Step #2

It Takes Courage
Hyori’s POV

OK, I am pissed off. PISSED OFF. As much as I know that I am just using Seungri to get revenge on TOP, he has no right to run off on me with GD! I was already cheated on once; I am not letting that happen again. Oh well, at least while he was away, I succeeded in completing stage two of my plan.


I made my way to the bathroom to check if my makeup was smeared by the cotton candy. Thankfully, there were only a few smudges, not all that drastic. Just a little touching up and it was good as new. When I exited the ladies’ bathroom, I decided that it was time to reveal my true identity to a certain someone. I saw TOP chugging on a bottle of soda. I checked my surroundings. Taeyang and Daesung were nearby, throwing a Frisbee around. I stealthily walked towards my victim.

“Slow down, baby, or you’ll drown in that,” I said behind him in a seductive voice. This time, it was his turn to gag on his drink. “You must have been pretty worn out up there, huh?”

“Damn. I knew that you looked familiar.” he choked out without turning around.

“Oh so you remember me! I didn’t think you would after you seduced me, took my ity, and made it into a mere one-night stand. Not only that, you were going out with someone else when you were doing it with me.”

“Hyori, I wasn’t thinking clearly.”

“Har har, they all say that, Seunghyun.”

“Are you going to tell them about our first meeting? Or did you already?”

“What? Do you want me to?” I asked teasingly.

He finally spun around and glared at me. I smiled smugly.

“You know, Seunghyun, I could accuse you of ual harassment and reveal our case to the public. I wonder what the paparazzi would say about that. I wonder how it would affect the group in general. Moreover, I know about GD and Seungri. The paparazzi would also think highly of that, wouldn’t they?” I gave him a mocking quizzical look.

I saw TOP’s face blanch. “Hyori, you can do anything to me and I wouldn’t care because I deserve it for being a jerk that night. Just don’t bring my band members into this; they didn’t do anything wrong.”

I smiled. Perfectly according to plan. “If that’s how you want it! To save your group members from suffering from your mistake, let’s make a deal and I set the conditions.”

“Alright.” TOP flinched a little bit.

“First off, you have break it off with this certain Yoobin.”

“Fine, I have already ended my relationship with that whiny named Yoobin a month ago,” he declared. “Took me long enough,” he added under his breath, which pleased me tremendously.

“Good boy. Secondly, tell anybody about this deal or about my true identity and your group goes down with you.”


“And my last request, you are going to help me break off GD and Ri Ri’s relationship.”

“WHAT?!?! WHY?!?!” TOP asked frantically.

“Just a little something to remind you not to mess with me.”

“… No. I can do anything else but not that.”

“Aw, that’s too bad that your group goes down right before it could go up.” I gave him a dramatic sigh.

“… Give me some time to think this over, ok?”

“OK, but consider this, Seunghyun: Would you rather hurt just two people or four? By the way, you had better hurry up with your decision.”

“Give me some time to think this over, ok?” he repeated, more forcefully this time. I scowled but let it go. I was going to get my revenge sooner or later. I brightened up at this prospect, and skipped towards the bench where Seungri, GD, and I were sitting.

After finding no one there, I was beginning to have doubts. Seungri and GD. Alone. Away from the group. That definitely did not sound good. I looked around and spotted two dark figures among a clump of trees. I quickly made my way towards them, and confirmed my hypothesis. Seungri and GD were so close to having one of their other intimate moments. One slip like this could ruin my whole plan! I started running back while shouting at the top of my lungs, not caring that there were other people around.


A second later, my so-called “Ri Ri” (I mean, what kind of name is that?) came bolting out of the forest-like landscape. I tried to start acting like I was really relieved to see him and stuff, but I think some of my anger towards TOP rubbed off on my comments. I hoped that I did not come off as a whiny little girlfriend like that damned Yoobin. In any case, Step #2 of my plan, success.


I’ll admit it right now. I am still in love with Seunghyun. Although I hate him for doing that to me, I need him. I still love that deep y voice that turns me on every time I hear it; I still crave the taste of his lips; and I still want him inside me all the time. We went back to the hotel soon after to hang out and chill. I found TOP standing in the middle of his room.

“Hey Seunghyun, are you finished pondering over your decision?” I walked up behind him and massaged his shoulders.

“I’ll agree to your deal. Only if you keep to your promise.” Yah right, like I would after you did that to me?

“Don’t I ever?” I lied. With that, I model walked away in victory.

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teddiebears #1
love this, thank you
T.O.P the Spy
kekekeke !!!!
i raed all in one go it rilly good story
dragon2010angel #4
i love this story a lot great just wonderful
fullmoonhearts #5
A very great ending
fullmoonhearts #6
This is definitely the best fanfiction I've ever read!!!
Um but maybe just maybe you could make it more of a struggle for Daesung to convince Hyori to give up her revenge?
I know I sound critisising so you don't have to listen to me.
Can't wait to see what happens next!!!