Free Time

The Transfers
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Mi Hi accidently rolled out of her bed as she turned in her sleep, as she landed onto the hard floor with a loud 'THUD'. She groaned as she rubbed the sore spot that she landed on. She was wrapped in her blanket like a burrito and was having difficulties trying to unwrap herself.

"What happened to you?" laughed her older brother as he opened the door to her room. "I fell. If can't see. Now help me," she said as she struggled with the blanket. Her brother snickered before walking in and yanking the blanket from her body causing her to roll towards the wall and hitting herself.

"Ouch! Couldn't you have been more careful?" she whined as she glared at her brother. "Oops," he shrugged as he laughed at his younger sister.

"What's going on?" asked Won Shik as he rubbed his eyes with his tiny hands. "Hyun Shik was being a jerk," whispered Mi Hi as she rubbed her head.

"What was that?" asked Hyun Shik looking at her. "Nothing,"

"BOYS!" yelled their mother from downstairs. "NE!" they both yelled back. "Stop bothering your sister!" she yelled.

"I didn't do anything!" whined Won Shik as he ran downstairs. "Aish... this your fault!" pointed Hyun Shik. "Whatever," Mi Hi rolled her eyes.

Her brother huffed as he throw the blanket onto the floor and stalked away towards his own room.

She sighed through her nose before getting up and going towards her closet to get some clothes to wear. She had gotten up earlier in the morning and showered but had gone back to bed because she was so tired from studying so late at Haneul's place.

She decided on some dark blue skinnys and a T-Shirt would do. She took of her house clothes and put her other clothes on. She then brushed out her messy hair and applied light make-up.

After finishing she headed downstairs to see what her brothers were up to even though she could easily go to Haneul's place.

"What are you guys doing?" she asked as she neared the living room. "Playing Call Of Duty. Want to join?" asked Won Shik. 

"I'm good,"

She checked her phone and saw she had a text from Haneul.

From: Haneul 12:04 PM

Are you still asleep? Of course you are. Why do I bother asking? Get up. Young Jae and I are going to the park. You and Mark can join us if you want.

Mi Hi checked the time and it was 12:47 PM. She sighed because Haneul and Youngjae would probably already be at the park. But even so she decided to text her.

To: Haneul 12:48 PM

Are you at the park yet?

"I'm going to the park with Haneul!" she said as she rushed into the kitchen. "Okay be save and don't home too late!"

"NE!" she rushed out of the kitchen and put on her converse and grabbed her wallet and ran out the door.

She walked towards the bus stop and hoped that the bus would be there soon. And sure enough not even five minutes later the bus came and she hoped on to go to the park that they always went.

Mi Hi sat down with a huge huff as she took out her phone. She saw that Haneul had already replied back.

To: Mi Hi From: Haneul 12:54 PM

Of course we are. Hurry up here. I think Young Jae called Mark. So he should be here soon :P

She sighed as she turned off her phone and placed it on her lap. She looked out the window and wondered if Mark would already be there waiting for her.

She got of her stop and fast walked all the way to park. By the time she reached were she thought Haneul and Youngjae would be she was already exhausted. She breathed heavily and went over towards the usually area.

"There you are!" smiled Haneul as she waved at her freind. Mi Hi sat down with a huff beside Haneul trying to catch her breathe.

"Where's..." she breathed heavily. "Mark?"

"Not here yet," answered Young Jae. Mi Hi smiled to herself because she bet Mark to the park.

Minutes later Mark arrived with a plastic bag in hand. "What's that?" asked Mi Hi. "Food," he smiled as he sat down beside her on the blanket that they were all sharing.

"Took you long enough," muttered Young Jae. "Shut up. At least I brought it,"

"Yeah yeah okay,"

All four of them ate the food happily as they talked and laughed about anything and everything.

"Lets go to Hongdae!" suggested Young Jae. "Why?" whined Haneul. "We need to study," she added.

"Aish you and studying! Take a break!" said Mi Hi.

Haneul rolled her eyes while Young Jae laughed at the two of them. "You're so cute!"

Mi Hi gagged and Mark laughed as well. "What's with the face?" he asked.

"Because they're being all cheesy,"

He smiled at her. "You're being so cute as well!" he pinched her cheeks. "YAH!"

Mark laughed even more at her causing her to turn a beat red. "Aish... seriously,"

"Come on let's just go to Hongdae to have some fun okay?" said Mark getting up. He stuck his hand out for Mi Hi and she gladly took it. The four of them packed up their stuff and took everything to Mark's car.

Once they got everything in the trunk they got into the car and drove off to Hongdae. The ride was fairly fast considering the time of day.

"Isn't today Yoona's Party?" asked Young Jae from the backseat. "Yeah so?" answered Mark.

"Oh I was just wondering. I think I over heard Junhoe and Bambam talking about going," he said 

"Really? Did they really go to that 's party?" asked Haneul. "Haneul!"

"What? That's what she is!"

"You don't know that!"

"Just because you don't know doesn't mean I don't know!" she interjected. "She's right," added Mark. "Oppa!"

"What? I'm only agreeing to what's true. Yoona is a big time . She'll do anything and everything to get what she wants. Its disgusting," he said as he slightly shivered in his seat.


"Where is he?" whined Yoona as she searched every single part of her mansion for one single person.

"Soo Young! Have you seen him?" she asked her friend.

"Who? Mark?"

"No. Brad Pitt! Of course Mark! Is he here?" she asked looking around.

"I don't think so," Soo Young shook her head. 

Yoona sighed and wanted to scream out in frustration.

"Why? Where is he? I invited him! So he HAS to come!" she said out of frustration. "So your little experiment can work?" Soo Young asked raising an eyebrow.

"Yes. Maybe I should call him!" Yoona said as she stalked away towards her room. Along the way she noticed the most of the house was trashed but she could have cared less because at the moment her priority was Mark.

She walked up stairs and headed towards her room. She closed the door behind her

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Chapter 12: nah, i think the final will be bts against ikon. xD hmmmm. what should i comment huh? a aaahhhh, nothing much happened tho. but haneul and youngjae's relationship, idk what to say about this two, but i hope to see something happen in the next chapter. hahahaha. AND YES YES YES I'VE WATCHED BOTH MV OF LOSER AND BAE BAE ASDFGHJKLI LOVE IT THO Xd
Chapter 10: aaaaahhhh. too early to give up hoseok-ah. aishhh
Chapter 8: ahhhh. that yoona . tsk i hate how clingy and obssesed and annoying she is. ewwwwwww you're making it fun actually well except for yoona's part hahaha just kidding but yeah, pls update soon xD
Kalinamoon #4
Chapter 5: Seriously Mi Hi? Mark and then Jhope?? Ugh my 2 biases xD
mainbaebts #5
SUBSCRIBED! reading this after class o u o