Or Is It?

It Takes Courage
Seungri’s POV

“Yes, I will do it,” I said to my conscience. “Anything.”

“Very well,” he said with an expressionless face. “Give me the knife.”

I obeyed immediately, but I had a really bad feeling about it.

“Now,” he continued, “lie down on the bed.”

I bit my lips and did what I was told. Yep, a REALLY bad feeling about this.

“Do you want me to tell you what I am going to do to you?”

After a moment’s thought, I shook my head in refusal. To tell you the truth, I did not care what the hell he wanted to do to me, just as long as it had the intended results.

“Very well. You just have to promise me that whatever I do, you do not move an inch from this bed.”

“I promise with all due sincerity, Lee Seung hyun.”

“Good.” And he suddenly stabbed my chest, unheeding to my spine-tingling screams.

Jiyong’s POV

“When did this happen?” I asked them after I stopped hyperventilating and crying my eyeballs out.

“After Seungri left our hotel,” Taeyang answered in a forced whisper.

“I see. Will he be alright?”

“The doctor refused to say anything until the whole checking up process is carried out,” TOP said. “No guarantees.”

“He’ll live, GD,” Taeyang said, glaring at TOP. “I promise you that.”

“Hyung, don’t promise him something that is not guaranteed!” Daesung said. “What would happen if he actually dies?” Ji Song slapped him lightly on his shoulder.

“He won’t,” Taeyang replied, almost shouting. “He won’t,” he repeated, softer this time.

After an awkward moment, I broke the silence. “So, would you mind telling me what the deal is between you two?” I pointed at the two lovebirds, Ji Song and Daesung, in front of me. “Because last time I heard, Ji Song is Riri’s girlfriend.”

“DUDE HOW COULD I FORGET TO TELL YOU?!!?” Daesung’s face suddenly brightened up as he squeezed Ji Song’s hand tighter.

“It’s a really long story,” TOP said with a smirk. And it was.

“I see” was all I could say after they all filled me in on what the hell happened to Big Bang. I stared at them with wide eyes and a gaping mouth. “I see.”

“Told you it was a really long story,” TOP said with a yawn. It took us three hours to go through the whole tale, since Daesung kept on interrupting with ecstatic comments and TOP kept on complaining about how Daesung could not keep his mouth shut.

“Geez, he deserves to know,” Taeyang accused. “Especially after what he has been through.”

Hyori—yes, I now know about ‘Ji Song’s’ true identity—suddenly cleared . “Seung hyun, may I ask you something?” she said with a shaking voice.

The atmosphere suddenly tensed. We were all met with dead silence.

“Ask away,” TOP finally replied in a deeper voice than usual.

“Why did you do that to me? You knew that I was in a vulnerable state after the concert and yet you still took advantage of me. I meant it when I said ‘I love you’, you know. I really meant it. Why did you do it?” Hyori looked as if she was on the brink of tears after all she said.

After a moment’s pause, a deep voice answered Hyori’s pleads. “Yoobin was one of those girls you get tired of easily. She was whiny, insisted that I buy her overpriced gifts every week, and always complained that she was too fat just to get me to say she was beautiful the way she was. Yet no matter how many times I tried to break up with her, she never believed me and still thought of me as her boyfriend.” TOP’s nose crinkled with bitterness. “When I first met you, I knew you were special, Hyori. You were not like Yoobin. You really did care about me, and I you. That was why I made love to you: because I knew that you really loved me as a person. But forgive me, I made a horrible mistake in doing so, because I never truly loved you back. Of course I cared about you and your well-being, but I never felt any romantic love for you. You are like the little sister I never had, Hyori; I love you in that way and no more. But I was blinded by Yoobin’s superficial state of mind that I would have done that to any girl who loved me.”

“… May I ask you another question, Choi Seung hyun?” Hyori whispered. “Did you finally break up with Yoobin?”

“In my eyes, I was never her boyfriend and she was never my girlfriend. However, Yoobin is still stalking me and sending me a billion whiny text messages a day. I am afraid that, just maybe, I will never be able to get rid of her.” TOP closed his eyes in weariness. “I tried everything, from paying her to leave me alone to making out with a random girl just to have her break up with me. Nothing worked.”

“You really are in deep , aren’t you?” I asked playfully.

“Oh shut the hell up,” he cried out. Hyori just sat there, her mind clearly millions of miles away from human civilization. Daesung gently draped his arm around her.

A man dressed in white behind us suddenly cleared his throat. “Good evening, sirs. My name is Doctor Han and I will be discussing the state that your companion, Lee Seung hyun, is in.” Ugh, what a nasal voice.

Before anybody could bombard the doctor with questions, Taeyang calmly beckoned him to continue.

“Well, he is still unconscious right now and his breathing is uncommonly irregular. He also has four broken ribs, which will heal after sixteen weeks. If he recovers from this coma-like state, that is. There are some major cuts that must have stitches, but most of them are minor scratches. He is one lucky fellow to have survived getting hit by a truck. The most peculiar thing, however, is that his heart is beating rather slowly, contradicting to most of his more agitated symptoms.” OK, I did not understand a word of what he said, but it sounded bad to me.

“Will he live?” I asked hastily.

“There is no clear answer to that yet, but the other doctors and I have agreed that it will depend on Lee Seung hyun’s own willpower and strength.”

“He’ll live,” everybody said at the same time. I sat there in contemplation.

Seungri’s POV

“OMFG WHAT ARE YOU DOING, YOU TRAITOR?!?!” I screamed in agony.

“What you wanted me to do, DUH,” my conscious said. It took all my strength to keep my promise and pin myself onto the bed without moving that much. My other self, on the other hand, was cutting a hole into my heart. Oddly enough, I could still breathe despite the piercing pain he was inflicting on me.

“What are you doing?” I asked again in a strained voice.

“Taking out your heart,” he responded nonchalantly. “Don’t think that I like doing this, Seung hyun. Remember that I am part of your heart.”

“Uh huh, and then?”

“And then I will replace your heart with Jiyong’s and vice versa.”

“So it’s like a heart transplant?”

“The most primitive heart transplant in all of history, my friend,” my conscious announced with a chuckle.

Breathing hard, I felt my conscious clamping his bare hands around my heart and then gently pulling it out. Blood quickly spread all over my body. My other self quickly came back, this time with (apparently) GD’s heart. Carefully and cautiously, he positioned the unfamiliar heart into my system, and almost immediately I could function properly again. I sat up, rubbed my eyes with my bloody hands, and looked around. There he was, all perfect and angelic, right in front of my eyes.



Like a dream, we moved across the room towards each other, eyes locked in infatuation.

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teddiebears #1
love this, thank you
T.O.P the Spy
kekekeke !!!!
i raed all in one go it rilly good story
dragon2010angel #4
i love this story a lot great just wonderful
fullmoonhearts #5
A very great ending
fullmoonhearts #6
This is definitely the best fanfiction I've ever read!!!
Um but maybe just maybe you could make it more of a struggle for Daesung to convince Hyori to give up her revenge?
I know I sound critisising so you don't have to listen to me.
Can't wait to see what happens next!!!