Iseul still hesitate to take a step out from the house, her eyes darted to her feet, she just need just one more step, then she will be out of the house. Her heart beat faster, a cold sweat trickling at the back of her neck, she looks up to Daehyun, he's waiting for her patiently, wearing a navy blue T-shirt, a grey cardigan that rolls up to his elbow, a black pants with a pair of sneaker, Iseul can't help, but to admit that he looks great, but a woman's purse? Yes, his left hand holding a pink purse that's belong to Iseul. He's too kind with me, why? She thought.

  '' Need a help?'' Daehyun stretch out his hand, the warm smile still be loyal on his lips, he always has that smile from her just to assure Iseul that she will be fine and she can put the trust on him. She just stares his hand blankly, making the first move, Daehyun grab her left hand with his right hand.

  '' All you need is one more step, Iseul.''

Iseul step out of the house, but she feels insecure, especially when Daehyun let go of her hand to celebrate her braveness, he puts both his hand up in the air. Iseul looks around the corridor, luckily there's no one else watching his silly celebration beside her.

  '' Let's go, Iseul.'' He starts to march to the elevator after making sure the door is locked. Maybe he's forgotten that Iseul still feel afraid to come outside, he's leaving Iseul alone on the front door of his house.

  '' Iseul after the appointment, let's get some fresh air.''

He turns to his side, hoping to see Iseul, but she's not there, not beside him. He frowns and turn his gaze toward his house, there's Iseul still standing on her feet waiting for Daehyun to come, for Iseul he had an amazing ability to make her feel safe.

  '' I'm sorry.'' Daehyun walks to her and takes her hand, hold the soft hand gently.

Iseul feels relief, together they walk to the elevator and come down to the parking lot. Daehyun lead Iseul to his car, open the door for the young girl, he runs towards the driver seat after close the door of Iseul seat. He starts his car and enter their location into the GPS, silently pulls to the road. They in silence until they reach at the clinic.


They sit side to side waiting for her name call by the nurse on duty, they still in silence, it's amazing how Daehyun can keep his mouth shut for a long time. Iseul take a glance on Daehyun face, his eyes fixed at somewhere across the waiting room, lost in his own thought. The wooden door of the doctor room slides opens, a girl come out.

  '' Ms. Iseul.'' She calls out, Iseul look at Daehyun, he remains same maybe he didn't notice it yet. Iseul pull the hem of his shirt slightly makes he snapped from his deep thought. He turns his gaze towards Iseul,

  '' What's wrong?''

  '' Ms. Iseul?'' Again the girl calling her name.

  '' Oh, it's your turn.'' He grabs Iseul hands and walk together in the room, a doctor with his white coat are waiting for them on the chair, a smile on his old face. He's motioning his patient to take a seat in front of his desk.  

  '' How's you feel Iseul?'' Dr Lee keep his eyes on her for a moment, the poor girl looks bad, terrible, her body is sitting there but not her soul. He clear his throat while waiting for Iseul to respond to him, but she's remained quiet in her seat, Dr Lee turns to Daehyun, he just shrugs his shoulder and smile bitterly.

  '' Well, I guess you're fine then. So, today I need to do some medical check up to see how's your pregnancy doing. We are going to see the baby, I hope you're excited for this Iseul. Nurse, take Ms. Iseul to the bed.'' A girl who's calling her name just now come to her side to help her to the bed, but when the girl trying to reach her hand, she's back away from her.

  '' Don't worry, Iseul. We're not trying to harm you, I promise it won't take too much time.'' Dr Lee comes to her side and bring her to the bed, before she walks away, she turns to look at Daehyun, waiting for any words from him. He just nods his head towards the doctor motioning her to follow them. Iseul being an obedient girl following the nurse.

  '' Well.'' Dr Lee clear his throat before continuing,

  '' You want to join us? I think she will be more relaxed if you there.''

  '' Err.. I'm not sure about this, I'm not her family member.'' Dr Lee pats Daehyun shoulder lightly, a wrinkle formed in the corner of his eyes, he's a generous with a smile.

  '' Come with me, young man.''

Without any words, he rise up from his comfy seat following Dr Lee to the space that half cover with a green curtain, Iseul lying on the bed with her legs are cover with a blanket up until her waist and her stomach are bare. Daehyun quickly look at the black and white screen avoiding making any eye contact with Iseul, he feels embarrassed to look at Iseul with her skin is exposed, he's a guy after all. Dr Lee takes some gel and apply it gently on her lower abdomen, the coldness of the gel causes her to flinch a bit. Daehyun eyes still are fixed on the screen when the screen starts to show a movement.

  '' There, can you see the small dot, Iseul? That's your baby.''

She takes a glance of the screen before her gaze fell on her finger, she's playing with her finger aren't paying any attention on the screen where her baby is greeting her.

Daehyun focus his gaze on the screen, look at the small dot, he's squinting his eyes a bit to get a clear vision of the greatest creature. Dr Lee pushes some button on the keyboard, a sound of heartbeat fill the room.

  '' Can you hear the sound, Iseul? It's your baby's heartbeat, beautiful sound.'' Iseul didn't even try to look or hear the beautiful sound, clearly she still can't accept the baby. Daehyun sigh silently, he looks at her 'I don't care' face, hoping the checkup will end quickly. Dr Lee wipes the gel from her stomach with a wet tissue, after he is done, he gestures Daehyun to follow him to his table, leaving the nurse to helping Iseul.

  '' I can see that she still can't accept the fate.''

  '' Yeah, it's still hard for her.''

  '' It must be hard for you to bring her here.''

Daehyun just nods his head, Iseul come to join them. Dr Lee fills in a small book and write something on a piece of paper. He gives the small book to Daehyun while the small paper is given to the nurse.

  '' This is a book of her medical checkup record, I already write the date for her next checkup and I hope this won't be your last visit. We need to take an extra good care of the mother and the baby since they are still in early stage, anything can happen. Iseul, if you don't mind can you leave us for a while, I have a few things to talk to Daehyun.'' Iseul get up from her seat and walk out from the room.

  '' So, can I know why she's with you? Isn't she supposed to be with her family, I thought her brother or at least her nanny would take the responsibility to bring she come see me.''

  '' It's a long story, unexpected things.''

  '' I have a bad feeling about this.''

Daehyun sighs,

  '' She's been chased out by her mother on that night.''

  '' On that night? You mean the night we found out about her pregnancy?''

  '' Yeah, after you leave the house.''

  '' She's too much.'' Dr Lee says while gritting his teeth.

  '' Did she really hate Iseul? And why would she hate her?''

  '' I don't know, she's changed after her husband died. Well, at least when her husband still alive, she still has a soft spot for her kids. Now look at it, it's all gone. It's made me wonder what makes her changes? Actually, I do think that she will chase out Iseul after knowing her pregnancy, but I try to think positively and pray hard that it won't happen. I guess I'm wrong then. Now, Iseul with you?''

  '' For now, she stays with me, maybe until she safely gives birth, I've sympathy for her. Her life so much worse than me. At least my loneliness cause of losing my parents, but for her, being chased out by her own mother, I can't imagine how she's feeling. Thank God, her brother still takes care of her.''

  '' Please take care of her, try to make her alive again. She can't be too stressed, it's not good for her baby, try to distract her from her own world. I hope you can do that, do it slowly.'' Dr Lee pats Daehyun hands, hoping he can understand what he want for Iseul. 

He continues,

  '' I think it's enough for today, don't make the pregnant Mommy waiting for you. She might feel uncomfortable sitting alone outside.''

Daehyun nod his head and get up from his chair, bow a little to Dr Lee.

  '' See you again, Dr Lee. Thank you.''

Daehyun slid the door open, Iseul were sitting on the couch awkwardly while a pregnant lady beside her trying to start a conversation with Iseul, but she's just keeping silent. Daehyun take a seat beside her and give the lady a smile.

  '' I'm sorry my wife not feeling well, usually she's not like this.''

  '' I guess pregnancy has changed her. It's a normal thing. You just need to be patience in this state.'' The lady says, it's made Daehyun giggles.

  '' I will be patience, anything for her.''





Sorry for the veryyyyy late update. I've been busy with my last semester..
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Finally the story is out


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jmayo81 #1
Chapter 18: No worries on when you're able to update! School 1st!! This was a sad & sweet chapter, I knew eventually she'd need maternity clothes. Daehyun was so sweet to make sure she was taken care of. But my heart was so sad for her & the nightmares, hopefully she'll tell Daehyun soon, so he can help her feel safer, especially at home. Thank you for updating!
megoo1427 #2
Chapter 18: thanks for the update..... And all the best on your fyp...
jmayo81 #3
Chapter 17: Poor baby!! She recognized the smell, which makes me think that sicko is following her? I hope she opens up & tells Daehyun. He can’t help her if he doesn’t know. Thank you for the update.
jmayo81 #4
Chapter 16: Awww, she got permission from her brother! I love that she made him promise not to scold Daehyun 1st! Well, I have a feeling that Yongguk will show up, to make sure. Haha, but Iseul & Daehyun are warming up to one another, cute chapter, thank you for updating!
jmayo81 #5
Chapter 15: I had a feeling he was going to have her work for him. He’s just too sweet, and clearly he’s getting a soft spot for her, so he’d naturally be sad if she mentioned leaving. I’m excited to see what happens next! Thank you for updating!
jmayo81 #6
Chapter 14: Awww, Daehyun’s so sweet. His cologne bothered her, so he took a shower to make sure she didn’t throw up again. I love how she’s opening up to him, in no time, she’ll trust him to take her out of the house, but him scolding her for doing chores was too sweet! Thank you for updating!
megoo1427 #7
Chapter 15: Thanks for the update.... Gonna wait for the next chap...
jmayo81 #8
Chapter 4: Wait.....what?...what kind of mother does that!? Wow
jmayo81 #9
Chapter 1: New to the story, but a I have to say the 1st chapter has my mind swirling. I’m looking forward to seeing how this develops.
megoo1427 #10
Chapter 14: Thanks for the update...