Today is the third day Iseul is living in Daehyun house. He wakes earlier than usual, he gets out of his bed and stretching his body while walking to the bathroom. After washing up, Daehyun decides to stop at Iseul room before going to the kitchen and make a breakfast. He opens the door carefully, his eyes met with Iseul eyes. It's looking like they both awake earlier today.

  '' Oh, good morning.'' Daehyun greets her with a sheepish smile.

Iseul gets up from the bed in less than 10 second, she almost bangs her head on the headboard, her hands work on her hair trying to fix her bed hair. Her acts make Daehyun giggles, Iseul trying to avoid from met his eyes.

  '' You want anything for breakfast?''

Daehyun knows that she won't answer him, but he won't stop from trying. Who knows that one day she will answer him. Instead of nodding or shaking her head, Iseul cover and run to the bathroom. Daehyun froze in his spot until the sound of water running in the bathroom, snap him from the shock. He walks to the bathroom and seeing Iseul throw up, her face turns pale, her right hand keep on clutching her stomach. Daehyun in a daze, don't know what to do and what happen to her. Daehyun keep eyeing Iseul with his mouth slightly open.


      ! She's pregnant. How come I can forget about this.


The thought hit him, now he knows what is wrong with Iseul. He comes closer to Iseul, she's feeling weak, her knees starting to feel jelly, she's washing her face, but stop when she feel a hand on her arm. Daehyun stands beside her with his hand on her arm to support Iseul. She's back away from him and stumble a bit, Daehyun catch her arm again.

  '' Please, Iseul. Let me help you.''

Daehyun can feel Iseul body tense up.

  '' Please.'' He whispers, slowly Iseul become to relax again. Daehyun takes a small towel on the shelves, her eyes never leaving him. He wipes Iseul face gently and support her back, Daehyun touches make her flinch, but Daehyun assure her that he won't do anything bad to her. She's followed Daehyun to her bed, tucks her in the bed.

  '' Take a good rest. I'll come back with your breakfast.''

Iseul snuggle to her thick blanket trying to get some rest, she feels tired after throwing up. It didn't take a much time before she drifted to a dreamland again.


Daehyun leans on the kitchen counter with his phone in his hand. He hesitates to call Yongguk. His eyes darted to the boiling chicken soup in the pot, a soup for Iseul. His eyes turn again to the phone in his hand, he sighs and dialing the number.

  '' Hello.'' Yongguk grumpy voices on the line.

  '' Hyung, I need your family doctor number.''

  '' For what purpose? Is she sick?''

  '' No, she's fine. I just want to take her to the doctor. Just give me the number.''

  '' Okay, I'll send to you.''

  '' Thanks, hyung.''

Daehyun hang up before Yongguk can attack him with a million question.

After a moment, his phone vibrate, the contact number of the doctor show up on the phone screen along Yongguk message.

What's wrong?

Daehyun knows he can't ignore the message, Yongguk will furious if he didn't reply. His fingers dancing on the keypad replying Yongguk question.

Don't worry, keep trusting me, hyung.

Sending the message and make a call to the number he just receive, Daehyun turn off the stove, his right hands busy handling the breakfast while his left hand waiting for the other line to pick up the call. After the fourth ringing, there's a voice on the other line.

  '' Hello, Dr Lee speaks.''

  '' Hello Dr Lee, I'm Daehyun, friend of Yongguk.''

  '' Oh, yes. Anything I can help?''

  '' Actually, I want to take Iseul to your clinic for the check-up.''

  '' Oh, right, yeah. How is she?''

  '' She's fine.''

  '' Good. How about in the afternoon? Maybe around 12 p.m. come to my clinic.''

  '' If you say so, we will come this afternoon.''

  '' I will send you my address.''

  '' Thank you, Dr Lee. See you later.''

He hangs up the call, one thing is done now just left a problem with Iseul. Daehyun sighs, I need to bring her out, he thought. Carefully, he walks to Iseul room with a tray of food on his hands, he knocks, the door before entering, Iseul on the bed with her eyes close. He places the tray on the small table, he takes a seat beside her lying body, his finger moving up to Iseul face pulling away the hair that cover her face. He gently moves his finger, afraid it will disturb her sleep. Unfortunately, Iseul can sense someone's presence beside her, she opens her eyes and found Daehyun smiling to her. She quickly gets up and this time she did hit the back of her head on the headboard.

  '' Woo, slow down. It's not like I will hurt you.''

Iseul blinking her eyes, her hands pull the blanket to cover her body. He can see that Iseul startled with his action.

  '' Iseul.'' Daehyun hand, trying to pull away the blanket from her cause her to whimper.

  '' Take your breakfast.''

Iseul becomes relaxed and let Daehyun pull away the blanket when she realise that he just want to give her breakfast. He places the tray on her lap and waiting for Iseul to finish her breakfast patiently. His eyes never stop staring Iseul, he glad that she still want to eat. Well, at least there's some improvement. She needs to eat more, since she carries a baby in her womb. After she finishes with her breakfast, she looks up to Daehyun, he takes the tray from her laps, put back on the small table. He clears his throat and look into her eyes.

  '' I have something to tell you.''

He waits for Iseul reaction, she stills remains the same. He continues his words.

  '' I think you're already aware about your pregnancy, today I want to take you to the clinic. I have already made an appointment for you.''

He thought Iseul will agree with him, but Iseul shake her head vigorously.

  '' Why?''

The next thing makes Daehyun surprise, Iseul keeps hitting her stomach, a tear escape from her eyes.

  '' Iseul.'' Daehyun catches her hands, trying to stop her, she's trashing around her body trying to release from Daehyun grip.

  '' Iseul, calm down.''

He keeps trying to stop her, but she didn't. She even tries to run from Daehyun. Before her feet can reach the edge of the bed, a pair of a strong arm pulls her into an embrace. Daehyun hugs her from behind.

  '' Shh, Iseul. Relax.''

Iseul tries to loosen up Daehyun grip, but fail. In the end, she knows that her energy is nothing compared to Daehyun, she just keeps crying feels tired to fight with him. He makes she turns her body facing him. Gently, he cupped her face, making herself look at his face.

  '' I know why you are being like this. It's because you don't want the baby, am I right?''

Iseul nod her head.

  '' But, why? The baby is innocent.''

She pushes away Daehyun hand on her face, she's glare at him with her red eyes, but Daehyun unwavering with those glare. They keep staring each other eye for a moment, none of them want to break those stare.

  '' I know this is hard for you, but please I beg you, please don't kill the baby. Your own baby. Please don't let the anger own you. I know you have a kind heart, I don't want you to regret later. Please, Iseul. Please keep the baby. The baby needs you.''

Iseul turn her gaze to the bed sheet, Daehyun words lingering in her mind.

  '' If you worry the baby having no father, it's okay, I can be a godfather for your baby.''

Iseul shock with Daehyun, she looks at him, disbelief. As for Daehyun, he is also having a shock of his own words, but he didn't show it on his face. What are you doing, fool? Daehyun mentally scolding himself.

  '' So.. will you follow me to the clinic?''

Iseul is stubborn, she ignores Daehyun, keep her eyes on her toes.

  '' Enough with this, you will follow me this afternoon, whether you like it or not. I'm not begging you again and this is an order from me. Remember, your brother gives me his trust to take care of you.''

Daehyun look up at the clock on the wall, the arrow shows the time now. It's 8.15 a.m. It's still early for the appointment. He looks at the poor girl, he sighs, deep in his heart he feels sorry to Iseul. He has to force her if the soft way can't be used.

  '' I think you should take a shower. Go wash up.''

Being a good girl, Iseul get out of the bed and walk to the bathroom. She's stopped when Daehyun voice calls her.

  '' Don't do anything stupid.''

She nodded her head without turns to Daehyun.














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Finally the story is out


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jmayo81 #1
Chapter 18: No worries on when you're able to update! School 1st!! This was a sad & sweet chapter, I knew eventually she'd need maternity clothes. Daehyun was so sweet to make sure she was taken care of. But my heart was so sad for her & the nightmares, hopefully she'll tell Daehyun soon, so he can help her feel safer, especially at home. Thank you for updating!
megoo1427 #2
Chapter 18: thanks for the update..... And all the best on your fyp...
jmayo81 #3
Chapter 17: Poor baby!! She recognized the smell, which makes me think that sicko is following her? I hope she opens up & tells Daehyun. He can’t help her if he doesn’t know. Thank you for the update.
jmayo81 #4
Chapter 16: Awww, she got permission from her brother! I love that she made him promise not to scold Daehyun 1st! Well, I have a feeling that Yongguk will show up, to make sure. Haha, but Iseul & Daehyun are warming up to one another, cute chapter, thank you for updating!
jmayo81 #5
Chapter 15: I had a feeling he was going to have her work for him. He’s just too sweet, and clearly he’s getting a soft spot for her, so he’d naturally be sad if she mentioned leaving. I’m excited to see what happens next! Thank you for updating!
jmayo81 #6
Chapter 14: Awww, Daehyun’s so sweet. His cologne bothered her, so he took a shower to make sure she didn’t throw up again. I love how she’s opening up to him, in no time, she’ll trust him to take her out of the house, but him scolding her for doing chores was too sweet! Thank you for updating!
megoo1427 #7
Chapter 15: Thanks for the update.... Gonna wait for the next chap...
jmayo81 #8
Chapter 4: Wait.....what?...what kind of mother does that!? Wow
jmayo81 #9
Chapter 1: New to the story, but a I have to say the 1st chapter has my mind swirling. I’m looking forward to seeing how this develops.
megoo1427 #10
Chapter 14: Thanks for the update...