Should I go see her? Is she okay now? Daehyun restless in his office, his gaze are fixed on the new menu, but not his mind. A knock on his door catch his attention. Junhong open the door with a bright smile plastered on his face.

  '' Oh, you're here.''

  '' Hyung, let's eat.''

Daehyun shake his head,

  '' Later.''

  '' It's not like you.'' Junhong shows his suspicious face.

  '' What Junhong-ah? Go eat and do your work. I've something important to do.''

  '' What is it about? You will give us a bonus?''

  '' Maybe, but not for a part-timer like you. If you have done here, please leaving. Don't forget to close the door.''

Junhong walks out with a pout, he's a part-timer in Daehyun restaurant, after he finishes with his school, he will come here to work. It's not a big restaurant, but this is the only wealth and memory that his parents leave for him. His parents build this restaurant before they're married and unfortunately, when he is 5 years old, his mother passes away because of cancer. His father had to work hard to support his only son, Daehyun. His father only gives the best for him, he grows up in a good surrounding, study at a famous school, enter a great college, but again he was tested by God, right before he graduate, he loses his father from high fever. His father suffering a high fever for 3 weeks. In the mean time, Daehyun need to handle their restaurant, his study also his sick father. He almost quit his study, but his father forbids him. He wants Daehyun complete his study and take over their family restaurant. In the morning before he goes to college, he will cook for his sick father, prepared everything for him, in the evening he will be in the restaurant and at night he will stay beside his father, he will do everything he could for his father. When his father passes away, he doesn't regret it at all, because he knows that his father are proud of him. The last word that his father says before he heave his last breath is that he feel lucky to have a good son like Daehyun. After his father passes away, Daehyun struggling in his life. Luckily, he still has his friends beside him. They never leave Daehyun alone, even though sometime Daehyun did feel annoyed with them, but they are always ignoring it and will be clingy to him. There's not a day without them.

Daehyun continues his works on arranging a new menu for his restaurant. While he's focusing on his works, the door of his office is open by someone, without taking a look at the person, he sighs, he knows who is the person that will come to his office without knocking first.

  '' What's up, Youngjae-ah?''

  '' How do you know it's me?''

  '' Because you're the only one who don't know how to knock the door first. What do you want?''

Youngjae take a seat on the couch, slowly he places his foot on the coffee table with his naughty smile hanging on his lips.

  '' The table for a coffee not your foot, put it down, Youngjae.'' Daehyun says without taking a look at Youngjae, he knows Youngjae doing it purposely, because he tries to get his attention.

  '' Yah, can you look at me once? I'm your guest, this is how you treat your guest?''

Daehyun turn his gaze from the paper to Youngjae for a few second before focusing on the paper again.

  '' Yahh, Daehyun.'' Youngjae whines.

  '' Let me correct you, you're indeed the guest, but this is not the right time to accept any guest. I'm busy Youngjae. What makes you come here today? Aren't you supposed to practice? I wonder whether Yongguk hyung knows that you skip the practice.''

Youngjae smile sheepishly,

  '' Please Daehyun don't tell him that I skip the practice. Actually, I come here to deliver Himchan hyung message.''

  '' What message?''

  '' He's planning to go to the Yongguk hyung house tonight since it's already a week since our last visit Iseul. You want to join us?''

  '' Why not? I join.''


It's going to be raining tonight, Daehyun thought as he gets out of his car, Junhong sighs, Daehyun looks at him with a frown.

  '' Why Junhong-ah?''

  '' Hyung, this night reminds me of that night. A terrible night.'' He says while looking up to the sky.

  '' Let's go, they're waiting for us.''

He takes a lead to Yongguk house door, the silence in the house make him feel curious, the living room is empty, none of his friends are there, weird, because Himchan car are park at outside, they must be here.

  '' Maybe they at upstairs, Iseul room.''

Daehyun nodded his head and follow Junhong from behind walks to upstairs. Junhong is right, they indeed at upstairs, but what with their face. Yongguk hyung is restless, he keeps pacing in front of Iseul room. Mrs Bang just stands there without any emotion. What is happening? Daehyun walks to Himchan side.

  '' What's wrong, hyung?'' He whispers in a low voice.

  '' Iseul fainted.'' He's mumbling, but clear enough for Daehyun to understand it. They're waiting in front of her room for a while, Junhong come stand beside Daehyun and whisper,

  '' Hyung, what if she's pregnant?''

  '' Junhong, watch your words.'' Daehyun glare at him. He just shrugs his shoulder with a pout.

Mrs Bang looks at Daehyun and Junhong with her cold eyes, wondering what those kids talk about. The door of Iseul room open and the nurse let them in. They enter the room, Yongguk rush to Iseul side, he's lean on the headboard while hugging her knees, she looks scared. Her lips trembling, her eyes on her blanket, didn't dare to look up. Mrs Bang takes a seat on the couch, the doctor gathers all his things and cleared his throat, he hesitates with his own words. He's afraid that Mrs Bang can't accept his diagnosis.

  '' Mrs Bang, I hope you can keep calm this is not what we all want. I also pray hard that this day won't come, but unfortunately we can't control our own fate. Iseul is pregnant, 3 weeks.'' He says with a sight. The news makes everyone in the room in shock. Yongguk face turn to pale.

  '' What? She's pregnant?''

Mrs Bang abruptly get up from her seat, her eyes widened, her gaze turns to the poor girls, who is now sobbing her tears.

  '' I hope you can bring Iseul to my clinics, so I can do a full check-up. I'm done here, I'll be leaving now.'' He walks to the door, but stop and turn his gaze to Mrs Bang.

  '' Mrs Bang, I hope you won't make a decision that you will regret later.'' With that, he walks out of the room with his nurse trail behind him. Mrs Bang face turns to red from anger.

  '' I can't and I won't accept this in my house. You.'' She points her finger to Iseul.

  '' I want you to leave this house. Immediately.''

Her words make everyone look at her, disbelief.

  '' Omma.'' Yongguk shake his head can't believe that his mother can say something like that.

  '' I want you to leave.'' Mrs Bang still in her decision.

  '' You can't do that, omma. She's your daughter.''

  '' I said leave. Get out.'' Her voices make everyone flinch. With a weak step, Iseul get out of her bed, Yongguk trying to catch her hand, but Mrs Bang voice makes him stop.

  '' Yongguk, if you're trying to disobey me again, I won't let you married to the poor girl. I will cancel all of our agreement and you will get married to a girl I choose. So don't you dare to disobey me. Iseul from now on you're not a Bang's anymore. Get out from this house.''

  '' Omma.'' Yongguk shock.

Iseul quickly walk out of the house, leaving all behind. Yongguk trying to run towards her, but his mother stern voices keep stopping his steps.

  '' Omma, what're you doing? If appa still alive, I bet he will be very disappointed with you. You didn't deserve to be our mother.''

  '' Bang Yongguk, don't you dare to talk to me like that. I'm your mother.''

  '' Mother, your .'' Yongguk hiss. He tries to walk out of the room, but Himchan hold him.

  '' Don't worry, we will find her. You stay here.''

Yongguk trying to ignore him, but Himchan give him a assure smile with a pat on his shoulder. He knows that his friend will help him and won't disappoint him. They walk out of the room, leaving Yongguk and his mother.

  '' If anything happen to Iseul, I won't forgive you.'' He walks out of the room, leaving his mother dumbfound with his words. A threat words from his own son.


As they walk out of Yongguk house, the rain start to pour down, it's not a heavy rain, but they still worried about Iseul.

  '' I think we should go to a separate way, I will go with Junhong.''

Jongup drag Junhong with him into his car and drive away.

  '' I'll go with Himchan hyung.'' Youngjae follows Himchan to his cars, leaving Daehyun alone.

Daehyun run towards his car and leave the house, he drives in slow pace looking around the street, but there's no Iseul. He keeps driving on the same road to make sure she's not there. He stops at the side of the road, thinking where is the next road he should go. Should I go to that road? But, it's impossible. The road is dark, there's no one use that road at night. After a while, he decides to drive to that way, the road is dark, somehow the atmosphere did give a creepy vibe. He continues his search until he sees a girl figure under the big tree. He stops his car and get out of his car. He walks slowly towards that girl, he don't want to scare her.

  '' Iseul.'' He calls her name softly while approaching her. Her clothes are wet because of the rain, he can see that she's shivering. Daehyun walks to his car and take out his jacket, he puts the jacket on her shoulder to cover her cold body. His action makes her flinch and move away from him.

  '' Shh.. it's okay, it's me, Daehyun. I won't ever hurt you. Don't worry.''

Iseul raises her head slowly and look at Daehyun with her teary eyes. Daehyun give her a warm smile.

  '' You will be fine, Iseul.''

Daehyun take out his phone and call the others. After informing his friends, he looks at Iseul again. Her eyes still on Daehyun, never leave his face even when Daehyun are talking to his friends on the phone. Their gaze met, Daehyun can sense in her eyes that she still frightened.

  '' Are you still feeling cold?''

She just shakes her head and turn her gaze to the ground. They stay under the big tree, luckily the rain almost stop, there' no words between them. After a few minutes, the others arrive at the place where Iseul and Daehyun waiting in silence. Himchan rush towards them, he squats in front Iseul.

  '' Are you okay, Iseul?''

She just nods her head slightly, but her eyes look scare with Himchan. He back away a little.

  '' Don't worry, we won't harm you.''

  '' She needs a place to stay now. In this state, she won't be able to find herself a place.''

  '' Youngjae is right.'' Himchan sighs.

  '' But whose place? Most of us still living with our family and I can't bring her to my dorm.'' The maknaes just stand there in silence, let the hyung make a decision.

  '' I'll bring her to my house.'' Daehyun break the silence between them.

  '' Are you sure, Daehyun?''

  '' Yes, hyung. Well, I'm living alone, at least I don't have to face many questions from my family. If one of you bring her home, there will be many questions from your family. They will be curious, so I'll take her to my house, if she wants to.''

  '' She has to, she has nowhere to go.'' Yongjae pats Daehyun shoulder with a sighs.

  '' Iseul, you will go with Daehyun okay. You will stay at his house for now. Don't worry, he will take care of you. You don't need to be afraid of him, he's your oppa friend. Will you go with him?'' Himchan ask her.

Iseul look at Daehyun and look back at Himchan, in the end she just nods her head a little. Himchan smile in relief.













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Finally the story is out


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jmayo81 #1
Chapter 18: No worries on when you're able to update! School 1st!! This was a sad & sweet chapter, I knew eventually she'd need maternity clothes. Daehyun was so sweet to make sure she was taken care of. But my heart was so sad for her & the nightmares, hopefully she'll tell Daehyun soon, so he can help her feel safer, especially at home. Thank you for updating!
megoo1427 #2
Chapter 18: thanks for the update..... And all the best on your fyp...
jmayo81 #3
Chapter 17: Poor baby!! She recognized the smell, which makes me think that sicko is following her? I hope she opens up & tells Daehyun. He can’t help her if he doesn’t know. Thank you for the update.
jmayo81 #4
Chapter 16: Awww, she got permission from her brother! I love that she made him promise not to scold Daehyun 1st! Well, I have a feeling that Yongguk will show up, to make sure. Haha, but Iseul & Daehyun are warming up to one another, cute chapter, thank you for updating!
jmayo81 #5
Chapter 15: I had a feeling he was going to have her work for him. He’s just too sweet, and clearly he’s getting a soft spot for her, so he’d naturally be sad if she mentioned leaving. I’m excited to see what happens next! Thank you for updating!
jmayo81 #6
Chapter 14: Awww, Daehyun’s so sweet. His cologne bothered her, so he took a shower to make sure she didn’t throw up again. I love how she’s opening up to him, in no time, she’ll trust him to take her out of the house, but him scolding her for doing chores was too sweet! Thank you for updating!
megoo1427 #7
Chapter 15: Thanks for the update.... Gonna wait for the next chap...
jmayo81 #8
Chapter 4: Wait.....what?...what kind of mother does that!? Wow
jmayo81 #9
Chapter 1: New to the story, but a I have to say the 1st chapter has my mind swirling. I’m looking forward to seeing how this develops.
megoo1427 #10
Chapter 14: Thanks for the update...