The Second Trial


            Lying in bed with Jinki sleeping beside him, one arm over his chest and gripping with unusual tightness, Taekwoon stared at the dimly lit ceiling above them and went over the events of the day in his head. That morning, he’d awoken as nothing more than his typical eighteen year old self, ready for another day in the Aerie and the trials that awaited him. This evening, he was officially on his path to become a dragonrider. He had completed the first Trial successfully and on the day after the morrow – as Healer Mimi instructed, he would be undertaking both the second and third in quick succession.

            The realization that he might actually become what he originally intended as a boy of six filled him with excitement and uncertainty both. Taekwoon pulled his eyes from above to focus on the man at his side, only able to see part of his face for the wavy brown hair obscuring it in his sleep. Carefully, he brushed the strands away with a gentle hand, smiling softly when Jinki mumbled something unintelligible and snuggled closer.

            He was the source of Taekwoon’s uncertainty on his current path.

            For twelve years, they’d been side by side, partners in the Aerie ever since they were children. While their placement had been arbitrary initially, it hadn’t taken them long to become friends, creating a wonderful balance between them. Everything that Taekwoon didn’t care to handle, Jinki could and was often better at: talking, studying, learning the ins and out of the human side of the Aerie. On the other hand, Jinki struggled with more of the hands on activities and anything to do with the dragons.

            He was a little clumsy, even now, and while Taekwoon found it endearing and amusing at times, it was not conducive to many of their more physical tasks. Even more baffling to him was that Jinki was often nervous around the dragons. He liked them, for sure, but he could never quite get over the fact that they could accidentally hurt or kill a man – or woman – just by not paying attention or being aware, as had happened with his first partner. Never mind the other injuries the riders and those that were around them incurred from daily activities and tasks.

            A fond smile pulled at Taekwoon’s mouth as he recalled watching Jinki patch him up just this evening. The rope around his waist had pressed hard through his armor, bruising the skin beneath and breaking it in some places. His shirt was hanging nearby, a faded, pink line on the beige fabric around the torso showing where the pressure had won out against his frail, human body. Even hard earned, whipcord muscle and years of training weren’t enough to stand up to a dragon’s natural ferocity and power.

            ‘You knew this was a possibility,’ Taekwoon had reminded him in a whispered voice.

            ‘That doesn’t mean I have to like it,’ Jinki had responded without looking up from his task in taking care of Taekwoon.

            Despite the fact that they cared for each other very much, neither knew what was going to happen when Taekwoon succeeded. Of course he was nervous about the next Trial. All potential riders were and the ones that weren’t often died before they could finish. But they were both aware it would change things between them and while Taekwoon knew they could figure it all out, he was also aware that Jinki was afraid of losing him.

            They’d both spent more than enough time around dragonriders to know that their dragons came first in many things, often including relationships. Jiho, and some of the other riders too, had spent many marks talking to Taekwoon about just that topic, especially when he saw that he and Jinki were starting to get close. While they hadn’t been obvious about it, dragons were the worst sorts of gossips and they had some of the best eyes in the Aerie…

            ‘Only another rider can understand the bond between you and your dragon. Non-riders just don’t get it and we can’t explain the connection good enough to ever make it make sense,’ an older, wiser Jiho had shrugged while sitting on N’s arm, lounging against the red dragon’s hide as they both soaked in the warm sunlight.

            Apparently, Satoru had been speaking with Jinki as well but the Aerie Master was guarded with his wisdom and there were only rumors abounding to say that he had once been a rider himself. Though the fact that he always wore long sleeves and layers in even the warmest weather certainly helped to fan those flames. Still, all of the wisdom and assurances and forewarning of those before them could do nothing to allay their own concerns about what would happen to them after Taekwoon completed the Trials and earned his own dragon.

            ‘When I become a dragonrider, it doesn’t mean I will care less for you, Jinki.’ He meant what he said whole-heartedly. Their relationship was one that had been built on mutual acceptance and understanding that they were different and respecting that. They complemented each other as partners and equals even before they’d become more than friends, balancing the other’s weaknesses with their own strengths. And while they had their fair share of disagreements and misunderstandings, nothing had been quite able to drive them apart as such.

            Not like Amber and Wonshik anyway; those two worked better as friends. Especially now that neither had made it to dragonrider status and they had found other interests to pull them in different directions. Wonshik was seeking an apprenticeship under Seunghyun, though why anyone would volunteer for such a position was a mystery to Taekwoon. And as some had suspected, Amber was getting closer to Master Kibum. And not just to learn about how to teach History either. Taekwoon was happy for them to move on, but even though their own Trials had been years ago now, it still felt fresh in his mind.

            The would-be dragonrider closed his eyes and took a small breath, feeling the aches and bruises in his body. His forearms were black and blue from where the bar of the climbing spur had pressed against him and a myriad of splotchy colors were blossoming across various parts of his body from the effects of squaring off against a dragon. Ironically, none of them hurt more than Jinki’s fear and uncertainty.

            He could still see the shame filled tears forming in the corners of his eyes. ‘Only that you will care for your dragon more.’ Taekwoon couldn’t blame him for being afraid of being replaced, but neither could he reassure him otherwise. In his mind, there was no other Jinki and therefore nothing to replace, but even Taekwoon didn’t know what it would be like to be bonded with a dragon.

            Dragons and riders ran the gamut of closeness after all. Jiho and N were partners and friends, messing with each other as much as siblings more often than not. On the other hand, Captain Yunho and Hero were exceptionally close, being considered a pairing in their own right, but only within the Aerie. And he had heard of others gaining dragonrider status by money or position alone and thereby forging a bond that was tainted and not earned in the proper way. He was quite curious about the newest group Jinki had mentioned where the dragonriders seemed different. Or maybe just flukes since there were reportedly only a couple of them. None of the thoughts helped to calm his mind though.

            Taekwoon’s arm tightened around Jinki’s shoulders and he turned his gaze back to the shrouded-in-shadow ceiling. “Bahamut give me strength,” he prayed softly, just as troubled now as he had been when first he laid down to sleep.

            As Taekwoon closed his eyes, determined to get some sleep so he’d be ready for the morning, he couldn’t help but be at least a little grateful that it was a Priest of Bahamut that had guided him when he was a child. Better him than Tiamat…

            The next day was spent in rest, recovery, and meditation. Jinki mostly left him alone, giving him space and time to heal. Though he did stop in periodically with food and water and healing salves he borrowed from Mimi. “These are healing nicely,” he murmured, painting on the salve with gentle fingers.

            “Thankfully,” Taekwoon breathed, nodding in agreement as he held his shirt up for Jinki.

            “I’m glad you’re actually resting today,” his other half smiled, one hand pausing to rest on a covered shoulder.

            “You can stay you know,” the trainee reminded him, glancing over his shoulder out of the corner of his eyes.

            “No. You need to keep a clear head for the morrow,” Jinki declined firmly. “And working out there helps keep me distracted,” he admitted with a shrug.

            Taekwoon glanced down and slowly lowered his shirt back over the healing wounds. “I succeeded in the first Trial and I’ll succeed in the second too,” he promised earnestly.

            Jinki sighed and placed his head against the other man’s back. “I believe you. I just can’t help but worry all the same. Just know that I am so proud of you, Woonie,” he whispered, reaching around to find and hold the nearest hand in his.

            “Thank you,” Taekwoon smiled, gripping back and raising the hand to his lips, kissing it softly.

            He heard a soft sigh and felt the other arm slip around his waist to hug him briefly. “I should go,” Jinki murmured a moment later, pulling away, but letting his fingers trail against the other man’s body as long as possible before he did. “I’ll see you tonight, Woonie.”

            “Don’t work too hard, Jinki,” Taekwoon called back, watching his other half retreat with mixed feelings. He understood it and he agreed it was easier to focus when Jinki wasn’t there, but he didn’t like it.

            At least everything felt right when they went to supper together and then settled in bed as usual. For a wonder, he slept quite well that evening too.


            The morning air felt chillier than usual and his light breakfast sat heavy in his stomach as Taekwoon swallowed hard and stared up the steps leading to the Outer and Inner Sanctums of Bahamut’s Aerie. From afar, he could see the current sentries on guard – a blue and white dragon he wasn’t positive about yet – but the sun’s light peeking around the mountain showered them with golden beams that made them gleam like polished gems. Their riders were likely inside, which was probably where Hyesung and Dongwan were as well.

            His heart pounded loud and fast in his chest and Taekwoon thought the dragons at least should be able to hear it. But maybe not with the sound of the Aerie coming to life around him first thing in the morning. He turned his head when quick footsteps announced the arrival of an early morning errand runner and he saw Sanghyuk running past. Likely, the younger man was on his way from Master Satoru, but the bright eyed boy grinned upon seeing Taekwoon and waved a hurried greeting.

            “Good luck!” he called, smoothing a hand over his short, black hair before moving on.

            Taekwoon grunted at the comment and managed a half-hearted shrug. He would probably need it. Jinki hadn’t said it that morning because ‘You are going to succeed,’ was his response. Standing in front of the steps to take him to his Trials, it almost felt unreal. At least until the sound of footsteps faded and he was instead surprised by a hard clap on his shoulder.

            “Ready for this?” Dongwan asked at Taekwoon’s side, eyes dancing in amusement that he’d caught the other man unaware.

            Stifling his irritation at having been snuck up on, Taekwoon nodded his head once and his lips. “Yes.”

            “Let’s go then. It’s going to be a long day for you, trainee,” the Dragon Master winked before ushering Taekwoon ahead of him so they could begin traversing the steps.

            The path rose upward, long and familiar. Taekwoon’s legs burned from the climb but it felt good, even with the aches from the previous day. He could feel Dongwan’s presence at his back, steady and confident but giving little in the way of encouragement. There would be nothing more from him for the day, if he was right about the test ahead. Nor did the dragons on duty offer more than a nod, following their progress with large, golden eyes.

            Inside the Outer Sanctum, the room opened before him. It was decorated with murals and statues of the dragon God Bahamut. He was a truly powerful creature. Massive in size and terrifying in his power and beauty. Unlike most dragons, he had the same color body and eyes: silver. Strangely, it looked as if the statues actually followed him when he walked and Taekwoon felt unsettled by the sensation.

            Dongwan caught his reaction and chuckled knowingly. "It takes some getting used to."

            "The statues?" Taekwoon asked for confirmation.

            The other man nodded with a small shrug. "That one's the worst," he explained, pointing at the central statue that was twice as big as any other in the room. It took up the majority of space in the interior. Bahamut's tail wound around the base securely and his head reached to the ceiling, apparently holding it up with the top of his horns. Wing tips brushed points at either side of the room, offering additional support, but Dongwan was right. The eyes seemed to bore into Taekwoon as he paused to look up at it.

            "Do the paintings do it too?" he asked with a nod towards the hanging canvases around the room.

            Master Dongwan snorted and waved the question away. "Bad enough the statues do. Don't give the paintings ideas," he winked before nodding his head towards the Inner Sanctum double doors. "Come on. Or I might start to think you're stalling."

            Taekwoon chuckled and shrugged. "Fair enough, though you can't blame me for being curious. We're not often allowed in the Sanctum," he reminded the Dragon Master.

            "Fair point." He said nothing else, however, before striding across the open stone bridge and for the double doors nestled in the cliff face. They swung open with silent ease, a neat trick that, and lights flickered to life inside. Another interesting trick... "And down the stairs you go," he gestured blithely, extending his hand towards the darkened staircase that disappeared into the black of shadows.

            "Are there lights on the way down?" Taekwoon wondered aloud, heading for the edge to peer below.

            "Course not," Dongwan laughed once, grabbing a torch from the wall and handing it off to the other man. "Can't expect there to be lights and magic everywhere," he grinned.

            "Ah." While he wasn't sure about how true that was, Taekwoon had to agree it seemed a bit much to have magic anything when normal means sufficed. Besides, the idea of magic just made his skin crawl – it didn’t seem natural. "Thank you," he added as the Dragon Master handed the torch over.

            "You'll have a full day to meditate and come to terms with the test before you have to enter the Second Trial officially," he reminded the younger man. "I'm obliged to remind you that you can withdraw your nomination at any point prior to entering the Trial."

            "Understood, but not necessary," Taekwoon bowed slightly. His mind was made up regardless. No matter the danger or worry he might have felt from hearing about stories from the others, this was what he wanted to do and he knew it.

            "Very well. I'll leave you to it then, Dragonrider Trainee Taekwoon," the Dragon Master intoned more formally, giving a polite bow before stepping back and gently closing the silent doors behind him.

            It was slightly unnerving. But with the doors closed, it only left one way to go from there. Peering into the shadows once more, Taekwoon took a breath and firmed his resolve. Then he took his first step and started down the stairs. He didn't know how many he trekked down. He lost count soon after the first couple dozen.

            Like many things with his training, he knew it could have been marks and it could have been far less time. All he knew for certain was that he had to keep going down and down and down until something changed. At last, the stairs stopped and Taekwoon took a breath. The air smelled dry and cold, but it was touched with something else. Something that tickled his nose and made him think dragon, but not.

            Looking around, he didn't see anyone or anything. The room remained dark and there were no other lights that came to life around him. For all intents and purposes, the room was deathly still and silent. Taekwoon wondered what was supposed to happen next, and he contemplated heading back up to see if there was further guidance or something he'd missed. But he stopped and waited, heart pounding loudly in his ears as he did so.

            Without warning, his torch simply died in his hands, the flame extinguishing as if it had been dunked in water. Taekwoon started, dropping the dead stick accidentally. It clattered on the ground, the sound echoing in the space, eerie and unnatural. "Hello?" he called softly, inhaling when the hairs on his arm and back of his neck stood on end. Magic...

            A quiet gasp escaped his parted lips when the floor burned into life, a silver fire of tiny flames that spread outward. Little fingers of sparks danced and painted a picture upon the stone, the sight mesmerizing. No sound broke the yawning void beyond and the only thing Taekwoon could hear was his own heartbeat. It was fast in his ears, beating a drum in his head. But as the circle was completed, a curious calm washed over him. Peace descended and his pulse slowed, steady and strong.

            It took him a moment to realize that the circle actually seemed to be pulsing with his heartbeat, dimming and brightening in equal measure. "Okay," Taekwoon murmured with a nod. He flexed his fingers and twisted his head to either side, popping his neck. "Let's do this," he exhaled, stepping forward with a confidence he wasn't sure he felt.

            His booted foot crossed the outer threshold and the lines burned bright. Power thrummed in the air and when he was within the circle entirely, silver fire rose like a curtain, completely encircling Taekwoon. It was slightly alarming, but he felt no malice. No wish for harm. Only power reacting to... something.

            "You are mine..." a deep rumbling voice crooned from somewhere.

            If Taekwoon didn't know better, he'd have said it was coming from the circle. Or the floor. And it touched his spirit in a way that sent shivers through his body. For a moment, he searched for the speaker, but then he realized what the words had been. They were the first half of the binding sentence. Taking a breath, Taekwoon closed his eyes, clenched his fists, and whispered, "…and I am yours."

            Power surged and grabbed him, overwhelming and terrible. He couldn't breathe, couldn't move... and then he fell. The trainee opened his mouth to scream but no sound emerged. Prying open his eyes, he expected to see something happening. He was more than surprised to see there was nothing but gray everywhere around him. Or maybe it was silver, but that was it. He was falling, he was sure, but it didn't look like it. There was no motion that he could detect, though he was certain he was moving somewhere.

            The sensation went on long enough for him to gather his courage and resolve once more. Maybe that was intentional though. As soon as he felt prepared, he was surprised again by setting down on something. His feet came into contact with a surface and he swallowed hard. "Hello?" he called again, looking around for anything.

            "Hello," that same rumbling voice from earlier greeted, though no speaker appeared.

            "Who are you?" Taekwoon asked, narrowed eyes searching intently. The voice seemed to come from everywhere. It gave no clue as to where the speaker was.

            "That's not important," the voice chuckled, bemused and sad at the same time.

            Taekwoon wanted to know why. "Okay," he responded instead, letting it go. "Where are you?" he asked, still searching. Maybe if he saw who it was, he'd be able to place the who. It had to be a dragon he knew, right?

            "Right here," the speaker smiled, the expression abundantly obvious in his voice.

            His back prickled like there was a target on it and Taekwoon spun around, gasping when he saw a man behind him. A man. A very tall, older, and... strong man. "Yah!" he yelped, back stepping once before he stopped and firmed his resolve, staring at the other person.

            "Good," he nodded, silver hair and eyes almost glowing. "You have heart," he chuckled with bemusement in his eyes, giving Taekwoon a once over.

            Frowning, Taekwoon followed his gaze and then flushed. He was fully as as the other man. Frantically, he looked around for his own coverings but saw there was nothing at all. When he opened his mouth to speak, the other man held up a hand and quieted him, "Be still, young one. There is no shame in this form," he explained gently, voice soft, as if he was coaxing a frightened child.

            That was enough to spark a flame within Taekwoon. Cheeks still flushed, he stood up tall and pulled his shoulders back, defiantly tilting his head up. "I am not ashamed."

            "Good," the other man murmured quickly. "The first lesson you are always thus," he explained, one hand gesturing towards Taekwoon. "Just as your dragon will be when you meet them here as well," he promised, silver eyes nearly glowing with the strength of his words.

            Dark brows pulled down in mild confusion. "Who are you?" Taekwoon had to ask again. The person he stood across from felt like neither a dragon nor a man. But if he was neither of those things, what else could he be?

            A bemused smile crossed his lips again. Silence was the answer for a moment, silver head shaking in amusement. "Everyone always wonders who. One day, someone will simply know," he whispered softly, as if speaking to himself.

            There was a world of longing in his voice as he spoke and Taekwoon wished that he was that person. Could be that person. But he knew he'd already lost the moment. He did not know, and thus he had failed. "Then, why are you here?" he asked instead, letting the disappointment flow away like water. He could examine it again another day.

            Another smile, dangerous this time, pulled the man's lips up, revealing too white teeth. The expression made Taekwoon shiver. "I am your Trial," he grinned, fingers playing in the air at his side. "Subdue me and you will know that you are ready," he promised, a wicked gleam in his eyes.

            It did not fill Taekwoon with confidence. "Okay," he breathed, swallowing hard. "Let's do this."

            As soon as he finished speaking, the other man moved. It was almost as if Taekwoon blinked and he was there, looming over him. Bahamut he was tall! His opponent smiled at the same time, like he'd heard the thought. Taekwoon knew it was impossible and thought he was trying to intimidate him. It was working. Dropping low, he tried for a sweep, attempting to buy time to find his footing.

            The silver haired man danced over the sweep. His right leg swung out and around, aiming for Taekwoon's head. That at least he knew how to handle. Planting his feet, he rose with the swing, catching the foot against his side as he moved to lessen the blow. It still took his breath away and bruised his ribs, knocking him aside with ease.

            Stunned, he slid over the ground and marveled in confusion. That had worked over a hundred times in practice. Why hadn't it worked here?

            "Careful," the other man chided, giving him a moment to get to his feet.

            With far less confidence than he wished, Taekwoon rose, shaking his hands out again. Old dragon, he guessed, brow furrowed as he stared at the figure. Powerful, obviously. The Trance realm was not a space that was bound by normal workings. Will had a lot to do with it, but something powerful enough could affect it too. Something like an old dragon.

            "Now you're thinking," the other man grinned, fire sparking in his eyes. He was enjoying this.

            "Okay," Taekwoon nodded once. He spread his legs, one back behind the other, and leaned forward. Launching off his back foot, he sprinted ahead, moving fast. Arms and legs pumped hard, driving him towards his target. His hair tickled his face, brushing against his forehead and cheeks, but he kept his focus on the other man. Unmoved, he waited, leg bouncing softly. Threat or warning? Taekwoon couldn't say. Couldn't guess. Didn't matter. He was committed now.

            He kept one eye trained on the right leg and the other focusing on the man as a whole. He wasn't surprised when the right leg rose up, snapping out to kick at him. Running with his plan and opening, Taekwoon lurched to the side just enough to brush past the outstretched foot. His hands rose up to defend against any upper attacks, but when none came, he planted his left foot and slammed his shoulder into the other man's side. It felt like hitting a wall. A wall that moved though, albeit slower than he thought it should have.

            "Good," the man coughed, grabbing at Taekwoon reflexively.

            The trainee planted his right foot and stalled, ducking his head so the other might not grab his hair. Fingers dragged over his back and down his arms, but didn't catch. The silver haired man hit the ground and rolled over his shoulder, rising to his feet easily. Frustrated and annoyed, Taekwoon followed, stomping at the nearest foot in a pseudo-fake. His opponent dodged easily, countering with a lightning fast punch.

            Taekwoon ducked and tried a sweep again. He wasn't surprised when the other man dodged, but he had learned enough not to try catching the following kick. Instead, he rolled under it and kicked out at the remaining leg. His foot just brushed against the ankle as it tried to move away. The trainee caught a look of pleased surprise on the man's face as he lost his footing.

            He hit the ground with a jarring exhale of air. It didn't stun him though. The ground only served as a launching point for him to push off of, arms pulsing when he rolled onto his stomach to shove away. Taekwoon followed, hurling himself forward with a front kick that barely missed. A hip check sent him staggering to the side and he pretended to stumble, falling forward so he could plant his hands and donkey kick at the other man.

            A delighted laugh was the response, even as his feet connected with a solid abdomen. No wall this time, it felt more like a mountain. A mountain that held and then gave reluctantly. Rolling forward, Taekwoon got to his feet and spun, hands up and knees bent, ready to defend or attack as the opportunity presented itself. Even prepared, he almost missed the nearly magical appearance of his opponent before him. A quick fist tapped him on the side of the head, the blow reduced by a hasty block.

            It was still enough to stun him. Bahamut he hit hard. Again his opponent's mouth quirked and he blinked quickly, fighting to remain on his feet. Letting his body continue its fluid motion, Taekwoon ducked as another blow aimed high. Setting his feet, he heaved forward, throwing his whole weight into the tackle. The solid torso felt too hard and inhuman in his grip. But it did move... slowly.

            Together, they fell as one. Time seemed to slow for Taekwoon. He could feel his opponent, hear his heartbeat, and see them falling at the same time. For a heartbeat, it almost felt as if he was looking at it all from a different vantage. Then the moment passed and they were falling at normal speed again. His target hit the ground and he had to duck his head to make sure he didn't get caught under the body weight. It still hurt with the glancing blow, but his momentum was enough to carry him forward, over the other man's prone body.

            Reaching fingers brushed at him as he rolled away. They disappeared and he landed on his feet. His body twisted awkwardly, slightly off balance as he tried to turn fast enough to keep an eye on his opponent. The silver haired man was looking at him, a satisfied gleam in his eyes, even as he moved to get up. It seemed slower than before though. For a brief moment, Taekwoon had the strangest impression that his opponent was not unlike a parent play fighting with his child.

            The thought disappeared as quickly as it came though. He pounced forward and snagged an outstretched hand, almost like it was put there specifically for him. Immediately, he twisted it and forced the other man's body to turn with him. Twisting the arm hard, adrenaline and worry pushing him, Taekwoon pressed towards the ground and pinned his opponent there, face down. With his grip on the one arm and his legs splayed on either side of his body, Taekwoon knew it was impossible for the other man to escape.

            "You are mine," he hissed, into the man's ear, body trembling. In fear, excitement, worry, he didn't know. But he was going to win.

            "And I am yours," the silver haired man laughed, obviously pleased.

            It only served to confuse Taekwoon. He was even more taken aback when his very secure captive almost effortlessly broke his hold. The arm ripped free from him and he was flung away like a child when the other decided to stand up. "Hey!" he yelped, flailing to catch himself before the ground did.

            "Well done," his opponent conceded, bowing slightly. A pleased smile still played on his lips and his silver eyes glowed, but even though he had 'lost,' it looked very much as if he'd won.

            "Thank you?" Taekwoon offered hesitantly, knowing this was not an official binding. Bahamut's Blood hadn't been used after all.

            "Taekwoon of Bahamut's Aerie," he intoned softly, the sound traveling through the trainee as if he was speaking right next to him. "You have proven yourself worthy of attempting the final trial."

            Relief and joy and pride suffused him all at once. "Thank you," he breathed again, all emotion and heart.

            A pregnant pause lengthened between them. Eventually, Taekwoon looked up to see a thoughtful opponent before him. "Be cautious but be kind," he offered, brow furrowed while he observed the other man. "Respect your dragon and they will respect you," he added, taking a deep breath before closing his silver eyes.

            It almost felt as if Taekwoon closed his eyes too. Darkness came. Fast and swift, swallowing him without warning. Once more, he fell. The gray was gone, replaced by shadow and all movement lost meaning. He had no words and no prayers. Nothing was left to him. Only the single thought of, "Stop!"

            The hard ground caught him. It felt like his head hit the surface but his vision didn't change. He saw the stone spreading out before him, the soft silver flames burning low in the space. His eyes fluttered and his ears rang, the sound of his heartbeat overwhelmed by a sharp hum. Lost and confused, he cried out and returned to darkness.


(a/n: And here we've arrived to new material! I hope you enjoyed the second Trial. I certainly had fun writing it. haha But thank you for reading and I hope you continue to enjoy. As usual, if you have any questions, comments, or concerns, I'm all ears! ^_^)

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Wow... nearly five years after I started, we are almost finished! XD This has taken me way too long to get to this point but thank you for those who have stayed with me and I hope you are looking forward to the ending like I am! <3


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Chapter 1: How have I missed such an amazing story!? The first chapter got me hooked already. I have a feeling it’s boy on boy kind of a relationship based on the main characters name. Your story is the second I read of this kind of set up.
Your writing is exquisite. Detailed but not unnecessary. I’m excited to start reading more of it!
People are definitely missing out on your talent if they’re not here sinking their teeth in this.
Thank you for all your hard work!
Chapter 13: UHG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !( Please feel my frustration via exclamation marks!) So much unsaid.

So may people. I've had to really dig deep for name in general with this but that's what I love. such a flurry of a cast. Makes me sad for later though because I know you Missy!

My favorite part was Taekwoon digging into Jonghyun's it was perfect. Because I was offended for Jongup but it was rightly and swiftly correct. Very nice!

Yes on the Kevin is off feels!

I also loved the moment with him and Seunghyun. He needed to tell some one.
Chapter 12: This was a good chapter. Nice aftermath scenes going on. I felt for Taekwoon he was headed there Jinki but you can't say no to that many important people unfortunately.

Yunho's straight answer was funny.

Kevin gives me mixed vibes and I'm not sure why.

HEALER MIMI! Love it to funny.

I also hope they do talk soon. They really need to talk!
Chapter 11: Omo! My poor heart. I was so in and holding my breath at some parts! My poor babies. I felt so much for both of them in this chapter. His reaction was so genuine. I am curious to know more as always I've had a taste but I am still very much unaware of what foolishness I've got in store considering you are not dubbed the Queen of angst/tragedy for nothing!

I'm loving it so far and I adore Kevin. I was tickled.

Also as a side note. I was dying over the Bahamut's Breath and Teeth! Dead lmao!
Chapter 10: So my last comment about cliff hangers.

But loved this chapter! I could practically feel Jinki's tension and worry . I also liked how you touched up on all the characters that have already been introduced will also still having all of the focus on Jinki . Seeing the connection with Kia and Krystal was great as well. their relation ship is heart melting in it on way.

Question. Who is Satoru like in real life? or did you just use that name?

Other than that another great chapter. Jinki's determination is my favorite part. He's terrified but went for it anyway!
Chapter 9: The Queen of cliff hangers strikes again. It's my second time reading it and even though I know where this is headed to an extent still a of a cliff hanger. Great set up thought, the surroundings and everything it nice.
Hayagi #7
Chapter 4: Bahamut, Tiamat, Aeri, everything about the dragons, are those all things that you've come up with for this story or is it based on something (a certain mythology or something like that)?
By the way, before I read the next chapter, could you perhaps let me know why it is rated? I usually don't read rated stories, but it kind of depends on the reason why it's rated, so if you let me know I can decide whether I should skip it or not ^^
Hayagi #8
Chapter 3: So many characters ? I could really use a character relationship chart right now.
So... Taekwoon is 16 now, right?
If someone told me I have to hand in an essay by 'next moon' I'd think he/she means that night. Or the next night if that night is 'this moon'.. or is it like Chinese (月) and does it mean next month? Will it be explained later on or can I figure it out myself if I read everything very carefully?
The symbiosis part was very interest. I didn't completely understand the Paramour part though.
Hayagi #9
Chapter 2: What's a sevenday?
So the dragon (N) wanted to get closer to Taekwoon, right? Interesting.

Taekwoon's fascination for dragons is really cool.

Wow the part where you described the meeting between Taekwoon and the dragon was beautiful... I imagined it as if it was a scene of a movie and if I watched that movie, it'd be a breathtaking scene that I'd definitely remember for a long time.
Hayagi #10
Chapter 1: For some reason I hadn't expected that this would start with them as kids, so I was really confused when I read 'little legs' xD
It looks interesting so far! And the fact that you have 8 upvotes with only 14 subscribers tells me it must be a hidden gem ^^