Daehyun eyes follow Iseul until she disappear into the staff room. *There must be something happen to her. *

'' Daehyun, where is Iseul?'' Ask Aunt Sung Ah.

'' She is resting, not feeling well. Don't worry I will cover her jobs.'' Again, after Aunt Sung Ah, leave, he is thinking about Iseul again. *It's not like I can force her to tell me. *

Back at home, Iseul stay in her room daze out, her mind keeps thinking about the incident. Those smells reminds her about that night, the terrible night. She closes her eyes, trying to erase the haunted memory, the smells that linger around her weak body, the throbbing pain she needs to endure inside and out. A weak voices that she could only mumble, waiting for her time to come. Desperately hoping her world will end, leave far away from the reality. A tear escaped from her tightly shut eyes, holding up her sobbing noise, afraid Daehyun will hear from outside. Israel rub her face and take a deep breath. * I better go to sleep, I can't overwork myself too much. * She lay on the bed and cover her body with the thick comforter, after switch off the lamp she closes her eyes, slowly fall sleep.

Heart beats faster than usual, breath become shorter than usual. Iseul shoot open her eyes and stare into the darkness that surround her room for a moment. A cold sweat on her forehead, her body is trembling with a weak hand, she reaches out for the lamp switch. She switches on the lamp and the darkness disappear, leaving out the room with a bright light. She looks around, after making sure she is alone in the room, she heave out a sigh. * I'm alone, I'm safe, and we are safe here. * After having a bad dream makes her body feel more tired than what she feels before sleep. Iseul is trying to get a sleep again, her right hand reaches out for the lamp switch, after a few second switch off the lamp, she feels like someone are staring at her in the darkness. She switches on the lamp. * Maybe it's better to not switch off the lamp. *

She shut her eyes off trying to get some sleep with the light from the lamp light out her room. She finds it hard to sleep in the bright room, she keeps on tossing around. She feels tired, her body feels weak, she wants to sleep, but her body did not listen to her. The needle of the clock is moving same goes to the time. Second to minutes and minutes to an hour, she still cannot get any sleep. She keeps on staring the room wall, not sure when she falls into sleep what she know is she woke up in the morning feels tired.

'' I wish I can sleep more.'' She mumbles while her eyes still close. A knocking sound at the door follow by Daehyun voices.

" Iseul, breakfast is ready.'' She sighs, gather all energy that left in her body, she uncovers her body from the thick comforter, slowly get up from her bed and walks to the bathroom. After a warm shower and get ready into a warm clothes which she have a trouble to zip up the pants before change it to a knee length skirt, she walks out of her room to the kitchen. Daehyun is waiting for her, he to immerse with the newspaper on his hands to notice Iseul.

" Good morning, Daehyun-shi."

" Morning Iseul.'' He puts down the newspaper and look up, he gasp.

" Iseul, what happens to you? You don't look good. Are you still having a morning sickness?''

" Don't worry, I'm good.''

'' You can take a leave today and rest at home.''

'' No, I'm going to work today, I won't take a leave.''

‘’ In case you still don’t realise it, I’m a good person and I being a good boss too. I won’t force my workers to work when they’re not feeling well, include you. So today, you may rest at home.’’

‘’ Boss, I’m good and I’m going to work today.’’ Iseul put a smile on her face trying to convince Daehyun.

‘’ Sit down and eat your breakfast.’’ In the end Daehyun have to agree with Iseul. Done with their breakfast, Iseul gather all the dish and start to clean up the kitchen and dishes.

‘’ Are you going to wear that skirt today?’’ Daehyun ask while looking at Iseul, she stands in front of the sink, turn around to look at Daehyun.

‘’ This is the only thing that I can fit on.’’ Daehyun smiles.

‘’ What’s with the smile on your face?’’

‘’ I think we need to do some shopping.’’

‘’ Shopping? We already have our food stock up and it enough until two more weeks.’’ She turns around and continue with the dishes.


That evening while Iseul doing her works, Daehyun come and stands beside her.

‘’ Let’s go, Iseul.’’

‘’ Huh? Go where?’’

‘’ Shopping.’’

‘’ I’m working and it’s not the end of work time yet.’’

‘’ Of course I know that, but today is an exception. You will come with me, it’s important.’’

‘’ May I know what is more important than finish my works here?’’

‘’Aunt Sung Ah, me and Iseul will leave early today.’’ Daehyun half shout to Aunt Sung Ah, his voices attract attention of other workers too. Luckily, there are only two customers in the restaurant.

‘’ What are you doing?’’ She said in a lower voice, she can see most of the worker look at her strangely. Who doesn’t curious when Iseul, mostly spend her time with their boss, come and leave from work together. Of course other workers will get curious about them, but none of the workers have ever asked Iseul about her relationship with Daehyun.

‘’ Let’s go, I will wait for you in the car.’’ He walks away left Iseul with no choice but to follow him. She takes her bag from the staff room and walks out of the restaurant while trying to ignore many eyes that follow her. In the car, both of them in silent, none of them trying to break silent until they arrive at the shopping mall. Again Iseul quietly follow Daehyun closely from behind. They stop in front of a boutique, to be clear, it’s a maternity boutique. Iseul looks up to Daehyun, he gives her a smile.

‘’ I think it’s time for us to buy you a new clothes, your old clothes won’t fit you anymore.’’ He says and point at Iseul slightly visible baby bump.

‘’ Is it too obvious?’’

‘’ What?’’

‘’ My baby bump.’’

‘’ Oh, not really, I guess people will have hard time to notice it, but not me.’’

‘’ Huh, why?’’

‘’ Because I know you are pregnant, other people might think that you have baby belly.’’ Iseul smile, she knows that he only joking around.

‘’ Come Iseul, let’s go inside.’’ They enter the boutique, a girl approaches them with a sweet smile.

‘’ Welcome, may I help you.’’

‘’ We are looking for maternity clothes for 4 months pregnant lady over here.’’ Daehyun gives a look to Iseul, her eyes busy looking around the boutique.

‘’ Oh you don’t look like 4 months pregnant madam.’’ That girl says with a smile that still on her lips.

* So, I am 4 months pregnant.*

‘’ See I told you, people won’t know you’re pregnant.’’

‘’ Is it too small?’’ Iseul asks the salesgirl, her voices sound worried while touching her baby bump.

‘’ Don’t worry, small doesn’t mean your baby not healthy. Sometimes a certain woman tends to have a small baby bump, it’s cute anyway. I guess this is your first pregnancy, am I right, sir?’’

‘’ Yeah, first baby.’’ Daehyun answers confidently without hesitating.

‘’ Congratulation, why not both of you sit on the couch first while I bring the clothes.’’ She points to the green couch in the middle of the boutique. Iseul and Daehyun sit on the couch waiting for the girls.

After a few moments, the sales girl comes with her both hands full with a clothes. Iseul follows her to the dressing room to trying out the clothes, in the end she has just pick one pants, one dress and one long shirt. When she comes out, Daehyun look at her with a question.

‘’ That’s all?’’ Iseul just nodding her head. Daehyun standing up from the couch and walks to the sales girl with a clothes on her hand. He takes three dresses, a long skirt, a pants and three more blousees from the sales girl hand.

‘’ We take all this for now and more when her belly grows bigger.’’

‘’ Okay, I will pack these.’’ She puts other clothes on the rack and come back to get all the clothes from Daehyun and Iseul. After the girls leave, Iseul speaks to Daehyun in a low voice.

'’ That’s too much, it must be expensive.’’ Daehyun ignore her and walks to the cashier counter. Iseul follows Daehyun from behind, she mentally gasps when she looks at the price, what makes her more surprise when Daehyun pay it with his own card.

‘’ Thank you and come again.’’ The sale girl says and hand the paper bag to Daehyun.

‘’ Of course we will come again, thank you.’’ Iseul slightly nod, she heads to the sales girl as thank you act.


They walk out of the boutique side by side, Iseul open her mouths to speak but was cut by Daehyun.

‘’ Don’t ever think to pay me back, it’s my treat.’’

‘’ But, it’s too much, too expensive.’’

‘’ Don’t worry, if one day I go broke because of you I will claim from Yongguk Hyung to pay me back.’’ Iseul slightly laugh over his words.

‘’ It’s good to see you like this, smile, laugh and be happy. The only thing that you need to recover is being energetic then perfect, we will get our old Iseul back. Don’t push yourself, slowly, we will be waiting for it, take your time as much as you want.’’ She looks at Daehyun face, he looks genuine with those words. Somehow, Iseul feels more comfortable and safe when she heard it, now she knows that she not alone in this journey, she has her oppa and Daehyun, the only guy she can put her trust and be close to. From a friend to Yongguk slowly become a guy she can rely to, a guy to protect her and might be a close friend too. Unbelievable, but it has slowly become a real thing.




p/s I am sorry for not being able to update as much as I want. Currently, I am working on my Final Year Project so I have so limited time to focus on this story, but I will try to find the time. Thank you for keeping waiting my update.







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Finally the story is out


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jmayo81 #1
Chapter 18: No worries on when you're able to update! School 1st!! This was a sad & sweet chapter, I knew eventually she'd need maternity clothes. Daehyun was so sweet to make sure she was taken care of. But my heart was so sad for her & the nightmares, hopefully she'll tell Daehyun soon, so he can help her feel safer, especially at home. Thank you for updating!
megoo1427 #2
Chapter 18: thanks for the update..... And all the best on your fyp...
jmayo81 #3
Chapter 17: Poor baby!! She recognized the smell, which makes me think that sicko is following her? I hope she opens up & tells Daehyun. He can’t help her if he doesn’t know. Thank you for the update.
jmayo81 #4
Chapter 16: Awww, she got permission from her brother! I love that she made him promise not to scold Daehyun 1st! Well, I have a feeling that Yongguk will show up, to make sure. Haha, but Iseul & Daehyun are warming up to one another, cute chapter, thank you for updating!
jmayo81 #5
Chapter 15: I had a feeling he was going to have her work for him. He’s just too sweet, and clearly he’s getting a soft spot for her, so he’d naturally be sad if she mentioned leaving. I’m excited to see what happens next! Thank you for updating!
jmayo81 #6
Chapter 14: Awww, Daehyun’s so sweet. His cologne bothered her, so he took a shower to make sure she didn’t throw up again. I love how she’s opening up to him, in no time, she’ll trust him to take her out of the house, but him scolding her for doing chores was too sweet! Thank you for updating!
megoo1427 #7
Chapter 15: Thanks for the update.... Gonna wait for the next chap...
jmayo81 #8
Chapter 4: Wait.....what?...what kind of mother does that!? Wow
jmayo81 #9
Chapter 1: New to the story, but a I have to say the 1st chapter has my mind swirling. I’m looking forward to seeing how this develops.
megoo1427 #10
Chapter 14: Thanks for the update...