Step #1

It Takes Courage
The next day, Hyori managed to be the earliest to wake up as planned to put on enough makeup for her to pass off as Ji Song. Jiyong and Seungri, on the other hand, did not even have a wink of sleep that whole night, both of their thoughts engrossed in each other. They both got up (in different rooms) at the same time with visible black bags under than their eyes, more so on Seungri the panda bear. Both groggy, they struggled to freshen up for another unendurable and agonizing day. Taeyang and Daesung woke up shortly afterwards, worried about the situation. TOP was the same old TOP: cherishing his sleep like it was the last sleep he would ever get in his life; in other words, he was not going to wake up anytime soon.

Taeyang’s POV

I woke up with droopy eyes. Yes, it is amazing; my eyes were already small enough, so imagine them half-closed. Last night GD and I shared the bed while TOP claimed the couch. TOP was still snoring his brains out on the couch, but there was only an empty space beside me on the bed. I heard the toilet flush and shortly afterwards the running of tap water. “Hmm, GD is up,” I whispered to myself. I made my way to the bathroom and knocked on the door.

“GD, are you in there?”

“Uh, yah,” a cracked voice called out from behind the door.

“Alright, I’m coming in, araso?” I opened the door and saw my dongseang sitting against the farthest wall. I gasped and made my way towards him.

“GD, please don’t give up! Seungri is just as confused and lost as you are right now!” Jiyong just stared blankly at me with expressionless and dry eyes. He ran out of tears. “Please say something,” I pleaded.

He lowered his head. “I will never stop loving him, Youngbae. I tried to forget about him yesterday, but I still see him everywhere. I kept hallucinating about him as I attempted to sleep. At one point, I could have sworn that I saw him sitting on that cabinet [he pointed to the cabinet in front of the bed.]. I close my eyes and he is still there, Youngbae. He is still there. Please help me.” And he broke down in tears. Oh my god, how many tears can he shed? I was at a loss of words. I knew that nothing could calm him down or console him in any way at that moment in time. So I did was drape my arm around him and let him cry into my shoulder. For, like, the millionth time.

Daesung’s POV

I woke up and stretched my arms. Ugh, I got a cramp in my neck. It is really uncomfortable sharing a tiny couch with Seungri. On that topic, where the hell is he? He was not around me, that’s for sure. I looked around me and spotted the backside of a red hoodie. He was curled up in a ball sitting in front of the door. I heard him mumble something, and could just barely make up what the hell he was saying.

Seungri’s POV

“Please let me forget him. Please let me forget Kwon Jiyong. Please let me fall in love with the beautiful Ji Song.” I kept repeating these four sentences, all to no avail. Yah, I did think that Ji Song was beautiful, but I still could not get rid of his face in my head. He seemed to haunt me. I felt really guilty. Maybe I should just tell him the truth but also explain to him the reasons for my stubbornness. I never really liked lying, especially to my best friends. Now that I mention it, I missed GD. A lot. I missed him with all of my heart. I wanted to hold him close and tell him that I loved him back. My heart fluttered at the thought. GD already confessed! He DID love me! All that time being infatuated over Big Bang’s leader all worth it! I felt like flying and jumping for joy. But then I remembered reality. My lovesick dreams were shattered in an instant.

“Morning sunshine!” I heard Daesung’s cheerful voice right behind me. What the hell!?! Was he eavesdropping on my time alone? I turned around, startled and irritated. Although I used my best angry eyes, Daesung’s stupidly wide smile was still not erased from his face. Instead, he was standing there in his Doraemon pajamas, completely oblivious to my furious state of mind, holding his favourite Doraemon stuffed animal (the one with the blue dude a lollipop). If I weren’t so angry, I would have laughed at the sight. Such a cute little baby with his stuffed teddy! “So, how’s my favourite maknae doing?” he asked cheerfully. I rolled my eyes.

”Fine until you came along.” I muttered.

He faked a hurt expression and clutched his heart dramatically. “Oh, that hurt, Seung! I’m going to die of a heart attack because you just ripped my heart to pieces!” he cried out. “Like you did with GD,” he added until his breath. Unfortunately, I heard that, and I furrowed my eyebrows in exasperation.

“I’ll go buy some breakfast for all of us from the café downstairs.” And I left without another word. I caught a “fine, be that way” from Daesung right before I slammed the door. God, that Daesung.

As I made my way down the hall, I saw the other room of Big Bang open. I froze, absolutely petrified. Is it GD? Part of me wanted to turn around and walk the other way, while another wanted to stay put. I chose the first. I my heels and trotted down the hall, passed my initial room, and turned a corner. I was breathing hard even though it was just a short jog. I patted my heart several times. Why must I feel like this every time? But, unfortunately, I knew the answer already.

Hyori’s POV

The boys are at it again. I just want to tell Seungri and Jiyong to it up. I mean, really, the guy who you like doesn’t like you back. Just forget about him, will you? Then I remembered my own lovesick situation and chuckled at how much of a hypocrite I was for thinking that. That reminded me…

“Hey Daesung!” I emerged from the bathroom all freshened up with a heavy coat of cosmetics. I saw him bang his head on the cabinet drawer in surprise and I giggled.

“Aish!!! Oh, good morning, princess!” he painfully responded.

I laughed genuinely. “So, where’s Seungri?”

“Oh, he’s going to get us breakfast. Or at least he’d better.”

“Why do you say that?”

“Maknae has a bad habit of chasing his noonas. Of course, he has been growing out of it ever since…” his voiced trailed off.

“Ever since what?” I asked, my curiosity getting the better of me.

“Never mind. It’s not meant to come from my mouth.” He made a whole act of zipping up his mouth, locking it, and throwing the key away, which made me laugh again.

“Oh well, either way I’m glad he is stopping this sick habit,” I claimed with an artificial cheerful tone. Daesung just nodded.

I gave him a last smile and left the room in search of my poor victim—the heartbroken Jiyong. I had my scheme all planned out in my mind already.

I saw him walking out of his room. I checked my surroundings to see if there was anyone around. No one? OK, proceed, Hyori. I smiled.

“Hey GD, how are you today?” I asked. GD stopped in his tracks with his back facing me. I smiled devilishly.

“Oh hi, Hyori,” he replied, still not facing me.

“Well, can I talk to you for a moment?” I asked timidly. Jiyong seemed to be hesitating before he agreed. We sat down on the floor and he still refused to look at me.

“So, what do you want to talk about?” he asked nonchalantly.

“Well, I have noticed that you seem to be the closest to Seungri,” I started off, “and I was wondering if you could give me some tips on what kinds of girls he likes. I really really like him, GD, and I would really appreciate your help”

For the first time, GD looked at me straight in the eye. Damn, he looked rather pissed. I smiled devilishly in my heart. “Why are you asking me?” he cautiously asked.

“Because you seem to be the closest to him. Doesn’t he have a tendency to run after his noonas?” Oooo, that hurt, didn’t it? Apparently it did because he winced as if he was in physical pain.

“Well, unlike what you say, I actually do not know what kind of girl he likes.”

“Oh come on GD! I know you do!” I gave him my best puppy eyes.

A minute of silence passed between us. “Well… I guess?” he started off.

“YAY!!! Thank you thank you thank you!!!” I pretended to be overjoyed and hugged GD tightly. Jackpot. By forcing him to help me impress Seungri, the hole in his heart will deepen, hopefully enough to make him leave the group or something drastic of that sort. I also know that he will never make me look bad. He’s a good guy. But that is not a good thing in this case, isn’t it?

“OK, first off, let’s go shopping!” I suggested.


“Come on, GD, you promised to help me. Please please please?”

“… Alright, but don’t tell anybody that I am doing this for you, okay?”

“Sure thing, Kwon Leadah.” Then I did the whole locked mouth act that Daesung did earlier, which made him smile. “Let’s go after breakfast!”


Crap. Not only do I have to endure the fact that she is going out with my true love, I also have to take her shopping to make him like her more. As much as I want to, I don’t want to be a bad guy and make her dress up like a dork. I have no choice, I guess. I just hope that she will not tell anybody of our deal. Taeyang would probably lecture me on how this would only hurt me more at the end; TOP would not talk to me for a while; Daesung would… be Daesung, which is bad enough; and Seungri, oh Seungri would just think even less of me! *sigh* what did I get myself into?

“Alright, let’s eat breakfast?”

We stood up, Ji Song in high spirits and I in the lowest spirits one could ever imagine. Perfect contrast in my opinion. I was pretty much on the verge of tears.

I went back to my room to digest what the hell happened. I lay down on my bed facing the ceiling. Why are you so stupid, Jiyong? I asked myself. Why do you just let people walk on you all the time? And you call yourself the “Kwon Leadah of Big Bang.” More like “Homoual and Heartbroken Hermit Crab.” I sighed again.

“Morning.” Suddenly Taeyang’s face came into view. How long was he in here?

I groaned and the bed so that my face was buried into the pillow. “Hey Taeyang.”

“Wanna talk about it?” There he goes again, knowing everything about me. How the hell can he tell that I have something on my mind even when I am not looking at him?

I groaned again. “No.” Yes, my heart pleaded.

“OK, but I know you do.” Damn you, Taeyang.

“Alright, fine, but don’t tell the others, araso?”

“Have I ever?” Nope, I said to myself. Sometimes Taeyang was just the most perfect friend one could get.

I took a deep breath. “JiSongjustwantedmetogivehersometipstomakeSeungrilikeher” I said rather quickly. I swallowed, “Ji Song just wanted me to give her some tips to make Seungri like her. I am taking her shopping later.”

Taeyang looked really surprised. “You AGREED? How stupid are you, pabo?!?! Your heart is practically torn apart! Are you actually TRYing to hurt yourself even more? My god, GD, what the hell were you thinking?” And his lecture went on until he was at a loss of words. See, I told you he would give me a lecture like that.

After calming down, he said softly, “GD, I just don’t want you to hurt yourself. I have a really bad feeling about Ji Song.”

I looked at him confusedly. “How so?”

“I don’t know,” he admitted, “her eyes say anger and lots of it.”

“You looked into a girl’s eyes?!?!” I . “WOW, Taeyang, that’s a huge step!” Taeyang has absolutely no experience with the opposite gender.

He glared at me and threw a pillow at my face. “It’s not funny, GD.” Uh, yah it is. “Ji Song has a secret that I am bent on finding out what the hell it is, even if it means that I have to speak to her.” I burst out laughing at his comment, and he soon followed suit. We collapsed on the bed in giggles.

“Thank you, Taeyang.” No matter how grateful I was to have a friend like Taeyang, I knew that nothing would heal me of my wounded and throbbing heart.

Seungri’s POV

I was in the bathroom taking a last check on how I looked. I really wanted to look really handsome in front of Jiyo—I mean Ji Song. I sighed. No matter how hard I tried to forget him, this feeling was not going away. Last night I even dreamed that in the future we were going to get married and everything.


We were sitting on the edge of a bed kissing intimately until he suddenly broke it off.

“Seungri, I love you.”

“I love you, too, GD.” I had absolutely no doubt of my feelings for him. I loved him more than life itself. I loved him even more than I loved myself (which is a lot, by the way).

“And we have known each other for so long already! These ten years have passed so quickly with you by my side! We went through so many good times as well as bad times. We had numerous fights and disputes, but we always made up at the end. These quarrels strengthened our relationship. We know practically everything about each other, I am sure of it!” I could only agree with everything he said with tears in my eyes. He reached into his back jeans pocket and took a little black box. “And that is why I wanted to make you mine, Seungri. Lee Seung Hyun, will you marry me?” He opened the box, revealing the most perfect engagement ring I have ever seen.

I burst into tears and toppled onto him in attempt to embrace him, landing on the bed with him under me. It was not awkward at all; I felt so comfortable with him. “YES, JIYONG, YES!!!” I yelled at the top of my lungs.


“Kwon Jiyong, do you take Lee Seung Hyun as your lawfully wedded husband?”

“I do.”

“And you, Lee Seung Hyun, do you too take Kwon Jiyong as your lawfully wedded husband?”

I barely choked out an “I do” due to the overjoyed tears streaming down my face.

“I now pronounce you man and husband!” We kissed which did not end until I woke up.


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teddiebears #1
love this, thank you
T.O.P the Spy
kekekeke !!!!
i raed all in one go it rilly good story
dragon2010angel #4
i love this story a lot great just wonderful
fullmoonhearts #5
A very great ending
fullmoonhearts #6
This is definitely the best fanfiction I've ever read!!!
Um but maybe just maybe you could make it more of a struggle for Daesung to convince Hyori to give up her revenge?
I know I sound critisising so you don't have to listen to me.
Can't wait to see what happens next!!!