High Priest's Interest


            Walking into the Aerie Master’s office after being retrieved by Joy this time, felt disturbingly like walking into a wild dragon’s den. Satoru was his usual impeccable self with an unreadable expression, which was comforting in its own way. On the other hand, the High Priest looked and felt the same as always. Perfect on the outside with not a speck of dust on him or a piece of fabric out of place, but like last time, Taekwoon felt an uneasy sort of dissonance in himself when he was near the other man. And it only got worse when he started asking him questions.

            “Greetings, Taekwoon,” the High Priest offered as soon as Taekwoon closed the door behind him.

            “High Priest,” he bowed in response, keeping his eyes trained on him as much as politeness would allow.

            “Thank you for joining us,” Satoru smiled from his desk and gestured towards the seats in the middle of the room. “Please. Sit down,” he suggested, nodding once in approval.

            “Thank you, sir,” Taekwoon nodded back, carefully selecting a seat as far from the High Priest as he could. Not so difficult since the other man was sitting on the sofa with a cup of steaming tea in his hands.

            “That was an impressive display of combat in the training hall earlier,” the High Priest murmured softly, taking a sip from his cup though his eyes remained on the dragonrider. “Satoru has been telling me how you’ve made great progress with your dragon and your draconic tendencies,” he added, setting the cup down on the saucer and placing both on the table.

            “Yes, sir,” he agreed quickly, glancing between Satoru and the High Priest. The Aerie Master’s expression was carefully neutral, though Kevin’s eyes gleamed with almost too bright interest. It was… unnerving.

            “You have gained control of them, yes?” he wondered curiously, hands folding elegantly in his lap. “I only ask because it looked as if you were about to lose control at one point in the ring,” he added calmly.

            “I have,” he confirmed, swallowing once as he took a breath. “Though… today was the first day I was able to work with my dragon half,” he had to add, though it was a tidbit he would have liked to have held closer for just a bit longer.

            “Oh?” the High Priest hummed, and even Satoru looked interested in that revelation.

            “As impressive as it was, I have to ask why Taekwoon is able to do that,” the Aerie Master spoke softly, his words aimed directly at the High Priest. “After all, none of the other dragonriders even show the hint of a dragon half much less are able to work with it,” he added, glancing at Taekwoon with a subtle nod. He was grateful for the question. It was not one that he would have thought or been brave enough to ask.

            “My dear Satoru,” the High Priest laughed once. “While it is common knowledge that a rider and dragon pairing grant the dragon more human intelligence, what should be equally obvious but apparently isn’t,” he added, the tone slightly condescending, “is that the Symbiosis is an exchange of sorts. Spirits. Souls. Energy,” he murmured, gesturing with his hand to pick one. “A piece of each is traded,” he explained, hands crossing to indicate a passage from one to the other. “Which is largely why they sometimes do not wish to continue living when one passes on and the other doesn’t. For dragons, the spirit remembers what it gained but loses the part of itself it traded and the human spirit. Same for the riders,” he explained with a gesture at Taekwoon.

            “So if Jonghyun died, I would lose my dragon and a part of myself?” Taekwoon asked hesitantly, the thought setting off a mildly alarmed reaction that alerted his dragon.


            No. Just concerning. Didn’t know we traded pieces of ourselves to bind, he admitted without letting the feelings show on his face.

            We did?

            According to the High Priest, he explained with an internal shrug. It was gratifying his dragon hadn’t been aware either, but still disconcerting all the same.

            “Correct,” the High Priest nodded. Taekwoon’s gut clenched at the thought and he instinctively shied away from the possibility, though he would remember for later. “Now. That aside, in a standard Symbiosis, the human… spirit is more dominant and given to the dragon while a smaller exchange is given by the dragon. In Taekwoon’s case,” he hesitated, gesturing at the rider with a side-eyed look as he waited expectantly for someone to fill in the blanks.

            “The dragon is the dominant spirit in him,” Satoru answered, saving Taekwoon from having to. Admittedly, he wasn’t sure how to feel about the answer anyway.

            “Exactly. Which is why you sometimes lose control in general,” he shrugged fluidly. “Dragons are powerful creatures. Driven by instinct and gifted with animal intuition, even without human intellect, they are formidable opponents. With it, they are incredible allies and companions. And you seem to have traits of both,” the High Priest smiled, his eyes expressively interested.

            “Perhaps,” Satoru interjected, drawing some of the focus away from Taekwoon. “But he is still very much learning how to work with his dragons in a wing.”

            “Dragons,” Kevin smiled, latching onto the plural. “Yes. I would imagine so. Taekwoon,” he called, shifting his attention back to the dragonrider.

            “Yes?” he responded, tense and alert as he sat upright stiffly.

            “Can you control your dragons?” the High Priest wondered curiously.

            “No,” Taekwoon shook his head, frowning in uncertainty a breath later. “At least, I don’t think so. I… haven’t tried.”

            “Hmm. Can you dragons control you?” the Priest continued.

            Again, Taekwoon was uncertain. “Not that I know of. At least Jonghyun has never tried that I’m aware. And Jongup… I don’t know that he would even think to try.” You can’t control me, right?

            Surprise flickered back. Unsure. Never thought about it. Could try.

            That’s okay. Just checking.

            “How is your bond with Jongup?” he asked next, the increased interest not sitting well with Taekwoon.

            “It’s light. Not like a true bond. I share more of a link through Jonghyun because they are mates,” he explained, feeling his way with the words. He hadn’t really needed to explain it before and he wasn’t sure it was right but he was trying. “I can talk to him, but usually only when we’re within seeing distance. And it’s more… feelings. Not words like I can share with Jonghyun.”

            “Fascinating,” the High Priest crooned, glancing at Satoru in excitement. “You do realize we haven’t had a double bond with any riders in… centuries.”

            “I wasn’t aware that we’d ever had double bonds,” the Aerie Master responded dryly, his eyes slightly narrowed.

            Kevin waved his hand dismissively. “Like the backwards Symbiosis, it is not common for very good reason.” His attention shifted back to Taekwoon and made his stomach twist into a knot. “What about your… companion?” he asked, pausing as he searched for a good word. “Jinki. Does he have any connections to your dragons like you do with Jongup?” he asked intently, waiting for the answer.

            It was not a question he wanted to respond to. Taekwoon glanced at Satoru and thought he saw a very subtle shake of his head. Looking back at the High Priest, he shook his head in turn and explained, “No. He has gotten closer to them as they are my dragons, but he is not bound to them like I am.” It was mostly the truth and that would have to be good enough unless the High Priest somehow asked a more direct question about it.

            “Pity,” was all he said instead, letting Taekwoon take an internal sigh of relief. “What about your combat training in the wing?” he asked suddenly, changing the direction of the combat.

            Surprised by the shift, Taekwoon blurted the first thing that came to mind. “It’s good.”

            The High Priest actually laughed at the statement and leaned forward. “I’m sure, but why? My understanding is that usually, the riders direct their dragons. But I’ve been told that you are almost merely a passenger as Jonghyun does the flying.”

            Once more, Taekwoon glanced at Satoru uncertainly, but he was given no hints about how to respond this time. “Yes, sir. He doesn’t need me to tell him what he already knows. Better than I do especially. Our relationship is not just dragon and rider, but equals,” he stated firmly, knowing that to be true from the bruises and the fights and struggles they’d had to get there.

            “Very interesting,” Kevin sighed, leaning forward to stare at Taekwoon as he propped his chin on his fist and rested his elbow on his knee. “I wonder if any of these traits are inheritable.”

            Taekwoon blinked in surprise and was grateful when Satoru spoke the words he couldn’t. “As in passing on to any children?”

            “Yes,” the High Priest chirped in response, glancing over his shoulder as if it should have been abundantly obvious. Of course it was, but they simply had to clarify to be sure.

            “High Priest,” Taekwoon started uncertainly, gaining the other man’s full attention once more. “I have no intention of having children. My… companion and I cannot, after all.” He wanted to say mate but it didn’t seem right here. Not in front of the High Priest…

            The High Priest waved his hand dismissively as he sat up and scoffed, “You needn’t be hand-fasted to have children.” Taekwoon’s expression darkened at the implications.

            Rider? The tone was slightly alarmed and concerned, with good reason.

            High Priest suggested children with anyone other than mate to see if they might inherit dragonrider qualities, he practically scowled.

            Resonating anger washed back through their bond. Betray mate?!

            Never, he promised in return as he forcibly turned his attention back to the people in the room.

            Taekwoon was very close to saying something he probably shouldn’t before the Aerie Master interrupted. “High Priest,” Satoru laughed once, the sound forced but tension breaking. “This is all conjecture at this point, and what you’re suggesting is a lot to consider at any given time,” he reminded the other man with a calming look at the dragonrider. “After all, Taekwoon has only recently become a full fledged Battalion member and he’s still learning what it means to be a rider as he is now.”

            For just a heartbeat, it seemed as if the High Priest’s expression darkened behind his facial mask, but then it passed. “Apologies,” Kevin murmured with a soft smile, ducking his head just a touch. “I am merely fascinated by this occurrence, Satoru. It is not everyday that one gets to study it,” he explained with a gesture at Taekwoon.

            “He’s not a test you know,” the Aerie Master stated firmly, looking at Taekwoon before he looked back at the priest.

            “Of course not. But he is very unique at this time. You do realize that he has the dragon and human in almost perfect balance in him, yes?” he prompted, his energy stressful to Taekwoon given what they’d been talking about.

            “And he has worked very hard to make it that way,” Satoru explained, gesturing reassuringly at Taekwoon.

            “I’ve no doubt. Watching him this afternoon was almost like watching magic unfold before my eyes,” Kevin smiled, focusing intently on Taekwoon. The comment made him uneasy, as he’d only recently run across the mentions of magic in the tome in the library.

            Satoru stood up from behind his desk then and moved around to casually interpose himself between the High Priest and Taekwoon. “I cannot fault you for your interest in Taekwoon, High Priest. It is fair to say that he is a rather interesting anomaly. One that is doing his best to be an asset to the Aerie, I assure you,” he bowed deeply, though he kept his gaze upon the other man. “That being said, he is but one dragonrider, your Holiness.”

            “You are always so formal, Satoru,” Kevin pined, placing a hand over his wounded heart. It was a sudden shift from his more serious demeanor a moment ago. “Even after I’ve brought you three new dragons to add to your Aerie,” he explained, switching focus swiftly.

            “Three formerly bonded dragons that now need riders,” Satoru corrected immediately.

            “Ah. But this is an Aerie after all. I’m sure that it won’t be a problem to find them suitable riders in the meantime. You must have several former trainees who wouldn’t mind taking on the mantle after having failed their Trials,” the priest commented with a shrug. “And I must say. They are better than wilds, you know.”

            “Of course,” Satoru bowed, the perfect picture of gratitude and grace. “It isn’t just anyone who can control wild dragons at their command.”

            Taekwoon inhaled quietly at that bit of information. He’d always assumed the High Priest had arrived on a formerly bound dragon. If Satoru was to be believed though, he may well have come on a wild which meant he could actually control dragons without being bound to them. Is one of the new dragons a wild?

            Jonghyun responded after a mere heartbeat. Huh. Yes. Taekwoon did not like that.

            “You are correct,” Kevin smiled and nodded in acknowledgment of that statement. “In addition, given the circumstances, I’ve heard having new formerly bound dragons might be very useful at the moment,” he added, looking at the Aerie Master intently. Taekwoon knew he was missing something, but he also didn’t want to bring attention on himself so he remained completely still and silent.

            “You are correct,” the Aerie Master confirmed with a small nod, expression reasonably tense.

            The High Priest stood up as if to get ready to leave, glancing at both Satoru and Taekwoon in the process. Before he moved away, he leaned close to Satoru and murmured loud enough for Taekwoon to hear, “I’m not sure how your Captain’s foray will go this time, but should he also be unsuccessful in locating the unusual dragonriders, I might suggest sending a different team. One with a different sort of dragonrider,” he shrugged, standing upright again. “After all, I’ve heard they have no bindings like with Bahamut and Tiamat. A more… natural bond might be more appealing to them.”

            “We will keep your advice under consideration,” Satoru responded graciously. “And thank you for the dragons.”

            “Of course, my child. May Bahamut bless you in these troubled times,” Kevin intoned, offering a small bow towards Satoru. Then he turned to the dragonrider and smiled. “And Taekwoon. Do keep our conversation in mind. I would be most interested in seeing if some of your traits could be inherited,” he stated simply, looking the younger man up and down quickly.

            “High Priest,” Taekwoon mumbled with a small bow; it was really all he could muster.

            Kevin did not seem to take offense. It actually appeared to amuse him. “Bahamut guide you on this most interesting path,” he responded instead, giving a small bow that the rider was then obligated to match.

            As Kevin moved to leave, Satoru spoke softly, “May you walk ever in Bahamut’s light.”

            “Indeed,” the High Priest murmured with the hint of a smirk, pausing as he looked over his shoulder. “The power of Tiamat is strong. And the hearts of men often weak. But Bahamut always offers salvation to those in need. I bid you good day,” he smiled and bowed deeper this time before stepping out of the office.

            Distinctly uncomfortable, Taekwoon looked over at the Aerie Master who seemed to be focusing on something far away. At least until he realized the rider was looking at him. Then he smiled and waved a hand dismissively. “You did fine today, Taekwoon.”

            He knew he should say thank you or something but the words just weren’t there. He couldn’t help the misgiving in his gut. To be fair, Jonghyun was just as confused – having followed along as best he could – so that wasn’t helping any. “That was an interesting conversation,” he hedged, certain that it was not normal by any stretch.

            “Indeed it was, young rider,” Satoru sighed, a sure sign of just how unusual it was.

            Suddenly guilty about his earlier omission, he mumbled, “Was it wrong to not tell him about Jinki and Jongup?”

            The Aerie Master chuckled softly and shook his head. “Sometimes less is more. Or better in this case,” he snorted once, saying nothing else on the matter. He stood silent for a moment, expression pensive as he mulled thoughts over in his mind. Taekwoon let him, knowing he’d speak soon enough. “Do not feel you have to take his words to heart, Taekwoon,” he commented, gesturing towards the door where the High Priest had exited. “High Priest he may be, but you are still your own person. He does not control you,” he promised, the sound both firm and almost sad.

            It made Taekwoon look at him just a little closer and wonder why he might feel sad about such a statement. “Thank you, sir,” was all he said instead, offering a more respectful and honest bow in return.

            He nodded in acknowledgement and took a breath. “Now. You haven’t had much time to look, but have you made any progress on the mural?” he asked, changing the direction of the conversation with ease.

            “Possibly,” Taekwoon blinked in confusion, almost compelled to answer.

            “Good. Keep trying,” Satoru smiled before waving the dragonrider off, leaving him even more off kilter than before.

            “Yes… sir,” he answered hesitantly. Not because he didn’t want to, but because he didn’t understand, and it just felt like it was starting to take on a new kind of importance. What secrets might be hiding behind the mural? Especially ones that Satoru would want to know about without tearing down the original. The possibilities were large but that also left a great deal of room for good and bad things. Such openness made his wary. It was always harder to prepare for something you couldn’t predict.

            When he told Jinki about what happened later that evening, his other half was just as surprised by everything. Particularly about the mention of having children, but Taekwoon and his dragons were in complete agreement there. He was also concerned about the exchange of spirit pieces, but there was nothing to be done about it now. And really, beyond the conversation, the High Priest’s visit had caused quite a stir in the Aerie anyway.

            As the High Priest had predicted, it wasn’t too difficult finding riders for the new formerly bound dragons. It wasn’t surprising that Wonshik had been quick to volunteer. After looking the creatures over, he asked for the kind of quirky blue who called himself Ken, and they certainly suited each other well enough. Aron, an older former trainee Taekwoon recalled working with in the kitchens from time to time, also volunteered and was paired with the large bronze, JR. Taekwoon thought Amber might have gone for the third dragon, but she declined, content with her current path. Instead, the older and already scarred from her Trials Jiyeon offered to ride the white Taemin.

            They were certainly a welcome addition, but they weren’t without their flaws. While the dragons knew what to do and how combat worked, their new riders didn’t and that needed to be remedied quickly. The only problem was that they were starting to feel the lack of silver or gold dragons strong enough to guide them with a practiced steady hand. Most wings were already full – Taekwoon had been lucky with his timing – and one weak dragon and rider even in a practiced wing could be disastrous in actual combat.

            After a brief conference with Dongwan, Eric, Hyesung, and Mimi, they ultimately decided to shuffle some of the wings around and pull three of the weakest riders and dragons to give them time to rest while the newest pairs trained. Surprisingly, or not, Gain offered to help put them through their paces. Rumor had it that her training sessions with Taekwoon had reminded her of what she’d left behind when she became a Paramour.

            With that hiccup settled, the Aerie returned to a sense of normalcy. Though it was undoubtedly changed. Emptier. Nearly half the dragons and riders were sent out on patrols or answering summons while the other half remained and trained or switched out with returning wings as needed.

            And Taekwoon felt like he barely had time to breathe, much less investigate the tomes he and Jinki had been given by Jolin. When his wing wasn’t being sent on close patrols, they were drilling or doing dragonback combat training. And when they weren’t doing that, they were finding ways to incorporate Jongup into the fighting style. Terrifyingly, albeit ersely excitingly if he was honest with himself, Taekwoon also started practicing dragon jumping. Jongup was fitted with a harness much like Jonghyun’s and they all flew quite high so that if he missed, someone in his wing would be able to help catch him before he fell too far. His wing got really good at catching him…

            Really, it was often surprising to Taekwoon how a moon could pass by in what felt like days. Maybe it was because of always being busy. Or perhaps he was just very bad with time, but the seasons were starting to change and things felt like they were happening quickly.

            Yunho’s wing returned without making contact with the unaligned dragonriders they sought, though they did run afoul of a wild or two. Every foray in the direction of Fantor just seemed to be a fool’s errand that only invited more trouble. Thankfully, Hyoyeon and Jongin did return, none the worse for wear, but they were accompanied by only three dragons and riders from the second wing that had been sent to the Kinshire coast. The other three had been taken or killed. None of them were sure. They’d only stayed as long as they had to try and see what they could do, but Dawnbringer wings had kept them at a distance for fear of sharing in a similar fate. Tiamat’s forces were slowly making headway into Bahamut’s lands.

            Unable to keep the reality of what was happening in the north quiet, Satoru and Eric were forced to call an Aerie Meeting on the commons so everyone, dragons included, could attend. “The Dawnbringer forces are challenging us!” Taeyang, rider of the gold Jiyong and leader of the returned wing, cried out. “They have taken or killed our brothers and sisters,” he stated plainly, gesturing towards his remaining wing mates, Bom and Victoria. “We must take the fight to them!”

            Around the Aerie, a low cry from several dragonriders answered his call. Commander Eric stepped forward, backed impressively by the regal presence of his gold, Andy. “Something must be done. Yes,” he agreed, looking around the gathered people and dragons, some of whom had taken seats on the various cliffs and buildings nearby. “But if this confrontation has shown us anything, it is that Tiamat’s forces are growing stronger and that we may not have the strength to meet them head on.”

            Quiet whispers followed his announcement as unease spread through the crowds quickly. Taekwoon grabbed Jinki’s hand reassuringly, though kept his gaze trained on the High Dragon Commander. “So what is your suggestion? That we sit here and wait?” Taeyang demanded, his slightly shorter stature no less intimidating for the outrage pouring off his muscled figure.

            “Not just wait,” Commander Eric shook his head with a sharp chopping motion of his hand. “We are of Bahamut’s Aerie, and though we may bide our time, we do not waste it with inactivity,” he promised firmly.

            Satoru stepped forward then, drawing attention to his smaller form with practiced ease. “We are still in the process of finding allies to assist us.”

            “No one will help us!” someone in the crowd shouted.

            They were followed very quickly by another cry, “We are the ones that people ask for help!”

            The Aerie Master waited for their dissent to die down, looking around the gathering with deceptively calm eyes. “It is true that we have many responsibilities as attendants of Bahamut’s Aerie. We shelter those who need it. Become the shield of the weak. The sword of the wronged. The judges of the corrupt! We are the eyes and the hands and the wings of Bahamut who watches over all, granting justice to those who deserve it!”

            A dragon bugled in response to his words and Taekwoon couldn’t help but grin at recognizing Gain. Her clarion cry summoned answering calls and he was all too happy to join them. He felt Jonghyun’s roar resonating through their bond and, to a lesser extent, even Jongup’s. Though it was clear words alone were not satisfactory for some.

            “So you will let us seek justice for our wingmates?!” Taeyang challenged, backed earnestly by Bom and Victoria and all their dragons.

            “You? No,” High Commander Eric answered with a shake of his head.

            “But-!” Bom started to say before he cut her off with another harsh hand motion.

            “You are not but a partial wing that is hurting from your loss,” he stated firmly, meeting each gaze before touching the next. “Your hearts are in the right place, but your heads are not,” he explained sadly. His outright rejection was met with mantling wings of dragons and angry glares from humans. The Commander pulled himself to his full height as Andy stepped forward, flanked quickly by the silvers Hero and Minwoo.

            When confronted with three gold and silver dragons, Jiyong, Minji, and Luna subsided quickly. Their riders followed suit, albeit a bit slower. “Then what do you expect us to do?” Victoria demanded icily as she stood beside Taeyang, drawing strength from his presence.

            “We expect you to help the Aerie,” Satoru answered, hands stuffed in his robes and his expression firm. “In whatever capacity you are needed in.” They gave him sullen glares in response but didn’t fight him.

            As Andy stepped back, Commander Eric took his place and raised his voice again. “As Satoru mentioned, we are still seeking possible allies near Fantor. We will be sending another wing there soon. We have sent riders to Talonsgrace to ask for help and information as well. We will be sending more riders north, but we must be careful,” he emphasized. “Wing Leader Taeyang is right. They are challenging us. But that means they are confident they can do so with impunity. We do not have the numbers we should. So we cannot fight as we normally would. But we will not abandon our brothers and sisters to whatever fate they face. I promise you,” he ended proudly, looking around the gathering as if to meet every eye there.

            This time, there was no hesitation as nearly every voice rose in mutual agreement. “You are dismissed!” Satoru called into the descending quiet. He raised his voice to carry so everyone could continue to hear him, “If you still have questions or concerns, come see me in my office. I will see you,” he promised just as firmly as the Commander.

            “I guess the dragon’s out of the cave now,” Jinki sighed as he looked to Taekwoon with a pained expression.

            “I’m guessing this is one of those things you couldn’t tell me before,” he responded, meeting coffee brown eyes steadily. Jinki nodded and Taekwoon followed suit. “What do you think they’ll do?” he asked, waiting for the answer patiently.

            Jinki took a breath and shrugged. “Bahamut only knows at this point.”

            “Fair enough,” Taekwoon exhaled, glancing around the gathering. He didn’t know what it meant for his wing just yet, but he knew things would change again. It was both exciting and nerve wracking in equal measure.

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Wow... nearly five years after I started, we are almost finished! XD This has taken me way too long to get to this point but thank you for those who have stayed with me and I hope you are looking forward to the ending like I am! <3


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Chapter 1: How have I missed such an amazing story!? The first chapter got me hooked already. I have a feeling it’s boy on boy kind of a relationship based on the main characters name. Your story is the second I read of this kind of set up.
Your writing is exquisite. Detailed but not unnecessary. I’m excited to start reading more of it!
People are definitely missing out on your talent if they’re not here sinking their teeth in this.
Thank you for all your hard work!
Chapter 13: UHG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !( Please feel my frustration via exclamation marks!) So much unsaid.

So may people. I've had to really dig deep for name in general with this but that's what I love. such a flurry of a cast. Makes me sad for later though because I know you Missy!

My favorite part was Taekwoon digging into Jonghyun's it was perfect. Because I was offended for Jongup but it was rightly and swiftly correct. Very nice!

Yes on the Kevin is off feels!

I also loved the moment with him and Seunghyun. He needed to tell some one.
Chapter 12: This was a good chapter. Nice aftermath scenes going on. I felt for Taekwoon he was headed there Jinki but you can't say no to that many important people unfortunately.

Yunho's straight answer was funny.

Kevin gives me mixed vibes and I'm not sure why.

HEALER MIMI! Love it to funny.

I also hope they do talk soon. They really need to talk!
Chapter 11: Omo! My poor heart. I was so in and holding my breath at some parts! My poor babies. I felt so much for both of them in this chapter. His reaction was so genuine. I am curious to know more as always I've had a taste but I am still very much unaware of what foolishness I've got in store considering you are not dubbed the Queen of angst/tragedy for nothing!

I'm loving it so far and I adore Kevin. I was tickled.

Also as a side note. I was dying over the Bahamut's Breath and Teeth! Dead lmao!
Chapter 10: So my last comment about cliff hangers.

But loved this chapter! I could practically feel Jinki's tension and worry . I also liked how you touched up on all the characters that have already been introduced will also still having all of the focus on Jinki . Seeing the connection with Kia and Krystal was great as well. their relation ship is heart melting in it on way.

Question. Who is Satoru like in real life? or did you just use that name?

Other than that another great chapter. Jinki's determination is my favorite part. He's terrified but went for it anyway!
Chapter 9: The Queen of cliff hangers strikes again. It's my second time reading it and even though I know where this is headed to an extent still a of a cliff hanger. Great set up thought, the surroundings and everything it nice.
Hayagi #7
Chapter 4: Bahamut, Tiamat, Aeri, everything about the dragons, are those all things that you've come up with for this story or is it based on something (a certain mythology or something like that)?
By the way, before I read the next chapter, could you perhaps let me know why it is rated? I usually don't read rated stories, but it kind of depends on the reason why it's rated, so if you let me know I can decide whether I should skip it or not ^^
Hayagi #8
Chapter 3: So many characters ? I could really use a character relationship chart right now.
So... Taekwoon is 16 now, right?
If someone told me I have to hand in an essay by 'next moon' I'd think he/she means that night. Or the next night if that night is 'this moon'.. or is it like Chinese (月) and does it mean next month? Will it be explained later on or can I figure it out myself if I read everything very carefully?
The symbiosis part was very interest. I didn't completely understand the Paramour part though.
Hayagi #9
Chapter 2: What's a sevenday?
So the dragon (N) wanted to get closer to Taekwoon, right? Interesting.

Taekwoon's fascination for dragons is really cool.

Wow the part where you described the meeting between Taekwoon and the dragon was beautiful... I imagined it as if it was a scene of a movie and if I watched that movie, it'd be a breathtaking scene that I'd definitely remember for a long time.
Hayagi #10
Chapter 1: For some reason I hadn't expected that this would start with them as kids, so I was really confused when I read 'little legs' xD
It looks interesting so far! And the fact that you have 8 upvotes with only 14 subscribers tells me it must be a hidden gem ^^