R-emember ♥ VHope ♥

ABCs of Love ♥


OMG I MISSED YOU GUYS T___T It has been 2 months since I last updated and I'm really sorry T___T

College life as a pre-med student has been tough and a lot has happened for the past few months and I've been bombarded with lots of workload

But thank you! Thank you for your continuous support for this story  and my other works T__T

I'll be back real soon, okay? :) i'll be really active in December because I have a one month semestral break :)

So if you have any requests, please do tell me and I'll post them after my finals period

So here's a new chapter! It's quite long though

And I'm really sorry if this one is angsty :( 


I'll see you guys real soon!





Pairing: Jung Hoseok x Kim Taehyung ll Vhope ll



     "Hobi-hyung, I'm sorry but I have to leave early-there's an emergency at the office."


"It's alright Jimin-ah. I'm actually on my way there right now."


"Okay hyung-drive safely. I'll leave now and-" the younger paused for a moment at the other line. Jimin cleared his throat before speaking again. "-and I told Tae that you're coming right now."


"Oh okay then. You too, be safe on your way. Thanks Jimin."


     With that, their call ended. As much as it pained him to do this every time, he held himself together o Taehyung. And as ironic as it is, seeing or thinking about him stabs his heart really hard but the said male is the only one always occupying his mind. A sigh involuntarily escaped him as he continued to drive.





Do you remember the sun that shone on us

The wide blue ocean, just like yesterday

In those memories where time has stopped


     Hoseok and his older cousin, Seokjin, went to their family rest house in the outskirts of Seoul. Since the rest house is near the beach and the weather is extremely nice, Hoseok decided to go there to relax a bit- college life can be stressing and frustrating at times that's why they came here in the first place.


     After changing his clothes, he left to the beach. He was glad that the place isn't crowded-just several people enjoying the perfect sunny weather. With a bright smile. He strolled around the beach, forgetting his college stresses for a while. Everything was going well until-


"Oww-can't breathe-" Hoseok was too immersed with the nice condition of the place that he didn't notice he'd stepping on something- someone, rather. "Hey, get off me, please!"


     Still, Hoseok didn't hear him. The person pouted and tried hard poking out his hand to grad Hoseok's ankle. The moment he grabbed it, Hoseok jumped like a kangaroo and let out  a (an unmanly) shriek then ell on his bottom.




"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to scare you!" he saw a head of a boy, with a mop of bright orange hair, peeking above the sand. Hoseok then let out another yelp and scrambled to stand up. "No! Don't leave please!"


"What the hell man?" he said when he regained back his composure. "Are you trying to give me a heart attack?"


"No, I promise! Could you please help me get out? A lot of people passed by and I asked them but they run away." Hoseok stared at him for a moment. Of course who wouldn't feel scared or creeped out when the say a head peeking above the sand. He walk towards him, grabbed his hands and pulled him up; the sand scattering like a downpour. "Thanks ohmygod, I'm dying there."


"Uh...no prob? What are you doing there anyway?"


"Well my bestfriend told me that it's a perfect day to get tanned so he told me to try 'sand-tanning'" he said with an eyeroll. "I never heard of it-only 'sun tanning'. He told me it was a modern technique. I actually thought he was ting me but being a good bestfriend I am, i believed and agreed to do it only to regret it big time. After nearly burying me alive, that midget ran off to attempt to flirt with that lanky, underage life gaurd over there."


     He dramatically flailed his hands in every direction. Hoseok just stared at him again. He rambled everything rapidly as if he's rapping. Good thing, Hoseok managed to catch-up and understand what he just said.


"I'm sorry?" he answered, not knowing what to say.


"Yeah, I hope he trips and smash his face on a sea urchin." the orange-haired boy huffed darkly while brushing the sand off himself. Hoseok can't help laughing at him and at the fact he blatantly bad mouthed his own bestfriend to a stranger.


"Uhmm...I'm Hoseok?" he mentally slapped himself for that. He made it sound like he's unsure that it's his name. "I'm Jung Hoseok." He extended his hand with a grin. The other's expression immediately light up.


"And I'm Kim Taehyung. Nice to meet you!" he exclaimed brightly with a boxy grin. Hoseok was surprised at his sudden change of expression but he didn't mind though. He also won't deny that he found his boxy grin, cute?


"Nice to meet you too. Hey, do you want to grab some ice cream with me?" upon realizing what he said, he internally panicked  a bit because he doesn't know why he just blurt it out. "-only if you want to." he added quickly, afraid that he might sound like a creeper.


"Did you say ice cream?" Taehyung beamed. Hoseok just managed to nod, again, surprised  by his outburst and his randomness. "Of course! Who could say no to ice cream? I LOVE ICE CREAM!" he exclaimed like a child who's in sugar rush, his deep voice booming in their area. Some of the people many feet away, turn their heads towards their direction.


"Oh that's grea-"


"Race you to the ice cream shop! Last to reach the place the place will pay!" the orange-haired boy sprinted away, laughing. Hoseok stood there dumbfounded for a moment before realizing what the other just said. He, then dashed after him.


"Yah! That's cheating!" he called after him, trying to catch up. 'Damn, that kid is fast.'


"Merong~ Merong~" Taehyung stuck his tongue at him.


     Hoseok just laughed knowing he's defeated. Taehyung surely made a deep impression on him. His randomness and uniqueness piqued his interest. And Hoseok admits that he found it adorable that he has a cute face but has a voice as deep as the Marianas trench. Oh, and also his boxy grin.


     After that fateful day, Taehyung and Hoseok got to know each other more and easily got close to each other. He was glad to know that Taehyung goes to the same university as him. They introduced each other to their group of friends and they clicked and got along well so they all have beenthe best of friends ever since.







     If anybody could see him right now, they would probably think ha has gone mad, laughing all by himself. He remembers that day clearly-the day he met Taehyung. He could never forget it because it's not everyday you met someone in a not-so-normal way and someone like Taehyung.






Do you remember the summer night

The red sun setting, the more the darkness covered the sky,

The brighter the stars shined.


     "Come on! Faster! You bunch are slowpokes!" Jimin exclaimed as he excitedly run up the hill.


"We aren't getting much younger you know!" Seokjin managed to say between heavy breaths.


"Yah! Get your down here you brat!" And help with stuff or I'll feed you to the lions while you're sleeping!" Yoongi fired back at the red head, who ran back with an innocent smile. Hoseok playfully rolled his eyes at them. A day won't end without these two bickering.


     This was their first outing together as a group. They all set up everything and bond together. All of them were huddled around the bonfire, roasting marshmallows and sharing hearty laughs and stories.


"Awww Yoongi-hyung's lonely~" Jimin cooed, clinging onto Jungkook like he's a koala. Everyone was wrapped under a blanket in pairs. Of course, Seokjin is with Namjoon,  Hoseok and Taehyung decided to sit together and then Yoongi. Jungkook was trying to pry off Jimin but is secretly smiling. Taehyung rolled his eyes at them.


"Pfft. I have my neck pillow." he said coolly, patting the neck pillow around his neck.


"Whatever hyung." Jimin said and cuddled Jungkook, who look like he's going to run out of oxygen.


"Chim, let him breathe." Taehyung said.


"Oops."  the shorter male loosen his hold and the other breathe in some air. Again, the orange-haired male rolled his eyes at them the shivered as the wild blow a cold breeze. Hoseok felt him shiver so he inched closer and pulled him towards him, startling Taehyung a bit.


"You're cold." he said and the other just nodded. Taehyung doesn't know if it's the heat of the fire or something else that warmed his cheeks. Not long after, they decided to turn in for the night except for Taehyung, who said he'll stay out for a while.


"You're not sleeping yet?" Hoseok asked as the younger shook his head vigorously.


"I wanna go star gazing!" he exclaimed happily.


"I'll join you." Taehyung lead them to a small hill nearby and they lay on the grass.


"Look Hobi-hyung! There's  so many of them!" he pointed at the stars in awe. "Someday, I'll fly up to the sky and go to each star!" Hoseok laughed at his statement.


"Is that so? Yah, take me with you! I wanna see them too."


"Okay, let's go there together!" Taehyung giggled. Hoseok, then, found himself staring at the younger male. The moonlight highlighted Taehyung's sharp features and he could see his eyes twinkling like the stars in the sky. The ecstatic male continued musing out his plans to explore the universe which Hoseok found really adorable. And then there's that boxy  smile of his, the same smile that never failed to make his heart flutter.




"Hmm~" he quickly looked away when Taehyung turned to him.


"The stars are so beautiful, aren't they?" Taehyung almost whispered.


"Yes, they are but you are more." the words escaped his mouth like a wildfire. Hoseok panicked when he realized what he blurted out. He turned to Taehyung, who was staring at him with a half-surprised, half-unreadable expression.


     Hoseok mentally cursed himself. He won't deny that he has liked him for a while but he's still trying to figure out the right time for this. And now his big mouth screwed everything up. He's afraid of what Taehyung is going say and he can't bear with the thought that things might get awkward between them.


"Tae-I...I mean-" his sentence left unfinished when Taehyung suddenly leaned and pressed his lips on his, much to his shock. Everything in Hoseok's minds went blank for a moment as he let it sink in to him. "I-I..." he wanted to say something but he can't even form coherent words. Taehyung giggled.


"I like you too, Hobi." he grinned shyly at him. What he said was music to his ears. His face split into the widest goofy smile he had ever seen. He felt Hoseok reach for his hand and laced them together. "I'll be your Buzz Lightyear then- I'll take you to infinity and beyond." Taehyung burst out laughing.


"Ohmygod that's so cheesy~" Hoseok pouted at him as the younger continued to laugh. "But it's cute~ Let's go to my  planet first!" they laughed again and just spent the whole night cuddling and laughing.


     Taehyung took back what he said about regretting that he believed Jimin that day. In fact he should thank him for nearly burying him alive or he wouldn't have met Hoseok.






     The memory brought a huge smile and a deep flush to his face. Taehyung is full of surprises and is very random- but he doesn't mind at all. The way he's just being Taehyung- that's what he loves the most. Kim Taehyung is really something. He turned at the curve and spotted the building.


Now my smile slowly disappeare,

Without even knowing.


     It wasn't a long drive from his office. He gripped the steering wheel a bit tighter as he felt a pang on his chest. The reminiscent smile on his face vanished on his lips as he near the place. Not long after, he arrived and pulled up.


     With a heavy heart and a heavy sigh, he entered the building. The staffs greeted him with a smile as he walk towards Taehyung's room. He returned them politely, trying conceal his emotions. Every steo he make is like a knife stabbing trough him as flashbacks of that painful memory flashed in his mind.






     Hoseok descended from his office with a bright smile and warm cheeks. Earlier, he received a call from Taehyung. He told him to go to their favorite restaurant for dinner and he showered him with sweet and cheesy stuff before ending their call. There was a weird bubbling feeling in the pit of his stomach. It's not the usual butterfly feeling-there's something off but he just shrugged it away and walked to their meeting place.


     As he near the restaurant, there  was a small crowd of people huddled just around the corner. He saw a car crashed pretty badly to another car. Curious, his feet dragged him towards the scene. He squeezed himself through the crowd to get a closer view. His brows furrowed when saw how bad the situation was but then his attention was diverted in another direction.


     There was a figure lying few feet away from the accident site and somewhat looked familiar... Again, Hoseok's feet dragged him closer to where the person is and he felt his chest tighten and his body went numb when he got a clear view.


"TAEHYUNG!" he fought his way towards him. He kneeled and his hands shook as he hold him. It felt like air was being squeezed out of his body. Taehyung was drenched in blood and is unresponsive. He saw a small bouquet of flowers nearby and a note was attached to it. Hoseok reached for it and read the note.


To my only Hope,


I love you so much ©




"Ohgod Taehyung." he choked, his tears flowing rapidly as he cradle Taehyung's frail figure gently. "Please Tae, w-wake up. P-please don't d-d-" he can't even say the word. Never did he imagine him to be in this situation. He couldn't bear to see him like this, he couldn't bear the thought of losing him. One minute everything was okay, then the next it's like the world turned upside down.


     Soon, the several ambulances and police cars arrived. The paramedics tend to Taehyung and told Hoseok to go inside the ambulance. They said that they felt his pulse but he's in a risky condition. He gripped Taehyung's bloody, ice-cold hand as if his life depended on it and sobbed.


"Tae, p-please. S-stay with me, p-please."






     Hoseok stopped walking for a moment as his heart was beating madly. He leaned on the wall, trying to calm himself. The pain of the memory is still like a fresh wound being continuously re-opened. He couldn't stop it from coming and re-appearing in his mind.


    He sat down on the bench nearby as the next wave of pain came and the most painful memory flashed in his mind again.






     After rushing Taehyung to the hospital, Hoseok immediately called their friends and told them about what happened. They arrived in no time, shocked and devastated. Everyone cried and huddled tigether as they wait outside the operating room.


     When the doctor emerge out of the room all of them immediately went up to him, waiting for his words.


"It was a risky operation but we did everything we could." he started and the six look at each other. "There was a big chance that wouldn't able to survive it but this kid is a fighter. I'm glad to inform you that he's already safe but he still must be observed."


"Thank you, thank you so much/" If Hoseok wasn't in the right mind and is not shameless, he would've hugged the doctor. The rest shared tears of joy and hugs. Hoseok felt a great relief gushed in his body. He don't know what would he do if Taehyung didn't survived.


     For two weeks, Taehyung was unconscious. Despite of their work and schedules, all of them visit and stayed with him, waiting and hoping for him to wake up soon. Their wish has been granted on one afternoon, they were almost done eating lunch when they heard a faint groan from Taehyung. Everyone went silent and look at each other then waited for him to respond again. Taehyung let out another groan and moved. Namjoon called for the doctor then they  gathered around Taehyung.


     He slowly fluttered his eyes open and squinted. All of them felt mixed emotions as they wait for Taehyung to respond again. He stared at them for a while. Hoseok's heart can escape his rib cage any moment. He couldn't be more happier to see him awake and alive. He clutched the younger male's hand.


"How are you feeling Tae?" he asked as Taehyung stared at him with wide eyes.


     Jimin saw Taehyung jumped slightly when Hoseok spoke to him. He saw the surprise and confusion reflecting in his bestfriend's eyes...as if he doesn't know him. Jimin's breath hitched at the realization but before he could do anything, Taehyung spoke.


"Who are you?"






     He thought that when Taehyung wakes up, everything would be alright again but it seemed like the odds aren't in their favor. Hoseok took deep breaths and wipe off the lone tears on his face before entering Taehyung's room.


Do you remember, those times in our hearts?

Moments that we can feel like it's yesterday


     When he entered, he saw Taehyung sitting by the window bed reading a book while cuddling his stuffed lion. A small smile made its way to his lips as he close the door. Taehyung turned to him with a huge smile.


"HI HYUNG!" he closed his book and launch himself at the other.


"Hi Tae." he chuckled. "How's your day?"


"It's fine but I'm getting bored here." he pouted as Hoseok ruffled his hair.


"I know Tae which is why I'm going to take you out." he grinned at him.




"Yes now go get dressed."


     They board Hoseok's car and he drive them towards the outskirts of Seoul. The older felt a bit nervous because this the first time he took Taehyung out for the past three months. Taehyung happily jammed into Hoseok's playlist making the latter smile because he used to this back then.


"Where are we going by the way?"


"You'll see"


"Oka-Look! There's so many cows! I wonder if they could eat all the grass on Earth." Hoseok couldn't help laughing out loud at that. Yup, Kim Taehyung is still the most random person ever.


     When they reached the place, Taehyung squealed out loud in excitement. Hoseok vrought them to the beach where they first met.


"Wah I love the beach! I think I used to go here as a kid." Taehyung said running around happily. Hoseok just watched him with a smile. All the happy memories flooded back to him. He was snapped back to reality when Taehyung waved a hand on his face. "You're zoning out. I was calling you but you didn't hear me. Watcha thinking about?"


"Oh, sorry." he chuckled. "I just missed this place- this is where we first met."


"Oh, really?" he said with a sad smile as he look around. "I'll try hard to remember."


"Taehyung-ah, it's okay. You can't force yourself to remember."


"But I want to, hyung. I want to remember them all-especially the ones I spent with you." Hoseok sighed and took both of his hands.


"I know Tae." he said. "but you know it won't do you good if you push yourself. I used to wish that we could turn back time but life always move forward and now I understand why. Everything happens for a reason. I'll wait, Tae even if it takes a long time, I'll wait. Fate has given us a second chance, Taehyung-ah. We can re-create and create new memories together and I look forward to that. What matters is that you're here with me- I wouldn't wish for anything else."


"Thank you so much Hoseok." Taehyung sniffled with a watery smile and hugged the older. Hoseok just held him tighter.


"I love you Tae." he mumbled and somewhere deep inside Taehyung's heart, he remembers.


I love you too Hobi. I always have and always will. Wait for me.







Let's leave together, in the cool breeze

Let's forget today and go back to those times

Do you remember, the sun that shone on us

The wide, blue ocean, just like yesterday

As if time has stopped, just like we always wanted








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luvkpop #1
Chapter 21: Omgeer please write part 2 for nammin ^^
luvarin #2
Chapter 20: Dear paige...this is soo soo cute.. woaa.. double jinmin in a week.. anticipating the next chapter dear! :).. and good luck in starting the class next week.. fighting!
luvarin #5
Chapter 19: That is so cute! And welcome back.. ^^… and congratulation for passing all the papers.. :).. you have worked hard.. looking forward for your next story..
churroseventeen #6
churroseventeen #7
churroseventeen #8
churroseventeen #9
churroseventeen #10