Sorry. I've fallen for you.


Hoya & Sunhwa entered their hotel room. It was really spacious & really comfortable. It was a Presidential suite.
“Just place them here. Thank You!” Hoya said to the bell boy. “You freshen up. I'll arrange my things first” Hoya said to Sunhwa. She just nodded & went to the bathroom. As she takes a bath, she remembered the talk she had with her friends.
“So, how are you?” Sunhwa asked the 3 girls.
“We're fine. You?” They replied at the same time.
“Erm. I don't know, I mean, look. I'm married to a person whom I don't love & has a girlfriend. You see? How can I live w/ a life like that? Tell Me” Sunhwa frowned. She heard them giggling. “Yah! What's so funny about that?”
“Nothing really. But this is for sure, you look good together!” Zinger blurted out of nowhere.
“That didn't help Zinger. Seriously.” Sunhwa said.
“No. But here's the point, we all know you so well Sunhwa, & as I can see it, its not that impossible for you to fall for Hoya-sshi.” Ji Eun said
*Ani. Han Sunhwa! You can't fall for Hoya- sshi. Arasso? You definitely can't! Oops! I almost forgot, Im already a Lee* Sunhwa thought as she continously shook her head. She then stop, *But what if I will fall for him? Will he fall for me too? Will it only make it more difficult if I will fall for him? Pabo- yah Sunhwa! What the hell are thinking? Tsk. Just don't think about it and you'll see, it will never happen!* Sunhwa assured herself.
*Why is she taking so long?!* Hoya thought. He decided to give her a knock just to remind her that he still needs to wash. Just about he knocks, the door opened. His eyes widened as he saw Sunhwa only wrapped w/ a towel. He swallowed his saliva & quickly turned around.
“Mian.. I-I w-was j-just going t-to remind you a-about the time” Hoya said, stuttering.
“Ow. Mianhe. Here, the shower is all yours” Sunhwa said & made her way to the luggage while Hoya was still shocked on what he saw. It took mins for him to move & freshen up.
After Hoya took a bath, he saw Sunhwa watching TV & he approached her.
“Here. I also made you one” Sunhwa, whose eyes were still glued to the TV. offered a coffee to him.
”Gomawo~” Hoya thanked Sunhwa. “So, what do you think about our marriage?” He asked before sipping.
*OMO! Why did he asked that all of a sudden??* Sunhwa panicked “I think, it's really not right. I mean, you have Woori & We don't even love each other. This 2yrs of setting us up didn't even help us to fall for each other. Why did you ask?” After finishing what she said, she turned her head to face Hoya, at her surprise Hoya is looking her too. She quickly turned her head back to the TV.
“Because, I wanted to know if you liked the idea but it seems you don't. So, now I am at relief.” Hoya stood up. “Let's have an agreement.”
Hoya went to his cabinet to get a paper & pen. He went to Sunhwa & sits besides her.
“So, tell me what you want to put in the agreement” Hoya started.
They talked about it & all. After serious & tough discussion, the things written in the contract were:
1. We shall not interfere w/ each others private life.
2. We can't let the whole school to know about this.
3. No skinship unless it is really urgent.
4. We shall mind & solve our own problems & issues.
5. We can't fall inlove with each other.
Sunhwa sighed, “So it's a deal then?” She smiled, stood up & offered a hand. Hoya also stood up and accept the hand. He shook it “It is.”
“So, its time to sleep. But where are we going to sleep? We can't sleep on a one bed” Sunhwa asked.
“Ah right. You sleep in the bed, I'll sleep in here.” Hoya replied.
“Here? You mean, in the couch?” Sunhwa asked again.
“Yes. Why? You want us to sleep together” Hoya smirked
“ANIYO! Tsh.” She shouted and left. Hoya laughed as he sits on the couch.
“Hoya- sshi?” Sunhwa peeked at the door. Hoya turned his head. “Just don't make me misunderstood. Ok?” With that, Sunhwa entered the room.
*What? What's that suppose to mean? Don't make me misunderstood?* Hoya shook his head & went to sleep.
[A/N] Is this chapter's too short?? :( Sorry.
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Chapter 20: kyaa !! this couple so cute >.< .. i love this story ... jjang !

hoya <3
Infinitecraziness #2
Chapter 20: Hoya's soooo cute and Sunhwa is sooo nice :)
tsekyi21 #3
Chapter 24: please make a sequel!
Chapter 24: Nice story and the scene were too cute...... kekeke
valerie123 #5
Chapter 15: that so sweet of him .. I really love it..
i like this story :) ah , what a sweet hoya <3
This is too perfect :D
This is too perfect :D
pbcccc #9
who is woori with?