It's already 2 months since Iseul come and stay with Daehyun, Iseul become more positive with her life. One night, she walks into the living room where Daehyun focus on his work. She sits on the couch beside Daehyun, he glances at her before look back at his laptop. '' I have something to tell you.''

'' What is it?'' His eyes still on the screen.

'' I want to work, I don't want to stay at home anymore.'' She decides to work because she knows that she can't stay in this house forever. She wants to work, find money to support her life and the little baby that soon will be born into this world.

Her words make Daehyun turn his focus on her.

'' Why? Are you bored? Should we go on vacation?''

'' No, I'm not bored. I just want to find my own money and find a home for me and my baby. I know I can't stay here forever, I have to learn how to be independent.''

'' How you want to work, you are pregnant and in this state you will easily feel tired.''

'' I will be fine. Don't worry.''

'' Why not you start working after you give birth?''

She gives him a faint smile.

'' No, I plan to rent a house before my baby born.''

Not sure why, but Daehyun heart aches when she said that. Maybe he already used with her living under a same roof with him. He looks at her face, he can see she won't back away from her decision.

'' Fine, if that's what you want, but promise me you will listen to me.''

'' Huh? What do you mean?''

'' You will be working at my restaurant. It will be easier for me to check on you if anything happen.''

'' But-'' She tries to protest, but Daehyun cut her words.

'' No, there is no but. Now go to sleep tomorrow you will come with me.''

'' Okay.''

She gets up from the couch and walks to her room. Daehyun voice makes she stops in front of her bedroom.

'' Iseul, I am sorry, but please understand my situation. I do this for you.'' She just nods her head and enter her room without a word. Daehyun heave a heavy sigh. Turn back his focus on his work.


The journey to Daehyun restaurant is in silence, none of them trying to break the silence. 20 minutes drive feels like 1 hours drive to Daehyun. Sometimes, he secretly looks at her face, her face doesn't show any reaction.

*Is she mad at me?*

The honk sound of the car behind his awake him from the deep thought. The red light has already turned to green light, he steps on the accelerator, his car starts to move again, after a few minutes drive, they finally arrive at the restaurant. They get out of the car, Iseul eyes looking around the restaurant. Above the main door, a signboard written 'Jung Taste'. The restaurant only has a few customers enjoying their food.

'' This is my family restaurant, since it still early, so there are not many customers yet. Let's go, let's meet with my worker.''

Iseul follows Daehyun to the main door of the restaurant, the smell of foods surround the restaurant, it makes Iseul feel hungry since she did not eat a breakfast yet. This morning after Daehyun wake her from sleep, they get ready and straight go to the restaurant. An old lady greets them from behind the cashier counter, her short perm hair makes she looks cute.
'' Good morning, son.''

'' Good morning, aunt.'' Daehyun reply with his cute smile. They look close to each other.

'' May I know who is the beautiful lady beside you?'' Her smile still on her face. Israel bows her head and greet the old lady.

'' My name is Iseul, aunt.''

'' She is-'' He looks at Iseul face and pause a bit.

'' She is-?'' The old lady seems can't wait his answer.

'' My friend.'' He continues, somehow he feels hard to say the words.

'' Oh, friend.'' The old lady seems a bit disappointed over his answer.

'' I'm hungry, can I have my breakfast, aunt?''

'' Oh dear, of course. Have a seat, I will come back with your breakfast. A breakfast for you too, young lady?'' Iseul hesitated to answer her question.

'' Yes, two sets.'' Daehyun said.

Iseul follows Daehyun take a seat at the table near the kitchen area.
'' That aunt Sungah, she is my mother best friend. She has been working here since the first day this restaurant starts its business, even before I was born. After my parents died, she takes care of me like I am her biological son. Now, she is the manager for my restaurant. Since you will be working here, so I think you will be a big help for aunt Sungah.''

Aunt Sungah come to their table with a breakfast.
'' Come join us, aunt.''

'' No, it's okay, I already ate my breakfast.'' She declines Daehyun offer, but he grabs her hand makes her sit beside him.

'' I have something to tell you. Iseul will be working here starting today. She will help you to manage this restaurant. So, I hope you can teach her, I know you are tired to help me handle this restaurant alone. Now it's the time for you to rest a bit and let Iseul do the job.''

'' Oh, okay, I will teach her.''

'' Great, but aunt please don't let her do heavy work, no lifting heavy things.''

'' Why? She looks strong and young enough to help-''

'' No aunt, I will tell you later, not now.'' Daehyun cuts her words.

'' Okay, go ahead, eat your breakfast before its cool.''

'' Thank you, aunt Sungah.''

'' Welcome, son.'' She pats Daehyun head before walking off from the table disappear into the kitchen.

'' You heard that Iseul, don't lift any heavy things or do any heavy work. Don't working in the kitchen.''

'' Why not?''

'' Because the floor sometimes slippery. If you feel hungry just ask for a staff in the kitchen through that small window.'' He points at the small window on the wall that separate the kitchen and dining area.

'' Ask them a food. Did you bring your vitamins with you.''

'' Yes.''

'' Good, don't forget to eat your vitamins and don't you ever skip meals.''

'' Okay, but will you tell aunt Sungah about my condition?''

'' I have to, but not the all story. Especially your pregnancy, because you can't hide your growing belly. Am I right?''

'' Yes, you are right.''

'' Now, eat. Baby must be hungry.'' A smile on Daehyun face makes Iseul heart soft. He is so kind to the point that she did not know how to repay all his kindness.






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Finally the story is out


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jmayo81 #1
Chapter 18: No worries on when you're able to update! School 1st!! This was a sad & sweet chapter, I knew eventually she'd need maternity clothes. Daehyun was so sweet to make sure she was taken care of. But my heart was so sad for her & the nightmares, hopefully she'll tell Daehyun soon, so he can help her feel safer, especially at home. Thank you for updating!
megoo1427 #2
Chapter 18: thanks for the update..... And all the best on your fyp...
jmayo81 #3
Chapter 17: Poor baby!! She recognized the smell, which makes me think that sicko is following her? I hope she opens up & tells Daehyun. He can’t help her if he doesn’t know. Thank you for the update.
jmayo81 #4
Chapter 16: Awww, she got permission from her brother! I love that she made him promise not to scold Daehyun 1st! Well, I have a feeling that Yongguk will show up, to make sure. Haha, but Iseul & Daehyun are warming up to one another, cute chapter, thank you for updating!
jmayo81 #5
Chapter 15: I had a feeling he was going to have her work for him. He’s just too sweet, and clearly he’s getting a soft spot for her, so he’d naturally be sad if she mentioned leaving. I’m excited to see what happens next! Thank you for updating!
jmayo81 #6
Chapter 14: Awww, Daehyun’s so sweet. His cologne bothered her, so he took a shower to make sure she didn’t throw up again. I love how she’s opening up to him, in no time, she’ll trust him to take her out of the house, but him scolding her for doing chores was too sweet! Thank you for updating!
megoo1427 #7
Chapter 15: Thanks for the update.... Gonna wait for the next chap...
jmayo81 #8
Chapter 4: Wait.....what?...what kind of mother does that!? Wow
jmayo81 #9
Chapter 1: New to the story, but a I have to say the 1st chapter has my mind swirling. I’m looking forward to seeing how this develops.
megoo1427 #10
Chapter 14: Thanks for the update...