I keep blinking my eyes as the sun shines through the thin curtain, I look around, this is not my room, I look down to the dark blue blanket, this is not mine. I get up from the bed, I have a light headache, maybe I cried too much last night. I feel nausea and quickly run to the bathroom, I throw up, but nothing is out from my mouth, my lower abdomen feels tense. I take my toothbrush and some toothpaste, brushing my teeth. The mint taste makes me feel better. I wash my face with the cold water from the tap. I look up to the mirror seeing my own reflection, I look terrible with a swollen eye, a pale face and I did lose some weight. I drag my feet to leave the bathroom, as soon as I walk out of the bathroom, my eyes met his back. He draws the curtain and letting the sun shining fully in the room. He turns to me and flash his sweet smile.

  '' Good morning, Iseul.''

I just nod my head slightly.


  '' I've already make a breakfast for both of us. You want me to serve your breakfast in the room or you want to join me in the kitchen? I think it's better we eat in the kitchen. You can't lock yourself in the room anymore. By the way this is my house, you better listen to me. From now on, whenever it's time to eat, you will join me in the kitchen and you should spend some time in the living room too instead of being in the room. I heard Yongguk hyung told me that you refuse to walk out of your room, you can do that if you're still in your parents house, but here, it's no. Absolutely no. I want you walk around instead of lying on the bed. You can watch television, reading a magazine and if you need anything just tell me. I'll be at home with you, so you don't need to worry, I'll make sure you're safe here. About your clothes, I've told Yongguk hyung to bring it here, he will come to visit you today, but I'm not sure what time he will arrive.''

He talks too much, but his hand works on tidying my bed. He still talking even though I didn't join his conversation. After he finish tidying the bed, he turns to me with a proud smile.

  '' From now, you have to listen to my words because I'm your guardian. Enough with talking, let's go, we need to eat before the food cools down.''

He left the room, leaving me dumbfound. My guardian?

  '' Come on, Iseul.'' His voice wakes me from my thought.

I look at the door, he's not there, maybe in the kitchen. I walk to the kitchen, the house bright with the sunlight shine in the house, I feel a cold breeze on my skin, my eyes immediately dart to the big window on the balcony, the window is open, the cold wind makes the curtain fly slightly. Somehow this makes me feel fresh.

  '' You may stand on the balcony, but before that, you need to finish your breakfast. Sit here.'' He pulls one of the chair gesture me to sit. I take a seat on the chair. In front of me there's a glass of warm milk, two pancakes with a butter and honey also a mushroom soup.

  '' Dig in.'' He says.

I take the warm glass, before it touch my lips, he warns me.

  '' Careful, drink slowly.''

I take a sip of the warm milk before spoon up the mushroom soup, but the smell of the soup makes me stop. Suddenly I feel nausea, I cover my nose, put down the spoon and push the bowl away from me.

  '' What's wrong with that? '' He takes the soup and smell it.

  '' Nothing is wrong with this soup. You don't want to eat this.''

I shake my head, he brings the bowl to the kitchen counter and place it beside the sink. He takes a seat in his chair. I continue to eat, I don't know why, but I feel like my appetite is coming back to me. I finish my pancakes and a glass of milk. I never eat this much when I'm still in my house. I take the plate and glass to the sink before I could wash the plate, he stops me.

  '' Let me do it.''

I'm hesitant since he has already done a lot for me.

  '' It's okay, let me wash the dish, you can sit in the living room.''

I turn my gaze from the plate in my hand to him. He stands beside the dining table give me a assure smile. I put down the plate and walks into the living room. It's not a big living room, but it still comfy for a small family. I walk around the living room, my step stop in front of the balcony, the wind and the sun attract me to step out to the balcony, but I worry, at the same time I still scare to the outside life. I just see the bright sky from inside of the house.

  '' Go.''

I turn my gaze to the voice, he's standing there with a vacuum in his hand.

  '' Go out, stand on the balcony. I know you want it, don't worry, you won't fall to the ground.'' He let out his silly laugh.

He plugs in the vacuum and start doing his work. I take a step towards the balcony, I close my eyes as I stand at the center of the balcony, feeling the wind and let the sun bath my skin with the warmness. I close my eyes for a few minutes before I slowly open my eyes. I look at the road in front of the apartment building, the road is busy with a car, maybe it's time for them to go to work. Truthfully, I don't know what day is today, since I keep myself from the outside world, I completely don't know what is happening around me, I'm just in my own world. I turn around to see what is he doing, he has done with vacuuming, now he is organizing the magazine, place it to the shelves. He does a house chores very well for a guy. I just keep looking at him.

  '' Impress with me? A guy who can do a house chore perfectly like a housewife?''

How he knows? He looks up to me and smiles.

  '' Maybe you don't know, but I already live alone for a long time. I lost my mother when I'm still a kid. I grew up with my father. There's no one will do the house chore while my father at the restaurant, so I take the role as a housewife in this house. I do every job in this house. Well, you can say that my future wife is lucky to have me as her husband.''

Yes, I agree with that, but he just full of himself. He looks like he loves to praise himself.

  '' Where is Yongguk hyung? He says he will come today. I should call him.''

He walks to his room, I'm alone in the living room, I just keep standing on the balcony, I'm looking around the apartment building, it's had many facilities here. It's not such a bad place to live. I guess this is where I should live from today.



Yongguk walks down from the stairs, he stops for in a moment, his eyes are looking for someone. He stops one of his maid who is walking in front of him.

  '' Where's nanny?''

  '' She's in the kitchen.''

He nods his head and walk to the kitchen. When he found her, he gives nanny a hug from back.

  '' Nanny.'' He calls with his deep voices.

  '' Oh, Yongguk-ah.''

  '' I miss you.''

Nanny lets out her laugh.

  '' I just go back to my hometown for a 3 days, but you already miss me. How I'm going to leave you and Iseul here. I think I have to spend my old days with you both.''

  '' Nanny, I have something to tell you.''

  '' What is it?''

  '' Not here, let's talk in your room.''

They walk into Nanny room, Yongguk close the door and bring her to sit on the bed.

  '' Nanny, I want to talk about Iseul. She fainted last night.''

  '' What? How's she?''

  '' Wait, let me finish my words. She fainted and we call the doctor and after he examined her, he told us that Iseul is pregnant. 3 weeks. We're shocked, but omma decision makes me disappointed in her. She chases Iseul out from our house, but you don't need to worry because she's currently at my friend's house and she's fine.''

  '' Oh my god, this is not right, she shouldn't do that.''

  '' I know, she's totally insane. Nanny, please don't let her know where's Iseul now. Please keep this as our secret.''

Nanny nods her head while wipes a tear in the corner of her eyes.

  '' What she've done to be treated like this.''

  '' Nanny, I'm going to visit her today.''

  '' Bring me with you, Yongguk-ah.''

  '' I will, but not today. I will find a right time for us to go there. Can you help me pack some of her clothes?''

  '' Yes, of course.''

  '' Good, thank you nanny.''

Yongguk hugs her, Nanny pat his head lovingly.

  '' I love you both like my own kids. Remember, Yongguk, I will always be here for you both. Now, you go take your breakfast while I pack her clothes.''

Nanny gives a kiss on his cheek before walking out of the room. Yongguk sighs and leave the room, going to the kitchen.









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Finally the story is out


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jmayo81 #1
Chapter 18: No worries on when you're able to update! School 1st!! This was a sad & sweet chapter, I knew eventually she'd need maternity clothes. Daehyun was so sweet to make sure she was taken care of. But my heart was so sad for her & the nightmares, hopefully she'll tell Daehyun soon, so he can help her feel safer, especially at home. Thank you for updating!
megoo1427 #2
Chapter 18: thanks for the update..... And all the best on your fyp...
jmayo81 #3
Chapter 17: Poor baby!! She recognized the smell, which makes me think that sicko is following her? I hope she opens up & tells Daehyun. He can’t help her if he doesn’t know. Thank you for the update.
jmayo81 #4
Chapter 16: Awww, she got permission from her brother! I love that she made him promise not to scold Daehyun 1st! Well, I have a feeling that Yongguk will show up, to make sure. Haha, but Iseul & Daehyun are warming up to one another, cute chapter, thank you for updating!
jmayo81 #5
Chapter 15: I had a feeling he was going to have her work for him. He’s just too sweet, and clearly he’s getting a soft spot for her, so he’d naturally be sad if she mentioned leaving. I’m excited to see what happens next! Thank you for updating!
jmayo81 #6
Chapter 14: Awww, Daehyun’s so sweet. His cologne bothered her, so he took a shower to make sure she didn’t throw up again. I love how she’s opening up to him, in no time, she’ll trust him to take her out of the house, but him scolding her for doing chores was too sweet! Thank you for updating!
megoo1427 #7
Chapter 15: Thanks for the update.... Gonna wait for the next chap...
jmayo81 #8
Chapter 4: Wait.....what?...what kind of mother does that!? Wow
jmayo81 #9
Chapter 1: New to the story, but a I have to say the 1st chapter has my mind swirling. I’m looking forward to seeing how this develops.
megoo1427 #10
Chapter 14: Thanks for the update...