Step #3

It Takes Courage
Finally got my rated scene and edited it. Sorry folks, it's not in this chapter.
Thank you Katie for it!
It's coming up. Really soon. I promise.
Chapter 15 – Step #3


“3… 2… 1…”

“OK OK OK, I’m here!!!” I screamed at the slim figure looking at her imaginary watch. I finally made it to the food court in exactly sixty seconds.

“Finally!” Ji Song cried out. “Do you know how long I have been waiting here ever since you put the bags in the car?”

“Six minutes?”

“Six AND A HALF, Jiyong!”

“Whatever,” I scoffed and rolled my eyes.

“Is this how you are going to treat your best friend’s girlfriend?” She crossed her arms and gave me the most typical look I have ever seen (raised eyebrows, widened eyes, and a tilted head). I flinched. Seungri was not even my best friend anymore. What kind of best friend relationship do we have anyways? We haven’t even talked at all for the past week! I looked down in disappointment. We haven’t talked at all for the past week. I missed him tremendously during that time. I was really starting to regret even telling him of my true feelings for him.

Seeing my shamed looked, Ji Song smiled sweetly at me. “I thought so.” I just wanted to punch that girl in the face. For multiple reasons.

“Let’s just get something to eat,” I replied with annoyance present in my voice.

“I want a pina colada,” she said with a wave of her small and delicately manicured hand as she sat down at a table. I widened my eyes. Did she actually expect me to FETCH the pina colada for her? “What are you standing there for? Hurry up, will you!” I pursed my lips and my heels. I was REALLY starting to regret not sabotaging her outfits.

“Yes, your majesty,” I muttered under my breath. I stalked away in search of an effing pina colada. Somehow I lost my appetite.

Hyori’s POV

A little while after GD came back, I spotted Daesung and TOP (I would recognize those two even if they had six layers of winter coats on) lining up at the KFC bar of the food court.

“Let’s just get something to eat,” GD said.

In an attempt to make GD leave temporarily, I acted as if I wanted him to fetch my food. I was about to do that anyways. “I want a pina colada,” I said as I sat down on the closest chair, remembering also to give an arrogant wave of my hand. I was getting desperate, since Daesung and TOP were next in line. When I noticed that GD was not moving, I practically screamed out, “What are you standing there for? Hurry up, will you!” And with that, he ran off, much to my relief.

After he was a few metres away, I made a beeline towards the two mood makers of Big Bang. TOP saw me first, and had a look of shock on his face, which made Daesung turn around.

Daesung immediately broke into his huge smile. “HEY JISONG!!!” he yelled, waving his arms wildly although he knew that I already saw them. I giggled at his cuteness and ran up to them. “How’s my little princess?” he asked with a wink.

I smiled authentically. “Your little princess is doing just fine actually! TOP, could you do me a favour?”

TOP’s blank face stayed blank. So I continued, “Get me a punch!” Immediately he ran off while I smiled in victory.

“How’s Seungri?” Daesung asked.

“Oh he is alright.” OK, Jisong, start Step #3 of your plan, I mentally told myself. “But he is really ambitious,” I said with a fake twinge of worry in my voice.

“That’s Maknae, never being happy with what he has! Don’t worry too much about it.”

“He says that he will leave Big Bang, though!”

“He always implies that he will leave, even on television,” he replied. “I think that he just wants to impress you.”

Man, Daesung was so hard to crack. “Did you know that a famous movie director emailed him today? He asked if my Seungri would star in a movie or something! I think he will actually leave.” Unknown to anybody but me, I was the one who wrote that email.

Daesung had nothing to reply to that. Instead he started stuttering, “I-I’m sure that he wouldn’t leave. I mean, it’s not e-even permanent yet, r-right?” Oh, I assure you, Daesung, that it sure sounded permanent. I planned my email ages ago, and I got TOP to make me a fake electronic mailing address that would actually look like it was from a director (he would know; he had several emails from directors already.)

“Unfortunately it is, Dae Dae. They were desperate for an actor and had no other choice! What are you going to do?”

“Me? I’m going to wait and see if Seungri actually DOES leave the group,” he replied quite confidently.

“And if he does? What would you do? What about your father?” Everybody knew that Daesung’s father did not support him in his singing career. Daesung looked down and gave smiled sadly.

“I will have to leave the group as well. If my father hears that Big Bang was as temporary as he thought, I would have to go back and do a medical degree or something.” His face fell at the word “medical degree.” I felt almost guilty for a minute. I knew that it was his dream to become a singer; he loved it more than anything he has ever done. He kept saying that he was so happy about being a singer during our time together on Family Outing when we were not on set.

“*sigh* I loved Big Bang, though! I don’t want you guys to separate.” I cried fake tears in front of Daesung.

“I also don’t want us to separate, princess, but it is really up to Seungri.”

I smiled when he called me “princess.” I had a habit of doing that now. Daesung was just too nice. A pang of guilt hit me like a truck. I was inflicting this internal pain on him as well. I shook my head of this thought. Everything for my revenge, right?

“Well, please don’t tell anybody I said this to you, okay? I couldn’t help but read through some of his emails when he forgot to sign out on the computer. I swear that I didn’t do anything, though!”

“I will keep your secret, my little princess!” Then he did his famous locked lip gag, making me giggle again.

“Thank you so much, Dae Dae. Another favour: promise me that even if you leave Big Bang that we will still stay in contact.” Deep down inside, I knew that I meant it.

“Definitely.” And he bear hugged me. I smiled and chuckled at his sweetness. We broke the hug when we heard someone clear his behind us. I looked up and saw TOP with my punch, eyebrow raised in suspicion.

“Well, see you, I have to meet up with someone,” I looked at Daesung apologetically while grabbing my punch from TOP’s cold hands.

“Alright, TOP and I have to leave soon anyways. Taeyang gave us a curfew.” He gagged at his last sentence and I laughed before turning back to my seat to the awaiting GD (who did not see me talking with TOP or Daesung, thankfully).


Aish! Where is that girl? First, she makes me go shopping with her to impress MY lover. Next, she makes me pay for them. Third, she makes me hold millions of HER clothes without even glancing back at me in consideration. Fourth, she scolded me for taking too long putting HER bags in the car. Fifth, she can’t even wait six and a half minutes for me to meet at the food court. Sixth, she makes me get her a pina colada that she should be getting herself. Seventh, she makes me wait in the longest line in the whole court. Eighth, the pina colada was overpriced, and guess who had to pay for it? Lastly, when I finally got the effing drink and went back to our table, the girl is not even there! Things just couldn’t get worse!

“Where WERE you?” I asked her rather impulsively.

“To get myself a punch, of course. You were taking too long getting my pina colada.” I clenched my fists and took several deep breaths in order to control my growing anger for the girl who stole Seungri from me. Yup, things just got worse. I call it “Ten Unfortunate Events with Ji Song.”

“So, what else do I need? Dresses, done. Casual clothes, done. Shoes, done. All I need now are the right accessories and cosmetics.” She counted off with her slim fingers while fluttering her mascara-caked eyelashes.

I suppressed a groan and closed my eyes in exasperation. Another round of shopping for a fan girl who is stealing Seungri from me during every passing minute is almost too much. Just almost. Every time I see Ji Song in a different outfit, I imagine Seungri’s reaction—a twinkle in his eye and a smirk shown on his face. I can’t believe he would fall for this shopping freak of a girl. At least get one that doesn’t cake her face with makeup, who knows how to treat people well, who had a solid education and upbringing, and who actually cares for those around her. How come he doesn’t love me? I was alright, wasn’t I? What was it about me that pushed him away? I grimaced. It was because I was a guy. If I was a girl, everything would be fine. He would be alright with our relationship that way, wouldn’t he? It was the perfect celebrity couple! It would make the headlines and boost both of our popularity with the fans. “SEUNGRI, YOU ARE AN !!!” I screamed in my mind. But no matter what you do, I will always love you. Even if you are an , you will always be in my heart. I smiled. At least I find my true love, even if it was a one-sided love. That still counts as true love, right?

“HEY! I SAID ‘WHERE DO YOU THINK WE SHOULD START FIRST?’” I quickly snapped out of my thoughts since Ji Song was screaming in my ear at the top of her lungs. “Yah! Wake up, will you? I said that three times already and you didn’t reply. Are you ignoring me or something?”

I sighed. Here we go again.

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teddiebears #1
love this, thank you
T.O.P the Spy
kekekeke !!!!
i raed all in one go it rilly good story
dragon2010angel #4
i love this story a lot great just wonderful
fullmoonhearts #5
A very great ending
fullmoonhearts #6
This is definitely the best fanfiction I've ever read!!!
Um but maybe just maybe you could make it more of a struggle for Daesung to convince Hyori to give up her revenge?
I know I sound critisising so you don't have to listen to me.
Can't wait to see what happens next!!!