She lies on the bed unconscious, their family doctor doing his job. Her mother standing at the end of the bed while the others are standing at the side of the bed waiting the doctor done with his check up. Yongguk are restless seeing his only sister in that condition, hoping nothing serious happens. The doctor looks awry, he keeps his equipment in his bag and look at her mother, Mrs Bang with a serious face.

  '' How is it, doctor?'' Her strict voices can make people afraid, she makes the doctor restless.

  '' Mrs Bang, from the examination that I do, I'm afraid that..'' He gathers all his courage and say it out aloud.

  '' I'm afraid that Ms Iseul was .'' He looks down, avoid from meet her eyes.

  '' What??!'' Mrs Bang voices echoing in the room strong like a thunder make the people in the room flinch.

  '' I'm sorry, Mrs Bang, but from what I see and the story of these young boys, it might be true.''

  '' Shut up!! I don't want to hear it anymore. Iseul, it's impossible.'' She looks at her daughter before walk out of the room.

  '' Is it true doctor?'' Yongguk asking for the truth, his body is shocked by the news. All he can do just staring at Iseul conscious face, she looks so pale, but the beauty of her face didn't fade away, she still looks beautiful with those bruises on her face.

  '' What I can do here is just a basic examined and from my experience it is the , but if you want to make a confirmation on this matter. We need to bring her to the hospital for a further examination. I'm saying this because the bruise on her body not from the effect of falling down or bumping into things, but it's from an abuser. It's looks like the abuser hit her to make her weak, so she can't fight against him. The young boy says that he found her in a dark alley and in a weak condition, the blood stains on her dress make me think it's a . The blood obviously didn't come from a wound because she didn't have any wound on her body. I think it's better if you bring her to the hospital, but with your mother's temper, I think we can't do that. For now, let Iseul rest and I leave a medicine for her. A painkiller if she can't stand with the pain and also a sleeping pill, it's can help to calm her, but it's better if she didn't take it. If anything happens, give me a call. Yongguk, take care of your sister in your mother's behalf, she's still in shock, you know your mother right. I'll leave now.'' Yongguk bows his head as a thank you to the doctor.

Youngjae walk the doctor to the front door. Yongguk take a seat beside Iseul, hold her cold hand. Don't worry Iseul, I'm here, I'm not going to leave you alone. Why you have to face this kind of problem in your young age? You're too young to carry this on your shoulder, I'm afraid that it will make you fall down. Silently, Yongguk cry over his sister's fate. Himchan hold his shoulder to make him feel strong and not forget that he has his friends behind him, that can help him anytime.

  '' I'm afraid that she can't go through this.''

  '' Don't worry, she's a strong girl and she have you at her side and you have us. Together we will protect her.''

  '' Yongguk hyung, you need to wash up. You will get a cold if you stay longer in these wet clothes.'' Jongup place a towel on her body, but Yongguk reluctant to let go her hand.

  '' It's okay Yongguk, they will watch her for you while you clean yourself.'' Himchan make him walk out of the room to clean himself and make sure he didn't skip to shower. He goes with Yongguk to his room. Youngjae come in with sighing.

  '' Poor her for having a mother like Mrs Bang.''

  '' Shh, hyung, you shouldn't say that. What if she hears it.''

  '' And what if she hears it, Junhong-ah.''

  '' She will forbid us to come here again after this. It's already hard for us to be friend with Yongguk hyung. You can't remember it?''

  '' Of course, I still remember her words. What a strict woman.''

  '' Yahh, Jung Daehyun, it's lucky you found her, if not we're still in the rain searching for her.'' Youngjae sneeze.

  '' Haishh, I'm going to get a cold.''

Daehyun walk to the side of the bed to get a look at her pale face. Iseul, stay strong. You have us as your brother and your friends. Keep being a beautiful flower, even though the flower lose the honey and sweetness, but the flower still can look beautiful and continues to bloom. Today you lose your precious sweetness, but it doesn't mean that you can't keep blooming beautifully. You're still the beautiful flower among us.


The sun rising, shining through the window, bringing a new day to the human being in the whole world with a new page of the life. Everyday there's something going on our day, whether it is a good thing or not. Sometimes it's a good thing that we can remember it as the most beautiful memories, but when it comes to a bad one, it's whether we let it past or not. Yesterday not a good day with a good thing to remember. To let it past? What is past is past? For a certain thing it might can be used, but in this case, it can't. Time cannot be played back because everything that happen, it's a fate. A fate that we must accept and obeyed. Every human being in this world can't escape from a bad fate, whether you like it or not, it will still happen. For Bang's family, it's already happening, there's no turning back, they need to face it. Mrs Bang is restless in her room, she didn't get a sleep since last night, the words keep echoing in her head. ? How it is possible? She's pacing around in her room with a glass of wine in her hands. She tries to think straight, but it's hard. She was ? By whom? It was planned or accidental? What if it was planned by one of my enemies? It is possible, but if it's possible I should report to the police. Wait, I can't, we can't report this, it will affect my business. Damn, this thing can't leak out it embarrassing. She gulps down her wine. No, she was not , everything is okay.

  '' No.'' She screams her lung out and throw the glass on the floor. The glass is shattered on the floor and her maid walks into her room with a worried face.

  '' Madam.''

Mrs Bang looks at her maid with a stern gaze, her chest is moving up and down, breathing, feeling angry. The maid can't look straight to her employer afraid with her hot-temper. In this house none of the maid is brave enough to against her words, even her child Yongguk and Iseul do not dare to see their mother's hot-tempered attitude.

  '' Clean up the mess.'' She walks out of her room, while she walks to her study room, she stops in front of her daughter's room, she hesitates to open the door. She puts her hand on the door handle and push it down, but she stops, she pulls away her hand from the handle and walk away. She didn't realise that someone was watching her from the stairs with a disappointment. Granny or known as nanny by the two sibling feels very disappointed with their mother. She just a babysitter for the sibling since they are little baby, but when she heard about Iseul, it hurts her heart so much. At this time Iseul need her mother, but what her mother had done for her? It's nothing. Yongguk and Iseul, nanny love them like her own child, they grow up with a love and care from nanny while their mother are always busy with her works. Nanny sympathy with the sibling, they are lacking of a mother's love. She was only able to sigh, watching this family.

The sun that shine through the window, disturb her sleep, her eyes fluttered as the sun illuminates the room, slowly she's open her eyes. The cool air from the air-con give her a goose bump, she's pulling the blanket to cover her body. Suddenly, like there's an electrical wave in her body, she gets up from the bed, the last night scene began to return  to her memory, the cold air reminded her of last night. She looks around  anxiously, the scene of her bad memory of the life keeps playing in her eyes. The voices, laugh like a music in her ears, she covers her ears and cry in silence, her body is trembling. She thrashed as if someone was hugging her tightly, it's awakes Yongguk from his sleep, he decides to sleep beside Iseul afraid that she will wake up in the middle of the night and do something foolish.

  '' Iseul.'' He's calling her name and hold her hands, but it makes her scream. She tries to get away from Yongguk, he quickly hold both of her hands.

  '' Iseul, it's me. Your brother.''

Nanny rush inside her room with a maid after hearing her scream, she quickly sits beside Iseul.

  '' What happens, Yongguk?''

  '' I think she remembers about last night.'' Iseul start to calm down, she didn't thrash her body anymore, but her tears didn't stop flowing.

  '' My poor girl.''

She wipes the tears on her cheek with her old hand.

  '' Don't worry, you're safe now. You have your brother and me, we will keep you safe, we won't let anyone to touch and hurt you again. My poor girl, I'm sorry for not protect you, see you like this, it hurt me so much.'' Nanny hugs her trembling body, she pats her hair lovingly. Iseul didn't say anything, just cry in silence. Nanny lets go of her hugs, carefully, she touches Iseul face, afraid that her touch will hurt her.

  '' You need to take a bath, lets fresh up your body.''

She turns to the maid.

  '' Please prepare a warm water for her.'' The maid nods her head and walks to the bathroom.

  '' Yongguk, go take a shower too, get ready for your work. You'll be late.''

  '' No, I don't want to go to the office.''

  '' What will your omma says if you didn't go.''

  '' She has to understand, Iseul need me. I'm not like her, I do care about Iseul. She's never caring about us, all she thinks is about her company. Her damn company.''

Nanny just sighs, she know this day will come, the child already grown up, they can think of their own. She can't blame the child because it's a true thing.

  '' Fine, but you still need to wash up. It's okay, I'll take care of Iseul while you manage yourselves. Go to your room.''

He hesitates to get up from the bed, but nanny pushes him away. Reluctantly he walks out of the room. Nanny turn her gaze to Iseul, the girls just keep starring to the blank wall in front of her, the tears still didn't stop.

  '' The water is ready.'' The maid says.

  '' Come help me.'' Nanny and the maid help Iseul to get up from the bed, she's moan in pain because her lower abdomen still can feel the pain from last night. She manages to walk to the bathroom with the help of the nanny and the maid. Nanny offers her a help but she declines.

  '' Are sure you don't want me to help you?''

She just nods.

  '' Okay, when you're done, call me. I'll wait you outside.''

Again she just nods and close the door, she walks to the mirror and looks at her reflection. She got a bruise in the corner of and it still hurt. It's hard for her to move . She undressed, there's a few bruises on her body too, she feels dirty. She gets into the bathtub, the warm water hit her body. Somehow it gives a comforting feeling, she reaches out her hand to take the body brush on the rack and scrubbing her body hard until her pale skin turn to red. She wants to remove the rapists touch on her skin, the pain that she suffered, she wants to remove everything that makes her hurt. Everything that turns her into dirty girl. She disgusts with herself, for a second time in that day she crying again. No matter how hard she's scrubbing her body, it won't change the fact. The fact that she was . She lost her ity to a stranger, the ity that she protect for her future husband is gone. In one night her life is changed.





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jmayo81 #1
Chapter 18: No worries on when you're able to update! School 1st!! This was a sad & sweet chapter, I knew eventually she'd need maternity clothes. Daehyun was so sweet to make sure she was taken care of. But my heart was so sad for her & the nightmares, hopefully she'll tell Daehyun soon, so he can help her feel safer, especially at home. Thank you for updating!
megoo1427 #2
Chapter 18: thanks for the update..... And all the best on your fyp...
jmayo81 #3
Chapter 17: Poor baby!! She recognized the smell, which makes me think that sicko is following her? I hope she opens up & tells Daehyun. He can’t help her if he doesn’t know. Thank you for the update.
jmayo81 #4
Chapter 16: Awww, she got permission from her brother! I love that she made him promise not to scold Daehyun 1st! Well, I have a feeling that Yongguk will show up, to make sure. Haha, but Iseul & Daehyun are warming up to one another, cute chapter, thank you for updating!
jmayo81 #5
Chapter 15: I had a feeling he was going to have her work for him. He’s just too sweet, and clearly he’s getting a soft spot for her, so he’d naturally be sad if she mentioned leaving. I’m excited to see what happens next! Thank you for updating!
jmayo81 #6
Chapter 14: Awww, Daehyun’s so sweet. His cologne bothered her, so he took a shower to make sure she didn’t throw up again. I love how she’s opening up to him, in no time, she’ll trust him to take her out of the house, but him scolding her for doing chores was too sweet! Thank you for updating!
megoo1427 #7
Chapter 15: Thanks for the update.... Gonna wait for the next chap...
jmayo81 #8
Chapter 4: Wait.....what?...what kind of mother does that!? Wow
jmayo81 #9
Chapter 1: New to the story, but a I have to say the 1st chapter has my mind swirling. I’m looking forward to seeing how this develops.
megoo1427 #10
Chapter 14: Thanks for the update...