like in real life? or did you just use that name?

Other than that another great chapter. Jinki's determination is my favorite part. He's terrified but went for it anyway!
Chapter 9: The Queen of cliff hangers strikes again. It's my second time reading it and even though I know where this is headed to an extent still a of a cliff hanger. Great set up thought, the surroundings and everything it nice.
Hayagi #7
Chapter 4: Bahamut, Tiamat, Aeri, everything about the dragons, are those all things that you've come up with for this story or is it based on something (a certain mythology or something like that)?
By the way, before I read the next chapter, could you perhaps let me know why it is rated? I usually don't read rated stories, but it kind of depends on the reason why it's rated, so if you let me know I can decide whether I should skip it or not ^^
Hayagi #8
Chapter 3: So many characters ? I could really use a character relationship chart right now.
So... Taekwoon is 16 now, right?
If someone told me I have to hand in an essay by 'next moon' I'd think he/she means that night. Or the next night if that night is 'this moon'.. or is it like Chinese (月) and does it mean next month? Will it be explained later on or can I figure it out myself if I read everything very carefully?
The symbiosis part was very interest. I didn't completely understand the Paramour part though.
Hayagi #9
Chapter 2: What's a sevenday?
So the dragon (N) wanted to get closer to Taekwoon, right? Interesting.

Taekwoon's fascination for dragons is really cool.

Wow the part where you described the meeting between Taekwoon and the dragon was beautiful... I imagined it as if it was a scene of a movie and if I watched that movie, it'd be a breathtaking scene that I'd definitely remember for a long time.
Hayagi #10
Chapter 1: For some reason I hadn't expected that this would start with them as kids, so I was really confused when I read 'little legs' xD
It looks interesting so far! And the fact that you have 8 upvotes with only 14 subscribers tells me it must be a hidden gem ^^